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Preview Convergence of the MAC scheme for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations

CONVERGENCE OF THE MARKER-AND-CELL SCHEME FOR THE INCOMPRESSIBLE NAVIER-STOKES EQUATIONS ON NON-UNIFORM GRIDS T. Gallou¨et1, R. Herbin2, J.-C. Latch´e3 and K. Mallem4 Abstract. We prove in this paper the convergence of the Marker And Cell (MAC) scheme for the discretization ofthesteady-stateandtime-dependentincompressible Navier-Stokesequationsinprim- itive variables, on non-uniform Cartesian grids, without any regularity assumption on the solution. A 7 priori estimates on solutions to the scheme are proven; they yield the existence of discrete solutions 1 and the compactness of sequences of solutions obtained with family of meshes thespace step and, for 0 the time-dependent case, the time step of which tend to zero. We then establish that the limit is a 2 weak solution tothe continuousproblem. n a 2010 AMS Subject Classification. Primary 65M08, 76N15 ; Secondary 65M12, 76N19. J The dates will beset by thepublisher. 7 1 ] Keywords Finite-volume methods, MAC scheme, incompressible Navier-Stokes. A N Communicated by Douglas N. Arnold. . h t a Contents m 1. Introduction 1 [ 2. Space discretization 3 1 3. The steady case 10 v 3.1. The scheme 10 3 5 3.2. Stability and existence of a solution 10 5 3.3. Convergence analysis 16 4 4. The time-dependent case 20 0 4.1. Time discretization 20 . 1 4.2. Estimates on discrete solutions and existence 21 0 4.3. Convergence analysis 22 7 4.4. Case of the unsteady Stokes equations 25 1 5. Appendix: Discrete functional analysis 27 : v References 28 i X r a 1. Introduction LetΩbeanopenboundeddomainofRd withd=2ord=3. Thesteady-stateincompressibleNavier-Stokes equations read: divu¯ =0 in Ω, (1a) −∆u¯ +(u¯ ·∇)u¯ +∇p¯=f¯ in Ω, (1b) u¯ =0 on ∂Ω. (1c) Keywords and phrases: Finite-volumemethods, MACscheme,incompressibleNavier-Stokes. 1 I2MUMR7373,Aix-MarseilleUniversit´e,CNRS,EcoleCentraledeMarseille. 39rueJoliotCurie. 13453Marseille,France. ([email protected]) 2 I2MUMR7373,Aix-MarseilleUniversit´e,CNRS,EcoleCentraledeMarseille. 39rueJoliotCurie. 13453Marseille,France. ([email protected]) 3 IRSN,BP13115,St-Paul-lez-DuranceCedex, France([email protected]) 4 I2MUMR7373,Aix-MarseilleUniversit´e,CNRS,EcoleCentraledeMarseille. 39rueJoliotCurie. 13453Marseille,France. ([email protected]) 2 where u¯ stands for the (vector-valued) velocity of the flow, p¯for the pressure and f¯ is a given field of L2(Ω)d, and where, for two given vector fields v =(v ,...,v ) and w =(w ,...,w ), the quantity (v·∇)w is a vector 1 d 1 d field whose components are ((v·∇)w) = d v ∂ w , i∈ |1,d|. A weak formulation of Problem (1) reads: i k=1 k k i P (cid:2) (cid:3) Find (u¯,p¯)∈H1(Ω)d×L2(Ω) such that, ∀(v,q)∈H1(Ω)d×L2(Ω), 0 0 0 0 ∇u¯ :∇v dx+ ((u¯ ·∇)u¯)·v dx− p¯divv dx= f¯ ·v dx, (2a) ZΩ ZΩ ZΩ ZΩ q divu¯ dx=0, (2b) ZΩ where L2(Ω) stands for the subspace of L2(Ω) of zero mean-valued functions. 0 The time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations are also considered: divu¯ =0 in Ω×(0,T), (3a) ∂ u¯ −∆u¯ +(u¯ ·∇)u¯ +∇p¯=f¯ in Ω×(0,T), (3b) t u¯ =0 on ∂Ω×(0,T), (3c) u¯(x,0)=u in Ω. (3d) 0 This problem is posed for (x,t) in Ω×(0,T) where T ∈ R∗; the right-hand side f¯ is now a given vector field + of L2(Ω×(0,T))d and the initial datum u belongs to the space E(Ω) of divergence-freefunctions, defined by: 0 E(Ω)= u∈H1(Ω)d ; divu=0 a.e. in Ω . 0 (cid:8) (cid:9) A weak formulation of the transient problem (3) reads (see e.g. [3]): Find u∈L2(0,T;E(Ω))∩L∞(0,T;L2(Ω)d) such that, ∀v ∈L2(0,T;E(Ω))∩C∞(Ω×[0,T)), c T T − u¯(x,t)·∂ v(x,t) dx dt− u (x)·v(x,0) dx+ ∇u¯(x,t):∇v(x,t) dx dt t 0 (4) Z0 ZΩ T ZΩ Z0 ZΩ T + ((u¯ ·∇)u¯)(x,t)·v(x,t) dx dt= f¯(x,t)·v(x,t) dx dt. Z0 ZΩ Z0 ZΩ The Marker-And-Cell(MAC)scheme,introducedinthe middle ofthe sixties [21],is one ofthe mostpopular methods [28,33] for the approximation of the Navier-Stokes equations in the engineering framework, because of its simplicity, its efficiency and its remarkable mathematical properties. The aim of this paper is to show, under minimalregularityassumptionsonthe solution,that sequencesofapproximatesolutions obtainedby the discretizationofproblem(1)(resp. (3))bytheMACschemeconvergetoasolutionof (2)(resp. (4))asthemesh size (resp. the mesh size and the time step) tends (resp. tend) to 0. Forthelinearproblems,thefirsterroranalysisseemstobethatof[29]inthecaseofthetime-dependentStokes equations on uniform square grids. The mathematical analysis of the scheme was performed for the steady- state Stokes equations in [26] for uniform rectangular meshes with H2-regularity assumption on the pressure. Error estimates for the MAC scheme applied to the Stokes equations have been obtained by viewing the MAC schemeasamixedfiniteelementmethod[19,20]oradivergenceconformingDGmethod[22]. Errorestimatesfor rectangularmesheswerealsoobtainedfortherelatedcovolumemethod,see[6]andreferencestherein. Usingthe toolsthatweredevelopedforthefinite volumetheory[11,12],anorder1errorestimatefornon-uniformmeshes was obtained in [1], with order 2 convergence for uniform meshes, under the usual regularity assumptions (H2 for the velocities, H1 for the pressure). It was recently shown in [24] that under higher regularity assumptions (C4 for the velocities and C3 for the pressure) and an additional convergence assumption on the pressure, superconvergence is obtained for non uniform meshes. Note also that the convergence of the MAC scheme for the Stokes equations with a right-hand side in H−1(Ω) was proven in [2]. MathematicalstudiesoftheMACschemeforthenonlinearNavier-Stokesequationsarescarcer. Apioneering work was that of [27] for the steady-state Navier-Stokes equations and for uniform rectangular grids. More recently, a variant of the MAC scheme was defined on locally refined grids and the convergence proof was performedforboththesteady-stateandtimedependentcasesintwoorthreespacedimensions[4]. AMAC-like 3 scheme was also studied for the stationary Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations on two-dimensional Delaunay- Vorono¨ı grids [9]. For the Stokes equations on uniform grids, the scheme given in [4] coincides with the usual MAC scheme that is classically used in CFD codes. However, for the Navier-Stokes equations, the nonlinear convection term is discretized in [4] and [9] in a manner reminiscent of what is sometimes done in the finite element framework (see e.g. [32]), which no longer coincides with the usual MAC scheme, even on uniform rectantulargrids; this discretizationentails a largerstencil, andnumericalexperiments [5] seem to showthat it is not as efficient as the classical MAC scheme. Our purpose here is to analyse the genuine MAC scheme for the steady-state and transient Navier-Stokes equations in primitive variables on a non-uniform rectangular mesh in two or three dimensions, and, as in [4], withoutanyassumptiononthedatanorontheregularityofthethesolutions. Theconvergenceofasubsequence of approximate solutions to a weak solution of the Navier-Stokes equations is proved for both the steady and unsteady case, which yields as a by product the existence of a weak solution, well known since the work of J. Leray [23]. In the case where uniqueness of the solutionis known, the whole sequence of approximate solutions can be shown to converge,see remarks 3.14 and 4.4. Thispaperisorganizedasfollows. InSection2,theMACspacegridandthediscreteoperatorsareintroduced. Inparticular,thevelocityconvectionoperatorisapproximatedsoastobecompatiblewithadiscretecontinuity equation on the dual cells ; this discretization coincides with the usual discretization on uniform meshes [28], contrary to the scheme of [4]. The MAC scheme for the steady state Navier-Stokes equations and its weak formulation are introduced in Section 3. Velocity and pressure estimates are then obtained, which lead to the compactness of sequences of approximate solutions. Any prospective limit is shown to be a weak solution of the continuous problem. Section 4 is devoted to the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations. An essential feature of the studied scheme is that the (discrete) kinetic energy remains controlled. We show the compactness of approximate sequences of solutions thanks to a discrete Aubin-Simon argument, and again conclude that any limit of the approximate velocities is a weak solution of the Navier-Stokes equations, thanks to a passage to the limit in the scheme. In the case of the unsteady Stokes equations, some additional estimates yield the compactness of sequences of approximate pressures; this entails that the approximate pressure converges to a weak solution of the Stokes equations as the mesh size and time steps tend to 0. 2. Space discretization Let Ω be a connected subset of Rd consisting in a union of rectangles (d = 2) or orthogonal parallelepipeds (d = 3); without loss of generality, the edges (or faces) of these rectangles (or parallelepipeds) are assumed to be orthogonalto the canonical basis vectors, denoted by (e(1),...,e(d)). Definition 2.1 (MAC grid). A discretization of Ω with a MAC grid, denoted by D, is defined by D=(M,E), where: – M stands for the primal grid, and consists in a conforming structured partition of Ω in possibly non uniform rectangles (d = 2) or rectangular parallelepipeds (d = 3). A generic cell of this grid is denoted by K, and its mass center by x . The pressure is associated to this mesh, and M is also sometimes K referred to as ”the pressure mesh”. – The set of all faces of the mesh is denoted by E; we have E = E ∪E , where E (resp. E ) are int ext int ext the edges of E that lie in the interior (resp. on the boundary) of the domain. The set of faces that are orthogonal to e(i) is denoted by E(i), for i ∈ |1,d|. We then have E(i) = E(i) ∪E(i), where E(i) (resp. int ext int E(i)) are the edges of E(i) that lie in the interior (resp. on the boundary) of the domain. ext (cid:2) (cid:3) For σ ∈E , we write σ =K|L if σ =∂K∩∂L. A dual cell D associated to a face σ ∈E is defined int σ as follows: -if σ = K|L ∈ E then D = D ∪D , where D (resp. D ) is the half-part of K (resp. int σ K,σ L,σ K,σ L,σ L) adjacent to σ (see Fig. 1 for the two-dimensional case); -if σ ∈E is adjacent to the cell K, then D =D . ext σ K,σ We obtain d partitions of the computational domain Ω as follows: Ω=∪σ∈E(i)Dσ, i∈ |1,d|, (cid:2) (cid:3) and the ith of these partitions is called ith dual mesh, andis associatedto the ith velocity component, in a sense which is clarified below. The set of the faces of the ith dual mesh is denoted by E(i) (note that these faces may be orthogonalto any vectorof the basis of Rd and notonly e(i)) and is decomposedinto e 4 the internalandboundaryedges: E(i) =Ei(ni)t∪Ee(ix)t. The dualface separatingtwoduals cellsDσ andDσ′ is denoted by ǫ=σ|σ′. e e e To define the scheme, we need some additional notations. The set of faces of a primal cell K and a dual cell D are denoted by E(K) and E(D ) respectively. For σ ∈E, we denote by x the mass center of σ. The vector σ σ σ n stands for the unit normal vector to σ outward K. In some case, we need to specify the orientation of a K,σ geometrical quantity with respeect to the axis: −→ - a primal cell K will be denoted K = [σσ′] if σ,σ′ ∈ E(i) ∩ E(K) for some i ∈ |1,d| are such that - (wxeσw′ −ritxeσσ)·=e(−Ki−)→|>L i0f;σ ∈E(i) and −x−−−x→·e(i) >0 for some i∈ |1,d|; (cid:2) (cid:3) K L −−→ - the dual face ǫ separating Dσ and Dσ′ is written ǫ=σ|σ′ if −x−σ(cid:2)−x→σ′ ·(cid:3)e(i) >0 for some i∈ |1,d|. For the definition of the discrete momentum diffusion operator,we associate to any dual face ǫ a distance d as (cid:2) (cid:3) ǫ sketched on Figure 1. For a dual face ǫ∈E(D ), σ ∈E(i), i∈ |1,d|, the distance d is defined by: σ ǫ (cid:2) (cid:3) e d(xσ,xσ′) if ǫ=σ|σ′ ∈Ei(ni)t, d = (5) ǫ d(x ,ǫ) if ǫ∈E(i),  σ ext e where d(·,·) denotes the Euclidean distance in Rd. e d d ǫ2 ǫ3 × K xσ′ σ′ ǫ =σ|σ′ d 1 ǫ1 D σ ǫ ǫ 2 σ =K|L 3 σ′′ × × xσ xσ′′ L ∂Ω Figure 1. Notations for control volumes and dual cells (in two space dimensions, for the second component of the velocity). The size hM and the regularity ηM of the mesh are defined by: hM =max diam(K),K ∈M , (6) |σ| ηM =max(cid:8) , σ ∈E(i), σ′(cid:9)∈E(j), i,j ∈ |1,d|, i6=j , (7) |σ′| n (cid:2) (cid:3) o where|·| stands forthe (d−1)-dimensionalmeasureofasubsetofRd−1 (in the sequel,itis alsousedto denote the d-dimensional measure of a subset of Rd). The discrete velocity unknowns are associated to the velocity cells and are denoted by (uσ)σ∈E(i), i∈ |1,d|, while the discrete pressure unknowns are associated to the primal cells and are denoted by (pK)K∈M. The (cid:2) (cid:3) discrete pressure space LM is defined as the set of piecewise constant functions over each of the grid cells K of M, andthe discrete ith velocity spaceHE(i) as the set ofpiecewise constantfunctions overeachof the gridcells Dσ, σ ∈E(i). The set of functions of LM with zero mean value is denoted by LM,0. As in the continuous case, 5 the Dirichlet boundary conditions are (partly) incorporatedinto the definition of the velocity spaces, by means of the introduction of the spaces HE(i),0 ⊂HE(i), i∈ |1,d|, defined as follows: (cid:2) (cid:3) HE(i),0 = u∈HE(i), u(x)=0 ∀x∈Dσ, σ ∈Ee(ix)t . n o We then set HE,0 = di=1HE(i),0. Defining the characteristic function 11A of any subset A ⊂ Ω by 11A(x) = 1 if x∈A and 11A(x)=0 otherwise, the d components of a function u∈HE,0 and a function p∈LM may then Q be written: u = u 11 , i∈ |1,d| and p= p 11 . i σ Dσ K K σX∈E(i) (cid:2) (cid:3) KX∈M Let us now introduce the discrete operators which are used to write the numerical scheme. Discrete Laplace operator – For i∈ |1,d|, the ith component of the discrete Laplace operator is defined by: (cid:2) (cid:3) −∆E(i) : HE(i),0 −→HE(i),0 1 ui 7−→−∆E(i)ui =− (∆u)σ11Dσ, with −(∆u)σ = |D | φσ,ǫ(ui), σX∈E(i) σ ǫ∈XEe(Dσ) |ǫ| (8) d (uσ−uσ′), if ǫ=σ|σ′ ∈Ei(ni)t, φ (u )= ǫ σ,ǫ i |dǫ|uσ, if ǫ∈Ee(ix)t∩E(Dσ), e ǫ where dǫ is defined by (5). The numerical diffusione flux ies conservative: φσ,ǫ(ui)=−φσ′,ǫ(ui), ∀ǫ=σ|σ′ ∈Ei(ni)t. (9) The discrete Laplace operator of the full velocity vector is defined by e −∆E : HE,0 −→HE,0 (10) u7→−∆Eu=(−∆E(1)u1,...,−∆E(d)ud). Let us now recallthe definition of the discrete H01-inner product [11]: the H01-inner product between u∈HE,0 and v ∈ HE,0 is obtained by taking, for each dual cell, the inner product of the discrete Laplace operator applied to u by the test function v and integrating over the computational domain. A simple reorderingof the sums (which maybe seenas adiscrete integrationby parts)yields,thanks to the conservativityofthe diffusion flux (9): d ∀(u,v)∈HE,0×HE,0, −∆Eu·v dx=[u,v]1,E,0 = [ui,vi]1,E(i),0, ZΩ i=1 X |ǫ| |ǫ| with, for i∈ |1,d|, [ui,vi]1,E(i),0 = d (uσ−uσ′) (vσ−vσ′)+ d uσ vσ. (11) (cid:2) (cid:3) ǫǫ=∈XEσe|i(nσi)t′ ǫ ǫ∈ǫ∈XEeEe(De(ix)σt) ǫ The bilinear forms HE(i),0×HE(i),0 →R HE,0×HE,0 →R and (cid:12) (ui,vi)7→[ui,vi]1,E(i),0 (cid:12) (u,v)7→[u,v]1,E,0 (cid:12) (cid:12) are inner products on HE(i(cid:12)(cid:12)),0 and HE,0 respectively, which in(cid:12)(cid:12)duce the following scalar and vector discrete H01 norms: (cid:12) (cid:12) |ǫ| |ǫ| kuik21,E(i),0 =[ui,ui]1,E(i),0 = d (uσ−uσ′)2+ d u2σ, for i∈ |1,d|, (12a) ǫǫ=∈XσEe|i(σni)t′ ǫ ǫ∈ǫ∈XEeEe(De(ix)σt) ǫ (cid:2) (cid:3) d kuk21,E,0 =[u,u]1,E,0 = kuik21,E(i),0. (12b) i=1 X 6 Note that this definition is still valid if σ or σ′ are uσ ǫ uσ′ external faces (in which case the corresponding ve- locity is equal to zero). The volumes (D , for ǫ ∈ ǫ E(1) and ǫ orthogonal to e(1)) thus form a partion of Ω D ǫ and the definition is complete. Neote also that, in the present case, D is also a primal ǫ (ð u ) = uσ′ −uσ cell. 1 1 Dǫ d ǫ uσ′ D ǫ ǫ ǫ uσ Dǫ uσ uσ D ǫ ǫ (ð2u1)Dǫ = uσ′d−ǫ uσ (ð2u1)Dǫ = −duǫσ (ð2u1)Dǫ = udσǫ Figure 2. Notations for the definition of the partial space derivatives of the first component of the velocity, in two space dimensions. This inner product may also be formulated as the L2-inner product of discrete gradients. To this purpose, we introduce d×d new partitions of the domain Ω, where the (i,j)th partition consists in an union of rectangles (d = 2) or orthogonal parallelepipeds (d = 3) associated to the dual faces orthogonal to e(j) of the dual mesh E(i) for the ith component of the velocity. This (i,j)th partition reads: e Dǫ =ǫ×[xσxσ′] if ǫ lies inside Ω, ǫ=σ|σ′, (Dǫ)ǫ∈Ee(i),ǫ⊥e(j), with (cid:12) Dǫ =ǫ×[xσxσ,ǫ] if ǫ lies on ∂Ω, ǫ∈E(Dσ), (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) e where x is definedasthe orthogonalprojectionofx onǫ (whichis also,intwospacedimensions, the vertex σ,ǫ σ of σ lying on ǫ). The discrete derivative ð u is defined on the (i,j)th partition and reads: j i if ǫ lies inside Ω, ǫ=−σ−|→σ′, (ð u ) = uσ′ −uσ, j i Dǫ d ǫ (13) if ǫ lies on ∂Ω, ǫ∈E(D ), (ð u ) = −uσ −x−−x−→·e(j), σ j i Dǫ d σ σ,ǫ ǫ e with d defined by (5). These definitions are illustrated on Figure 2. Note that some of these partitions are ǫ the same: the (i,j)th partition coincide with the (j,i)th and (i,i)th partitions are the same for i ∈ |1,d|. In addition, these latters also coincide with the primal mesh: for any sub-volume D of such a partition, there ǫ is K ∈ M such that D = K, and we may thus write equivalently (ð u ) or (ð u ) . We choose t(cid:2)his l(cid:3)atter ǫ i i Dǫ i i K notation in the definition of the discrete divergence below for the sake of consistency, since, if we adopt a variational point of view for the description of the scheme, the discrete velocity divergence has to belong (and indeed does belong) to the space of discrete pressures (see Sections 3 and 4 below for a varitional form of the scheme, in the steady and time-dependent case, respectively). The discrete discrete gradient of each velocity 7 component u may now be defined as: i ∇Ee(i)ui =(ð1ui,...,ðdui) with ðjui = (ðjui)Dǫ 11Dǫ. (14) ǫ∈XEe(i) ǫ⊥e(j) With this definition, it is easily seen that ∇Ee(i)ψ·∇Ee(i)χ dx=[ψ,χ]1,E(i),0, for ψ,χ∈HE(i),0, and i∈ |1,d|. (15) ZΩ (cid:2) (cid:3) If we extend this definition to the velocity vector by ∇Eeu=(∇Ee(1)u1,...,∇Ee(d)ud), we get ∇Eeu:∇Eev dx=[u,v]1,E,0. ZΩ This operator satisfies the following consistency result. Lemma2.2(Consistencyofthediscretepartialderivativesofthevelocity). LetΠE beaninterpolation operator from Cc∞(Ω)d to HE,0 such that, for any ϕ = (ϕ1,··· ,ϕd) ∈ Cc∞(Ω)d, there exists Cϕ ≥ 0 depending only on ϕ such that ΠEϕ=(ΠE(1)ϕ1,··· ,ΠE(d)ϕd)∈HE(1),0×···×HE(d),0, where (ΠE(i)ϕi)σ−ϕi(xσ) ≤Cϕ h2M, for σ ∈E(i), i∈ |1,d|. (16) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:2) (cid:3) Let ηM be the parameter measuring the regularity(cid:12) of the mesh defined(cid:12)by (6). Then there exists Cϕ,ηM ≥0, only depending in a non-decreasing way on ηM, such that |ðjΠE(i)ϕi(x)−∂jϕi(x)|≤Cϕ,η hM for a.e. x∈Ω and for i,j ∈ |1,d|. As a consequence, if (Mm,Em)m∈N is a sequenceof MAC grids whose regularityis boun(cid:2)ded(cid:3)and whose size tends to 0 as m tends to +∞, then ∇Eem(ΠEmϕ)→∇ϕ uniformly as m→+∞. Discrete divergence and gradient operators – The discrete divergence operator divM is defined by: divM : HE,0 −→LM,0 1 (17) u7−→divMu= |σ| uK,σ 11K, |K| KX∈M σ∈XE(K) with u =u n ·e(i) for σ ∈E(i)∩E(K), i∈ |1,d|. (18) K,σ σ K,σ (cid:2) (cid:3) Note that the numerical flux is conservative, i.e. u =−u , ∀σ =K|L∈E . (19) K,σ L,σ int We can now define the discrete divergence-free velocity space: EE(Ω)= u∈HE,0 ; divMu=0 . (cid:8) (cid:9) The discrete divergence of u=(u1,...,ud)∈HE,0 may also be written as d divMu= (ðiui)K11K, i=1 X where the discrete derivative (ð u ) is defined by Relation (13). i i K 8 ǫ uK,τ uL,τ′ uK,σ uK,σ′ ǫ σ Dσ K K Dσ L 1 1 uσ,ǫ = (uK,σ′ −uK,σ) |ǫ|uσ,ǫ = (|τ|uK,τ +|τ′|uL,τ′) 2 2 Figure 3. Mass fluxes in the definition of the convection operator for the primal component of the velocity, in two space dimensions. The gradient(which applies to the pressure)in the discrete momentum balanceequation is built as the dual operator of the discrete divergence, and reads: ∇E : LM −→HE,0 (20) p7−→∇Ep=(ð1p,...,ðdp), where ðip∈HE(i),0 is the discrete derivative of p in the i-th direction, defined by: |σ| −−→ ð p(x)= (p −p ) ∀x∈D , for σ =K|L∈E(i), i∈ |1,d|. (21) i |D | L K σ int σ (cid:2) (cid:3) Note that, in fact, the discrete gradient of a function of LM should only be defined on the internal faces, and does not need to be defined onthe externalfaces; it is chosento be in HE,0 (that is zero on the externalfaces) for the sake of simplicity. Again, the definition of the discrete derivatives of the pressure on the MAC grid is consistent in the sense made precise in the following lemma. Lemma 2.3 (Discrete gradient consistency). Let ΠM be an interpolation operator from Cc∞(Ω) to LM such that, for any ψ ∈C∞(Ω), there exists C ≥0 depending only on ψ such that c ψ |(ΠMψ)K −ψ(xK)|≤Cψ h2M, for K ∈M. (22) then there exists Cψ,ηM ≥0 depending only on ψ and, in a non-decreasing way, on ηM, such that |ðiΠMψ(x)−∂iψ(x)|≤Cψ,η hM, for a.e. x∈Ω and for i∈ |1,d|. Lemma 2.4 (Discrete div−∇ duality). Let q ∈LM and v ∈HE,0 then: (cid:2) (cid:3) q divMv dx+ ∇Eq·v dx=0. (23) ZΩ ZΩ Proof. Let q ∈LM and v ∈HE,0. By the definition (17) ofthe discrete divergenceoperatorand thanks to the conservativity (19) of the flux: q divMv dx= qK |σ| vK,σ = |σ| (qK −qL)vK,σ. ZΩ KX∈M σ∈XE(K) σ∈EinXt,σ=K|L Therefore, by the definition (21) of the discrete derivative of q, d q divMv dx=− |Dσ| vσðiq =− ∇Eq·v dx, ZΩ Xi=1 σX∈E(i) ZΩ which concludes the proof. (cid:3) 9 Discrete convection operator – Let us consider the momentum equation (1b) for the ith component of the velocity, and integrate it on a dual cell D , σ ∈ E(i). By the Stokes formula, we then need to discretize σ ǫ∈Ee(Dσ) ǫuiu·nσ,ǫ dγ(x), where nσ,ǫ denotes the unit normal vector to ǫ outward Dσ and dγ(x) denotes the d−1-dimensional Lebesgue measure. For ǫ=σ|σ′, the convection flux u u·n dγ(x) is approximated P R ǫ i σ,ǫ by |ǫ|uσ,ǫu∗ǫ; usually, u∗ǫ is chosen as the mean value of the two unknownRs uσ and uσ′. In some situations (highReynolds numberfor instance),anupwindchoicemaybe preferred. The twopossiblechoicesthatwill be considered for u are thus: ǫ u∗ =uc = uσ+uσ′ (centred choice, ∗=c) or u∗ =uup = uσ if uσ,ǫ ≥0, (upwind choice, ∗=up). (24) ǫ ǫ 2 ǫ ǫ (uσ′ otherwise, The quantity |ǫ|u is the numerical mass flux through ǫ outward D ; it must be chosen carefully to obtain σ,ǫ σ the L2-stability of the scheme. More precisely, a discrete counterpart of divu = 0 should be satisfied also on the dual cells. To define u on internal dual edges, we distinguish two cases (see Figure 3): σ,ǫ - First case – The vector e(i) is normal to ǫ, and ǫ is included in a primal cell K, with E(i)(K)= {σ,σ′}. Then the mass flux through ǫ=σ|σ′ is given by: 1 |ǫ|uσ,ǫ = (−|σ|uK,σ+|σ′|uK,σ′). (25) 2 Note that, in this relation,all the measures of the face are the same,so this definition equivalently reads uσ,ǫ =(−uK,σ+uK,σ′)/2. - Second case – The vector e(i) is tangent to ǫ, and ǫ is the union of the halves of two primal faces τ and τ′ such that σ =K|L, τ ∈E(K) and τ′ ∈E(L). The mass flux through ǫ is then given by: 1 |ǫ|uσ,ǫ = (|τ|uK,τ +|τ′|uL,τ′). (26) 2 Again, the numerical flux on a dual face is conservative: uσ,ǫ =−uσ′,ǫ, for any dual face ǫ=σ|σ′. (27) Moreover,if divMu=0, the following discrete free divergence condition holds on the dual cells: 1 1 |ǫ|u = |σ|u + |σ|u =0. (28) σ,ǫ K,σ L,σ 2 2 ǫ∈XEe(Dσ) σ∈XE(K) σ∈XE(L) On the external dual faces associatedto free degrees of freedom (which means that we are in the second of the above cases), this definition yields u =0, which is consistent with the boundary condition (1c). σ,ǫ The i-th component CE(i)(u) of the non linear convection operator is defined by: CE(i)(u): HE(i),0 −→HE(i),0 1 v 7−→CE(i)(u)v = |D | |ǫ|uσ,ǫvǫ∗ 11Dσ, (29) σ∈XEi(ni)t σ ǫ∈XEe(Dσ) wherevǫ∗ ischosencentredorupwind,asdefinedin(24). ThefulldiscreteconvectionoperatorCE(u), HE,0 −→ HE,0 is defined by CE(u)v = CE(1)(u)v1,...,CE(d)(u)vd . (cid:0) (cid:1) 10 3. The steady case 3.1. The scheme With the notationsintroduced in the previous sections,the MAC scheme for the discretizationofthe steady Navier-Stokes equations (1) on a MAC grid (M,E) reads: u∈HE,0, p∈LM,0, (30a) −∆Eu+CE(u)u+∇Ep=f, (30b) divMu=0. (30c) Thediscreteright-handsideofthemomentumbalanceequationreadsf =PEf¯,wherePE isthecellmean-value operator defined by PEv =(PE(1)v1,··· ,PE(d)vd)∈HE(1),0×···×HE(d),0 and, for i∈ |1,d|, PE(i) : L1(Ω)−→HE(i),0 (cid:2) (cid:3) 1 vi 7−→PE(i)vi = vσ11Dσ with, for σ ∈Ei(ni)t, vσ = |D | vi(x) dx. (31) σ∈XE(i) σ ZDσ int Let us define the weak form bE of the nonlinear convection term: d for (u,v,w)∈HE,0×HE,0×HE,0, bE(u,v,w)= bE(i)(u,vi,wi), i=1 X where for i∈ |1,d|, bE(i)(u,vi,wi)= CE(i)(u)vi wi dx. (32) ZΩ (cid:2) (cid:3) We can now introduce a weak formulation of the scheme, which reads: Find (u,p)∈HE,0×LM,0 such that, for any (v,q)∈HE,0×LM, ∇Eeu:∇Eev dx+bE(u,u,v)− pdivMv dx= f ·v dx, (33a) ZΩ ZΩ ZΩ divMu q dx=0. (33b) ZΩ This formulation is equivalent to the strong form (30). Remark 3.1 (Convergenceofthe MAC schemeforthe Stokesproblemandthe gradientschemestheory). Omit- ting the convection terms in (33), we obtain a weak formulation of the MAC scheme for the linear Stokes problem. Moreover,formulatingthediscreteH1-innerproductastheintegraloverΩofdotproductsofdiscrete gradients, the MAC scheme can be interpreted as a gradient scheme in the sense introduced in [13] (see [15] and [8] for more details on the generalization of this formulation to other schemes). Thanks to this result, the (strong) convergence of the velocity and of its discrete gradient to the exact velocity and its gradient can be shown, and thus also the strong convergence of the pressure. 3.2. Stability and existence of a solution Toprovetheschemestability,itisconvenienttofirstreformulatethetrilinearformassociatedtothevelocity convection term. To this purpose, we introduce a reconstruction of the velocity components on the partitions which where used for the definition of the discrete velocity gradient. This leads to define d×d class of recon- struction operators, denoted by R(i,j), with R(i,j) acting on the ith component of the velocity and providing a Ee Ee reconstruction of this field on the partition of Ω associated to its jth partial derivative. Definition 3.2 (Velocity reconstructions). Let (M,E) be a given MAC mesh, and let i,j ∈ |1,d|. Let R(i,j) Ee be a reconstruction operator defined as follows: (cid:2) (cid:3) R(Eei,j) : HE(i),0 → L2(Ω) v 7→ R(i,j)v = (R(i,j)v) 11 , Ee Ee Dǫ Dǫ ǫ∈Ee(iX), ǫ⊥e(j)

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