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Preview Contribution of weak localization to non local transport at normal metal / superconductor double interfaces

Contribution of weak localization to non local transport at normal metal / superconductor double interfaces R. M´elin * Centre de Recherches sur les Tr`es Basses Temp´eratures, CRTBT , CNRS, BP 166, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France 6 0 In connection with a recent experiment [Russo et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 027002 (2005)], 0 we investigate the effect of weak localization on non local transport in normal metal / insulator / 2 superconductor/insulator/normalmetal(NISIN)trilayers,withextendedinterfaces. Thenegative n weak localization contribution to the crossed resistance can exceed in absolute value the positive a elastic cotunnelingcontribution if thenormal metal phase coherencelength or theenergy are large J enough. 1 3 PACSnumbers: 74.50.+r,74.78.Na,74.78.Fk ] l d’ d d’ l I. INTRODUCTION a h - The manipulation of correlated pairs of electrons in s e solidstatedeviceshasarousedaconsiderableinterestre- L m cently. The goals of this line of research are the realiza- t. tionofsourcesofentangledpairsofelectronsforquantum Va VS Vb a information, and the realization of fundamental tests of m quantum mechanics1,2. Correlatedpairs of electrons can y - be extracted from a superconductor by Andreev reflec- x d tion,withextendedorlocalizedinterfacesbetweensuper- Site an Siteα n conductorsandnormalmetalsorferromagnets3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 0 z n o andinJosephsonjunctions involvingadoublebridgebe- c [ tween two superconductors10. FIG.1: (Coloronline.) Schematicrepresentationofthetight- Charge is transported by Andreev reflection at a nor- bindingmodelofNISINtrilayer. Theinsulatinglayersarenot 3 shown on the figure. The aspect ratio is not to the scale of mal metal / superconductor (NS) interface: an electron v theexperimentinRef.9forwhichd=15, 50, 200nm,Lisof 7 coming from the normal side is reflected as a hole while order of 5µm, and d′≃50nm. 3 aCooperpairistransmittedinthesuperconductor11. In 8 the superconductor, Andreev reflection is mediated by 0 anevanescentstate oflinear dimension set by the super- 1 conducting coherence length ξ. In structures in which opposite charges of the outgoing particle in elastic co- 5 a superconductor is multiply connected to normal metal tunneling and crossed Andreev reflection. Lowest order 0 electrodesseparatedbyadistanceoforderξ12,13,theAn- perturbation theory in the tunnel amplitudes leads to / at dreev reflected hole in the spin-(−σ) band can be trans- Ga,b(Vb) = 0 because the crossed Andreev reflection and m mitted in an electrode different from the one in which elastic cotunneling channels have in this case an exactly the incoming spin-σ electron propagates. This “non lo- opposite contribution to the crossed conductance once - d cal” transmission in the electron-hole channel is called the average over disorder16,17 or over the Fermi oscilla- n “crossed Andreev reflection”. Non local transmission in tions in multichannel ballistic systems14,18 is taken into o the electron-electron channel corresponds to “elastic co- account. c tunneling” by which an electron is transmitted from one Three unexpected experimental features for the : v electrode to another while spin is conserved14. crossed conductance in a normal metal / insulator / su- i X A schematic three-terminal device is represented on perconductor/insulator/normalmetal(NISIN)trilayer Fig. 1, as well as the voltages V and V applied on the have been reported recently by Russo et al.9: i) The r a b a normal electrodes “a” and “b” respectively. The volt- crossed conductance does not average to zero with nor- age V on the superconductor is chosen as the reference mal metals, in contradictionto the abovementionedpre- S voltage (V = 0). Non local transport is characterized diction of lowestorder perturbationtheory in the tunnel S by a current I (V ) circulating in electrode “a” in re- amplitudes14. The orderofmagnitudeofthe experimen- a b sponse to a voltage V on electrode “b”. It is supposed tallyobservedcrossedsignalisfarfrombeingcompatible b in addition that V = 0: electrode “a” is grounded, like with lowest order perturbation theory. ii) A magnetic a in experiments8,9 (see Fig. 1). The crossed conductance fieldapplied parallelto the interfacessuppresses the non is defined by G (V ) = ∂I /∂V (V ). A crossed con- local signal, suggesting a phase coherent process. iii) a,b b a b b ductance dominated by elastic cotunneling (crossed An- The sign of the crossed resistance15 crosses over from dreev reflection) is negative (positive)15 because of the positive (the signof elastic cotunneling) to negative (the 2 signofcrossedAndreev reflection)as the bias voltageV B. Green’s functions b increases, and the crossed signal disappears if the bias voltageexceeds the Thoulessenergy inthe superconduc- The fully dressed advanced and retarded equilibrium tor. NambuGreen’sfunctionGˆA,R(ω) atenergyω is firstde- Weshowherethatweaklocalizationwithextendedin- termined by solving the Dyson equation terfacesleads to a positive crossedconductance,the sign of which is opposite to the sign of the dominant elastic GˆA,R(ω)=gˆA,R(ω)+gˆA,R(ω)⊗Σˆ ⊗GˆA,R(ω), (4) t cotunneling channel for localized interfaces19. The weak localization contribution to the crossed conductance be- where ⊗ denotes a summation over the spatial indices, comes important at large bias voltages and for a large andgˆA,R(ω)aretheadvancedandretardedGreen’sfunc- phase coherence length in the normal metals. tions of the disconnected system (i. e. with t=0 in the The article is organized as follows. Necessary prelim- tunnelHamiltoniangivenbyEq.(3)). Theself-energyΣˆ t inaries are given in Sec. II. The weak localization con- corresponds to the couplings in the tunnel Hamiltonian tribution to crossed transport is discussed in Sec. III. givenbyEq.(3). TheGreen’sfunctionsare4×4matrices Concluding remarks are given in Sec. IV. in the spin ⊗ Nambu representation. The four compo- nentscorrespondtoaspin-upelectron,aspin-downhole, aspin-downelectronandaspin-uphole. Becauseofspin II. PRELIMINARIES rotation invariance, some elements of the 4×4 Green’s functionsareredundant. Weworkhereina2×2blockin A. Hamiltonians thesectorS =~/2,encodingthesuperconductingcorre- z lations among a spin-up electron(Nambu label “1”)and Thenormalmetalelectrodesaredescribedbythetight a spin-down hole (Nambu label “2”). binding Hamiltonian Once the fully dressed advanced and retarded Green’s functions have been obtained, the Keldysh Green’s HN = ǫ(k)c+k,σck,σ, (1) feuqnucattiioonn21Gˆ,2+2,,2−3,24is,25determined by the Dyson-Keldysh k,σ X where k is the wave-vector,σ =↑,↓ the projection of the Gˆ+,− = Iˆ+GˆR⊗Σˆ ⊗gˆ+,−⊗ Iˆ+Σˆ ⊗GˆA , (5) t t electron spin on the spin quantization axis, and where (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) ǫ(k)=−2t0[cos(kxa0)+cos(kya0)+cos(kza0)]isthedis- where gˆ+,− is the Keldysh Green’s function of the iso- persion relation of free electrons on a cubic lattice, with latedelectrodes,andwheretheenergydependenceofthe t0 the bulk hoping amplitude, a0 the distance between Green’s functions is omitted. two neighboring sites, and k , k and k the projections x y z of the electron wave-vector on the x, y and z axis (see Fig. 1). C. Transport formula The superconductoris describedbythe BCSHamilto- nian The current through the interface a-α is given by HBCS = ǫ(k)c+k,σck,σ+∆ c+k,↑c+−k,↓+c−k,↓ck,↑ , I = 2e dω Tr tˆ Gˆ+,− (ω) (6) Xk,σ Xk (cid:16) (cid:17) a,α h an,αn αn,an (2) Z Xn nh with ∆ the superconducting gap. − tˆ Gˆ+,− (ω) σˆ , Diagonal disorder is included20, with an elastic mean αn,an an,αn 3 i o (N) free path le in the normal electrodes of the NISIN tri- wherethetraceisasummationoverthetwocomponents layer, and l(S) in the superconducting electrode. A fi- of the Nambu Green’s function, σˆ is one of the Pauli e 3 nite coherencelengthl(N) inthe normalelectrodesis ac- matrices,thediagonalelementsofwhichare(1,−1),and ϕ counted for by adding phenomenologically an imaginary the sum over n runs over all sites at the interface a-α. part to the energy. As shown on Fig. 1, the symbols an and αn in Eq. (6) Atthe extendedinterfacea-α,the tunnel Hamiltonian labeltwocorrespondingsitesatthe interface,inthe nor- connecting the electrodes “a” and “α” takes the form malelectrode“a”andinthesuperconductorrespectively. The two spin orientations are taken into account in the Wˆ = −t c+ c +c+ c , (3) prefactor of Eq. (6). a,α an,σ αn,σ αn,σ an,σ The local conductance of a NIN interface is equal to n,σ X (cid:0) (cid:1) (e2/h)T per channel, where T = 2π2t2ρ2 is the dimen- N where the sites a on the normalmetal side of the inter- sionless transmissioncoefficient in the tunnel limit, with n face correspond to the sites α on the superconducting ρ the normal density of states21. n N sideoftheinterface(seeFig.1),andasimilarexpression The non perturbative transport formula for the lo- holds for the tunnel Hamiltonian at the interface b-β. cal current at a localized NIN interface was obtained in 3 N S N I or S N R R R A A A R A A R A r r r r 1 A A 2 1 A A 2 r1 A r2 (a) (b) (c) FIG. 2: (Color online.) A weak localization diagram in a normal metal for which r and r are within the elastic mean free 1 2 path l (a), and in a superconductor for which r and r are within ξ. (c) represents the same diagram at a NISIN double e 1 2 interface, equivalentto Fig. 3c. In theNISINcase on (c) r and r are within ξ and r , r are within l(N) from theinterfaces. 1 2 1 2 e In theNIN case on (c),r and r are within theinsulator correlation length. “A” and “R” stand for advancedand retarded. 1 2 Ref. 21, and generalized in Ref. 25 to a localized NIS The fully dressed advanced and retarded equilibrium interface, andin Ref. 19to non localtransportat a dou- NambuGreen’sfunctionsGˆA (ω)andGˆR (ω)aten- αj,βk βl,αi ble ferromagnet / superconductor interface. We deduce ergyω inEqs.(7),(8)and(9)areexpandedbyusingthe from these references the exact expressions of the local DysonequationgivenbyEq.(5). Wededucefromtheex- conductance GNIN(V) of a single NIN interface, of the actKeldyshtransportformulagivenbyEqs.(7),(8)and Andreev conductance GNIS(V) of a single NIS interface, (9) that the diagrams are connected, and that the prop- and of the crossed conductance Ga,b(Vb) of a NISIN tri- agators for the density of states are directly connected layer with extended interfaces: to at least one tunneling vertex. The other extremity of the density of states propagators is connected either e2 G (V)=8π2 t4 (7) to a tunneling vertex, or to a disorder scattering vertex. NIN h The density of states, represented by wavy lines on the × ρN GA,1,1(eV)ρN GR,1,1(eV) diagrams, connects to one advanced and one retarded ai,aj αj,βk bk,bl βl,αi Green’s function as in Eqs. (7), (8) and (9). j,k,l X e2 A crossedconductance dominated by elastic cotunnel- G (V)=16π2 t4 (8) ing (crossed Andreev reflection) is negative (positive)15. NIS h This can be seen most simply by making the Nambu la- × ρN GA,1,2(eV)ρN GR,2,1(eV) bels explicit in Eq.(9) and taking into accountthe signs ai,aj αj,βk bk,bl βl,αi jX,k,l in the σˆ3 matrices, and the global sign. e2 Thecrossedconductanceisexpandedperturbativelyin Ga,b(Vb)=−8π2 t4 (9) T2,wherethenormallocaltransmissioncoefficientT has h alreadybeendefined,andisalsoexpandedinthenumber × Tr ρˆN σˆ GˆA (eV )ρˆN σˆ GˆR (eV ) , ai,aj 3 αj,βk b bk,bl 3 βl,αi b of non local processes crossing the superconductor since jX,k,l n o d&ξ14. validtoallordersinthehoppingamplitude. Thecrossed conductance G (V ) is per conduction channel through a,b b D. Weak localization in a superconductor the junction of area L×L, with a superconducting layer of thickness d (see Fig. 1). The summations in Eqs. (8) and (9) run over all pairs of sites at the interfaces, and Weak localizationin a superconductor was already in- the overline denotes disorder averaging. The density of vestigated in Ref. 26 in connection with the determina- states ρˆN = (gˆA −gˆR )/2iπ connects the sites a tion ofthe number density of superconducting electrons. and a aini,aejlectroadie,aj“a”,aai,nadj a similar definition holdsi A weak localization diagram in a bulk normal metal is j fnoerctρˆeNbdi,bbjy. TthheetsuitnenealjH(balm) iilntoenleiacntrotodeth“ea”si(t“ebα”j) i(sβlc)onin- sahreowwnithoninFtihge. e2laa.stIinc mtheisancafsreeethpeatthwloe(Np)o.inItnsar1bualnkdsru2- the superconductor (see Fig. 3 for the NISIN interface). perconductor (see Fig. 2b), the two points r1 and r2 are In the case of the local conductance of a NIN junction, within the coherence length ξ since the disorder average α , β , β and α belong to an insulating layer that has gA gA of two advanced Green’s functions between the j k l i α,β α,β been inserted in between the two normal metals. The two sites α and β at r and r in a superconductor is 1 2 tunnel amplitude t in Eq. (7) connects in this case the limited by ξ, not by l . Similar diagrams for the con- e normalmetaltothe insulator,whiletinEqs.(8)and(9) ductance are introduced at a NISIN double interface in connects the normal metal to the superconductor. Sec. III. In this case the points r and r are separated 1 2 4 in Sec. IIIA. ThediagramoforderT4onFig.3ctakesafinitevalue, Ia ai αi Sβl bl Vb aNnadmibsuevlaalbuealste,danexdpolivceitreltyhebydisffuemremntinpgoosvsiebrilailtliepsoossfibinle- serting the density of states and the σˆ matrices (repre- A 3 (a) sentedbythe wavylines onthe diagrams). This leadsto " aj αj RA βk bk b" the crossed conductance "a (b) A A l " Ga,b(Vb) = 4π2t8ρ6N gα1,,1β,A(eVb)gβ2,,2α,R(eVb) (10) l a l meta (c) A R R al met − gα1,,2β,A(eVXbβ)gβ1(cid:16),,2α,R(eVb) ∆2−∆(2eVb)2, ma A m (cid:17) or (d) A Nor where19 N A π2ρ2 2R 2ω2−∆2 g1,1(ω)g2,2(ω) = Sµ(R)exp − R α,β β,α 2 ξ(ω) ∆2−ω2 (cid:18) (cid:19) π2ρ2 2R ∆2 g1,2(ω)g1,2(ω) = Sµ(R)exp − , α,β β,α 2 ξ(ω) ∆2−ω2 FIG.3: (Coloronline.) Thelowest orderdiagramscontribut- (cid:18) (cid:19) ingtocrossed transport. Weshow (a) thevanishingdiagram with R the distance betweenthe sites α and β, and with of order T2, (b) the vanishing weak localization diagram of µ(R)=(k R)2intheballisticlimit,andµ(R)=k2Rl(S) order T4, (c) the first non vanishing diagram of order T4, F F e and(d)theweaklocalization diagramoforderT6. Thewavy in the diffusive limit. The resulting term of order T4 in the crossed conductance is given by lines correspond to theinsertion of thenormal metal density of states, and of a σˆ matrix. 3 e2 ξ ∆2 2d G(ec)(V )=− T4 exp − , a,b b h le(S)∆2−(eVb)2 (cid:20) (cid:18) ξ (cid:19)(cid:21) bythe superconductorthickness,oforderξ (seeFig.2c). (11) At a NIN interface, the two points r and r on differ- in agreement with the expansion to order T4 of the 1 2 ent interfaces can be separated by a distance equal to crossed conductance obtained for highly transparent lo- the thickness of the insulator, comparable to the decay calized interfaces19. A summation over the pairs of sites length induced by the charge gap of the insulator. αandβ atthe twointerfaceswascarriedout, givingrise to the prefactor ξ/l(S) in Eq. (11). e III. NON LOCAL TRANSPORT IN A NISIN TRILAYER C. Weak localization diagram of order T6 A. Crossed conductance to order T2 1. Contribution of local excursions Now we evaluate the lowest order diagrams appear- We consider now the weak localization diagram of or- ing in the crossed conductance of a NISIN trilayer. The der T6 on Fig. 3d, merging the features of the two di- crossedconductance due to the diagramof orderT2 (see agrams of order T4 on Figs. 3b and c, and shown in Fig. 3a) vanishes because the contributions of the elas- more details on Fig. 4. The long range propagation in tic cotunneling and crossed Andreev reflection channels the normal electrodes involves the diffusons gA,1,1gR,1,1 α,β α,β are exactly opposite14,16,18,19. This can be seen also by andgA,2,2gR,2,2intheparticle-particleorhole-holechan- evaluating the summation over the Nambu labels in the α,β α,β diagramonFig.3andusingg1,1g1,1 =g1,2g2,1,whereα nel (where α and β belong to the normal electrode), andβ aretwopoints inthe suαp,βerβco,αnductαo,βraβt,αadistance as opposed to the diffuson gA,1,1gA,2,2 in the particle- α,β α,β of order ξ. hole channel for local Andreev reflection at a single NIS interface27,28 below the related Thouless energy. We first evaluate the part of the diagramon Fig. 4 in- B. Crossed conductance to order T4 volvinglocalexcursionsattheNISinterfaces(seeFig.5). Enumerating these diagrams shows that the two local excursions are attached to the same non local propaga- The first weak localization diagram of order T4 in- tioninthesuperconductor. WeusethenotationXA,A volving four Green’s functions in the superconductor is ττ,τ′τ′ shown on Fig. 3b. The corresponding crossed conduc- (XτAτ,,Rτ′τ′) for the part of the diagramon Fig. 5 with two tance vanishes, as for the diagram of order T2 discussed advanced (one advanced and one retarded) propagators 5 R where G(ec)(V ) is given by Eq. (11) and a,b b A N d V l(N) b ϕ F , , = (15) ξ ∆ le(N)! 1 l(N) 4 ξ ∆2 2d T2 ϕ exp − . 4 le(N)! (cid:18)le(S)(cid:19)∆2−(eVb)2 (cid:20) (cid:18) ξ (cid:19)(cid:21) A A A R S The sign of G(wl)(eV ) given by Eq. (14) is positive, as a,b b for crossedAndreev reflection. The factor(l(N)/l(N))4 is ϕ e due to a a factor (l(N)/l(N))2 associated to the diffusons ϕ e in each of the quasi-two-dimensional normal layers [see A N Eq. (A5)] in the limit q = 0. The constraint q = 0 originatesfromtheconservationofthecomponentofthe wave-vectorparalleltotheinterface,duetothesymmetry R bytranslationparalleltotheinterfaces(seeAppendixB). It can be shown that the two diagramsof order T6 in- FIG. 4: (Color online.) Details of the insertion of the densi- volving a single diffuson in the superconductor and long ties of states and of the σˆ matrices in the weak localization 3 range propagation in the normal metals are negligible diagram on Fig. 3d. “A” and “R” stand for advanced and because of the sum over the Nambu labels in one dia- retarded. The diffusons are calculated in the ladder approxi- mation. Therungsoftheladdersrepresentedbytheredlines gram,and because ofthe factor(lϕ(N)/le(N))2 in the other representschematicallythediffusonintheladderapproxima- diagram, much smaller than (l(N)/l(N))4 for the weak ϕ e tion. localization diagram. The weak localization crossed conductance can be ex- panded systematically in powers of (l /l(N))2: ϕ e in the superconductor, and the Nambu labels (τ,τ) and (τ′,τ′) at the extremities in the two normal electrodes. e2 l 2n ϕ We find Ga,b(eVb =0)= h An(T) l(N) . (16) n (cid:18) e (cid:19) X 8π2ρ6 ω2∆2 XA,A = XA,A =− N (12) The coefficients A (T) are evaluated to leading order in 11,11 11,22 µ(R) (∆2−ω2)2 n T becauseofthesmallinterfacetransparencies. Estimat- XA,R = −XA,R = 2π2ρ6N ∆2 . (13) ing the higher order weak localization diagrams leads to 11,11 11,22 µ(R) ∆2−ω2 A ∼ −T8, A = 0, A ∼ T10, A = 0, A ∼ −T12, ... 3 4 5 6 7 The order of magnitude of the sum of the higher or- We recover Eq. (11) for the non vanishing diagram of der contributions can be obtained from summing the order T4 on Fig. 3c, proportional to −(X1A1,,R11−X1A1,,R22). corresponding geometric series for T(lϕ/le(N))2 > 1: The global minus sign in this expressioncan be found in A (T) l /l(N) 2nisoforderT2 l /l(N) 4,much Eq. (9), and the opposite signs for XA,R and XA,R are n≥3 n ϕ e ϕ e due to the matricesσˆ3 inEq.(9). Th1e1,d11iagrams1w1,i2t2h lo- Psmaller than(cid:16)A2(T) l(cid:17)ϕ/le(N) 4, therefo(cid:16)re justify(cid:17)ing why calexcursionsattachedtothedisorderaverageoftwoad- vancedortworetardedGreen’sfunctionsinthesupercon- we based our discuss(cid:16)ion on t(cid:17)he first two terms A0(T) ∼ T4 and A (T)∼T6. ductor lead to a vanishingly small crossed conductance, 2 asitcanbeseenfromtheidentity−(XA,A −XA,A )=0, 11,11 11,22 deduced from Eq. (12). E. Relation to experiments 1. Determination of the parameters D. Weak localization crossed conductance ThenumberofchannelsN foracontactwithathree- ch dimensional metal is N = S/λ2, where S is the junc- The weak localizationcontributionto the crossedcon- ch F tion area and λ the Fermi wave-length. The normal ductancecorrespondingtothediagramonFig.4isgiven F layershavea dimensionL×L×d′, with L≃5µmanda by thickness d′ ≃ 50nm (see Fig. 1). The number of chan- nels in the quasi-two-dimensional geometry is obtained d V l(N) G(wl)(eV )=−G(ec)(V )F , b, ϕ , (14) be neglecting disorder (the elastic mean free path in the a,b b a,b b ξ ∆ le(N)! experiment is limited by scattering on the normal film 6 N 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 A A A R A A A R S N 1 1 2 2 1 1 22 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) FIG. 5: (Color online.) Representation of the part of the diagram of order T6 (see Fig. 3) with local excursions. “1” and “2” correspond to the Nambu labels. (a), (b), (c) and (d) contribute respectively to XA,A , XA,R , XA,A and XA,R . The 11,11 11,22 11,11 11,22 diagrams having the topology of (e) and (f) lead to a vanishingly small crossed conductance because of the matrices σˆ and 3 thetrace over theNambu labels. boundaries), and by evaluating the area of the Fermi ing solely to the contributionof Eq.(11) is thus of order surface with discrete wave-vectors in the direction per- 1 h ξ p6×en1d0i5c.ulTahretonotrhmeailnttrearnfascpea,rleenacdyinTgctaonNbechob=taLinde′/dλf2From≃ R(ae,cb)(Vb =0) = 4Nche2 (cid:18)le(S)(cid:19) the local conductance in the normal state R(loc) ≃2Ω: ∆2−(eV )2 N × b exp(−2d/ξ), (19) ∆2 (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 e2 ≃2N T , (17) having an order of magnitude compatible with the R(loc) ch h experiment9. The elastic cotunneling crossed resistance N is independent on T for tunnel interfaces. The elastic leading to T ≃10−2. These values T ≃10−2 and N ≃ cotunneling crossed resistance R(ec)(V = 0) being in- ch a,b b 6×105 are compatible with the localAndreev resistance versely proportional to N , with N proportional to d′ ch ch at zero bias of about 100Ω, being an upper bound to (see Sec. IIIE1), it is expected that the crossed resis- the zero temperature Andreev resistance R(loc) given by tance would decrease if the normal metal layer thickness A 1/R(loc) = 2(e2/h)T2N . Russo et al.9 estimate T ≃ d′ increases, as anticipated in Sec. IIIE1. A ch 10−5 from N = S/λ2 for a three dimensional metal. Now, the weak localization crossed resistance is equal ch F The possible dependence of N on d′ that we consider to ch here can be probed experimentally by determining how d V l(N) the crossed resistance depends on the thickness of the R(wl) =−R(ec)F , b, ϕ . (20) normal layers. a,b a,b ξ ∆ le(N)! The voltage dependence of the total crossed resistance (ec) (wl) R (V ) = R (V ) + R (V ) is shown on Fig. 6 a,b b a,b b a,b b 2. Crossed resistance for different values of l(N)/l(N). We obtain a change ϕ e of sign from a positive (elastic cotunneling dominated) The crossed resistance matrix measured to a negative (weak localization dominated) crossed re- experimentally9 is the inverse of the crossed con- sistance as the voltage increases (see Fig. 6). For suf- ductance matrix. The off-diagonal element of the ficiently large values of the phase coherence length, we crossed resistance matrix is given by haveF d/ξ,0,l(N)/l(N) >1asdiscussedabove,sothat ϕ e thecros(cid:16)sedresistanceisn(cid:17)egativeforallvaluesofthebias G(tot)(V ) voltage. (tot) a,b b R (V )=− , a,b b G(tot)(V )G(tot)(V )−G(tot)(V )G(tot)(V ) The perturbative crossedresistance on Fig. 6 tends to a,a b b,b b a,b b b,a b a finite value in the limit eV = ∆. The determination b (18) of the crossed conductance around eV =∆ is examined b where Ga(t,aot)(Vb) = Gb(,tbot)(Vb) = Gl(otcot)(Vb) is the local in Ref. 19 for localized interfaces with arbitrary inter- Andreev conductance. face transparencies. The non perturbative crossed con- The elastic cotunneling crossedresistance correspond- ductance tends to zero for eV = ∆, but the cross-over b 7 IV. CONCLUSIONS 10 We have calculated the weak localization contribution to non local transport in NISIN trilayers with extended 5 interfaces and a sufficient phase coherence length in the ) Ω normalelectrodes. Wefindachangeofsigninthecrossed ( 0 resistancebetweenelasticcotunnelingatlowvoltagesand b a, weak localization at higher voltages. The weak local- R -5 ization contribution can dominate for all voltages if the 0 phase coherence length is large enough. The weak local- 0 0 izationcrossedconductancedephasesinanappliedmag- 1 -10 netic field, but not the elastic cotunneling contribution. The appearance of a voltage scale related to the super- -15 conductor Thouless energy is left as an important open question. The author thanks H. Courtois, A. Morpurgo, and S. 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 Russo for many useful suggestions and comments. Spe- V / ∆ cial thanks to D. Feinberg and F. Pistolesi for numerous b fruitful discussions. FIG. 6: (Color online.) Voltage dependence of the crossed resistance (inOhms),givenbyEq.(18),inwhichthecrossed conductanceisthesumoftheelasticcotunneling[seeEq.(11)] APPENDIX A: DIFFUSION PROBABILITIES IN and weak localization [see Eq. (14)] contributions. We used A NORMAL METAL the parameters d = 20nm, ξ = 15nm, l(N) = 50nm, l(S) = e e 3nm, T =10−2, N =6×105. The values of l(N) are, from ch ϕ 1. Diffusion in the electron-electron channel top to bottom: l(N) = 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1µm. The ϕ points are theoretical, and thelines are a guide to theeye. Wefirstdiscussbrieflythenormalmetaldiffusoninthe ladder approximation. In the Born approximation, the elastic scattering time τ in the “11” Green’s function occurswithinanenergywindowthatbecomesverysmall 1,1 given by for tunnel interfaces. A crossed current related to out- of-equilibrium quasiparticle populations (not described 1 here) is expected for eV >∆. gA,R(k,ω)= , (A1) b 1,1 ω−ξ ∓i/τ k 1,1 AsitisvisibleonFig.6,thecharacteristicvoltagescale in the bias voltage dependence of the crossed resistance is defined by k3τ v2/(4πǫ ) = 1, with τ = τ [1 + is the superconducting gap, not the normal state super- F 1,1 F 1,1 0 ω/(2ǫ )], where τ is the elastic scattering time at the conductor Thouless energy obtained in experiments. At F 0 Fermi level, v is the amplitude of the microscopic im- the present stage,we do not find a plausible explanation purity scattering potential, k is the Fermi wave-vector, of this experimental observation. F and ǫ the Fermi energy. F Using contour integration, and the identity dk 1 +∞ 1 F. Magnetic field dependence f(k)= k2dk duf(k,u)eikRu, (2π)3 8π2 Z Z−∞ Z−1 (A2) The experimental crossed signal is suppressed by a with k =±|k| andf(k) a function ofk, we obtaineasily magnetic field parallel to the layers9. The theoretical weak localization crossed signal is also suppressed by a dk magnetic field because the corresponding diagram de- g1,1(k)g1,1(k+q) (A3) (2π)3 N N phasesinanappliedmagneticfield. The cross-overmag- Z neticfieldB∗ forthesuppressionoftheweaklocalization = kF3τ1,1 1− Dτ0 q2+(l(N))−2 , crossedconductancecorrespondstoonesuperconducting 4πǫ 4 ϕ flux quantum φ enclosed in the area of the diagram, F (cid:18) h i(cid:19) 0 compatiblewithexperiments9. However,inexperiments, whereD isthediffusionconstant. TheFouriertransform the crossed resistance is suppressed by a magnetic field PN(q) of the diffusion probability PN(r), given by in the entire voltage range. The present model does not explain the dephasing of the elastic cotunneling contri- dk PN(q)=t2 GA (k,ω)GR (k+q,ω), (A4) bution. 0 (2π/a )3 1,1 1,1 0 Z 8 where the overline is a disorder averaging and t is the metals are quasi-two-dimensional so that q = 0, where 0 ⊥ bulk hopping integral (see Eq. (1)), is obtained by sum- q is the projectionofq on the normalto the interfaces. ⊥ ming the ladder series, leading to 4 1 PN(q)= . (A5) APPENDIX C: BALLISTIC NISIN TRILAYER Dτ0q2+(lϕ(N))−2 WITH ATOMIC THICKNESS In this expression PN(q) has no dimension. Its Fourier transform PN(R) is such that PN(R)dR has no dimen- WeconsiderinthisAppendixaballisticNISINtrilayer with atomic thickness29,30 in which the three electrodes sion, as expected for a probability. are two-dimensional, and find a factor (l(N)/l(N))3, sim- ϕ e ilar to the factor (l(N)/l(N))4 factor discussedpreviously ϕ e APPENDIX B: DOUBLE NS INTERFACE in the diffusive limit. The transport formula given by Eq. (9) is Fourier Weprovidenowexplanationstothefactor(l(N)/l(N))4 transformed, to obtain ϕ e appearing in Eq. (15) for quasi-two-dimensional normal electrodes. Because of the conservation of the compo- e2 d2k G (V )=−8π2 t4 (C1) nent of the wave-vector parallel to the interface at each a,b b h (2π)2 Z tunneling vertex, and because of the form of the dia- Tr ρˆN (k)σˆ GˆA (k,eV )ρˆN σˆ GˆR (k,eV ) , gram, the diagram on Fig. 4 is evaluated at q = 0, a,a 3 α,β b b,b 3 β,α b k where q is the projection of q (see Appendix A) on a n o k plane parallel to the interfaces. By momentum conser- and the Dyson equations for GˆA,R(k) are also Fourier vation, a finite value of qk is transformed in −qk after transformed. The normal metal ballistic Green’s func- traversing the entire diagram, so that qk = −qk = 0. tionisgivenbyga1,,1a(k,ω)=1/[ω−ξ+iη],whereξ isthe The resulting crossed conductance is thus proportional kineticenergywithrespecttotheFermilevel,andwhere to PN(qk =0) 2, where the square is due to the corre- the broadening parameter η is given by η = ~vFlϕ(N). lated diffusion in the two normal electrodes, and where Eq. (C1) is then expanded diagrammatically. A dia- the(cid:2)diffusion pr(cid:3)obability PN(qk) is given by Eq. (A5). gram similar to the one on Fig. 4 leads to a factor This lead to the factor ∼ (l(N)/l(N))4 since the normal η−3 =(~v l(N))3. ϕ e F ϕ * U.P.R. 5001 du CNRS, Laboratoire conventionn´e avec 12 C.J.LambertandR.Raimondi,J.Phys.: Condens.Matter l’Universit´e Joseph Fourier 10, 901 (1998). 1 M.S.Choi,C.Bruder,andD.Loss,Phys.Rev.B62,13569 13 F.J. Jedema et al.,Phys.Rev.B 60, 16549 (1999). (2000); P. Recher, E. V. Sukhorukov, and D. Loss Phys. 14 G. Falci, D. 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