Description:In 2003, the Asian Roundtable on Corporate Governance produced recommendations to improve corporate governance in Asia, based on the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. This report summarises the results of a stocktaking exercise to determine progress made to date and the challenges remaining in the implementation of these recommendations. Included in this book are valuable insights into corporate governance rules and practices of listed companies in Asia, notably: shareholder rights, the protection of non-controlling owners, transparency and disclosure, as well as the role of company boards.Table of Content :AbbreviationsI. Summary-1. Overall progress since 2005-2. Obstacles to implementation -3. Outstanding issues II. Taking stock of corporate governance in Asia -1. Shareholders rights and the equitable treatment of shareholders -2. The role of stakeholders in corporate governance-3. Disclosure and transparency -4. The responsibilities of the boardAnnex A. Responses to a Questionnaire on Implementing the Asian Roundtables Recommendations on Corporate Governance, as contained in the White Paper