Coordination Chemistry Reviews 172, Complete, May 1998 Contents I 52s Pa) ae er ee ee ee ee ee ati. oa og. ia gh2 g ge bea eae eee SE oti Mt te i ee a, A ee ae ae el ae ale Sk erie ac Setae ae Riel ee Iron 1995 E. Nordlander, A. Thapper, J. King, C. Lorber, H. Carlsson, F. Prestopino and N. Focci.... . 3 Yttrium 1996 RRR ee ee ee Oe ee ae a IMR, Bee em ee ae 99 Vanadium 1996 ae REL RE LEAT AEE COE eT CTR Ee Re Cee eee 111 Chromium 1996 A. dk Ge CEOS 6S iste REIS, WN stk ob EA bs be ea 157 Molybdenum 1996 so ee A SO IR. GK Weg eae ea ae 181 Tungsten 1996 ES « Wcetas Ww Bo RES. wae eee ale & See as VK OES ee ee 247 Manganese 1996 ne rr hs sb ee VNR RDG ee es WA Were + oe Se ew ee wees 319 Rhenium 1996 Re ee ee ee ee eee ee ee 357 Ruthenium 1996 I, ig wd 5 aw ee eww ee wee A we a ed 389 Osmium 1996 Dene OL. CQO SUSS ) er FSC BOS ee PP ee. Fee ee 437 Copper 1996 DE PPS SSS, PEs, Ob FPS SPER POU. Sree ae 457 Di a 5s OCS, oto bounce een wl ew ERS Fee 575 Neenen nn en ee ae pea a a ER Re ee ee ee ee eee 581 SS a cia a!e le are a a i ita a a te We ae ee a 585 The table of contents of Coordination Chemistry Reviews is included in ESTOC - Elsevier Science Tables of Contents service - which can be accessed on the World Wide Web at the following URLs: or