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Core entropy and biaccessibility of quadratic polynomials Wolf Jung Gesamtschule Aachen-Brand Rombachstrasse 99,52078Aachen,Germany. 4 E-mail: [email protected] 1 0 2 n Abstract a J For complex quadratic polynomials, the topology of the Julia set and the dynamics 0 areunderstood fromanother perspective byconsidering theHausdorffdimension of 2 biaccessinganglesandthecoreentropy: thetopologicalentropyontheHubbardtree. ] These quantities are related according toThurston. Tiozzo [60] has shown continu- S ity on principal veins of the Mandelbrot set M. This result is extended to all veins D here, and it is shown that continuity with respect to the external angle q will imply . h continuity in the parameter c. Level sets of the biaccessibility dimension are de- t a scribed, which are related to renormalization. Hölder asymptotics atrational angles m are found, confirming the Hölder exponent given by Bruin–Schleicher [11]. Partial [ results towards local maxima at dyadic angles are obtained as well, and a possible 1 self-similarity ofthedimensionasafunctionoftheexternalangleissuggested. v 2 9 7 1 Introduction 4 . 1 0 For a real unimodal map f(x), the topological entropy h=logl is quantifying the com- 4 plexity of iteration: e.g., the number of monotonic branches of fn(x) grows like l n. 1 : Moreover, f(x) is semi-conjugate to a tent map of slope l ; so l is an averaged rate v ± of expansion, which is a topological invariant [38, 42, 2]. Consider a complex quadratic i X polynomial f (z)=z2+cwithitsfilled Juliaset K ,which isdefined in Section 2: c c r a At least in the postcritically finite case, the interesting dynamics happens on the • Hubbard tree T K : other arcs are iterated homeomorphically to T , which is c c c ⊂ folded over itself, producing chaotic behavior. The core entropy h(c) is the topo- logicalentropyof f (z)on T [1, 31, 57]. c c On the other hand, for c = 2 the external angles of these arcs have measure 0, • 6 − and the endpoints of K correspond to angles of full measure in the circle. This c phenomenonisquantifiedbytheHausdorffdimensionB (c)ofbiaccessingangles: top thebiaccessibilitydimension[63, 67, 51, 10, 36, 11]. Accordingto Thurston,thesequantitiesarerelated by h(c)=log2 B (c), whichallows top · tocombinetoolsfromdifferentapproaches: e.g.,B (c)iseasilydefinedforeveryparam- top eter c in the Mandelbrot set M, but hard to compute explicitly. h(c) is easy to compute 1 andtoanalyzewhen f (z)ispostcriticallyfinite. Butforsomeparametersc,thecoremay c becometoo largebytakingtheclosureoftheconnected hullofthecritical orbitin K . c The postcritically finite case is discussed in Section 3. A Markov matrix A is associated to the Hubbard tree, describing transitions between the edges. Its largest eigenvalue l gives the core entropy h(c) = logl . An alternative matrix is due to Thurston [21, 22]. Or l is obtained from matching conditions for a piecewise-linear model with constant expansion rate. This approach is more convenient for computing specific examples, but the matrix A may be easier to analyze. Known results are extended to all renormalizable maps f (z). HereAisreducibleorimprimitive,anditsblocksarecompared: puresatellite c renormalization gives a rescaling h(c c) = 1h(c). Lower bounds of h(c) for b -type p∗ p Misiurewicz points and for primitive centers show that in the primitive renormalizable b b case, the dynamics on the small Julia sets is negligible in terms of entropy, so h(c) is constant on maximal-primitivesmall Mandelbrot sets M M. Moreover, it is strictly p ⊂ monotonic between them. An alternative proof of h(c) = log2 B (c) shows that the top · externalanglesofT havefinitepositiveHausdorffmeasure. c In Section 4, the biaccessibility dimension is defined combinatorially for every angle q S1andtopologicallyforeveryparameterc M. Whencbelongstotheimpressionof ∈ ∈ theparameter ray R (q ), we haveB (c)=B (q ) [10]. This relationmeans that non- M top comb landing dynamic rays have angles of negligible Hausdorff dimension, but a discussion of non-local connectivity is avoided here by generalizing results from the postcritically finite case: the biaccessibility dimension is constant on maximal-primitive Mandelbrot sets, and strictly monotonic between them. Components of a level set of positive B (c) top are maximal-primitive Mandelbrot sets or points. Examples of accumulation of point components are discussed. In [11, 60] the Thurston relation h(c) = log2 B (c) was top · obtained for all parameters c, such that the core T is topologically finite. The proof c extendsto compacttrees withinfinitelymanyendpoints. In an email of March 2012 quoted in [21], Thurston announced proofs of continuity for B (q )byHubbard,Bruin–Schleicher,andhimself. InMay2012,aproofwithsymbolic comb dynamics was given in [11], but it is currently under revision. In the present paper, it is shown that continuity of B (q ) on S1 will imply continuity of B (c) on M. Again, a comb top discussionofnon-localconnectivitycanbeavoided,sincethebiaccessibilitydimensionis constant on primitiveMandelbrot sets. See version 2 of [11] for an alternativeargument. Tiozzo [60] has shown that h(c) and B (c) are continuouson principal veins of M; this top resultisextendedto allveinshere. In Section 5, statements of Bruin–Schleicher, Zakeri, and Tiozzo [10, 11, 65, 66, 60] on the biaccessibility dimension of M are generalized to arbitrary pieces. In Section 6, Markovmatricesareusedagaintoshowageometricscalingbehaviorofthecoreentropy for specific sequences of angles, which converge to rational angles; for these examples the Hölder exponent of B (q ) given in [11] is optimal. The asymptotics of sequences comb suggests the question, whether the graph of B (q ) is self-similar; cf. the example in comb Figure1. PartialresultstowardstheTiozzoConjecture[60]areobtainedaswell,whichis concerning local maxima of B (q ) at dyadic angles. Some computations of character- comb isticpolynomialsaresketchedinAppendixA.Fortherealcase,statementsonpiecewise- linear models [38] and on the distribution of Galois conjugates [58, 59, 61] are reported in Appendix B to round off the discussion. See [10, 11] for the approach with symbolic dynamicsand [21, 22] forthestructureofcriticalportraits. 2 The present paper aims at a systematicexpositionof algebraic and analytic aspects; so it contains a mixture of well-known, extended, and new results. I have tried to give proper creditsandreferencestopreviousorindependentwork,andIapologizeforpossibleomis- sions. SeveralpeopleareworkingonreconstructingandextendingBillThurston’sresults. IhavebeeninspiredbyhintsfromordiscussionswithHenkBruin,GaoYan,SarahKoch, MichaelMertens,Dierk Schleicher, Tan Lei, and GiulioTiozzo. n=0 n=1 → ւ n=2 n=3 → ւ n=4 n=5 → Figure 1: The biaccessibility dimension is related to the growth factor l by B (q ) = comb log(l (q ))/log2. Consider zooms of l (q ) centered at q = 1/4 with l = 1.69562077. The 0 0 widthis0.201 2 n andtheheightis1.258 l n. Thereseemstobealocalmaximumatq and × − × 0− 0 akindofself-similaritywithrespecttothecombinedscalingby2andbyl . SeeExample6.1for 0 theasymptotics ofB (q )onspecificsequences ofanglesq q . comb n→ 0 3 2 Background A short introduction to the complex dynamics of quadratic polynomials is given to fix some notations. The definitions of topological entropy and of Hausdorff dimension are recalled, and conceptsfornon-negativematrices arediscussed. 2.1 Quadratic dynamics Quadratic polynomials are parametrized conveniently as f (z)= z2+c. The filled Julia c set K contains all points z with a bounded orbit under the iteration, and the Mandelbrot c set M contains those parameters c, such that K is connected. Dynamic rays R (j ) c c are curves approaching ¶ K from the exterior, having the angle 2pj at ¥ , such that c f (R (j ))=R (2j ). They are defined as preimages of straight rays under the Böttcher c c c mapF : C K C D. ParameterraysR (q )approach¶ M [40,49];theyaredefined c c M \ → \ intermsoftheDouadymapF : C M C DwithF (c):=F (c). Thelandingpoint b b M \ → \ M c isdenotedbyz=g (j )orc=g (q ),respectively,buttheraysneednotlandforirrational c M b b angles,seeFigure3. Thereare twocases ofpostcriticallyfinitedynamics: When the parameter c is a Misiurewicz point, the critical value z = c is strictly • preperiodic. Both c ¶ M and c ¶ K have the same external angles, which are c ∈ ∈ preperiodicunderdoubling. When c is the center of a hyperbolic component, the critical orbit is periodic and • contained in superattracting basins. The external angles of the root of the compo- nent coincide with the characteristic angles of the Fatou basin around z = c; the characteristicpointmay havemoreperiodicangles inthesatellitecase. In both cases, the Hubbard tree [16, 26] is obtained by connecting the critical orbit with regulated arcs, which are traveling through Fatou basins along internal rays. Fixing a characteristicangleq ofc,thecircleS1=R/Zispartitionedbythediameterjoiningq /2 and (q +1)/2 and the orbit of an angle j S1 under doublingis encoded by a sequence ∈ of symbols A,B, or 1,0, . There is a corresponding partition of the filled Julia set, so ∗ ∗ pointsz K aredescribedbysymbolicdynamicsaswell. Thekneadingsequenceisthe c itinerary∈ofq orofc, see[26, 49, 10]. M consists of the closed main cardioid and its limbs, which are labeled by the rotation number at the fixed point a ; the other fixed point b is an endpoint of K . A partial c c c order on M is defined such that c c when c is disconnected from 0 in M c . See ′ ′ ≺ \{ } Sections3.3and4.1forthenotionofrenormalization[14,15,25,39,48,28],whichisex- plainingsmallJuliasetswithinJuliasetsandsmallMandelbrotsetswithintheMandelbrot set. Primitive and satellite renormalization may be nested; a primitivesmall Mandelbrot set will be called maximal-primitive, if it is not contained in another primitive one. A pure satellite is attached to the main cardioid by a series of satellite bifurcations, so it is notcontainedin aprimitiveMandelbrotset. 2.2 Topological entropy Suppose X is a compact metric space and f : X X is continuous. The topological → entropy is measuring the complexity of iteration from the growth rate of the number of 4 distinguishable orbits. The first definition assumes an open cover U and considers the minimalcardinalityV (n)ofasubcover,suchthatallpointsinasetofthesubcoverhave U thesameitinerarywithrespect toU fornsteps. See, e.g., [17, 31]. Thesecond definition is using the minimal numberVe (n) of points, such that every orbit is e -shadowed by one ofthesepointsfornsteps [8,37]. Wehave 1 1 htop(f,X):=sUupnlim¥ n logVU(n)=elim0limn s¥up n logVe (n). (1) → → → For a continuous, piecewise-monotonic interval map, the growth rate of monotonic branches (laps) may be used instead, or the maximal growth rate of preimages [42, 17]. The same result applies to endomorphisms of a finite tree [2, 31]. Moreover, f is semi- conjugate to a piecewise-linear model of constant expansion rate l when h (f,X) = top logl > 0; this is shown in [38, 17, 2] for interval maps and in [4] for tree maps. See Section B for the relation to the kneading determinant and Section 4.4 for continuity re- sults [38, 42, 43, 17, 2]. If p : X Y is a surjective semi-conjugation from f : X X → → to g:Y Y, then h (g,Y) h (f,X). Equality follows when every fiber is finite, but top top → ≤ fibercardinalityneed notbeboundedglobally[8, 37]. 2.3 Hausdorff dimension The d-dimensional Hausdorff measure is a Borel outer measure. It is defined as follows foraboundedsubsetX R orasubsetX S1 =R/Z: ⊂ ⊂ m (X):= lim inf(cid:229) U d (2) d i e 0 U | | → i Here the coverU of X is a countable family of intervalsU of length U e . They may i i | |≤ beassumedtobeopenorclosed,alignedtonestedgridsornot,buttheimportantpointis thattheymaybeofdifferentsize. Whenanintervalisreplaced withtwosubintervals,the sum may grow in fact when d <1. In general, the Hausdorff measure of X may be easy toboundfromabovebyusingintervalsofthesamesize,butitwillbehardtoboundfrom below,sincethisrequires to find an optimalcoverwithintervalsofdifferentsizes. The Hausdorff dimension dim(X) is the unique number in [0,1], such that m (X) = ¥ d for 0 d < dim(X) and m (X) = 0 for dim(X) < d 1. For d = dim(X), the Haus- d dorff m≤easure m (X) may be 0, positive and finite, or≤¥ . The Hausdorff dimension of a d countableset is 0 and the dimensionof a countableunion is thesupremum ofthe dimen- sions. Again, dim(X) may be easy to bound from above by the box dimension, which correspondstoequidistantcovers,butitishardertoboundfrombelow. Sometimesthisis achieved by constructing a suitable mass distribution according to the Frostman Lemma [19, 65]. When X S1 isclosed and invariantunderdoublingF(j )=2j , theHausdorff ⊂ dimensiondim(X)is equalto thebox dimensionaccordingto Furstenberg [20]. 2.4 Perron–Frobenius theory ThePerron theory of matrices with positiveelements was extended by Frobenius to non- negativematrices,see[24]. WeshallneedthefollowingfeaturesofasquarematrixA 0: ≥ 5 There is a non-negative eigenvalue l with non-negative eigenvector, such that all • eigenvalues of A are l in modulus. l is bounded above by the maximal sum of ≤ rowsorcolumns,and boundedbelowbytheminimalsum. A 0 is called reducible, if it is conjugate to a block-triangular matrix by a per- • ≥ mutation. It is irreducible (ergodic) if the corresponding directed graph is strongly connected. Then l is positive and it is an algebraically simple eigenvalue. The eigenvectorofl is positive,and othereigenvectorsarenotnon-negative. An irreducible A 0 is called primitive (mixing), if the other eigenvalues have • ≥ modulus<l . Equivalently,An >0element-wiseforsomen. IfAisirreduciblebutimprimitivewith p>1eigenvaluesofmodulusl ,itscharac- • teristic polynomial is of the form xkP(xp). The Frobenius normal form shows that thereare p subspaces mappedcyclicallybyA. IfB Aelement-wisewithB=A andAisprimitive,thenl >l . Thisisproved B A • ≥ 6 by choosing n with An >0, noting Bn An, so Bn+1 is strictly larger than An+1 in at least one row and one column, and≥finally B2n+1 > A2n+1. Now fix e > 0 with B2n+1 (1+e )A2n+1 andconsiderhigherpowersto showl 2n+√1 1+el . B A ≥ ≥ To obtain l numerically from A 0, we do not need to determine the characteristic ≥ polynomialanditsroots: forsomepositivevectorv computev =Anv recursively,then 0 n 0 l =lim n v convergesslowly. IfAisirreducibleandprimitive,l =lim v / v n n+1 n k k k k k k willconvpergeexponentiallyfast. 3 Postcritically finite polynomials and core entropy Suppose f (z) is postcritically finite and consider the Hubbard tree T . Since the col- c c lection of vertices is forward invariant, each edge is mapped to one edge or to several adjacentedges. ThustheedgesformaMarkovpartition(strictlyspeaking,atessellation). By numbering the edges, the map is described by a non-negativematrix A with entries 0 and1,suchthatthe j-thcolumnisshowingwherethe j-thedgeofT ismappedby f (z). c c The Markov matrix A is the transition matrix of the Markov partition and the adjacency matrixoftheMarkovdiagram. Often thetransposed matrixisused instead. In theprepe- riodic case, no postcritical point is mapped to the critical point z=0. So we still have a Markov partition when the two edges at 0 are considered as one edge, but mapping this edgewillcovertheedgebefore z=ctwice, resultinginan entry of2 in A. Definition3.1 (Markovmatrix and coreentropy) For a postcritically finite quadratic polynomial f (z), the Markov matrix A is the transi- c tion matrix for the edges of the Hubbard tree T . Its highest eigenvalue l gives the core c entropyh(c):=logl . Equivalently,h(c):=h (f ,T ) isthetopologicalentropyonT . top c c c The i-th row of A says which edges are mapped to an arc covering the i-th edge. Since f : T T issurjectiveandatmost2:1,thesumofeachrowofAis1or2,sothehighest c c c → eigenvalue of A satisfies 1 l 2. The largest entries of An are growing as l n when l >1. (Notasnkl n: accor≤ding≤toSection3.3,Amaybereduciblebutl >1c≍orresponds to a unique irreducible block, which need not be primitive.) Since the entries of An give 6 the number of preimages of edges, the same estimate applies to the maximal cardinality of preimages f n(z ) in T . There are various ways to show that logl is the topological c− 0 c entropyof f (z)on theHubbard treeT : c c By expansivity,every edgeis iteratedto an edgeatz=0,so thepreimages of0are • growing by l n even if the edges at 0 correspond to an irreducible block of lower eigenvalues. Sothenumberofmonotonicbranchesof fn(z)isgrowingbythesame c rate, whichdeterminesthetopologicalentropyaccording to[2]. This criterion is obtained from the definition according to Section 2.2 by showing • that the open cover may be replaced with closed arcs having common endpoints, andthat themaximalgrowthrateisattainedalready forthegivenedges[17, 31]. According to [4], f (z) on T is semi-conjugate to a piecewise-linear model with c c • constant expansion rate l when the topological entropy is logl > 0. See also [38, 17] for real parameters and [60] for parameters on veins. Now the highest eigenvector of the transposed matrix A is assigning a Markov length to the edges, ′ such that f (z) corresponds to multiplying the length with l . Note that according c tothedecomposition(3)inSection3.3,theedgesinaprimitivesmallJuliasethave Markovlength0 and willbesqueezed topointsbythesemi-conjugation. 3.1 Computing the core entropy Letusstartwithfourexamplesofpostcriticallyfiniteparameterscinthe1/3-limbofM. Theexternalangleq =3/15givesaprimitivecenterofperiod4. Theotherexamplesare preperiodicandtheedgesatz=0areunited. q =1/4definesab -typeMisiurewiczpoint of preperiod 2 and q = 9/56 gives an a -type Misiurewicz point of preperiod 3 and ray period3;itissatelliterenormalizableofperiod3andtheMarkovmatrixAisimprimitive ofindex3. Andq =1/6 givesc=i,a Misiurewiczpointwithpreperiod1 and period2. q = 3 q = 1 q = 9 q = 1 15 4 56 6 0=c4 7→c1 b c =c3 7→c3 a c =c4 7→c4 c3 7→c2 c c c c s 1 s 1 s 1 s 1 ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ c c ❚ s4 sc ❚ sc ❚s4 sc ❚ sc 3 3 3 3 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔s ✔s s✔ ✔s c c c c 2 2 2 2 0 0 1 1  1 0 0 0  0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 0  1 0 0   1 0 0   1 0 1     0 1 1 0  0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0         l 4 2l 1=0 l 3 l 2 2=0 l 3 2=0 l 3 l 2=0 − − − − − − − l =1.395337 l =1.695621 l =1.259921 l =1.521380 Figure 2: Examples of Hubbard trees and Markov matrices defined by an angle q . Here f (z) c mapsc=c c c c andtheedgesarenumberedsuchthatthefirstedgeisbeforec =c. 1 2 3 4 1 7→ 7→ 7→ 7 Instead of computing the characteristic polynomial of the Markov matrix A, we may use a piecewise-linear model with expansion constant l >1 to be matched: in Figure 2, the edgesorarcs froma to c , c , c havelengthl , l 2, l 3 when[0, a ] haslength1. c 1 2 3 c Forq =3/15,wehave[ a ,c ] [a ,c ],so l (l 3 2)=1. ± c 3 c 4 − 7→ − Forq =1/4,wehave[ a ,c ] [a ,c ],so l (l 3 2)=l 3. c 3 c 3 Forq =9/56,wehave−c = a 7→, sol 3 =2. − 3 c − Forq =1/6,wehave[ a ,c ] [a ,c ],so l (l 3 2)=l 2. c 3 c 2 − 7→ − Example3.2(Lowest periods and preperiods inlimbs) The p/q-limb of M contains those parameters c, such that the fixed point a has the c rotationnumber p/q. Theprincipalveinisthearcfrom0totheb -typeMisiurewiczpoint ofpreperiodq 1. TheexamplesinFigure2canbegeneralizedbyconsideringsequences − of Markov matrices or by replacing l 3 2 with l q 2 for the piecewise-linear models. Thisgivesthefollowingpolynomialsfo−rl : − b -typeMisiurewiczpointofpreperiod q 1: xq xq 1 2=0 [1] − − − − Primitivecenter ofperiodq+1: xq+1 2x 1=0 a -typeMisiurewiczpointofpreperiod−q: x−q =2 Theseequationsshowthath(c)isnotHöldercontinuouswithrespecttotheexternalangle q as q 0, seeSection 4.5. → Example3.3(Sequences onprincipal veins) On the principal vein of the p/q-limb, the b -type Misiurewicz point is approached by a sequence of centers c and a -type Misiurewicz points a of increasing periods and n n preperiods. The corresponding polynomials for l are obtained from piecewise-linear n modelsagain, orby consideringa sequence ofmatrices. The polynomialis simplifiedby summinga geometricseries andmultiplyingwithl 1: − Centerc ofperiodn q+1: xn+1 xn 2xn+1 q+x+1=0 n − ≥ − − a -typeMisiurewiczpointa ofpreperiodn q: xn+1 xn 2xn+1 q+2=0 n − These polynomialsimply monotonicityof l≥and give−geom−etric asymptotics by writing n xn+1 xn 2xn+1 q =xn+1 q (xq xq 1 2); note that the largest root l of the latter − − − 0 − − · − − polynomialcorresponds totheendpointoftheveinaccording toExample3.2: Forc wehavel l K l n withK = l 0+1 >0. n n ∼ 0− c· 0− c q (q 1)/l 0 Fora wehavel l K l n withK = − −2 >0. n n ∼ 0− a· 0− a q (q 1)/l 0 See Proposition 6.2 and Appendix A for a deta−iled−computation and Remark 6.4 for the relationtoHöldercontinuity. Example3.4(Sequences onthe real axis) Thereal axis istheprincipalveinofthe1/2-limb;settingq=2 inExample3.3,dividing byl +1 and notingl =2 at theendpointc= 2 gives: 0 − c ofperiod n 3: xn 2xn 1+1=0,l 2 2 2 n n − n − a ofpreperiod≥n 2:−xn+1 xn 2xn 1+∼2=−0, l· 2 4 2 n n ≥ − − − n ∼ −3· − Nowconsiderthea -typeMisiurewiczpointa withtheexternalangleq =5/12andwith 2 l = √2, which is the tip of the satellite Mandelbrot set of period 2. It is approached a from above(with respect to , i.e., from the left) by centers c of periods n=3,5,7,... ′n ≺ related to the Šharkovski˘ı ordering. The entropy was computed by Štefan [54], and the centers ofeven periods before a (to theright)are treated analogously. Again, geometric 2 asymptoticsareobtainedfrom thesequenceofpolynomialsforl : n′ c ofperiod n=3,5,7,...: xn 2xn 2 1=0, l l + 1 l n ′n − − − n′ ∼ a √2· a− 8 c ofperiod n=4,6,8,...: xn 2xn 2+1=0, l l 1 l n ′n − − n′ ∼ a−√2· a− Note that for even periods n, the polynomial for l is imprimitive of index 2, which is n′ related tothesatelliterenormalizationaccording toSection 3.3. Constructing the Hubbard tree T from an external angle q is quite involved [10]. In c [21, 22] an alternative matrix F by Thurston is described, which is obtained from an externalanglewithoutemployingtheHubbardtree. Actually,onlythekneadingsequence oftheangleisrequired to determineF from theparts ofT 0 : c \{ } Proposition3.5 (Alternativematrixby Thurston and Gao) From a rational angle or from a -periodic or preperiodic kneading sequence, construct ∗ atransitionmatrixF. Thebasicvectorsrepresent non-orientedarcsbetween postcritical j points c = f (0), j 1, and [c ,c ] is mapped to [c ,c ] by F unless its endpoints j c j k j+1 k+1 ≥ areindifferentpartsofK 0 : then itismapped to[c ,c ]+[c ,c ]. c 1 j+1 1 k+1 \{ } Nowthelargesteigenvaluesof theThurstonmatrixF and theMarkovmatrixA coincide. Thiscombinatorialdefinitioncorrespondstothefactthatanarccoveringz=0ismapped 2:1toanarcatz=cby f (z). Arcsatc areomittedinthepreperiodiccase,becausethey c 0 would generate a diagonal 0-block anyway. Note that in general F is considerably larger than A; it will contain large nilpotent blocks and it may contain additional blocks, which seem to be cyclic. In the case of b -type Misiurewiczpoints, a small irreducible block of F isobtainedin Proposition3.8.3. Proof: Gao [22] is using a non-square incidence matrix C, which is mapping each arc to a sum of edges, so AC =CF. Consider the non-negative Frobenius eigenvectors to obtain equality of the highest eigenvalues: if Fy = l y then Cy is an eigenvector of A F with eigenvalue l . The transposed matrices satisfy F C =C A and if A x=l x, then F ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ A C x is an eigenvector of F with eigenvalue l . (Note thatCy andC x are not 0, because ′ ′ A ′ C has anon-zero entry ineach rowand each column.) Asanalternativeargument,defineatopologicalspaceX asaunionofarcs[c ,c ] K , c j k c ⊂ which are considered to be disjoint except for common endpoints. There is a natural projectionp : X T andaliftF : X X of f (z),suchthatp isasemi-conjugation c c c c c c c c and F is the transi→tion matrix of F . No→w any z T has a finite fiber p 1(z) = x c c c− i ∈ { } ⊂ X and we have the disjoint union F n(x) = p 1(f n(z)). Choosing z such that the c c− i c− c− cardinality of f n(z) is growing bySl n shows l l . And choosing z such that the cardinalityofFc−n(x )is growingby l An givesl A ≤l .F c− 1 F F ≤ A Note that F is determined from the kneading sequence of c =c, which can be obtained 1 fromtheexternalangleq asan itinerary. Alternatively,consideramatrixwherethebasic vectors represent pairs of angles 2j 1q ,2k 1q ; it will be the same as F except in the − − { } preperiodic satellite case, where c is entering a repelling p-cycle of ray period rp > p. 1 (This cycle contains the characteristic point of a satellite component before the Misi- urewiczpointc.) The matrixof transitionsbetween pairs ofangles will bedifferent from F, but the largest eigenvalue will be the same: pairs of equivalent angles are permuted cyclically and correspond to eigenvalues of modulus 1 [22]. Arcs of X with at least one c p-periodic endpoint are represented by several pairs of angles, but when a topological space is built from multiple copies of arcs, it comes with a semi-conjugation to X or to c T again. c 9 3.2 Estimates of the core entropy The edges of theHubbard tree are connecting the marked points: the critical orbit fn(0), c n 0, whichincludesall endpoints,and additionalbranch points. ≥ Lemma 3.6(Modified Markovmatrix) For a postcritically finite f (z), the Hubbard tree T and the associated Markov matrix c c A may be changed as follows, without changing the highest eigenvalue l , and without changingirreducibilityorprimitivity(except for item4 andforc= 1 in item2): − 1. If c is preperiodic, the two edges at z=0 may be considered as one edge by removing z=0 fromthemarked points;thusan eigenvalue0 hasbeen removed fromA. 2. For c in the 1/2-limb, the unmarked fixed point a may be marked, splitting one edge c intwo. Thisgives an additionaleigenvalueof 1. − 3. An unmarkedpreimageofa marked periodicor preperiodicpointmaybemarked. 4. Extend theHubbard treeT byattachingedges towards thefixed point b and/orsome c c ofitspreimages. This givesadditionaleigenvaluesof 1and 0,and itmakes A reducible. Thesemodificationsmay be combined, and item 3 can be applied recursively. Theproof is deferred to Appendix A. Figure 2 gives examples of item 1. Items 2 and 3 are applied inSection 3.3. Item4 showsthatforabiaccessibleparameterc, theHubbardtreeT may c beextendedinauniformwayforallparametersonthevein. E.g.,intherealcasewemay replace T = [c, f (c)] with [ b ,b ]. Item 4 is used as well to prove Proposition 6.6. c c c c − Note that a matrix with an eigenvalue 0, -1, or 1 will be reduced by a conjugation in GL(QN),but onlypermutationsareconsidered foraFrobeniusirreduciblematrix. Proposition3.7 (Monotonicity ofcore entropy, Penrose andTao Li) Coreentropyismonotonic: forpostcriticallyfinitec c wehaveh(c) h(c). ′ ′ ≺ ≤ Not all parameters are comparable with the partial order . In particular, many param- ≺ eters c are approached by branch points c before them, and parameters c in different ′ ′′ branches are not comparable to c. — The proof below employs Hubbard trees. Tao Li ′ [31]usedthesemi-conjugationfromtheangledoublingmap,seeSection4.2. Penrosehad obtaineda moregeneral statementforkneading sequences [44]. See also Proposition4.6 formonotonicitywithrespect to externalangles. Proof: The periodicand preperiodic points marked in the Hubbard tree T of f (z) move c c holomorphicallyfor parameters inthewakeofc. TheHubbard treeT contains thechar- c ′ acteristicpointz correspondingtocandtheconnectedhullT T ofitsorbitishomeo- c c ′ ⊂ ′ morphic to T , but the dynamics of f (z) is different in a neighborhood of z=0, which c c ′ is mapped behind the characteristic point. There is a forward-invariant Cantor setC T ⊂ defined by removing preimages of that neighborhood. To obtain the lower estimate of h(c), either note that the preimages of a suitable point in C under f (z) correspond to ′ c ′ those in T under f (z), or consider a semi-conjugation p from C T to T . If c is a c c c c ⊂ ′ center, hyperbolicarcs inT mustbecollapsedfirst. c Aparameterc M isab -typeMisiurewiczpoint,if fk(c)=b ;theminimalk 1isthe c c ∈ ≥ preperiod. ThefollowingresultswillbeneededforProposition3.11. Theweakerestimate log2 h(c) isobtainedfrom CorollaryE in [1];it doesnotgiveProposition3.11.2. ≥ k+1 10

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