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Cookbook-Oil and Herb Recipes-Basic Herbalism PDF

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Preview Cookbook-Oil and Herb Recipes-Basic Herbalism

1 INTRODUCTION TO HERBALISM Merry Meet Friends, Welcome to the wonderful world of herbs and their uses, in the following lessons will give you a basic knowledge of most aspects of herbalism. As these lessons are not as in-depth as I would have preferred to have made them, they will however, still give you an understanding of just how vast the world of herbs really is. These lessons were also designed to motivate the student who wishes to learn more to research further. Only particular herbs will be mentioned in this course, as there would be far too many to name each individually, so this course is designed to accommodate the most popular. THE LESSONS Like in the other courses that you have completed with the Correllian Tradition, these lessons will contain several sections, which are intended to compliment each other. These sections will include: THE LESSON – The main body of each lesson will be devoted to a single subject. These lessons will only provide an introduction and a good basic understanding of these different topics, and we strongly encourage you to follow them with further research of your own. PIONEERS IN HISTORY – Each lesson will also contain a small feature devoted to History. Which will include the great people behind the dawning of specific parts of Herbalism. GLOSSARY – Every lesson will include a glossary, to explain words which may be unfamiliar to you. We are not aware that some of our references are obscure and may give more information that you at first think you need. SPELLWORKS – Each Lesson will include a spellworking, to help you expand upon your knowledge, and to help you to integrate the plants into your spellcasting. TEST – And finally, each lesson will end with a Test, which you may complete at your own rate. The Subject matter of the Herbalism course includes the following: 0 – Introduction to Herbalism Lesson - YOU ARE HERE I – History of Herbs Lesson - Includes the history of herbs dating back as far as 2700 B.C Pioneer - Hippocrates and Theophrastus Spellwork – Cleansing Ritual Tool II – Preparations Lesson - Run down of the most basic herbal preparations Pioneer – Mithridates and Dioscorides Spellwork – Growing Spell III – Basic Uses Lesson - The uses of Herbs and some of their more famous applications Pioneer – Pliny and Galen Spellwork - Bath Cleansing (Asperges) IV – The Herbs Lesson - List of herbs, including Latin names, parts used, preparations, actions and uses. Pioneer – Avicenna and Hildegard of Bingen Spellwork - Imbolc Meditation V – Herbs in Magic Lesson - List of herbs and their magical counterparts. Pioneer – Paracelus and Pietro Mattioli Spellwork - Imbolc Ritual VI – Natural Healing Methods Lesson – Other Natural healing meathods with a brief description Pioneer – Nicholas Culpeper and Carolus Linnaeus Spellwork – Solitary New Moon Ritual VII – Toxic Herbs Part I Lesson - Toxic herbs, including common names, Latin names, and descriptions. Part I Pioneer – Samuel Hannemann Spellwork – Tapu’s Healing Spell 2 VIII – Toxic Herbs Part II Lesson - Toxic herbs, including common names, Latin names, and descriptions. Part II Pioneer – Samuel Thomson Spellwork – Blessing your new Home IX – Plants and their Planetary Rulers Lesson – Small list of Plants with their Zodiacal and Planetary Rulers Pioneer – Dr.. Frederick Foster Harvey Quin Spellwork – Strength Spell DISCLAIMER: Choosing a holistic approach to medicine means choosing personal responsibility for your health care. This course is designed to offer a doorway through which to enter the realm of herbal healing, an invitation to further investigation on the part of the reader. It is in no way intended as a substitute for advice from a health care practitioner. 3 LESSON I - HISTORY OF HERBS. You may say you know very little about herbs and their lore, but you actually know more than you think. Herbs are everywhere in everyone’s life; from kitchen spices and vegetables, to coffee and tea, spring flowers and garden weeds. Since the beginning in ancient times of India, China, Egypt, and Assyria dating as far back as the year 2700 B.C. , and in the struggle to achieve mastery over the forces of nature, people have always turned to plants for help - for food - shelter - clothing - weapons - and healing. Plants provide all these and something more: an astounding display of energy in their growth and seasonal rebirth. No wonder then, that plants have been invested with magical powers. No wonder that many myths attribute to plants an intimate relationship with our daily lives and with our destinies. Herbs in Papyri: Surviving Egyptian papyri dating back to around 1700 BC record that many common herbs, such as garlic and juniper, have been used medicinally for around 4,000 years. In the days of Ramesses III, hemp was used for eye problems just as it may be prescribed for glaucoma today, while poppy extracts were used to quieten crying children. The Greek Contribution: By the time of Hippocrates (468-377 BC), European herbal tradition had already absorbed ideas from Assyria and India, with Eastern herbs such as basil and ginger among the most highly prized, and the complex theory of humours and essential body fluids had begun to be formulated. Hippocrates categorised all foods and herbs by fundamental quality - hot, cold, dry or damp - and good health was maintained by keeping them in balance, as well as taking plenty of exercise and fresh air. Pedanius Dioscorides wrote his classic text De Materia Medica in around 60 AD, and this remained the standard textbook for 1,500 years. Dioscorides was reputed to have been either the physician to Antony and Cleopatra or, more prosaically, an army surgeon during the reign of the Emperor Nero. Many of the actions of Dioscorides describes are familiar today: parsley as a diuretic; fennel to promote milk flow; white horehound mixed with honey as an expectorant. Roman Remedies: The Greek theories of medicine reached Rome around 100 BC. As time passed, they bacame more mechanistic, presenting a view of the body as a machine to be actively repaired, rather than following the Hippocratic dictum of allowing most diseases to cure themselves. Medicine became a lucrative business with complex, highly priced herbal remedies. Opposing this practice was Claudius Galenus (131- 199 AD), who was born in Pergamon in Asia Minor and was a court physician to the Emperor Marcus Aurelius. Galen reworked many of the old Hippocratic ideas and formalised the theories of humours. His books soon became the standard medical texts not only of Rome, but also of later Arab and medieval physicians, and his theories still survive in Unani medicine today. Islamic Influences: The Arab World: With the fall of Tome in the 5th century, the centre of Classical learning shifted East and the study of Galenical medicine was focused in Constantinople and Persia. Galenism was adopted with enthusiasm by the Arabs, and merged with both folk beliefs and surviving Egyptian learning. It was this mixture of herbal ideas, practice and traditions that was re-imported into Europe with the invading Arab armies. Probably the most important work of the time was the Kitab al Qanun, or Canon of Medicine, by Avicenna. This was based firmly on Galenical principles and by the 12th century had been translated into Latin and imported back into the West to become on of the leading textbooks in Western medical schools. Monastery: The Christian monks of the sixth century enlarged the medicinal use of herbs. They became really the first homeopathic specialists and each monastery had a special herb garden from which plants were exchanged and traded between Orders, so developing and improving the herbs. Some of today's great medical centres are direct descendants of these monastery gardens. 4 Superstitious Times: During this superstitious time many herbs were credited with mystical and magical powers; it was believed that angelica, bay and garlic would protect the user against witchcraft, bay had the added advantage of warding off infection. Caraway and coriander were used in love potions, while fennel was held in high regard by the Romans as it supposedly protected the user against venomous bites, made him strong, brave and encouraged long life. As well, there were herbs to guard against nightmares, some to deter vampires and many more to keep lovers faithful. PIONEERS IN HERBS: This lessons first pioneer Hippocrates (460 – 377 B.C) Hippocrates may be known today as the father of medicine, but for centuries pride of place in medieval Europe was given to Galen, a 2nd century physician, who wrote extensively about the four "humours" - blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile - and classified herbs by their essential qualities: as hot or cold, dry or damp. These theories were later expanded by 7th century Arab physicians such as Avicenna, and today Gelenical theories continue to dominate Unani medicine, practiced by the Muslim world and India. Galen's descriptions of herbs as, for example, "hot in the the third degree" or "cold in the second" were still being used well into the 18th century. The second great pioneer is the great Theophrastus: (c. 371- c.287 BC) The first scientific botanist known to history was the Greek philospher Theophrastus. Extending to plants a classification scheme that was developed by his teacher Aristotle, Theophrastus wrote two works, Growth of Plants and Inquiry Into Plants, which covered some 550 plants from Europe to India. These works were the first to classiffy plants by form and structure, and prefigure the Linnaean system used today. Theophrastus was also a first- rate observer: his description of germinating seeds, for example, was long unsurpassed. Yet he also transmitted fantasies that were to haunt science for generations, such as the idea that plants were put on earth solely for people's use, a notion implicit in the doctrine of signatures. As to his reason for mixing myth with fact, Theophrastus wrote: "Fabulous tales are not made up without reason." SPELLWORK: Bay and Willow Water 3 tbsp dried Willow or 6 tbsp fresh Willow 2 tbsp dried or fresh Bay leaves 4 cups water 2 strips of dried Orange rind 10 drops of Witch Hazel extract First start by clearing and releasing all excess energy. (you can vary the ritual according to your own preferences and tradition) Focus on all ingredients cleansing each item separately to purify any negativity which they may have. Then take three deep breaths, eliminating the last of the negativity that you may have picked up – then you are ready to combine ingredients – go ahead and do so with love and peace in your heart. Now combine all ingredients in a small glass or enamelled pan. Bring water JUST to a simmer and shut heat. Add herbs and steep for 20 mins. *This process can be repeated using the same water add more herbs for a stronger infusion. Add the orange zests while mixture is still warm. * Cool to room temperature, then strain out the herbs and then add the drops of Witch Hazel extract. Refrigerate between uses. You can use any flower or herb of your choice, depending on your needs in ritual work or personal preferences. You can use this water to cleanse your Altar and other ritual tools, you have learnt about them, and of how to cleanse them in the previous courses that you have completed. These waters can be used as accompliments to crystal work as well. It is also a great combination for FLOORWASHES too. On a more personal note, you can put liquid in a bottle with a lid and dab on with cotton, or put it in a spray bottle and spray on your face and body. This rinse will remove any traces of soap on your face, and leave your face fresh and smooth. Other variations that I prefer are Vanilla and Linden, and Rose Geranium and Orange. 5 LESSON II – HERBAL PREPARATIONS Herbs can be used in quite a number of different ways. Depending upon the users wish, they can be used to treat an ailment or problem, depending upon the individual who is applying the healing or even by whom is receiving the treatment, all of which depends upon what application is used. They can also be used for spellcasting and ritual magick. In this lesson you will discover a little bit more about the different applications of various herbs preparations. Water Infusions - Hot: When plant material is infused in water, after about 3-5 minutes, the water becomes a fragrantly scented and pleasantly refreshing drink known as 'tea'. However, tea is more than just an enjoyable means of quenching thirst. Our bodies are 90% water and we have an intimate affinity with this element. Water Infusions - Cold: Place the herbs in cold water and soak for 8-12 hours having the best result if left overnight, the strain and slightly warm before drinking. Tinctures: In a tincture the properties of the herbs are extracted and preserved in alcohol. In ancient times this was accomplished using wines, (as is where the "mulled wines" originated from!) Tinctures can be made with fresh or dried herbs. Tinctures can also be made "non-alcoholic" by adding the adequate ratio of water to the tincture mix and leaving the mixture uncovered for several hours while the alcohol evaporates, useful for those people that are unable to take alcohol. Poultices: Poultices are herbal compresses that are very handy for skin problems and even muscular and bone ailments. They are made by steaming the herbs over water, but not touching the water. Cover and steam for a few minutes, just so that the herbs "wilt". And by spreading the softened herbs on a cloth and place on the affected area. Cover the "compress" with a woolen cloth and leave on for approximately 2 hours. Decoctions: A decoction is an extract of herbs produced by boiling the herb in water. This method is used for hard seeds, roots and barks, which need much longer than just a few minutes to infuse. I prefer to use this technique, because there is something mystical, and very healing about this medium. Although decoctions are prepared by prolonged simmering, they still contain the essential qualities of the fresh herbs Fomentation: Is just a towel or cloth soaked in an herbal infusion or decoction, with the excess wrung out and then applied as hot as possible (without burning) to the affected area. Powder: Dried and ground plant matter. Take with water, soup, milk, sprinkled on food etc. The most common dosage is that which can be picked up on the tip of a dinner knife (about half a teaspoon). Syrup: Raw or brown sugar is boiled with water until it reaches a ‘honey’ consistency. Strain through cheesecloth, and the medicinal ingredients and administer. This is very good for encouraging small children to take their medicine. Extract – Liquid herbal extracts are generally concentrated herbal liquids which are made in alcohol/water mixtures and are undoubtedly the best and most convenient herbal administrations. Saturation time is much longer than herbal tinctures, but the principle is basically the same. Essence: Approximately 28 grams of the herbs’ oil is dissolved in 600 mls of alcohol. This is an excellent way to preserve volatile essential oils which are not water soluble. PIONEERS IN HERBS: This lessons first pioneer is the great Mithridates: (died 63 BC) A special place in the history of medicinal plants belongs to Mithridates VI, King of Pontus. Because he is said to have made himself immune to poisoning by taking progressively larger doses of poison, his name lives on in the term mithridatism, 'acquired tolerance of a poison.' Facing inevitable capture by Roman enemies, he reputedly tried in vain to poison himself and had to get a slave to stab him to death. Accounts written after his death portray Mithridates as a diligent biological investigator who knew 22 languages and studied medicine as well. An antidote called the mithridate bore his name in mediaeval pharmacology. Mithridates' physician Crateus was also well known during ancient times for his lifelike botanical paintings, now thought to have been the basis for illustrations in Dioscorides' De Materia Medica. 6 And the second pioneer is Dioscorides: (1st century AD) The most influential pharmaceutical writer from ancient times was the Greek physician Doiscrides, born near Tarsus (in modern Turkey) probably shortly after the time of Christ. Little is known about Doiscrides' personal life, other than that he may have served as a doctor with the Roman army. His pharmaceutical guide, De Materia Medica, deals with more than 600 plants, 35 animal products and 90 minerals used in medicine. Illustrated manuscripts of the De Materia Medica circulated during the next 1600 years throughout the West and Middle East. One of its earliest print editions was published by that great Renaissance botanist- naturalist Pietro Mattioli in Venice in 1544. The Mattioli edition is generally considered to be a cornerstone of modern botany. A great many of the scientific and everyday plant name we use today can be traced back to Dioscorides. SPELLWORK: Growing Spell With some simple adaptations, this spell can work well for any kind of familial abundance. When you work the spell, have everything assembled that you need. (Water, salt, a green candle, a square of fabric, string, incense and charm herbs, incense charcoal, edible seeds, bowls, Cakes & Wine, etc.) Read through the spell, so you understand all of it, but don't try to memorise it. Cast your circle, or otherwise set up your sacred space as you usually do. While within your sacred space, light the green candle. Visualizing your desire, blend these 9 herbs for your charm (leaving some aside to burn as incense) 1: Rose petals 2: Sage 3: Grape 4: Horsetail 5: Hawthorne 6: Mustard Seed 7: Poppy seeds 8: Jasmine 9: Cinnamon (or any other herb that you associate with your lineage) The order in which you blend them isn't important, nor is the quantity, as long as there is some of each. (For a simpler formula, you may use 5 herbs: Rose, Sage, Mustard Seed, Poppy Seed, and Cinnamon (or other herb of your choosing). Put some of the mixture on your charcoal to burn, and put some in the center of your square of fabric. (Any leftover blend may be used for incense later) Tie your string loosely (for now) to make a pouch. Hold the pouch in your writing hand and say the following, to the appropriate direction: Face North I vow to help myself Grow. I vow to help my husband* Grow. I vow to help my family Grow. Face East I vow to help myself Learn. I vow to help my husband Learn. I vow to help my family Learn. Face South I vow to keep myself Healthy. I vow to help keep my husband Healthy. I vow to help keep my family Healthy. Face West I vow to love myself. I vow to love my Husband. I vow to love my Family. Oh Guardians of the Quarters, I Thank you. Oh Goddess, I Thank you. Tie the string tightly around the charm, using four knots. Blend the three seeds (Carrot, poppy & sunflower) together. Eat a bit now, and (if possible) keep them on or near your altar to eat some of them each day. (For a simpler spell, use one seed - either the poppy or sunflower.) 7 Have Cakes & Wine (a bit of food and drink, which need not be alcoholic) Open your circle, (or perform comparable act) then you must ground and eat something more - a meal, a sandwich, something with some substance. Live happily and with abundance! 8 LESSON III –BASIC HERBAL USES Herbs are used for many applications, ranging from culinary delights, aromatic aires, and magical incantations through to medicinal and remedial therapies. In this particular lesson you will see, a brief description of some varieties of applications that herbs and their properties are used for. Herbs have been around since time began, people used them for many reasons; for food, aroma, medicine and magic. People from all walks of life still use them today, for various reasons and providing your own personal knowledge, they can bring a wealth of harmony into your life. Culinary Herbs: Herbs used for their flavouring abilities in foods. Aromatic Herbs: Herbs used for the pleasantry of their smell and the fragrance of aire. Medicinal Herbs: Herbs which possess and herbs that have healing properties. Remedial Herbs: Herbs that possess the remedy for a specific disease or deficiency. Magical Herbs: Herbs used for spells, invocations, incantations, and protection. Always remembering, if you are unsure of specific herbs it is best to either consult a professional, or leave well enough alone. AROMATHERAPY Aromatherapy is a multifaceted healing art, which uses the essential oils of plant and trees to promote health of body and serenity of mind. Although the roots of this beautiful therapy are ancient, I have set out to prove that the basic principles on which aromatherapy is based are no less valid today. Aromatic plants have been used by humankind since the dawn of history. There is evidence that over some 4,000 years ago, the Ancient Sumarians made use of the scented herbs such as cypress and myrrh, while in the 1870's George Ebers discovered a 21 metre scroll of papyrus that listed over 850 Ancient Egyptian botancial remedies, dating from about 1500 BC. Ancient Greek Physicians such as Hippocrates and Galen interpreted the microcosm of the human being according to the Elements of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air, while the masters of the Chinese tradition saw five elements at work. In either case, they employed a rich and varied language of Nature - not to describe their observations as fixed phenomena, but like the physicists of today, to use these concepts to expose the dynamic force that masquerades as matter. Aromatherapy also has a few intriguing diversions, such as the art of natural perfumery, the making of cosmetic lotions and potions, and an exploration of sensual aromatherapy - for those wishing to enhance their love life through the alchemy of fragrance and the magic of touch. Practices such as these were the beginnings of a tradition that embraced not one but several civilizations, and developed hand-in-hand with systems of science and medicine that were based on both empirical knowledge and informed intuition. By applying traditional wisdom to aromatherapy, we can avail ourselves of a corpus of knowledge that is both immediate and profound, practical and intuitive. And through contributing to the synthesis of East and West, we can expand our awareness both of the human spirit and the plant essence. AYURVEDIC MEDICINE Ayurveda is India's contribution to humanity in its search for health care, well being and longevity. This wonderful treatise on human health is considered as the 'fifth Veda' narrated directly by God to great Rishis of the ancient past. It mellowed with the evolution of Indian civilisation tracing its origin to "Adharva Veda' the oldest work of Philosophy and science in the history of mankind. And where, almost all medicines are of plant origin, they do not have any side effects. It flourished at a time when all the science branches, we now practice, were in its rudiments. Physicians the world over, now consider Ayurveda as a system of treatment embedded in nature that couples medication and recognised lifestyle. In the modern era, where most of the diseases result from mutations in life styles, we have started to look back into this ancient wisdom, which advocates a therapy that has its roots in nature. 9 Ayurveda has withstood the test of time, for over four millenniums by propagation as smrithi and sruthi (through oral education and discussion ) and mananam (meditation). Most of the reference texts that are in use today were recorded after 1000 B.C. It can be seen that Principles of Ayurveda are retained intact and the medicinal formulations in the reference texts are narrated as examples of this treatment theory for individual diseases BACH REMEDIES Between the years of 1930 and 1936, Dr. Edward Bach, discovered and perfected a system of herbal medicine which is unique in medical history. This system was the culmination of a lifetime of inspired research, which gave the medical profession a great many new and revolutionary discoveries. Dr. Bach believed that the basic cause of all disease was an emotional disharmony resulting from conflict within the personality. The 38 remedies which he discovered, were for the treatment of this disharmony, and each remedy was specific for a particular emotional condition, such as fear, anxiety, depression, loneliness, etc. The remedies were prepared mainly from natural wildflowers, using fresh water and the power of the sun to produce an essence, which was taken internally by the patient. Dr. Bach died in 1936, immediately after completing his system. His followers have carried on the work he started, and the 38 remedies, known as the "Bach Flower Remedies", still prepared by the same natural method, are available in Australia today. Dr. Edward Bach found, by experience, that most human disease had their basis in disharmony between the spiritual and mental aspects of a human being. This disharmony - to be found wherever conflicting moods produced unhappiness, mental torture, fear or lassitude and resignation - lowered the body' vitality and allowed disease to be present. For this reason the remedies he prepared were for the treatment of the mood and temperament of the patient, not for his physical illness; so that each patient, becoming more himself, could increase his or her own vitality and so draw from an inward strength and an inward peace the means to restore health. The most recognised of all Bach Flower Remedies is the "multi-useful" Rescue Remedy. Below, you will see what Dr. Bach himself said about his Rescue Remedy. The Rescue Remedy is a combination of 5 remedies. The five remedies are: Rock Rose: for terror, extreme fear, panic, either in the patient or in those around. Star of Bethlehem: for the after-effects of shock, mental or physical. Clematis: for unconsciousness, coma, fainting, giddiness, all of which indicate a temporary lack of interest in the present. Cherry Plum: for the fear of the mind giving way, of insanity, brain-storms, hysterical conditions, suicidal tendencies. Impatiens: for the extreme mental tension and irritability resulting in muscular tension and, hence pain. CHINESE MEDICINE: Traditional Chinese medicine has a very long history. According to legend, Chinese medicines originated from Shen Nong's tasting of hundreds of herbs and medicinal materials. As the legend relates, Shen Nong gathered wild foodstuffs for cultivation and then selected those with medicinal value from among them for the treatment of diseases. At least half of the 365 medicines listed in "Shen Nong's Herbal Classic" possess both medicinal and food value; while the 260 items listed in "The Dietetic Materia Medica", written centuries later by Meng Shen of the Tang Dynasty include nearly all of the types of food that people require daily, such as rice and other cereals, melons and gourds, fruits, game and edible wild vegetables, meat, poultry and eggs, fish, shrimp and other seafood, etc. Later still, more than 300 kinds of foodstuffs were recorded in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" written by Li Shizhen of the Ming Dynasty. All of these works point to the common sources of medicines and foods, and to the fact that the same things have long been used as both foods and medicines. 10 HOMEOPATHY Homeopathy is a fascinating form of holistic healing and lends to the principle of “like can sure like” – that is, an illness should be treated by a substance capable of producing similar symptoms to those being suffered by the patient – is the basis of Homeopathy. The very small doses of Homeopathic medicine act as a catalyst to stimulate the body’s natural dealing ability, similar to the way vaccinations work, by causing a reaction in the body’s defence processes. Homeopathy Concentrates on the powerful healing forces of herbs, mineral and other natural substances, that may be beneficial to many common ailments, providing temporary relief of many symptoms through strengthening of the body’s own natural ability to attain homeostasis. PIONEERS IN HERBS: This lesson is the well-known Pliny: (23/24 - 79 AD) "To live is to be awake" was the credo of the Roman administrator and natural historian Pliny. His work, Natural History, written in 37 books, was a major source both for botanists and herbalists from mediaeval times through to the seventeenth century. Books 12 to 19 of the Natural History deal with botany, and books 20 to 27 with plant pharmacology. Pliny and the Greek doctor Dioscorides, his contemporary, have been cited by writers on plants down to the present century. Generations of authors passed along Pliny's words without attributing them to him - so that many of his statements of fact and fancy have entered the folklore of plants. Pliny died in a manner that was befitting a true naturalist: he went to investigate an eruption of Vesuvius, and on al beach near Pompeii he succumbed to the volcanoe's sulphurous fumes. A vivd account of this scene exists in a letter written by Pliny's nephew, who is called Pliny the Younger to distinguish him from his uncle, who is sometimes known as Pliny the Elder. And the great Galen: (130 - 200 AD) The most famous physician of his day and a prolific medical writer, Galen found his intellectual inspiration in Greek thought, particularly the medicine of Hippocrates, the science of Aristotle and the philosophy of Plato. Born in Pergamum (now Bergama, Turkey), Galen determined when he was only 16 years old to bring precision to the study of medicine. He studied and travelled for the next 12 years, spending probably several years at Alexandria, which was then the chief medical centre of the age. There Galen quickly outdistanced even the brightest scholars with his intellectual ability. After returning to Pergamum and serving as a physician to the gladiators there, Galen moved to Rome, about 161, where he established a large medical practice. He soon numbered influential Romans among his admiring patients and thus began his long association with the rich and powerful, including Emperor Marcus Aurelius. Although Galen taught the now antiquated concept of medicine as adjusting the body's humours, he also believed in the empirical method of testing medicines, at that time a very modern stance. Not until the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries did anyone challenge his medical authority. The terms 'galenic products' and 'galenicals' today refer to medical substances extracted from plants by methods associated with Galen. SPELLWORK: Bath Cleansing (Asperges) You will need: Water Herbs of Choice Sea Salt Water Vessel This ritual is used for the same reasons as smudging. To complete this ritual of cleansing, you need: water, herbs of your choice, and salts (sea salt or a mixture are typical choices), as well as a vessel to hold the mixture, size depending on what you intend to cleanse (bathtub for yourself, bowl for crystals or totems, etc.). For yourself: Fill a bathtub with comfortably warm water. Mix in the herbs and salts. Bathe in the water, washing it over every part of your body. Concentrate on areas of inbalance or places in need of healing. When finished, stay in the bathtub until it drains, negative energies flowing away with the bath water.

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