Control of chemical reactions using electric field gradients Shivaraj D. Deshmukh1 and Yoav Tsori1,a) Department of Chemical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel We examine theoretically a new idea for spatial and temporal control of chemical reactions. When chemical reactionstakeplaceinamixtureofsolvents,anexternalelectricfieldcanalterthe localmixture composition therebyacceleratingordeceleratingthe rateofreaction. Thespatialdistributionofelectricfieldstrengthcan be non-trivialanddepends onthe arrangementofthe electrodesproducingit. Inthe absenceofelectricfield, the mixture is homogeneous and the reaction takes place uniformly in the reactor volume. When an electric fieldisappliedthesolventsseparateandreactantsareconcentratedinthesamephaseorseparatetodifferent 7 1 phases, depending ontheir relative miscibility in the solvents,andthis canhave a large effect on the kinetics 0 of the reaction. This method could provide an alternative way to control runaway reactions and to increase 2 the reaction rate without using catalysts. n a J Chemical reactions are conventionally controlled by case the reactionwill take place at the interface separat- pressure,temperature,surfacearea,concentration,orby ing liquid domains. This interfacial reaction is expected 8 1 usingacatalyst1,2. Attentionhasturnedtoactivemodifi- to be slowed down compared to the no-field (homoge- cationofmolecularcollisionprocesses3andtothemanip- neous) state. The product will initially be created at ] ulationofactivationenergybarriers4,5. Laserswereused the interface between coexisting domains. In both cases, t f forselectivelymakingandbreakingchemicalbonds6 and switchingoffthefieldwillallowre-mixingofthe solvents o current research looks at ways to exploit ultrafast lasers and return to the homogeneous state and to “normal” s . for mode-selective chemistry, stereodynamic, and quan- kinetics. t a tum control of molecular processes3,7,8 in cost effective Thermodynamics of liquid mixtures is underlying the m ways. Electric9–11 and magnetic fields and ultrasound reactionsinelectricfields. Considerforsimplicityamix- - are also used to control molecular collisions and thereby tureoftwosolvents. Thetotalfreeenergyofthemixture d the chemistry12,13. Electric and magnetic fields modify is given on the mean-field level as n the orientationofmolecules andmaychangethe ionand o c moleculartransportrates,they canmodify the quantum F = [fm(φ,T)+fe(φ,E)+fi(φ,T)]dΩ , (1) [ states of molecules12,13 and they may lead to Stark and ZΩ Zeeman shifts in the energy levels. In addition, large where Ω is the volume occupied by the mixture. 1 electric fields at chargedmetal surfaces are important in v The volume fraction of solvent 1 is given by φ the chemisorption of atoms and molecules14. 0 and the volume fraction of solvent 2 is 1 − φ, 8 Here we propose a new direction for spatial and tem- T is temperature and fm, fe and fi are mixing, 9 poral control of chemical reactions. Our idea relies on electrostatic and interfacial energies. The mixing 4 the use of a mixture of two or more solvents. Reactions free energy per unit volume is given by17,18 fm = 0 taking place in such mixture are influenced by the com- . (kBT/v0)[φlogφ+(1−φ)log(1−φ)+χφ(1−φ)], 1 position of the solvents. An external field can lead to where kB is the Boltzmann constant and v0 is a 0 “electroprewetting”transitionofthesolventsevenwhen molecular volume assumed here to be equal for the two 7 their initialstateis homogeneous15,16. Inthis transition, solvents. χistheFloryparametervaryinginverselywith 1 the solvents separate from each other and migrate to lo- T: χ∼1/T. For positive values of χ the phase diagram : v cationsthatminimizethetotalfreeenergyofthemixture hasuppercriticalsolutiontemperature19 andthecritical i and depend on the electrode design. An interface thus X point is givenby (φc,χc)=(1/2,2). For such symmetric appears separating the formed domains. free energy expressions, the binodal curve Tb(φ) in the r There are now two scenarios and for clarity we focus a φ-T phase diagramis given by ∂f(φ,Tb)/∂φ=0. Above on a binary mixture of solvents and two reactants. In this curve, the mixture is stable in the homogeneous the first, due to their Gibbs transfer energy, the reac- phase. A quench to temperatures T below Tb leads tants are more miscible in the same solvent. In that to phase separation of two coexisting phases with case field-induced demixing will lead to concentration of compositions given by the values of the binodal at T. the reactants in a small volume and to accelerated re- The interfacial free energy density is given by18 fi = action kinetics compared to the no-field, homogeneous (kBT/2v0)χλ2|∇φ|2, where λ is a constantrelated to in- state. Theproductwillbeinitiallyproducedinthesame terface width. The electrostatic free energy density is small volume. In the second scenario, the two reactants given by fe = −(1/2)ǫ0ǫ(φ)|∇ψ|2, where ǫ0 is permit- are preferentially miscible in different solvents. In that tivity of free space, ǫ is the relative permittivity of the mixture depending on its relative composition, and ψ(r) is the local electric potential. Inorder for the electric fieldto be effective in separat- a)[email protected] ing the liquids, it must have large spatial gradients. We 2 chosethe simple “wedge”geometryto illustrate the con- pounds B and C: ceptofchemicalreactions. Thewedgeiscomprisedoftwo flβabteatnwdeecnontdhuecmtin(gβp=lat0e◦scoorrierenstpedonwdisthtoanaoppaernailnlegl-apnlagtlee ∂∂C˜t˜b = DDab h∇˜2C˜b+∇˜ ·(cid:16)C˜bUb′∇˜φ(cid:17)i−k˜C˜aC˜b (4) cthaepaecleitcotrr)ic. fiIenldtdheispeenffdesctoinvelylyontwtoh-eddimisetnansicoenarlfrsoymstetmhe, ∂∂C˜t˜c = DDac h∇˜2C˜c+∇˜ ·(cid:16)C˜cUc′∇˜φ(cid:17)i+2k˜C˜aC˜b (5) imaginary meeting point of the plates and is oriented in the azimuthal θˆdirection20. with C˜b = Cb/Ca0, C˜c = Cc/Ca0, Ub′ = (ub2 −ub1)/kBT In the wedge geometry chosen, all quantities depend and Uc′ =(uc2−uc1)/kBT. on r alone and the hydrodynamic flow velocity v van- Inthispaper,weassumethatthereactionisslowcom- ishes. The equations governing the demixing dynamics pared to the kinetics of phase separation. If this con- are then20,21 dition holds, the initially homogeneous mixture phase- separates on a fast time-scale to two coexisting domains ∂φ δf with uniform densities of the reactants. The composi- =D∇2 , ∇·[ǫ(φ)∇ψ]=0 , (2a) ∂t δφ tion φ(r) attains its equilibrium profile, minimizing the sum of mixture, interfacial, and electrostatic energies. On a much longer scale, the chemical reaction then pro- where f = fm+fi+fe is the total mixture free energy ceeds, with the compounds A, B, and C experiencing a density and D is an Onsager diffusivity constant taken spatially-dependentforce derivable from the u’s as is ex- here to be independent of φ. plained above. We further distinguish between the two k WeconsiderasimpleirreversiblereactionA+B −→2C, cases whether the molecules A and B prefer the same where molecules of compound A and B react to give phase or not. productC andk istherateconstant. Whenthereaction Reactants A and B prefer the same phase. Fig- takesplaceinamixtureoftwosolvents,eachmoleculeA, ure1(a)-(c)showsconcentrationprofilesatvarioustimes B, and C feels a spatially-dependent potential that de- when the reactants and product prefer the more polar pends onits relativesolubility denotedby ua, ub, anduc phase (high value of φ). At t˜= 0 the mixture has two respectively. Forthe Amoleculeua(r)=ua1φ+ua2(1−φ) coexisting domains with an interface at r/R1 ≃ 2.5. As and similar expressions for ub(r) and uc(r). The param- time progresses the A and B molecules diffuse towards a a etersu1 adu2 indicate the solubilitiesofcompoundAin the more polar region (r/R1 < 2.5, large φ) and sharp liquids 1 and 2 respectively. The difference in the solu- gradient occurs at the interface between the coexisting a a a bility parameters ∆u =u2−u1 is related to the Gibbs phases. The concentrations of A and B molecules is the transferenergy∆Gt fortransferringoneAmoleculefrom samebecausewetookUa′ =Ub′. Astimeincreases,Aand asolventwithcompositionφ1 toasolventwithcomposi- B continuetodiffusetothepolarsolventbutonthesame tionφ2 via∆Gt =∆u±(φ2−φ1). Experimentsshowthat time are consumed due to the reaction and the creation Gt is on the order of 1−10kBT in aqueous mixtures22 of C. At long times C˜a and C˜b become very small; the and hence ∆u± ∼1−10. concentration of C obeys the Boltzmann’s distribution The mass balance of compound A gives the modified and is found preferentially in the polar phase where it is reaction-diffusion equation: ∂Ca/∂t=Da∇2Ca+Da∇· more soluble. [Ca∇(ua/kBT)]−kCaCb. Here Da is the diffusion co- In Figure 1(d) we calculate the spatially-averaged efficient of compound A in the mixture, assumed to be product amount C¯c ≡Ω−1 C˜cdΩ vs time. We compare independent of T and φ. This equation can be recast in the case with electric fieldRand two coexisting domains dimensionless form (lines) with the zero-field case and a homogeneous mix- ture (lines with symbols), for constant electric field and ∂∂C˜t˜a =∇˜2C˜a+∇˜ ·(cid:16)C˜aUa′∇˜φ(cid:17)−k˜C˜aC˜b (3) vfiaerldyiningcrreeaascetsiotnheraetffeesctk˜iv.eArastecaonf tbheesreeeanc,titohne. eItlecdtoreics somore effectivelyfor the slowreactions(small valuesof where C˜a = Ca/Ca0 is the concentration scaled by k˜) and less effectively for the fast reactions (large values Ca0, the initial (uniform) concentration of A molecules, of k˜). Irrespective of k˜, material conservation dictates k˜ = kCa0R12/Da is a scaled reaction rate, and Ua′ = that C¯c →2 when t˜→∞. a a (u2−u1)/kBT. The length is scaled using R1 (the min- Fig. 2examineshowtheeffectivereactionratedepends imal distance r from the imaginary meeting point of the on the magnitude of the external potential. A phase- plates): r˜ = r/R1, and time is scaled via t˜= Da/R12t. separation transition occurs when the applied voltage in When a potential difference of magnitude V is applied thewedgeislargerthanthecriticalvalue,whichdepends across wedge electrodes, the ratio of the electrostatic onthe temperature andmixture composition. When the energy stored in a molecular volume v to the thermal voltage increases past this threshold, the “contrast” be- 0 energy is given by the dimensionless number23 Mw ≡ tween the phases increases (φ increases at small values V2v0ǫ0/(4β2kBTcR12), where Tc is critical temperature. ofr anddecreasesfor largevalues ofr) andthe interface Similar mass balance equation can be written for com- displacestolargervaluesofr. Threeprofilesofφfordif- 3 2 (a) (b) ntration12 t˜=0.01 CCC˜˜˜abc ntration12 t˜=0.10 CCC˜˜˜abc 1.5 1 e e onc onc Cc 1 φ0.5 C0 C0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 0 r/R1 r/R1 1 2 3 4 5 r/R1 (c) (d) 0.5 MMww==00..0036 n8 t˜=1.00 C˜a 2 MFuwlly=S0e.p1a4r4atedsolventsand entratio46 CC˜˜bc Cc1 0 10initiallyreact2an0tsinsamesolv3e0nt 40 50 nc2 t˜ o C 0 0 FIG. 2: Dependence of the average product 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 r/R1 t˜ concentration C¯c on the applied electric potential Mw. Inset shows the mixture profiles for the same Mw’s. FIG. 1: Concentration profiles C˜a, C˜b, and C˜c vs time U′ =U′ =10, φ =0.33, and k˜ =0.1 a b 0 when both A and B molecules are soluble in the polar phase. (a)-(c): temporal progressionobtained from a numerical solution of Eqs. 3, 4, and 5. (d): volume-averageproduct C¯c vs time for varying values of 2 k˜. Solid, dashed, dash-dot and dotted lines correspond to k˜ =0.01,0.1, 1, 10, respectively. Circles are the same 1.5 but without field. The solubility potentials are U′ =U′ =U′ =10, the diffusion constants are a b c Da =Db =100×Dc, the averagemixture composition Cc 1 Miswφ0==0.01.4343,,athneddthimeednk˜ism=ioenn1ls.eisosnelelessctrreicacptoiotnenrtaiatel iiss 0.5 UUUUaaaa′′′′====UUUUbbbb′′′′====041400 0 ferent values of the potential are shown in the inset. As 0 10 20 30 40 50 t˜ canbe seen, C¯c is largerwith increasingpotential. How- FIG. 3: Dependence of the average product ever, an increase of Mw from 0.036 to 0.144 has only a concentration C¯c on the solubility parameters. modesteffect onC¯c. Indeed, evena hypotheticalinfinite φ0 =0.33, Mw =0.144, and k˜ =0.1 potential would lead to a finite effective reaction rate. The preferential solubility of the reactants in the sol- vents is an important factor determining the rate of the reaction. InFig. 3 we plotC¯c for differentsolubility val- mainly due to diffusion (first term in the right-handside ofequations3and4). Nearaninterfacethehighgradient uesatafixedvalueofMw. While theasymptoticbehav- ior at long times dictates C¯c → 2 clearly, the dynamics in φ leads to a large force from the solubility potential and transport is dominated by the solubility difference are faster as the solubility difference increases. (second term in the right-hand side of equations 3 and Reactants A and B prefer different phases. We 4). turn to the interesting case where the reactants are “an- tagonistic”inthesensethattheypreferdifferentsolvents. In Fig. 4(d) we plot the average product C¯c vs time for different values of the potential. In contrast to Fig. Figure 4 shows the concentration profiles vs time and should be compared to Fig. 1. As before, C˜a and C˜b 1(d)heretheeffectivereactionisslower withfield(lines) startfromauniformdistributionatt˜=0. Butherethey ascomparedtotheno-fieldcase(lineswithsymbols). As diffuse in opposite directions – A to the polar solvent at in Fig. 1(d), fast reactions are less affected by the field small r’s and B to the less polar solvent at large r’s. At (large values of k˜). The total product C˜c tends to 2 due earlytimesthegradientsinC˜a andC˜b occurattheinter- to mass conservation. facebetweenthe solvents. Theprofilesevolveintime; as The effective slowing-down of the reaction saturates the reactants migrate according to their solubility they with the magnitude of the applied potential, see Fig. 5. are consumed and C is created. In this calculation we As Mw increases (Mw ∝ V2) the more polar solvent is assumed the product is equally soluble in both solvents pulled to the region with higher electric field, thereby and thus at long times C˜c is uniform. Far from the in- raising the value of φ at small r’s and reducing it at terface, in the bulk liquid, the transport of A and B is large r’s (low electric field region). Curves show C˜c vs 4 responding to diffusion over the interface, accompanied (a) (b) ntration12 t˜=0.01 CCC˜˜˜abc ntration1.512 t˜=0.10 CCC˜˜˜abc bsthcyoepariecsallceotnwagntrthesslat.hxTeahtliaeornsgterdrointchtgaeetrdetidffheebryienncdcoiemffiunpsaicotoinbnicoleivtnyetrrbamettiawocnereoon-f e e A and B molecules in the two domains and the sloweris c c n n0.5 o o the overallrelaxation. C C 0 0 In Fig. 7 we show the non-trivial dependence of the 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 r/R1 r/R1 rate of reaction on the average mixture composition φ0. Atafixedtemperatureandelectricpotentialandforval- (c) (d) uesofφ smallerthanthecriticalvalue,anincreaseinφ 0 0 ntration46 t˜=1.00 CCC˜˜˜abc Cc1.512 tilneossvtahpleoulelaosrccaplothisaoesnrestoof(itnthhseeetb)ii.nntHoedrofawalcecevuerbrv,eetawtleetaehdneststhaomeaenpotiilnmacrreeatanhsdee nce2 0.5 “contrast”between the phases diminishes and the thick- o C nessofthe interfaceincreases. As aresult, forthe values 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 presented in this calculation, at long times the reaction r/R1 t˜ whichisslowestisonewithintermediatevalue, φ =0.2, 0 FIG. 4: Concentration profiles C˜a, C˜b, and C˜c and and not one of the extreme values φ0 =0.1 or φ0 =0.4. average product C¯c for the same conditions as in Fig. 1 except that molecule A is soluble in the polar phase and B in the less polar phase: U′ =10 and U′ =−10. 2 a b 1.5 2 Cc 1 1.5 Cc 1 0.5 UUUUaaaa′′′′====−−−−UUUUbbbb′′′′====041400 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 φ0.5 t˜ 0.5 Mw=0.0 FIG. 6: The influence of the preferential solubility of A 0 MMMwww===000...013342644 01 2 r/3R1 4 5 arnedacBtiomnoilseccuolnessidoenratbhleyasvloewraegdedtoowtanl parso|dUua′c|taCn¯dc.|UTbh′|e 10 20 t˜ 30 40 50 increase. φ0 =0.33, Mw =0.144, and k˜ =1. FIG. 5: The influence of the electric potential Mw on the averageproduct concentration C¯c. Larger values of Mw decrease the effective reaction rate. Inset shows the equilibrium profiles φ(r) for the same Mw’s. Ua′ =10, 1.6 U′ =−10, φ =0.33 and k˜ =1. 1.4 b 0 1.2 1 Ct˜imc e=fo0radtifft˜er=en0t vtaoluC˜ecs o=f M2 wat. Ainlfilnciutyrv.esCiunrcvreesaseexhfriobmit Cc0.8 1 an early increase on a small timescale dictated by diffu- 0.6 φ0.5 sion over the mesoscopic width of the interface between coexisting phases. After the rapid increase, the curves 0.4 φ0=0.10 increase slowly on a timescale dictated by diffusion over 0.2 φφ00==00..2303 01 2 3 4 5 the macroscopic size of the wedge. φ0=0.40 r/R1 0 The overall reaction rate is slowed down when the re- 0 500 1000 1500 2000 t˜ actants are preferentially soluble in different solvents, as FIG. 7: Influence of the averagemixture compositionφ 0 can be seen in Fig. 6. Clearly the electric potential is on the average total product C¯c at a fixed electric crucial here because in its absence the mixture is homo- potential given by Mw =0.144, solubilities geneous andwith it two domains exist. 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