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Ribeiroetal.Parasites&Vectors2013,6:8 http://www.parasitesandvectors.com/content/6/1/8 LETTER TO THE EDITOR Open Access Control of visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil: recommendations from Brasileish Vitor Márcio Ribeiro1, Sydnei Magno da Silva2, Ingrid Menz3, Paulo Tabanez4, Fábio dos Santos Nogueira5, Manfredo Werkhaüser6, André Luis S da Fonseca7 and Filipe Dantas-Torres8,9* Abstract On26 October2012, veterinary medicine clinicians and researchers, membersof Brasileish -Study Group about Animal Leishmaniasis -met at theRegional Council ofVeterinary Medicine of Minas Gerais, in thecity Belo Horizonte, inorder to discussmany aspects of thesituationof canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) in Brazil. In the faceof recent national and internationalscientific evidence, we, themembersofBrasileish, have elaborated some recommendations for the management and control of CVLin Brazil. Background Recommendations On the 26th of October 2012, veterinary medicine clini- Healtheducation cians and researchers, members of Brasileish –A Study Implementing health education measures in endemic Group about Animal Leishmaniasis - met at the Regional areas. These activities should be carried out jointly by CouncilofVeterinaryMedicineofMinasGerais,inthecity health officials, who should be properly trained to inform Belo Horizonte, in order to discuss many aspects of the the populationabout the principal measuresforcontrol of situation regarding canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) in leishmaniasis, including of individual protection (use of Brazil. Among these, questions concerning the limitations sand fly-proof nets, netting for windows and doors, avoid- of the serological tests currently recommended in the ing outdoor activities at twilight and at night, among country, the recommendations for canine elimination as a others). These measures should be permanent and carried controlmeasure,thelimitationofthetreatmentwithdrugs out with district associations and community leaders. not used in human treatment and not registered with the Domiciliaryvisits,discussionsinpublicandprivateschools Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply and withtheaimofeducatingthepopulationaboutresponsible the use of canine vaccination as a control measure were ownership, animal welfare and also aspects related to pre- alsodealtwith. vention of visceral leishmaniasis in dogs and in humans This meeting preceded the IX International Symposium arepivotal. on Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis held on 27-28 October 2012 at the School of Veterinary Medicine of the Federal Controlofthecaninepopulation University of Minas Gerais. At this event, various aspects Individualregistrationofdomesticandsemi-domesticdogs ofCVL, frompathogenesis to legal questionsrelatedtoits by means of microchips, so as to obtain better control of control,werediscussed. thecaninepopulationineachcommunityandsothatevery In the face of recent national and international scientific owner is made responsible for their pets. Canine vaccin- evidence[1-7],andonthebasisofdiscussionsheldatthese ationagainstzoonoses,suchasrabies,leptospirosisandvis- two meetings, we, the members of Brasileish, have devel- ceralleishmaniasis,shouldbepromotedbymeansofpublic oped the following recommendations for the management vaccinationcampaignsassociatedwithmeasurestocontrol andcontrolofCVLinBrazil. helminthicinfestations,fleas,lice,andticks.Thecreationof publicveterinaryhospitalsforthetreatmentofanimalsori- *Correspondence:[email protected] ginating frompoorcommunitiesshouldbeincludedinthe 8Dep.deImunologia,CentrodePesquisasAggeuMagalhães,Fiocruz,Recife, agenda of priorities for animal health care and consequent Brazil control of zoonoses. These hospitals should provide veter- 9Dip.diMedicinaVeterinaria,UniversitàdegliStudidiBari,Valenzano,Italy Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle inarycareandsterilizationproceduresfordogsandcats. ©2013Ribeiroetal.;licenseeBioMedCentralLtd.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreative CommonsAttributionLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Ribeiroetal.Parasites&Vectors2013,6:8 Page2of2 http://www.parasitesandvectors.com/content/6/1/8 DiagnosisandtreatmentofdogswithCVL mustbeencouraged,financedbypublicdevelopmentbod- The diagnosis of CVL should be made by a professional ies,andprioritizedbythecompetentauthoritiesandethics veterinarian on the basis of compatible clinical signs and committees. By means of education and efficacious mea- parasitological, serological and/or molecular confirm- suresitwillbepossibletoreducetheimpactofleishmania- ation. Standardization of serological tests to reduce the sisinBrazil. possibility of cross-reactions (false positives), is essential. Finally, we highlight the fact that, as emphasized more Seropositive dogs in the indirect immunofluorescence thantenyearsagobyDoctorCarlosHenriqueNeryCosta, assay at a dilution of 1:40 should be considered suspect president of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine, andshouldundergoothertests.Atitrefourtimes higher and Doctor João Batista Furtado Vieira, current manager than the cut-off point (1:40) should be considered diag- of General Coordination of Leprosy and Diseases in the nostic. In this way only positive results in IFATat dilu- Process of Elimination at the Ministry of Health, the con- tions≥1:160, may be considered true positive. In areas trol of leishmaniasis in Brazil must change [8].Investment where Leishmania braziliensis or other Leishmania spe- is needed in monitoring, health education, and quality of cies are endemic, confirmation of the etiological diagno- lifeofat-riskpopulations. sis is essential in order to avoid the elimination of dogs Competinginterests that are not infected by Leishmania infantum (= Leish- Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenocompetinginterests. mania chagasi). Owners of infected dogs must be guar- N.B.ThistexthasbeenpublishedpreviouslyinPortuguese(RibeiroVM,Silva anteed the right to choose between euthanasia and SM,MenzI,TabanezP,NogueiraFS,WerkhaüserM,FonsecaALS,Dantas- responsible treatment of their animals. When the option TorresF:ControledaleishmaniosevisceralnoBrasil:recomendaçõesdo iseuthanasia,itshouldbecarriedoutinaccordancewith Brasileish.ClínicaVeterinária2012,17(101):28–29). ethical principlesandbyaveterinarian.Whentheoption Authors’contributions is treatment, it should be carried out with protocols that Allauthorscontributedequallytothiswork.Allauthorsreadandapproved produce improvement or clinical cure in the animal and thefinalmanuscript. areductionintheparasiteburden,whichshouldbeeval- Authordetails uatedbymeansofclinicalandlaboratoryinvestigations. 1EscoladeVeterinária,PontifíciaUniversidadeCatólicadeMinasGerais, AngolaBrazil.2Dep.deImunologia,MicrobiologiaeParasitologia,Institutode CiênciasBiomédicas,UniversidadeFederaldeUberlândia,UberlândiaBrazil. Combatingthevector 3MédicaVeterináriaAutônoma,CampinasBrazil.4MédicoVeterinário Control of the vector should be carried out by means of Autônomo,BrasíliaBrazil.5MédicoVeterinárioAutônoma,Andradina, Brazil. environmental management (construction of houses on 6MédicoVeterinárioAutônoma,BeloHorizonte, Brazil.7Dep.dePatologia, UniversidadeFederalMatoGrossodoSul,CampoGrandeBrazil.8Dep.de barren areas, cleaning and reorganization of peridomi- Imunologia,CentrodePesquisasAggeuMagalhães,FiocruzRecifeBrazil.9Dip. ciliary areas), adoption of individual protective measures diMedicinaVeterinaria,UniversitàdegliStudidiBari,ValenzanoItaly. (netting for doors and windows, use of bed nets impreg- Received:27December2012Accepted:4January2013 nated with insecticides in high-risk areas) and the use of Published:11January2013 insecticides in the environment in special situations (risk of epidemics, intradomiciliary transmission). The use of References 1. Dantas-TorresF,Solano-GallegoL,BanethG,RibeiroVM,dePaiva-Cavalcanti insecticides (collars, pipettes, sprays) on dogs is essential M,OtrantoD:CanineleishmaniosisintheOldandNewWorlds:unveiled andmustbeencouragedbythegovernmentinpoorareas. similaritiesanddifferences.TrendsParasitol2012,28(12):531–538. The situation regarding visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil 2. Solano-GallegoL,MiróG,KoutinasA,CardosoL,PennisiMG,FerrerL,Bourdeau P,OlivaG,BanethG,TheLeishVetGroup:LeishVetguidelinesforthepractical reflects the failure of the National Program for Control managementofcanineleishmaniosis.ParasitVectors2011,4:86. of Visceral Leishmaniasis. Established over 50 years ago, 3. WorldHealthOrganization:ControloftheLeishmaniasis.Geneva:WHO this program needs to be completely redesigned in the (TechnicalReportSeries949);2010:104. 4. 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CostaCH,VieiraJB:Changesinthecontrolprogramofvisceral “OneHealth”inthepreparationofmeasuresforcontrolof leishmaniasisinBrazil.RevSocBrasMedTrop2001,34(2):223–228. zoonoses such as leishmaniasis. Every management and control measure must be backed by scientific data and/or doi:10.1186/1756-3305-6-8 Citethisarticleas:Ribeiroetal.:Controlofvisceralleishmaniasisin by evidence-based medicine. In this sense, searches for Brazil:recommendationsfromBrasileish.Parasites&Vectors20136:8. newdiagnosticmethods,treatmentprotocolsand tools for control and prevention (vaccination and vector control)

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