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Control of Indefinite Nonlinear Dynamic Systems: Induced Internal Feedback PDF

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Preview Control of Indefinite Nonlinear Dynamic Systems: Induced Internal Feedback

Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 132 Editor: .M Thoma S.V. Emel'yanov, I.A. Burovoi and .FI Yu Levada I lortnoC of Indefinite raenilnoN cimanyD smetsyS decudnI Internal kcabdeeF Translated from the Russian by P.S. Ivanov r e g ~ n i r p S Series Advisory Board A. Bensoussan M.J. ' Grimble • P. Kokotovic • H. Kwakernaak I.L. Massey Y.Z. • Tsypkin Authors Professor Stanislav V. Emel'yanov The Academy of Sciences of Russia, Institute for System Analysis, 9, Prospect 60 let Octyabrya, Moscow 117312, Russia Professor Isaak Burovoi Moscow Steel and Alloys Institute, 4, Leninsky Prospect, Moscow 117936, Russia [Dr Fedor Levada ] ISBN 3-540-76245-0 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Emel'yanov, .S V. Controlofindefinite nonlinear dynamic systems : induced internal feedback 1.Nonlinear control theory 2.Feedback control systems Dynamics I.Title Burovoi, II. I.A. III.Levada, .F Yu 629.8'36 3540762450 ISBN Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress Apart from any fair dealingf or the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, ori n the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms oflicences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the publishers. © Springer-Verlag London Limited 8991 Printed in Great Britain The use of registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant laws and regulations and therefore free fogre neral use. The publisher makes no representation, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that maybe made. Typesetting by Editorial 007 tel. (095) 135-4246, URSS, e-marl [email protected] Printeadn d bound at the Athenmum Press Ltd, Gateshead 012345-0383196 Printed on acid-free paper Contents Preface xi Chapter 1. Introduction 1 Section 1. Processes, Systems, Actions: General Issues ................ 1 1.1. What Do We Want? .......................................... 1 1.2. what Can the Interrelatiobne tween Processes Afford? .......... 1 1.3. Language of the General Theory of Systems ................... 2 1.4. A System and an Object ...................................... 3 1.5. Transfer of Actions Through the Chain of Systems ............. 4 1.6. Direct Actions: A Small Trap ................................. 5 1.7. Sources of Actions ............................................ 6 1.8. Is There a Need for an Intermediate System ................... 8 Section 2. Practice: Survey of Examples ................................ 9 2.1. Biology: The "Predator-Victim" System ....................... 9 2.2. Power Engineering: An Atomic Power Plant .................. 10 2.3. Economics: Nationed Market Economy and State Budget ..... 10 2.4. Production Engineering: Chemical Interaction Between Two Reagents ................. 11 2.5. Medicine: Hormonotherapy for Diabetes ..................... 12 2.6. Mechanics: Irregular Rectilinear Motion ...................... 12 Section 3. Mathematical Tools and the Subject of Study ............... 13 3.1. How Can We Turn from Words to Deeds? 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2. Why Did We Turn to Differential Equations? ................. 15 3.3. Indeterminate Differential Equations 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4. Language of the Theory ofA utomatic Control ................ 17 3.5. What is a Dynamic System? ................................. 17 3.6. Differential Equations as Models of Dynamic Systems ......... 18 3.7. Model of a Controllable Object .............................. 20 3.8. Control Problems: How to Handle Them ..................... 21 Chapter 2. Control of Elementary Dynamic Systems 32 Section 4. Control of a One-Dimensional Object 32 ....................... 4.1. Model of an Object and Control Capabilities .................. 23 vi Contents 4,2. What Can a Majorant Do? ................................... 24 4.3. Problem of Correctness and Completion of Control Synthesis ......................... 25 4.4. Character of Transient Processes ............................. 28 4.5. Extension of the Problem: An Indeterminate Coefficient Involved with a Control Action.. 30 4.6. Extension of the Problem: Additional State Parameters ........ 30 4.7. Extension of the Problem: Variable Control Accuracy ......... 31 4.8. Prospects of Further Extensions .............................. 32 Section 5. Control of a Nonlinear Multidimensional Object ............. 32 5.1. Model of the Object and Discussion of the Problem ........... 32 5.2. Lyapunov Function .......................................... 33 5.3. What Norm Must We Select? ................................ 34 5.4. Control Synthesis ........................................... 35 5.5. Character of Transient Processes ............................. 36 5.6. Possibilities for Extension of the Problem ..................... 37 5.7. Comments on the Control Law .............................. 37 Chapter 3. Control Problem for an Intermediate Link 39 Section 6. Results -- Predecessors ................................... 39 6.1. Statement of the Problem: Remote and Immediate Objectives of Control ................. 40 6.2. Linear Control .............................................. 41 6.3. Strong Feedback ............................................ 42 6.4. Bounded Actions ............................................ 43 6.5, Varying Structure System .................................... 45 6.6. Dynamic Binary Control .................................... 46 Section 7. New Properties of Two-Dimensional Problems .............. 48 7.1. Discussion of Statement of the Problem ...................... 48 7.2. Control Synthesis ........................................... 49 7.3. Correctness Problem ........................................ 50 7.4. Control in the General Case ................................. 50 7.5. Behavior of Solutions ........................................ 50 7.6. Some Remarks .............................................. 52 Section 8. Internal Feedback .......................................... 53 8.1. Natural Control Loops ...................................... 53 8.2. Internal Feedback and Control Problems ..................... 54 8.3. Induced Internal Feedback .................................. 57 8.4. Induction with Error ........................................ 58 Contents vii 8.5. Chains of Induction Problems ................................ 60 8.6. Clusters of Induction Problems ............................... 61 8.7. What is the Need for so Many Problems? ..................... 63 Section 9. Synthesis of the Induction Control 64 .......................... 9.1. Statement of the Induction Problem .......................... 64 9.2. Concept of Control Synthesis ................................ 67 9.3. Control Law ................................................ 68 9.4. What Else Is to Be Done? ................................... 69 Section 10. Correctness of the Closed System .......................... 70 10.1. Continuity of the Control .................................... 70 10.2. The Lipschitz Condition ..................................... 72 10.3. Summary of the Results ..................................... 74 Section 11. The System with Induced Feedback: General Properties of Trajectories .......................... 74 ll.l. Variation of an Induction Error .............................. 74 11.2. Induction Conditions for Desired Feedback ................... 76 11.3. Do We Need Exceptional Trajectories? ....................... 78 11.4. Hyperbolic Asymptotics 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.5. Exponential Asymptotics ..................................... 81 11.6. Summary of the Results ..................................... 82 Section 12. Control Synthesis Errors and their Aftereffects ............. 83 12.1. Errors Localized in a Certain Domain ........................ 83 12.2. Underestimation of Model Parameters ........................ 84 12.3. It There Any Need to Find our Errors? ....................... 86 Section 13. Values of the Control Actions in the Induction System ...... 87 13.1. What Do We Need to Study? ................................ 87 13.2. The One-Dimensional Linear Example ....................... 88 13.3. A High Coefficient in the Induction Control .................. 89 13.4. A Varying High Coefficient 9l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.5. What Is to Be Done to Effect Savings in Control from the Outset? ................. 93 13.6. A Fly in the Ointment ....................................... 94 13.7. Basic Result ................................................. 95 Section 14. Potential Functions of Induction Control .................... 96 14.1. Potential Systems. Levels of Clarity of Representation .......... 96 14.2. Construction of the Potential Function of Control ............ 97 14.3. Interpretation of Common Properties of Trajectories .......... 99 14.4. Aftereffects of Errors and Results of Preventive Measures ...... 99 viii Contents Section 15. Structure of the noitcudnI System ......................... 100 15.1. Language of Block Diagrams ................................ 100 15.2. Block Diagrams of Controllable Systems ..................... 102 15.3. Structure of the Control Law ............................... 105 15.4. What is a Binary System? ................................... 106 Chapter 4. Construction of Tracking Systems 901 Section 16. gnikcarT Structures with Binary Multilevel Systems ........ 109 16.1. Induction Control in the Tracking System ................... 110 16.2. How to State the Induction Problem? ....................... 111 16.3. Generation of Inducing Feedback ........................... 112 16.4. Constructiono f the Control System ......................... 114 16.5. Multilevel Binary Structure ................................. 116 16.6. Operation of the Multilevel System .......................... 117 Section 17. Ways of gnidnetxE the Capabilities fo the Approach ....... 120 17.1 • Oscillations in Tracking Systems ............................ 121 17.2. Oscillations in Induction Systems ........................... 122 17.3. Ways of Eliminating Oscillations ............................ 124 17.4. Termwise Induction and a New Class of Problems ........... 127 Section 18. Termwise noitcudnI ni Systems with gnihcnarB Structures. 127 18.1. General Design Considerations ............................. 128 18.2. Statement of the Termwise Induction Problem ............... 129 t8.3. Synthesis and Properties of the Control Algorithm ........... 130 18.4. Structure Representation ................................... 131 18.5. Termwise Induction in Tracking Systems .................... 132 18.6. Intact Clusters ............................................. 135 Chapter 5. Induction Control. Practical Examples 137 Section 19. :ygoloiB of Control Predator-Victim Systems ............... 138 19.1. Discussion of Practical Issues ............................... 138 19.2. Model of the Predator-Victim Biocenosis .................... 139 19.3. Reproduction of Predators for Annihilation of Victims ....... 141 19.4. Where Is it Possible to Stabilize Predator-Victim Systems? ... 144 19.5. Stabilization of Systems Involving Reproduction of Predators ........................ 145 19.6. Stabilization of Systems Involving Removal of Predators ...... 147 19.7. Stabilization of Systems InvolvingR emoval of Victims ....... 148 19.8. Stabilization of Systems by Removal of Predators and Victims ....................... 150 Contents ix Section 20. Power Engineering: Control of a Nuclear Reactor .......... 152 20.1. Why Does the Nuclear Reactor Heat up? .................... 152 20.2. Chain Reaction ............................................ 153 20.3. Existence of a Neutron ..................................... 154 20.4. Populations of Neutrons .................................... 156 20.5. Mathematical Model of the Reactor ......................... 158 20.6. Statement of the Problem and Properties of the Model ....... 159 20.7. Why Must the Control be Nonlinear? ....................... 161 20.8. Construction of the Control Law ............................ 162 20.9. Properties of the Closed System ............................. 163 Section 21. Economy: Stabilization of the Trajectories of Growth ...... 165 21.1 • On Modeling of Economic Systems ......................... 165 21.2. Essence of Processes Under Study .......................... 166 21•3. Equations of the Model .................................... 167 21.4. Labor Force and Constraints on Variables ................... 169 21.5. Economic Growth and Statement of the Problem ............ 170 21.6. Linear Control and the Uncertainty Problem ................ 172 21.7. Control of Unemployment as Induction ..................... 172 21•8. Induction Control .......................................... 173 21.9. Comments on the Results .................................. 174 Section 22. Technology: Control of an Exothermic Reaction ............ 175 22,1. Production Process and the Control Problem ................ 175 22,2. Mathematical Model of the Process ......................... 176 22.3. Statement of the Control Problem .......................... 178 22.4. Statement of the Induction Problem ......................... 179 22.5. Synthesis of the Induction Control .......................... 181 22.6. Constraints and Drawbacks ................................. 182 Section 23. Medicine: Control of Carbohydrate Metabolism for Diabetes ......... 183 23.1. Carbohydrate Metabolism and Insulin-Dependent Diabetes.,. 183 23.2. Mathematical Model of Carbohydrate Metabolism ........... 184 23.3. Constraints on Variables and Statement of the Problem ...... 186 23.4. Is Diabetes Doomed? ....................................... 187 23.5• Synthesis of the Control .................................... 188 23.6. Properties of the Closed System ............................. 190 Conclusion 1-91 Bibliography 193 Preface This book is written for a wide circle of readers who take interest in concepts of basic sciences, specifically in concepts of cybernetics, automation, and control. The text aims to provide a new technique for the solution of a wide class of automatic control problems. The title of the course reflects the basic systematic approach the essence of which we will completely clarify in the third section. For now, we only note that the meaning of the word "induction" stems from the Latin word "inductio" which implies initiation, demonstration, stimulation, and so on. That is why mental associations arising in the minds of radio amateurs (the induced EMF in a conductor) and mathematicians (the induced metric in a vector space) are far from accidental. We will "induce" coordinates of a control- lable object to obey a certain specific condition that is sufficient for ensuring the desired behavior of this object. The text considers simple examples to illustrate the basic problems, the most important aspects and terms of the theory of au- tomatic control, and the essential difficulties that everyone has to do with when he/she faces the problems of automation of actual objects. The book describes comprehensively and in detail the most popular procedures of control synthesis, informally discusses their merits and shortcomings, states unresolved problems, and defines the urgent trends in the progress of the science of automatic control. First of all, the book distinguishes the most complex and not yet fully inves- tigated problem of control in the case of a deficiency of both the information on a controllable object and the characteristics of forces that act on it. The basic question under discussion lies in the following: is it always too necessary to know quite exactly the object of interest for its efficient automation or, perhaps, in a number of cases we can make do with the highly generalized information on its properties and characteristics? In this connection, it is pertinent to note that the question raised above is in essence equivalent to the problem for developing a universal controller intended to control effectively a wide class of objects. It is also important to stress that a similar statement of the question contradicts to a certain extent the classical tradition of control theory by which the information on an object and external forces is always assumed to be complete. What is likely to be the most striking fact is that the answer to the ques- tion put above proves positive in very many situations: there is no need to have xii Preface the detailed information on the properties of an object for its high-quality con- trol because it suffices to possess the information on its belonging to a fairly wide class of objects displaying some general or similar characteristics. More- over, it turns out that under nonstrict constraints, the problem for the synthe- sis of the stabilizing control of a complex indefinite object (multidimensional, nonlinear, multiple-connected, and so on) can be reduced to a sequence of al- most trivial operations. The specific character of this method is certainly de- fined by the decomposition rules which constitute not only the "zest" for the book, but also the dominant bulk of its subject matter. The basic idea of the principle successively developed in the book comes to the following: using lo- cal feedback loops, we strive to induce or, which is the same, to transfer to the system points, which are beyond the reach of a direct action, the desired con- trol actions that must change the object dynamics in the requisite direction and eliminate the effects of uncertainty factors on this dynamics. It stands to rea- son that this approach leads to quite peculiar control structures which, however, exhibit a large "safety factor" and ensure a reliable compensation for interfer- ences. In other words, it is the branching structures of controllers that impart them the properties of universality and flexibility and the capacity to control effectively a wide class of objects without the preliminary adjustment of their parameters. It is worth noting that the above idea has a certain past history in the theory of automatic control. The idea that may most closelayg ree with the former one is the idea of the cascade or subordinate control already developed in the classical theory and used for the stabilization of power plants. However, a successful combination of the induced control concept and the principle of duality and generation of structures relating to the theory of control systems with new types of feedback loops has made it possible not only to extend appreciably the class of the objects automatized in this fashion, but also to produce essentially new and unexpected effects clearly illustrated in the book by examples of the engineering, physical, economic, and medical types. Section 1 elucidates the basic notions and sets forth the key idea of the course, namely, the idea of the transfer of a control action through an intermediate system that acts as a controllable object subsystem. Practical examples are given in which this idea appears to be promising. Mathematical tools (ordinary differential equations) presented in the section serve to formalize the issues discussed in the lecture course. Section 2 deals with the control problem for a special object which, in our opinion, is convenient for use as an intermediate system for conveying control actions. In this section, we design stabilizing control algorithms that are effective under the uncertainty conditions of object models.

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