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Contribution to the knowledge of the hawkmoths fauna in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) PDF

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Preview Contribution to the knowledge of the hawkmoths fauna in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)

Nachr. entomol. Ver. Apollo, N. F. 31 (1/2): 63–66 (2010) 63 Contribution to the knowledge of the hawkmoths fauna in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) Ricardo R. Siewert and Eduardo J. E. Silva Ricardo Russo Siewert & Eduardo José Ely e Silva, Departamento de Fitossanidade, Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPEL), Campus Universitário, s/nº, caixa postal 354, CEP, 96010­900, Pelotas, RS, Brasil; [email protected] & [email protected] Abstract: Aiming to contribute to the knowledge of hawk­ where the authors recorded only 12 species to the county moths fauna (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) which occur in the of Itaiópolis. state of Santa Catarina, a list of species collected within 50 years by several researchers was compiled. 51 species were Due to little register about the hawkmoths fauna in Santa re lated, corresponding to 24% of the Sphingidae fauna est i­ Catarina, the aim of this work is to present a list of species   mated to Brazil, distributed in Macroglossinae (33), Sme rin­ collected in several counties in the state, to broaden the thinae (4) and Sphinginae (14). knowledge about it. Keywords: diversity, neotropical, moths. Material and methods Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Sphingidenfauna im Bundes staat Santa Catarina, Brasilien (Lepidoptera: Several researchers did the collecting, within a period of Sphingidae) approximately 50 years. There is no information about Zusammenfassung: Mit dem Ziel, zur Kenntnis der im Bun­ the methodology used. desstaat Santa Catarina vorkommenden Sphin gi den fau na Some species collected in Itaiópolis were sent to Cor­ (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) beizutragen, wurde eine Lis te der nell University, Ithaca, New York, according to Bie zan ko von zahlreichen Forschern in einem Zeitraum von ungefähr 50 Jahren gesammelten Arten zu sam men ge stellt. Es wurden & Pitoñ (1941). The others are deposited at the Museu 51 Arten aufgelistet. Das entspricht 24% der für Brasilien Entomológico Ceslau Biezanko da Universidade Federal   geschätzten Sphingidenfauna, die sich in die Unterfamilien de Pelotas (UFPEL), Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. wie folgt aufteilen: Macro glos si nae (33), Smer inthinae (4) und Sphinginae (14). The locations with the biggest number of Sphingidae spe cies collected are: Contribuição para o conhecimento da fauna de esfingí- County Blumenau (26°55' S, 49°3' W, altitude ca. 21 m). deos do estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) Typical Dense Ombrophilous Forest vegetation. Average temperature: 19°C. Type of weather: Cwa, according to Resumo: Com o objetivo de contribuir para o conheci men to Köppen’s classification (gaplan 1986). All examples were da fauna de esfingídeos (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) ocor­ rentes no estado de Santa Catarina elaborou­se uma lista collected within a period of app ro xi mately 25 years by C. de espécies coletadas num período de aproxim a da men te 50 M. Biezanko. anos por inúmeros pesquisadores. Foram rela cio nadas 51 County Brusque (27°5' S, 48°55' W, ca. 21 m). Typical espécies, o que corresponde a 24% da fauna de Sphin gi dae   estimada para o Brasil, estando dis tri buí das em Ma cro glos­ Dense Ombrophilous Forest vegetation. Average tem pe­ sinae (33), Smerinthinae (4) e Sphin gi nae (14). ra ture: 16°C. Type of weather: Cwa, according to Köp­ pen’s classification (gaplan 1986). All examples col lected in the 1960’s by Vitor O. Becker. Introduction County Itaiópolis (26°20' S, 49°54' W; ca. 925 m). Ty pi­ Sphingidae is among the main families of moths used c al Rain Forest and Grassland vegetation. Average tem­ in studies of ecosystems (Hilty & Merelender 2000), perature: 16°C. Type of weather: Cfb, according to Köp­ playing an important role in the pollination of many pen’s classification (gaplan 1986). The hawkmoths were species of sphingophilous plants (Darrault & Schlind­ sampled by João Pitoñ. wein 2002). County Seara (27°8' S, 52°18' W; ca. 550 m). Typical The family comprises about 1300 species distributed De cidual Forest vegetation. Average temperature: 20°C. worldwide, where its biggest concentration is in the Type of weather: Cfa, according to Köppen’s clas si fi ca tion tropical regions (Kitching & Cadiou 2000, Moré et al. (gaplan 1986). The examples were collected in the 1960’s 2005). From Brazil, 210 species have been recorded (Du­ and 1970’s by Fritz Plau mann. arte et al. 2008). In the south of the country, the hawk­ moths fauna is relatively well­known in the states of Rio Balneário Camboriú (26°59'  S, 48°38'  W, ca. 2  m), Grande do Sul (Biezanko 1948, 1982a, b, Carvalho et al. Con cór dia (27°14' S, 52°1' W; ca. 550 m), Ituporanga 1978, Corseuil et al. 2001, Mabilde 1896, Oliveira et (27°24' S, 49°36' W; ca. 370 m), Joinville (26°18' S, al. 1999, Specht et al. 2008, Weymer 1894) and Paraná 48°50' W; ca. 4 m), Ponte Serrada (26°52' S, 52°0' W; (Biezanko 1932, Laroca & Mielke 1975, Laroca et al. ca. 1067 m), Trombudo Central (27°17' S, 49°47' W; ca. 1989, Marinoni et al. 1999). How ever, the only record 350 m) and Tijucas (27°14' S, 48°38' W; ca. 2 m) had that is known about Sphingidae in the state of Santa their samples taken occasionally, but were inc lu d ed as a Catarina was published by Bie zan ko & Pitoñ (1941), complement to the geographical distribution. © Entomologischer Verein Apollo e. V., Frankfurt am Main 64 Fig. 1: The Brasilian state of Santa Catarina, with collecting localities (ci ties, mu ni ci pa li ties). The data obtained by Biezanko & Pitoñ (1941) were also thi nae (4 species) and Sphinginae (14 species) (Tab. 1), included to complement the list, identified in Tab. 1 as re presenting 24% of all hawkmoths fauna esti mat ed for   ITA. Brazil. The identification was made by professors Ceslau Maria Specht et al. (2008) have currently registered 84 spe­ Biezanko and Dr. Vitor Osmar Becker. The work of Seitz cies of hawkmoths in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (1915–1925) and Moré et al. (2005) was used to confirm due to bibliographical review and collecting of mat e­ such identification, and the taxonomy was updated ri al between 2004 and 2005, with no location described; according to Kitching & Cadiou (2000). in Paraná, Marinoni et al. (1999) registered 55 species The species are found listed in alphabetical order and of Sphingidae in eight counties. Duarte et al. (2008) divided in subfamilies and tribes. re gistered 75 species of Sphingidae in the Estação Bio­ ló gica de Boracéia, São Paulo, a result of 64 years of col­ The counties mentioned before follow the abbreviations below: lecting. BC Balneário Camboriú BL Blumenau Comparing the data obtained in other Brazilian states BR Brusque with the number of species of hawkmoths sampled in CO Concórdia San ta Catarina, one may come across the possibility of IA Itaiópolis hav ing a significant raise in the number of new rec ords IU Ituporanga of species, due to the shortage of fauna in ven tory in that JO Joinville state. PS Ponte Serrada SE Seara Acknowledgements TC Trombudo Central To Dr. André V. L. Freitas (UNICAMP) and Dr. Le an­ TI Tijucas dro Bugoni (UFPEL) for the comments and im prove­ ments made in the first version of the manuscript. To Dr. Results Wolfgang A. Nässig (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) for A total of 51 species of Sphingidae were listed, being useful comments and corrections. To Dr. José A. Tes ton dis tributed into Macroglossinae (33 species), Sme rin­ (UFPA) for all bibliography need ed. © Entomologischer Verein Apollo e. V., Frankfurt am Main 65 Tab. 1: List of species of hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) col lect ed in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Abbreviations see text. Sphingidae Municipalities Sphingidae Municipalities Macroglossinae, Dilophonotini Manduca­diffissa­petuniae (Boisduval, [1875]) ITA, SE Aellopos­ceculus (Cramer, 1777) BL Manduca­florestan (Stoll,1782) JO, SE Callionima­innus (Rothschild & Jordan, 1903) BC, BL, BR Manduca­incisa (Walker, 1856) JO Callionima­nomius (Walker, 1856) BR Manduca­lefeburei (Guérin­Ménéville, [1844]) BR Callionima­parce (Fabricius, 1775) BL, BR Manduca­lucetius (Cramer, 1780) SE Enyo­cavifer (Rothschild & Jordan, 1903) BL Manduca­rustica­rustica (Fabricius, 1775) BR, ITU Enyo­gorgon (Cramer, 1777) BL Manduca­sexta­paphus­(Cramer, 1779) ITA Enyo­japix descrepans­(Walker, 1856) BL Neococytius­cluentius (Cramer, 1775) TI Enyo­lugubris (Linnaeus, 1771) BL, ITA Sphinx­justiciae­Walker, 1856 ITA, SE Enyo­ocypete (Linnaeus, 1758) BR Erinnyis­alope (Drury, 1770) BL, BR, ITA Erinnyis­crameri (Schaus, 1898) BL Erinnyis­ello (Linnaeus, 1758) BL, BR, ITA Erinnyis­obscura (Fabricius, 1775) BR References Madoryx­plutonius­plutonius­(Hübner, [1819]) BR Biezanko, C. M. (1932): Sobre alguns lepidópteros que ocorrem em Madoryx­oiclus (Cramer, 1780) BL arredores de Curitiba (Estado do Paraná). — Pelotas (Livraria Nyceryx­alophus (Boisduval, [1875]) SE do Globo), 8 pp. Pachylia­ficus (Linnaeus, 1758) JO ——— (1948): Sphingidae de Pelotas e seus arredores (cont ri bui ção à fisiografia do Rio Grande do Sul). — Pelotas (Livraria do Pachylioides­resumens (Walker, 1856) BR, JO Globo), 8 pp. Pseudosphinx­tetrio (Linnaeus, 1771) BL ——— (1982a): Sphingidae da zona sueste do Rio Grande do Sul. Macroglossinae, Macroglossini — Revista do Centro de Ciências Rurais, Santa Maria, 12 (1): Xylophanes­ceratomioides (Grote & Robinson, 1967) BL, BR 59–75. Xylophanes­chiron (Drury, 1771) BL, BR, ITA, ITU ——— (1982b): Sphingidae da zona missioneira do Rio Grande do Sul. — Revista do Centro de Ciências Rurais, Santa Maria, 12 Xylophanes­fosteri Rothschild & Jordan, 1906 SE (1): 77–92. Xylophanes­hydrata Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 BR ———, & Pitoñ, J. (1941): Breves apontamentos sobre alguns lep i dó­ Xylophanes­indistincta Closs, 1915 SE pteros encontrados nos arredores de Itaiópolis. — Bol e tim da Xylophanes­isaon (Boisduval, [1875]) ITA Escola de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel (Livraria do Glob o) 28 Xylophanes­pluto (Fabricius, 1777) SE (1): 1–24. Xylophanes­porcus continentalis Rothschild & Carvalho, S., Tarragó, M. F. S., Biezanko, C. M., & Link, D. (1978): BL, BR Jordan, 1903 Lepidoptera de Santa Maria e Arredores. II. Sphing i dae. — Revista do Centro de Ciências Rurais, Santa Mar ia, 8 (1): Xylophanes­tersa­(Linnaeus, 1771) ITA 71–77. Xylophanes­thyelia (Linnaeus, 1758) BL, SE Corseuil, E., Specht, A., & Lang, C. (2001): Esfingídeos (Lep i do­ Xylophanes­titana (Druce, 1878) SE pte ra, Sphingidae) ocorrentes no Centro de Pesquisa e Con­ Xylophanes­tyndarus (Boisduval, [1875]) SE ser vação da Natureza Pró­Mata. — Divulgação do Mu seu Macroglossinae, Philampelini de Ciências Tecnológicas — UBEA/PUCRS, Porto Ale gre, 6: 95–108. Eumorpha­anchemolus (Cramer, 1780) BL, ITA, JO Darrault, R. O., & Schlindwein, C. (2002): Esfingídeos (Le pi do­ Eumorpha­satellitia­analis­(Rothschild & Jordan, BL, BR, ITA pte ra, Sphingidae) no Tabuleiro Paraibano, nordeste do Bra­ 1903) sil: abundância, riqueza e relação com plantas esfin gó fi las. Smerinthinae, Ambulycini — Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, Curitiba, 19 (2): 429–443. Adhemarius­eurysthenes­(R. Felder, 1874) PS, TC Duarte, M., Carlin, L. F., & Marconato, G. (2008): Light­at tract ed Adhemarius­gannascus­(Stoll, 1790) BR, ITA hawkmoths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) of Boracéia, mu ni ci­ pa li ty of Salesópolis, state of São Paulo, Brazil. — Check List, Adhemarius­palmeri­(Boisduval, [1875]) BL, BR, JO Campinas, 4 (2): 123–136. Protambulyx­strigilis (Linnaeus, 1771) BL, BR gaplan (= Gabinete de Planejamento e Coordenação Geral) Sphinginae, Sphingini (1986): Atlas de Santa Catarina. — Rio de Janeiro, 173 pp. Cocytius­antaeus­(Drury, 1773) CO Hilty, J., & Merenlender, A. (2000): Faunal indicator taxa selec­ Cocytius­beelzebuth­(Boisduval, [1875]) BL, BR tion for monitoring ecosystem health. — Biological Cons er­ va tion, Boston, 92: 185–197. Cocytius­duponchel (Poey, 1832) BL, BR, JO Kitching, I. J., & Cadiou, J.­M. (2000): Hawkmoths of the world: Cocytius­lucifer Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 BL, SE An annotated and illustrated revisionary checklist (Lep i do­ Manduca­albiplaga (Walker, 1856) SE pte ra: Sphingidae). — Ithaca (Cornell University Pr.), 226 pp. © Entomologischer Verein Apollo e. V., Frankfurt am Main 66 Nachr. entomol. Ver. Apollo, N. F. 31 (1/2): 66 (2010) Laroca, S., Becker, V. O., & Zanella, F. C. V. (1989): Di ver si da de, Moré, M., Kitching, I. J., & Cocucci, A. A. (2005): Sphingidae: Es­ abun dância relativa e fenologia de Sphingidae (Lepido pte ra) fin gídeos de Argentina. Hawkmoths of Argentina. — Buen os na Serra do Mar (Quatro Barras, PA), sul do Brasil. — Ac ta Aires (Literature of Latin America), 184 pp. Biológica Paranaense, Curitiba, 18: 13–53. Oliveira, R. B., Specht, A., & Corseuil, E. (1999): Esfingídeos ———, & Mielke, O. H. H. (1975): Ensaios sobre ecologia de com u­ (Le pi do ptera, Sphingidae) ocorrentes no Rio Grande do Sul, ni dade em Sphingidae na Serra do Mar, Paraná, Bras il (Le pi­ do ptera). — Revista Brasileira de Biologia, São Car los, 35: Bra sil. — Biociências, Porto Alegre, 7 (1): 167–177. 1–19. Seitz, A. (1915–1925): Die Gross­Schmetterlinge der Erde. II. Mabilde, A. P. (1896): Guia prático para os principiantes col le­ Ab tei lung: Die Gross­Schmetterlinge des Amerikanischen cio na do res de insectos, contendo a descrição fiel de perto Fau nengebietes. 6. Band. Die Amerikanischen Spinner und de 1000 borboletas com 180 figuras lytographadas em Schwärmer. — Stuttgart (Alfred Kernen), 497 pp. ta man ho, formas e desenhos em tamanho natural. Estudo sobre a vida dos insectos do Rio Grande do Sul e sobre a Specht, A., Benedetti, A. J., & Corseuil, E. (2008): Esfingídeos caça, clas sificação e conservação de uma coleção mais ou (Le pidoptera, Sphingidae) Registrados no Rio Grande do menos re gular. — Porto Alegre (Gundlach & Schuldt), 238 Sul. — Biociências, Porto Alegre, 16 (1): 15–18. pp. Weymer, G. (1894): Exotische Lepidopteren VII. Beitrag zur Le pi­ Marinoni, R. C., Dutra, R. R. C., & Mielke, O. H. H. (1999): Le van­ dopterenfauna von Rio Grande do Sul. — Stettiner Ent o mo­ ta mento da fauna entomológica no Estado do Paraná. IV. Sphingidae (Lepidoptera). Diversidade alfa e estrut u ra de logische Zeitung, Stettin, 55 (10/12): 311–333. comunidade. — Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, Cu ri ti ba, 16 (supl. 2): 223–240. Received: 22. xii. 2009 Corrigendum Zu: Nardelli, U. (2010): Eine erfolgreiche Zucht von Coscinia libyssa caligans Turati, 1907 unter Freilandbedingungen in Nord- italien (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae). — Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apol lo, Frankfurt am Main, N.F. 30 (4): 199– 204. Leider hat sich ein systematischer Schreibfehler durch diese liouvillei Le Cerf, 1928, Ar beit konsequent „durchgeschlichen“: al so ohne das „n“. Dank an V. V. Dubatolov, Novosibirsk, für die­ Überall im Text steht falsch „Coscinia­libyssa­liounvillei“; die rich­ sen Hinweis. ti ge Schreibweise für dieses Taxon ist aber wng. © Entomologischer Verein Apollo e. V., Frankfurt am Main, August 2010 ISSN 0723­9912 © Entomologischer Verein Apollo e. V., Frankfurt am Main

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