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Control of Seasonal Development by Photoperiod and Temperature in the Linden Bug, Pyrrhocoris apterus in Belgorod, Russia PDF

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Preview Control of Seasonal Development by Photoperiod and Temperature in the Linden Bug, Pyrrhocoris apterus in Belgorod, Russia

ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 11: 883-887 (1994) 1994ZoologicalSocietyofJapan Control of Seasonal Development by Photoperiod and Temperature in the Linden Bug, Pyrrhocoris apterus in Belgorod, Russia Aida H. Saulich1 Tatyana A. Volkovich1 and Hideharu Numata2* , 1Laboratory ofEntomology, BiologicalResearch Institute, St. Petersburg University, St. Petersburg 198904, Russia 2Department of Biology, Faculty ofScience, Osaka City University, Sumiyoshi, Osaka 558, Japan — ABSTRACT The life cycle of the Belgorod population of the linden bug, Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.) (Heteroptera, Pyrrhocoridae) was observed in the field, and under quasi-natural rearing conditions. There were univoltine and bivoltinepathwaysinthelifecycle. Theemergenceofdiapauseadultsunderquasi-naturalconditionswasconsistentwith the parameters of photoperiodic response obtained by experiments at constant photoperiod and temperatures. The temperaturedependenceofthephotoperiodicinductionofdiapauseplaysasignificantroleinlifecycleadaptationinthis species. INTRODUCTION In the present study, we first observed the life cycle of the Belgorod population of P. apterus, and then reared the It is accepted that photoperiodic responses play a major insects under quasi-natural conditions. We discuss a likely role in the control ofseasonal life cycles in insects [2-4, 14]. role for temperature dependency of the photoperiodic re- However, it is often difficult to apply laboratory results sponse in the life cycle adaptation of P. apterus based on a obtained under constant photoperiods and temperatures to comparison of the laboratory findings [9] with those under predict seasonal development in the field. Therefore, phe- quasi-natural conditions. nological observation in the field and experiments under naturalconditionsarebetterwaystodiscusslifecycleadapta- MATERIALS AND METHODS tion in an insect. The linden bug, Pyrrhocoris apterus, has an adult di- Observations and experiments were carried out in the reserva- apausecontrolledbyalong-dayphotoperiodicresponse [5,9, tion, "Forest on the River Vorskla" (50°N, 36°E), in Belgorod 12, 16]. In a previous paper, we showed the photoperiodic Region, Russia, on the local population of P. apterus in 1990 and response of P. apterus in Belgorod Region, Russia, under 1991. conditionsofconstanttemperatureandunderthermoperiodic Nymphs of P. apterus were reared from the first instar in a meteorologicalboothplacedintheopen, bythemethodspreviously conditions in the laboratory. Although thermoperiod had a slight effect on the induction of diapause, the critical day- cdemschriigbhedfr[o9]m.theThgerosuhnedl.f whOenrleyitnhseecntosrtwherseidereoafrtehdewbaosotahbooupten1e3d0 length essentially depended on the mean temperature [9]. and the insects inside were protected from direct sunlight. The However, the adaptive significance of this temperature de- temperatureintheboothwasrecorded. Afteradultemergence,the pendence remained unclear. insects were reared as male and female pairs in Petri dishes (9cm In all populations of P. apterus examined until the diameter). Ovipositionwasrecordeddaily, andifafemale didnot present, the diapause is facultative [5, 9, 12, 16], and there- layeggsfor30daysfromemergencewejudgedittobeindiapause. fore they all have the possibility to produce two or more Fifth- (final-) instar nymphs were collected from the field and generations a year. However, a univoltine life cycle has raised to adults in cages (45cm diameter, 80cm height) on the soil been observedin the populationin Paris, France [10], and in surface. The cage was made of a wire-frame with a gauze net thatincentral Bohemia [5, 6]. In Kazakhstan andUkraine, coveringthetopandsides,andtheframewasburiedintothesoilata depth of 10cm. Thick branches andpieces ofbark were placed in the possibility of a partially bivoltine life cycle was reported the cage to protect the insects from rain and direct sunlight. The [1, 15]. Until recently, however, no reliable evidence has temperature on the soil surface in the cage was recorded. The been shown ofthe voltinism in P. apterus, because adults of incidence ofdiapausewas examined asfor the insects in the booth. this species have a long life-span and oviposition period and Some insectswere reared from the first instar in the laboratory therefore it is difficult to discriminate the generation of under 18L-6D at 25+TC, and transferred to 16L-8D or 12L-12D adults. Recently, Socha and Sula [13] showed the occurr- duringthefifthinstar. Theirdiapausestatuswasexaminedasstated ence oftwo generations ofP. apterusin oneyearinsouthern above. Bohemia. ReceivedJune24, 1994 AcceptedNovember 14, 1994 Towhom all correspondence should be addressed. 884 A. H. Saulich, T. A. Volkovich and H. Numata RESULTS although we did not record the date of their earliest emerg- ence. In 1991, new adults emerged from mid-June. Phenological observation Adults after overwintering appeared on the ground in Rearingfrom thefirst instar late April both in 1990 and in 1991. On warm sunny days Todefinethenumberofgenerationsinayear,wereared from early May, we observed mating and oviposition. P. apterus from the first instar in a meteorological booth Thereafter we found both nymphs and adults until late under quasi-natural conditions in 1990 and 1991. We used autumn. Because adults lived and continued to lay eggs for eggs laid by adults after overwintering. In 1990, we placed a long period, it was difficult to divide generations only by first-instar nymphs just after hatching in the booth on 3, 13 field observations. We could only determine the beginning and 20 June. In this year, it was cool in June; the mean of emergence of new adults, because they had a richer red temperature for ten days was 13.6-15.5°C. Therefore, the color andsofterintegument thanolderadults. Thesediffer- nymphsdevelopedslowlyandnewadultsfirstemergedaslate ences disappeared a few days after adult emergence. In as7August. Alladultsentereddiapauseexceptforonlyone 1990, we observed new adults at the beginning of July, that emerged on 10 August (Fig. 1). -18 17 c 25 r 16 Q o o 20 15 CD i3_ 13 i— Q. 15- E HCD 10 15 of.- 10 of d 5 1991 Z .! uri I | mui uli JlJ L _L _L J May June July August Fig. 1. Induction of adult diapause in Pyrrhocoris apterus under quasi-natural conditions in 1990 and 1991. Each horizontal line shows an experimental series. The outset corresponds to the hatching ofthe nymphs. Date ofadult emergence in females is shown at the end of line as histograms. Black, diapause; white, reproductive. Circles show the mean temperatures for ten days in the meteorological booth used fortheexperimentsin 1990(closed) and in 1991 (open). Solidline, naturaldaylength includingciviltwilightat50°N(afterBeck [2]). Dotted line, critical temperature for the induction ofdiapause in P. apterus (after Numata etal. [9]) (see Fig. 2). Seasonal Development of the Linden Bug 885 In 1991, weplacedfirst-instarnymphsintheboothon23 Table2. Effect of photoperiodic transfer from long-day to and 27 May, 6, 13 and 25 June. In this year, the mean short-dayconditionsbefore adultemergenceontheinduction temperature for ten days in June was 16.5-22.9°C, and of adult diapause in Pyrrhocoris apterus at 25°C thereforenymphsdevelopedmuchfasterthanin 1990. New Photoperiodic adultsfirst emergedon2July. Allfemales emergingbefore Photoperiodic t—rdanasyfser,before No. of Dairs % diapause 10Julylaideggs. From 12to21 July, bothreproductiveand conditions adult used emergence diapause female adults emerged, and all females emerging after 22 July entered diapause (Fig. 1). 18L-6D—16L-8D 12 25 100 9 26 100 Rearing ofthefield-collected nymphs 8 20 80 Thus, we knew when diapause adults emerged in the 4 24 50 booth under quasi-natural conditions. However, the 25 8 temperature in the booth used in this experiment differed 18L-6D—12L-12D 9-11 26 100 from that on the soil surface where the insects develop in 4 17 35 nature. Furthermore,thenymphsofthisspeciesbehavioral- 26 ly select microhabitat [8]. Therefore, to determine the actual time of emergence of diapause adults, we collected ence were enough to induce adult diapause in all individuals, fifth-instar nymphs from the field and kept them in cages on and four cycles were critical, irrespective of the short-day the soil surface in 1991. After adult emergence, we ex- conditions used (Table2). amined their diapause status (Table 1). From the samples collected on 7 June, adults emerged on 9-14 June, which DISCUSSION corresponded to the first emergence ofnew adults in nature. Theywereallnondiapauseadultsandbegantolayeggsinlate Interaction betweenphotoperiodand temperature June. On 21 July, the first diapause adults emerged, and In the Belgorod population of P. apterus, the photo- thereafterdiapauseadultsprevailedinthesamples. Insome periodicinductionofadultdiapausedependsontemperature, periodstherewasonlyalittledifferencebetweenthetemper- andthe critical daylength is longeratlowertemperatures [9], atureonthesoilsurfaceandthatinthemeteorologicalbooth, as in many other insects with long-day photoperiodic re- although in other periods the former was much higher than sponses [2-4, 14]. Moreover, the critical daylength under thelatter. Forexample, inlateAprilthemeantemperature thermoperiodic conditions is close to that at the constant of the soil surface was 23.3°C and that in the booth was temperature equivalent to the mean temperature of the 10.3°C, while in mid- and late July, the difference was 3.6- thermoperiod [9]. This species is slightly sensitive to a 3.8°C. gradual increase of the photophase only in the threshold range [17]. Therefore, we examined whether we could Table1. Incidence of adult diapause in Pyrrhocoris apterus applythe photoperiodicresponse obtained experimentally at collected as fifth-instar nymphs from the field in 1991 constantphotoperiodsandtemperaturestothenaturalinduc- Date of No. of Date of No. of % tion ofdiapause. First, we determined the critical tempera- collection cnoylmlpechtsed eadmuelrtgence paadiurlst diapause ture for a given daylength, as we had ascertained the critical daylengths at each temperature (Fig. 2). Then, we showed 7 June 46 9-14 June 20 2 July 35 4-6 July 22 30 12 July 32 14-18 July 18 21 July 6 33 22 July 70 30July-2 August 19 84 P Reproduction 6 August 15 75 Photoperiodicsensitivity 2 25 InP. apterus,thephotoperiodicsensitivitycommencesin CQD. the fourth or fifth instar and continues throughout the adult E Diapause life[5]. Fiveorsixshort-daycyclesexperiencedbeforeadult emergencewereenoughtoinducediapauseinthepopulation from central Bohemia [7]. We examined the photoperiodic sensitivity in the Belgorod population at 25°C. We used 20 18L-6D as long-day conditions, and 16L-8D or 12L-12D as 16 17 short-dayconditions,becausethecriticaldaylengthwasabout Photophase (hr/day) 17hrat25°C[9]. Fig. 2. Effect ofphotoperiod and temperature on the induction of Nine short-day cycles experienced before adult emerg- adult diapause in Pyrrhocorisapterus (afterNumataetal. [9]) 886 A. H. Saulich, T. A. Volkovich and H. Numata the critical temperature for the natural daylength as a dotted surfacewhereP. apteruslivesinnature, becausethetempera- line in Figure 1. During periods when the environmental ture on the soil surfacewas sometimes much higherthanthat temperature is lower than this value, diapause might be in the meteorological booth. Furthermore, we observed in induced. spring that nymphs and adults aggregated in warm places on the soil surface where the temperature was muchhigherthan Voltinism ofthe Belgorodpopulation inthe meteorologicalboothbecauseofradiantheat. There- IntheBelgorodpopulation ofP. apterus, thereweretwo fore the behavioral regulation ofbody temperature may also alternative pathways in the life cycle, i.e., univoltine and contribute the difference between the quasi-natural and the bivoltine. In 1990 (coolweather), newadults emergedfrom real natural conditions. However, we cannot predict the earlyAugust, andmostofthese entereddiapause. The mean seasonal development ofP. apterus with the temperature on temperaturefortendaysneverexceededthecriticalvaluefor thesoilsurface,becauseduringthewarmseasonsthenymphs the induction ofdiapause. Low temperature contributed to of P. apterus select microhabitat where the temperature is theinductionofdiapauseintwoways: First, itlengthenedthe much cooler than on the soil surface [8]. critical daylength for the induction of diapause. Second, it delayed nymphal development, and therefore the sensitive Retardation ofnymphal development stage was postponed to the period when the daylength was The nymphal development of P. apterus is retarded at short enough to induce diapause. the critical daylength for the induction ofadult diapause ora In 1991 (warm weather), however, new adults emerged little shorter [9, 12]. The combination of photoperiod and from early July, and early emerging adults of the first temperature in early July in 1990 was in the range where generation reproduced. Their progeny, i.e., the second nymphal development is retarded in the laboratory [9], generation, developing in August and September should although it is unclear whether the slow development of enter diapause. Furthermore, late emerging adults of the nymphs underquasi-natural conditions in 1990 resulted from first generation also entered diapause. The mean tempera- retardation due to the threshold range or only from the tures for mid- and late June and early July were higher than normal effect of temperature. The combination of photo- the critical value for the induction of diapause. All adults period and temperature in both mid-June and early July in emerging on and after 22 July entered diapause. When 1991 was also in the range where nymphal development is insects were transferred from long-day to short-day condi- retarded in the laboratory [9]. Thus, in warmer years tions nine days before adult emergence in the laboratory, all nymphs possibly meet with threshold conditions twice of them entered diapause. Therefore, the emergence of throughout the season. diapause adults under quasi-natural conditions is consistent We assume that at threshold conditions before summer with the parameters of photoperiodic response obtained by solstice, nymphs had not reached the sensitive stage for the the experiments at constant photoperiods and temperatures. retardation of development because no nondiapause adults In the regions where the duration ofthe growing season had an extremely long nymphal period in the present study. in individual years is nearly constant, photoperiod is an Under threshold conditions after the summer solstice, pro- effective cue forthe predictionofthecoming season. Sauer longation ofthe nymphal period will delay the emergence of etal. [11] regardedthetemperaturedependenceofthecritical diapause adults, as Saunders [12] suggested in the univoltine daylength in Pieris brassicaeboth as an adaptationto the low lifecycleinthepopulation ofthis species in centralBohemia. predictability of the end of the growing season, and as an In the second series in 1991 under quasi-natural conditions, adaptationrelatedtomigration. P. apterusdoesnotmigrate some adults emerged much later than the others and entered and therefore the temperature dependence of the photo- diapause. It has been generally accepted that the range of periodicresponsehasadaptivesignificancewherethetemper- temperature and photoperiod for the induction of winter ature varies much between years as in Belgorod Region. diapause is adequate to reach the diapause stage before Although Honek and Sramkova [8] pointed out that the winter (e.g., [11]). The diapause adults developing in ear- production of the second generation as an unfavorable mod- lierseasonshave enoughtime beforewinterandprolongation ification of the life cycle in P. apterus in central Bohemia, ofthe nymphal period is less harmful for them than for those there is no doubt that the Belgorod population of P. apterus developingin laterseasons. Ifthe diapause adultsemerging partially produces two generations in warmer years. after an extended nymphal period have a larger body size, However, it seems that even in cooler years the Belgorod higherfecundity or lower mortality in winter, the retardation population is not homogeneously univoltine, because we of nymphal development would have adaptive significance. found some new adults layingeggs in earlyJulyeven in 1990, Further studies are needed to clarify these. when it was cool (unpublished). Furthermore, the propor- tion ofdiapause adults emergingfrom the fifth-instar nymphs ACKNOWLEDGMENTS collected from the field was lower than that in insects reared from the first instar under quasi-natural conditions in 1991. We thank Dr. Ivo Hodek. Institute of Entomology, Czech We attribute these differences in part to the differences in Academy ofSciences, for critical reading ofthe manuscript. temperature between the meteorological booth and the soil Seasonal Development of the Linden Bug 887 de development chez Pyrrhocoris apterus L. (Heteroptera, REFERENCES Gymnocerate, Pyrrhocoridae). Bull Soc Zool France 88: 180- 196 1 Asanova RB, Iskakov BV (1977) Harmful and Useful Heter- 11 SauerKP,SpiethH, GriinerC(1986) Adaptivesignificanceof optera of Kazakhstan. Alma Ata, Kainar, pp124-126 (in geneticvariabilityofphotoperiodisminMecopteraandLepidop- Russian) tera. In "TheEvolutionofInsectLifeCycles" EdbyFTaylor, 2 Beck SD (1980) Insect Photoperiodism. 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