Coordination of ES w.r.t. terrestrial stations and Notification ITU Regional Radiocommunication Seminar for the ASIA&PACIFIC Apia, Samoa 19-23 September 2016 1 Two steps to be followed Coordination Notification Submission of AP4 Submission of AP4 data to affected ADMs data to BR Article 9 Article 11 2 Coordination of earth stations • Nos.9.6 : Before notifying to the Bureau or brining into use a frequency assignment of the following cases, an administration shall effect coordination. – No.9.15 : a specific earth station or typical earth station of a non- geostationary satellite network to which No.9.11A applies in respect of terrestrial station – No.9.17 : a specific earth station or typical mobile earth station above 100MHz except those under No.9.15 in respect of terrestrial station – No.9.17A : a specific earth station in respect of other earth stations operating in the opposite direction of transmission or typical mobile earth station in respect of specific earth stations operating in the opposite direction of transmission – No.9.21 : any station of a service for which the requirement to seek agreement is included in a footnote of the Table of Frequency Allocation • The coordination between an earth station and terrestrial stations under 9.15 and 9.17 or between earth stations operating in opposite direction of transmission under 9.17A applies only to assignments in bands allocated with equal right 3 Identification of coordination requirement (AP5) • Identification of administrations with which coordination to be effected – Coordination area of the earth station created using AP7 covers territories or the earth station located is located within the coordination area • and concerned frequency assignments – Recorded in MIFR with favourable findings or under 11.41 – Included in coordination procedure from the date of dispatch of coordination data under No.9.29 – Terrestrial stations or earth station operating in the opposite direction of transmission operating or to be operated prior to the date of bringing the earth station assignment into service or within next three years from the date of dispatch of coordination data under No.9.29, whichever is the longer 4 Submission of coordination data • 9.29 Requests for coordination under 9.15 to 9.19 shall be sent by the requesting administration to the identified administrations, together with the appropriate information listed in Appendix 4 to the Radio Regulations • SpaceCap software can be used for the capture of information required for coordination requests with the affected Administrations, and the resulting file can be sent to these affected Administrations • When coordination is completed, the same file can be converted to a notification notice to be submitted to the Bureau 5 Notification of earth stations • Any frequency assignment to a transmitting station and to its associated receiving stations shall be notified to the Bureau if (No.11.2) – Assignment is capable of causing harmful interference; or – Assignment is used for international radiocommunication; or – Assignment is subject to a world or regional frequency allotment or assignment plan which does not have its own notification procedure; or – if that assignment is subject to the coordination procedure of Article 9; or – It is desired to obtain international recognition; or – Non conforming assignment seeking to be recorded for information purposes only • Similar requirements for receiving earth station (No.11.9) 6 Notification of a specific earth station • Except for mobile earth station, individual notices of frequency assignments are necessary in the following cases (No.11.17): – Earth station whose coordination area includes the territory of another administration or where the earth station located within the coordination area of an earth station – Earth station whose interference potential is greater than that of a coordinated typical earth station 7 Process for E/S Coordination • Article 5 : Frequency Allocation Frequency • Article 9: Understanding Coordination Provisions Study • Appendix 7: Copy of Coordination Diagram Sending • Appendix 4: Coordination data (AP4/III) Information • Coordination under 9.15 / 9.17 / 9.17A / 9.21 Coordination • Send Notification data (AP4 captured by SpaceCap) & Notification 8 Process for E/S Coordination • Article 5 : Frequency Allocation Frequency • Article 9: Understanding Coordination Provisions Study • Appendix 7: Copy of Coordination Diagram Sending • Appendix 4: Coordination data (AP4/III) Information • Coordination under 9.15 / 9.17 / 9.17A / 9.21 Coordination • Send Notification data (AP4 captured by SpaceCap) & Notification 9 Frequency Study Frequency Allocations for Earth Station Article 5 Volume No.1 Region 1 ___________________ 5850 - 5925 MHz equal rights FIXED FIXED-SATELLITE Space = Terrestrial (Earth-to-space) ↑ All Regions ___________________ 6700 - 7075 MHz FIXED-SATELLITE opposite direction (Earth-to-space) ↑ (space-to-Earth) ↓ Uplink ↔ Downlink 10