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Cool Energy: Renewable Solutions to Environmental Problems - Revised Edition PDF

218 Pages·1992·7.944 MB·English
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Preview Cool Energy: Renewable Solutions to Environmental Problems - Revised Edition

CoolE negry CoolE negry RenewabSloel utitoon s EnvironmenPtraolb lems reviseeddi tion MichaeBlr ower TheM ITP ress CambridgMea,s sachusetts LondonE,n gland Fourth printing, 1998 © 199M2a ssachusIentsttsi toufTt eec hnology Allr ighrtess ervNeod p.a rotf t hibso okm ayb er eproducienad n yf ormb ya ny electroornmi ecc hanimceaaln s( includpihnogt ocopyriencgo,r dionrig n,f ormation storaagned r etriewviatlh)o puetr missiinow nr itifnrgo mt hep ublisher. Thibso okw asp rintaendd b oundi nt heU niteSdt atoefsA merica. LibraorfyC ongreCsast aloging-in-PuDbaltiac ation BroweMri,c hae1l9,6 -0 Coole nergrye:n ewabsloel utitoone sn vironmepnrtoabll ems/ MichaeBlr owe-r.R eve.d . p. em. Includbeisb liograprheifcearclee nsa ndi ndex. ISBN0 -262-023-49I-S0B.N0 -262-S217(Sp-bXk .) 1.R enewabelnee rgsyo urc-esU niteSdt ates2..E nvironmenptraolt ection­ UniteSdt atesI..T itle. TJ807.9.U61B97962 333.79'4-'0d9c7230 92-17472 CIP Contents Acknowledgmenvtisi Introducti1o n 1 TheE nergCyh alleng5e 2 TheR enewablAel ternativ2e1 3 SolaErn ergy3 9 4 WindE nergy7 1 5 Biomass8 7 6 Energfyr omR iverasn dO ceans1 11 7 GeothermEanle rgy1 27 8 EnergSyt orage15 5 9 Policifeosra RenewablFeu ture1 73 AppendiAx: U nitasn dC onversiFoanc tor1s8 7 AppendiBx: U .SR.e newablEen ergFyu nding1 90 SuggestReeda dings1 93 Reference1s97 Index2 17 Acknowledgments Manyp eoplper ovidiendv aluahbelletp o m e inr esearchainndwg r iting thirse porIta .m especiailnldye btteodt her evieweDrosn:a lAdi tken (Unioonf C oncerneSdc ientiDsatvsi)d,A nderso(nG eothermRael­ sources CouMniccihla)e,Bl e rge(yB ergeWyi ndpowerJ)a,m esB irk (ElectProiwce rR esearIcnhs tituEtled)o,nB oes( NationRaeln ewable EnergLya boratoRroyb)e,rC to henJ,a neCtu shma(nO akR idgNea tional LaboratoDrayv)i,Dd u chan(eL oAsl amoNsa tionLaalb oratoHreyl)e,n Engli(sPha ssSiovlea Irn dustrCioeusn ciPla)u,Gl i peP,a uLli ena(uG eo­ HeatC enteMri)c,h aLeolt ker (SiSeomleanJrsa) n,Ne e gus-deW(yIsd aho NationEanlg ineering LaboKreavtioPnro yr)t,e( rN atioRneanle wable EnergLya boratoRrayn)d,a Slwli she(rA mericWainn dE nergAys socia­ tionR)o,b erTth resh(eNra tionRaeln ewabElnee rgLya boratoarnyd) , ShainTey so(nN ational RenEenwearbglLyea boratoArlyt)h.o utghhe y didt heiurtm osttoc orrect oefrf raocartns d j udgmeinntt hem anuscript, anyt harte maianr eo,fc oursmey, r esponsibility. Thiwso rkw asv ermyu cha c ollaboreaftfiovwreit t mhy colleagaute s theU nioonf C oncernSecdi entiPsattsr.iS ckke rreLtetv,a Hni emkea,n d EriDce nzleprr ovided valuable ianrs essiesatracnhcaienn dgw riting severpaolr tioIna sm. e speciaglrlayt etfouW la rreLne onH,e rbR icha,n d JanW agerf oern dlehsosu rssp enetd iting, proofreading, and producing theb ook. Researacnhd w ritionfgt hisst udwye res upportienpd a rbty g rants fromt heE nergFyo undatiJoony,c Mee rtz-GilmFooruen datiPounb,l ic WelfarFeo undatiaonnd,F lorenacnedJ ohnS chumanFno undation. M.C.B. CoolE negry Introduction TheU niteSdt atiesrs a pidalpyp roachain negw e nergcyr isCiosn.s ump­ tioonf e nergiysg rowinbgu,ta tt hes amet imeA,m ericaanrsei ncreas­ ingldye mandintgh atth ee nergcyo mef romc leasna,f seo urctehsa t protetchte ihre altehn,v ironmeanntdq, u aliotfyl ifTeh.i ssh arpening confliiscs te einn t hev irtuhaallt to n uclepaorw erp lancto nstruction, strincetw federaanld s tatceo ntroolns p ollutfiroonm f ossil-fueled powerp lantasu,t omobialnedsi ,n dustarnyd,t heh igh-prodfeiblaet e ovewrh att od oa bougtl obwaalr ming. Renewableen ergy sourceass w siuncdh,s unligphlta,n tasn,d geothermeanle rgcyo uldp rovidae w ay ouotf t hiesm erging crisAilst.h ougmha nyi ng overnmeanntd more tah faenw o ther Americanesx pecotu rn ationd'esp endenocne oilc,o ala,n d naturgaals t oe xtenidn definiitnetltoyh ef uturmeu,c ho ft he technolohgaysa lreadbye end evelopteoda llouws tmoo vei na differdeinrte ctiTohni.sb ookm akest hec aset haitt i sn oto nly desirabbluetp ractitcoam la ke thter ansitfiroonmf ossfiule ls to" coolr"e newabelnee rgByy. d oinsgo ,w e will hperleps ertvhee environmaenndts ustaoiunre conomayt t hes amet ime. Renewabelnee rg-y thawth icihs r egeneraattte hdes amer atieti s use-d wasf irwsitd elcyo nsidearsea dna lternattofi ovsesf iule lisnt he seventIiner se.s pontsote h ed ecadeo'iscl r isietes n,j oyaeb dr ipeefr iod ofp opularUintdye.rP residJeinmtm yC arteard'msi nistraftuinodni,n g forre searacnhdd evelopmeinntt h iasr egar ewf roma lmosnto thitnog $700 1980. moret han milliionn Taxc rediatnsdo theprr ogrammsa de solacro llectwoirnsdt, u rbinaensd,o thedre vices attractive business investmeSnotm sa.n yf amil-iefsr omt heC arteornsd own- placed solacro llecotnot rhser oofosft heihro usetsh acto llecstaolrei sn creased 1975 1980. fivefboeltdw een and 2 Introduction Unfortunaftaelllyio,ni pglr icienst hee ightpiuetsr enewabelnee rgy ont heb acbku rneAr n.e wa dministruantdieoRrno nalRde agadne,e ply hostitloae n ythiontgh etrh atnh ee nergsyt atquuso d,r asticraeldluyc ed fundinfgo rr esearacnhd e venr emovetdh es olacro llecftroormst he WhitHeo user oof. Now,i nt hen inetiwehse,nt heriesg reataewra reneosfts h ee nviron­ mental probclaeumsse bdy excessive depeonnd feonscsefi ule ls, government officials, baunsdit nheems esd ilraee amdaeisrnks e,p tical tharte newabelnee rgtye chnolocgainbe esd eployoenda l argeen ough scatleod isplsaicgen ifiqcuaanntt iotfio eislc ,o aolr,n aturgaalsT .h eb rief boomi nr enewabelnee rgdyi dn otl aslto negn ougtho c onvinpceeo ple thatth ef utulriee isnw ide-scuasleoe f s olawri,n db,i ofueolrgs e,o ther­ male nergIynf. a cbte,c aussoem eo ft hec rasihm plementaptrioojne ocft s thel atsee ventwieerse p oorlcyo nceiv-eda ndi ns omec asetsh e technolosgiimepslw ye ren otr eadfyo dre ploymenrte-newabelnee rgy earneadr eputatfioorhn i gcho satn du nreliability. Renewabelnee rgtye chnolongeiveesr themlaedsesd ramatsitcr ides whilteh ewye reo uto ft hep ubliecy eT.h er eliabialndie tfyf icioefn cy equipmeinmtp rovetdh;ec osotf i nstallmianign,t ainainndgr ,u nninitg declinMeodr.e oveern,e rgy plannerasb egtatiaenprep dr eciaotfhi oown thestee chnolocgoiuelsbd e i ntegraetfefdi cieanntdrl eyl iaibnltyto h e existeinnegr gsyy stem. Int hec asoef w indt urbinfeosre, x amplmeo,r ea dvancedde signs, bettcehro icoef m ateriaalnsd,c arefsuilt ihnagv em adet hec osotf generating elfercotmwr iincdai f toyu rotfhw hati tw asa d ecadaeg oI.n manyl ocatiaou ntsi,l ciotmyp ancya nn owb uiladw ind-power facility thawti lplr oduceel ectraitca ic toysa tp proachtihnagot fa n ewf ossil-fuel poweprl anAtn.d ,i fs uchhi ddecno stosff ossfiule lassa ipro llutainodn globwaalr minagr ec onsidewriendd,c anb ea c heapseoru rcoefe lectric­ ittyh afno ssfiule ls. Thibso okb eginwsi tahc haptdeers cribsionmgeo ft hee conomaincd environmecnotnasle quenocfAe mse ricaf'oss sil-fueelc-obnaosmeIydt. makest hec asteh adte,s pistoem ep rogreisnrs e ducipnogl lutfiroonm fossfiule lnso, l asticnugr ef oro urd eterioraetnivnigr onm-enitn particutlhaelr o,o mintgh reoaftg lobwaalr min-g isp ossibwliet hout developianlgt ernaftuievsleo urceJsu.sa ts i mportaAnmte,r icae'cso ­ nomisce curiistb ye comiinngc reasivnugllnye ratbotl heea ctioonfjs u st 1991 af ewo il-produsctiantgae sst ,h e PersiGaunl wfa rd emonstrated. Reducifnogs sil-ufsuete hlu msa kesb otehn vironmeanntdae lc onomic sense. Introductio3n Tharte newabelnee rgcya np rovitdhee b ulokf t hen ews uppliwees needi st het hemeo ft hes econcdh aptewrh,i chd iscustsheesr elative advantagoefts h esree sourcceosm paretdo f ossfiule lasn dn uclear powera nde valuattehse ilro ng-tepromt entiYaeltt. h ec haptaelrs o reveatlhsa ptr ogreisnsc ommercialirzeinnegw abelnee rgwyi lble extremesllyo wu nlestsh eg overnmeanctt tso r emovae numbero f markebta rrieTrhse.sb ea rriienrcsl udfeo,re xamplae t,a xs ystetmh at unfaiprelnya liiznevse stmeinnrt esn ewabelnee rguyt,i lrietgyu lations thaetn couracgoen tinureedl ianocne f ossfiule lasn,d t hef ailuorfe markettsoa ccounfto rt hel ong-teercmo nomiecn,v ironmenatnadl , socicaoln sequenocfee nse rgcyh oices. Theb ulko ft heb ookc onsidfeirvsbe r oacda tegoroifre esn ewable energsyo urcesso:l awri,n db,i omas(sp lamnatt terri)v,e arnsd o ceans, andg eothermFaolre. a cohf t hesseo urctehse,b ookd escriibtecssu rrent applicatdiiosnc,u sistecsso stasn,a lyzneesw t echnolougnideesdr e vel­ opmenta,n da ssessietpsso sitainvden egatievnev ironmeinmtpaalc ts. Becaucsoen ventiwoinsadlo mh oldtsh aitn herenftlluyc tuarteinnegw ­ ablree sourlcieksse o laarn dw indc annomta kes ignifiicnarnota idnst o worlsdu pplwyi thoeunte rgsyt oratgheeb, o okd evotaec sh aptteort he energsyt oraigses uIetc. o ncludweist ha c haptoenrp olictiheasct o uld helspp eetdh et ransittoia or ne newabelnee rgeyc onomy. Takeans a w holet,h ibso oks howtsh ev itraoll ree newabsloeu rcceasn ands houlpdl aiyn A mericae'nse rgfyu turIetc. i tsetsu diiensd icating thawti,t thh er ighpto licrieense,w abelnee rgcyo ulpdr oviadsem ucha s 40 haloff A mericae'nse rgwyi thin yearasn,d a ne venl argferra ction downt her oadS.u cha .r apisdh iffrto me xisteinnegr gsyo urcweosu ld 1920, 70 bed ramatbiuctn otu nprecedenItne d. coaslu ppliepde rceonft 40 20 U.Se.n ergbyu,tw ithiny earist ssh arhea dd roppetdoj ustp ercent aso ialn dn aturgaalsu sei ncreased. Sooneorrl ateori,al n dn aturgaalsw ilall sfoa dien i mportanTchee. reaqlu estiioswn h enT.h ibso okm akest hec asteh atth et imteo m ove decisivteolwya rad r enewabelnee rgeyc onomhya sa rrived. 1 TheE nergCyh allenge Froma lmotshtse t aorftt h ien dustrreivaoll utthieeon ng,i onfeW estern civilizhaatsri uonon nf osfsuiell Isnt. h Uen itSetda tceosae,lm ergaesd thdeo minant esnoeurrsgceyev edreacla daefsti edtri idn E uropbeu,bt y thee ndo ft he1 9tche ntuirtwy a sp rovidfiunlg5l 0yp erceonfUt . S. enerngeye dOsi.al n dn atugraacsla mien twoi dues ien t h2e0 tche ntury, helpitnorg e dutchee c osatn di mprotvheeq ualiotfty r ansportation, industrreys,i dehnetaitailan ngdo, t heern ersgeyr viTcoedsa.cy l,o tsoe 85p erceonfUt . S. energayr mene etie nod nsem anneorra nothbeyfr o ssil fuels. Yetth idse pendecnacnen ot continue wtihtUeh. o5eu.ct o npoumtyt ing andt heg lobeanlv ironmaetrn its Ekv.e nb efotrheet hreoaftg lobal warming atwtirdaaect tteedn itnit ohlnea teei ghtiiwtea ssc, l etahraU t. S. andw orlodi aln dn aturgaalsr eserwvoeusl ndo tl asitn definaintde ly, thaptr udenccael lfeodgr r aduarleldyu cionugrd ependeonnct eh ese enersgoyu rcAetps r.e sernatto efcs o nsumptpiroonv,Ue .nS o.ir le serves willla sjtu s1t0y earasn,dw orlodir le serwviellsla sbta re4l0yy e arTso. bes urnee,w r eseravrebese indgi scovaerltelhd te i mbeu,te veinft o tal reserpvreosv teo b ed oublceu rreenstt imattheews o,r lwdi lble gin runnisnhgo ornto ialn dn aturgaalsb yt hmei ddloeft hnee xcte ntury. Welble fotrhee pnr,i caersle i ketlory i sseh arpbleyc auosfte h ien creasing diffiacnudlc toyso tfd iscovearniden xgt racotiiTlnh.geg rowicnogn cen­ tratoifoo nip lr oductiinao ns mnaulmlb eorfc ountriise sac lasuosf eo r alarBmy.2 02i0fp, r esetnrte ncdosn tinouveet,rw o-thoifrw dosr lodi l wilble p umpedf romt heM iddlEea stc,o mparteodj usat q uarter toda-ya deepltyr oublpirnogs peccotn,s idetrhiein ngs tabainldi ty confltihcactto ntitnoup el agtuhea rte gi(oFnl aavnidnL enss1e9n9 0). Givetnh ester entdhswe,o rlsde emdse stitnoee dx periaennocteh er perioofds harprliys iennge rgpyr icleisk teh awth icsht ruicnkt he seventtiheiossn, ep ossifbalmryo rsee vearnede nduritnhgat nh lea st.

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