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Controlled Drift of Indirect Excitons in Coupled Quantum Wells: Toward Bose Condensation in a Two-Dimensional Trap PDF

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Preview Controlled Drift of Indirect Excitons in Coupled Quantum Wells: Toward Bose Condensation in a Two-Dimensional Trap

Controlled Drift of Indirect Excitons in Coupled Quantum Wells: Toward Bose Condensation in a Two-Dimensional Trap V. Negoita and D.W. Snoke Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh 3941 O’Hara St. Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA 9 9 K. Eberl 9 Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Festk¨orperforschung 1 Heisenbergstr. 1 n 70506 Stuttgart, Germany a J Wehavesucceededin trappingindirect excitonsincoupled quantumwells inaharmonicpotential minimumviainhomogeneousappliedstressandelectricfield. TheseexcitonsexhibitastrongStark 1 2 shift(over60meV),longlifetime(100ns),andhighdiffusivity(1000cm /s). Thisapproachisvery 1 promising for obtaining the high exciton density needed for Bose condensation of excitons in two ] dimensions. l so that crossover to a Fermi liquid state is not expected e - 71.35.Lk; 73.20.Dx; 78.66.-w at high density, and (3) the quality of semiconductor r heterostructures has been steadily increasing, so that t s true two-dimensional physics can be studied. In a two- . Over the past 15 years, several experiments have in- t dimensional system, Bose-Einstein condensation is not a dicated evidence of Bose effects or Bose condensation of m expected, but rather a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to excitons in semiconductors [1–13]. These experiments asuperfluidstate[21],althoughJ.Ferna´ndez-Rossier,C. - mostly fall into four basic categories: evidence based on d Tejedor,andR.Merlin[22]haverecentlyarguedthatthe n spectral lineshape analysis following incoherent genera- coupling of the excitons to the photon states will allow o tion of the excitons, which shows narrowing of the exci- them to undergo Bose condensation in two dimensions. c ton luminescence lines at high densities [1,2,4,5,7], evi- [ Early experiments with this type of structure [7] dence based on comparison of total luminescence inten- showed evidence for Bose effects, but later work [18] 1 sities of two different excitonic species, by which the rel- showedthatlocalizationdue to randomvariationsinthe v ative populations can be deduced [3,13], evidence based 8 structuressignificantlycomplicatedtheanalysisofthelu- on light emission following coherent generation of exci- 8 minescencelineshape. Recentstudiesofsimilarstuctures tons in the ground state, which shows that excitons re- 0 [8,9] have shown quite promising results, including evi- 1 main in regions of phase space near the ground state dence for increased diffusion out of the excitation region 0 for time periods long comparedto the excitonscattering at high density and low temperature. Other recent mea- 9 time [6,11,12],and measurements of the transportof the 9 surements of the diffusion of indirect excitons have also excitons which show fast expansion out of the creation / shown fast expansion at high densities [20]. Enhanced t region [3,9,10]. This body of evidence, while important, a diffusionisexpected forsuperfluidexcitons,butcanalso m lacks the dramatic “smoking gun” that has been seen in be attributed to other, classical effects which also occur alkali atoms in magneto-optical traps [14,15], namely, a - at high density, such as phonon wind [23]. d spatial condensation into a two-component distribution, In order to overcome the complications of localization n a clear prediction of the theory of the weakly interact- o ing Bose gas which has no classical analog. It has long and classical, pressure-driven expansion, X.J. Zhu, P.B. c Littlewood, and T.M. Rice [19] proposed a variation in been known [16] that excitons in a harmonic potential : whichinward pressureonthe excitonsis producedwhich v will also show this behavior if they undergo Bose con- i confines them to a potential minimum. As Nozier´es [24] X densation;amethodofcreatingaharmonicpotentialfor and others have pointed out, if a potential minimum ex- excitons in bulk semiconductors is well established [16], r ists, true Bose condensation can occur in two dimen- a butsofar,experimentalattemptswithbulksemiconduc- sions instead of a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. Zhu, tors have not succeeded in creating a density of excitons Littlewood, and Rice envisioned that a potential min- high enough for Bose condensation in this kind of trap. imum could be created by a variation in the quantum Much recent attention has been given to indirect, or well thickness. In this Letter, we report the experimen- “dipole,” excitons in two-dimensional heterostructures tal accomplishment of a potential minimum for indirect [7–9,17–20]. This system is appealing because (1) the excitonsinatwo-dimensionalplaneviaadifferentmeans. excitons can have long lifetimes due to the spatial sep- This method creates a harmonic potential minimum for aration of the electron and hole, (2) the interaction be- the excitons, so that the telltale two-component spatial tween the dipole-aligned excitons is strongly repulsive, signature of Bose condensation can occur, and it allows 1 us to vary the depth of the potential minimum via an that the effect of the variation in voltage is about the external control. same as the effect of the shear strain maximum. The samples we use are GaAsAlxGa1−xAs cou- The fact that a potential minimum occurs is strongly pled quantum well structures fabricated via molecular- connected to the geometry which leaves the lower sur- beam epitaxy (MBE) at the Max-Planck-Instutute in face of the sample unconstrained. When the sample is Stuttgart; the substrate is heavily p-doped and the cap- placed on a glass slide, a potential energy maximum is ping layer is heavily n-doped in order to allow electric seen,sinceinthiscasethesampleiscompressed,andthe field perpendicular to plane of the quantum wells. Fig. positive shift in energy due to the hydrostatic deforma- 1(a) illustrates the band structure when electric field is tionpotentialoverwhelmsthe negativeshiftduetoshear applied; as seen in Fig. 1(b), as the electric field is in- strain. Wehavesolvedthestaticfieldequationsforstrain creased, the energy of the indirect excitons undergoes a in the sample via finite-element analysis, and the shifts strong Stark shift to lower energy, as also seen in previ- in energy in both cases agree with our calculations [30]. ousstudies(e.g.,Refs.[25,26].) Thespatialseparationof In a harmonic potential minimum in two dimensions, electron and hole into two separate planes also increases the critical number for Bose condensation is given by the lifetime of the excitons; in our samples we measure 1 lifetimes of the indirect excitons of around 100 ns. N = n (1) Wecreateapotentialminimumfortheexcitonsviaex- c X enh¯ω/kBT −1 n ternally applied, inhomogeneous stress and electric field. (k T)2 1 B Fig. 2 shows the experimental geometry. The quantum = (h¯ω0)2 Z ǫdǫ eǫ−1 well sample is clamped between two metal plates, each (k T)2 with a small hole, and a pin is pressedagainst the GaAs =1.8 B , substrate,whichhasbeenpolishedonbothsurfacesprior (h¯ω0)2 to the MBE fabrication. The pin creates a shear strain maximum in the quantum wells, as well as a slight hy- where ω0 = (α/m)1/2. The shape of the well shown in Fig. 3(a) corresponds to a force constant of α = 65 drostatic expansion; both of these strain effects lead to meV/mm2, approximating U = αx2/2 in the center of an energy minumum for the excitons via the Pikus and thetrap. Foratemperatureof2Kelvinandexcitonmass Bir deformation Hamiltonian [27], similar to the way in on the order of the electron mass, this critical number is which inhomogeneous strain leads to a potential energy 7 approximately 10 . By comparison, a single laser pulse minimum for carriers in bulk semiconductors [16,28,29]. fromourdye lasercontainsmore than1011 photons. We Too much stress from the pin will cleave the sample, of have not seen evidence for Bose effects in this well, how- course, but springs on the back of the sample help to ever. Becauseweexciteatλ=660nm,theexcessenergy preventthis, allowing a reproducible, controllablestress. ofthe generatedcarriersisquite high,sothatthe carrier In addition, the pin is held at a fixed, negative volt- temperatureiswellabove100Kformostoftheirlifetime, age while the clamping plates are connected to ground. asdeterminedbyfitstotheband-edgeluminescencefrom This causes a current to flow through the heavily-doped the substrate at the same times, even when the sample substrate, so that the voltage across the quantum wells is immersed in liquid helium. At this temperature, the drops to zero far away from the pin. As seen in Fig. 1, critical number is four orders of magnitude higher. higher electric field corresponds to lower energy for the The diffusion length of the excitons is also too short indirect excitons, so that this effect also contributes to for thermalization in the well at this temperature. Fig. a potential energy minimum for the excitons below the 4 shows the spatial profile of the indirect exciton lumi- pin. nescence at various times after a laser pulse has created The entire assembly is placed in liquid or gaseous them about 400 µm from the center of the well. The ex- helium, and the quantum wells are excited by a laser pansionatearlytime correspondstoadiffusionconstant through the window of an optical cryostat by means of 2 of over 1000 cm /s, similar to that of Ref. [20]. (This a prism attached to the lower metal plate. The force on fast expansion at early time is essentially the same even the pin is controlled by a micrometer at the top of the with zero applied stress.) At late times, as the exciton cryostat, as in Ref. [29]. Fig. 3 shows time-integrated density drops,the expansionof the excitons slows down, luminescence from a coupled quantum well sample with although the effect of drift due to the gradient in poten- 60 ˚A GaAs wells and 42 ˚A Al.3Ga.7As barrier, taken tial energy is clearly seen. withaCCDcameraonthebackofanimagingspectrom- For a lifetime of 100 ns and D = 1000 cm2/s, the dif- eter as the laser spotis scannedacrossthe surfaceof the fusion length of the excitons is around100µm. By com- sample. As seen in Fig. 3(a), a well depth of more than parison,theequilibriumspatialwidthofaclassicalgasin 10 meV canbe created,comparedto the inhomogeneous aharmonicpotentialwellwithα=65meV/mm2,deter- broadening in these samples of slightly less than 1 meV. mined approximately by the condition αx2/2=3k T/2 When the voltage applied to the pin is set to zero, the B [16], is over 500 µm. same time-integrated scan gives Fig. 3(b), which shows 2 As the exciton gas gets colder, the equilibrium spatial FIG. 1. (a) Band structure of the coupled quantum well structures used in this experiment. Indirect excitons are width should become smaller, to less than 100 µm at 2 formed from electrons in the lowest conduction subband and K. This also indicates the importance of lower effective the highest valence subband. (b) Peak photon energy of the exciton temperature. We believe that by creating the twoluminescencelinesfromthestructure,asafunctionofre- excitons with lower energy via near-resonant excitation, versebias voltage. Solid circles: indirect (interwell) excitons, we can significantly reduce the exciton temperature in open circles: direct (intrawell) excitons. The intensity of the the future. intrawell excitons relative to the interwell excitons first falls, Another approach which may also aid the approach then rises as theelectric field is increased. to Bose condensation of excitons in this geometry may be adding a strong magnetic field, which will reduce the FIG.2. Exerimentalgeometryforapplyinginhomogeneous spin degeneracy of the excitons, forcing higher numbers strain and electric field to the samples. The pin is pressed of particles into few states, and which will also create a against thesample with approximately 5 lb. of force. morestronglyrepulsiveinteractionbetweentheexcitons. Several authors [31–33] have argued that magnetic field willenhanceBoseeffectsofexcitons;experimentally,Ref. FIG. 3. (a) Time-integrated image through an imaging [9] reported a sharpincrease of diffusivity of indirect ex- spectrometeroftheindirectexcitonluminescenceasthelaser citons above a critical threshold of magnetic field. spotisscannedacrossthesurfaceofthequantumwellsample Recently, several authors [22,34,35]have proposed op- with 43kV/cmapplied field. Thepoint oflowest energycor- tical tests for the phase coherence which should appear respondstothepointdirectly belowthetipofthepinshown in the excitonic Bose condensate. Underlying all these in Fig. 2. (b) Time-integrated image for thesameconditions approaches is the fact that Bose condensation implies but zero applied field. As seen in this comparison, the inho- spontaneous phase coherence, and since excitons couple mogeneous electric field gives a contribution to the trap as large as that of theapplied shear stress. to photon states,this phase coherence shouldtransfer to the photons, even in the absence of lasing. The method proposed here of confining an exciton condensate to a FIG.4. Spatial profiles of the luminescence from the cou- trap is much more amenable to these kinds of tests than pled quantumwell structureat various timesafter a short (5 methods which allow free expansion of the exciton gas, ps) laser pulse. The laser is focused about 400 µm from the since the ground state in this case is well defined. center of the trap shown in Fig. 3. As seen in this figure, Finally, we note that the method we have used here the indirect excitons drift toward the center of the well due to trap the excitons may have other applications. Since to the gradient in potential energy. The expansion at early excitons are chargeneutral, they do not respond to elec- time,before50ns,correspondstoadiffusionconstantof1000 2 tric field, and it is therefore difficult to controltheir mo- cm /s. tion. We have shown that the motion of excitons in heterostructures can be controlled over distances up to 100 µm via both inhomogeneous shear stress and inho- mogeneous electric field. In particular, variation of the voltage across the quantum wells can be accomplished by depositing resistive patterns on the surface via pho- tolithography. Small “wires” for excitons can therefore [1] V.B. Timofeev, V.D. Kulakovskii, and I.V. Kukushkin, be created which carry excitons from place to place in Physica B+C 117/118, 327 (1983). response to electric fields. 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