CCoonnttrraassttss ooff ffoorrmm :: ggeeoommeettrriicc aabbssttrraacctt aarrtt,, 11991100--11998800 :: ffrroomm tthhee ccoolllleeccttiioonn ooff tthhee MMuusseeuumm ooff MMooddeerrnn AArrtt,, iinncclluuddiinngg tthhee RRiikklliiss CCoolllleeccttiioonn ooff MMccCCrroorryy CCoorrppoorraattiioonn MMaaggddaalleennaa DDaabbrroowwsskkii,, iinnttrroodduuccttiioonn bbyy JJoohhnn EEllddeerrffiieelldd Author Dabrowski, Magdalena Date 1985 Publisher The Museum of Modern Art ISBN 0870702874, 0870702890 Exhibition URL The Museum of Modern Art's exhibition history— from our founding in 1929 to the present—is available online. It includes exhibition catalogues, primary documents, installation views, and an index of participating artists. MoMA © 2017 The Museum of Modern Art Contrasotsf F orm MagdalenDaa browski Introductiobny JohnE lderfield Contrasotsf F orm GeometAricb straActr t1 910-1980 Fromt he Collectioonf TheM useumo f ModernA rt Includingth e RiklisC ollectioonf McCroryC orporation TheM useumof ModerAn rt,N ewY ork rc It«v/6^ (Dvrtfr )4o7 Copyrigh©t 1985b y Trusteeosf S. I. NewhouseJ,r . TheM useumo f ModernA rt TheM useumo f ModernA rt StavrosS . Niarchos All rightsr eserved RichardE . Oldenburg WilliamS . Paley Library of CongressC atalogC ard Number PeterG . Peterson Chairmano f the Board 85-61418 GiffordP hillips ClothbounIdS BN0 -87070-287-4 Mrs. HenryI vesC obb MmeJ acquelinPe icasso** PaperbounIdS BN0 -87070-289-0 DavidR ockefeller JohnR ewald** ViceC hairmen DavidR ockefelleJr,r . Designebdy KatyH omansw ith BethanJyo hns AgnesG undS aalfield Mrs. JohnD . Rockefelle3rr d Productionb y Tim McDonough RichardE . Salomon President Typesebt y TrufonTt ypographerIsn, c. Mrs. WolfgangS choenborn* Mrs. FrankY . Larkin Mrs. ConstantinSei damon-Eristoff Printeda nd bound by ImprimeriesR eunies LausanneS, .A. DonaldB . Marron Mrs. BertramS mith JohnP arkinsonII I Jerry I. Speyer TheM useumo f ModernA rt ViceP residents Mrs. AlfredR . Stern 11W est5 3 Street Mrs. DonaldB . Straus NewY ork,N .Y.1 0019 JohnP arkinsonII I WalterN . Thayer Treasurer R. L. B. Tobin Printedin Switzerland Lily Auchincloss EdwardM . M. Warburg* EdwardL arrabeeB arnes Mrs. CliftonR . WhartonJ, r. Mrs.A rmandP . Bartos MonroeW heeler* Sid RichardsoBn ass RichardS . Zeisler H.R.H.P rinzF ranzv on Bayern* GordonB unshaft * TrusteEe meritus ShirleyC . Burden * *HonoraryT rustee ThomasS . Carroll FrankT . Cary Ex OfficioT rustees AnneC oxC hambers IvanC hermayeff EdwardI. Koch GianluigGi abetti Mayoro f theC ityo f NewY ork MissL illianG ish** PaulG ottlieb HarrisonJ . Goldin Mrs. MelvilleW akemaHn all Comptrolleor f the GeorgeH eardH amilton* Cityo f NewY ork BarbaraJ akobson SidneyJ anis** PhilipJ ohnson RonaldS . Lauder JohnL . Loeb* RanaldH . Macdonald* DorothyC . Miller** Mrs. G. MaccullochM iller* J. Irwin Miller* The Museum ui Mwoerrt Art Librar / Errata The works reproduced on pages 183a nd 232 are printed upside down. honoreda ndp leasetdo haver eceivetdh eg ift of theR iklisC ollectioonf McCrory rmt heb asiso f thee xhibitiond ocumenteind t hisc atalogT. he2 49w orkst hus >ryC orporatioCno llectionfo, rmedo vert hep astf ifteeny earsb y MeshulamR iklisa nd hisc uratoCr eliaA schera, ndc oncentrateodn geometriacb stracat rt. Toh aved evelopesdu cha n importantf,o cused collectiown ithina corporatceo ntexwt asi tselfa ne xtraordinaaryc hievemenetv, idencinag v isiona ndl evelo f commitment mostu nusuainl collectionosf this kind.T oh avefu rtherd ecidetdo sharew itht hew orld,i n thef ormo f this gift, the outstandinpga rto f thec ollectionis trulya na cto f patronagoef them oste nlighteneadn dp ublic-spiritekdin d.I n additionto this gift, the McCrorCy orporatiohna sp rovidetdh e Museumw itha n endowmenfot r a galleryw ithint hei nstallatioonf the Paintinga ndS culpturCe ollectionw, hichw eg ratefullny amein honoro f Mr. Riklis. Onb ehalof f theT rusteeosf the Museumo f ModernA rt, I thankM r. Riklism osts incerelfyo r his remarkabglee nerosity. Witht hea dditiono f the RiklisC ollectioonf McCrorCy orporatiotnh,e Museumh asn owc ertainltyh el argesat ndm ost completree presentatioonf C onstructiviasnt dg eometriacb stracat rt in this countryW. ea red elightetdo bea blet o preserve andf osterw ithint hec ontexot f ouro wnc ollectiotnh ep articulamr oderntr aditionth atM r. Riklisa ndM rs.A schemr adeth e focuso f theirs. MeshulamR iklish ast akena keenp ersonainl teresitn thed evelopmeonft t his projecftr omi ts veryb eginningw; et hank himf or hise nthusiasman dh isa ttentionto detaial sw ella sf or hisg enerosityW. ea lsom ostw armlyth ankC eliaA scherf:o r herd evelopmeonft t his marveloucso llectiona ndf or herd edicatepdr ofessionalisthmr oughoutht es ometimecso mplex procesos f arrangintgh eg ift. Wea rev eryg ratefuflo r them osth elpfuiln volvemeonft MonaA ckermanM, r. Riklis'd aughter anda goodf riendt o this museumF. inallyw, eo ffero urw arma ppreciatioann da dmiratiotno JohnE lderfieldD, irectoor f the Departmeonft Drawingsw, hos upervisetdh ec uratoriaal spectos f theg ift ando f thise xhibitiona ndc ataloga, ndt o MagdalenDaa browskAi,s sistanCt uratoirn thes amed epartmenwt,h oc ollaborateodn thee xhibitioann di s thea uthoro f thet extso f thec atalogT. heiro wna cknowledgmeanptsp eaar t thee ndo f Mr. Elderfieldi'sn troduction. RichardE . Oldenburg DirectorT, heM useumo f ModernA rt