Coordinating theI nternet CopyrigMhatteedr ial Coordinagt thine Internet editbeyd BrKaihainn a ndJamHe.sK eller A Publicatoifot nh eH arvarIdn formatIinofnr astruPcrtoujreec t TheM ITP rescs,arft BfU'{�� N.Rffitl@eatntsdL, o ndonE,n gland Seconpdr int2i0n0g0, © 1997T heP resideanntdF elloowfsH arvarCdo lelge Allr ighrtse serveNdo .pa rotf th isb ookm ayb er eproduced ina nyf ormb ya nye lectronic or mechanimceaaln s( includpihnogt ocopyirnegc,o rdinogri, n formatisotno ragaen d retrievwailt)h oupte rmissoin iwnr tiing fromt hep ublisher. Thisb ookw asp rintaenddb oundi nth eU niteSdt atoefAs m erica. LibraorfyC ongreCsast aloging-in-PubDlaitcaa tion CoordinatitnhgIe n terne/te dited byB riaKna hina ndJ amesH .K eller. p. cm.- (AP ublicoaftth ieoH narvar d Information Infrastructure Project) Includes index. ISBN0 ·262·112(3h0c-:2 a lkp.a per)-. ISBN0 -262.611(3p&.b8k: alkp.a per) I.I ntern(eCto mputenre twork) T2e.l ecommunicatpioloni n'. 3.I nterne(tC omputenre twork)-ManagcmenIt.Ka. h in.B rian. IIK.e lleJra, mHe.s IIISe.r ies. TKS]()'J.87S.J15979C76 66 384.33-dc21 97-13176 CIP CopyrigMhatteedr ial Contents Preafce ix Acknowledgments xiii GlossaoryfA cronyms xv TheP robleomf I nterneGto vernance TheS elf-GoverInnitnergn Ceoto:r dinatbiyoD nes ign 3 SharoEni snerG illaentdtM itchKealplo r Governanocfet heI nterneAt U:K Perspective 39 MarkG ould AndH ow Shaltlh eN etB eG overnedA? M:e ditatoino n theR elatiVviert uoefsD ecentralEimzeerdg,e nLta w 62 DaviRd. J ohnsoann dD avid G.P ost FactoSrhsa pinIgn ternSeetl f-Governance 92 A.M . Rutkowski Domain Names InternDeotm ainN amesW:h oseD omainI sT his? 107 Robert Shaw "Domain-iThae"G :r owinTge nsiobne tweent he DomainN ame Systeamn dT rademarLka w 135 AlexandGeigra nte TrademarDki sputienst heA ssignmeonfDt o main Names 154 CarOlp pedahl CopyrigMhatteedr ial vi Contents NetworkS olutiaonnsdD omainN ameD ipsutes: A Repltyo C arOlp pedahl 187 PhilLi.pS bm-baro RegistertihneDg o mainN ame SysteAmn: Exercise inG lobaDle cision-Making 194 WilliAa_mF oster Addressianngdt heF uturoef C ommunications Competint:iL oessonfsr omT elephoanny dt he Internet 208 AshlAeyn deeann dJ ohnL eslKiien g InWh ose Domain?N:a me Servicei nA dolescence 258 DonM itcheSlclo,Bt rta dnearn,d K Claffy NetworkN umbers FinancIinacle ntifvoerRs o utAeg gregatainodn EfficienAtd dresUst ilizaitnit ohneI nternet 273 YakoRevk hterP,a ulR esnicakn,dS teMv_eB ne llovin AddresAsd ministraitniI oPnv 6 288 EricH offmana ndK Claffy Interconnecantdi oSnest tlements ScalabIlnet ernIentt erconnecAtgiroene menatnsd IntegraSteervdi ces 309 JosephB ailaeyn dL eeM cKnight InternEextc hangePso:l icy-DrEivvoelnu tion 325 BilaClh inanodyT imoJt Shaylo InterconnecPtriiocni,na gn,dS ettlemeSnotmse: Healthy Jositntl hienG gr owtohf t heI nternet 346 RichaAr.dC awley SettlemSeynstt emfso rt heI nternet 377 MariaF arnona ndS coHtutd dle CopyrigMhatteedr ial vii Contents TheH ongK ongI nternEextc hangTeh:e E conomics, Evolutiaonnd,C onnectiovfiA tys iaInnt ernet Inrfastructure 404 MiltoMnu ellJeors,ep hY .H ui,a ndC he-hCohoe ng ServiceQ uality IPP erformance Metrics 423 Guy T. Almes CooperatiinoI nn ternDeatt aA cquisitainodAn n alysis 438 TracMioen ka ndK Claffy Contributors 467 Index 473 CopyrigMhatteedr ial Preface The transitoifot nh eI nternferotm a U.S.g overnment-funded projetcotc ommerciianlf rastruhcatsub reee ni ncrementbault, perceptnisoh avech angeddr amaticaFlolryy e.a rtsh,e w orlsda w theI nternaesat c reatuorfteh eU .SD.e partmteo nfD efensNeo.w theraer ec laimtsh atth eI nterniesat s elf-goverorngiannigsm controlblyen do o ne andn eedinngo o versigFhotry. e arAmse,r i cantsh oughtth atth eI nternweatsf ree, paidf orb yt heN ational Science Found(aNtSiFoa)nn do thegro vernmernets earacghe n ciesN.o w iti su nderstotohda tth eI nterniesnt o tf reeb,u ti ti s inexpenivse andi sty picalyl paidf or( atb othi nstitutional and individlueavle losn)a fixed-rabtaes is. The U.S.g overnmenrto lei nt heg lobal Interniestg reatly diminishYeedtt.,h rougthh eF ederlNa etworknigC ouncitlh,eN SF andt heD efense AdvaRnecseerdach ProjecAtgsen ccyo ntintuoe suppoarntd o versee craidtmiicnailst raantdic voeo rdinaftuinncg tionssu,c ha st hea llocatainodan s signmoefnn te tworkn umber.s Them anagemenotft heg enerci TopL eveDlo mains-.c.oomgr,, .net----stlilp roceedsu ndera coopetriavea greemebnettw eent he NationSacli encFeo undatiaonnd N etworSko lutioInnsc,.a ,l though iti ss upportbeydu sefre es. Nonetheletshse,I nterniestr e markabldye cenatlrizeadn d uninstitutionIatflsuti uzreei dsn. o tti edto a nyp arctuilaro rganiza tiona,l thouag hn umbero fd iffereonrtg anizatpiloancysr itical roleAss. itg rowsi ns cop,e bandiwdtha,n df unctionatlhiety , Internweilltr equigrree atceoro rdinna,tb iuoti ti sn otc leawrh at CopyrigMhatteedr ial x Preface kindo fc oordinatmiencgha nisamnsd i nstitutwiiolenlvs o lvTeh.e goalo fth isv olumies t ot ryt o lcarifyt hen eedsis,s eus, andp ossible solutiroenlsa tteodt hesceh allenges. Somec oordinatpiroonb lemssu,c ha ss ettlememnatsy,b ea d dressetdh rougbhi laatlea rgreemenntesg otiatiendt heo pen marketOt.h erp roblemlisk,e networnku mbera ndd omainn ame managemenste,me tor equrie a leveolf u niversaaglr eement althouigtmh a ys tiblelp ossibtlolee a ve mucho fth e allocatoifo n numberasn dn amest ot hem arketplaTchee.r emarkabsluec ceosfs theI nternet EngineeriTnags kF orcei nd evelopicnogn sensual standarsdusg gestthsa nte w,a giel institutmiaoynb se n eeded. Withitnh eI nternceotm munityt heries g reastk eptictihsamt traditioinnalt ernational orgaarneis zuaittiteoodnt sh et askIn. deedi,ti s d oubtftuhla atn yoneor gnaizatoinc oulds pant her ange ofi ssutehsa atr ei nn eedo fs omed egreoef c oordinatTihoen . questioandsd ressiendt hibso okr angfer omi nt-rinadustryi ssues sucha ss ettlemeanntdss tatisctoilclse cttioto hne s prawlipnrgo b lemo fd omainna mesw,h icahf fectthsec ommercial inotfe rests millions ofc ompanies aroundt hew orldB.r oader issureasise publipco liqcuye stitohnasst e emt od emanda tl eatshte b lessionfg ani nternatioonraglnai zation-schu ast heIn ternatoinalT elecom municatiUonnio n (ITUo)r t heW orldI nteltlueaclP ropertyOrga nization (WIPO)-tharte preenstsn ationgaolv ernmentTsh.e In ternSeotc iewthyi,c ihsp robabalsry e prestaetni evo fth eI nt ernet communitya sa nyo rganizna tciano claim tob e,h ast aketnh el eda ont hed omainna me rpoblem byi nvolivngt hel TVa nd \\lPO( and others)i ns ettiunpgt heI nternatioAnda Hlo cC ommitte(eL lliC). Ifth e domainn ame issuecsa nb e reslo\'etdh,e na nytihngi s doablPee.r haptsh eIAH C ist he ahrbingero ft heso rto flitga hnd agilree gualtoryr egimteh atmi ghtb e right fort he\ "otlieal and dynamiIcn tern.eO tn theo ther hacnodn,\ "teoinnaln eeds, suhc as thec olelctioonfs t atitsics, mighbte m anagedw ithia ntr ade gropu liktehe CommerciaIln terneeXtc hange Associat(iConI XT)h.e CIX waso riginally esttaobo lpiesrhaetad e s ettlement-efxree changfea cilTihtiyfs.a cste emst ob ea na ccideonfth itso\[",si tnao w appeartsh aItn ternperto videwrisle ls tablfiinsahn cails ettlmeents fori ntercoenctnioann dt raffice xchangaes a privamtaet teirna competitimvaer ket. CopyrigMhatteedr ial Xl Preface Wh etheru ndertakent hrough ana ssociatori aonna dh ocp ro cessc,o llectaicvtei ofnac ess omeu niquoeb satclesi nth e Internet environment: • theU .Sg.o venrmenth asp layeda tasbilizing role ink eyc oordi natign functionwshi,ch hash istroicallyd iminishtheed n eedf or collectacitivoen; • asi no thenre wi ndustrsiteask,e holdareer fosc used no propri etareyx ploitaotfin oenw opportunitaineds ; • Internperto vidferasca eh osot fe xtrnisci issuseusc ha sli abiliyt forc opyrigihnrtfi ngemeanntd t het hreoaftr egulattihoanet x ert greatd emandosn t heicro llectaitvtee ntion. Statistcisa ndq uailty ofs ervicset andarldoosk l ikgeo oidd eabsu t pale besidteh eslaer gerp olicyi ssues. As noteda bovet,h e" largpeoslti"icsy s utea ckliendt hibso oki s thea llocatainodnm anagemenotf t heTo p LeveDlo mainna me spacaen,d e vent hatd eialstw ithfr om thel imitpeedr spectoifv e short-tneeerdmsa ndt ensioRnesm.a rkabdleys,pi tet hee normous valuaet tributtoed do mainn ames, andi ncreasinga nalgioetso t he probleomfss pectraulm locatwieof nou,n dn oe conomisttasc kling thei ssue. In thipsr oject, we carefully avoidedd ealing witht hem any exrtinsici ssufeasc ingt heI nterneti ndustry aroundt hew orld: conternetg ulant,is oervirecgeu lation, taaxtio,ln iabiilty foarc tosf userjsu,r isdictpiroobnlaelms , etc.T hesea ret oughc,o mplicated issutehsa tth eIn terneti ndustarnydc ommunityn eedt oco nfront, preferaybi ln cao ncertmeadn nerT.h eya rea lsoon t heag enda of theH arvardIn formationI nfrastrPurcotjeuHcrtoe.w evewreh, av e soughtt of ocush ereo nw hatw e seea st hef rist-orderp rioroif ty establisah sitnga blien,t ernatiobnaasleldly,ea gla ndi nstitutional foundatni foorth e Internuepto nw hichs olutitoont sh eshei gher leveprlo blemsc anf ollwo. Thei ssuaedsd ressientd h ibso oka risfreo mf unctiohniss toryi call withint hep urview ofU .Sf.e deralr esearpcrho rgams. Ironically, thes ubsidy ando versight providebdyt heU .Sg.o vernmentr e searacghe nciesh elpetdh eo peni nfrastturruocef tIhen tertnoe t growu nburednedb yc oordination costasn dr elativelyf reoef t he CopyrigMhatteedr ial xii Preface jockeyinfgo rc ontrtohlat i sco mmonf oro thetre chnologisea nd platforTmhse.y s etth ep recedenta nd pattoefrn non proprietary standaanrdodp se nin terconnection thastt idlrli vteh eg rowth of theIn ternett odaYye.t a ltlh is aphpenedo utsitdhere e acohfU .S. policdeyv elopmenta nd regulatory agencies. Witht hep ush toi nternationaanldip zaret ailyl priavtize these functions, theriesc elarlya s trong desitrome a itnaitnh bea lanocfe cooperatoin and competitthiaothn a swo rkeds ow elflo rt he Internet. Iwta si nth issp iritt haHta rvartdhe,I nternSeotci ety, the CIX,th eI TU,a ndth eN ationSacelin ce Foundation planned the project thahta sre sulted int hisv olumeA. workshohpe lda t Harvardi nS eptemb19e9rb6 r oughtt ogetherk eyi ndividualsn da organiaztiosn withiann db eyondt heI nternceto mmuniWtye. hopteh att hibso okw,h ich inclumdaensyp a persp reparefdo rth e workshhoeplp,s b roadenu nderstadning oft heis sues andm ove thiasge ndab eyontdh eU nited Stattoet sh mea nyo therc ountries thanto ws harea s imisltarai nk teh ef uturoeft heI nternet. Like Internett ehcnology, Interandemti nistraantdgi oovenr nancareen ow moving fasat,n dt hbioso okff ears sna pshotta ken att hee nd of 1996W.e havea lso establisah eWde b sitae t <http:gw/ww/.khsarvard.edcua/iciilsu ippp.h/tm l> asa livign adjunctt ot heb ooka,s we lla l inkt osu pplementary materiaslusc,h asRF Cs,a vailabonl teh eI nte rnet. Asp arotf o urg oaol ffo sternig cooperation amdoinvge rInsteer neti nterewsets so, lie\c'eiryton e' s help inm aintaithneiW nebg s itaesa comprehensivvie rtual archiWvee i.n virteaed erst op rovide feedbacakn ds uggestitoo ns [email protected]. Brian aKanhdJia mne sK eller InformaItnifornas trucPtrujoerce t Cambridge, Massachusetts Janua19ry9 7 CopyrigMhatteedr ial