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MISC Couteact #529-10-0013-000014 Sremortesas Comer oF Fravis AMENDMENT ONE, AGRUBMENT BETWEEN Tae [HEALTH AND TIOMAN SERVICES CORIMISSION Ann ‘Tuxas PREGNANCY Cate: NETWORK: FOR PRuOnitA AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ARTICLE t. PURPOSE AND OBILCTIVES Sevtioa LOL eumvose his Atwoedmo! One (“Armament in soered ire between The Heath an Haman Services (Commission HHSC”) and Texas Preweancy Care Nesverk, C CONTRACTOR” ot “TPCN"), 10 brain ficeuty delivered suppon serves 1 asst femeler rocking aliematves to almtion tat romote safe and healthy ehilébin in Teees. HHSC and CONTRACLOR any be fered to ibis Apreementindividaally a5 "Pac and vallectively atthe “Parte.” AHSC and CONTRACTOR hereby eontracé and aqice o ality Lae Original Agiveauer othe Parton, ‘The pectic bereoy agree 1 aonend their Original Auresment, HEISC Cuniract¥n. 52%10-0013- O00 Che Agrenuent), subject che falling fenma and conti. The Parties gros tat the medfed rms sud coadiions wil apply to dhe Agreemea! unless ater modified cr samiauled by the Pars, Saedon 102 avEwousry ‘This aiendn-enn.e executed purse to Arte VI af the Onaiaal groement bares HSC ane TPCN for Program ane Adrcinistaive Services CAgroomncnt”) Section 1.03 _aseswnuseive oneTvES The Paris cetcted into anagreemea! pursuant n RFP No, $29-104013 and Contael Ku 52 10-0013-90001 in ander 9 oblsi civieally delivered suppor: scree Io ansst fetes soci storetives to abomion that preante stand Ualthy childbirth nase, Te purpose oF thi rogram isn promote elildbsth rather tian abetion Yo women who are gral weal ey or Inay wot lave mide the decision ta give bith. The Patticeanferet ino aa ugrecment with a crigiral zim of performance of September 1, 2009 @ Aupast 31, 2011, ness tenuinated sooeer focextended purment to oho foxas al canditions ofthis Aguvenal the Peri desire to mowlify kt Original Agresment to address adlifonsl ataiicalions extend ‘he tem uf Une Auroeren, and incerporae dr revised BHC Uniform Cootrace Tons andl ‘Conditions, Version 14.1 (arached and inecupovated by cefesenos am Amecdent One Hit A» Section LOS rest OF THE AGREEMENT ‘The term af thie Amendment wl: be bogla on September 1, 2011 and expire cn August 3, 2043 unless ceeminaed sconer extend hy the nates, ARTICLE2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT Section 207 TTA. COTE ‘Ths tol vst ol ie Services and Deliverables supplied by CONTRACTOR to MHISC during the term of this Anuscdmet will Hot exceed lta amount of $8,310,100, fe Sate Fiscal Yess 2012 mud 20:8. Side Fiacal Youre 2012 and 2013 bogia on September |, 2011 an orion ‘ngust 31, 2013. The “lal cout ampoun, including the Original Agreement nd ‘his ‘Amendinent One will net exes $16,300,000,00, ‘Seetin 2.02 GENERAL PAYMENT TERKS (@) Payaneut Mfelueuolugy TIISC! shul pay he CONTRACTOR an smeuat not fe exe ota amosmt of 8,300, 00.00, ov Sune Fiseal Years 2012 und 2013. (b) Payment Schedale Sure Feat ‘yes 2012 co Trae An, Sepismer 3 oT PST6O,G00.12 GatcacWA versing Conte! Berewnle a Pevin Anin, Stee Sepisober Dy ToT“ Yasa.49999 Information, Outeoch, Edson & efial Programs & Services nd Client Sevious 52 ‘Project Adin, Sarowida DetoherD8, 2011 ~ SBE ABIIE faliroation, Quench, Eduction & sferal Progra & arcoat and Chit Sees ca TaojetAdti, Stent Wereamer 25,201 [52,499.99 Information Oxreaoh, Education & ‘afreal Pograns& Semnees and a —— sa rojoot Adin, Sasewide Desenber 3b, 2001 — [ESTOS Taran, Oarenrh Eanontion 2 “Referral Programs 8 Seeioct and Clint Servis - @ Parjet Advi, Sew nanaty 26,01 Informatica, Gureuch, Edveaioa 8. efatl Programe 8 Series Clim Services. J % " Proje Nasi Sieve {aformadon, Ooaah, Bove 2 TRefewst Proqams & Seraces te Clint Servier Fea, IT 87 Project Ade, Saree Taormaion, caren, Heaton fe eferal Programs & Servecs and client Sences War 20,2012. — TS a Pagel an, See Tntoumation, seh, Faion Ketel Pree Serio aa Cae Savio ‘spa OE Sy Project lin, Satovide Infernam, Ouzene, Edvestion & Reel Pngeen & Saricad Chie Series Viay 20,200 FAIS Troject Atina, Sateride Infomation, Geach, Favestion Refrea Troyroms & Services and Clie Sizes Tune 20, TE sion 99 Projet Ata, See ormation Oreck, Heacarisn & [Eoforl Preprams Soviet snd liegt Series Tap 79 Fou FLT Trayek Ada, Satewide Inforsaton, Ourcach, Pancaron & Relea Programs 3 Services und Gieat Servzen Faget TT $3220.57 Sine Fiza ‘Yass 2013, 7 Taha, ‘OuteoelAdvetning Conta Spears, 2 160,00 12 a Pvt Aint, Satenice Internation Ouscsch, Edaeaon & ‘ReterealPaoraan & Sevioes mad Client Servis Speier TE Ere) oF Project dn, Sarewide Iieroution, teh, docation & ‘Retowal Pogranu de Sorzes and Glee rvs Cache A 22 mae Project Admin, Satone Informtion, Quweac, Education & ofr Programs Senso ad (ies Serloee Tovemer SH cee) oa Project dma, ene [atortion, Oureaohy lvcaton & ‘Referal Programs & Seeison and Clint Serine Taha 72 Baw Projet dbs, Seaside Infomation, Oursah, Edvation & efonel Progam & Serves a ge Senaces omar 20,2515 TOL OS aw sr ¥E ‘reject a: Steno Tebrumy 3 Tafermaton, Ctrerch, even & ‘Refewal Programs & Sovices and Eee Seis Piojat Adin, Sate aI, TS esa loforapnan. Onscteh, Education & oferta gram Service and (lias Servicer . oF Priject Adin, Ssade Tea, ar Twferton, Onbeic, Edveoa & eferl Programs & Sarviec and Clit Serve 90 Teja Alva, Saeonde Way 5 BOT SIT Infomation, Ouresh, B2acaion [Refer grim: & Serine nd ‘Clea: Servier 30 Project dann, Saad Toas 20,2675 TT Information, Ooues duction 8 ‘Refrl Programs & Sarvices and Chit Survies or Prejert Adil, Noro Informatica, Outeach, Edvctin ‘Retonal Pegrams & Sersoee md ‘Gat Serieee uF igjest Ania, Sata Aokust 20;003 | SPEARS Tica, Our Bésonon& A ‘Refemal Proprane & Series nd Can Sevies Sc Se) Tay 20,01 Esra (0) Paynnent Chuages (Changes to the above payincntschodule wil be submited in writing aud accep withnet an _caitional chaoge onder request ev longus the requested changes da-ant exon 8, 300,000.00 Sor Stace Fiseal Years 2012 and 2013, ARTICLE, REYULSENIAHIUNS AND AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIFS, ‘The Patties herein contact ad agio> al he eens ofthe Original Ageeemenl sal asin in ‘ffeet and vouticue in gover excento the srtent aodilied herein, Dy signing this Anendasent (One, she Pais expressly understard and agree that Amneadaneal One is hereby made a pair of (he Original Agreement ab Dew ie were $0t oot Word for werd therein, ‘he Paniosherchy c+eente this Amees=nent One in their capacities salad below with authority ‘bind tei organization om the dates sot rth alo Mel slur, LIRALTH & Tuvian Services Conmarsston TEXAS PUEUNANCY CARILNETWORK eT ayy - Tamed ERICutre Coumisstongr Euscuniebimecson Ly Dame: afew ae fee AMENDMENT ON 0 AGREEMENT BETWIAeN THE TIRAUTI ANY HUMAN SERVICES CORBATSSION AND TEXAS PREGNANCY CAs: NETWORK, FOR PROGRAM AND ADBMINISTRATIVE-BTROTCES ASE A TUstroaM CONTRACT Ties AND CONDITION, VERSION 14d MISC Unifime Cones ‘terms and Conditions, Ves 14.1 issued Febmary 4, 2011, cau be ‘snd ot: hiinzh wks states cvabout hhseCommetinsesy alich'Genera TC. pd PREGNANCY CARE ‘Nek TEXAS PREGNANCY CARU NETWORK ‘Mauthly Mansyement Report Pl able TPCNI- er 12,2013 ‘Texas Peeyuumy Cur: Necwork’s {TPCN') plan doe poviciag regular ropnds 49 TIES above Prop aulvten ai Ell \ Oa the 20" aay af cach erty CCN wil sod Wy ITISC a Moathiy Veadur Report. The ‘Momly Vendor Repoe: will Ment 1) Deters mot duriag the ranch ir fo thy repncing woul, aad a recovery piab tor aay Deliverables sl were nat met, spplieble; 2} a detnition of Milstoocs and Accouylincus ashieved eating the sot ui ie epesting moar, and 3) verter. of Progam aelivti planned tenet 1, “Tngathar wth the Mosihly Vendar Report (ou the 2 day ofeach month), TUCN wil in sead to TITSC a Morchly Fansial Repest. ‘The Morthly Financial Report Sdonuity re cont incimred daring Ae math porta the ering ment, just by tbe seit fee in the anoompanying Monlh'y Vendor Repert. Cente will bs epored hth fr Gs ast zea! month ws well ex Ube yearn date, ln lbies cot avegares Project Adnnsistation; Statewide Tnfunmation, Oabeach, Education and Refexal Progiams axl Services, and Cent Serviees. ‘Reports sit be evtnitted slostuniclly. Hf the 20° day af the rrenth uceuss oo = ‘wsckeud or holiday, the Montbly Veolor end Figensit Report wil submited on the ext busines day. ‘emrlats the theDMontuly Year sn Finauelal Reports ara acd, ‘Texas Progeaney Care Netore Srl W, Goutgard ly, 2 Sule 200, Aust, TA 78720 September 12,2011 Tet Chast Meiemer Prograna Manarer Yess Hslth aod Imma Services Commission Oice af Fanily Sevens Wo 3¥ 45? Bet, Builing $55 Meza) Aan, TX 87S From Vinvett Trindewald it Beewulle imctar esos Premaey Cote Nettle Subjects Momely Veodor ad Financial Repars, Saptber 201 ort A: Monthly Vendor Report (Contract Nurser 525-10-0013-DOCOLA, Detieralle met dur (is peed: etiverabtes die ut no met duriag this period, with Recovery Plax: Discussion vf Vilestoncsand Accomplishments dueiag (his month Hane far the next mont ‘Tovas Pregnancy Cine Network GIT YF Cuan Biz 2, Suite 200, Ansa, T7670 Bepterber 12, 2011 Tu: Chace Meiacer Progra Manage: ‘esas Haath and Buna Sereees Cormiesion Oifion at Panky Secvice 08 W. 45" Soe, Dulaing 385 we m0 Art TK F875! From: Vieot eedwaid A Txowative Director ‘Teras Pregoaney Care Nehtoe Subjec: Monthly Vendor end Finansil Repost, Septeaber 2017 Part2: Monty Plaauelst Report Conteat Narsber, $79-16-0015-002022, Repording Monti: Septem, 2011 ‘Costs fov the month of Sopteaaber, 2ULL nnd year fo date are reporter a alive: “Year to Date Peojet Admiulsrtion Coste Statewide Tafoviation, Ottnch, Haves. An Roferel Paagrms and Services: lie Services "Total Costs for Soptomber and year tn dare -Autitistion cor thier wil be “oval in the acooumpeuyiog Moly Vendor Report.

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