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Preview Convective Wavelength Shifts in the Spectra of Late-Type Stars

ToappearinApJL PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapj CONVECTIVE WAVELENGTH SHIFTS IN THE SPECTRA OF LATE-TYPE STARS Carlos Allende Prieto, David L. Lambert, Robert G. Tull, and Phillip J. MacQueen McDonaldObservatoryandDepartmentofAstronomy UniversityofTexas RLM15.308,Austin,TX78712-1083, USA To appear in ApJL ABSTRACT We present ultra-high resolution spectra for a set of nearby F-G-K stars on, or close to, the main 2 0 sequence. The wavelength shifts of stellar lines relative to their laboratory wavelengths are measured 0 for more than a thousand Fe i lines per star, finding a clear correlation with line depth. The observed 2 patterns are interpreted as convective blue-shifts that become more prominent for weaker lines, which are formed in deeper atmospheric layers. A morphological sequence with spectral type or effective n temperature is apparent. Two K giant stars have also been studied. The velocity span between weak a J and strong lines for these stars is larger than for the dwarfs and subgiants of similar spectral types. Our results show that convective wavelength shifts may seriously compromise the accuracy of absolute 1 2 spectroscopic radial velocities, but that an empirical correction may be applied to measured velocities. 1 1. INTRODUCTION sible and practical to turn to line shifts as a complement v to line bisectors. 5 Convection in late-type stars penetrates into the pho- Gravitational and convective wavelength shifts system- 5 tosphere, producing inhomogeneities. Temperature varia- atically affect absolute determinations of radial velocities. 3 tionsofuptoafewhundredKelvinareapparentinoptical Other effects can also introduce systematic radial veloc- 1 imagesoftheSun,andavelocityfieldofseveralkilometers ity errors, but they are expected to be less important for 0 per second is observed in spatially resolved solar spectra. 2 Thewarmerupflowsappearasbrightgranulessurrounded most stars (Lindegren, Dravins, & Madsen 1999). Grav- 0 itational redshifts are proportional to the mass-to-radius by narrower, cooler downflows. While present technology / ratio. For spectral lines formed in the photospheres of h cannot resolve stellar granulation, there is evidence of its dwarfstars,thegravitationalshiftisthesameforalllines, p presenceinalllate-typestars. Thetemperatureandveloc- in the range between 0.4 and 2 km s−1. When accurate - ity inhomogeneitiesproduceabsorptionline profileswhich o parallaxesandphotometryareavailable,comparisonwith areshiftedandasymmetric,effectsthatarereadilynoticed r evolutionary models allows us to determine dwarf masses t in ultra-high dispersion stellar spectra. s and radii within 8 % and 6 % , respectively (Allende Pri- a An extensive literature exists on solar line asymmetries eto & Lambert 1999). It is therefore possible to estimate : and shifts (see, e.g., Neckel & Labs 1990; Asplund et al. v the gravitational shift within 10 %, yielding worst-case i 2000; Pierce & Lopresto 2000). Modern stellar studies uncertainties of ∼0.2 km s−1. Convective line shifts may X were pioneered by Dravins (1974, 1985) and Gray (1980, vary with spectral type. The velocity difference between r 1981). Dravins (1999) provides a short review of recent weak and strong lines is about ∼ 0.6 km s−1 for the Sun a work. Line asymmetries and line shifts are consequences (Allende Prieto & Garc´ıaLo´pez 1998)andprobably more ofthesamephenomenonand,therefore,givelargelyequiv- than 1 km s−1 for the F5 subgiant α CMi (Procyon; Al- alent information. When the number of lines measured is lende Prieto et al. 2002), but no systematic study across limited, but the available features are mostly unblended, the HR diagram has been published. Obviously, accurate lineasymmetriescarrymoreinformation. Onthecontrary, spectroscopic studies of absolute radial velocities cannot if the spectrum is heavily crowded, line shifts, which can afford to neglect these shifts. be measured for many lines, are likely to provide more In this paper,weanalyzeopticalspectraofseverallate- information. A limited wavelength coverage, largely dic- typestarsobtainedwiththeHighResolutionSpectrograph tatedbythedetectorsizeandthescarcityofhigh-accuracy (HRS) coupled to the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET). laboratory wavelengths, steered stellar studies toward the Thehighqualityandlargespectralcoverageofthespectra analysis of line asymmetries. allow us to measure line shifts for a large number of Fe i Linebisectors–ameasureofthe line asymmetry–vary lines. Section 2 describes the observations and the data. smoothly across the HR diagram (Gray & Toner 1986; InSection3we describethe analysis,andin§4 wediscuss Dravins 1987; Gray & Nagel 1989; Dravins & Nordlund the results. 1990). Other parameters, such as rotation, chemical com- position, magnetic fields, or binarity, are likely to play a 2. OBSERVATIONS role, but the limited data available have prevented an in- depth study. A recent comprehensive work on the Fe i Our observations were obtained with the 9.2m HET at spectrum (Nave et al. 1994) has provided accurate lab- McDonald Observatory and the HRS (Tull 1998). The oratory wavelengths for 9501 lines. These data and im- HRS saw first light on March 17, 2001, starting science provements in astronomical instrumentation make it fea- observationsshortlyafterwards. Thisfiber-coupledechelle spectrographusesanR-4echelle,cross-dispersinggratings, 1 2 and a mosaic of two 2k×4k CCDs. In the selected mode, we determine the horizontal scatter between the polyno- HRSprovidesaFWHM resolvingpowerR≃120,000and mial fit F(λ) and the observed spectrum f(λ). For each completespectralcoveragebetween4094and7890˚A,with observed wavelength λi considered in the fit, we find nu- theexceptionofthegap(5977–5999˚A)betweentheCCDs. merically the roots of the polynomial F(λ)−f(λi) using The observations were performed in queue mode in May Laguerre’s method, select the appropriate root, and then and June 2001 (see Table 1). An observation consisted derive the rms scatter between the observedand fit wave- of two exposures that were extracted and combined. The lengths. Assuming the errors are Gaussian, this scatter is final signal-to-noise (S/N) per pixel was ≥ 400 at most divided by the square root of the number of points enter- wavelengths. ing the polynomial fit to derive the uncertainty σ . As an s The spectra were processed with the tasks in the IRAF example,applicationtothe solarflux spectrumprovidesa echelle package. We removed the bias signal, flatfielded nearly normal distribution of uncertainties that peaks at andextractedthespectra,subtractingthelowbackground 0.00025˚Aandshowsbumps onthe long-valuetail, signal- inthe wideinterorderregions. Inadditionto the program ing blends. Nave et al. (1994) classify their wavelengths stars observed with the HET, we have included in this into four categories, depending on their uncertainty (σ), l study the spectra of the Sun (Kurucz et al. 1984) and α whichrangesfrom0.4m˚Atomorethan10m˚A.Mostlines CMi (Allende Prieto et al. 2002). have errors below 5 m˚A and about half of the lines have errors below 1 m˚A1. 3. ANALYSIS The uncertainties in the measured wavelength shifts, 3.1. Stellar parameters σ = σ2+σ2, are then converted to velocity, and their s l The effective temperature (T ) has been estimated distripbutionn(σ)isdetermined. Then,weusen(σ)topre- eff dict the distribution of errors (δ) in the observed velocity for all the program stars by one or more authors using shifts as the InfraredFlux Method (Blackwell& Lynas-Gray1994; Alonso et al. 1996, 1999). The T of α Boo (Arcturus) eff 1 ∞ n(σ) δ2 has been independently derived by di Benedetto (1998) N(δ)= exp − dσ, (1) and Griffin & Lynas-Gray (1999). We have adopted the C Z0 σ (cid:18) 2σ2(cid:19) values in Table 1. All our stars were analyzed by Allende ∞ where C is chosen such that N(δ)dδ = 1. The de- Prieto & Lambert (1999), and we accepted the surface −∞ gravities derived there from the (B−V) colors and the rived N(δ) can be compared tRo the observations in order Hipparcos trigonometric parallaxes. The iron abundances to constrain the intrinsic scatter. In all cases, the derived in Table 1 area straightaverageofpreviousspectroscopic and measured histograms are similar. analyses compiled by Cayrel de Strobel et al. (2001). A recent discussion of the preferred stellar parameters of α 3.3. Searching for correlations CMi can be found in Allende Prieto et al. (2002). Fei The number of iron lines identified and measured for linesat4602.00and4602.94˚Awithaccurategf-valuesand each star varies from 1340 to 15692. Solar analyses have dampingparameterswereanalyzedwithsyntheticspectra shownclearcorrelationsofthelineshiftswithlinestrength computed from flux-constant LTE model atmospheres to (Allende Prieto & Garc´ıa Lo´pez 1998) and wavelength estimate the projected rotational velocities in Table 1. (Hamilton & Lester 1999). We explore here the variation of the shifts with line strength, as this is the dominantef- 3.2. Measuring the line centers fect. The line equivalent width and the central line depth A variety of procedures have been used previously to have been the most widely used line strength indicators. determine the central wavelength of a spectral line. The As pointed out by Pierce & Lopresto (2000), the use of most popular methods involve some type of least-squares the equivalent width avoids saturation for the strongest polynomial fitting or polynomial interpolation (see, e.g., lines. On the other hand, equivalent width measurements Neckel&Labs1990;AllendePrieto&Garc´ıaLo´pez1998). aredistortedbyblendsinthelinewingswhichmayhardly As the stellar spectral lines are asymmetric, the details of affect line depths. Blends are a particularly serious prob- the measuring procedure affect the derived central wave- lem when dealing with cool stars, as some of those in our length. Polynomial least-squares fits are well-suited for sample. Therefore, we have adopted the line depth. error estimation, however, there is some arbitrariness in The left-hand panels in Fig. 1 show the line velocity the selection of the ideal order and wavelengthinterval to shiftsforthestarsinoursampleasafunctionoftheresid- useinthefits. Fortheslowlyrotatingstarsanalyzedhere, ual flux at the center of the line f (=1− line depth). In c we have found that a reasonable choice, the same for the these panels, the shifts of the individual lines are marked whole sample, provides stable results regardlessof the ex- with dots. Grouping the lines in bins of 0.1 in depth, and act selection for the order and wavelength interval. Our after applying a median filter, we derive the average val- particular choice is to fit 35 m˚A around the line center ues shownas asteriskswith errorbars. The solidlines are with a third order polynomial. Preceding the fitting by a 3th-order polynomial fits to guide the eye, and the bro- cubic-spline interpolationwithastepof5m˚Aproveduse- ken lines trace the original median values. We have not ful for the HRS spectra, but degradedslightly the quality attempted to disentangle the stellar radial velocities from of the results for the superior solar atlas. thegravitationalshiftsandthe atmosphericmotions. The To estimate the error in a derived central wavelength, absolute values on the vertical axis have been shifted to 1Thiscomparisonindicatesthatanextensionandimprovementofthelaboratorywavelengthsforneutralironandotherspeciesisdesirable. Aspectrographusedtoobtainstellarspectramaybewellsuitedforthispurpose(seeAllendePrieto2001) 2Withtheexception ofαCMi,forwhichonly588linesweremeasured 3 Fig. 1.— Theleft-hand panels show the relativevelocity shiftsofFe ilines withrespectto their restwavelengths. Thevelocity scalefor each staris shiftedtohave a nullvelocity forthe median shiftof the strongest linesconsidered. The dots show the shifts forthe individual lines. Theasteriskswitherrorbarsaremeanvaluesafterapplyingamedianfilter,andthesolidlineisapolynomialfittothem. Thedashed curve shows the median shiftsfor the different bins. The right-handpanels show histograms of the scatter of the velocity shifts around the polynomialfit. Theexpectedscatter(seetext)isshownbythesymmetricsolidcurve. Themeanvelocityshiftsdeterminedfromtheanalysis oftheαBooatlasofHinkleetal. (2000) aredisplayedasfilledcirclesintheleft-handpanelforthisstar. Table 1 Observed sample Star Obs. date Sp. Type T a logg [Fe/H] vsini S(v) eff (K) (dex) (dex) (km s−1) (km s−1) α CMi McDonald atlas F5 IV 6530 3.96 (0.02) −0.05 (0.03) 2.8 (0.1) 0.88 Sun FTS atlas G2 V 5770 4.44 (0.01) 0.00 1.9 (0.1) 0.54 70 Vir June 5 G4 V 5455 4.04 (0.11) −0.11b 3.2 (0.1) 0.72 µ Her A May 28 G5 IV 5523 3.87 (0.04) 0.23 (0.07) 4.1 (0.2) 0.59 β Aql June 11 G8 IV 5040 3.56 (0.07) −0.02 (0.10) 3.1 (0.3) 0.57 η Cep May 29 K0 IV 4944 3.40 (0.18) −0.12 (0.14) 3.1 (0.1) 0.51 α Boo June 9 K1.5 III 4290 2.00 (0.56) −0.51 (0.03) 3.0 (0.5) 0.93 ξ Dra May 29 K2 III 4430 2.31 (0.32) −0.13 (0.04) 5.1 (0.5) 1.04 aUncertainties in T are 100 K or smaller eff bA single measurement is available 4 have a null median velocity shift for the strongest lines; dwarfs and subgiants in our sample, which is not surpris- a condition that the polynomial fits were as well forced ing. Although their lower effective temperatures provide to satisfy. The right-hand panels show the scatter of the lessfluxtotransport,theirloweratmosphericpressureim- line shifts about the averagepoints. The scatter expected plies larger convective velocities. Fig. 1 suggests that, from Eq. (1), mainly the result of the uncertainties in the onceweaccountfortheobservationalerrors,thereis little laboratory wavelengths, the finite width of the lines, and room for intrinsic line-to-line scatter in the F-G-K stars the presence of photometric noise, is also displayed (thick sampled here. Convection is supposed to cease in main symmetric curve). The σ(δ) given in the right-hand pan- sequence stars with spectral types earlier than about F2, els corresponds to a Gaussian fit by least-squares to the but other velocity fields must be present in those atmo- observedscatter. Thevelocityspanofthepolynomialfits, spheres, judging from the asymmetry of the spectral lines S(v), is listed in Table 1. (e.g. Gray & Nagel 1989). Determining accurate absolute A spectroscopic atlas of α Boo at a superior resolving radial velocities demands an understanding of the wave- power and S/N was published by Hinkle et al. (2000). length shifts in the spectra of these stars too. The corresponding left-hand panel in Figure 1 compares Solar observationshave showndifferences in the center- the average shifts from our measurements from the atlas to-limb variation of the granulation along the central (filled circles) with those from the HRS spectrum (aster- meridian and the equator (e.g. Beckers & Taylor 1980; isks with error bars). The agreement is quite satisfactory. Rodr´ıguez Hidalgo, Collados, & Va´zquez 1992). Observa- Theσofthescatterinourspectrumandintheatlasagree tionsofalargenumberofstarsmaythenshowpeculiarities within 10 m s−1. at a given spectral type depending on the orientation of the rotational axis. Stars with enhanced magnetic fields 4. DISCUSSION arealsoexpectedtobepeculiarintermsofobservedwave- The pattern of the velocity shifts is similar for all the length shifts, as the enhanced magnetic fields may hinder stars,andinqualitativeagreementwithsolarresults. The the convectivemotions. Furthermore,line shifts mayvary net convective blue shifts of the lines strengthen toward with time for stars exhibiting an analog of the solar 11 deeper photospheric layers, and therefore affect the weak year cycle. lines more than the strong ones. Despite our limited sam- Observations of line shifts for a significant number of ple, there is an indication of a smooth dependence of the stars with high quality are required for a deeper under- average velocity shifts with spectral type. This effect is standingofgranulationinstellaratmospheres,itsrelation- clearer in our analysis of line shifts than in previous stud- ship with other stellar phenomena,and the role of surface ies using bisectors. As argued in the introduction, this convectioninthestructureandevolutionofstars. Ourfirst is likely the result of line shifts measurements being less results show that measurements of convective line shifts affected by blending than line bisectors in late-G and K are a must in order to derive accurate absolute radial ve- type stars. locities. Our preliminary results indicate that the trend of line We thank the HET staff for their outstanding job mak- shifts as a function of line strength can be determined as ing possible science observations with HRS since day one. a function of spectral type and gravity. At least for late- The Hobby-Eberly Telescope is operated by McDonald type dwarfs, assuming the strongestlines in the spectrum Observatory on behalf of The University of Texas at are free from convective shifts (as is the case for the so- Austin, the Pennsylvania State University, Stanford Uni- lar photosphere), it is possible to correct for convective versity, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit¨at Mu¨nchen, and wavelength shifts to within ≃0.2 km s−1. Georg-August-Universit¨at G¨ottingen. NSO/Kitt Peak Themeasuredrangeofwavelengthshiftsforneutraliron FTS data used here were produced by NSF/NOAO. This lines is larger in α CMi than in cooler stars of classes IV research was supported in part by the NSF (grant AST- andV.Therangeofwavelengthshiftsisalsolarger,reach- 0086321). ing up to ∼ 1 km s−1, for the K giants than for the G-K REFERENCES Allende Prieto, C. 2001, The Spectrum of the Th-Ar Hollow- Dravins,D.,&Nordlund,˚A.1990,A&A,228,203 Cathode Lamp Used with the 2dcoud´e Spectrograph, Gray,D.F.1980,ApJ,235,508 http://hebe.as.utexas.edu/2dcoude/thar/ (astro-ph/0111172) Gray,D.F.1981,ApJ,251,583 Allende Prieto, C., Asplund, M., Garc´ıa Lo´pez, R. 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