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CORPUS JURIS SL 1. (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3) න(cid:6) (cid:2)ධාන (cid:9) (cid:10)ෙ(cid:12)(cid:13) හ(cid:15)වන (cid:2)සඳනා 2. ඔ(cid:20)(cid:21) (cid:22)(cid:23)ෙ(cid:24) භාරය සහ R v. Carr-Briant rule 3. Natalie Abeysundara v. Saranalatha Abeysundara nee Edirisighe iiiissúússúú,,,,aa aa kkkkvvvvqq qq úúúúOOOOddddkkkk kkkkSS;;SS;;ssffssffhhhhaa§§aa§§ yyyyuuuuqqjjqqjjkkkk úúúúiiii````ooookkkkdddd kS;S{ yßYa me,afmd, isú,a kvqjl§ kvq lghq;= wdrïN jkafka kvq ksñ;a; meñKs,a, u.ska wêlrKhg meñKs,s lsÍu u.sks' kvq ksñ;a; iïnkaOfhka m%;smdok isú,a kvq úOdk ix.%yfha 5 j.ka;sfha olajd we;' ta wkqj hï ;eke;af;l=g ;j;a ;eke;af;l=f.ka isÿjk hï jrola je<elaùu i`oyd fyda ta iïnkaOfhka iykh ,nd .ekSu i`oyd fyda kvqjla mjrkq ,eìh yels kï th kvq ksñ;a;la fõ' ta ;=<g whs;sjdislula fkd§u" ne`§ula bIag lsÍu m%;slafIam lsÍu" hq;=lula bgq lsÍu meyer yeÍu iy ksh; ydkshla lsÍulao we;=,;a fõ' ta wkqj .eg`tjla we;s l,ays§ fiajdodhlhd kS;S{jrhd fj; ,nd fok ksjerÈ f;dr;=re wkqj isú,a kvq ksñ;a;la we;s ù we;ao hkak ;SrKh lsÍu m%:u ld¾hhs' jeo.;a lreKla jkafka fpla m;a" fm%dñiß fkdaÜgq yd úksuh ì,am;a jeks f,aLk u; we;s jk kvq ksñ;a;la jk úg§ wmrdO kS;sh hgf;a jqj;a kvq lghq;= isÿ l, yels m%;smdok we;s ksidfjka fiajdodhlhd ta iïnkaOfhka ±kqj;a lr iqÿiq l%shdmámdáh f;dard .ekSuhs' kvq ksñ;a;la we;s nj ksYaph lr .ekSfuka miqj kS;S{jrhd úiska isÿ lrkafka meñKs,a, ilia lsÍuhs' kshñ; wdldrfhka meñKs,a, ilia lsÍu iïnkaOfhka ie,lSfï§ meñKs,a,la kvq úNd. lsÍfuka f;drj m%;slafIam lsÍfï fyda bj; ,sfï yelshdj wêlrKhg we;s ksid isú,a kvq úOdk ix.%yfha§ i`oyka lr we;s Í;s ms<sme§ug uq,a wjia:dfõ§u kS;S{jrhd ie,ls,su;a úh hq;= fõ' meñKs,a, ilia Haris Palpola, LL,B -Hons (OUSL) Attorney-at-Law Page 1 CORPUS JURIS SL lsÍfï§ kS;S{jrhd isys ;nd .; hq;= wfkla lreKla jkafka kvq ksñ;a; Tmamq lsÍu i`oyd ud¾.h meñKs,af,ka ilia lr .ekSuhs' meñKs,a, u.ska wêlrKhg yd ú;a;slreg kvq ksñ;a; fy<s lsÍfuka miqj wjia:dj ,efnkafka ú;a;slreg ta i`oyd W;a;r ne`Èughs' W;a;rfha§ meñKs,af,a lshd we;s lreKq ms<s .ekSu" yn lsÍu fyda fldgila ms,sf.k b;sß fldgig yn lsÍu" muKla fkdj ;uqka úiska lrkq ,enk meyeÈ,s lsÍïo we;=,;a lrkq ,eìh yel' W;a;rh iïnkaOfhkao ms<smeÈh hq;= Í;s isú,a kvq úOdk ix.%yfha we;=,;a jk w;r tajd o ksis mßÈ ms,smÈñka W;a;rh f.dkq lsÍug kS;S{jrhd ie,sls,su;a úh hq;=h' iuyrla wjia:d j,§ ú;a;slre úiska ish W;a;rfhka meñKs,slreg tfrysj kvq ksñ;a;la meñKs,s lsÍug bv we;s w;r ^yria b,a,Sula& túg ta i`oyd m%;s W;a;rhla ne`§fï wjia:dj meñKs,slreg ,efí' meñKs,a," W;a;rh yd m%;s W;a;rh wd§ ish,af,au tl;=j W;a;rjdo f,iska ye`Èkafõ' ffffuuuullllSS SS WWWW;;;;aa;;aa;;rrrrjjjjddddoooojjjj,,,, wwwwrrrruuuuqqKKqqKK jjjjkkkkaaffaaffkkkkaa aa llll==uu==uullllaaooaaoo@@@@ th isú,a kvq úOdk ix.%yfha 146 j.ka;sh wkqj meyeÈ,s lr .; yel' ta wkqj W;a;rjdo j,ska miqj kvq úNd.h werfUkafka úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak ;SrKh lsÍfuks' ta wdldrfhka ne,Sfï§ W;a;rjdo j, wruqK úi`okd u;= lsÍu nj meyeÈ,sh' fï nj “The whole object of pleadings is to bring the parties to an issue, and the meaning of the rules ------ was to prevent the issue being enlarged, which would prevent either party from knowing when the cause came on for trial, what the real point to be discussed and decided' was. In fact, the whole meaning of the system is to narrow the parties to definite issues, and thereby to diminish expense and delay, especially as regards the amount of testimony required on either side at the hearing.” Thorp v. Holdsworth (1876) 3 Ch.D. 637 kvqfõ§ meyeÈ,sj olajd we;' Haris Palpola, LL,B -Hons (OUSL) Attorney-at-Law Page 2 CORPUS JURIS SL tfiau Ô' mS' tia' is,ajd w.úksiqre;=ud úiska Hanaffi v. Nallamma (1998) 1 Sri LR 73 kvqfõ§ olajkakg fhÿfka “Once issues are framed the case which the court has to hear and determine becomes crystallised in the issues and the pleadings recede to the background.” f,isks' úúúúiiii````ooookkkkdddd hhhhkkkkqq qq @@@@ ir,ju .;aúg úi`okd hkq kvqfõ md¾Yjhla úiska lshdmdkq ,nk wfkla md¾Yjh úiska m%;slafIam lrkq ,nk fyda yn lrkq ,nk kuq;a md¾Yjhkaf.a whs;sjdislï ;SrKh lsÍu i`oyd wêlrKh úiska wêlrKuh jYfhka ie,lsh hq;= bÈßm;a lreKq fõ' fuys§ idlaIs wd{d mkf;a 3 jk j.ka;sfha§ bÈßm;a lreK hkakg § w¾: ksrEmKfha meyeÈ,s lsÍu isys ;nd .ekSu jeo.;ah' ta wkqj isú,a kvq úOdkh iïnkaOfhka ;;a ld,fha j,x.=j mj;akd kS;sfha úêúOdk hgf;a hï wêlrKhla" bÈßm;a lreKla igyka lrk úfgl" ta bÈßm;a lreKg ms<s;=re jYfhka iaÓr lsÍug fyda m%;slafIam lsÍug we;s lreK bÈßm;a lreKls' isú,a kvqjl§ úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak ke.Sfuka miqj ta iïnkaOfhka wjika ;SrKhla ,nd fokafka fuu mokfuks' “Whenever any material fact is alleged in the pleadings of a cause by either party and is denied by the other, the fact is “in issue;” but in order that a fact may be in issue it is not necessary that it be specifically alleged or denied in the pleadings; it is sufficient that it constitutes one of the component parts of a fact so alleged or denied.” (Trial Evidence by William Reynolds, page 8) W;a;rjdo wkqj wêlrKhg md¾Yjhka úiska yn lrkq ,nk yd ms<s.kq ,nk lreKq fõ kï tajd ks¾Kh lr .ekSug yelshdj ,efí' ta wkqj ms<s.ekSï fjku;a úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak fjku;a i`oyka lr.kq ,nhs' úúúúiiii````ÈÈÈÈhhhh hhhhqq;;qq;;== == mmmm%%YY%%YYaakkaakk jjjj,,,, wwwwkkkkaa;;aa;;¾¾¾¾....;;;;hhhh úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak fmr lS wdldrhg fomd¾Yjh úiska tl`. fkdjk lreKq iïnkaOfhka u;= jk nj meyeÈ,sh' ta wkqj md¾Yjhka úiska isoaêuh lreKq iïnkaOfhka fukau kS;suh lreKq iïíOfhkao tl`. fkdjk wjia:djka yuq fõ' ta wkqj ne,Sfï§ úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak j, wka;¾.;h jkafka kS;suh fyda isoaêuh Haris Palpola, LL,B -Hons (OUSL) Attorney-at-Law Page 3 CORPUS JURIS SL lreKq nj fmkS hhs' tfia fyhska isú,a kvq úOdk ix.%yfha kS;suh yd isoaêuh úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak iïnkaOfhka m%;smdok i,iajd ;sfí' kS;suh úi`Èh hq;= m%Yakhla hkafkka woyia lrkq ,nkafka fomd¾Yjh úiska ffk;sl lreKla iïnkaOfhka tl`.;ajhg m;a fkdjk wjia:djls' b,a,Su ld,djfrdaë ù we;af;ao @ wêlrKhg ksis wêlrK n,h mj;skafkao @ wd§ WodyrK fï i`oyd f.kyer mE yel' óg wu;rj isoaêh iïnkaOfhka u;= lrk m%Yak isoaêuh úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak fõ' fï iïnkaOfhka isõ,a kvq úOdk ix.%yfha 147 j.ka;sh wjOdkhg ,la l< hq;=h' ta wkqj kvqjl§ kS;suh yd isoaêuh m%Yak mek ke.=k úg§ kS;sh ms<sn`oj jk úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak u; muKla kvqjg iqÿiaila l< yels nj wêlrKfha u;h jkafka kï tlS úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak m<uqfjka úi`Èh hq;=h' tfiau ta wkqj kvqjla wjika lsÍug mjd wêlrKhg n,h we; ^ Cathiravelu v. Dadabhoy & ' “Section 147 expressly enables the courts of first instance to dispose of a case on issues of law alone, and for that purpose to postpone the settlement of issues of fact until after the issues of law have been determined.” Held in Cathiravelu v. Dadabhoy (1912) 15 NLR 339 “An issue of law which goes to the very root of the case should be allowed in the interests of justice even though it does not arise out of the pleadings.” Dharmadasa v. Goonawardana (11 C.L.W.) In Pure Beverages Ltd. v. Shanil Fernando (1997 (3) SLR 202), it was held that only pure questions of law should be tried as preliminary issues. De Z. Gunawardena, J. Was of the view that, “An issue can be tried in limine, that is, as a preliminary issue, only if that issue is an issue of law and the factual position, from which that issue of law emaciates, is common-ground. If an issue of law arises in relation to a fact or factual position in regard to which parties are at variance that issue cannot and ought not to be tried first, as a preliminary issue of law” Haris Palpola, LL,B -Hons (OUSL) Attorney-at-Law Page 4 CORPUS JURIS SL (People’s Bank vs. Lokuge International Garments Ltd (2011(2) Com. LC 615), held “Section 147 requires court to form an opinion as to whether a case could be disposed of on the issues of law only and only thereupon should court on the said issues of law first.”) flfia fj;;a wod< m%Yakh úi`§u flf¾ idlaIs úuiSug wjYH jkafka kï idlaIs úuiSfuka miqj jqjo kS;suh úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak úi`Èh yels nj ;SrKh ù ;sfí' Muthukrishna v. Gomes and Others [1994] 3 Sri LR at page 8: “Judges of original courts should, as far as practicable, go through the entire trial and answer all the issues unless they are certain that a pure question of law without the leading of evidence (apart from formal evidence) can dispose of the case.” S. C. Appeal No. 49/2003 decided on 3.2.2010 147 j.ka;shg wkqj fï wdldrfhka kS;sh ms<sn`oj úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak ;SrKh lrk ;=re isoaê ms<sn`oj jk m%Yak úi`§u miqjg ;eìh yel' flfia fj;;a kS;sh ms<sn`oj jk úi`Èh hq;= m%Yakhla isoaêuh lreKla iu.ska u;= jkafka kï túg m%Yak folu tlaj úi`Èh hq;= nj ms<s.;a u;hhs' úúúúiiii````ÈÈÈÈhhhh hhhhqq;;qq;;== == mmmm%%YY%%YYaakkaakk WWWW;;;;aa;;aa;;rrrrjjjjddddoooo uuuu;;;; mmmmuuuuKKKKllllaa aa iiiiSSuuSSuudddd úúúúhhhh hhhhqq;;qq;;==oo==oo@@@@ úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak ms<snoj idlÉPd lsÍfï§ fuho ie,lsh hq;= m%Yakhls' by;ska i`oyka lsÍug fhÿk lreKq wkqj W;a;rjdo j, wruqKla jkafka úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak u;= lsÍuhs' tfiau 146 j.ka;sh wkqj kvq úNd.h wdrïN jkafka W;a;rjdo wdÈh wkqj úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak u;= lsÍfuka wk;=rejhs' túg W;a;rjdo j,g muKla úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak iSud úh hq;=o hk m%Yakh u;= fõ' fï iïnkaOfhka wjOdkh fhduq lsÍfï§ 149 j.ka;sh jeo.;a fõ' ta wkqj ;Skaÿ m%ldYhla lsÍug fmr hï wjia:djl wêlrKh úiska iqÿiq hehs l,amkd lrk kshuhka u; úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak ixfYdaOkh lsÍu fyda w;sf¾l úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak ke.Su fyda wêlrKh úiska l< yelsh' 149 j.ka;shg wkqj ;Skaÿj m%ldY lsÍug fmr wêlrKhg w;sf¾l úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak ke.Sug yelshdj we;s nj meyeÈ,sh' kuq;a m%dfhda.slj iuyrla wjia:d j,oS Èid wêlrKj,§ fï wdldrfhka úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak ke.Su m%;slafIam lrk wdldrh olakg we;s w;ru ;j;a úgl§ fï wdldrhg úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak ke.Suo olakg Haris Palpola, LL,B -Hons (OUSL) Attorney-at-Law Page 5 CORPUS JURIS SL we;' fuu 149 j.ka;sfha yrh jkafka kvqfõ ;Skaÿj §ug fmr§ tkï úNd. wjia:djl idlaIs úuiSfï§ jqj;a úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak ke.sh yels njhs' thska fmkS hkafka W;a;rjdo j,g muKla úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak iSud fkdjk njhs' kuq;a ta wdldrhg úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak ke.sh yels jkafka th wjika ;SrKhg meñKSu Wfoid fya;= jkafka kï muKla nj isys ;nd .; hq;= fõ' wêlrKho fï u;h ms<sf.k we;' “…a case must be tried upon the issues on which the right decision of the case appears to the court to depend and it is well settled that the framing of such issues is not restricted by the pleadings….” Bank of Ceylon v. Chelliah Pillai 64 NLR 25 (PC) at page 27 "It is not necessary that the new issue should arise on the pleadings. A new issue could be framed on the evidence led by the parties orally or in the form of documents. The only restriction is that the Judge in framing a new issue should act in the interests of justice, which is primarily to ensure the correct decision is given in the case." Hameed Vs Cassim (1996) 2 SLR, 30. by;ska olajkakg fhÿk yóâ kvq ;Skaÿj wkqj idlaIslrefjla úiska kvq úNd.fha§ ,nd fok idlaIs wkqj jqjo wjika ;SrKhla hqla;su;a f,iska ,nd §u i`oyd bv i,ikafka kï ta iïnkaOfhka jqjo úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak u;= lsÍug wêlrKhg ndOdjla ke;s nj ñka meyeÈ,s fõ' kuq;a th wêlrKfha wNsu;h wkqj isÿ jk lreKls ^ C.A. No. 624/2001(F) decided on 03.10.2011&' flfia fj;;a kvqj wjika úfuka miqj úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak jd¾;d lsÍfï yelshdjla wêlrKhg fkdue;s njo isys ;nd .; hq;=fõ' 146 ^2& j.ka;sh wkqj úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak u;= lsÍfï§" kvq úNd.h wdrïNfha§ úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak jd¾;d fkdlrk nj fmkS hhs' kuq;a tys§o úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak u;= lrkq ,eìh yelafla wêlrKhg fmkS hk mßÈ kvqfõ ksjerÈ ;SrKh r`od mj;skafka hehs is;sh yels wdldrhg muKs' thskao meyeÈ,s jkafka úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak W;a;rjdo j,g muKla iSud fkdúh hq;= njhs' Haris Palpola, LL,B -Hons (OUSL) Attorney-at-Law Page 6 CORPUS JURIS SL fï wkqj meñKsh yels wjika ks.ukh jkafka úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak W;a;rjdo j,g muKla iSud fkdjk njhs' tfiau ;Skaÿj ,nd §ug m%:ufhka ´kdu wjia:djl§ úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak ke.Sug yelshdj wêlrKhg mj;sk njo ks.ukh l, yel' kuq;a tfia isÿ l, yelafla th kvqfõ wjika ;SrKhla ,nd §u i`oyd wjYH jkafka hehs wêlrKhg fmkS hkafka kï muKs' úúúúiiii````ooookkkkdddd uuuu;;;;== == llllrrrrkkkkqq qq ,,,,nnnnkkkkaaffaaffkkkkaa aa lllljjjjqqrrqqrreeeekkkkaa aa úúúúiiiisskksskkaaooaaoo @@@@ md¾Yjlrejka úiska bÈßm;a lrkq ,nk W;a;rjdo wkqj úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak ke.Su .re wêlrKfha úksiqrejrhdf.a ld¾hhs' ta nj 146 j.ka;sh wkqj uekúka meyeÈ,s fõ' kuq;a wo jk úg idudkH wêlrK mßph f,iska isÿjkafka fomd¾Yjfha kS;S{jreka úiska úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak ke.Suhs' th wêlrKfha wkque;sh we;sj iïmQ¾Kfhka fyda ixfYdaOko iys;j jd¾;d .; fõ' “It is quite obvious that the duty of formulating issues is a responsibility of Court, and it is the duty of court to answer all issues arising in the case.” S. C. Appeal No. 49/2003 decided on 3.2.2010 "It must always be remembered by Judges that the system of civil law that prevails in our country is confrontational and therefore the jurisdiction of the Judge is circumscribed and limited to the dispute presented to him for adjudication by the contesting parties. Our civil law does not in any way permit the adjudicator or judge the freedom of the wild ass to go on a voyage of discovery and make a findings as he pleases may be on what he thinks is right or wrong, moral or immoral or what should be the correct situation. The adjudicator or Judge is duty bound to determine the dispute presented to him and his jurisdiction is circumscribed by that dispute and no more. Though in practice Counsel appearing for the plaintiff or defendant do suggest the issues, it is the prime responsibility of the Judge to frame issues, this is more so because it is ultimately the Judge who should make a finding and without clear understanding of the dispute and the issue that he has to determine it would be a Haris Palpola, LL,B -Hons (OUSL) Attorney-at-Law Page 7 CORPUS JURIS SL most dangerous exercise to embark upon" Pathmawathie v. Jayasekare (1997) 1 Sri LR 248 “It was the duty of the Judge in the first instance to have raised the issues. According to practice Counsel on both sides were allowed to raise issues, but the moment objections were raised it was incumbent on the part of the Judge to have made a proper order either accepting the issues or rejecting the issue or suggesting a fresh issue. The trial Judge had very conveniently laid liability on the Plaintiff that the Plaintiff that the Plaintiff had failed to call upon the Court to make an order with regard to the acceptance/rejection of the issue. The framing of issues is the duty of Court.” Calendar v. Fernando (2001) 2 Sri LR 355 ffffuuuuffffiiiiaa aa uuuu;;;;== == llllrrrrkkkkqq qq ,,,,nnnnkkkk úúúúiiii````ÈÈÈÈhhhh hhhhqq;;qq;;== == mmmm%%YY%%YYaakkaakkhhhhllllaa aa jjjjdddd¾¾¾¾;;;;ddddffffjjjjkkkkaa aa bbbbjjjj;;;;aa aa llll<<<< yyyyeeeellllssoossoo @@@@ idudkHfhka ms<s.kakd wdldrhg jrla u;= lrkq ,enQ úi`Èh hq;= m%Yakhla md¾Yjhkag jqjukd jQjdg kvq jd¾;dfjka bj;a lsÍug fkdyels nj wêlrKh úiska ;SrKh lr ;sfí' “Where an issue is once framed in a case, the Court has no power to strike it out on the motion of either party. The issue must be retained to be eventually decided. A Court can always ex mero motu suo raise a question in a case as to the legality of a contract sued upon or sought to be enforced.” FERNANDO v. RAMANATHAN 16 NLR 337 úúúúiiii````ÈÈÈÈhhhh hhhhqq;;qq;;== == mmmm%%YY%%YYaakkaakk uuuu;;;;== == llll<<<< yyyyeeeellllss ss wwwwjjjjiiiiaa::aa::ddddjjjj fmr§ i`oyka l< wdldrhg 146 j.ka;sh wkqj kvq úNd.h werfUkafka úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak jd¾;d lsÍfuka miqj ùfuka .uH lrkafka kvq úNd.h wdrïNfha§ úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak u;= l< hq;= njhs' flfia fj;;a úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak W;a;rjdo j,g muKla mokï fkdùu ksidfjka kvq úNd.fha§ jqjo úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak u;= l< yels nj fmkS hhs' tfia u;= l< yelafla kvqfõ wjika ;SrKhlg t<öug tlS úi`okdj fya;= jkafka kï muKs' tfy;a kvqj wjika ùfuka miqj úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak u;= l< fkdyels nj ;SrKh ù we;' Haris Palpola, LL,B -Hons (OUSL) Attorney-at-Law Page 8 CORPUS JURIS SL flfia fj;;a ú;a;slre úiska W;a;rhla bÈßm;a lr ke;s úgl§ úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak jd¾;d lsÍfï hq;=lula wêlrKhg fkdue;' iiiissyyssyyss ss ;;;;nnnndddd ....;;;; hhhhqq;;qq;;== == llllrrrreeeeKKKKqq qq fuys§ i`oyka l< hq;= hula fõ' isú,a kvqjl § kvq úNd.h isÿ lrkq ,nkafka wdrïNfha§ jd¾;d .; lrkq ,nk úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak j,g ms<s;=re ,efnk wdldrfhks' ta wkqj ne,Sfï§ úi`okd hkq bÈßm;a lrKq fõ' tfiau kvqjl§ idlaIs wd{dmk;g wkqj idlaIs fufyh úh yelafla bÈßm;a fyda wkql+, lreKla iïnkaOfhka muKs' “Under Section 5 of the Evidence Ordinance evidence may be given only of facts in issue and relevant facts. Evidence admitted in disregard of that Section is evidence improperly admitted and a conviction is liable to be quashed if such evidence has resulted in a miscarriage of justice.” The Queen v. Sodige Singho Appu (1959) 62 NLR 112 tfiau Res Gestae, Res Inter alios actea, Hearsay rule jeks idlaIs kS;sfha fhfok uQ,sl uQ,O¾u isys ;nd .; hq;=fõ' flfia fj;;a isú,a kvq j,§ úi`okd u;= lrk kS;S{jrekag fulS Í;s wu;l fjk wdldrh Wjukd ;rï ksÍlaIKh l< yel' meyeÈ,sju W;a;rh yd meñKs,a, fo;=ka jrla lshjd n,d ms<s.ekSï ,l=Kq fldg bkamiqj fkdms<s.kakd fþohka bÈßfha l;srhla .id fyda ,l=Kq fldg ta Tiafia úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak ke.Su olaI kS;S{jrfhlaf.a ld¾hh fkdfõ' we;af;kau úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak u;= lsÍu hkq l,djls' fulS uQ,sl lreKq wu;l lsÍu ksid ir,j úi`Èh yels kvq ksñ;a;la fjkqfjka wkjYH f,iska úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak rdYshla u;= lrkq ,en we;s wjia:d olakg ,efí' idudkHfhka kvqfõ wjika ;Skaÿj ,nd §fï§ fukau úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak jd¾;d .; lsÍfï§o m%ldY lrkq ,nkafka úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak jeä .Kklg Tõ hk ms<s;=r ,enqkfyd;a f,isks' ta ksidfjka jeä m%udKhla Tõ hk ms<s;=r ,efnk fia úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak úYd, f,iska wkjYH wdldrfhka u;= lrk wjia:do olakg ,efí' kuq;a tfia úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak u;= lsÍu wjYH fkdfõ' úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak 2 la u;= lsÍfuka Haris Palpola, LL,B -Hons (OUSL) Attorney-at-Law Page 9 CORPUS JURIS SL jqjo tlS m%Yak 2 lg idOkSh f,i ms<s;=re ,efí kï tho tlS md¾Yjh fjkqfjka ;SrKhla ,nd .ekSug m%udKj;a fõ' uuuu;;;;==== llllrrrrkkkkqq qq ,,,,eeeennnnQQ QQ iiiisshhsshh````ttttuuuu úúúúiiii````ooookkkkddddjjjjkkkkaaggaagg mmmmss<<ss<<ss;;ss;;====rrrreeee ,,,,nnnndddd §§§§ffffïïïï hhhhqq;;qq;;==ll==lluuuu isú,a kvqjl§ u;= lrkq ,enQ úi`Èh hq;= m%Yak ish,a,gu ms<s;=re ,nd Èfï hq;=lulska wêlrKh ne`§ isà' fï nj wjia:d lSmhl§ ;SrKh ù we;' n,kak Peiris v. Municipal Council, Galle 65 NLR 555, S. C. Appeal No. 49/2003 decided on 3.2.2010 kvqfõ§ wêlrKh úiska olajkq ,en we;s my; ksÍlaIKh “It is quite obvious that the duty of formulating issues is a responsibility of Court, and it is the duty of court to answer all issues arising in the case. As Lord Devlin observed in Bank of Ceylon v. Chelliah Pillai 64 NLR 25 (PC) at page 27, “…a case must be tried upon the issues on which the right decision of the case appears to the court to depend and it is well settled that the framing of such issues is not restricted by the pleadings….” In Peiris v. Municipal Council, Galle 65 NLR 555 at page 556, Justice Tambiah remarked that even where the plaintiff fails to raise a relevant issue, it is the duty of the judge to raise the necessary issues for a just decision of the case. A fortiori, it follows that it is the duty of the judge to answer at the end of the trial all the issues raised in the case. The only exception to this cardinal principle is found in Section 147 of the Civil Procedure Code wherein courts have been vested with a degree of discretion, where it is of the opinion that a particular matter may be decided on the issues of law alone, to try the issues of law first. In Mohinudeen and Another v. Lanka Bankuwa, York Street, Colombo 01 [2001] 1 Srl LR, 290 at 299 Hector Yapa, J., cited with approval the following dicta of Wijeyaratna, J. in Muthukrishna v. Gomes and Others [1994] 3 Sri LR at page 8: “Judges of original courts should, as far as practicable, go through the entire trial and answer all the issues unless they are certain that a pure question of law without the leading of evidence (apart from formal evidence) can dispose of the case.”(Emphasis added) Haris Palpola, LL,B -Hons (OUSL) Attorney-at-Law Page 10

respondent by producing her passport has proved that from 5.8.1979 to 13.10.1979 she was out of the country. RG Mckerron in his book titled 'The Law of Delicts 6th edition page 156 and 157 dealing with adultery states thus:
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