Cooperative Effect of Electron Correlation and Spin-Orbit Coupling on the Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Ba NaOsO 2 6 H. J. Xiang and M.-H. Whangbo ∗ Department of Chemistry, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-8204 (Dated: February 4, 2008) 7 0 TheelectronicandmagneticpropertiesofthecubicdoubleperovskiteBa2NaOsO6wereexamined byperformingfirst-principlesdensityfunctionaltheorycalculationsandanalyzingspin-orbitcoupled 0 2 statesofanOs7+ (d1)ionatanoctahedralcrystalfield. TheinsulatingbehaviorofBa2NaOsO6was shown to originate from a cooperative effect of electron correlation and spin-orbit coupling. This n cooperativeeffectisresponsiblenotonlyfortheabsenceoforbitalorderinginBa2NaOsO6 butalso a for a small magnetic moment and a weak magnetic anisotropy in Ba2NaOsO6. J 8 PACSnumbers: 71.70.Ej,71.27.+a,71.20.-b,75.30.Gw 1 ] Oxidesoforbitallydegenerate3dtransitionmetalions i TABLE I: Comparison of the zero-field magnetic moments c at octahedral sites exhibit rich electronic and magnetic s µexp (per FU) with the calculated moments µcalc (per rl- pbritoapleartnidescahrairsginegdfergormeesthoef ifnreteerdpolmay. bIentwaenenocstpaihne,dorar-l GFUG)A+foSrOtChe+UfermroemthaogdnewtiicthstUaetfef o=f0B.2a2RNyadOas,Ob.6 using the t crystal field, the d-orbitals of a transition metal ion are m split into the t2g and eg levels. A 3d perovskite with un- µS(Os) µL(Os) µS µcalc µexp c at. evenlyfilledeg levels,e.g.,LaMnO3withhigh-spinMn3+ [111] 0.51 -0.35 0.98 0.63 0.19 m (3d4)ions,hasastrongtendency fororbitalordering[1]. [110] 0.51 -0.34 0.98 0.64 0.22 - Incontrast,a3dperovskitewithunevenlyfilledt2g levels, [100] 0.52 -0.30 0.97 0.67 0.18 d e.g.,YTiO3withTi3+ (3d1)ions,hasareducedtendency a µS(Os) and µL(Os) are the spin and orbital magnetic n for orbital ordering and hence provides opportunities to moments calculated for the Osatom, respectively, and o observe an intricate interplay between the spin and or- c µS is thecalculated total spin magnetic moment per FU. bital dynamics [2, 3]. It is an important issue to under- [ standthe mechanismsthatselectthegroundstateoutof b The moments are in unitsof µB. 1 c Ref. [8] numerous possible states arising from this competition v [2, 3, 4, 5]. 0 6 Most studies probing this question have focused on shows that the dominant spin exchange interaction be- 4 3d oxides, and much less is known about whether re- tweenOs7+ ionsisantiferromagnetic(AFM)[7,8]. How- 1 0 lated 4d and 5d oxides can exhibit similar behavior. ever,Ba2NaOsO6undergoesaferromagnetic(FM)order- Due to a large spatial extension of 5d orbitals, effects ingbelowT =6.8Kwithaverylowmagneticmoment, 7 C 0 of electron-correlation are weaker in 5d oxides than in i.e., 0.2 µB per formula unit (FU) [7, 8]. ∼ / 3d oxides. However,effects of spin-orbit coupling (SOC) t a are stronger in 5d oxides than in 3d oxides. Thus, 5d m oxides should exhibit a different balance between spin, - orbital and charge degrees of freedom. In this context, d it is of interest to examine the electrical and magnetic n o properties of the cubic double perovskite Ba2NaOsO6 c [6, 7, 8]. In this 5d oxide the NaO6 octahedra share Os v: corners with the OsO6 octahedra of orbitally degenerate i Os7+ (5d1) ions, and the nearest-neighborOsO6 octahe- O X dra run along the [110] direction while the next-nearest- Ba r a neighbor OsO6 octahedra run along the [100] direction (Figure 1). Ba2NaOsO6 presents several puzzling prop- Na erties. It is an insulator despite the fact that the struc- tureremainscubicdownto5Kwithoutanydistortionof the OsO6 octahedra from their regular octahedral shape [8]. It is unclear what mechanismlifts the orbitaldegen- FIG. 1: (Color online) Structure of cubic double perovskite eracy of the Os7+ (d1) ions to make Ba2NaOsO6 insu- Ba2NaOsO6. lating. The magnetic susceptibility of Ba2NaOsO6 be- tween 75 and 200 K follows a Curie-Weiss law with a To gain insight into the puzzling electronic and mag- negative Weiss temperature (i.e. θ 10 K), which netic properties of Ba2NaOsO6, we carried out a first- ≈ − 2 principles density functional theory (DFT) electronic mented in the WIEN2k code [9]. The non-overlapping structure study. In this Letter, we show that the in- muffin-tinsphereradiiof2.50,2.14,1.86,and1.65auare sulating property of Ba2NaOsO6 originates from a co- used for the Ba, Na, Os and O atoms, respectively. The operative effect of electron correlation and SOC. This expansioninsphericalharmonicsoftheradialwavefunc- cooperative effect is responsible not only for the lack of tions were taken up to l = 10. The value of RminK MT max structural distortion in Ba2NaOsO6 but also for the low wassetto7.0. ThetotalBrillouinzonewassampledwith magnetic moment and the weak magnetic anisotropy [8] 125 k-points. For the exchange-correlation energy func- of Ba2NaOsO6 in the FM state. tional,thegeneralizedgradientapproximation(GGA)by Perdew, Burke and Ernzerhof [10] was employed. The Our first principles DFT electronic structure calcu- SOC was included on the basis of the second-variational lations were performed by using the full-potential aug- method usingscalarrelativistic wavefunctions [11]. The mented plane waves plus local orbital method as imple- structural parameters of Ba2NaOsO6 were taken from the experimental values [7]. Thespin-polarizedGGAbandstructurecalculatedfor (a) the FM state of Ba2NaOsO6, presented in Figure 2(a), has the Fermi level crossing both the up- and down- 5 spin t2g bands. This does not agree with the fact that Ba2NaOsO6 is an insulator [8]. At Γ the three t2g bands aredegenerate. Theoverallwidthofthet2g bandsisnar- 0 EF row (approximately 1 eV) because the nearest-neighbor V) O···OdistancebetweenadjacentOsO6 octahedraislong y(e (3.216 ˚A) compared with the van der Waals distance of nerg 3.04 ˚A. The exchange splitting of Ba2NaOsO6 is about E -5 0.34eV,whichisconsiderablysmallerthantypicalvalues found for 3d magnetic oxides. Because the bandwidth is small compared with the on-site repulsion U (approxi- mately 3.3 eV), it was suggested [8] that electron cor- -10 relation is important in Ba2NaOsO6. The failure of the traditionalDFTindescribingstronglycorrelatedsystems is currently remedied by the DFT plus on-site repulsion W L Γ X W K U method [12, 13, 14]. Thus, we employed the GGA+U (b) 1 method to see if the insulating property of Ba2NaOsO6 V) canbeexplained. Toavoidadoublecountinginthenon- Energy(e 0.05 EF ospmhietrtichaelmpualrttipooflaprotteernmtisalp,rwopeoursteiodnaUletfofJ=inUth−eJadadnedd GGA+U potential. The band structure calculated for -0.5 W L Γ X W K (c) 1 V) 0.5 25 TDOS Os PDOS nergy(e 0 EF 20 OOs PPDDOOSS 04 O PDOS E-0.5 15 -4 s -1W L Γ X W K ate 10 (d) of st 5 -0.5 0 0.5 1 eV) 1 ensity 0 y( 0.5 D g er -5 En 0 EF -10 -0.5 W L Γ X W K -15 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 FIG. 2: (Color online) Band structures calculated for Energy (eV) Ba2NaOsO6 usingdifferentmethods. (a) GGA,(b)GGA+U with Ueff = 0.2 Ryd, (c) GGA+SOC, (d) GGA+SOC+U FIG. 3: (Color online) DOS of Ba2NaOsO6 obtained from with Ueff = 0.2 Ryd. In (a) and (b) the solid and dashed the GGA+SOC+U calculation. The inset shows the PDOS lines refer to the up- and down spin bands, respectively. In plots calculated for the Os and O atom contributions to the (d) thevalence band top is taken as thezero-energy point. t2g bands. 3 the FM state of Ba2NaOsO6 using the GGA+U method tion on electronic structure, we carried out GGA+SOC with U = 0.2 Ryd is shown in Figure 2(b), which re- and GGA+SOC+U calculations for the FM state of eff veals a larger exchange splitting (about 0.7 eV). How- Ba2NaOsO6 with the spin quantization taken along the ever, there is no band splitting at Γ, and the dispersion [111], [110] and [100] directions. The stability depen- characteristics of the t2g bands are almost the same as dence of the FM state on the spin quantization direc- thoseoftheGGAcalculation. OurGGA+Ucalculations tion is negligible in the GGA+SOC calculations, but is with larger U values (up to 0.5 Ryd) did not change not negligible in the GGA+SOC+U calculations. In the eff the generalpicture described above. Since Os is a heavy latter calculations with U = 0.2 Ryd, the FM states eff element, SOC is expected to play an important role in withthe[110]and[100]quantizationsarelessstablethan Ba2NaOsO6. To see the effect of SOC on the electronic that with the [111] quantization by 1.9 and 16 meV per structure of Ba2NaOsO6, we performed GGA+SOC cal- FU, respectively. The spin, orbital and total moments culations. Figure 2(c) shows the band structure calcu- calculated for the FM state of Ba2NaOsO6 using the lated for the FM state using the GGA+SOC method GGA+SOC+U method with U = 0.2 Ryd are sum- eff with the spin quantization taken along the [111] direc- marized in Table I. For each of the [111], [110] and [100] tion. The up- and down-spin t2g bands are both split quantizations, the total moment per FU is calculated to into three non-degenerate bands at Γ. However, these be 0.65µ ,whichissmallerthanthespin-onlyvalueof B ∼ bandsoverlapwitheachother leadingtoa metallic state 1µ duetothefactthattheorbitalmomentof 0.33µ B B ∼ for Ba2NaOsO6. is opposite to the spin moment in direction. Neverthe- As described above, the GGA, GGA+U, and less, the calculated values are still large compared with GGA+SOC methods all fail to reproduce the insulating the zero-field moments ( 0.2µB/FU) determined from ∼ state for Ba2NaOsO6. Nevertheless, we note that elec- the magnetization study of Ba2NaOsO6 [7, 8]. tron correlation enhances the exchange splitting, while The bandgapopening atthe Fermilevel, the moment SOC splits the t2g bands. This suggests that a com- reduction and the slight magnetocrystalline anisotropy bined effect of electron correlation and SOC might in- in Ba2NaOsO6 can be accounted for by considering the duceabandgapinboththeup-anddown-spint2g bands. effect of SOC on the t2g orbitals of an Os7+ ion. In the Therefore,wecarriedoutGGA+SOC+Ucalculationsfor second variational approach for spin-orbit coupling [11], Ba2NaOsO6. The band structure calculated for the FM thescalar-relativisticpartoftheHamiltonianisdiagonal- statewiththespinquantizationalongthe[111]direction ized on a basis adopted for each of the spin projections ispresentedinFigure2(d),whichshowsthatBa2NaOsO6 separately, and then the full Hamiltonian matrix is con- hasaninsulatinggapwiththelowest-lyingdown-spint2g structed on the basis of the eigenfunctions obtained in bandlyingabovetheFermilevel. Theassociateddensity the first step. The spin-orbit part of the Hamiltonian in of states (DOS) calculated for Ba2NaOsO6 is shown in the Os spheres is then given by Figure 3. The partial DOS (PDOS) plots for the Os 5d andO2pstatesrevealthattheOs5dandtheO2pstates Hˆ =λLˆ Sˆ, (1) so · contribute almost equally in the t2g bands. Though not shown, the PDOS plots calculated for the Os 5d , 5d where the SOC constant λ > 0 for the Os7+ (d1) ion xz yz and 5dxy orbitals show that these orbitals contribute with less than half-filled t2g levels. With θ and φ as the equally to the t2g bands. The Os-O bonding bands of azimuthal and polar angles of the magnetization in the the e -symmetry occur well below the Fermi level (i.e., rectangular crystal coordinate system, the Lˆ Sˆ term is g · in the energy region between 7 and 5 eV), which in- rewritten as − − dicates the presence of a strong covalent bonding in the OsnteastS-tiOoceogfbafroroBn,uadno2sduN.rsatOcaatsleOc,u6wl.aetTicooonfinsnsidwdeeifrreetdhpeaeFnrfMoArm-sttyeapdteefioAsrFthtMheemstFaaMgte- Lˆ ·Sˆ = S++ˆz1221(SSLˆˆˆ+−z((c−−osLLˆˆθzz+ssiinn12θθLˆ−−+eLLˆˆ−++iφees−−iniiφφθscio+ns22212θθ2Lˆ+−+eLˆLiˆφ−−seeiiniφφθcs)oi(ns222)2θθ2)). in which the spins have the FM ordering within each Sincetheup-anddown-spint2g bandsareseparateddue sheet of Os7+ ions parallel to the (001) plane, but have to the exchange splitting, one can neglect interactions theAFMorderingbetweenadjacentsheetsparalleltothe between the up- and down-spin states under the SOC to (001) plane. Our GGA+SOC+U calculation shows that a first order approximation. This allows one to consider theA-typeAFMstateisconsiderablylessstablethanthe onlytheup-spint2g bandsusingthedegenerateperturba- FMstate(by267meV/FU),whichisconsistentwiththe tiontheory,whichrequirestheconstructionofthematrix observationthat Ba2NaOsO6 undergoesan FM ordering elements iHˆso j (i,j =dxy,dyz,dxz) [15]. In this case, h | | i below 6.8 K [8]. In the remainder of this work we will only the operators of the first line of Eq. 2 give rise to consider only the electronic structures calculated for the nonzero matrix elements. In evaluating these matrix el- FM state of Ba2NaOsO6. ements, it is convenient to rewrite the angular parts of To examine the effect of the spin quantization direc- the d , d and d orbitals in terms of the spherical xy yz xz 4 harmonics as d-orbitalscontributeequallytothestateΨ1 forthe[111] spin quantization, but unequally for the [110] and [100] dxy = √−2i(Y22−Y2−2) spin quantizations. The inter-octahedron hopping inte- dyz = √i2(Y21+Y2−1) (3) gral is nonzero along the directions of nearest-neighbor dxz = √−12(Y21−Y2−1). OzesrOo6aloocntgahtehderadi(ree.cgt.i,on[1s1o1f] nanexdt-[1n1ea0r])esbtu-nteiisghpbraocrtOicsaOlly6 Using these functions, the matrix representation octahedra (e.g., [100]). For the [100] spin quantization, iHˆso j is found as the Ψ1 leveldoes notprovidehopping alongthe [011]di- h | | i rection because it has no d orbital contribution. Con- yz 0 sinθsinφ sinθcosφ sequently, the spin-orbit coupled band associated with − i¯hλ/2 sinθsinφ 0 cosθ . (4) Ψ1 should be higher in energy for the [100] quantization − than for the [111] and [110] quantizations. This in part sinθcosφ cosθ 0 − explainswhythe[100]quantizationleadstoahigherelec- Upon diagonalizing this matrix, we obtain the eigen- tronic energy than do the [111] and [110] quantizations. values of the three spin-orbit coupled states, namely, E1 = ¯hλ/2, E2 =0, E3 =h¯λ/2. The associated eigen- In summary, the insulating behavior of Ba2NaOsO6 is functio−ns Ψ1,Ψ2,Ψ3 are given by caused by a novel cooperative effect of electron correla- tionandSOC,whichopensabandgapattheFermilevel Ψ1 = √22(i[scionsθφdx+yc+os(θissiinnφφ)−dco]sθcosφ)dyz athnedohrebnitcaellryemdeogveensearadtreivOinsg7+fo(drc1e)fioornso.rbTithaelsomrdaelrlimngago-f xz Ψ2 = −+√22(i[scionsθφdxyc−os(θissiinnφφ)+dco]sθcosφ)dyz (5) ntheeticocmcuopmieedntspofinB-oar2bNita-OcosuOp6ledariuspes-spfrionmt2tghebafnadctgtihvaets − xz riseto anorbitalmomentthatis inopposite directionto Ψ3 = cosθdxy+sinθcosφdyz +sinθsinφdxz. the spin moment. For these three states Ψ1, Ψ2, and Ψ3, the orbital mo- The research was supported by the Office of Basic mentsLalongthe spinquantizationdirectionare 1µ , − B Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Sciences, U. S. 0 and 1µ , respectively, according to their eigenvalues B Department of Energy, under Grant No. DE-FG02- and the SOC operator Hˆ = λLˆ Sˆ given that S = so · 86ER45259. 1/2. Since the spin-orbit coupled state Ψ1 is occupied, we obtain a negative orbital moment. The moment of 0.35µ from the GGA+SOC+U calculation is consid- B − erably smaller in magnitude than 1µ . This is not B − surprising because the above analysis neglected the fact ∗ Correspondingauthor.E-mail: mike [email protected] thatthe t2g orbitalsofanOsO6 octahedronarenotpure [1] W.-G. Yin et al.,Phys. Rev.Lett. 96, 116405 (2006). 5d , 5d and 5d orbitals of the Os atom, but are [2] C. Ulrich et al.,Phys.Rev. Lett.89, 167202 (2002). xz yz xy [3] R. Schmitz et al., Ann.Phys. 14, 626 (2005). givenbytheirlinearcombinationswiththe2porbitalsof [4] G. Khaliullin and S. Okamoto, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, the surroundingO atoms. Given that the Os 5d and the 167201 (2002). O 2p states contribute almost equally in the t2g bands [5] E. 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