DoEAD/13441 Control of the Accumulation of Non-Process Elements in Pulp Mills with Bleach Filtrate Reuse: A Chemical Equilibrium Approach to Predicting the Partitioning of Metals In Pulp Mill and Bleach Plant Streams Final Report - 07/24/1996 - 06/30/2000 W. J. Frederick, Jr. A. W. Rudie G. W. Schmidl S. A. Sinquefield G. L. Rorrer M. L. Laver W. Yantasee D. Ming August 2000 Work Performed Under Contract No. DE-FC07-961D13441 For U.S. Department of Energy Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Washington, DC By Oregon State University Corvallis, OR The Institute of Paper Science and Technology Atlanta, GA PROCESSED FROM NW’ AVAILABLECOPY DOEIID113441 CONTROL OF THE ACCUMULATION OF NON-PROCESS ELEMENTS IN PULP MILLS WITH BLEACH FILTRATE REUSE: A CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM APPROACH TO PREDICTING THE PARTITIONING OF METALS IN PULP MILL AND BLEACH PLANT STREAMS FINAL REPORT 07/24/1 996 – 06/30/2000 W. J. Frederick, Jr. A. W. Rudie G. W. Schmidl S. A. Sinquefield G. L. Rorrer M. L. Laver W. Yantasee D. Ming August 2000 Work Performed Under Contract No. DE-FC07-961D 13441 Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Washington, DC Prepared by Oregon State University Corvallis, OR The Institute of Paper Science and Technology Atlanta, GA DISCLAIMER This repott was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, make any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or impiy its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. Control of the Accumulation of Non-Process Elements in Pulp Mills with Bleach Filtrate Reuse: A Chemical Equilibrium Approach to Predicting the Partitioning of Metals In Pulp Mill and Bleach Plant Streams Final Report W.J. Frederic~ Jr., A,W. Rudie, G.W. Schmidt and S.A. Sinquefield The Institute ofPaper Science and Technology I G.L. Rorrer, M.L. Laver, W.Yantasee, and D. Ming Oregon State University August 2000 A Summary Report Ofthe Project Work Performed Under Contract DE-FC07-961D13441 Prepared for The U.S. Department ofEnergy OffIceofIndustrial Technologies Washington, D.C. Prepared by Oregon State University Corvallis, OR The Institute ofPaper Science and Technology Atlanta, GA -. * TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE L EXECUTWESUMMARY.......*.*......**.*.......*....*..*...*.**.......................***.......1 l A Introduction B. TheMetalsBindingCRPacityofDHsolvedOrganicMatterinBlack LiquorandBleachFiltrates C. Stabiity ConstantsforMetalComplexesWithDbNOlvedOrgakdcM@fer D. TheMetalsBiiding CapacityofWoodI?@ fibers E. SorptionEquMbriumConstantaforMetalswithWoodPulpN&n’s F. ThermodynamicPropertiesandActivityCoefficientsforInorganicSpecies G. ChemicalEquilibriumModeling E FieldDataforMetalIonsinFtdpingLiquorStreams I L EvaluationoftheChemicalEquilibriumModel LL MuMcompo~ InorgauicSolutions X2. AqueousFiber-MetalIonSystems L3. AqueousFiber-MetalIon-D~solvedOrganicSystems J. StatusofModelingCapabilityandRemainingNeeds IL INTRODUCTION*..**.*.*.,...****...*.... 8 l ...............0.. .*. **. *.......*..* ..........*** .......... InteractionofMetalswithDbsolvedWoodOrganics A B. InteractionsofMetalswithPolpFibers C. DatabaseofThermodynamicProperties D. EvaluationofVolubilityCalculations E. TechnologyTransfer,ResultsD~emination, andFinalReport IIL CHARACTERIZATIONOFDISSOLVEDMATTERINTCFBLEACHPLANT FILTRATESAMPLES.....*.*..*.*.*...........***...*..*...................*.....**.*........*....12 l A Clwacteriaticaofliltrate Samples B. ChamwtwiaationofDissolvedOrganicMatter B.1. CharacterbmtionofDissolvedCarbohydratesbyTLC B.2. CharacterizationofDissolvedWoodExtractiveainFiltratesbyTLC C. CharacterizationofDissolvedLii by=C-NMR (X. CharacterizationofAidrichLigninby0 C-NMR C.2. CharacterizationofFWrataLigninbyuC-NMR Iv. COMPLEXATIONOFMETALIONSWITH DISSOLVEDORGANICS.**.........*,..............*................0.................***....*....21 A PrecipitationofaPolymer B. ExperimentalApproach c. IlataAnalysis D. Resalts v. CHARACTERIZATIONOFPULPFIBERS................................... ..............30 l A Pulp samples B. FkmctionalGroupContentofPulpSamples C.. NPEMetalFrofdeainPldp%unpk% Cl. NPEMetalsAdytii Method C*ZNPEMetalProfilesinPulpBeforeAcidWashing C.3. NPEMetalProfilesinPulpAfterAcidWashing C.4. NPEProfflesinPulpAfterASd WashingandIonExchange VL CHARACTERIZATIONOFBINDINGOFMETAL10NS T()PULPFIBERS........................................ .*............*.* .......................*36 l IL MetalIonAdsorptionIsothermsonWoodPulp AA Single MetalIonAdsorptionMeasurements A.2. AdsorptionIsothmn Database z&3 IonExchangeCharacteristicsofMetalIonAdsorptionontoWoodPulp &4. FreundIichAdsorptionIsothermParameters zL5. CorrelationofMetalIonAdsorptiontoWoodPulpConstituents B# MetalIonAdsorption Kinetics onWoodPulp c. Multi-ComponentMetalIonAdsorptionExperiments Cl. Comp&itiveMetalIonAdsorptionMe&umments C.2.CompetitiveAdsorption of Two MetalIonsonWoodPalp versuspH THERMODYNAMIC’PROPERTIEASNDACTIVITYCOEFFICIENTSFOR INORGANICSPECIES.........*..*.*....*...*.**.*...... ..*****......*..*..*..*****..**.*.1*0..4 ‘ l k DevelopmentofaDataBaseforInorganicIons Ii EstimationMethods B.1.ThermodynamicProperties B.1.a. Eti”mationofFreeEnergy B.1.b. EstimationofIonEntropiesandHeatCapacities B.2. ActivityCoefficients B.2.& EstimationofActivity CoefflcientaforStrongElectrtdytes B.2.b. EstimationofActivityCoefficientsforNeutralSpecies B.2.c Estimationofpitzer IonInteractionParameters FIELDANDLABORATORYDATAMETALIONSINPULPINGLIQUOR STREAMS........................*..**................................*.....**...*................139 A Objectives B. SummaryofResults c. Methods D. SampleLocations E. ResultsstudDiscussion F. Alkali-SolubleNon-processElements:K$l, Al,Si G. Alkali-insolubleNonprocessElements: BXCa,Co,Cu,Zn,F%Mg,Mn,P E Alkali-solubleProcessElements:N%S L RemovalEfficiencies Ix EVALUATIONOFTHEINORGANICSPECIESDATABASEFORPREDICTING TEESOLTJBILITYOFINORGANICCOMPOUNDSINAQUEOUSPULPMILL STREAMS.......................................*.....*.**1.61 IL MajorSpeciesinGreenandWhiteLiquor B. Non-ProcessElementsIn Moderate toHighIonicStrength Media C, Mill Data x ORGANOMETAL EQUILIBRIUMCALCULATOR..........................**.*.....176 A ModelConcept R BasisandConstraints C. OrganometalComplexation Cl. BindingSitesforOrganomctalComplexation C.2. StabilityConstants C.3. MassBaIauceandElectricalNeutralityConstraints C.4. Cakuiationprocedure D. IonExchangeofMetalIonswithWoodPulpFibers D.1. IonExchangeofMctaiIonswithWoodPulpFibers D.2. IonExchangeEqtilbrium Constants Chapter I. Executive Summary A. Introduction The overall goal of this project was to develop fundamentale,xperimentally based methods for predicting the volubility oforganic and inorganic matter andtheir interactions in recycled effluent fkomH,pi.dp milk and bleach plants. This included: characterizing the capacity of.wood pulp and dissolved organic matter to bind pxhl ion$ developing a thermodynamic database of properties neededto describe the solubil~”of rnorganic matter mpulp mill streaqs, incorporation ofthe database into equilibrium calculation software for predicting the volubility ofthe metals of inte~ and evaluating its capability to predict the distribution ofthe metals betw-’pulp fiberi, inorganic precipitates, and solution. This chapter summarizesthe results ofthe work performed. B. The Metals Binding Capacity of Dissolved Organic Matter in Black Liquor and Bleach Ftitrates The soIubility of metals in pulp mill streams, especially alkaiine streams, is increased when metals cxxpplexwith soluble organic matter. One objective of this work was to quantify the fi,mctionalgroup content of organic matter found in pulp mill and bleach plant streams. Chapters II contains results obtained by fkwtionating the dissolved organic solids in black liquor and bleach filtrates obtained from a totally chlorine free @CF) bleached kraft pulp mill. Additional data, obtained inthis study and fromthe literature are reported in Chapters IV and X. The results are summarized mthis section. Only the filtrates from brownstock washing stages contained detectable quantities of lignin. The total hydroxyl content per mass of krdt lignin remained essentially constant through brownstock washing. However, the distribution ofhydroxyl groups shifted through the brownstock was@ers, toward a higher percentage of hydroxyl groups as aliphatic groups, while the percentage as phenolic hydroxyl groups decreased. Filtrates from oxygen delignification and subsequent bleaching stages contained no detectable lignin. The average phenolic hydroxyl content fix lignin degradation products flom black liquor was determined to be 3.12+0.44 mmol phenolic hydroxyl groups per g lignin. This corresponds to a molecular weight of 320=!=4g6/mole phenolic hydroxyl sites. There isno significant trend ofphenolic hydroxyl cuntent with pulp kappa number over the range 12to 34. ‘Ilweeextractive compounds, quercet@ dihydroquercetin and catechin were also identified inthe filtrates upstream ofthe oxygen delignii-kation stage. All contain phenolic hydroxyl groups. Polysaccharides were found in fdtrates horn all stages except the third peroxide bleaching stage. No monosacc~des were found infiltrates from any ofthe stages. The work reported in this chapter was done with bleach plant filtrates tiom a TCF bleach plant. We would expect kraft lignin to be present in at least the earlier bkaching stages from ECF and conventional bleach plants. We would also expect the la-aftlignin to become more degraded with increasing bleaching with a reduction in its phenolic hydroxyl content. These remain to be verified. C. Stability Constants forMetal Complexes With Dissolved Organic Matter Another objective ofthis work was to quant@ the complexation equilibrium between metal ions and dissolved organic matter. Chapter IV summarizes the experimental methods developed and employed in measuring the equilibrium (stability) constants for complexes of metal ions with dissolved organic matter. Stability mnsbnts are reported for fbur metal ions (@a,Ca,Mg, Ni). The values of log (K) for phenolic hydroxyl groups (and other oxygen donor ligands) with a sties of m~ ofien corre~ we~ Withthe values”of log (&-) for the me m&d& Thk methcd was modified for metals ccmpkxing wih lign~ degradation products in black liquor, by using liganda otherthan OH. as the reference. The log (Q’s for black liquor correlated very well with the log (Q’s for pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid and nitriletiracetic acid. Since there is a large database of formation constants fbr these two chelating reagents, these correlations can be used for edrnating formation constants forNPEs that werenot evaluated inthis project. Polysaccharides form much weaker oomplexes with metal ions than do organics that contain phenolic hydroxyl groups. However, in filtrates where kraft lignin or extractives are abse@ polysacoharide complexes with metals may account for a significant fkaction of the total dissolved metals. I). The Metals Binding Capacity ofWood Pulp Fibers Pulp fibers bind metals via ion exchange with hydrogen ions (or other metals) on carboxylic acid andphenolic hydroxyl sites. A significant fktion of most metals input with wood are sorbed or precipitated on the pulp fibers and carried into the bleach plant. The acid bleach stages remove the metals, replacing them with hydrogen ions. In alkaline bleach stages, the metals are resorbed or reprecipitated onthe fibers. k this study, pulp samples were obtained from aTCF bleached pulp mill for use m metal sorption studies. Pulp samples were obtained from the brownstock washers and fkomthe various bleach stage washers. Each pulp sample was analyzed for Kappa number, carboxylic acid and phenolic hydroxyl conteng using standard analytical methods. The carboxylic acid content of the pulp decreased modestly asthe bleaching sequence moved fromthe brownstock to third peroxide stage (P3), whereas the phenoiic hydroxyl group content decreased tc nearly zero by stage P3. Unbleached brcwnstock pulp contained carboxylic acid and phenolic hydroxyl groups in approximately in equal amounts, whereas the fidly bleached (P3) pulp contained only carboxylic acid groups. l%ese results are rncluded in Chapter V. Correlationa were developed for the carboxylic acid content and phenolic hydroxyl content of soilwood wood pulp fibers (see Chapter X). These correlations can be used to estimate the total metal binding capacity of softwood pulp fibers. The verj limited data available fix hardwood pulps suggests that the correlations may not apply forhardwood pulps. l%e amounts of metals sorbed or precipitated on the pulp samples were measured for the as- receved pulps (after washing with ion-flee water), after acid washing, and after acid washing and ion exchange with various metals (see Chapter V). The as-received pulps contaiued mainly Ca, Mg, and Na (-100-1000 mg of each metal per kg of pulp), and smaller quantities of Al, B%Fe, K, ~ and Zn (-2-50 mg of each metal per kg of pulp). No other metals were present at levels above their detection limits. Acid washing removed -90Y0 of each metal. Ion exchange of the 2 acid-washed pulps with sodi~ calcium ornickel ion finther reducedthe content of other sorbed metals. Thetotal metal sorption capacity ofpulp fibers ~ nearly neutral pH is essentially the same asthe content of carboxylic acid groups onthe pulp fibers, when compared as chemical equivalents. At pH greaterthan 8.5,the phenolic hydroxyl groups begin to dissociate and contribute to binding of metals. E. Sorption Equilibrium Constants forMetals with Wood Pulp Fibers Sorption isotherms for Ba, C% CA Mu, Na, Ni, Pb, and Zn with three brownstock pulps, one oxygen delignified pulp, and one filly bleached pulp were measured at neutral pH and 25, 50, and 75”C. Allmetal ion adsorption isotherms were performed on Calcium-exchanged pulp in order to provide a common basis fbr ion exchange equilibrium coefficients. The results are reported as Freundlich isotherms (see Chapter 6). Selectivity coefficients for ion exchange equilibrium were also extractedfromthe data fromthis studyandthe literature(fix M%seeChapter X). The order ofaf6nity ofmetal ionsfir woodpulp fibersat25°Cis: pb>Ni>fi>cd>~>~>Mg>~>Na Metals had a higher aflhity fir unbleached brownstock pulp than bleached EOP and P3 pulps. Sorption of all metals decreased with increasing tempemture from 25 to 75”C. At 25”C,the total equivalents of metal sorbed exceededthe total available so@ion sites (carboxylic acid groups) by up to 100%. At 75”C,the measured sorption capacity was the same as the available carboxylic acid sites. The measured sorption capacity for metal ions on 02deliguified and fidly bleached pulps was closer to 1 equivalent metal/equivalent -COOH than were the values tir brownstock puips. The competitive adsorption versus pH of two metal ions, sodium and talc@ was also measured. Two pulps were used, an unbleached brownstock and a fidly bleached pulp. Measurements were made at 25°C over the pH range 2.5-11. Below pH 2.5 no metal ion adsorption occ~ and the pulps remained in the hydrogen-exchanged form. For the fidly bleached pulp, at pH 4.5 and above, the adsorption of both Na and Ca leveled off and remained constat with increasing pH. However, fbrthe unbleached brownstock pulp,the adsorption ofboth Na and Ca continued to increased from pH 4.5 to pH 11, reflecting the increasing availability of phenolic hydroxyi groups as adsorption sites. About twice as much Calcium adsorbed as Sodiq when compared relativeto the concentrations ofCalcium and Sodium ions msolution. Adsorption kinetics were measured fbrthe adsorption of Bariuq Cadmi~ and Manganese ions on Calcium-exchanged brownstock pulp at 25”C. Adsorption/desorption kinetics were also measured at 25 and 75”C, for Nickel ions dimlacin~ Calcium on brownstock Dulm and for Calcium ions (Ca+2)on Sodium-exchange~ ~ly br=ched pulp at 25°C. A&o~on was complete within 10-30 minutes in all experiments. Temperature, initial metal concentration, and the specific metal being adsorbed didnot have any significant effect onthe adsorption kinetics. F. Thermodynamic Properties and Activity Coeffkients for Inorganic Species Various commercial software packages are available that can calculate the distribution of metals and other species in aqueous solutions at equilibrium. The more difficult component to acquire canbethe thermodynamic properties and activity coefficient parameter databases required forthe 3