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Coral Reefs : Journal of the International Society for Reef Studies 1995: Vol 14 Table of Contents PDF

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Preview Coral Reefs : Journal of the International Society for Reef Studies 1995: Vol 14 Table of Contents

Contents their sedimentary importance on the western Polunin NVC — Jennings S Abbreviation: (Rs) Reef sites | Great Bahama Bank slope 27 Prytz A — Larcombe P Allen KW — Fadiallah YH Gherardi DFM: A windward coralline algal ridge Ramananarivo N — Laroche J Antonius A: Incidence and prevalence of coral di- on Rocas Atoll, Atlantic Ocean (Rs) 34 Ridd PV — Larcombe P seases on coral reefs — what progress in research Glynn PW — Wellington GM Risk MJ, Sammarco PW, Edinger EN: Bioerosion in (Rs) 224 Grandcourt EM — Jennings S Acropora across the continental shelf of the Atkinson MJ, Carlson B, Crow GL: Coral growth in Greenstein BJ, Pandolfi JM, Moran PJ: Taphonomy Great Barrier Reef 79 high-nutrient, low-pH seawater: a case study of of crown-of-thorns starfish: implications for corals cultured at the Waikiki Aquarium, Honolu- recognizing ancient population outbreaks 91 Sammarco PW — Risk MJ lu, Hawaii 215 Grigg RW: Coral reefs in an urban embayment in Schuhmacher H: Our journal’s cover revisited (Rs) Ayukai T: Retention of phytoplankton and plankto- Hawaii: a complex case history controlled by 70 nic microbes on coral reefs within the Great Bar- natural and anthropogenic stress 253 Scoffin TP + Brown BE rier Reef, Australia 141 Spalding M: Global reef mapping (Rs) 214 Hillis L — Freile D Spencer Davies P: Coral nubbins and explants for Brown BE: Science and management 175 Hori N — Kan H reef assessment and laboratory ecotoxicology Brown BE, Dunne RP, Scoffin TP: Coral rock 267 extraction in the Maldives, central Indian Ocean Ichikawa K — Kan H Steven ADL — Meekan MG limiting the damage (Rs) 236 Sweatman HPA: A field study of fish predation on Budd AF, Johnson KG, Edwards JC: Caribbean Jennings S, Grandcourt EM, Polunin NVC: The juvenile crown-of-thorns starfish 47 reef coral diversity during the early to middle effects of fishing on the diversity, biomass and Miocene: an example from the Anguilla For- trophic structure of Seychelles’ reef fish com- Taylor PR — Crosby MP mation 109 munities 225 Johnson KG — Budd AF Veron JEN — Wellington GM Cabioch G, Montaggioni LF, Faure G: Holocene Johnson MS, Cumming RL: Genetic distinctness of Vijay Anand PE: Proximity of coral reefs and initiation and development of New Caledonian three widespread and morphologically variable mangroves in the Andaman Islands (Rs) 108 fringing reefs, SW Pacific 131 species of Drupella (Gastropoda, Muricidae) 71 Vogt HP: Coral reefs in Saudi Arabia: 3.5 years Carleton JH, Done TJ: Quantitative video sampling Jones MR: The Torres Reefs, North Queensland, after the Gulf War oil spill 271 of coral reef benthos: large-scale application 35 Australia — strong tidal flows a modern control on Carlson B — Atkinson MJ their growth 63 Ward S: Two patterns of energy allocation for Clark S, Edwards AJ: Coral transplantation as an growth, reproduction and lipid storage in the aid to reef rehabilitation: evaluation of a case Kan H, Hori N, Nakashima Y, Ichikawa K: The scleractinian coral Pocillopora damicornis 87 study in the Maldive Islands 201 evolution of narrow reef flats at high-latitude in Wellington GM, Dunbar RB: Stable isotopic Crosby MP, Drake SF, Eakin CM, Fanning NB, the Ryukyu Islands 123 signature of El Nifio-Southern Oscillation events Paterson A,T aylor PR, Wilson J: The United in eastern tropical Pacific reef corals 5 States Coral Reef Initiative: an overview of the Larcombe P, Ridd PV, Prytz A, Wilson B: Factors Wellington GM, Glynn PW, Veron JEN: Clipperton first steps 1 controlling suspended sediment on inner-shelf Island: a unique atoll in the eastern Pacific (Rs) Crow GL — Atkinson MJ coral reefs, Townsville, Australia 163 162 Cumming RL — Johnson MS Laroche J, Ramananarivo N: A preliminary survey Wells SM: Science and management of coral reefs: CW Cook Jr — Maragos JE of the artisanal fishery on coral reefs of the problems and prospects 177 Tulear Region (southwest Madagascar) 193 Wilson B — Larcombe P Doherty P, Dufour V, Planes:(Rs) 26 Lirman D, Fong P: The effects of Hurricane Wilson J — Crosby MP Done TJ: Ecological criteria for evaluating coral Andrew and Tropical Storm Gordon on Florida Woesik R van: Coral communities at high latitude reefs and their implications for managers and Reefs (Rs) 172 are not pseudopopulations: evidence of spawning researchers 183 Littler DS — Littler MM at 32°N, Japan 119 Done TJ — Carleton JH Littler MM, Littler DS: A colonial tunicate Wulff JL: Effects of a hurricane on survival and Drake SF — Crosby MP smothers corals and coralline algae on the Great orientation of large erect coral reef sponges 55 Dufour V + Doherty P Astrolabe Reef, Fiji(Rs) 148 Dunbar RB — Wellington GM Yap HT — Montebon ARF Dunne RP — Brown BE Maragos JE, CW Cook Jr: The 1991-1992 rapid ecological assessment of Palau’s coral reefs 237 Eakin CM -> Crosby MP Meekan MG, Steven ADL, Fortin MJ: Spatial Edinger EN — Risk MJ patterns in the distribution of damselfishes on a Edwards AJ —» Clark S$ fringing coral reef 151 Edwards JC — Budd AF Milliman JD — Freile D Estudillo RA — Fadlallah YH Montaggioni LF — Cabioch G Montebon ARF, Yap HT: A device to enable Fadlallah YH, Allen KW, Estudillo RA: Mortality multi-replicate measurements in dissolved of shallow reef corals in the western Arabian Gulf oxygen respirometry (Rs) 54 following aerial exposure in winter 99 Moran PJ — Greenstein BJ Fanning NB — Crosby MP Faure G — Cabioch G Nakashima Y — Kan H Acknowledgement to referees 276 Fong P — Lirman D Fortin MJ — Meekan MG Pandolfi JM — Greenstein BJ International Society for Reef Studies 121,173,275 Freile D, Milliman JD, Hillis L: Leeward bank Paterson A —» Crosby MP margin Halimeda meadows and draperies and Planes S — Doherty P Indexed in Current contents Contents their sedimentary importance on the western Polunin NVC — Jennings S Abbreviation: (Rs) Reef sites | Great Bahama Bank slope 27 Prytz A — Larcombe P Allen KW — Fadiallah YH Gherardi DFM: A windward coralline algal ridge Ramananarivo N — Laroche J Antonius A: Incidence and prevalence of coral di- on Rocas Atoll, Atlantic Ocean (Rs) 34 Ridd PV — Larcombe P seases on coral reefs — what progress in research Glynn PW — Wellington GM Risk MJ, Sammarco PW, Edinger EN: Bioerosion in (Rs) 224 Grandcourt EM — Jennings S Acropora across the continental shelf of the Atkinson MJ, Carlson B, Crow GL: Coral growth in Greenstein BJ, Pandolfi JM, Moran PJ: Taphonomy Great Barrier Reef 79 high-nutrient, low-pH seawater: a case study of of crown-of-thorns starfish: implications for corals cultured at the Waikiki Aquarium, Honolu- recognizing ancient population outbreaks 91 Sammarco PW — Risk MJ lu, Hawaii 215 Grigg RW: Coral reefs in an urban embayment in Schuhmacher H: Our journal’s cover revisited (Rs) Ayukai T: Retention of phytoplankton and plankto- Hawaii: a complex case history controlled by 70 nic microbes on coral reefs within the Great Bar- natural and anthropogenic stress 253 Scoffin TP + Brown BE rier Reef, Australia 141 Spalding M: Global reef mapping (Rs) 214 Hillis L — Freile D Spencer Davies P: Coral nubbins and explants for Brown BE: Science and management 175 Hori N — Kan H reef assessment and laboratory ecotoxicology Brown BE, Dunne RP, Scoffin TP: Coral rock 267 extraction in the Maldives, central Indian Ocean Ichikawa K — Kan H Steven ADL — Meekan MG limiting the damage (Rs) 236 Sweatman HPA: A field study of fish predation on Budd AF, Johnson KG, Edwards JC: Caribbean Jennings S, Grandcourt EM, Polunin NVC: The juvenile crown-of-thorns starfish 47 reef coral diversity during the early to middle effects of fishing on the diversity, biomass and Miocene: an example from the Anguilla For- trophic structure of Seychelles’ reef fish com- Taylor PR — Crosby MP mation 109 munities 225 Johnson KG — Budd AF Veron JEN — Wellington GM Cabioch G, Montaggioni LF, Faure G: Holocene Johnson MS, Cumming RL: Genetic distinctness of Vijay Anand PE: Proximity of coral reefs and initiation and development of New Caledonian three widespread and morphologically variable mangroves in the Andaman Islands (Rs) 108 fringing reefs, SW Pacific 131 species of Drupella (Gastropoda, Muricidae) 71 Vogt HP: Coral reefs in Saudi Arabia: 3.5 years Carleton JH, Done TJ: Quantitative video sampling Jones MR: The Torres Reefs, North Queensland, after the Gulf War oil spill 271 of coral reef benthos: large-scale application 35 Australia — strong tidal flows a modern control on Carlson B — Atkinson MJ their growth 63 Ward S: Two patterns of energy allocation for Clark S, Edwards AJ: Coral transplantation as an growth, reproduction and lipid storage in the aid to reef rehabilitation: evaluation of a case Kan H, Hori N, Nakashima Y, Ichikawa K: The scleractinian coral Pocillopora damicornis 87 study in the Maldive Islands 201 evolution of narrow reef flats at high-latitude in Wellington GM, Dunbar RB: Stable isotopic Crosby MP, Drake SF, Eakin CM, Fanning NB, the Ryukyu Islands 123 signature of El Nifio-Southern Oscillation events Paterson A,T aylor PR, Wilson J: The United in eastern tropical Pacific reef corals 5 States Coral Reef Initiative: an overview of the Larcombe P, Ridd PV, Prytz A, Wilson B: Factors Wellington GM, Glynn PW, Veron JEN: Clipperton first steps 1 controlling suspended sediment on inner-shelf Island: a unique atoll in the eastern Pacific (Rs) Crow GL — Atkinson MJ coral reefs, Townsville, Australia 163 162 Cumming RL — Johnson MS Laroche J, Ramananarivo N: A preliminary survey Wells SM: Science and management of coral reefs: CW Cook Jr — Maragos JE of the artisanal fishery on coral reefs of the problems and prospects 177 Tulear Region (southwest Madagascar) 193 Wilson B — Larcombe P Doherty P, Dufour V, Planes:(Rs) 26 Lirman D, Fong P: The effects of Hurricane Wilson J — Crosby MP Done TJ: Ecological criteria for evaluating coral Andrew and Tropical Storm Gordon on Florida Woesik R van: Coral communities at high latitude reefs and their implications for managers and Reefs (Rs) 172 are not pseudopopulations: evidence of spawning researchers 183 Littler DS — Littler MM at 32°N, Japan 119 Done TJ — Carleton JH Littler MM, Littler DS: A colonial tunicate Wulff JL: Effects of a hurricane on survival and Drake SF — Crosby MP smothers corals and coralline algae on the Great orientation of large erect coral reef sponges 55 Dufour V + Doherty P Astrolabe Reef, Fiji(Rs) 148 Dunbar RB — Wellington GM Yap HT — Montebon ARF Dunne RP — Brown BE Maragos JE, CW Cook Jr: The 1991-1992 rapid ecological assessment of Palau’s coral reefs 237 Eakin CM -> Crosby MP Meekan MG, Steven ADL, Fortin MJ: Spatial Edinger EN — Risk MJ patterns in the distribution of damselfishes on a Edwards AJ —» Clark S$ fringing coral reef 151 Edwards JC — Budd AF Milliman JD — Freile D Estudillo RA — Fadlallah YH Montaggioni LF — Cabioch G Montebon ARF, Yap HT: A device to enable Fadlallah YH, Allen KW, Estudillo RA: Mortality multi-replicate measurements in dissolved of shallow reef corals in the western Arabian Gulf oxygen respirometry (Rs) 54 following aerial exposure in winter 99 Moran PJ — Greenstein BJ Fanning NB — Crosby MP Faure G — Cabioch G Nakashima Y — Kan H Acknowledgement to referees 276 Fong P — Lirman D Fortin MJ — Meekan MG Pandolfi JM — Greenstein BJ International Society for Reef Studies 121,173,275 Freile D, Milliman JD, Hillis L: Leeward bank Paterson A —» Crosby MP margin Halimeda meadows and draperies and Planes S — Doherty P Indexed in Current contents n o c Te Sa pe 5 ES ese

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