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We understand your Scientific Needs Scientech Instruments AN ISO 9001 - 2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY About the compan ‘Laberctary series cantinvets pay avital role towards eter remedies of day-to-fay problemsfaced oval of 1x edicnted techn croft md scent are enguges in research in ther respective fits for proving the general envirormertal and heath conditions of mankind and animals and to improve the industrial and ageicularalpredactv exp view the nature ofappications of centicenupment i specticresearch applica /orecs/ acgnonent Siency Batoprirs have solid "SCIENTECW" range af nigh quay gorevalandcvstoriond soercytcequpmens Werepreset ives and trecvetecinolgtesandirorporateenup to aate nov how of -nodoratachniqusfarverioueepplicationconéfinctionsin diferent resecrd project Dur company isin pursuit ofetaining xcllonc nour fil through our dedicated Research & Developmen? Proect an by incorporating latest echnologcl advancements and inputs, avalide tous trough ferent qunrcersafincemationaseientfie research organizations. verashortperodfime we hae developed amie jor our "SCIENTECI brn equfpen'sn high yal competitively priced segment of indigenous Inport sebecute scent equipments segment. through our gail anddedeuta aster supper. SOMPETITIVEEDGE, ‘ich expertence and eechntcal experi n manufacturing and marketiag of customized research ont generat oertieeguipments Mighymocivetadand dedicated staf withoniyonsgoa! tovcheve excellence” Continscusrescnrchauddevelopmontprojects based oncestamer fed backandtechvologicaladvancenen's Preface Deer Wetale great pleasure presening our new updated pels effctive Ap, 2018, Weare commited strengthening end enhancing te SCIENTECH INSTRUMENTS promt of providing you a wide range of prduct which maet your demanding royremerts. 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