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Continuous Multiple Liquid-Liquid Separation: Diazotization of Amino Acids in Flow Supporting ... PDF

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Preview Continuous Multiple Liquid-Liquid Separation: Diazotization of Amino Acids in Flow Supporting ...

Continuous Multiple Liquid-Liquid Separation: Diazotization of Amino Acids in Flow Dennis X. Hu, Matthew O’Brien, and Steven V. Ley* Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, CB2 1EW, United Kingdom Supporting information Contents: 1. General methods (pg. 2) 2. Individual separator setup examples with photos (pg. 3-6) 3. Individual separator code example (in Python, pg. 7-20) 4. Experimental details and data for the synthesis of hydroxyacids (pg. 21-31) 5. 1H and 13C NMR spectra (pg. 32—) 1 S1 Part 1: General methods All flow reactions were driven using a commercial Uniqsys FlowSyn system. Commercial solvents and reagents were used as supplied. Flash column chromatography was performed according to the recommendations set out by Still. 1 Analytical thin layer chromatography was performed on EM Reagent 0.25 mm silica gel 60-F plates. Visualization was accomplished by UV fluorescence quenching and ammonium molybdate stain. 1H (cid:4)MR spectra were collected on a 400 MHz, 500 MHz, or 600 MHz NMR spectrometer using the deuterated solvent as an internal deuterium lock. Chemical shift data are given in units δ calibrated with residual protic solvent (e.g. CHCl at 7.26 ppm). The multiplicity of a signal is 3 indicated as: br – broad, s- singlet, d- doublet, t- triplet, q- quartet, m – multiplet, dd – doublet of doublets, dt – doublet of triplets, etc. Coupling constants (J) are recorded to the nearest 0.1 Hz. 13C NMR spectra were collected on a 150 MHz spectrometer with broadband proton decoupling using the deuterated solvent as an internal deuterium lock. Chemical shift data are given in units δ calibrated with residual protic solvent (e.g. 77.23 ppm for 13CHCl ). Variable temperature 3 NMR experiments were conducted on a 500 MHz (1H) spectrometer to eliminate rotamers where necessary. Selected major absorbances (ν ) are reported in IR spectra. Optical rotations were max measured with the sample temperature maintained at 25 ºC unless otherwise stated. [α] is D reported in units of 10-1 deg g-1 cm2. Concentration is quoted in units of 0.01 g cm-3. 1 Still, W. C.; Kahn, M.; Mitra, A. J. Org. Chem. 1978, 43, 2923-2925. 2 S2 Part 2: Separator Setup Example: Supplemental Figure 1: Individual Column Setup (Left, Assembled; Right, Dismantled) Columninletconnected tosteelneedle 3-wayconnector Columnexitfrom outsidesteelneedle Steelneedlecutfrom 21gaugesyringe needle Steelneedleinside thickplastictubing Sameneedlethreaded throughT-pieceand plastictubingto connectjoints Sturdyglasscolumn (e.g.Omnifit) Polymerfloat(e.g.cut fromapolyethylene disposablesyringeor Needlethreadedinto fromapolyacetalKeck glasscolumnensuring clip) thattheneedleislong enoughtoendup belowdesired Steelneedleoutlet interfacelevel belowinterface(to prevent"trapping"of floatbydenser droplets) Lowercolumnexit 3 S3 Supplemental Figure 2: Individual Separator Setup (Configuration A, see Manuscript Figure 1): 0umbers in parentheses indicate the order in which the input liquid travels through the device. 0ote that several separators may be placed in series by simply allowing the output of one separator to flow into the input of another separator. 4 S4 Supplemental Figure 3: Individual Separator Setup (Configuration B, see Manuscript Figure 2): 0umbers in parentheses indicate the order in which the input liquid travels through the device. Compare this setup to Configuration A (Supplemental Figure 2). 5 S5 Supplemental Scheme 1: Priming a Separator To prime an empty column, open a connector to the tubing which leads to the top of the column and through the steel needle. Next, attach a syringe containing clean heavy phase solvent and forcefully inject the heavy phase solvent through the steel needle, inducing the polymer bit to detach from the bottom of the column and float. The column should be filled to a level such that the interface is visible by the camera. Finally, fill the rest of the column with lighter-phase solvent, and re-attach the original tubing. The floating bit should now sit on top of the heavy phase and the column is ready for use. Once a separator is primed, it does not need to be primed again unless the column is intentionally emptied. 6 S6 Part 3: Extractor code The presented code is easiest to follow if copied into a text file, saved as a .py file, and opened with a Python graphical user interface such as IDLE. A simplified overview of the code structure is provided in supplemental Scheme 1. The code begins on the page following supplemental figure 4. Note that the code allows for multiple separators to be controlled by a single webcam, so long as all of the columns are simultaneously visible to the camera. The code also allows each column to be independently controlled in different configurations (e.g. three extractors can be used in configurations: A, A, A; B, B, B; A, B, A; or etc.). Comments (following #’s) are provided to provide notes on how the code works in specific areas. For a 64-bit operating system (e.g. Windows Vista, Windows 7) the code requires the use of the 64-bit versions of Python v. 2.7, OpenCV v. 2.2, and the python modules PIL v. 1.1.7, NumPy v. 1.5.1, SciPy v. 0.10.0, VideoCapture v. 0.9.1, and pySerial v. 2.6. At the time of manuscript submission, installation packages for these modules could be obtained at the listed web addresses. Python v. 2.7: http://www.python.org/getit/releases/2.7/ Other modules: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/ maintained by Christophe Goelke, University of California, Irvine Supplemental Scheme 2: Simplified Code Structure 7 S7 Supplemental Figure 4: Computer Screen Example 8 S8 #//// Webcam-Based Multiple Extractor Control, Version 1.8, Dennis X. Hu and Matthew O'Brien, Ley Research Group, University of Cambridge, UK \\\\ #//// Windows Vista (64-bit), Python v. 2.7, OpenCV v. 2.2, PIL v. 1.1.7, NumPy v. 1.5.1, SciPy v. 0.10.0, VideoCapture v. 0.9.1, pySerial v. 2.6\\\\ #//// Compatible with Smartline-100 Pump via Serial Communication \\\\ from PIL import Image from VideoCapture import Device import time import serial import cv #//// GLOBAL VARIABLES \\\\ photofile = r'C:\Python27\Webcam\photo.png' NUMBER_OF_PUMPS = 1 MOUSE_POSITION = None DRAG_START = None DRAG_END = None TRACKBOX = (0,0,0,0) #vector coords 1,2 = bottom left corner coordinate, box 3 = boxwidth, box 4 = boxlength REF_POS_1 = None REF_POS_2 = None TRACKBOX_1 = (0,0,0,0) VISIONBOX_1 = (0,0,0,0) mxidA = None REF_POS_3 = None REF_POS_4 = None TRACKBOX_2 = (0,0,0,0) VISIONBOX_2 = (0,0,0,0) mxidB = None REF_POS_5 = None REF_POS_6 = None TRACKBOX_3 = (0,0,0,0) VISIONBOX_3 = (0,0,0,0) mxidC = None #//// INSTANCES \\\\ pump1 = serial.Serial() pump2 = serial.Serial() pump3 = serial.Serial() #//// DICTIONARIES \\\\ spd_dict = {1:1000, 2:1000, 3:1000} #1 = pumpspeed_1, 2 = pumpspeed_2, 3 = pumpspeed_3 ser_dict = {1:pump1, 2:pump2, 3:pump3} 9 S9 config_dict = {1:0, 2:0, 3:0} #configuration 1 = heavy phase processed further, configuration 2 = lighter phase processed further #////DEFINITIONS IN ORDER OF CALLING \\\\ def welcome(): global NUMBER_OF_PUMPS print 'Welcome to the multiple extractor control module.' NUMBER_OF_PUMPS = int(raw_input('How many pumps is the extractor using? (MAX: 3)')) pump_setup(NUMBER_OF_PUMPS) def pump_setup(NUMBEROFPUMPS): if NUMBEROFPUMPS > 0: pump1.port = (int(raw_input('Please enter the serial port number (COMM X) of the first pump.')) - 1) pump1.baudrate = int(9600)#int(raw_input('Please enter the baudrate of the first pump.')) pump1.open() #pump1.write('on \x0D') config_dict[1] = raw_input('Please select the configuration of the first pump. (1 = heavy phase pumped out, 2 = light phase pumped out)') time.sleep(0.15) pump1.write('FLOW:100 \x0D') #initial flow rate; flow is in units of microliters per minute (100 = 0.1 mL/min) if NUMBEROFPUMPS > 1: pump2.port = (int(raw_input('Please enter the serial port number (COMM X) of the second pump.')) - 1) pump2.baudrate = int(9600)#int(raw_input('Please enter the baudrate of the second pump.')) pump2.open() #pump2.write('on \x0D') config_dict[2] = raw_input('Please select the configuration of the first pump. (1 = heavy phase pumped out, 2 = light phase pumped out)') time.sleep(0.15) pump2.write('FLOW:100 \x0D') if NUMBEROFPUMPS > 2 and NUMBEROFPUMPS < 4: pump3.port = (int(raw_input('Please enter the serial port number (COMM X) of the third pump.')) - 1) pump3.baudrate = int(9600)#int(raw_input('Please enter the baudrate of the third pump.')) pump3.open() #pump3.write('on \x0D') 10 S10

Dennis X. Hu, Matthew O'Brien, and Steven V. Ley Individual separator code example (in Python, pg. 7-20). 4 2.7, OpenCV v. 2.2, and the python
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