Conway is a dark and gritty hardboiled detective novel set in 2305 Baltimore. In this preview, you'll get introduced to the new series that will be released in its entirety later this year!
The story centers around Detective Michael Conway, a former BCPD officer turned private investigator, as he sets out on the biggest case of his career to find a missing woman.
Laura Garnier, the daughter of one of the most powerful CEOs in the country has vanished into thin air. It seems like a trivial case. Rich girl finds a bad boy and runs away. But it isn't until Conway runs into a mysterious hacker who has proof that something terrible has happened to Laura. She's been abducted. His proof? The whole thing caught on video. The catch? It was captured directly from Laura's own eyes.
Enter the world of Conway where climate change, cybernetically enhanced gangsters, mega-corporations and an ever present underground that rules it all. This cyberpunk universe the likes of Neuromancer and Snow Crash is aimed to please with a new take on the genre.
The fun is just getting started in this 10 part series with a new series released once a month.