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Corinthian Vase Painting of the Archaic Period: Volume 1. Catalogue PDF

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by  Amyx
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Preview Corinthian Vase Painting of the Archaic Period: Volume 1. Catalogue

CORINTHIAN VASE-PAINTING OF THE ARCHAIC PERIOD VOLUME I CATALOGUE D. A. AMYX Published with the assistance of the GETTY GRANT PROGRAM UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS Frontispiece Copenhagen r3531. Neck-amphora by the Tydeus Painter. Color photo: courtesy BERKELEY LOS ANGELES LONDON National Museum of Denmark. CALIFORNIA STUDIES IN THE HISTORY OF ART ~ Walter Horn, General Editor ~ James Marrow, Associate Editor ( ( I The Birth of Landscape Painting in China, by Michael Sullivan II Portraits by Degas, by Jean Sutherland Boggs III Leonardo da Vinci on Painting: A Lost Book (Libro A), by Carlo Pedretti IV Images in the Margins of Gothic Manuscripts, by Lilian M. C. Randall v The Dynastic Arts of the Kushans, by John M. Rosenfield VI A Century of Dutch Manuscript Illumination, by L. M. J. Delaisse VII George Caleb Bingham: The Evolution of an Artist, and A Catalogue Raisonne (two volumes), by E. Maurice Bloch VIII Claude Lorrain: The Drawings-Catalog and Plates (two volumes), by Marcel Roethlisberger IX Venetian Painted Ceilings of the Renaissance, by Juergen Schulz X The Drawings of Edouard Manet, by Alain de Leiris XI Theories of Modern Art: A Source Book by Artists and Critics, by Herschel B. Chipp, with contributions by Peter Selz and Joshua C. Taylor XII Mter the Hunt: William Harnett and Other American Still Life Painters, I87o-Igoo, by Alfred Frankenstein XIII Early Netherlandish Triptychs: A Study in Patronage, by Shirley Neilsen Blum XIV The Horned Moses in Medieval Art and Thought, by Ruth Mellinko.ff XV Metamorphosis of a Death Symbol: The Transi Tomb in the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance, by Kathleen Cohen XVI Franciabigio, by Susan Regan McKillop XVII Egon Schiele's Portraits, by Alessandra Comini XVIII Manuscript Painting in Paris During the Reign of Saint Louis: A Study of Styles, by Robert Branner XIX The Plan of St. Gall: A Study of the Architecture and Economy of, and Life in a Paradigmatic Carolingian Monastery (three volumes), by Walter Horn and Ernest Born XX French Gothic Architecture of the I 2th and I 3th Centuries, by Jean Bony XXI The Art of Matthew Paris in the Chronica Majora, by Suzanne Lewis XXII The Literature of Classic Art: The Painting of the Ancients and A Lexicon of Artists and Their Works According to the Literary Sources, by Franciscus Junius (two volumes), edited by Keith Aldrich, Philipp Fehl, and Raina Fehl XXIII The Armor of Light: Stained Glass in Western France, I250-I325, by Meredith Parsons Lillich XXIV Nineteenth-Century Theories of Art, by Joshua C. Taylor XXV Corinthian Vase-Painting of the Archaic Period (three volumes), by D. A. Amyx - FOR ELEANOR AND ELLEN University of California Press Berkeley and Los Angeles, California University of California Press, Ltd. London, England Copyright© 1988 by The Regents of the University of California Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Amyx, Darrell A. (Darrell Arlynn), 191 !- Corinthian vase-painting of the Archaic period. Bibliography: p. Includes index. Contents: v. 1. Catalogue of Corinthian vases v. 2. Commentary, the study of Corinthian vases- v. 3· Indexes, concordances, and plates. 1. Vase-painting, Corinthian. 2. Vases, Corinthian Catalogs. 3· Vases, Corinthian -Indexes. I. Title. NK4645·A4 I 8 I 988 738·3'82'0 9387 85-24529 ISBN o-520-03166-o (set: alk. paper) Printed in the United States of America I 2 3 4 .') 6 7 8 9 CONTENTS OF THE VOLUMES Volume I CATALOGUE OF CORINTHIAN VASES Preface xi Acknowledgments xn List of Abbreviations xv Contents 3 Introduction to Catalogue 11 Section I. Protocorinthian Painters and Groups 15 Section II. Transitional Painters and Groups 50 Section III. Early Corinthian Painters and Groups 80 Section IV. Middle Corinthian Painters and Groups 149 Section V. Late Corinthian Painters and Groups 236 Section VI. Forgeries and Modern Repainting 278 Appendix I. Other Groupings of Corinthian Vases 281 Appendix II. Additions and Corrections to the Catalogue 299 Appendix III. Further Additions and Corrections to the Catalogue 333 Vll Vlll CONTENTS OF THE VOLUMES CONTENTS OF THE VOLUMES ix INDEXES Volume II Index of Collections 703 COMMENTARY: THE STUDY OF CORINTHIAN VASES Index of Painters and Groups 757 General Index 763 Contents v Preface vu Bibliography 1X CONCORDANCES CorVP with Payne, Necrocorinthia 775 CorVP with Benson, Geschichte der korinthischen Vasen 791 Chapter I. History of Research on Corinthian Vases 355 List of Plates 799 Chapter 2. The History of Corinthian Vase-Painting: Plates following p. 809 An Outline of its Development 363 Chapter 3. Chronology 397 Chapter 4. Shapes and Their Development 435 Chapter 5. Technical Matters 535 Chapter 6. Inscriptions 54 7 Chapter 7. Subjects 617 Chapter 8. Distribution and Influence of Corinthian Vases 675 Volume III INDEXES, CONCORDANCES, AND PLATES Contents v PREFACE This work consists of four parts: a Catalogue of Corinthian vases, arranged systematically according to Painters and Groups; a series of chapters which give a commentary on various aspects of the ware; a set of Plates for illustration; and Indexes. The main part of the Catalogue covers a span of slightly more than two centuries, from the late eighth to the late sixth century B.c. A few very late groupings are added for their specific interest as sequels to the others. The Catalogue does not include vases without figural decoration, or those with only silhouetted figures ("subgeometric" vases), except for certain cases in which they seem to add something of value to an established grouping; nor does it, with rare exceptions, include pinakes. In the discussion of shapes in the Commentary, the decoration, including non figural elements, is treated as a part of the characterization of the forms and their development. The study of Corinthian vases has been for me at times an avocation, at times an obsession, over a period of many years. In the course of several research tours of Europe, I have been able to examine at first hand a large part of the vases that are listed in the Catalogue, and much besides. The content of the present product leans heavily upon the publications of my prede cessors and colleagues, to whom I owe much. Also, it draws on a series of papers published by me; on observations of mine that were incidentally contributed to the publications of other scholars; and, of course, on much material never before published. As a state-of-the-project report, it is as complete and as up-to-date as I can make it. Yet I am deeply conscious, as this study is brought to press, of the incompleteness of my knowledge, and of the inadequacies of this presentation. There is much that I do know, still in tentative form, that will have to be re-examined and put into order before it can be published, perhaps as a supplement to this book, or as a supplementary article. Colleagues who seek and do not find references here to their attributions or to other observations which belong in this place should not assume that my silence is a tacit rejection of their conclusions: it may well be that this material is still under consideration, or even (regrettably) that it has been overlooked. The best hope that I can entertain for my effort is that it will be found valuable as a sequel and a supplement to Payne's Necrocorinthia, which it does not pretend to replace. Xl ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It is a pleasant duty to give thanks for the help that I have received from many persons and institutions in the production of this work. First of all, I owe a debt of incalculable magnitude to the friends and colleagues who have encouraged me to pursue these studies; to the officers and staff of museums and collections, for making their materials accessible to me for study, for providing photographs and relevant information and for granting permission to publish; and to a long series of research assistants, students, and typists who have helped me to see, and have helped with the vast mechanical task of putting all of my results into order. Financial aid has come from a number of sources: continuously over the years from the Committee on Research of the University of California at Berkeley; and, on special occasions, from the Guggenheim Foundation, the Fulbright Foundation, the American Council of Learned Societies, and the American Philosophical Society. Three scholars no longer living have had a powerful formative influence upon the direction and content of my researches, and I wish this obligation to be remembered: the late Professor H. R. W. Smith, the late Sir John Beazley, and the late Dr. Gisela N. A. Richter. My debt to the scholars who have worked on Corinthian vase-painting, which is manifest throughout my text, is summarized in the first chapter of Part II, in which I give in brief outline a history of Corinthian studies. To several of these scholars I am also obligated for the help and stimulus provided by a lively exchange of correspondence and offprints. Foremost among these is Professor J. L. Benson, whose continuous interest and active participation in Corinthian studies have been both an aid and a challenge. Next is Axel Seeberg, from whose publications and correspondence I have gained much. Throughout our long years of friendly association, Dr. Dietrich von Bothmer has unfailingly and promptly come to my aid for whatever need arose. For moral and material support in times of need I am also especially grateful to Professors Pierre Amandry, J. K. Anderson, Luisa Banti, Oscar Broneer, R. M. Cook, Sterling Dow, Arthur E. Gordon, Benjamin D. Meritt, W. K. Pritchett, HenryS. Robinson, Homer A. Thompson, A. D. Trendall, and the late Professor T. B. L. Webster. For the help that I have received from scholars, curators, and collectors in many parts of the world, I can but inadequately express my thanks. In giving their names, I follow an excellent example and group them under their respective countries: (Australia) Alexander Cambitoglou, Jean-Paul Descoeudres, J. Richard Green; (Austria) Hedwig Kenner, RudolfNoll; (Belgium) Violette Verhoogen; (Canada)]. Walter Graham, John Hayes; (Cyprus) Vassos Karageorghis; (Denmark) Marie-Louise Biihl, Mogens Gjadesen, Flemming Johansen, Poul J. Riis, Helle Salsko Roberts, Ingrid Str0m; (France) Fernand Benoit, Georges Daux, Pierre Devambez, Jean Ducat, N. Duval, Aliki Kaufmann-Samaras, Georges Le Rider, Henri Metzger, Georges Vallet, Francois Villard; (Germany) Erwin Bielefeld, Carl Bliimel, Frank Brommer, X Ill XlV ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Tobias Dohrn, Adolf Greifenhagen, F. W. Hamdorf, Roland Hampe, Nikolaus Himmelmann, Fernande Holscher, Herbert Hoffmann, Hans Klumbach, Norbert Kunisch, Emil Kunze, Ernst Langlotz, Dieter Ohly, Klaus Parlasca, Elisabeth Rohde, Konrad Schauenburg, Klaus Vierneisel, Klaus Wallenstein; (Great Britain) Bernard Ashmole, Ann Birchall, John Boardman, Mrs. W. Llewellyn Brown, Hector W. Gatling, Brian Cook, John Cook, Peter Corbett, Denys Haynes, Reynold Higgins, A. W. Johnston, Martin Robertson, Brian Shefton, Annie D. Ure, Michael Vickers; (Greece) Nancy Bookidis, John L. Caskey, LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS George Dontas, Basil Callipolitis, Denise Callipolitis-Feytmans, Paul Kanellopoulos, Chrysoula Kardara, Semni Karouzou, Ursula Knigge, James McCredie, Barbara Philippaki, Nikolaos Platon, Eugene Vander pool, Charles K. Williams, and, always, the officers and staffofthe American School of Classical Studies at Athens; (Hungary) J. G. Szilagyi; (Italy) Luigi BernabO Brea, Piera Bocci, Frank E. Brown, Giorgio Buchner, Umberto Calace, Giacomo Caputo, Giovanni Colonna, Marina Cristofani Martelli, Alfonso De Franciscis, Ernesto De Miro, Gino V. Gentili, Ing. C. M. Lerici, Felice Gino Lo Porto, Guglielmo Maetzke, Filippo Magi, Mario Moretti, Fondazione Mormino (Palermo), Piero Orlandini, Enrico Paribeni, Paola Pelagatti, Giovanni Rizza, Francesco Roncalli di Montorio, Giovanni Scichilone, Hellmut Sichtermann, Hermine Speier, Attilio Stazio, Conrad Stibbe, Vincenzo Tusa, Giuseppe Voza, Giovanni Zirretta; (Netherlands) the late J. H. Jongkees, J. H. Caspar Kern, Gisela Schneider-Herrmann; (Roumania) Petre Alexandrescu, Suzanna Dimitriu; (Sweden) Pontus Grate, Madeleine von Heland-Weissglas, Carl Norden The abbreviations are as prescribed by the American Journal of Archaeology (vol. 82, 1978, pp. 5-10), with folk, Olof Vessberg; (Switzerland) Rolf Blatter, Hansjorg Bloesch, Herbert A. Cahn, Ines Jucker, Cav. additions. For Appendix II, see also supplementary list of abbreviations, pp. 299f. Athos Moretti, Karl Schefold, Margot Schmidt; (Turkry) Tomris Baklr; (U.S.A.) William andJane Biers, Bernard V. Bothmer, Christoph Clairmont, Keith De Vries, G. Roger Edwards, Jifi Frel, Dorothy K. Hill, AA Archiiologischer Anzeiger Frances Follin Jones, Lucy Shoe Meritt, Ann Miller, Joseph V. Noble, Hazel Palmer, Kyle Phillips, Isabelle Raubitschek, Ronald Stroud, Cornelius Vermeule, Saul and Gladys Weinberg; (USSR) S. P. AAA Athens Annals of Archaeology Boriskovskaya, the late Anna Peredolskaya, N. A. Sidorova. ActaA Acta Archaeologica Among the students and assistants, past and present, who have done most to further the progress of AD Antike Denkmiiler, Berlin (1887-) this work, I mention in particular Patricia Lawrence (Sister Hannah, C.H.S.), whom I have had the good fortune also to have as a collaborator and full partner in my research; Sara Aleshire; Anthony Anninos; Ad! Annali dell' Instituto de Corrispondenza Archeologica Guitty Azarpay; Evelyn (Zinn) Bell; Darice Birge; Mario A. Del Chiaro; Jannina Darling; Barbara AH Wa1dstein, Charles, and others, The Argive Heraeum, Boston and New York Forbes; Deborah Grossman; Ann Harlow; Ann Kilinski; Eugene Kleinbauer;John Mansfield; Katherine 1902, 1905. Prongos; Susan Pulliam; Judith (Snyder) Schaeffer; Marilyn (Low) Schmitt; Nancy Tersini; and Susan AIRN Institutum Romanum Norvegiae: Acta ad Archaeologiam et Artium Historiam Perti (Kallemeyn) Thalmann. An efficient and generously helpful office staff, led by Nancy Grimsley, has given nentia, Rome ( 1964--) countless hours of aid in typing (and retyping) the text. AJA American Journal of Archaeology Finally, this work is fittingly dedicated to my wife and daughter, good companions in all my travels, Albizzati Albizzati, Carlo, Vasi antichi dipinti del Vaticano, Vatican City 1925-39 good helpers in all my efforts, loving supporters and givers of comfort in all my days. Album see (Empedocles) Album D.A.A. Amyx, Cat. Lerici Amyx, D.A., Vases from the Etruscan Cemetery at Cerveteri (Exhibition Cata logue, University Art Gallery, UniversityofCalifornia, Berkeley, June 8-29, Berkelry, December, 1976 1965) Amyx CorV Amyx, D. A., Corinthian Vases in the Hearst Collection at San Simeon (University of California Publications in Classical Archaeology 1 : 9), Berkeley and Los Angeles 1943 (Amyx and Lawrence) Amyx, D. A., and Patricia Lawrence, Corinth, VII: 2, Archaic Corinthian Pottery Corinth VII : 2 and the Anaploga Well, Princeton 197 5 Anderson, Cat. Anderson, John K., Handbook to the Greek Vases in the Otago Museum, Dunedin, N.Z. 1955 ANSSO Cat. Archeologia nella Sicilia Sud-orientale (Exhibition Catalogue), Naples 1973 Ant Denk Antike Denkmiiler XV XVI LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xvii Antiken Bonn Antiken aus dem Akademischen Kunstmuseum Bonn (Kunst und Altertum am Rhein, Berl. Winckelmannspr. 59 Berliner Winckelmannsprogramm, no. 59, Berlin 1899 no. 19), Dusseldorf 1969 Bieber, History2 Bieber, Margarete, The History of the Greek and Roman Theatre, 2nd. ed., AntK Antike Kunst Princeton 1961 ArchCl Archeologia Classica Bieber, Theaterwesen Bieber, Margarete, Die Denkmiiler zum Theaterwesen im Altertum, Berlin and Leipzig 1920 ArchEph Archaiologike Ephemeris Arena, Iscrizioni Arena, Renato, Le iscrizioni corin::;ie su vasi (Memorie della Accademia dei Lincei, Bielefeld, Gr.u.etr. Tongifiisse Bielefeld, Erwin, Griechische und etruskische Tongifiisse, Altenburg 1953 ser. 8, vol. 13: fasc. 2), Rome 1967, pp. 55-142 (Blegen et al.) Corinth XIII Blegen, Carl W., Hazel Palmer and Rodney S. Young, Corinth XIII, The Arias, Storia Arias, Paolo E., Storia della ceramica di eta arcaica, classica ed ellenistica e della North Cemetery, Princeton 1964 pittura di eta arcaica e classica (Enciclopedia Classica, sec. III, vol. XI, tom. V), Blink enb erg Blinkenberg, Chr., and K. F. Kinch, Lindos, Fouilles et Recherches, vol. 1, Torino 1963 Berlin 1931 Arias and Hirmer, Arias, Paolo E. and Max Hirmer, A History of A Thousand Years of Greek Vase BMCat Walters, Henry B., Catalogue of Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum TYGVP Painting, translated and revised by B. B. Shefton, New York 1961 (also II, London 1893 other eds~, for plates) BMFA Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston ASAtene Annuario della R. Scuola Archeologica di Atene Ashmead and Phillips Ashmead, Ann and Kyle Phillips, Classical Vases, Providence 1976 BMMA Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York AthMitt Mitteilungen des deutschen Archiiologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung BMQ_ British Museum Quarterly, London, from 1926 Auktion Helbing ( 1913) Auktion Helbing Miinchen 19-21 Mai 1913 Boardman-Dorig-Fuchs Boardman, John, Jose Dorig, Werner Fuchs and Max Hirmer, Die griech Hirmer ische Kunst, Munich 1966 AZ Archiiologische .(eitung Boardman and Hayes see Tocra I BABesch Bulletin van de Vereeniging tot Bevordering der Kennis van de Antieke Beschaving te s'Gravenhage Bohlau, Nekr. Bohlau, Johannes, Aus ionischen und italischen Nekropolen, Leipzig 1899 Bak1r Bak1r, Tomris, Der Kolonnettenkrater in Korinth und Attika zwischen 625 und 550 Bonn]bb Bonner Jahrbilcher v. Chr. (Beitriige ::;ur Archiiologie, vol. 7), Wurzburg 1974 Brants Brants, Johanna, Description of the Ancient Pottery preserved in the Department of Ballheimer Ballheimer, Rudolf, Griechische Vasen aus dem Hamburger Museum fur Kunst Greek and Roman Antiquities of the Museum of Antiquities of Leiden, The Hague und Gewerbe, Hamburg 1905 1930 Banti Banti, Luisa, in EAA. Breitholtz, Dorische Farce Breitholtz, Lennart, Die dorische Farce im griechischen Mutter/and vor dem 5. ]ahrhundert. Hypothese oder Realitat?, Stockholm 1960 Baumeister, Denkmiiler Baumeister, August, ed., Denkmiiler des Klassischen Altertums (3 vols., Munich and Leipzig, 1885-1888) Brommer, Herakles Brommer, Frank, Herakles: Die ::;wolf Taten des Helden in antiker Kunst und Literatur, Munster and Koln 1953 Baur Centaurs Baur, Paul, V. C., Centaurs in Ancient Art, Berlin 1912 Brommer VL3 Brommer, Frank, Vasenlisten ::;ur griechischen Heldensage, 3rd ed., Marburg Baur, Stoddard Colt. Baur, Paul V. C., Catalogue of the Rebecca Darlington Stoddard Collection of 1973 Greek and Italian Vases in Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 1922 BSA Annual of the British School at Athens BCH Bulletin de correspondance helllnique BSR Papers of the British School of Archaeology at Rome BdA Bollettino d' Arte Beazley Gifts 1912-1966 Select Exhibition of Sir John and Lady Beazley's Gifts to the Ashmolean Museum, BullComm Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Communale di Roma 1912-1966, London 1967 Bull.M.N. Hongrois BA Bulletin du Musee National hongrois des beaux-arts Beazley, VPol Beazley, John Davidson, Greek Vases in Poland, Oxford 1928 Buschor, Gr. Vasen Buschor, Ernst, Griechische Vasen, Munich 1940 Becatti Becatti, Giovanni, The Art of Ancient Greece and Rome, translated by John Ross, Buschor, Gr. Vasenmalerei Buschor, Ernst, Griechische Vasenmalerei, Munich 1914, 1921 New York 1967 Buschor, Satyrtiinze Buschor, Ernst, Satyrtiin::;e, Munich 1943 Becatti, L' eta classic a Becatti, Giovanni, L' eta classic a, Florence 1965 Calli poli tis-F eytmans, Callipolitis-Feytmans, Denise, "Evolution du plat corinthien," BCH 86 (Benson), Gk V Benson, Jack Leonard, Die Geschichte der korinthischen Vasen, Basel 1953 "Evolution" (1962), pp. 117-164 (Benson) T MG Benson,]. L., "The Three Maidens Group," AJA 73 (1969), pp.109-l22 Catalogus Scheurleer, C. W. Lunsingh, Catalogus eener Verzamling Egyptische, Romeinsche Berliner Museen Berliner Museen (Berlin 1929-) (continuation of Amtliche Berichte) en andere Oudheden, Haag 1909 xviii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Cat. (Gradmann) GHroicehcshcishcuhlee ZVuarsi cehn,: ZKu aritaclho gn .dde.r Sammlung tn der Eidgenossischen Technischen Dodwell, Tour Dodwell, Edward, A Classical and Topographical Tour Through Greece during the Years 1801, 1805 and 1806, 2 vols., London 1819 Cat. Vente Somde Collection de Somde, Bruxeltes 20-25 mai 1901 Dorpfeld, Alt-Olympia Dorpfeld, Wilhelm, Alt-Olympia, Berlin 1935 Chamoux, Greek Art CGhraapmhoicu xS, oFcireatnyc, oGisr,e eGnrweeikc hA, rCt o(Tnnh.e 1P9a6l6l as Library of Art, val. 2), N.Y. Dohan, ITG Dohan, Edith Hall, Italic Tomb Groups in the University Museum, London 1942 aCnhda rVboilnlanreda ux, Martin, ACrht,a rNbeownn Yeaourkx , 1J9e7a1n , Roland Martin, and Francois Villard, Archaic Greek DR PDauinnbtearbsi,"n ,B STA. 4J8. (1an95d3 ),M p.p .R 1o7b2e-r1t8so1 n, "Some Protocorinthian Vase CJ Classical Journal Dragendorff, Thera Dragendorff, Hans, Thera: Untersuchungen, Vermessungen und Ausgrabungen in den]ahren 1895-1902,4 vols., Berlin 1899-1909 Clara Rhodos Clara Rhodos, 10 vols., Rhodes 1928--41 Drees, Olympia Drees, Ludwig, Olympia: gods, artists and athletes, London 1968 Coliu, Musee Kalinderu Coliu, Emil, La collection de vases grecs du Musee Kalinderu, Bucharest 1937 D TC1 and D TC2 see Pickard-Cambridge Colt. Canessa Sam bon, Arthur, Vases antiques de terre cuite: collection Canessa, Paris 1904 Dugas, Delos X Dugas, Charles, Exploration arcMologique de Delos, X: Les vases de l' Heraion, Colt. Palese La Colle;:;ione Palese nel Museo di Bari, Bari 1970 Paris 1928 Cook, GAD Cook, Robert M., Greek Art: Its Development, Character and Influence, London Dugas, Delos XVII Dugas, Charles, Exploration arcMologique de Delos, XVII: Les vases orientalisants 1972 de style non melien, Paris 1935 Cook, GPP Cook, Robert M., Greek Painted Pottery, London 1960, 1972 EAA Enciclopedia dell' Arte Antic a, vols. 1-7, Rome 1958-1966 Corinth VII: 1 see (Weinberg) Corinth VII: 1 Edgar Edgar, C. C., Catalogue general des antiquites egyptiennes du Musee du Caire: Greek Vases, Cairo 1911 Corinth VII : 2 see (Amyx and Lawrence) Corinth VII:2 ElCer Elite Ceramographique (Paris 1837-1861) Corinth XII Davidson, Gladys R., Corinth XII: The Minor ObJects, Princeton 1952 Corinth XIII see (Blegen et al.) Corinth XIII (Empedocles) Album .AEvmA.Ae.oryiYcJa 'nEf LSTcThEoDooKl AoEfo vCs,l aEsmsipceadlo Sclteusd Cieosll eactti oAnt h(epnress e1n2t/e6d/3 b7y). tAhelb cuomlle ocfto orr itgo itnhael Corinth XV: 3 Benson, Jack Leonard, and Agnes Stillwell, Corinth XV: 3: The Potters' photographs, without text. (Note: The Collection was willed to theN ational Quarter, The Pottery (to be published) Archaeological Museum, Athens.) CorV see (Amyx) CorV EncPhot II Encyclopedie photographique de !'art: le Musee du Louvre, vol. II, Paris 1937 CSCA California Studies in Classical Antiquity (Berkeley and Los Angeles 1968-) Fairbanks Fairbanks, Arthur, Catalogue rif Greek and Etruscan Vases, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, vol. I, Boston 1928 CVA Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum FdDV Perdrizet, Paul, Fouilles de Delphes, V: Monuments figures, petits bronzes, terres DAI Deutsches Archaologisches Institut cuites, antiquites diverses, Paris 1906 Delattre, Douimes Delattre, A. L., La necropole punique de Douimes, Paris 1897 Fehr Fehr, Burkhard, Orientalische und griechische Gelage (Abhandlungen zur Kunst-, Delattre, Mus. Lav. Delattre, A. L., Musee Lavigerie, Paris 1900 Musik- und Literaturwissenschaft, Bd. 94), Bonn 1971 Delos see Dugas, Delos Folzer Folzer, Elvira, Die Hydria, Leipzig 1906 Deltion Archaiologikon Deltion FR Furtwangler, Adolf, Karl Reichhold, and others, Griechische Vasenmalerei, Munich 1904-1932 Demargne, Aegean Art Demargne, Pierre, Aegean Art: The Origins of Greek Art, London 1964 (also Frel Frel, Jifi, Recktf Vdzy, Prague 1956 other eds.) De Ridder De Ridder, A., Catalogue de Vases Peints de la Bibliotheque Nationale, 2 vols., Frohner, Colt. Tys;:;kiewicz Frohner, Wilhelm, La Collection Tys;:;kiewicz, Munich 1902 Paris 1901-1902 Furtwangler, Aigina Furtwangler, Adolf, Aigina, das Heiligtum der Aphaia, 2 vols., Munich 1906 Devambez, Greek Painting Devambez, Pierre, Greek Painting, Amsterdam and New York 1962 Furtwangler, Beschreibung Furtwangler, Adolf, Beschreibung der Vasensammlung im Antiquarium, 2 vols., Berlin 1885 D'Hancarville cDa'bHinaent cdae rMvi.l leH,a Pm.i lFto.n H, 4u gvuoelss,., ANnatipqlueitse s1 e7t6ru6s-q1u7e7s,7 g recques et romaines, tirees du Furtwangler, Colt. Somde Furtwangler, Adolf, Sammlung Somde, antike Kunstdenkmiiler, Munich 1897 Diehl MDiaeihnlz, E1r9i6k4a , Die Hydria: Formgeschichte und Verwendung im Kult des Alertums, SFaubrotwuraonjfg ler, Samml. F2 uvrotlws.a, nBgelerlri,n A1d8o8l3f,- 1D8i8e 7S ammlung Sabouroff: Kunstdenkmiiler aus Griechenland, Diepolder, GrVasen Diepolder, Hans, Griechische Vasen, Berlin 1947 Gardner, Cat. GMausredunme rC, aEmrbnreidsgte ,A Crtahmubr,r iAdg eC a1ta8l9o7g ue rif the Greek Vases in the Fitzwilliam

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