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Core Mathematics for A Level by L.Bostock and and S.Chandler PDF

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Preview Core Mathematics for A Level by L.Bostock and and S.Chandler

“Ne Bae CORE MATHS for A-level oe outs a CORE MATHS MODULE A: PURE MATHS | MODAAE &: PURE MATHS 2 MATHEMATICS - THE CORE COURSE FOR ALEVE FURTHER PURE MATHEMATICS - ath © ROUKe MATHEMATICS - MECHANICS AND PROBABLITY FURTHER MECHANICS AND PROBABILITY APPLIED MATHEMATICS T ‘APPLIED MATHEMATICS I PURE MATHEMATICS | PURE MATHEMATICS 1! L, Bostock, B.Sc. S. Chandler, B.Sc. Staniey Thornes (Publishers) Ltd lmdeficroe Ire the Cuprigt Livers Agenoy Limited Furth Hence. pubes un LM Say ones ble Ls PREFACE ‘Whe prnduce yer anathar A-level Maths textbao#? Now that GCSE ennises hae boop inteadced ir esi no lange be seamed rhat all sudonts enter an Actes cass with the algebraic silleand geowolie knoa’ edge thar used ty he eect, May are sudents now move bn lo sath-orrn colleges lo do Alesels al hence Pome from a variety of backgrounds including Ihese who wish femfurkun un Avlevel course Gram intermediate level GCSE, 1m much the ame way as multiptiation tbles are the tools needed 1 build a machemnatics comet Fem t> 16, aill i algebra ceetniques the reals necessary fr huilding a hody of mathernation: nowdedge heyond the Th level. This sank Farts ith work design 10 ‘hove students aculce 2 Fay in yxing alta, Ta were those students wlio alway have ihee sis, new work is ietuded i all. ‘hapless. Chapter for example, includes an inorauction to sieaple partial fractions All too anny students regard Alevel suthemaics as being inrinscally Uiticalt an opinion with whieh we steongly disagree. Part of the reason for thie inyth may be that students af an early suge fo their course ackle problems "at axe to sophisicaed. The eeesises in thie anol ave designed to ovescanne As problem, all wartig wid eaighitorwanl auctions. The more ‘aphistcated level spe ‘estions are given in conshidation sections which appear a regular inereals dawughou he book, These une itened for vac ly luter fale to give practice im examination espe quent when eanfidence sad sophistication have been developed. ‘The camwoliduion sections Alay inclade summary ofthe work in preceeding chapter: and n 2c feauliple choice yuestions. which ase very use fr se: Preting ce iTdhey do not form part of the examination he taken, ‘There ure mune computer pragrams that aid in the derstanding of mathemati, Te partivulyr« good granh drawing package is invaluable for investing graphical aspects nf functions. To a ew laces we have figs prognim thit we think is role This is Cather Super ph ova ptogtam Gen 132 SR Fregrans fo the Mothemtin Clason, Super Graph by David Tali flesble graph drawing peckawe wd is teullable fod AGO Tsien LW, Unit 1, Stirling Indusrial Centre. Siidiug, Borcham Wond, Hels WD 287. Tel UL 953 9 2 Shore Progra for he Sathematcs Claweaan is publised ia book oem by Stanley Thomes (Publisher) 124. ‘We ave graetul ts the following Feaminadon Boards for poisson to repraluce quest trim ther past cesaninuson paper (part ‘questions wre indiened by the sui pk ‘Dnivotsiy al London (U at 1) ‘aint Maticolrion Hous OMB) Unrerily of Camrage Local Esaruinations Syndicate (C) ‘The Asscinied Faamining Board (C) 1. tostack ro 8. Chandler chapter 1 chapter? Chapter 3 ape CONTENTS Preface Ines an the use ofthe hook: Algesra 1 Multiplying, ang god sobuenaing algebraic cexpretions Expanding tw biackels, Fatoroing ‘quadratic expressions. Pascal's range Fractions Singing, dng a subtaetng Fixe. Simple acti atone Surds and Indices Square. cube und other rou. Rational numbers Siroplifyingsurds. Rationalising 4 denorainator. Rules of indices. Definition of a Lopartthan. Ihe Las at Togas, ‘Guadratie Equations and Simuttaneaus Equations Soltng + quadeatic equation by fetrisig, by completing rhe sq ana B formule, Selon of Anes linea siltation: sone faluton o€ one liar yd ons qe equation Tutre oft ons a4 aac equation Lasing ‘Possible solutions. “ Canwalidation A. as 5 rapier Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter Chapter 10 Straighe Line Geometry 63 The sod er soometse pront. Disicon ofa lige in a aiten ati. The intererpt thenresn. Pythagprat corer Sd iis couse, Similar angles The angle boca ‘ieniem. Aliipdes and medians. Coorainate Geometry % Cunesuan coordinates, ‘Yhe length, xdpuint nd gradient of fine joming two points, Parallel and rrerpendiulas lcs (Obeuse Angles, Sine and Casine Formule 0 “Teignnemetris ratios of acuce angles, and oruss angles The gravval definition ot an angle The general Uefintion of the sine, ovine acs tangeat of any angle ‘The sine le and He use the weieuons case, The vasine rule, Solving engl, Telongias ur oemulae forthe wea of tangle. Prokisms insolsing telangls in tae and theze dimensions. Pefinion of the angle ecaeen a line and plane, sed the ape Ietscee te a, Straight Lines 1 ie ‘The meuming of cyuations. The standard Foca andl te general term forthe equation of 9 staxigh Tine Uinding the equation of a straight line given Ms radicnt and one point on if 1 given tw pons we he Tine Inerection, Cris Geomenry 150 Pants of ieee, The angle seheended by am a [Relationships heacen shgls i a elvele.Tangsts ‘ines tnd their propertion vi Chepter 1 ccraptey 12 crapter 13 Chapter 14 cnapier 15 Chapter 16 Radlans, Ares and Sextors Racians. The length of an s¢c. The area o's sector. Consotkdation Functions Mappings. Definition 6 function, Domain ad runge Sketching curves Quadmtic furstioes. cube Functions, pulynomial functions, rational functions, cexponontiat functions. Translations and reilections of fears, [iver fanetinne, Compound functions. Funetion ofa function, Anequatities “Monipulating incquaities. Solving inequaiies insalsing linc, qladratic and eaonal fonctions, Differentiation - Baste Ue geadiont of a curve. Dillereiation from Sis: principles. Dilfeentatian ofa sanstant. of fx ++, and Dbl Finding the gradients of the tangeat ana novinal ata given poi ‘Tangents, Normals and Stationary Potts Finding equation of tmgents and norma.s, Suconary ‘ales, Turning pots and chetr nature. Problems un ‘maximum and mdnimam values, ‘Trigonometste Functions “Trig aos of 50% 45° and é0* The vine, cosine amd tangent functions. thir preperies and relationships One-way stretches af curves. The recipnial ie fupatings. Ceaphical solutions of tig equetons, & 170 209 wm ot 29 (chapeer 17 chapter 18 crapter 39 chapeer 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 crept 23 ‘Trigononetrie kdenttiies and Equations ‘The Pythagorean identities, Solving equations for tangles between Ml and 27. Goneralselucons of {Gigonamerrc equations. Viganonmetic cquntions involving muldple angles Compound ingle identities. Duuble ungle idenikies Haltangle identity Consofidatfon € Diterentiation of Compound Functions Diterentiaing # Curstion of 9 fmetion tthe chin ule) produc: of functions and a quotient of ‘The Exponential are Logarithmic Functions Defivvian oF ¢ and the exponent uxstiom, Nawal Jogisthms. Changing the base ufa logerthm ‘The Jegeathmie function, Dierentaiing & and tnx Further Teiganometrie ldentietes The facie frrmlng Further Triganametric Funetlons Expressing acos@ § sin a8 sin (=a) Soluing the eqnatian a cas8 ¢ sin — ¢- Solving the equation cna.4 — cos. Faseres cigonametric fvetis, Anpuoxinations fox sind co pnd and ot sal. ois Dimerentiation of Trigonometric Funetions ‘The destvacives of rhe trig Cunttions and the inverse ‘vig omewons. Extending che chain ele 29 aw 3 a4 270 Chapter 24 rapes 25 cropeer 26 Chapter 27 crepver 2 Chapter 29 Dirtaraneiating impllett and Parametric Functions Diterentatng implicit functions. T otitis ‘ferentiation Dilferentnting "Seething and finding the gmdient fugeon of a cure wilh parantric equations ‘Applications of Differentiation small merements. Small percentage increases. ramparative rates af change Contosidation D Stralghe Lines 2 Cuoutinates of a paint dividing a line ina given rato the angle between Wee “inet The disance af a point from a straight ine, Reduction of a aelationship wa Tinea aw Coontinate Geometry and Curves Lack. The equation ofa ciecle, Lquusine uf tangents co sitolee Teushing circles. The cowle sections: the paeahelp, ellipse and hypedoala and thelr cavesion aud paramere evaton. Basie meageation Lnteyraion 4s the revene of dfferemation, nlegrating aAsum or anference of functions. Integration 253 process uf summation: finding areas hy integration Define tegration. The trapezius vule for Finding an approsimale value of a definite integral. Sinpeow’s rile Further ineegration 1 Stonilaul‘yegeals. niegration af products of funetons by recoparinn al be ohmge uf variable. Uncgration ty pans eo 407 a 406 wm Chapter 30 rapier at Chapter 32 Chaprer 88 Chapter 34 Algebra 2 Relationships betwen the roots aul cveicenty uf ‘quadeaic equations. Dividing one polyaosrial Sinother, Partial fractions ielucing the coverup meth for near denominators, The temaieter thearem, The ficor Dieozem and is use in solving polynomial equations Inenection af amoes a the Hgnificance of coincident pois of intercuton, Further integration 2 lwegrating fractions hy recognition, by substation ane! by Using patil fractions. The use of partial ~ frectioas én Alfeceniarion, Inesiating compaunsd (aigontetric Hvoetions Spieematie integration Standard infegrals. A ow chart for slassifyiug an inten, First order diferential equations wid separable variables, ‘Applications of Caleulue Rates nf mcceaae: Kinematic - mation ins stisight Tine, Nara cvioner oF difereal equations Tinding compound areas, Voluete of revolution (Centro and frst moment of ares, Centro srl fist momen: of volume of reveluon, The mean value of fanction. Consolidation E umber Sertes Difnition of »sequeaes anda sevies. The lama notstion. Arithietis progtesions. Geaszsiric tsneressions. Consergence of seick and the sue (© Infinity ata acometic propressins, Method of <Giterences toe Linding Ihe sui Ola series, The satura humor sees a “9 532 se sa 391 Chapter 36 chapner 36 CChapres 37 Chapter 38 Chapter 38 Permutations and Combinations Definition of ¢ permutation sal of @ sombination Factorial actation. Citcalaeaviaagemants. Faependent and ruutoally exclusive petenutatfons anal eaxabinatons ‘The Binomis! Theorem and nther Power Series “The expancion af ix +a where is 9 positive integ. {Csing the inguniat theaters to Find apyeovneatins ‘The expansion of (a+) where i any wal musnber, Soros expoasions of eqponcotial seal bgaihinie functions Curve Sketching ‘Curie sketching using transformations, Fen, odd and _posodic Fmutions. Ceacinuss Funetins, The mols OF 8 Fuserion Taegu Contalidation # Solution of Equadions Summary of metheals for selving igonoretric ‘squations, Exponential aud lugarthanie ution Polynomial eons with repeated root Locate Ue Toots wf an equution.ferative methods for finding "ppcoximate clusions the Newnon-Raplson metioe End the x = ac) method, ‘Working In Three Dimersions Definitiun of wector. Eywall and pacallel sectors, Moltpleing Verio by # sale. Adding vectors. Angle hetween 1 sever, The position vector oF a point Aividing 4 Tine in 4 given Talo, the eartesan wait yectars if and ky Dievtiva muti. ‘Theee dimensional cooedinategeomry length of w be and coordinates oF paint disiding Tine iw given raha, The sector ‘ewan of a sicuighs Une: eactesinn are parametric ‘equatianc of ebaight line, Parallel, ntesoeing nid aie oa on 605 ov a” Chapter 40 shew lings. The seat prevast Resolsed pans of 8 teciue The teeter equation ata plane: eartosiag and poramctie equatinn¢ of @ plane. The angle herwesn fea plates gad econ Tine and ple Complex Numbers Imsginasy wumbvrs, Conplen amabors addition, subtraction, mulpliation snd Uiision, Conjueaie comples niimbers. Tae sare routs fa complex ppumaber. Complex roots uf yuatlratc equations. The Argand diagram. A complex number asa vector. The ‘iodulus and argument of a complex number Faxpressing + Flas vices d= 1nd} Conpottaation NOTES ON USE OF THE BOOK m3 Notation is cqual to fs ch that is Serial to Me catia nucers is approtimately qual wt Zhe tego > ingrestar han he rational aucabers 3 egrenecr chan orequil oR the weal numbers % isles than RR! Be pratve eal numbers stereo orcqual eo cxclaling infin otis lage 2 he cumple mumbece 195 A igtiee [od] the mama tera 2% <A] =e ioped by {i0d) he inal fee © x € 2 implica is imptiod by (61 the infos fee <7 < ) 10 Sit member af Acstcoketheuugh 4 sysbol negares eR 7 means soe equal an Abbreviations Wis partie» vert with poet t0 He psitse fp exponen exp: means « te hepative Usefut Formulae Fora cone with base radits , eight & aad slant height £ volume = ynr%h —cunved sunfase area = art tora sphere of cudius + volume = Snr suntace area oruny pyramid with height & and base arcu a volume = ‘ah Computer Program References IMaeginal yma mlicate 9 computer program shi rogims feing idenfied in rhe fallavang manner, [' a is helpful ruprans No. 4 Feo £32 Short Prgms Jor the Marhemares 1 Clasrocin ay sa] Su Graph Instructlans for Answering Multiple Choice Exercises ar “These enemsises are included in ale consolidation stetion The questions are set in group, ech group representing ee othe wariations that may arive in examination papers. he answering techniques are different fur each group and ure lasted as tollows: Ter ‘These yacsions ounsist of @ problem follow hy several alternaive answers. oily one of wih is erect Wille dow the eer corresponding ly the enerect ase Wee In this tyne af question some information iy given and i followed by a inmber af respnses. (near mare ofthese Fl.ouns) ditenly ane nooestarly trom th information given ‘Wate down the Ketiets)carrespnnctag to the ourect response ig POR is 9 Winngle 2P+ 2047 = Loe PO+OR is tees thon PR i EP is ubtuse. 20 and ZR must both be aewe ZPa¥r 2Q5 8, Ze a cae The curect sponses are A and ie. feds nn Gallas dicey and nocsauadly fo the iefocaacion given TRespeinsec a this kind should nt he regarded as socrect. vl i delintey icornect und D may or may noche tra aftviangle POR, a CHAPTER t ALGEBRA 1 ‘The ability to manipulece slgehealccepressinns ivan essantial bass for say mathematics cauese heyond GCSE. Applying the processes Invelsed aceds roy almas: as instinctive a8 the silty im msnipulate Sienple numbees. This and the nox Tan chapres prestat She Hts al pluvide practi nevssae forthe developement of these skills MULTIPLICATION OF ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS ‘The multphcation sign is usually omited. so that. for example, 2g means 24 ana 2219 ean be simpli’ ta ay emenber aly ha C2 sting of mumbecs and eters are mali ‘he rubipcation cam be dane ia way ander. for example pra = Denne 09 Powers can be used to simply expresivus such ie x 3, aud weal sree a? Mut mamember that a power efor only lo the number ar leer its ‘wetlen above, for example 2? ava thet i squared, but 2s aot

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