6175 Journal ofPhysiology (1997),501.2,pp.375-386 375 Contribution of selectins to leucocyte sequestration in pulmonary microvessels by intravital microscopy in rabbits W. M. Kuebler, G. E. H. Kuhnle*, J. Groh* and A. E. Goetz* Institutefor Surgical Research and *Institute of Anaesthesiology, Klinikum Grosshadern, University of Munich, 81366 Munich, Germany 1. Sequestration ofleucocytes in the lung is the net result ofleucocyte rolling and sticking in pulmonaryarterioles andvenulesandtheirretention inalveolarcapillaries. 2. In order to investigate whether adhesion molecules of the selectin family contribute to these phenomena the effects of fucoidin (an inhibitor of L- and P-selectin) on micro- haemodynamics and leucocyte kinetics were studied in pulmonary arterioles, capillaries and venulesbymeansofintravitalfluorescence microscopyinarabbitmodel. 3. Fucoidin reduced leucocyte rolling in pulmonary arterioles and venules by 75 and 83%, respectively, without affecting leucocyte sticking. In alveolar capillaries, fucoidin reduced leucocyte retention and accelerated leucocyte passage, thus reducing the alveolar transit timeofleucocytesby62%. 4. It isconcluded that rolling ofleucocytes inpulmonary microvessels ismediatedbyselectins, whereasstickingreliesonselectin-independent mechanisms. 5. Leucocyte retention in alveolar capillaries is not due solely to mechanical hindrance of leucocyte passage through narrow vessel segments, as previously hypothesized, but also depends oninteractionofleucocyteswiththecapillaryendothelium. Under physiological conditions, a large pool of leucocytes Though selectins and integrins have been shown to mediate issequestered inthe pulmonary microcirculation, exceeding intravascular leucocyte accumulation in systemic circulation, the total amount of circulating leucocytes 2- to 4-fold thecontributionoftheseadhesionmoleculestophysiological (Doerschuk, Allard, Martin, Mackenzie, Autor & Hogg, sequestration ofleucocytesinpulmonarycirculationhasnot 1987). Inthesystemiccirculation, intravascularaccumulation been investigated so far. In recent intravital microscopic of leucocytes is due to sticking, i.e. firm adhesion of studies (Kuebler, Kuhnle, Groh & Goetz, 1994; Kuhnle, leucocytes to the vascular endothelium, and rolling, i.e. Kuebler, Groh & Goetz, 1995), it has been demonstrated transient interaction of leucocytes with the endothelium, that rolling and sticking ofleucocytes can be observed also resulting in slow movement along the vessel wall, and is in pulmonary arterioles and venules, thereby contributing predominantly restricted to venular vessel segments. Rolling to leucocyte pooling in the lung. However, thepredominant of leucocytes is mediated by interaction of selectins with site of leucocyte sequestration appears to be the capillary their ligands, namely L-selectin constitutively expressed on bed (Kuebler et at. 1994). Previously, leucocyte retention in the surface of leucocytes (Ley, Gaehtgens, Fennie, Singer, alveolar capillaries has been attributed solely to mechanical Lasky & Rosen, 1991), E-selectin expressed by endothelial hindrance ofneutrophil transit, as a substantial percentage cells upon stimulation (Lawrence & Springer, 1993) and of capillary segments exhibit diameters that are distinctly P-selectin on platelets and endothelial cells. The latter has smaller than mean neutrophil diameter (Doerschuk, Beyers, recently been shown to mediate spontaneous leucocyte Coxson, Wiggs&Hogg, 1993). rollinginpostcapillary venulesofmesentery(Dore, Korthuis, The present study investigates the role of selectins in Granger, Entman & Smith, 1993) and unstimulated skin leucocyte sequestration in the lung. The objective was to (Nolte et al. 1994). In contrast, sticking of leucocytes in determine whetherleucocyte rollingobservedinpulmonary venules ofthe systemic circulation depends on /32-integrins arterioles and venules depends on selectins, as shown for (CDI1/CD18) on leucocytes, and their ligand (intercellular venular segments of the systemic circulation, and whether adhesion molecule 1; ICAM-1), on endothelial cells (Springer, leucocyte retention in capillaries is independent of these 1990). adhesion molecules. Microhaemodynamics and leucocyte TheauthorswishtodedicatethispapertoProfessorKonradMessmerontheoccasionofhis60thbirthday. 376 3W M. Kuebler, G. E. H. Kuhnle, J Groh and A. E. Goetz J Physiol.501.2 kinetics were investigated in pulmonary arterioles, venules to 26/,m, and in capillary networks of subpleural alveolar wall andcapillarynetworkspriortoandfollowingi.v.infusionof areas as previously described (Kuebler et al. 1994; Kuhnle et al. fucoidin, which has previously been reported as being a 1995). Microscopic investigations were performed on the lower marginoftheright middle lunglobe. Onlywellperfusedvesselsof potentinhibitor ofboth L- andP-selectin (Ley, Linnemann, which wall margins depicted clearly in the focus plain and which Meinen, Stoolman&Gaehtgens, 1993). did not show signs of oedema formation, i.e. widening of inter- alveolar septa, prior to baseline assessment, were included for analysis. Analysisofvideorecordingswasperformedbytheframe- METHODS to-frametechnique,usingadigitalimageanalysissystem(Optimas, Animalpreparation Bioscan, Edmonds, USA). Allanimalsreceivedcareinaccordancewiththe'GuidefortheCare For determination ofmicrohaemodynamics and leucocyte kinetics and Use of Laboratory Animals' (NIH publication no. 85-23, in pulmonary arterioles and venules, single vessel segments were revised 1985). Thestudywasapprovedbythelocalanimalcareand analysed. Diameter (D) and length (L) ofeach investigated vessel use comittee. Anaesthesia protocol, surgical preparation and segment were quantified. The passage of at least thirty labelled experimental setup have recently been described in detail (Kuebler erythrocytes was analysed fordetermination ofmean erythrocyte et al. 1994; Kuhnle et al. 1995). In brief, following induction of velocity (VRBC) and erythrocyte flux (NRBC), as described anaesthesia by thiopental sodium (50mg i.v.), seven male New previously (Kuhnle et al. 1995). Blood flow velocity (IVb) was Zealand White rabbits (weighing 2-7-3-1 kg) were tracheotomized calculated by correcting VRBC for the Fahraeus effect: the ratio of and ventilated mechanically (infant ventilator model IV-100, tube haematocrit (HT) and discharge haematocrit (HD) equals the SechristIndustries, Inc., Anaheim, USA)ataninspired02fraction ratio Vb/VRBC and can be calculated as follows (Pries, Neuhaus & (Fi°2)of033.Inspiratoryairwaypressurewassetto8mmHg,and Gaehtgens, 1992): postive end-expiratory pressure at 2 mmHg. Respiratory rate was adjusted tomaintain end-tidal PcO,at 35mmHg. Anaesthesia was HT/HD= HD + (1 - HD)(I + 1P7e 0415D_06e-0011D). (1) maintained by a-chloralose (50 mg(kgbody wt)' i.v.), and for HD was assumed to correspond to systemic haematocrit as analgesia and neuromuscular blockade piritramide (05mg (kg measured in blooddrawn from the aorta. Microvascularbloodflow body wt)-' i.v.) and pancuronium bromide (03 mg (kgbodywt)-' (Qb) and apparent wall shear rate (y) were calculated as described i.v.) were administered. Adequacy of anaesthesia throughout the previously(Kuebler et al.1994; Kuhnleet al.1995). experiments was ensured by continuous monitoring of heart rate and arterial blood pressure. For continuous monitoring of macro- The velocity ofeach ofat least thirty leucocytes (VWBC) passinga haemodynamic pressuresandheartrate, catheters wereintroduced predefined vessel cross-section was assessed as the distance cells intotheaorta(formeasurementofarterialpressureandheartrate) travelled in axial direction ofthe vessel per time. Mean leucocyte and inferior vena cava (for measurement of central venous velocity (VWBC) was calculated as the harmonic mean of the pressure) via femoral artery and vein, respectively. Following left velocities of all passing leucocytes. Leucocyte flux (NWBC) was thoracotomy, catheters wereintroduced viathe leftauricleinto the determinedasthenumberofcellspassingapredefinedvesselcross- left atrium (to measure left atrial pressure) and via the right section per time. Rolling leucocytes, i.e. passing leucocytes ventricleintothepulmonaryartery(tomeasurepulmonaryarterial temporarily interacting with the vascular endothelium and thus pressure). Cardiac output was measured continuously by means travelling distinctly slower than erythrocytes, were identified by of an electromagnetic flow probe (Hellige, Freiburg, Germany) means of a velocity criterion as white blood cells passing with a implanted around the pulmonary artery. Following partial velocity belowacritical velocity Vjrit. 'Kritwascalculatedfrom Vb, resection ofthe right fourth and fifth ribs, a transparent window assumingaparabolic velocity profilein themicrovessel(Gaehtgens, was implanted into the right thoracic wall, providing visual access Ley, Pries&Mueller, 1985): tothesurfaceoftherightlung(Kuebleret al.1994). Vcrit Fbe(2 c), (2) = Celllabellingandintravitalfluorescencemicroscopy where e is the ratio of leucocyte diameter (assumed to be 7/m; Autologous erythrocytes were labelled in vitro by fluorescein Schmid-Schonbein, Shih & Chien, 1985) to vessel diameter. The isothiocyanate (FITC) and reinjected, and leucocytes were stained flux of rolling leucocytes (NR) was expressed as a percentage of in vivo by bolus injection of rhodamine 6G (0-06/smol(kg body NWBC. Stickingleucocytes were defined ascells not moving during wt)-'; Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). A Ploemopak illuminator one entire observation period of 5s, and expressed as density of (Leica, Wetzlar, Germany) fitted with an L3 filter block for FITC cells adhering to the inner vascular wall surface (NST). The and an N2 filterblock forrhodamine 6G(Leitz, Munich, Germany) discharge concentration of leucocytes in a microvessel ([WBC]D), enabledsequential visualization ofFITC-labelled erythrocytesand representing the concentration of leucocytes in blood exiting the rhodamine 6G-stained leucocytes in pulmonary microvessels by vesselsegment, wascalculatedas: means of intravital videofluorescence microscopy. Kinetics of red [WBC]D NWBC/Qb- (3) andwhitebloodcellsinsubpleural pulmonaryarterioles, capillaries = and venules were monitored by a silicon-intensified video camera The tube concentration of leucocytes ([WBC]T) representing the (C2400-08, Hamamatsu, Herrsching, Germany) and recorded on concentrationofleucocyteswithinthevessel, wasestimatedas: vIindoerodtearpeto(veixdceloudreecroersdpeirrAatGo-r7y3m5o0v,ePmaennatsso,nivci,dMeounrieccho,rdGienrgmsawneyr)e. [WBC]T=[WBC]D(Vb/VWBC)+ NST/(L7T(D/2)2). (4) performedduringinspiratoryplateauperiodsprolongedto5seach. For determination of microhaemodynamics and leucocyte kinetics in alveolar capillaries, the subpleural wall ofa single alveolus was Quantificationofmicrohaemodynamics andleucocyte investigated. The alveolar wall area (AA) was measured kinetics planimetrically and the passage of at least thirty labelled Microhaemodynamics and leucocyte kinetics were quantified in erythrocytes and thirty leucocytes through the alveolar capillary pulmonary arterioles and venules with diameters ranging from 19 J Physiol.501.2 Leucocyte kinetics in lung following fucoidin 377 Table 1. Effectoffucoidinonmacrohaemodynamics, bloodgasesandbloodcellcount Parameter Baseline Fucoidin AP(mmHg) 82-3 + 53 77-3 +4.7 CVP(mmHg) 4-9 + 09 5-4+ 0'9 PAP(mmHg) 15-6 +1P0 15-6 + 1-5 LAP(mmHg) 3-3 + 05 3-7 + 07 HR(beatsmin-') 243 + 10 225+ 7 CO(ml min-') 201 + 26 193 + 33 Pa,O2(mmHg) 149 + 4 151 + 5 Pa,co2 (mmHg) 33-8+ 2-2 35-4+ 2-5 pH 7.35 + 004 7-32 + 0 03 Hct(%) 33 0 + 1-2 31-7 + 1 0 RBC(106jul-) 5-01 + 0-24 4-82+ 0-21 WBC(103 uVl-') 7 98+ 1 84 2.31 + 0.56* PLT(1031 l) 250+ 51 23 +3* Definition ofabbreviations: AP, arterial pressure; CVP, centralvenouspressure; PAP, pulmonaryarterial pressure; LAP, left atrial pressure; HR, heart rate; CO, cardiac output; PaO2, arterial 02 tension; Pa,CO2,arterial CO2 tension; Hct, haematocrit; RBC, red blood cell count; WBC, white blood cell count; PLT, plateletcount.Valuesaremeans+S.E.M., n=7animals.* P<0 05 versusbaseline. network was analysed. The total length (LA) of all perfused capillary diameter (Dc) of 5 781um (Guntheroth, Luchtel & capillarysegments wasassessedbysuperimposing thepathwaysof Kawabori, 1982), the tube concentration of leucocytes in the all erythrocytes passing through the capillary network. The vascular segments of the capillary network ([WBC]A) can be capillary perfusion index (CPI) representing the density of estimatedas(Kuhnle et al.1995): erythrocyte-perfused capillariesinthealveolar wall wascalculated accordingtoWagner&Latham(1975): [WBC]T=(NWBCTTWBC+ NST)/(LA7r(Dc/2)2). (6) Experimental protocol CPI=LA/AA x 104. (5) Under baseline conditions, in each arteriole, venule or capillary Alveolar erythrocyte flux (NRBC) and leucocyte flux (NWBC) were network erythrocyte kinetics were video-recorded during three determined as the number of cells passing a predefined cross- inspiratory plateau periods using the filter block for FITC- sectionperpendiculartothemajorflowdirectioninthenetworkper fluorescence, and leucocyte kinetics during six inspiratory plateau time. The velocity of each erythrocyte (VARBc) and leucocyte periods using the filter block for rhodamine 6G. Following (V WBc) passing the alveolar area was measured by tracing the completionofvideorecordings, arterialbloodsampleswereobtained entire passage through the capillary network and dividing the for blood gas analysis (ABL 300, Radiometer, Copenhagen, distance travelled by thetime required. Mean erythrocyte velocity Denmark)andperipheralbloodcellcount(T540, CoulterElectronics (RVBc)and mean leucocyte velocity (VWBC)were calculated asthe Inc., Krefeld, Germany). After a stabilization interval of 15min, harmonic mean ofsingle-cell velocities. As leucocytes were traced 20mg(kgbodywt)-' of the sulphated fucose polymer fucoidin from entering until leaving the capillary network of the alveolus, (Sigma) wasadministered iv.viathecentral venouscatheter. Five the time required for passage represents the alveolar capillary minutes prior to application of fucoidin, a 03 mg(kgbody wt)-' transit time of leucocytes (TTWBc). Travelling the capillary bolus of monovalent dextran (mol. wt 1000; Promit®, Schiwa, networksleucocytesfrequentlystopfordistinct timeperiodsbefore Glandorf, Germany)wasinfused i.v.ashapteninordertominimize moving again in order to continue their passage (Kuebler et al. anaphylactoidreactionsduetoinfusionofpolysaccharides(Hedin& 1994). Leucocytes stopping for 0 1 s or more, but moving again Richter, 1982). Followingiv.injectionoffucoidin, videorecordings within the observation interval of5s, were defined as temporarily of the identical pulmonary microvessels were repeated, again retained leucocytes (NTs) and expressed as a percentage ofNW followed by arterial blood drainage for blood gas analysis and Timeelapsed duringeach ofthese stops (tTS) wasdetermined, and peripheral blood cell count. At the end ofthe experiment, animals subtracted from thealveolarcapillary transittimeoftherespective werekilledbyi.v.injectionofsaturatedpotassiumchloride. leucocyte, thusenablingcalculation oftheflow velocity (VABCflow) ofeach individual leucocyte and the mean leucocyte flow velocity Statistics (VWBcflow). In contrast to VwBc representing the average velocity All data are given as means + S.E.M. Data were analysed ofasingleleucocyte during itsentirepassage through thecapillary statistically with the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test for network including temporary stops, the retention of leucocytes in related samples. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied for distinct capillary sites is omitted for calculation of VABCflow' thus testing frequency distributions for normal or lognormal representing the velocity of the moving leucocytes. Leucocytes distribution, as well as for detection of differences between two sticking within the alveolar wall area (NAT), defined as cells not distributions. Skewness was calculated according to Pearson. movingduringoneentireobservation periodof5s, werequantified StatisticalsignificancewasassumedatP<005. as the number of cells per alveolar wall area. Assuming a mean ,378 W JI. Kuebler, G. E. H. Kthtlel, J Groh and( A. E. Goetz J. Physiol.501.2 Table 2. Effect offucoidinon microhaemodynamics andleucocyte kineticsin pulmonary arteriolesandvenules Ar-terioles V'enules PIarameter lBaselinie Fucoidin llaseline Fucoidin D(,um) 226 + 08 21 7 + 0 7 239 + 0 7 22 6 + 1l1 IRRC (II1 S') 756 + 76 859 + 69 1062 + 156 100l7 + 92 A,RB(IlOS) 1 02 + 0 17 1.15 +01.9 112 + 0831 1l15+ 0 08 Qb(n, min'i) 12-6 + 2 0 13 0 + 20 20 3 + 3 7 17 2 + 30 y(s') 178 + 18 213+ 18 242 + 32 238+ 15 IWBCi/( s) 354 + 49 666 + 92 89 + 12 405 + 147* A'NN'B( (s-1) 1171l + 0 26 080 + 0.20* 156 + 040 1 47 + 080 NR (%) 1t3 0 +46 3:3 + 1.9* 758 + 40 12 9 + 3 5* A1ST(mm1l) 181 + 62 221 + 93 527 + 74 475 + 135 [WINN13CL (10 1V) 10)1 + 2 7 44 + 1.4* 5 2 + 1 2 5.1 + 25 |NA[B(j]T(1(9 l') 481 + 157 449 + 161 126 + 14 102 + 29 Definitioni ofabbreviations: D, iInItenI vessel diamneter; I7 miieanertthrocNte velocitv; VRBC, ervtthrocyte flux; Qb,nmicrovascular blood flow; y, app)arent wall slhear rate; V\xBc' mean leucocyte v-elocity; NWI3(.,leueoevte flux; NR,percentage ofrolling leucocytes; NIT, nuinber of sticking leucocytes per vessel xv-all suIface; [\VBC]D, leucocvte discharge concentIration; [\BN'BC]T leucocyte tube concentration. Valuesare means +S.E.M., a = 7vessels,withinsevenrliffer-entanimals. *P< 005) rersus baseline. Arterioles Venules 100- 100 - 80- 80 - 60- 60- *2 40- *2 40- 20 - 20 - 0- TF 0 - Baseline Fucoidin Baseline Fucoidin 750- 750 500- 2 500 E E E E T 2: 250- 0 250 0 0 - Baseline Fucoidin Baseline Fucoidin Figure 1. Effect of fucoidin on leucocyte endothelium interaction in pulmonary arterioles and venules Percentag,e of rolling leucocytes (.VR) and nutml)er of sticklingt leuco(tes per vessel wall surflace (Ni;T) in ptulmhonal arterioles (left) ancl venules (right) under baseline conditions (open bares) and following i.v. infusion offucoicdin (filled bar-s). Means ± S.E.M., n = 7 vessels witlhin sex-en clifferenrt animl1als. * P< 005 versits b)aseline. J Phy-siol.501.2 Leucocyte kinetics in lung following fucoidin 379 RESULTS ([WBC]T)decreased slightlywithoutreachingsignificance in arteriolesorvenules. Macrohaemodynamics, bloodgases andblood cell count Frequency distributions ofsingle leucocyte velocities relative Macrohaemodynamic parameters and arterial blood gases to mean erythrocyte velocity (VWBC/VRBC)wereestablished did not change following i.v. infusion of 20 mg (kg body for pulmonary arterioles (Fig. 2) and venules (Fig. 3) under wt)-' fucoidin (Table 1). However, fucoidin induced a baseline conditions and following iV. infusion of fucoidin. significant decrease in white blood cell count (WBC) and Despite the increase of VWBC, the frequency distribution platelet count (PLT) in peripheral arterial blood, whereas of VWBC/VRBC did not change in pulmonary arterioles red blood cell count (RBC) and haematocrit (Hct) remained following i.v. infusion of fucoidin. However, it changed unchanged(Table 1). significantly (P < 0 001) in pulmonary venules: whereas under baseline conditions, VWBC/VRBC revealed alognormal Microhaemodynamics andleucocyte kinetics in distributionapproximatelydescribedbytheequation: pulmonaryarterioles and venules Microhaemodynamics and leucocyte kinetics were quantified y=e(-5-4X+4-7) in seven pulmonary arterioles and seven venules, one per following fucoidin both mode and median of the animal each, 22-6 + 0-8 and 23-9 + 0 7 ,um in diameter, distribution revealed a 6- to 7-fold increase, while skewness respectively, each prior to and following i.v. infusion of decreased by 75%. These changes resulted in a right shift 20 mg (kg body wt)-' fucoidin. Fucoidin did not change of VWBC/VRBC, creating a non-lognormal frequency vascular diameters or microhaemodynamics in pulmonary distribution of single leucocyte velocities relative to mean arterioles or venules (Table 2). However, fucoidin elicited erythrocyte velocity. As a result from this shift in venules significant effects on leucocyte kinetics (Table 2 and Fig. 1). the frequency distributions of VWBC/VRBC, which differed Following i.v. infusion offucoidin, mean leucocyte velocity significantly between arterioles and venules under baseline increased significantly both in pulmonary arterioles and conditions (P < 0'001), were similar in both vessel venules. Leucocyte flux and concomitantly the discharge compartmentsafterfucoidin. concentration of leucocytes ([WBC]D) decreased significantly in arterioles; however, both parameters did not change in Microhaemodynamics andleucocytekineticsin pulmonary venules. Leucocyte rolling was observed under alveolar capillaries baseline conditions in pulmonary venules and to a smaller Insevenalveoli, oneperanimaleach, withwallareasranging extent in pulmonary arterioles. Intravenous infusion of from4-1 x 103to 19-7 x 103/Zm2, capillarylength, capillary fucoidin reduced leucocyte rolling in arterioles by 75% and perfusionindex, microhaemodynamics and leucocyte kinetics in venules by 83%, whereas it did not affect leucocyte were quantified under baseline conditions and following i.v. sticking (Fig. 1). Finally, the tubeconcentration ofleucocytes infusion of fucoidin (Table 3). Total length of perfused A 30- 25- 1O1 C0 15- T01- Figure2. Effectoffucoidinonleucocyte kineticsinpulmonaryarterioles U 5- Frequencydistributionofleucocytevelocityrelative tomeanerythrocytevelocity (VWBC/VRBC)in o .J...L... . - L - pulmonaryarteriolesunderbaselineconditions(A) andfollowingiv.infusionoffucoidin(B). VRBCis B depictedastheinterruptedlinex= 1 ineachpanel. 3110 A, baseline, n= 241 cells, mode=07, median=0-79,skewness=0 28.B,fucoidin, 25- n=234cells, mode=0-8,median =0-81, skewness=0-48.Sevenvesselswithinseven 0 0 differentanimals. 0) 5 U- IL o F-).I 0 1 2 3 VWBC/VRBC 380 M. Kuebler, G. E. H. Kuhnle, J Groh and A. E. Goetz Physiol.501.2 W. J Table 3. Effectoffucoidin onmicrohaemodynamics andleucocytekineticsinalveolarcapillaries Alveolarcapillaries Parameter Baseline Fucoidin AA(103,Um2) 95 +1P8 9-3 + 1-4 LA(flm) 641 + 73 781 + 98* CPI(um) 781 + 122 884+ 95* VRBC(,ms) 501 +47 591 + 62* NRBC(10 S) 032 +005 037 +005 VWBCA(ums) 116 + 23 224+ 34* VWBCflow(um s') 196 + 30 296 + 25* NWBC(S) 065 + 0-17 050 + 0-12 TTWBC(S) 1-01 +0 37 0.38 + 007* NTs(%) 37-6 + 81 279 +7.2* tTS(S) 055 + 0 22 022 + 003* NST(mm2) 305 + 83 289 + 75 [WBC] (I109 11) 242 + 69 141 + 35* Definition of abbreviations: AA) alveolar wall area; LA, total length of perfused capillary segments; CPI,capillary perfusion index; RBC, mean erythrocyte velocity; NRBC, erythrocyte flux; VWBC, mean leucocytevelocity; VWBCflow) meanleucocyteflowvelocity; NWBC, leucocyteflux; TTWBC, alveolartransit time ofleucocytes; NTs, percentage oftemporarily stopping leucocytes; tTS, time oftemporary leucocyte stops; NAT, number of sticking leucocytes normalized to alveolar wall area; [WBC]A, leucocyte tube concentration. Values are means +S.E.M., n=7 capillary networks within seven different animals. *P<005 versus baseline. capillaries as well as capillary perfusion index and mean Leucocyte kinetics in alveolar capillaries differ from those erythrocyte velocity increased significantly by 21 8, 13-2 observed in pulmonary arterioles and venules. Leucocytes and 18-0%, respectively, after i.v. infusion of fucoidin. enter the capillary network with a relatively high velocity, However, both erythrocyte and leucocyte flux in alveolar but a certain percentage ofcells stop at distinct sites ofthe wallareasremainedconstant. capillarybedforavariable timeperiod beforemovingagain A 75 - 50- >1 cJ CaD) Figure3. Effectoffucoidinonleucocyte a) 25- kineticsinpulmonaryvenules Frequencydistributionofleucocytevelocity .-. relativetomeanerythrocytevelocity (VWBC/VRBC) inpulmonaryvenulesunderbaselineconditions(A) andfollowing infusionoffucoidin(B). VRBC i.v. is B depictedastheinterruptedline x= 1 ineach 75, panel. A,baseline, n= 237cells, mode=0 1, median 0-12, skewness 1-33.B,fucoidin, = = n= 229cells,mode =07, median=0-78, ~t50 skewness-= 033.Sevenvesselswithinseven differentanimals. 0~ IL VWBC/VRBC J Physiol.501.2 Leucocyte kinetics in lungfollowingfucoidin 381 A 30- 25 Figure4. Effectoffucoidinonleucocyte 00c 15 kineticsinalveolarcapillaries: leucocyte X 10 velocity 5 Frequencydistributionofaveragevelocityofsingle leucocytesrelativetomeanerythrocytevelocity (VBC/VRBC)inalveolarcapillarynetworksunder baselineconditions(A)andfollowingiv.infusionof fucoidin(B). VABCisdepictedastheinterruptedline B 30 x= 1 ineachpanel.A,baseline, n= 219cells, mode=01,median = 042,skewness=063. 25 B,fucoidin, n=226cells, mode=0'5, _ 20 median =052,skewness=011.Sevencapillary networkswithinsevendifferentanimals. 0a, 15 2 10 U- 5'- 2 3 VWBC/VRBC and continuing their passage through the pulmonary velocityinalveolarcapillaries, andontheotherhanddueto microvasculature. Intravenous infusion offucoidin changed ararification oftemporary leucocyte retention (reduction of leucocytebehaviourpresentunderbaselineconditions. Asin NTs) and shortening of retention time (decrease of tTs). arterioles and venules, fucoidin increased mean leucocyte Despite this marked decrease of temporary leucocyte velocityinalveolarcapillariessignificantlyandthusreduced retention within alveolar capillaries, sticking of leucocytes alveolar capillary transit time of leucocytes by 62%. This in the alveolar wall area did not change during i.v.infusion effect was on one hand due to an increase ofleucocyte flow of fucoidin. However, reduction of temporary leucocyte A 50 40* Figure5. Effectoffucoidinonleucocyte 0)%330. kineticsinalveolarcapillaries: leucocyteflow v 20 velocity 0 LL Frequencydistribution offlowvelocityofsingle 10* leucocytesrelativetomeanerythrocytevelocity (V WBCflow/VRBC)inalveolarcapillarynetworks underbaselineconditions(A)andfollowing iv. infusionoffucoidin(B). VAj1 isdepictedasthe B interruptedline x= 1 ineachpanel. A, baseline, 5 n=219cells, mode=03, median=0-58, skewness=0'26.B,fucoidin, n= 226cells, 4 mode 05,median 0-58,skewness 0-25. = = = Sevencapillarynetworkswithinsevendifferent >,310 1 animals. 0CaD) cr 2 a) U- 10 3 VAWBC,fIow/V-ARBC 382 3W M. Kuebler, E. H. Kuhnle, J Groh and A. E. Goetz J Physiol.B501.2 . retention by fucoidin significantly diminished the tube neutrophils in the applied model (Kuebler et al. 1994). The concentration ofleucocytes in the vascular segments ofthe stability of the preparation throughout the observation capillarynetwork([WBC]A). interval hasalsobeen demonstratedpreviously by meansof intravitalmicroscopy(Kuhnle et al.1995). As in pulmonary arterioles and venules, frequency distributions of single leucocyte velocities relative to mean For inhibition of both P- and L-selectin, 20 mg (kg body erythrocyte velocity were created for alveolar capillaries wt)-' of the sulphated fucose polymer fucoidin was both for the average velocity of a single leucocyte (VABC) administeredintravenously. AccordingtoHanda, Nudelman, including temporary stops (Fig. 4)andfortheflow velocityof Stroud, Shiosawa&Hadomori(1991), sulphatedglyeanslike each individual leucocyte (VWBC,flow) excluding temporary fucoidinmayinteractwithEGF-likedomainsorcomplement- stops (Fig. 5). Under baseline conditions, VABC/VABG regulatory sequence repeats of selectins, thereby inducing exhibited acontinuous left-shifted distribution, asindicated conformational changes of the lectin domain and thus by dissociation ofmode and median and positive skewness. inhibiting the binding of this domain to its ligand. In Intravenous infusion of fucoidin changed this distribution contrast, Ley et al. (1993) proposed that fucoidin might significantly (P < 0 05) and shifted the median and in inhibit leucocyte rolling through a non-specific increase in particular the mode of the distribution to the right, thus charge density on the leucocyte surface. The reduction of abolishing the dissociation of mode and median and leucocyte rolling by sulphated polysaccharides is dependent creating a normal distribution of VABC/VRBC. Left shift on the number of sulphate groups per monosaccharide of frequency distribution by dissociation of mode and (Tangelder &Arfors, 1991), andfucoidin wasshown tobe a median was less expressed under baseline conditions for potent inhibitorofleucocyte rolling in vivo (Granert, Raud, VWBC,flow/! RBC than for VWBC/VRBC. Fucoidin also Xie, Lindquist & Lindbom, 1994) by blocking L- and P- changed the frequency distribution of VA-BCflowV!RBC selectin in a dose-dependent manner (Ley et al. 1993). significantly (P < 0 05) towards a normal distribution and However, in a recent study, Kubes, Jutila & Payne (1995) resolvedtheintervalbetweenmodeandmedian. also proposed the existence of a fucoidin-sensitive, L- and P-selectin-independent leucocyte rolling. The authors observed a > 90% inhibition of leucocyte rolling in post- DISCUSSION ischaemic mesenteric venules of cats by 25 mg(kg body A large pool of physiologically sequestered leucocytes wt)-f fucoidin, whereas a combination ofan anti-L- and an resides within the microvasculature ofthe lung (Doerschuk anti-P-selectin antibody only reduced leucocyte rolling by et al. 1987). In recentstudies it was possible to demonstrate 60%. The possible existence ofselectin-unspecific effects of that rolling and sticking of leucocytes in pulmonary fucoidin has therefore to be kept in mind when inhibition arterioles and venules as well as temporary cell retention ofleucocyterollingbyfucoidinisinterpreted. in alveolar capillaries contribute to leucocyte sequestration Microhaemodynamics andleucocyte kineticsin in the pulmonary microcirculation (Kuebler et al. 1994; pulmonary arterioles andvenules Kuhnle et al. 1995). The present study was designed to investigate whether these phenomena rely on selectin- Microhaemodynamic data reported in this study under dependent interactions of leucocytes with the vascular baseline conditions compare well with previously reported endothelium. Asleucocyte sequestrationinthelungisrather values (Kuebler et al. 1994; Kuhnle et al. 1995). Throughout a dynamic process than a static phenomenon, intravital the experiments, microhaemodynamics did not change. microscopy in particular lends itselfto the study of micro- Rolling and sticking of leucocytes were observed in both haemodynamics and leucocyte kinetics in the pulmonary pulmonary arterioles and venules and thus contribute to microvasculature. leucocytesequestration inthelungunderbaselineconditions. Leucocyte rolling was more pronounced in pulmonary Experiments were performed using a recently described venulesdespitehighershearratesinthesevesselsegments. model (Kuebler et al. 1994) for assessment of microhaemo- dynamics and leucocyte kinetics in pulmonary microvessels Intravenous infusion offucoidin inhibited leucocyte rolling using fluorescently labelled erythrocytes and leucocytes. In in arterioles and venules by approximately 80%, without vivo labelling of leucocytes by rhodamine 6G excludes cell affecting leucocyte sticking. These data suggest that activation by separation procedures and stains all circulating rolling ofleucocytes in pulmonary arterioles and venules is leucocytesforat least 90 min(Kuhnle et al. 1995). However, predominantly mediated by L- and/or P-selectin, whereas as thedye labelsallleucocytes, this method does notpermit stickingreliesonadhesionmoleculesotherthanselectins. differentiation betweenleucocytesubcategories(lymphocytes, As leucocyte rolling is a relatively scarce phenomenon in neutrophils, basophils or monocytes) and caution must be pulmonary arterioles, blocking ofselectins by fucoidin does taken not to treat leucocytes as a single homogenous notinfluenceleucocyte kineticsin thesevesselsdecisivelyas population. indicated byconstantfrequencydistributionsof VWBC/VRBC Surgical procedures as well asanaesthetic regimen and intra- (Fig. 2). In contrast, rolling is the predominant behaviour vital microscopy have previously been shown by a myelo- of leucocytes passing through pulmonary venules. In peroxidase assay not to induce pulmonary accumulation of consequence, inhibition of leucocyte rolling significantly J Physiol.501.2 Leucocyte kinetics in lung following fucoidin 383 changes leucocyte kinetics in these segments. Whereas prominent feature in pulmonary microvessels. As the VWBC/VRBC exhibited a lognormal distribution under authors were unable to block this phenomenon by anti- baseline conditions resulting from multiplicative interaction P-selectin antibody, they concluded that rolling leucocytes ofrandom variables, blocking ofL- and P-selectin changed in the pulmonary microvasculature adhere via L-selectin. VWBC/VRBC to an almost normal distribution, indicating However, studies by Nolte et al. (1994) showed that qualitative elimination of one of these variables (Fig.3) spontaneous leucocyte rolling in unstimulated ear skin of and thus identifying selectin-mediated rolling as a major hairless mice is exclusively mediated by P- and not by determinantofleucocytekineticsinpulmonaryvenules. L-selectin. Furthermore, von Willebrand factor (vWf) is found predominantly in pulmonaryvenules, butisscarce in Fucoidin abolished the difference in frequency distributions arterioles (Simionescu, 1991). As P-selectin is stored of VWBC/VRBC seen between pulmonary arterioles and togetherwithvWfin theendothelialWeibel-Pallade bodies venules under baseline conditions. This finding indicates and is expressed during vWf release (Hattori, Hamilton, that retardation of leucocyte transit in pulmonary venules Fugate, McEver & Sims, 1989), it may be predominantly compared with arterioles is due to a higher fraction of present on pulmonary venular compared with arteriolar rollingcellsin venulesand thustopreferentialexpressionof endothelium, afinding thatfits thedistributionofleucocyte selectinsand/orselectin ligandsonthevenularendothelium, rolling in the different segments of the pulmonary but not to rheological properties. Despite inhibition of microcirculation. Finally, it has to be taken into account leucocyte rolling, mean leucocyte velocity did not reach that fucoidin might also block leucocyte rolling by L- and mean erythrocyte velocity in arteriolesor venules. This can P-selectin-independent pathways, as proposed by Kubes et be attributed to low flow rates in the pulmonary micro- al.(1995). Inconclusion, thequestionwhetherL- orP-selectin vasculature displacing leucocytes to the marginal layers of mediates leucocyte rolling in pulmonary arterioles and the vessel cross-section, as a result of shear-dependent red venules or the identity of a possible additional fucoidin- cellaggregation. sensitive pathway remains unclear, and should be the Despite blocking ofL- and P-selectin by fucoidin, rolling of subjectoffuturestudies. leucocytes was not completely abolished in pulmonary Microhaemodynamics andleucocytekineticsin arterioles or venules. This finding is in accordance with alveolar capillaries previous data from Ley et al. (1993) and Gaboury & Kubes In alveolar capillaries, leucocytes travel with a velocity of (1994), whoreporteda90%reductionofleucocyte rollingin approximately 40% of mean red cell velocity. At distinct mesenteric venules by fucoidin. Gaboury & Kubes (1994) sites of the capillary bed, leucocytes stop abruptly for demonstrated that the remaining rolling cells could be variable periods before moving again in order to continue further reduced by 50% by additional administration ofan their passage through the capillary network. Doerschuk et anti-CD18 antibody, but increased 4-fold when shear rates al.(1993)attributed this retention ofleucocytes to the large were reduced by 50%. CD18-dependent rolling ofleucocytes fraction of alveolar capillary segments that were narrower may well account for fucoidin-insensitive leucocyte rolling than spherical neutrophils and to differences between the in pulmonary arterioles and venules, in particular as shear time required for deformation of neutrophils and that rates in the low-pressure system of the pulmonary required for deformation oferythrocytes. Gebb et al.(1995) circulationaresmall. observed that leucocytes have to deform into elongated An important point of discussion is whether leucocyte shapes in order to pass through the pulmonary capillary rolling observed in pulmonary arterioles and venules is a bed, and Wiggs, English, Quinlan, Doyle, Hogg & physiological phenomenon or results from surgical Doerschuk (1994) suggested that neutrophils can undergo a preparation required for microcirculatory studies (Fiebig, rapid deformation from 6-4 to 5*0-5*1 ,um, whereas larger Ley & Arfors, 1991). Spontaneous leucocyte rolling in deformationsrequirelongertimeperiods. unstimulated tissue is absent in the intact bat wing In contrast to this mechanical concept, the results of this (Mayrovitz, Tuma&Wiedmann, 1980), butcanbeobserved study suggest that, in addition to pure cell size-dependent in skin venules of mice (Nolte et al. 1994) without prior hindrance of leucocyte transit as the underlying cause for stimulation or surgical trauma. Measurement of myelo- leucocyte sequestration inalveolar capillaries, interaction of peroxidase activity did not reveal pulmonary accumulation leucocytes with the capillary endothelium may contribute of neutrophils due to surgical trauma in the applied model to this phenomenon. Intravenous infusion of fucoidin (Kuebler et al. 1994). Moreover, leucocyte accumulation in significantly reduced frequency and duration of temporary pulmonary microvessels as calculated from our data (Kuhnle leucocyte retention in alveolar capillaries, and furthermore et al. 1995) compares well with values obtained by histo- increased flow velocity of moving leucocytes. As a result, morphological studies, where surgical stimulation can be capillarytransitofleucocytesaccelerateddrastically. excluded(Hogg, McLean, Martin&Wiggs, 1988). Fucoidin significantly changed the frequency distributions In a recent intravital microscopic study on dogs, Gebb et al. ofbothaveragevelocity (VABC)andflowvelocity (VABCflow) (1995) were able to confirm the previous finding (Kuebler et of single leucocytes relative to mean erythrocyte velocity al. 1994; Kuhnle et al. 1995) that leucocyte rolling is a 384 4W M. Kuebler, G. E. H. Kuhnle, J Groh and A. E. Goetz J Phy8iol.501.2 (VRBC). These findings confirm the retarding effect of haemodynamic parameters in alveolar capillary networks. fucoidin-sensitive leucocyte-endothelial interaction on Following fucoidin, the total length of perfused capillaries leucocyte retention and leucocyteflow in alveolarcapillaries andthuscapillaryperfusionindexincreasedaswellasmean independent of microhaemodynamic factors. Blocking of erythrocyte velocity in alveolar capillaries. This can be both L- and P-selectin by fucoidin changed VAVBc/VBC attributed to the close connection between CPI, VRB and and V VBCflowV!RBC to simple normal distributions leucocyteretentioninalveolarcapillarynetworks(Kuebler et typical ofrheological patterns offree-flowing particles not al. 1994; Kuhnle et al. 1995). Fucoidin mobilizes leucocytes interactingwiththevascularwall. fromalveolarcapillarynetworks, andthusreopenscapillary segments previously obstructed by retained leucocytes and The results of this study indicate for the first time that therefore increases CPI. In addition, fucoidin accelerates leucocyte retention in alveolar capillaries does not solely leucocyte transitthroughalveolarcapillaries, thuspreventing result from mechanical hindrance of leucocyte transit erythrocytes from accumulating as red cell trains behind a through narrow capillary segments, but is in addition slowly moving leucocyte within a small vessel tube, and prolonged by fucoidin-sensitive interaction of leucocytes therefore alsoincreases V.cR Asaresultofincreasing CPI with the capillary endothelium. By means of immunogold and Vj0 total capillary blood flow rises and thus blood labellingforL-selectin, Burns &Doerschuk (1994)were able flow in the feeding arteriolar vessels must augment. In the to demonstrate that elongated neutrophils within small experiments of this study, VRBc exhibited a tendency to alveolar capillaries show small clusters of L-selectin at increaseinpulmonaryarteriolesfollowingfucoidin, without discrete sites along the flattened neutrophil surface, which reaching significance. However, blood flow in the draining may promote selectin-mediated interaction of retained pulmonary venules remained constant, as under zone 2 leucocytes with the capillary endothelium. In addition to conditions investigated in our model, it is independent of the amplifying effect on leucocyte retention, fucoidin- capillary blood flow due to the pulmonary vascular sensitive leucocyte-endothelium interaction also retards waterfall (Permutt & Riley, 1963; Kuebler et al. 1994) flow of moving leucocytes in alveolar capillary networks dissociating hydraulic gradients for flow. These findings and thus contributes quantitatively and qualitatively to demonstrate that capillary recruitment and derecruitment leucocyte accumulation in alveolar capillaries. Again the in the lung are not only functions of blood flow and results ofthisstudy donotallow discrimination between L- ventilation/perfusion pressures, but are also governed by and P-selectin-mediated leucocyte-endothelial interaction, leucocyte retention and mobilization in alveolar capillaries. and as no specific antibodies were used, selectin-unspecific Though the latter phenomenon does not alter pulmonary effectsoffucoidin mustalsobeconsidered (Kubes et al. 1995). vascular resistance due to the density of the alveolar However, sequestration of leucocytes is also attributable to capillary network, it may affect gas exchange capacity mechanical events, as fucoidin did not completely prevent without affecting gas exchange under physiological leucocyte retention in alveolar capillaries. It may be conditions. speculated that initial tethering of leucocytes is due to cell size-dependent hindrance, whereas selectin-mediated Though i.v. infusion of fucoidin induced mobilization of interaction with the endothelium prolongs leucocyte leucocytes from all compartments of the pulmonary retention, as this could account for the observed shortening microvasculature, peripheral leucocyte count dropped by and rarification of temporary leucocyte retention following approximately 70%. Thisadverse effect might be due to an fucoidin. anaphylactoid reaction to the sulphated polysaccharide fucoidin. Dextrans used clinically for replacement of blood In contrast to temporary leucocyte retention, sticking of loss are known to induce both anaphylactoid and leucocytes in alveolar capillary networks, defined as firm anaphylactic reactions (Hedin & Richter, 1982). The latter adhesion ofcellsfor an entire observation period of5s, was are immune-complex-mediated reactionscausedbynaturally not affected by fucoidin. It may therefore be concluded that occurring dextran-reactive antibodies predominantly ofthe sticking of leucocytes, as observed in our model, differs IgG class and can be effectively prevented by hapten qualitatively from temporary leucocyte retention, and relies prophylaxis (Ljungstroem, Renck, Hedin, Richter & on mechanisms independent ofselectins, similar to leucocyte Wilholm, 1988). In contrast, anaphylactoid reactions are sticking in pulmonary arterioles and venules. In a recent mild non-immunogenic reactions and may thus be observed study using '251-labelled anti-ICAM-1 monoclonal antibody despitepreventiveadministrationofmonovalentdextran. in rats, Panes et al. (1995) were able to demonstrate that constitutive expression of ICAM-1 in lung tissue exceeds Apotential anaphylactoid reaction tofucoidin mightreduce values from other organs at least 30-fold. It may therefore leucocyte counts in rabbits significantly, though macro- be speculated that sticking of leucocytes in pulmonary haemodynamic parameters are not influenced. However, it microvesselsismediatedbyICAM-1 and/12-integrins. remains unclear whether this depletion ofleucocytes is due to lysis ofcells or to sequestration in organs other than the Incontrast topulmonary arteriolesand venules, blockingof lung. L- and P-selectin revealed significant effects on micro-