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Convergence and divergence of averages along subsequences in certain Orlicz Spaces 9 0 0 2 Christopher Wedrychowicz n SUNY Albany a Albany, NY, 12222, USA J 7 January 9, 2009 ] S D Abstract . h N−1 at TheclassicaltheoremofBirkhoffstatesthattheTNf(x)= N1 Xf“σkx” m k=0 convergesalmosteverywhereforx∈X andf ∈L1(X),whereσ isamea- [ sure preserving transformation of a probability measure space X. It was 1 1 N−1 v shown that there are operators of the form TNf(x) = N Xf(σnkx) 2 k=0 for a subsequence {n } of the positive integers that converge in some Lp 3 k 9 spaces while diverging in others. The topic of this talk will examine this 0 phenomenon in theclass of Orlicz spaces LLogβL:β>0 . n o . 1 0 1 9 0 : v Definition 1.1. Let (X,B,µ) be a measure space. Let T : X → X Xi beaone-to-one,ontomapsuchthatµ(T−1A) = µ(A)∀A ∈ B. Then r T is called a measure preserving transformation and (X,B,µ,T) is a called a dynamical system. Example 1.1. Anexample ofcentralimportancetothisworkiswhen X = [0,1), µ is Lebesgue measure, and B is the σ−algebra of Borel sets and T is defined by T(x) = x +αmod(1) where α ∈ [0,1). It is equivalent to realizing [0,1) as the unit circle and T as a rotation by 2πα. Theorem1.1(ChangeofVariableFormula). Let(X,B,µ) , (Y,C,λ) be measure spaces and let Φ : X → Y be a measurable map in the 1 sense that Φ−1(A) ∈ B for all A ∈ C. Then , f(Φ(x))dx = f(y)dy. ZX ZY Definition 1.2. If the averages N−1 1 µ(T−kA∩B) −N−→−∞→ µ(A)µ(B) ∀A,B ∈ B, N k=0 X Then T is called ergodic. Example 1.2. If α is irrational then T is ergodic as defined in the previous example; if α is rational then T is not ergodic. AtheoremoffundementalimportanceinergodictheoryisBirkhoff’s Theorem, which is stated as follows, Theorem 1.2 (Birkhoff). Let (X,B,µ,T) be a dynamical system and (X,B,µ) be a σ−finite measure space then, N−1 1 f(Tkx) −N−→−∞→ E(f|J)(x)a.e. N k=0 X where J is the σ−algebra of invariant sets. There have been many attempts to generalize Birkhoff’s Theorem. One in particular is connected to the topic of this thesis. Let {n } be an increasing sequence of positive integers. One may k ask the following question: Do the averages, N−1 1 f(Tnkx) N k=0 X converge a.e ∀f in some subspace of L ? 1 Much work has been done in this area. For example when n = k2 k Bourgain has shown that the averages converge a.e. ∀f ∈ L where p p > 1. The problem of the case p = 1 remained open for some time. Recently it was shown that for every dynamical system there exists a function f ∈ L such that the averages do not converge a.e. The 1 following question dealing with subsequences leads to the topic of this thesis. First a few definitions, 2 Definition 1.3. An increasing sequence of integers (n ) is called k universally L good, if the averages p N−1 1 A (x) = f(Tnkx) N N k=0 X converge a.e. for x ∈ X, ∀f ∈ L and for all dynamical systems p (X,B,µ,T). Asequence iscalled L universally badifforevery dynamical system p there exists a function f ∈ L such that the averages A fail to p N converge a.e. Question 1: Does there exist an increasing sequence of integers (n ) that is k L universally good while L universally bad for all q < p? p q Question 2: Does there exist a sequence that is L universally bad but L p q universally good for all q ≥ p? The first question was answered affirmatively by Reinhold while the second was answered affirmatively by Bellow. Definition 1.4. The space of functions LsLogpL is defined as LsLogpL = {f ∈ L : |fs(x)|Logp(|f(x)|+1)dx < ∞} 1 Z The notions of universally good and bad extend to the above spaces in an obvious way. Question. Given p and a dynamical system (X,B,µ,T) does there exist an increasing sequence of integers (n ) such that the averages k A (x) converge a.e. for all f ∈ LLogqL with q > p while there N exists a function f ∈ LLogpL such that the averages A (x) fail to N converge a.e. When p > 1 the answer will be affirmative while for p ≤ 1 we will prove that there exists an increasing sequence (n ) such that A (x) k N converge a.e for all f ∈ LLogqL for all q > p, for q < p there exists a function f ∈ LLogqL such that A fail to converge a.e. while the N behavior of A (x) for functions in LLogpL is unknown. N 3 2 Theorem 2.1 (Banach’s principle). If T∗f(x) < ∞ a.e. for all f ∈ B where B is a Banach space of functions contained in L then 1 there is a positive, decreasing function C(λ) defined for λ > 0 that goes to zero as λ → ∞ such that for all f ∈ B we have µ{x : T∗f(x) > λkfk } ≤ C(λ). B Theorem 2.2. Let (X,B,µ) be a probability space and S ⊆ L be a 1 Banach space. If {T } is a sequence of bounded operators such that n T∗f(x) = supT f(x) < ∞ a.e. n n for every f ∈ S then the set of functions in S such that T f(x) n converges a.e. is closed. In order to establish the inequality above one often establishes a weak maximal inequality for the sublinear operatorT∗, that is aninequal- ity of the form µ({x : T∗(x) ≥ λ}) ≤ C(λ) where C(λ) is a monotone decreasing function such that λ→∞ C(λ) −−−→ 0. Definition 2.1. Let Φ(x) be a function such that 1. Φ is continuous and convex. 2. Φ(x) = Φ(−x) Φ(x) x→0 3. −−→ 0 x Φ(x) x→∞ 4. −−−→ ∞ x Let L = f ∈ L : Φ(f(x))dx < ∞ Φ 1 (cid:26) Z (cid:27) then L is a Banach space under the following norm Φ f kfk = inf k : Φ dx < 1 Φ k (cid:26) Z (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:27) 4 Theorem 2.3 (Sawyer’s Theorem). Let (X,B,µ) be a probability measure space. Let {T } be a sequence of positive linear operators k from L to the set of measureable functions on X. Assume that Φ the {T }’s commute with a family {Sα} of measure preserving maps k from X to X that mix the measurable sets of X. Assume further that the function Φ satisfies the following: 1 If y ≥ 1, x ≥ then Φ(xy) ≤ C(Φ(y))pΦ(x). y Then the following are equivalent: 1. T∗ satisfies an inequality of the form f µ{x : T∗f(x) ≥ λ} ≤ C Φ . λ Z (cid:18) (cid:19) 2. For each f ∈ L , T∗f(x) < ∞ . Φ Proof. The following lemma is of central importance to the proof of the theorem. Lemma 2.4. Let (X,B,µ) be a probability measure space. Let S : X → X be a collection of measure preserving maps that mix α the measurable sets of X. Then if {A } is a sequence of measurable k sets of X such that µ(A ) = ∞, there exists a sequence k {S } ⊆ (S ) such that almost every x ∈ X is in infinitely many of k α the sets S−1(A ). P k k Assume that T∗ does not satisfy an inequality of the form f µ({x : T∗f(x) ≥ λ}) ≤ C Φ . λ Z (cid:18) (cid:19) Then fix a sequence c increasing to infinity, c > 0. Then there k k exists a sequence {f } ⊆ L , λ > 0 such that, k Φ k f µ{T∗f(x) ≥ λ } > c Φ k . k k λ k Z (cid:18) (cid:19) f k Call g = , A = {g ≥ 1}. Then, k k k λ k 5 1 ≥ µ(A ) ≥ c Φ(g ). k k k Z Let h be natural numbers such that 1 ≤ h µ(A ) ≤ 2 and take h k k k k ∞ hk copies of A denoted by A1,··· ,Ahk. Thus µ(Aj) = ∞ k k k k k=1 j=1 XX and by the previous lemma there are Sj ∈ (S ) such that almost k α every x ∈ X is in infinitely many of the sets (Sj)−1(Aj). k k Define a function F(x) = sup α Sjgj(x) k k k k ≥ 1 1 ≤ j ≤ h k where gj = g and the constants α will be determined later. k k k We have F(x) = P(x)+Q(x) where 1 P(x) = sup Sjgj ≥ k k α k ≥ 1 k 1 ≤ j ≤ h k and Q(x) is a function bounded by 1 . Then P(x) ≤ Φ(α Sjgj(x)) k k k k,j∈R X ≤ C[Φ(α )]pΦ(Sjgj(x)) k k k k,j∈R X ∞ hk ≤ C [Φ(α )]p Φ(Sjgj(x)). k k k k=1 j=1 X X 6 and so ∞ Φ(P(x)) ≤ C [Φ(α ]ph Φ(g ) k k k Z k=1 Z X ∞ µ(A ) ≤ C [Φ(α )]p k h k k c k k=1 X ∞ [Φ(α )]p k ≤ C , c k k=1 X by the change of variable formula for measure preserving transfor- 1 mations. Given that the sequence sums, the {α } may be k c (cid:26) k(cid:27) chosen so that the above sum is finite and the α increase to infin- k ity. The remainder of the argument is the same as in [6]. If we fix a sequence (n ) to each dynamical system, we may k associate a constant C(n ) such that k f µ{x : T∗ > λ} ≤ C({n }) Φ . k λ Z (cid:18) (cid:19) We may then consider the minimal such constant so that a similar inequality holds in all dynamical systems. The so-called Conze’s principle asserts a condition in which we may conclude that such a minimal constant exists and is finite. As a result this will by Sawyer’s Theorem confirm whether a sequence is universally good or not. Theorem 2.5 (Conze’s Principle). For a given sequence (n ) to k have it’s associated minimal constant finite, it is enough that there exists a single ergodic dynamical system (X,B,µ,T) such that the averages N−1 1 f(Tnk) converge a.e. N k=0 X 3 The main candidates for such sequences will be perturbations of block sequences. A block of integers is a set of the form B = [n,n+ 7 1,··· ,n+k−1] of consecutive integers. We will let |B| = k denote the number of integers in B and will refer to it as the length of B. A block sequence is a sequence {n } that can be arranged into k ∞ blocks B ,B ,··· as a set {n } = B . Let D be an arbitrary 1 2 k k k k=1 [ ∞ collection of integers between B and B . The collection D k k+1 k k=1 ∞ [ willbereferred toasa perturbationoftheblocksequence B and k k=1 ∞ [ the sequence whose elements are B ∪D will be referred to as a k k k=1 [ perturbed block sequence. The following theorem is a generalization of a Theorem of Bellow. It essentially states that if we begin with a block sequence, which is uiniversally good in a certain subspace of L there is a certain degree to which we may perturb it so that the 1 resulting sequence is also universally good in that subspace. Theorem 3.1 (Reinhold). Let B and D be a block sequence and k k ∞ a perturbation of that block sequence. If the sequence B is uni- k k=1 versally good for L and [ ∞ d +···+d 1 k < ∞ l +···+l 1 k ∞ then the sequence B ∪D is also universally good for L . k k ∞ k=1 [ ∞ Theorem 3.2. Let B be a block sequence that is universally k k=1 [ good in the Orlicz space L , and let D be as above. Then if Φ k ∞ [ 1 < ∞ Φ l1+···+lk Xk=1 d1+···+dk (cid:16) (cid:17) ∞ then the sequence B ∪D is also universally good in L k k Φ k=1 [ 8 Proof. We proceed as in [1]. Let C = B ∪D , k k [∞ b = B ∩[0,n] and n k (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)k[=1 (cid:12) (cid:12) ∞ (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) c = (cid:12) D ∩[0,n](cid:12). n k (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)k[=1 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 1 (cid:12) The averages A f(x) = (cid:12) (cid:12) f(Tux) n |C ∩[0,n]| u∈C∩[0,n] X can be written as the convex combination b 1 c 1 A f(x) = n f(Tux) + n f(Tux) n b +c b  b +c c  n n n u∈S∞k=X1Bk∩[0,n] n n n u∈S∞k=X1Dk∩[0,n] b  c    = n ABf(x)+ n ADf(x). b +c n b +c n n n n n To establish a.e. convergence it is enough to do so on each piece sepparately. First we observe that since 1 → 0, Φ l1+···+lk d1+···+dk (cid:16) (cid:17) we have l +···+l 1 k Φ → ∞ d +···+d (cid:18) 1 k(cid:19) so l +···+l 1 k → ∞ d +···+d 1 k and hence it’s reciprocal goes to 0. This implies by the previously stated theorem that the averages of 9 functions in L converge a.e. ∞ We have d +···+d 1 k−1 ifk isthesmallestinteger l +···+l +s 1 k−1 k  suchthatB isnotcontained k  cn =  in[0,n]andBk ∩[0,n] 6= ∅, bn  d1 +···+dk−2+rk−1 ifk isthesmallestinteger  l +···+l 1 k−1 suchthatB isnotcontained  k   in[0,n], Bk ∩[0,n] = ∅andBk−1 ⊂ [0,n]      where 0 ≤ r ≤ d and 0 ≤ s ≤ l . k−1 k−1 k k In either case c d +···+d n ≤ 1 k−1 → 0, b l +···+l n 1 k−1 and so b n → 1. b +c n n Therefore b n ABf(x) b +c n n n converges a.e. since ∞ B is universally good in L . k Φ k=1 [ Consider the following operator: c sup n ADf(x) = D∗f(x) b +c n n n n Let A = {x : D∗f(x) ≥ λN } Φ 10

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