CONWAY'S T H E W A R A T S E A IN PHOTOGRAPHS 1939 1945 Stuart Robertson Stephen Dent CONWAY Frontispiece The FrenchbattleshipRichelieu.on passageto the FarEast inMarch 1944. Page 6 Manningthe gunson USSArkansas.1944. In memory ofJ.E. Horwood and D. G. Robertson a BE A Conway Maritime book Copyright © Stuart Robertson and Stephen Dent 2007 First published in Great Britain in 2007 by Conway an imprint ofAnovaBooks,The Old MagistratesCourt, 10 Southcombe Street, London WI4 ORA Allrights reserved.No part ofthispublication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording or otherwise,without the prior permission ofthe publisher. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A record ofthistitle isavailable on request from the British Library. ISBN 13:9 781844 860456 Edited by:Alison MossandJohnJordan Designed by Nichola Smith,Stephen Dent and Georgina Hewitt Printed and bound by CT Printing Ltd,China CONTENTS ACK OWLEDGEME TS 7 INTRODUCTION 8 1939-1940 22 1941 56 1942 88 1943 156 1944 184 1945 216 PICTURE CREDITS 236 BIBLIOGRAPHY 236 INDEX 239 Acknowledgements T he authors wish to express their grateful thanks to the following information from theirown collections,aswellastheir time andknowl people and institutions for their assistance:Ian Proctor,Matt Lee, edge.Principal among these are several contributors to Conway'snaval Thom Eaton,Yvonne Oliver, and the rest of the staff at the annual Warslrip.First and foremost our thanks go to JohnJordan.John ImperialWarMuseum photographic and filmarchives;LauraWaayers,Ed Jordan isthe editor of Hilrslripand also the author oftwo bookson the Finney, Charles E. Brodine Jr and William Dildo of the US Naval Soviet Navy,and is at present working on a book on the navies ofthe Historical Center; Debbie Corner, Keeper of Photographs at the Royal inter-war period. Enrico Cernuschi is the author ofEceroTinti if Loro Navy Submarine Museum;Jo Lawler,Director ofExplosion! Museum of Dovere (Rome: Rivisra Marittima, 2006), now a standard text on the Naval Firepower;BrianWilliams,Mark FrostandJohn Iverson ofDover history ofthe Italian Navy commissionedby the Italian NavalAcademy. Museum;Kevin Mcl.aren, KristinaWatson and Lydia Fisher at the Royal Vince O'Hara is the author of Germall Fleet at War 1939-1945 CommissionontheAncient and HistoricalMonumentsofScotland;Leon (Annapolis:Naval Institute Press,2004) and TI,e U.S. NavyAgaillst tire M.A.Homburg,curator,Marinemuseum,den Helder;Gerry Rendle and Axis:SuifaceCombat 1941-1945(Annapolis:NavalInstitute Press,2007). Paul Burkhalter of Devonport Dockyard and Museum; Commander Henk Visser is a retired officer of the Royal Netherlands Navy, and Erminio Bagnasco, director, Storia Militare; Volkmar Konig; Terry works at the Marinemuseum, den Helder. He is the author of De McGovern;Dave Bassett.jean Hood;Bert Purches;DK Brown;Stephen KoninklijkeMarine, 1922-1964.ConradWatersisamember ofthegroup Johnson; Geoffrey Hudson;WilliamJ. Crawford;Dee Dent;AJFox;Leo working to return theWorldWarTwo frigate HMS vVlrimbrelto the UK van Ginderen; Hans Lengerer; Waldemar Trojca; Charles Blackwood; asapermanent memorial to the Battle ofthe Atlantic.ChrisSavillisan David Evans; Martin Le Poidevin of Flyermagazine;Andy Field; Kary aviation and social historian who works at The National Archives Goodwin; Geoff Dennison; Ian Hancock;Tony at ColorWorks, Bath; (formerly the Public Record Office)in Kew,London,and haswritten a Steve Mclaughlin, Bill Schleihauf the staffofBath Central Library;and number of books on aviation history. Richard Worth and Vladimir John Lee andAlison Moss at Conway.The authors would like to thank Yakubov are the authors ofRaisingtire Red Ballller:TI,e Pictorial History their families,friendsand publisher for their forbearance. ofStalill~ Fleet 1920-1945 (Spellmount,2007).Thisbook has benefited In particular,thisbook could not havebeen compiledwithout the aid greatly from all their input; any errors of fact or interpretation remain of a number ofpeople who generously provided images and caption the sole responsibility ofthe authors. The Camera at Sea phorogr.iphi« equipment, imluding rhc Spt.'l'd (;r.lphit"c.uucr.i, which A, th.u gt.'lh.'r,ltioll of1111..'11 .md WOlllell who l'xpCriCIKcdWorldWarTwo he..'LII11t.' the port.iblc protl'" One .iko .It fir-a n.'ct'dcs into hisrory.[0 g.lin .m impression of",Jut lift., \\";1'" '.IWthe first use ofphotographic' rcconn.u-x.uuc Oil .md like tll[ them Wt,.' IllllS{ rely 011the.: 'OURe' lett behind by the p.util.:ip.lIlt'i.. over it. At 't.'.I..lcri.ll rt.·t.:olllui".It1t.:c W,I\ conducted trom .urship-,.md The.: photogr.lph. pl'fh.lp'" betref {h.m .IIlY other J1le.IIl' of primitivc .unr.itt.originally tor rlu-,potting ofcnCll1Y\'l·"t.,ls .ind tor the l"OIllIlHlllic.ltioll. cm bring u\ fill' to t~ln.· with rhe.: ,cellc.:s nnn' corn-crivc dirccnon of<hellfire ill .m t.'ng.lgt.·Illt·.tH. l"onfrolltcd £Ill" pcopk thefe .1Ild thcll. By the c.trlv 1').'\os. tcchnologv - .md otllt.:i.tI iutcrcsr in photogr.lphy SOIlll' photogr.lph... of glob.11 ,,:nlltlin .In.' \0 t~lJ1101l'" .1' to tun' - growll such the .irt bcronu- .111 iutcgr.rl .ispcct, .H:quircd .1Inc.mingoftheir0\\'11 .1\ \.·IH:luring'ylllbokl'\'CIl work... of.Irt: scil'lltitll",llIv .md docrrin.illv woven into tlHt.:l'S· modus opcr.uidi. thl' N.1Zi Ic.:.ldcr-,hip 'trolling .trfOg.lIltly in trollt ofthe Find Towcr in l'horogr.iph-, wcrv .t1so.I powerful medium tor recording SlKCl''i,'i,l' ,uhdul'd P.uj,:the.: f.tisingoftht.' US tl.lg011 bloody 1\\'0 Jilll.l:rhe So\"ic{ t.ulurc could he used by n.ivic-,.md govt.'rllllll'llt' to t'mbkm tlYln~'litHy owr Iht' R,'id"I.I~ in ,ku'I.Il,·d [k rllll. But 1I1.l11Y proillote ccrt.nn sdt.'d l'd other picture.'.''', Ilcn.:r dC'itincd (0 .KhicYl' \ueh inlllir 't~ltlh. .d,o l1.In... Iluring rh,u troubled de..·Cldl' of Ill'prt.''i,'i,ion III Anu-ric.i .md powl'rtitl illllJ)c,...di.h:Y.1Jld "'pl.'.lk pcrl1.lp' IIlOfC .H:ruf.ltdy ofwh.n it W.l' cl-cwhcn-. rhc rivc of t.ivcivm .md N.IZi'l11 in Europe, of tot.ilit.iri.m like to hl' ill .1titHe ~lI1d pLtn.' .Itlt.,l"tl,d by W.lf. conuuuuivm in n.rtion.ilivm illJlp.lI1 - photogr.lphy The \',lst Ill~~lority of photOgr.lplh cfl'.ltl.'d betwl'l"1l 1t)J() .md 1t)4.:l cemented it'io povirion .llollt-".,idt.' the prinrcd word .IS .l v.ilu.rblc n.'.lll.1in ullpublished .Ind little knowll .Hld Yl'( (:ollcdin'ly they n.'.prl"l'llt conunodirv .1I1d.1tool. European Ill'W\p.lpt.'rs.ind Jwriodic.llssuch .1\ Hrr;.' rhl' biggl.'·a "OUfCl" oft.lI1giblc l,\'idClll"C tlH"'.Ir1y '(.'\"l'l1 dcc.llk, .\lclf(1J .md the Berliner lllusuicn« Zeit"'I,\! t.'l11ployt.'d photogr.lphers ill .1gO.rhe expericllce ofwaf W;I\ fe.llly Iikl'.Not ;dlthe phorogr;lph... ha\"c greater numbcr-, .lIlY.irmcd tllrt"t.'Sever did.though the burgeoning dr.lIluri,,: impact or Illilit.lry ,ignitic.lIKl'.Yl'(l'.lt"h photOgr.lph fl'pn.·...l'llt\ Nazi ,Ute clcvcrlv blurred tilt.' linc-,between rcport.igc and propag.lIlda .1cOlllpositl' of not only the t:lCh of .1 'n'lll' - .1\ t:u ;1' they may be in print ,lI1d 011moving tilm.Thc techniquesotphorojournaliou m.irun-d l'\'idl'llt - hut al,o the photographer\ choin" whidl led hilll to st.'!l't.:t .1'.111increasingly globalizingworldsought intorm.mon 011 cvcnt«such .1\ and re..·t.:ord that st.:t.'nt.'"Eat.:h illlagt.' thus rdlt.'t.:t'io tht.' world ht.'yond tht.' the cOllqUl" l ofAhv-sini»,the Sp.mish CivilWar and theJa1'.1Ill'''' k", bUI .•1", Ihl' hUlIl.IIl proCl'''l'' bl'hilld it. l.ikl' .111war',World War inv.i-ion ofChina. Two lTe....1tt.'d;Ill t.'1l\"irOIlIlH..·nt punctuatt.'dwith at.:tion and dram.l ByWorldW.nTwo.largt.' numbcr-,ofphorogr.iphcr-, were occupied ill l'\Tr. 1110St t.:ol11b;lt;lnt, and ci\" spt.'nt tht.' lJujority of tht.'ir tillle..· recording the enormities and intinucic-, of, either tor immcdi.uc waiting tlH sOlllt.'thing to happt.'n"Tht.' photogr.lphic rt.'t:ord rdlt.'t.:t'io this application Of for prop.l~.lt1da .md even deliberate posterity"All \"lri.lbll' st.Hl' of atIlirs. though 1110st pictori.11 historit.'\ of war prdl'f (;l'fll)all .md Soviet otllcialphorogr.rphcrs were p.lrt ofthe .mncd tlHCl'\. to ignore it. .ind .111110st l'\"l'ry photograph thl'Ytook W.IS\ubjl't."t to otllci.11s.mrtion Llrly photography ill\"Okt.'d t"llJllht.'r\ol11t.' yet fr.lil tt.'chnolo!-'-;o·: the b.iwd on its usetulnc« in 'winning rhe war. Ccnsorvlnp and otllcial 1t.'llgth ofl'xpo\ure..·did not Ilukt.' it e..\l\Y to Llpturl' slurply tllCU\t.'d~Iction control wa\ rite. Tht.' s.unc held true tllr Allied phorographer«. iJ11.lge..'S. not 1e.lst ill tluid l'll\"irOlJJllt.'l1t'io" It W.IS Ilot ulltil dry pbtl' IJIHHllg:r;lphs to undergo ~I long ch.un of(ltllcial vl'tting hctorc they tl'chllolo~~' .lrrivc..'d at tht.' t.'l1d of tht.' 1X7(k it hl'C.lIlll' po"ible could be rclc..l'i.ed tor publication.The true rcalitic- ofW;If..1S captured Oil properly to photograph the 1110ti0l1ofthe..' \e..\1 .lIld objl'ct\ upon it"And film,were seen by rhc public only .iticr the end. .1\ SOOIl ~IS photographit.: tt.'t.hl1olo!-~- " lIuturt..d enough it wa\ put to The .'\.:lnllll single-shot CII11cr.i - the Lt.'it..) .uid the Cont,ix in Illilit.try .lpplicltion. World W;lr ()nt.' witllt.'\Sl'd tot.ll war 011 .111 p.irticular - .md the COll1p.KI twin-leu- reflex Rollcitlcx domin.uc t.'IlVirOI1l11t.'nt ottt.'11 ripe tllr sytl1pathetit.: vi\u.11 trl';lUl1t.'nt using new much ofthe phorographic reportage of[he W.1fye.If\.Aloll!--"idt.' otlici.t1 8