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Convective Heat Transfer. Mathematical and Computational Modelling of Viscous Fluids and Porous Media PDF

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Preview Convective Heat Transfer. Mathematical and Computational Modelling of Viscous Fluids and Porous Media

Preface Interest in studying the phenomena of convective heat and mass transfer between an ambient fluid and a body which is immersed in it stems both from fundamental considerations, such as the development of better insights into the nature of the underlying physical processes which take place, and from practical considerations, such as the fact that these idealised configurations serve as a launching pad for modelling the analogous transfer processes in more realistic physical systems. Such idealised geometries also provide a test ground for checking the validity of theoretical analyses. Consequently, an immense research effort has been expended in exploring and understanding the convective heat and mass transfer processes between a fluid and submerged objects of various shapes. Among several geometries which have received considerable attention are flat plates, circular and elliptical cylinders and spheres, although much information is also available for some other bodies, such as corrugated surfaces or bodies of relatively complicated shapes. It is readily recognised that a wealth of information is now available on con- vective heat and mass transfer operations for viscous (Newtonian) fluids and for fluid-saturated porous media under most general boundary conditions of practi- cal interest. The number of excellent review articles, books and monographs, which summarise the state-of-the-art of convective heat and mass transfer, which are avail- able in in the literature testify to the considerable importance of this field to many practical applications in modern industries. Given the great practical importance and physical complexity of buoyancy flows, they have been very actively investigated as part of the effort to fully understand, calculate and use them in many engineering problems. No doubt, these flows have been invaluable tools for the designers in a variety of engineering situations. How- ever, it is well recognised that this has been possible only via appropriate heuristic assumptions, see for example the Boussinesq (1903) and Prandtl (1904) boundary- layer approximations. Today it is widely accepted that viscous effects, although very often confined in small regions, control and regulate the basic features of the flow and heat transfer characteristics, as for example, boundary-layer separation and flow circulation. As a result, these characteristics depend on the development of the vis- cous layer and its downstream fate, which may or may not experience transition to turbulence and separation to a wake. Numerous numerical schemes have been devel- xii CONVECTIVE FLOWS oped and these have proved to be fairly reliable when compared with experimental results. However, applications to real situations sometimes brings difficulties. As mentioned before, it is only in the last two decades that various authors have prepared excellent review articles, books and monographs on the topic of convective heat and mass transfer. However, to the best of our knowledge, the last monograph on this topic is that published by Gebhart et al. (1988). Therefore, it is pertinent now to emphasise some of the important contributions which have been published since then, and, indeed, these are very numerous. On studying the published books and monographs on convective heat and mass transfer, we have noticed that much emphasis is given to the traditional analytical and numerical techniques commonly employed in the classical boundary-layer theory, most of which have been known for several decades. In contrast, rather little attention has been directed towards the mathematical description of the asymptotic behaviours, such as singularities. With the rapid development of computers then these asymptotic solutions have been widely recognised. In fact, in the last few years a large number of such contributions have appeared in the literature, especially those concerning the mixed convection flows and conjugate heat transfer problems. Therefore, we decided to include in the present monograph more on the asymptotic and numerical techniques than what has been published in the previous books on convective heat and mass transfer. This book is certainly concerned with very efficient numerical techniques, but the methods per se are not the focus of the discussion. Rather, we concentrate on the physical conclusions which can be drawn from the analytical and mlmerical solutions. The selection of the papers reviewed is, of course, inevitably biased. Yet we feel that we may have over-emphasised some contributions in favour of others and that we have not been as objective as we should. However, the perspective outlined in the book comes out of the external flow situations with which we are most personally familiar. In fact, we have knowingly excluded certain areas, such as, convective compressible flows and stability either because we felt there was not sufficient new material to report on, or because we did not feel sufficiently competent to review them. However, we have made it clear that the boundary-layer technique may still be a very powerful tool and can be successfully used in the future to solve problems that involve singularities, such as separation, partially reversed flow and reattachment. It should be mentioned again, to this end, that the main objective of the present book is to examine those problems and solution methods which heat transfer researchers need to follow in order to solve their problems. The book is a unified progress report which captures the spirit of the work in progress in boundary-layer heat transfer research and also identifies the potential difficulties and future needs. In addition, this work provides new material on con- vective heat and mass transfer, as well as a fresh look at basic methods in heat transfer. We have complemented the book with extensive references in order to stimulate further studies of the problems considered. We have presented a picture of the state-of-the-art of boundary-layer heat transfer today by listing and com- PREFACE xiii menting also upon the most recent successful efforts and identifying the needs for further research. The tremendous amount of information and number of publica- tions now makes it necessary for us to resort to such monographs. It is evident, from the number of citations in previous review articles, books and monographs on the topic of heat transfer that these publications have played a significant role in the development of convective heat flows. The book will be of interest to postgraduate students and researchers in the field of applied mathematics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, physics, geophysics, chemical and mechanical engineering, etc. and the book can also be recommended as an advanced graduate-level supplementary textbook. Also the wide range of methods described to solve practical problems makes this volume a valuable asset to practising engineers. Acknowledgements A number of people have been very helpful in the completion of this work and we would like to acknowledge their contributions. First, we were impressed with the warm interest and meaningful suggestions of Professor T.-Y. Na and Dr. D. A. .S Rees, the reviewers of this work. Secondly, the formatting of this book and the preparation of the figures were performed by Dr. Julie M. Harris, and we are very appreciative of her patience and expertise. Thirdly, we are indebted to Mr. Keith Lambert, Senior Publishing Editor of Pergamon, for his enthusiatic handling of this project. Cluj/Leeds Ioan Pop/Derek B. Ingham October, 2000 Nomenclature radius of cylinder or sphere, or Ki permeabilities of layered porous major axis of elliptical cylinder, or media body curvature, or :K micropolar parameter amplitude of surface wave l length scale, or ac radius of core region length of plate A reactant L convective length scale, or AT transversal heat dispersion constant length of vertically moving cylinder A amplitude of surface temperature ~L Lewis number b thickness of plate, or m exponent in power-law temperature, minor axis of elliptical cylinder, or or power-law heat flux, or thickness of sheet, or power-law potential velocity width of jet slit, or distributions body curvature n stratification parameter, or B product species power-law index C body shape parameter, or n unit vector aspect ratio N buoyancy parameter pc specific heat at constant pressure Nu Nusselt number C concentration p pressure ,sC Cs skin friction coefficients Pc characteristic pressure D chemical diffusion Pe P~clet number Dm mass diffusivity of porous medium Pr Prandtl number DT transversal component of thermal sq energy released from line heat dispersion tensor source e~ stress tensor q~ wall heat flux E activation energy q" heat flux per unit area transpiration parameter Q strength of radial source/sink, or g magnitude of acceleration due to total line heat flux, or gravity volumetric flow rate in film Vr Grashof number r radial coordinate Gr* modified Grashof number ~(~) axial distance h(x) film thickness R buoyancy parameter, or h constant solid/fluid heat transfer gas constant coefficient ~T temperature or heat flux parameter 2I second invariant of strain rate tensor Ra Rayleigh number for viscous fluid, J microinertia density or modified Rayleigh number for k conjugate parameter porous medium kf thermal conductivity of fluid Rah , Rat modified Rayleigh numbers km thermal conductivity of porous Ra; local non-Darcy-Rayleigh number medium Re Reynolds number ks thermal conductivity of solid Re* modified Reynolds number 1nik thermal conductivity of near-wall Reb Reynolds number for jet layer ReD Reynolds number based on the K permeablility of porous medium diameter of cylinder K* inertial (or Forchheimer) coefficient, Re~,, Reo~ Reynolds numbers for moving or or modified permeability for fixed plate power-law fluid s heat transfer power-law index xviii CONVECTIVE FLOWS S(x), S(r body functions e small quantity Sc Schmidt number transformed x-coordinate, or Sh Sherwood number elliptical coordinate t time 0~ quantity related to local Reynolds T fluid temperature number T* reference temperature, or ( similarity, or reference heat flux pseudo-similarity variable in % boundary-layer temperature y-direction % core region temperature, or /7 similarity, or plume centreline temperature pseudo-similarity variable, or ~T temperature at exit elliptical coordinate ST temperature in fluid ~/(~) viscosity function oT temperature of outside surface 8 non-dimensional temperature, or of plate or cylinder angular coordinate ~T temperature of solid plate, or bO conjugate non-dimensional of sheet boundary-layer temperature ~T wall temperature 0~ non-dimensional wall temperature T~(x) stratified temperature 0 characteristic temperature U fluid velocity along x-axis, or ~t vortex viscosity in transverse direction A mixed convection parameter Uc plume centreline fluid velocity ~A Richardson number velocity outside boundary-layer A inclination parameter velocity of moving sheet, or H configuration function of moving cylinder It dynamic viscosity u(~) velocity of potential flow in *tI consistency index x-direction it0 consistency index for non- ~u characteristic velocity Newtonian viscosity u~ velocity of moving plate u kinematic viscosity V fluid velocity along y-axis, or p density in radial direction a heat capacity ratio V fluid velocity vector a(x) wavy surface profile W fluid velocity along z-axis T non-dimensional time w(z) velocity of potential flow in )~'(T shear stress z-direction jiT strain rate tensor Wc characteristic velocity ~V wall skin friction x, y, z Cartesian coordinates o~ inclination angle, or ,cY cZ characteristic coordinates porosity of porous medium r non-dimensional concentration, or Greek Letters angular distance energy activation parameter r stream function f~c thermal diffusivity of fluid w vorticity ~.~c effective thermal diffusivity of porous medium Subscripts fl thermal expansion coefficient, or f fluid Falkner-Skan parameter ref reference *lf concentration expansion coefficient s solid 7 eigenvalue, or w wall gradient of viscosity x local ~" shear rate tensor oc ambient fluid F conjugate parameter boundary-layer thickness, or Superscripts plume diameter - dimensional variables, or (~T, O~t thermal boundary-layer thicknesses average quantities ~f( momentum boundary-layer ' differential with respect to thickness independent variable A C concentration difference, Cw- ooC "~ - non-dimensional, or AT temperature difference, T~ - ~oT boundary-layer variables CONVECTIVE FLOWS: VISCOUS FLUIDS 3 A body which is introduced into a fluid which is at a different temperature forms a source of equilibrium disturbance due to the thermal interaction between the body and the fluid. The reason for this process is that there are thermal interactions between the body and the medium. The fluid elements near the body surface assume the temperature of the body and then begins the propagation of heat into the fluid by heat conduction. This variation of the fluid temperature is accompanied by a density variation which brings about a distortion in its distribution corresponding to the theory of hydrostatic equilibrium. This leads to the process of the redistribution of the density which takes on the character of a continuous mutual substitution of fluid elements. The particular case when the density variation is caused by the non- uniformity of the temperatures is called thermal gravitational convection. When the motion and heat transfer occur in an enclosed or infinite space then this process is called buoyancy convective flow. Ever since the publication of the first text book on heat transfer by GrSber (1921), the discussion of buoyancy-induced heat transfer follows directly that of forced convection flow. This emphasises that a common feature for these flows is the heat transfer of a fluid moving at different velocities. For example, buoyancy convective flow is considered as a forced flow in the case of very small fluid velocities or small Mach numbers. In many circumstances when the fluid arises due to only buoyancy then the governing momentum equation contains a term which is propor- tional to the temperature difference. This is a direct reflection of the fact that the main driving force for thermal convection is the difference in the temperature be- tween the body and the fluid. The motion originates due to the interaction between the thermal and hydrodynamic fields in a region with a variable temperature. How- ever, in nature and in many industrial and chemical engineering situations there are many transport processes which are governed by the joint action of the buoyancy forces from both thermal and mass diffusion that develop due to the coexistence of temperature gradients and concentration differences of dissimilar chemical species. When heat and mass transfer occur simultaneously in a moving fluid, the relation between the fluxes and the driving potentials is of a more intricate nature. It has been found that an energy flux can be generated not only by temperature gradi- ents but also by a composition gradient. The energy flux caused by a composition gradient is called the Dufour or diffusion-thermal effect. On the other hand, mass fluxes can also be created by temperature gradients and this is the Soret or thermal- diffusion effect. In general, the thermal-diffusion and the diffusion-thermal effects are of a smaller order of magnitude than are the effects described by the Fourier or Fick laws and are often neglected in heat and mass transfer processes. The convective mode of heat transfer is generally divided into two basic pro- cesses. If the motion of the fluid arises from an external agent then the process is termed forced convection. If, on the other hand, no such externally induced flow is provided and the flow arises from the effect of a density difference, resulting from a temperature or concentration difference, in a body force field such as the grav- 4 CONVECTIVE FLOWS itational field, then the process is termed natural or free convection. The density difference gives rise to buoyancy forces which drive the flow and the main difference between free and forced convection lies in the nature of the fluid flow generation. In forced convection, the externally imposed flow is generally known, whereas in free convection it results from an interaction between the density difference and the grav- Rational field (or some other body force) and is therefore invariably linked with, and is dependent on, the temperature field. Thus, the motion that arises is not known at the onset and has to be determined from a consideration of the heat (or mass) transfer process coupled with a fluid flow mechanism. If, however, the effect of the buoyancy force in forced convection, or the effect of forced flow in free convection, becomes significant then the process is called mixed convection flows, or combined forced and free convection flows. The effect is especially pronounced in situations where the forced fluid flow velocity is low and/or the temperature difference is large. In mixed convection flows, the forced convection effects and the free convection ef- fects are of comparable magnitude. Both the free and mixed convection processes may be divided into external flows over immersed bodies (such as flat plates, cylin- ders and wires, spheres or other bodies), free boundary flow (such as plumes, jets and wakes), and internal flow in ducts (such as pipes, channels and enclosures). The basically nonlinear character of the problems in buoyancy convective flows does not allow the use of the superposition principle for solving more complex prob- lems on the basis of solutions obtained for simple idealised cases. For example, the problems of free and mixed convection flows can be divided into categories depend- ing on the direction of the temperature gradient relative to that of the gravitational effect. It is only over the last three decades that buoyancy convective flows have been isolated as a self-sustained area of research and there has been a continuous need to develop new mathematical methods and advanced equipment for solving modern practical problems. For a detailed presentation of the subject of buoyancy con- vective flows over heated or cooled bodies several books and review articles may be consulted, such as ~k~rner (1973), Gebhart (1973), Jaluria (1980, 1987), Marty- nenko and Sokovishin (1982, 1989), Aziz and Na (1984), Shih (1984), Bejan (1984, 1995), Afzal (1986), Kaka(~ (1987), Chen and Armaly (1987), Gebhart et al. (1988), Joshi (1990), Gersten and Herwig (1992), Leal (1992), Nakayama (1995), Schneider (1995), Goldstein and Volino (1995) and Pop et al. (1998a). Buoyancy induced convective flow is of great importance in many heat removal processes in engineering technology and has attracted the attention of many re- searchers in the last few decades due to the fact that both science and technology are being interested in passive energy storage systems, such as the cooling of spent fuel rods in nuclear power applications and the design of solar collectors. In particu- lar, for low power level devices it may be a significant cooling mechanism and in such cases the heat transfer surface area may be increased for the augmentation of heat transfer rates. It also arises in the design of thermal insulation, material processing CONVECTIVE FLOWS" VISCOUS FLUIDS 5 and geothermal systems. In particular, it has been ascertained that free convection can induce the thermal stresses which lead to critical structural damage in the pip- ing systems of nuclear reactors. The buoyant flow arising from heat rejection to the atmosphere, heating of rooms, fires, and many other such heat transfer processes, both natural and artificial, are other examples of natural convection flows. In the ensuing chapters of this book, a uniform format is adopted to present theoretical (analytical and numerical) results for the most important situations of the buoyancy convective flows obtained over the last few years. Most of these results refer to cases which have never, or only partially, been presented in review articles or handbooks. The most important fluid flow and heat transfer results are presented in terms of mathematical expressions as well as in tabular and graphical form to display the general trends. We believe that such tables are very important since they can serve as reference tests against which other exact or approximate solutions can be compared in the future. Due to the vastness of the results presented in this book, computer codes are not presented. However, frequent references are made to papers and/or books which contain extensive numerical methods collected from worldwide sources. We begin by considering a heated (or cooled) body which has, in general, a variable surface temperature or variable surface heat flux immersed in a fluid which has a uniform or variable (stratified) temperature. Apart from any motion that is generated by density gradients, we suppose that the fluid is motionless. The complete dimensional form of the continuity, momentum, thermal energy and mass diffusion (concentration) equations for a viscous and incompressible fluid, simplified only to the extent that we assume that all the fluid properties, except the density, are constant and neglect viscous dissipation, diffusion-thermal (Dufour) and thermal- diffusion (Soret) effects, are given by, see Gebhart et .la (1988) or eejan (1995), v. v - 0 (i.a) OV I l_ P~ ooP T-o + (V. V) V - + + ~ g (I.2) ooP ~cP OT -- + (v. - (I.3) CO -- + (V. V) C- - DV2-C (I.4) ~o where V is the velocity vector, T is the fluid temperature, C is the concentration, is the pressure, t is the time, g is the gravitation acceleration vector, u is the kinematic viscosity, p is the fluid density, p~ is the constant local density, cff is the thermal diffusivity, D is the chemical diffusivity and ~2 is the Laplacian operator. For many actual fluids and flow conditions a simple and convenient way to express the density difference (p-poo) in the buoyancy term of the momentum Equation (I.2) 6 CONVECTIVE FLOWS is given by, see Gebhart et al. (1988), (I.5) when the thermal gradient dominates over the concentration (mass diffusion) gradi- ent and p - - (T- - (V- (I.6) when both the thermal and concentration (mass diffusion) gradients are important. Here fl and *lf are the thermal and concentration expansion coefficients and ooT and C~ are the temperature and concentration of the ambient medium. If the density varies linearly with T over the range of values of the physical quantities encountered in the transport process, ~ in Equation (I.5) is simply ~ - p ~o~ ~ and if the density varies linearly with both T and C then p and *~ in Equation (I.6) are given by r176176 U,~ and r ~~-a(l0 ~,'"b~ the expansion coefficients ~and ~* may be evaluated anywhere in the ranges oT( - Too) and (Co - Coo), where oT and oC are the other bounding conditions on the flow. Equations (I.5) and (I.6) are good approximations for the variation of the density, especially when (To-Too) and (Co-Coo) are small, and they are known as Boussinesq (1903) approximations. The interested reader should also consult Oberbeck (1879). Other recent considerations of these approximations can be found in the book by Gebhart et al. (1988). Itowever, if the density variation is substantially nonlinear in T or both in T and C over the ranges of their values in the buoyancy region, then the expressions for r and ~* must in general be much more complicated to yield an accurate representation in .Equations (I.5) and (I.6). This occurs for large temperature differences in any fluid and it also may arise, for example, in thermally driven motion in cold water, see Gebhart et al. (1988).

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