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Contribution to The Pteridophyte Flora of Puerto Rico PDF

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Preview Contribution to The Pteridophyte Flora of Puerto Rico

SHORTER NOTES 107 University, Zenpukuji Suginami, Tokyo, 2, 167-8585, Japan, and Bayu Adjie, Bali Botanic Garden, Indonesian Institute of Science, Tabanan. Baturiti, Bali 82191, Indonesia. Contribution to the Pteridophyte Flora of Puerto Rico —Despite age, its Proctor's Ferns Puerto Rico and of the Virgin Islands most (1989) the utilized is taxonomic treatment used by pteridologists to identify Puerto Rican ferns. In order keep taxonomy we to the current, are reporting twenty new ferns that are Puerto Rican municipio During we records. the course of our fieldwork visited more than 60 of Puerto Rico's 76 municipios, and our collection ranged from the lowlands coastal to the central Cordillera Mountains. The new pterido- phyte records were collected in thirteen different municipios, mostly from the central portion of the island and few from a the southeast coast (Fig. 1). Previous Puerto Rican distributions for these taxa were obtained from Proctor New [Ferns Puerto Rico and Mem. of the Virgin Islands. York Bot. Gard. 53:1- 389. 1989), Barcelona (Systematics of the fern genus Odontosoria sensu lato (Lindsaeaceae). Ph.D. Department Miami dissertation, Botany, of University, Shaw Oxford, Ohio. and (New 2000), et al. Records for Puerto Rican Pteridophytes. Fern Gaz. 97-99. Because most new 17(2): 2004.). of the were records collected in the central region of Puerto Rico this suggest that this may area be under sampled. The following records arranged are alphabetically by municipios and the specimens housed Sherman are the Willard at Turrell Herbarium (MU) Miami University. at nudum Adjuntas: Psilotum Beauv. Record voucher: Puerto (L.) P. Rico, Municipio de Adjuntas growing in Adjunta the base of palm on at a tree the lawn front of a house northwest of the hotel Monte Rio an at elevation of W N 479 m, 18° 09' 44.2" 66 43' 33.8". Collected 23 May 2006 by S.W. Shaw, # M.S. Rarker and known 489, S.V. Sprunt. Previously Puerto Rico Bayamon, distribution: Arecibo, Dorado, Juana Diaz, Maricao, Ponce, and Of wide Quebradillas. occurrence but not often collected. Arecibo: Pteris vittata L. Record voucher: Puerto Rico, Municipio de muddy Arecibo, growing along a wall along the side of 623 an Rt. at elevation W N May m, of 183 18 23' 32.7" 66 42' 38.6". Collected 20 2006 by S.W. # Shaw, M.S. Rarker 457, and S.V. Sprunt. Previously known Puerto Rico distribution: Camuy, Isabela, Ponce, San Juan, and Vega Alta. Very widespread but not often collected. Micrograma Hatillo: lycopodioides Copel. Record voucher: Puerto (L.) Rico, Municipio de Hatillo, growing on a tree alongside Rt. 134 near the driveway to W N Bayaney Dairy Inc. at an elevation of 305 m, 18 21' 18.3" 66° 48' 49.1". May # Collected 20 2006 by S.W. Shaw, M.S. Rarker and 459, S.V. Sprunt. known Previously Puerto Rico distribution: Arecibo, Cayey, Dorado, Gurabo, Jayuya, Luquillo, Manati, Maricao, Naguabo, Salinas, San German, Utuado, Yabucoa, and Yauco. Of wide occurrence. Nephrolepis hirsutula (G. Forst.) C. Record Municipio Presl. voucher: Puerto Rico, de growing on Hatillo, a tree VOLUME NUMBER AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: 98 2 (2008) Puerto Rico Fig. 1. Twenty new fern records were collected in thirteen different municipios. The muni Maun are as follow: 1 Adjuntas, 2 Arecibo, 3 Hatillo, 4 Isabela, 5 Jayuya, 6 Maricao, 7 Morovis, 9 Patillas, 10 Ponce, 11 San Juan, 12 San Sebastian, and 13 Vega Baja. The r modified from Proctor's Ferns of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands (1989). alongside Rt. 134 near the driveway to Bayaney Dairy Inc. at an elevation of W N May 305 m, 18° 21' 18.3" 66° 48' 49.1". Collected 20 2006 by S.W. Shaw, # known M.S. Barker 458, and S.V. Sprunt. Previously Puerto Rico distribution: Arecibo, Barranquitas, Bayamon, Cabo Rojo, Guaynabo, Gurabo, Jayuya, Manati, Mayagiiez, Naguabo, Orocovis, Patillas, Ponce, Quebradillas, Rio Grande, San Juan, Toa Baja, Utuado, and the islands of Culebra, Mona, and Vieques. Occurs over the island. all Isabela: Thelypteris grandis A.R. Sm. Record voucher: Puerto Rico, Municipio de Isabela, growing along the ground near the roadside of 446 Rt. De near the southern edge of Bosque Estatal Guajataca at an elevation of 262 m, W N May 18° 24' 13.4" 66° 58' 04.0". Collected 20 2006 by S.W. Shaw, M.S. # known Barker and 466, S.V. Sprunt. Previously Puerto Rico distribution: Adjuntas, Arecibo, Barranquitas, Bayamon, Cayey, Ciales, Florida, Jayuya, Lares, Maricao, Naguabo, Orocovis, Ponce, Quebradillas, Rio Grande, San Lorenzo, and Utuado. Of wide occurrence. Odontosoria Jayuya: aculeata Smith. Record voucher: Puerto (L.) Rico, J. Municipio de Jayuya, growing in a notch of a tree that was growing along the W Km N side of Rt. 143 near marker an elevation of 786 m, 18° 09' 03.7" 9.8, at May 66° 37' # 59.0". Collected 18 2006 by S.W. Shaw, M.S. Barker and 448, known S.V. Sprunt. Previously Puerto Rico Aguas Buenas, distribution: Bayamon, Barranquitas, Caguas, Cayey, Fajardo, Manati, Maricao, Naguabo, Naranjito, Patillas, Rio Grande, Sabana Grande, San German, San Juan, and Utuado, Villalba. Very widespread Polypodium in suitable habitat. polypodioides (L.) Watt. Record voucher: Puerto Rico, Municipio de Jayuya, growing in debris in a rock cliff face along the north side of 143 an Rt. at SHORTER NOTES 109 W N elevation of 924 m, 18 09' 41.3" 66 36' May 50.2". Collectedl8 2006 by S.W. Shaw, M.S. Barker #444, and known S.V. Sprunt. Previously Puerto Rico distribution: Adjuntas, Aibonito, Arecibo, Bayamon, Barranquitas, Cayey, Ciales, Isabela, Juana Diaz, Maricao, Ponce, Sabana Grande, Vega Alta, Villalba, Yabucoa, and Yauco. Of wide occurrence. Pteris Record vittata L. voucher: Puerto Municipio Rico, de growing Jayuya, in debris in a rock cliff W N face along the north side of Rt. 143 at an elevation of 924 m, 18 09' 41.3" May 66 36' 50.2". Collected 18 2006 by S.W. Shaw, # M.S. Barker and 445, known S.V. Sprunt. Previously Puerto Rico Camuy, distribution: Isabela, Ponce, San Juan, and Vega Alta. Very widespread but not often collected. Maricao: Arachniodes chaerophylloides Record (Poir.) Proctor. voucher: Puerto Rico, Municipio de Maricao: Growing on the edge of Rt. 105, at an W N Ma elevation of 350 m, 18 10' 37.3" 67 00' 58.0". Collected 22 2006 by V S.W. Shaw, M.S. Barker #484, and known S.V. Sprunt. Previously Puerto Rico distribution: Adjuntas, Aibonito, Arecibo, Barranquitas, Bayamon, Cayey, Comerio, Guayanilla, Isabela, Lares, Las Marias, Mayagiiez, Naguabo, Nar- anjito, Patillas, Ponce, Quebradillas, San and Yabucoa. Of wide Juan, mountain the areas. l Maunabo: Microgramma lycopodioides Record Copel. voucher: Puerto (L.) Municipio Maunabo, Rico, de growing on a tree near the edge of the roadway W N of Rt. 181, at an elevation of 487 m, 18 03' 46.9" 65 59' 28.7". Collected May # 21 2006 by S.W. Shaw, M.S. Barker and 472, S.V. Sprunt. Previously known Puerto Rico distribution: Arecibo, Cayey, Dorado, Gurabo, Jayuya, Luquillo, Manati, Maricao, Naguabo, Salinas, San German, Utuado, Yabucoa, and Yauco. Of wide occurrence throughout the island. Adiantum Morovis: tenerum Sw. Record voucher: Puerto Rico, Municipio de Morovis, growing on a rock wall along the side of Rt. 160, at an elevation of W N May 160 m, 18 20' 31.9" 66 22' 24.8". Collected 19 2006 by S.W. Shaw, # known M.S. Barker and 452, S.V. Sprunt. Previously Puerto Rico Cabo Coamo, distribution: Adjuntas, Arecibo, Rojo, Ciales, Guayanilla, Hatillo, Manati, Orocovis, Penuelas, Quebradillas, Toa Baja, Utuado, and Vega Of Alta. wide Underw. occurrence. Tectaria heracleifolia (Willd.) Record voucher: Puerto Rico, Municipio de Morovis, growing on limestone alongside small a Km N stream next to Rt. 160 near marker 14.9, at an elevation of 160 m, 18 20' W May # 31.9" 66° 22' 24.8". Collected 19 2006 by S.W. Shaw, M.S. Barker 450, and known S.V. Sprunt. Previously Puerto Rico distribution: Aguas Buenas, Cabo Arecibo, Rojo, Cayey, Corozal, Florida, Isabela, Penuelas, Quebradillas, Toa Wide Baja, Utuado, and Vega Alta. spread in the western side of the guadalupensis Record island. Thelypteris (Wikstr.) Proctor. voucher: Puerto Rico, Municipio de Morovis, growing on limestone alongside small stream a Km N next to Rt. 160 near marker 14.9, at an elevation of 160 m, 18 20' 31.9" W May 66 22' 24.8". Collected 19 2006 by S.W. Shaw, M.S. Barker #451, and known S.V. Sprunt. Previously Puerto Rico distribution: Aguas Buenas, Arecibo, Barceloneta, Corozal, Florida, Guayanilla, Guaynabo, Ciales, Hatillo, San Toa Isabela, Lares, Manati, Quebradillas, Sebastian, Baja, Utuado, and Vega where Alta. Occurs in most areas there moist limestone. Thelypteris is VOLUME NUMBER AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: 110 98 2 (2008) Morton. Record voucher: Puerto Municipio de kunthii C.V. Rico, (Desv.) Morovis, growing on limestone alongside a small stream next to Rt. 160 near W Km N 3 marker 14.9, at an elevation of 160 m, 18 20' 31.9" 66 22' 24.8". May # Collected 19 2006 by S.W. Shaw, M.S. Barker 449, and S.V. Sprunt. known Bayamon, Cabo Previously Puerto Rico distribution: Aibonito, Arecibo, Coamo, Rojo, Ciales, Corozal, Guayanilla, Hatillo, Mayagiiez, Quebradillas, San Toa Vega Vega and Yauco. Of wide occurrence. Sebastian, Alta, Alta, Baja, Adiantum latifolium Lam. Record voucher: Puerto Rico, Municipio Patillas: de Patillas, growing on the bank of Lago Patillas near Rt. 181 at an elevation of W N May 61 m, 18° 01' 12.4" 66 00.0' 55.9". Collected 21 2006 by S.W. Shaw, # known M.S. Barker 471, and S.V. Sprunt. Previously Puerto Rico distribution: Arecibo, Coamo, Florida, Gurabo, Las Marias, Maricao, Maya- giiez, Quebradillas, Rio Grande, San Juan, Toa Baja, Vega Alta, and Yabucoa. Niphidium Ponce: crassifolium Lellinger. Record voucher: Puerto Rico, (L.) Municipio de Ponce, growing in debris on top of a rock face along the cliff W N south side of 143 an elevation of 924 m, 18 09' 41.3" 66 36' 50.2". Rt. at May # Collected 18 2006 by S.W. Shaw, M.S. Barker 442, and S.V. Sprunt. known Previously Puerto Rico distribution: Adjuntas, Arecibo, Barranquitas, Cayey, Maricao, Naguabo, Rio Grande, and Utuado. Widely occurring in the Sierra de Luquillo, Sierra de Cayey, Cordillera Central, and Rio Abajo State Campyloneurum latum Moore. Record T. voucher: Puerto Rico, forest. Municipio de Ponce, growing in debris on top of a rock face along the cliff W N south side of Rt. 143 at an elevation of 924 m, 18° 09' 41.3" 66° 36' 50.2". May # Collected 18 2006 by S.W. Shaw, M.S. Barker, and S.V. Sprunt 177. known Previously Puerto Rico distribution: Arecibo, Cabo Rojo, Cayey, Hatillo, Isabela, Juana Diaz, Lares, Naranjito, Quebradillas, San Lorenzo, Toa Baja, Vega and Yabucoa. wide Alta, of occurrence. It is San Juan: Gleichenia bifida (Willd.) Spreng. Record voucher: Puerto Rico, Km Municipio de San Juan, growing along the side of the road of near 48 Rt. 1 W m,Nl8 on an exposed bank en elevation of 427 D 23' 10.0" 66 05.0' dirt at May # 27.0". Collected 21 2006 by S.W. Shaw, M.S. Barker and 469, S.V. known Sprunt. Previously Puerto Rico Adjuntas, Barranquitas, distribution: Caguas, Cayey, Jayuya, Lares, Maricao, Mayagiiez, Morovis, Naguabo, Orocovis, Ponce, Rio Grande, San German, Utuado, and Yauco. Of wide occurrence mountain especially in the areas. San Anemia Sebastian: adiantifolia Sw. Record voucher: Puerto Rico, (L.) Km Municipio de San Sebastian, growing the shade alongside 119 near in Rt. W N 20 at an elevation of 221 m, 18 c 23' 18.2" 66 55' 34.0". Collected 20 May 2006 by S.W. Shaw, # known M.S. Barker and 461, S.V. Sprunt. Previously Puerto Rico distribution: Aguadilla, Arecibo, Cayey, Coamo, Comerio, Ciales, Florida, Isabela, Lares, Manati, Mayagiiez, Penuelas, Quebradillas, Rincon, Toa Alta, Utuado, Vega Alta, and Vega Baja. Of wide occurrence except in very wet and extremely dry areas. Vega Adiantum pyramidale Baja: (L.) Willd. Record voucher: Puerto Rico, Municipio de Vega growing Baja, the base was growing at of a tree that m SHORTER NOTES Km alongside Rt. 155 near marker an N 57.6, at elevation of 158 m, 18 22' W 39.6" 66° May 25' 26.2". Collected 19 2006 by S.W. Shaw, M.S. Barker #453, and known S.V. Sprunt. Previously Puerto Rico distribution: Adjuntas,' Aguas Buenas, Arecibo, Barranquitas, Bayamon, Cayey, Coamo, Guayanilla, Guaynabo, Gurabo, Isabela, Maricao, Mayagiiez, Naranjito, Quebradillas, Toa Baja, Utuado, Vega Alta, Yabucoa, and Yauco. Of wide occurrence growing in lowlands and mountains areas in the western and central part of the island. We thank Hickey and R.J. for his assistance the use of his Puerto Rico lab, department and of Natural Environmental Resources for collecting permits, the Willard Sherman Herbarium Miami Turrell (MU) University at funding, for and Ken Grabach map W. for assistance. Shaw, Department S. of Botany! University Hawaii Manoa, of Honolulu, HI at 96822, [email protected], S. V. Sprunt, Department Miami OH of Botany, University, Oxford, USA, 45056, and M. Barker, Department S. of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN USA. 47405, Two Exotic Ferns, Dryopteris erythrosora and Marsilea Newly quadrifolia, Naturalized Arkansas.— in Continued field work on the Arkansas has flora led to the discovery of two non-native species of ferns that have escaped from and become cultivation established as persistent plants in natural settings in Two Arkansas. Simpson years John ago, noticed a curious, single plant of on Dryopteris the edge of an old timber access road through the lower portion of his property in Hot Spring County, Arkansas. The property located is approximately seven miles southwest Hot of Springs Ouachita in the Mountain The region of Arkansas. fern persisted through two winters, grew to 8 fronds, was fertile, and did not quite the reported species known fit in Arkansas. During the 2007 Arkansas Native Plant Society annual fall meeting, was the fern presented as a "puzzle" plant to the members. The fern was examined by the authors and identified as Dryopteris erythrosora (D.C. Eaton) Autumn Kuntze, an Asian and commonly Fern, exotic cultivated log fern found and in arboreta ferneries in the southeastern United The States. lowland portion of the preserve a Quercus rubra (Northern Red Oak) and is L. Carya alba Nutt. ex (Mockemut) dominated with minor (L.) Ell. forest amounts of Acer rubrum (Red Maple) and Liquidambar L. styraciflua L. A (Sweet Gum). owner previous introduced Pinus taeda L. (Loblolly Pine) to now the site as a timber crop. Those mature pine trees are being harvested, returning canopy the forest to native species composition. Other its ferns present were Asplenium platyneuron & (L.) Britton, Sterns, Poggenberg, Athyrium filix-femina Roth ex Mert. var. asplenioides (Michx.) (L.) Farwell, Botrychium biternatum Underw., Equisetum hyemale Osmunda (Sav.) L. cinnamomea Polystichum acrostichoides (Michx.) L., Schott, Pteridium

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