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Graduate Texts in Operations Research Series Editors: Richard Boucherie · Johann Hurink Jan Brinkhuis Convex Analysis for Optimization A Unifi ed Approach Graduate Texts in Operations Research SeriesEditors RichardBoucherie UniversityofTwente Enschede,TheNetherlands JohannHurink UniversityofTwente Enschede,TheNetherlands This series contains compact volumes on the mathematical foundations of Oper- ations Research, in particular in the areas of continuous, discrete and stochastic optimization. Inspired by the PhD course program of the Dutch Network on the Mathematics of Operations Research (LNMB), and by similar initiatives in other territories,thevolumesinthisseriesofferanoverviewofmathematicalmethodsfor post-masterstudentsandresearchersinOperationsResearch.Booksintheseriesare basedontheestablishedtheoreticalfoundationsinthediscipline,teachtheneeded practicaltechniquesandprovideillustrativeexamplesandapplications. Moreinformationaboutthisseriesathttp://www.springer.com/series/15699 Jan Brinkhuis Convex Analysis for Optimization A Unified Approach JanBrinkhuis EconometricInstitute ErasmusUniversityRotterdam Rotterdam,TheNetherlands ISSN2662-6012 ISSN2662-6020 (electronic) GraduateTextsinOperationsResearch ISBN978-3-030-41803-8 ISBN978-3-030-41804-5 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-41804-5 ©SpringerNatureSwitzerlandAG2020 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpartof thematerialisconcerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation, broadcasting,reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherphysicalway,andtransmissionorinformation storageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilarmethodology nowknownorhereafterdeveloped. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,servicemarks,etc.inthispublication doesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevant protectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Thepublisher,theauthors,andtheeditorsaresafetoassumethattheadviceandinformationinthisbook arebelievedtobetrueandaccurateatthedateofpublication.Neitherthepublishernortheauthorsor theeditorsgiveawarranty,expressedorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinorforany errorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade.Thepublisherremainsneutralwithregardtojurisdictional claimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbytheregisteredcompanySpringerNatureSwitzerlandAG. Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland ToGraz˙yna Preface Thenoveltyofthistextbookisasimplification:convexanalysisisbasedcompletely ononesinglemethod. A Unified Method Borrowed from Geometry Convex analysis, with its wealth offormulasandcalculusrules,immediatelyintriguedme,havingabackgroundin pure mathematics and working at a school of economics. This background helped to see that some phenomena in various branches of geometry that can be dealt with successfully by one tested method, called homogenization, run parallel to phenomena in convex analysis. This suggested using this tested method in convex analysisaswell.Thisturnedouttoworkwellbeyondmyinitialexpectations.Here aresketchesoftwoexamplesofsuchparallelsandoftheirsimplebutcharacteristic useinconvexanalysis. FirstExampleofHomogenizationinConvexAnalysis Takingthehomogeniza- tion of circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas amounts to viewing them as conicsections—intersectionsofaplaneandtheboundaryofacone.Thisisknown for more than 2000 years to be a fruitful point of view. Parallel to this, taking the homogenization of a convex set amounts to viewing this convex set as the intersection of a hyperplane and a homogeneous convex set, also called a convex cone. This turns out to be also a fruitful point of view. For example, consider the task to prove the following proposition: a convex set is closed under finite convex combinations.Theusualproof,byinduction,requiressomeformulamanipulation. Thehomogenizationmethodgivesareductiontothetaskofprovingthataconvex coneisclosedunderpositivelinearcombinations.Theproofofthis,byinduction, requires no effort. In general, one can always reduce a task that involves convex sets to a task that involves convex cones, and as a rule this is an easier task. This reductionistheideaofthesinglemethodforconvexanalysisthatisproposedinthis book. Second Example of Homogenization in Convex Analysis In algebraic and differential geometry, the homogenization operation gives often sets that are not vii viii Preface closed. Then it is natural to make these sets closed by adding the so-called points at infinity. This is known to be a fruitful method for dealing with the behavior “at infinity.”Theaddedpointsmodeltwo-sidedorone-sideddirections.Paralleltothis, takingthehomogenizationofanunboundedclosedconvexsetgivesaconvexcone thatisnotclosed,andagainitisnaturaltomakeitclosedbytakingitsclosureand to view the added points as points at infinity of the given convex set. The added points turn out to correspond exactly to a well-known important auxiliary concept in convex analysis: recession directions of the convex set. These are directions in which one can travel forever inside the convex set.Itis a conceptual advantage of the homogenization method that it makes this auxiliary concept arise in a natural way and that it makes it easier to work with it. This turns out to be a fruitful method to work with unbounded convex sets. For example, consider the task to prove the following theorem of Krein–Milman: each point of a closed convex set is the sum of a convex combination of extreme points and a conic combination of extreme recession directions. The usual proof, by induction, requires a relatively intricate argument involving recession directions. The homogenization method gives a reduction to the task of proving that a closed convex cone is generated by itsextremerays.Theproofofthis,byinduction,requiresnoeffort.Ingeneral,one canalwaysreduceataskthatinvolvesanunboundedconvexset—andthattherefore requires the use of recession directions—to a task that involves a closed convex cone, and as a rule this is an easier task. In other words, the distinction between boundedandunboundedconvexsetsdisappears,insomesense. Thehomogenizationmethodmadeeverythingfallintoitsproperplaceforme. On the Need for Calculus Rules for Convex Sets For example, I was initially puzzledbythecalculusrulesforconvexsets—formulasforaconvexitypreserving operation (such as the intersection of two convex sets) followed by the duality operatorforconvexsets.Theserulesareoffundamentalinterest,butdotheyhave practical applications? If not, it might be better to omit them from a textbook on convex analysis, especially as they are relatively intricate, involving, for example, theconceptofsublinearfunctions.Thehomogenizationmethodgivesthefollowing insight. In order to solve concrete convex optimization problems, one has to computesubdifferentials,certainauxiliaryconvexsets;thisrequirescalculusrules forconvexsets,andtheseareessentiallytheformulasmentionedabove,asyouwill see. AUnifiedDefinitionofthePropertiesClosedandBounded Anotherexampleis thatthehomogenizationmethodrevealsthatthestandardtheoryofconvexanalysis is completely satisfactory and straightforward, apart from one complication. To understandwhatthisis,onehastokeepinmindthatconvexsetsandfunctionsthat occur in applications have two nice properties, closedness and properness; these properties make it easy to work with them. However, when you work with them, you might be led to new convex sets and functions that do not possess these nice properties; then these are not so easy to work with. Another complication is that previously the definitions of the properties closed and proper for various convex objects (sets and functions) had to be made individually and seemed to involve Preface ix several judicious choices. The homogenization method gives a unified definition foreachofthesetwoproperties;thisdefinitioncanbeusedforeachtypeofconvex object. This also helps to some extent to deal with the complications mentioned above. CompleteListsofConvexCalculusRules Theuseofthehomogenizationmethod is in essence known to experts; it is even used in some textbooks. However, it does not appear to be widely known that homogenization is useful for virtually everythinginconvexanalysis.Forexample,ithasbeentriedseveraltimestoobtain complete lists of the many convex calculus rules for convex sets and functions. In theseattempts,expertshaddiscardedthepossibilitytodothisbyhomogenization: convex cones were considered to be too poor in structure to capture fully the rich world of these rules. However, when I tried this nevertheless, it worked: complete lists were obtained in joint work with V.M. Tikhomirov. This makes clear that the homogenizationmethodcanalsoleadtonovelresultsinconvexanalysis. A Convex Analysis Course Based on Homogenization The present book grew out of lecture notes for the 9 week course Convex Analysis for Optimization of theLNMB(DutchNetworkfortheMathematicsofOperationsResearch)forabout 30 PhD students that was based completely on homogenization. The chosen style is as informal as I could manage, given the wish to be precise. The transparent structureofconvexanalysisthatonegetsbyusinghomogenizationisemphasized. An active reader will ask himself/herself many questions, such as how the theory can be applied to examples, and will try to answer these. This helps to master the material.Toencouragethis,Ihavetriedtoguessthesequestionsandtheseareplaced attheendofeachchapter.Onechapterwaspresentedeachweekofthecourse,the supportingexamplesandtheapplicationsatthebeginningandendofeachchapter were optional material. At the end of the course, participants had to hand in, in small groups, the solutions of their own selection of exercises: three of the more challengingexercisesfromeachchapter. How Homogenization Generates Convex Analysis Writing these lecture notes made me realize that the homogenization method, in combination with some modelsforvisualization,generateseveryconcept,result,formula,techniqueusing formulas, and proof from convex analysis. Every task can be carried out by the samemethod:reductiontothehomogeneouscase—thatis,toconvexcones,which makes the task always easier. This makes this unified approach, together with the models for visualization, very suitable for an introductory course: all you need to know and understand from convex analysis becomes easily available. Moreover, the structure of the entire theory becomes more transparent. The only work to be done is to establish the standard properties of convex sets—always by means of homogenization.Thenallpropertiesofconvexfunctions(suchastheircontinuity) and convex optimization problems are just consequences. Moreover, a number of relatively technical subjects of convex optimization such as the Karush–Kuhn– Tucker conditions and duality theory are seen to be reformulations of a simpler lookingresult:theconvexanalogueoftheLagrangemultiplierrule.Thecoursedid x Preface not include an analysis of the performance of algorithms for convex optimization problems.Itremainstobeseenhowhelpfulhomogenizationwillbeforthatpurpose. TextbookonConvexAnalysisBasedonHomogenization Afterhavinggiventhis courseseveraltimes,theLNMBandSpringerVerlagkindlyinvitedmetoturnthe lecture notes into a textbook, in order to share the unified approach to this subject by the homogenization method with the wide circle of practitioners, who want to learninanefficientwaytheminimumoneneedstoknowaboutconvexanalysis. Acknowledgements IwouldliketothankVladimirM.Tikhomirovforstimulatingmyinterestinconvex analysis and for working with me on the construction of complete lists of convex calculus rules. I extend my thanks to Vladimir Protasov for sharing his insights. Moreover,IwouldliketothankKrzysztofPostek,withwhomItaughttheLNMB course in 2018, for reading the first version of each chapter in my presence and givingimmediatefeedback.IamverygratefultoJanvandeCraats,whoproduced thefigures,whichprovideaneasyaccesstotheentirematerialinthisbook.Iwould like to extend my thanks to Andrew Chisholm and Alexander Brinkhuis for their suggestionsforthePrefaceandtheIntroduction. Rotterdam,TheNetherlands JanBrinkhuis

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