Continuous growth of droplet size variance due to condensation in turbulent clouds Gaetano Sardina,1,∗ Francesco Picano,2,3 Luca Brandt,2 and Rodrigo Caballero1 1Department of Meteorology and SeRC, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden 2Linn´e FLOW Centre and SeRC, KTH Mechanics, Stockholm, Sweden 3Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova, Padova, Italy (Dated: October 6, 2015) Weuse a stochastic model and direct numerical simulation tostudy theimpact of turbulenceon cloud droplet growth by condensation. We show that the variance of the droplet size distribution increasesintimeast1/2,withgrowthrateproportionaltothelarge-to-smallturbulentscalesepara- 5 tionandtotheturbulenceintegralscalesbutindependentofthemeanturbulentdissipation. Direct 1 numerical simulations confirm this result and produce realistically broad droplet size spectra over 0 time intervalsof 20 minutes, comparable with thetime of rain formation. 2 t c O Many multi-scale processes—including nutrient forag- dropletsizedistributionwithsimulationsofacloudof70 ing of plankton, gas/dust accretion disks in astrophysics cm andpointed out the importance the TaylorReynolds 5 andsprayevaporationandcombustioninengines[1–4]— number, Re , the non dimensional parameter measur- λ involve the interaction between small particles and trac- ing the large to small scale separation in homogeneous ] n ers transported in a turbulent flow. Here we focus on isotropic turbulence. In particular, they suggested that y the case of droplet condensation in turbulent warm (i.e. droplet spectral broadening should scale with Re . λ d ice-free) clouds. Clouds are a leading source of uncer- A question that has not been addressed so far is the - u tainty in climate modeling [5] due to the difficulty of ac- long-term fate of the droplet spectrum: does it reach l curatelyparameterizingthe macro-scaleeffects ofmicro- a steady state, or does it continue to evolve? The large f . scale physicalprocesses,suchas the effect of dropletsize rangeofscalesinvolvedmakesDNSverycomputationally s c distribution on precipitation rates and cloud albedos. demanding, and all existing simulations consider time si The role of turbulence in cloud microphysics presents spans between few seconds and two minutes, well below y a range of open questions [6–8], particularly as a pos- the observed rain formation timescale. h sible solution for the “bottleneck” problem of rain for- Here, we approach this question by first deriving an p mation. All cloud droplet populations evolve through analytical expression for the standard deviation of the [ a sequence of steps: (1) nucleation/activation of cloud droplet radius squared (droplet surface area) in terms 2 condensation nuclei, (2) droplet growth by condensation of the thermodynamics and turbulence characteristics, v and (3) growth to raindrop size by collision and coales- modeling the fluctuations as stochastic processes. We 1 5 cence. The passage from (2) to (3) presents a bottle- demonstrate that the droplet size distribution increases 0 neck because collisional growth is only triggered when monotonically with time as t1/2. We validate this an- 7 the droplet population acquires a sufficiently broad size alytical result by extending previous numerical results 0 distribution, but condensationalgrowth is inversely pro- withDNSandlargeeddysimulations(LES)totimescales . 1 portional to droplet radius which intrinsically tends to comparable with those of rain formation, about 20 min- 0 narrow the size distribution. Nonetheless, warm clouds utes. Our results imply that every warm cloud would 5 areroutinelyobservedtoprecipitatewithin 20minutes precipitate if given enough time. The broadening rate is 1 ∼ of formation. Understanding the mechanisms that break determined by the large scale turbulent motions and by : v the condensational bottleneck is a longstanding and still thepositivecorrelationbetweendropletsurfaceareaand i X unresolved problem in atmospheric physics. local supersaturation. r Turbulence has often been invokedas a key process in Our physical model is analogous to that in [19], a de- a this context since it can enhance collision rates via iner- tailed description can be found in Supplemental Mate- tialclustering [9, 10]andthe so called“slingeffect” [11]. rials [20]. We assume homogeneous isotropic turbulence Turbulence also induces fluctuations in the supersatu- obeying the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations ration field that can potentially broaden droplet spec- tra in the condensational stage [8]. Early studies using ∂u p +u u= ∇ +ν 2u+f, (1) analytical models [12, 13] and direct numerical simula- ∂t ·∇ − ρ ∇ tions(DNS)[14]generallyshowedtoolittlebroadeningas comparedwithobservations[15]. Laterworkattempting where u is the divergence-free fluid velocity, p the pres- to simulate large-scale turbulence in an O(100 m) cloud sure,ρtheairdensity,f anexternalforcingtomaintaina [16–18]showedadramaticbroadeningofthedropletsize statistically stationary state and ν the kinematic viscos- spectrum but only with ad-hoc assumptions about the ity. This approximation is valid for clouds smaller than small-scale supersaturation fluctuations. Lanotte at al. L 100 m, which allow spatial inhomogeneity and large ≈ [19] modelled both small- and large-scale effects on the scale variations of the thermodynamic parameters to be 2 safely neglected. The supersaturation field s is trans- where v is the root mean square of the turbulent ve- rms ported by the fluid according to locity fluctuations, ξ(t) is a zero-mean Gaussian white noise, nondimensionalized in order to be δ-correlated in ∂s s +u s=κ 2s+A1w , (2) time and T0 the turbulence integral time scale; and ∂t ·∇ ∇ − τ s s′ s′ s′(t+dt)=s′(t) idt+A w′dt i dt+ a generalization of the Twomey model [27]. The dif- i i − T 1 i − τ 0 s fusivity of the water vapor in air is denoted by κ, h i 2dt 2dt w is the velocity component in the gravity direction, (1 C2 ) s′2 η (t)+C s′2 ξ (t) (7) r − ws h iT i wsrh iT i A w is a source/sink term of supersaturation resulting 0 0 1 from the variation in temperature and pressure with for the supersaturation with forcing from the velocity height. The supersaturation relaxation time τs depends field. Here Cws = w′s′ /(vrms s′2 ) is the normalized on droplet concentration and dimensions [28], τs−1 = velocity-supersaturhationicorrelaptiohn,iτs isthesupersat- 4πρwA2A3 Ri/V whereRi aretheradiiofthedroplets urationrelaxationtimebasedonthemh eaindropletradius in the voluPme V, ρw the water density, A1, A2 and A3 and η(t) zero-mean Gaussian white noise, δ-correlated thermodynamic coefficients [19]. The droplets are as- in time. Equation (7) represents a stochastic version of sumed to behave as rigid spheres smaller than the Kol- the Twomey model. The mean updraft is zero as the mogorov turbulent scale, at low mass fraction to neglect meansupersaturation(the mean dropletradius does not feedback on the flow. The only forces governing the change); entrainment effects [30], collisions and inhomo- droplet motion are gravity and the Stokes drag (nucle- geneities are also not considered to analyze the conser- ation/activation is not considered): vative case when the droplet spectral broadening is only induced by supersaturation fluctuations. dv u(x ,t) v dx dtd = d τ − d −gez, dtd =vd (3) From (4), (6) and (7), assuming hτsi ≪ T0 as in real d clouds, the fluctuation correlations become wthiethflxudidavnedlovcdittyhaetddrorpopleltetpopsoistiitoinona,nτddv=elo2cρitwyR,ui2/(x(9dρ,νt)) dhsd′Rt2′i =A1hw′R2′i+2A3hs′2i− hs′τR2′i (8) the droplet relaxation time, g the gravitational accel- h si eration. The supersaturation at the droplet position, d w′R2′ w′R2′ s(xd,t), determines the droplet evolution via h dt i =2A3hw′s′i− h T0 i (9) d s′2 s′2 dR2 h i =2A w′s′ 2h i (10) dti =2A3s(xd,t) (4) dt 1h i− hτsi d w′s′ w′s′ An exact equation for the average of the droplet radius hdt i =A1vr2ms− h τ i. (11) s fluctuations is obtained from (4), h i Assuming statistically quasi-steady state conditions dh(Ri2′)2i = dσR22 =4A3 s′R2′ (5) (ddhti =0) we find that hs′2iqs =A21vr2mshτsi2 and dt dt h i s′R2′ =2A A2v2 τ 2T =2A s′2 T (12) showing that (R2′)2 increases linearly with time only h iqs 3 1 rmsh si 0 3h iqs 0 if the correlathioni s′Ri 2′ reaches a non-zero statistical which give, using (5), h i steady state. To quantitatively estimate the droplet growth, we σR2 =√8A3A1vrms τs (T0t)1/2 = 8 s′2 qsA3(T0t)1/2. h i q h i adopt a 1-D stochastic model for the velocity fluctu- (13) ations w and the supersaturation field s′ of the i-th i i droplet. Such an approach implicitly assumes that the The model shows that the variance of the droplet distri- small-scale turbulent motions have a negligible influence bution increases monotonically in a turbulent flow even on the macroscopic observables. This assumption is mo- though the supersaturation fluctuations reach a statisti- tivated by previous results revealing the broadening of cal steady state sqs. The correlation s′R2′ qs, which h i the droplet size distribution with Re [19] and fully jus- is directly responsible for the radius growth rate, is λ tifiedaposterioribythenumericalsimulationspresented proportional to the level of fluctuations of the super- below. saturation field and to the integral scale of the turbu- Homogeneous isotropic turbulence and supersatura- lence, see (12). Expression (13) can be formulated in tion are modelled with two Langevin equations [29]: terms of Kolmogorov scales since v Re1/2v and rms ≃ λ η T 0.06Re τ [29]: 0 λ η w′(t) dt ≃ wi′(t+dt)=wi′(t)− Ti0 dt+vrmsr2T0ξi(t), (6) σR2 ≃0.7A3A1ν1/2hτsiReλt1/2. (14) 3 Note that for t = T (short compared with rain forma- 0 10-5 tion time) the lower limit proposed in [19] is recovered, σR2 ≃ Re3λ/2. From (14) we note that σR2 at a fixed 2m]10-6 AA12 time depends only on the scale separation represented µ by Reλ and not on the value of the mean dissipation 101 2’>[10-7 BB12 inside the clouds. This implies that clouds with differ- s’r10-8 C1 < ent dissipation rate and same Reynolds number have an C2 identicalbehavior interms ofdropletgrowthby conden- ] 100 10-9 D1 2m 101 t[s]102 103 sation. The droplet/turbulence condensation dynamics E1 µ doesnotdependontheturbulentsmallscales: thecorre- [ 2 lation between the supersaturation field and the droplet σR10-1 surface area, governing the distribution broadening, is determined by the large flow scales. This result is in contrast with the belief that the variance of the droplet 10-2 distribution should not grow indefinitely as turbulence t1/2 tends to decorrelate the particle size from the local sat- uration field [8]. 100 101 102 103 t[s] To test our predictions, we run simulations by grad- ually increasing the size of the computational clouds from few centimeters to 100 m. The governing equa- FIG. 1: Root mean square of the square droplet radius fluc- tions (1-4) are solved with a classical pseudo-spectral tuationsσR2 versustimefrom simulations (symbols)andthe code for the fluid phase coupled with a Lagrangian al- predictionofthestochasticmodel(13)(lines). Inset: correla- gorithm for the droplets [31]. All cases share the same tion hs′R2′i from simulations (thin lines) and from Equation turbulent kinetic energy dissipation ε = 10−3 m2s−3, (12) (thick lines). a value typically measured in stratocumuli. This cor- responds to the same small-scale dynamics, with Kol- mogorov scale η = (ν3/ε)1/4 1 mm, Kolmogorov time The time evolution of σR2 = h(R2′)2i is shown in ≈ Figure 1 for all cases investigatedp. The data confirm the τ = (ν/ε)1/2 0.1 s and velocity v = η/τ 1 cm/s. Wηe examine dr≈oplets with 2 differentηinitial rηad≈ii,13µm preTdhicetcioonrrseflraotmion(1s3′)R, i2.′e.itshdaitspσlRay2e∝ditn1/t2h.e insetofFig- and5µm,denotedascase1and2,withsupersaturation ure 1 (thin solid hline): iIn all cases, s′R2′ reaches a relaxation time τs = 2.5 and 7 s, and same concentra- h i tion (130 droplets per cm3). The reference temperature statistical steady state, fluctuating around the value de- and pressure are θ = 283 K and P = 105 Pa, with termining the growth of σR2. The turbulence creates a 0 A = 5 10−4 m−1, A = 350 m3/kg, A = 50 µm2/s. positivecorrelationbetweensupersaturationanddroplet 1 2 3 × surface area fluctuations that increases as the turbu- The simulation parameters are reported in table I. Note that simulation DNS E1, carrying order 109 droplets, is lent scaleseparation—i.e.the cloud size—increases. The agreement between the model and the numerical data tothebestofourknowledgethelargestDirectNumerical is remarkable for the largest domain sizes where scale Simulation of a warm cloud ever performed. separation is significant and viscous effects can be ne- glected. For small Re , viscous effects are important λ and the stochastic inviscid model overestimates the cor- Label N3 Lbox vrms TL T0 Reλ Nd rect behavior. For a detailed comparison between DNS [m] [m/s] [s] [s] and stochastic model see Supplemental Materials [20]. DNSA1/2 643 0.08 0.035 2.3 0.64 45 6×104 DNSB1/2 1283 0.2 0.05 4 0.95 95 9.8×105 To test the model for a larger cloud size, we perform DNSC1/2 2563 0.4 0.066 6 1.5 150 9×106 a large eddy simulation (LES F1) of a cloud of about DNSD1 10243 1.5 0.11 14 3 390 4.4×108 100 m size. LES can be seen as a good model for our DNSE1 20483 3 0.12 30 4 600 3.×109 problemsince itfully resolvesthe largerflowscale,those LES F1 5123 100 0.7 142 33 5000 1.3×1014 relevant to droplet condensation/evaporation, as shown above. For numericaldetails see SupplementalMaterials TABLE I: Parameters of the simulations. The resolution N, [20]. The Taylor Reynolds number is 5000. The time tvheelocciltoyudflusciztueaLtiboonxs, vthrmesr,oaontdmTeLan=sqLubaoxre/vorfmtshaentuarpbpurloexnit- evolution of σR2 and of hs′R2′i are depicted in Fig. 2 together with the analytical predictions from (12) and mationofthelargeturbulentscales. T0 indicatestheintegral time T0 = (π/2vr3ms)R[E(k)/k]dk with k the wavenumber (13). The agreementbetween the two fully validates our andE(k)theturbulentkineticenergyspectra[29]. Thetotal model. numberof droplets is indicated by Nd. To motivate the use of the variance σR22 to define the droplet size distribution we show in Figure 3 that its 4 utes)andarecomparedtoGaussiandistributionsofequal 6.0E-03 variance;note that errorbars are about the same size as 2m] E1 the plotting symbols and not visible in the plot. The µ[ M.Reλ=5000 size distribution from the LES of the largecloud (see in- ’> M.Reλ=10000 set)revealsthattheGaussiancanbefittedjustusingthe 2r <s’ valueofσR2 fromthestochasticmodelalsoatthishigher 102 Reynolds number. 1.0E-03 2] 500t[s] 1000 In summary, we have derived an analytical expression m fortheroleofturbulenceonthedynamicsofdropletcon- µ [ densation and validated it against large-scale numerical 2 R simulations. We showthat the standarddeviationofthe σ t1/2 squaredropletradiusfluctuations, σR2,increasesintime 101 as t1/2; the growth rate depends linearly on the turbu- lent scale separation parametrized by Re . As shown in λ Figure 2, for a cloud with Re =10000—a typical value λ estimatedincumuliwithintegralscaleof100m[8]—our 101 102 103 104 expression predicts that σR2 reaches values in line with t [s] observations in real clouds (see [15], their Figure 4) on timescales of less than 20 minutes. FIG. 2: Root main square of the square droplet radius fluc- The stochastic approachproposed here may be gener- tuations σR2 versus time for the LES simulations (symbols) alized to consider additional physics and adapted to dif- and the model (13) (lines). Inset: correlation hs′R2′i from ferentmicro-scalephenomenainturbulentenvironments; the LES (thin line) and the model (12) (denoted by ”M.” in this may also require a numericalsolution of the govern- thelegend-thick lines). ing Langevin equations, something still order of magni- tudes cheaper than a fully-resolvedDNS. Indeed our an- alyticalrelationpredictsnumericalresultsrequiring1017 probability distribution is Gaussian, in agreement with degrees of freedom. From a practical viewpoint, this in- measurements in real stratocumuli [32]. The data in the dicates the promising potential of modeling approaches figure refer to the final simulation time (about 20 min- based on PDFs. Our results represent a lower limit for the impact of turbulenceonwarmrainformationsincerealcloudstyp- ically exceed 100 m in scale and are in general non- 100 A1 homogeneous, featuring a fluctuating temperature field MODELRe=5000 10-1 MODELReλ=10000 and vigorous entrainment of relatively dry air from out- λ 10-2 A1 side the cloud leading to enhanced supersaturation fluc- 105 10-3 A2 tuationswithinthecloud. Theseadditionaleffectswould 10-4 B1 lead to even largervalues of σR2, more than sufficient to 103 10-5 B2 explain the spectral broadening observed in real clouds. C1 10-6 -200 0 200 F101 D P ∗ [email protected] 10-1 [1] J. R.Taylor and R.Stocker, Science 338, 675 (2012). [2] A. Johansen, J. S. Oishi, M.-M. Mac Low, H. Klahr, T. Henning,and A.Youdin,Nature448, 1022 (2007). 10-3 [3] P. Jenny,D.Roekaerts,and N.Beishuizen, Prog. Energ. Combust. 38, 846 (2012). [4] J. Bec, H.Homann,and G. Krstulovic, Phys.Rev.Lett. 10-5-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 112, 234503 (2014). 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Thepressurepcan 0 PHYSICAL CLOUD MODEL be obtained from hydrostatic equilibrium: 2 Dp gp t Derivation of the supersaturation equation = w (5) c Dt −Raθ O The equation governing the evolution of the supersat- whereRa isthegascostantfordryair. SubstitutingEqs. 5 uration can be derived from first principles, vapor mass (5) and (4) in Eq. (3) results in: n] aSnindceentehregysucponersseartvuartaiotnio,nanisdathtehrmeromdoydnyanmaimcsicrevlaartiiaobnlse. DDqvts =(cid:18)pǫResgθ − pRǫesθg2Lc (cid:19)w+ǫpeRskθθL2∇2θ+pRǫesθL22c Cd y (as temperature, internal energy and entropy) one can a v p v v p (6) d write a conservation equation. The original derivation - and consequently Eq. (1) becomes: u by Twomey that can be found in textbooks of atmo- l spheric physics is obtained neglecting the effects of vis- Ds 1 C s+1 ǫe gL ǫe g f = D 2q d + s s w+ . cosity [1, 2], which we include below in the most general Dt q v∇ v− q q (cid:18)pR θ2c − pR θ(cid:19) s vs vs vs v p a c case. s+1ǫe k L s+1 ǫe L2 i The supersaturation s is defined as s = q /q 1 s θ 2θ s C . (7) s v vs − − q pR θ2 ∇ − q pR θ2c d y where q is the vapor mixing ratio and q its saturated vs v vs v p v vs h value. The supersaturationrateofchangeisobtainedby Assuming s 1 and substituting the expression of q , vs p ≪ differentiating its definition: the previous equation reads: [ 2 Ds = 1 Dqv qv Dqvs (1) Ds = gL g w p + L2 C v Dt qvs Dt − qv2s Dt Dt (cid:18)Rvθ2cp − Raθ(cid:19) −(cid:18)ǫes Rvcpθ2(cid:19) d 1 pD k L 5 Thevapormixingratiofollowstheconservationequation: + v 2q θ 2θ, (8) 0 ǫes ∇ v− Rvθ2∇ 7 Dqv =D 2q C (2) where we defined 0 Dt v∇ v− d . gL g 01 wanhderCe Divs itshethceotnhdeernmsaatliodniffruastive.ityAnofewvoaltuetriovnapeoqruiantiaoinr A1(θ)= Rvcpθ2 − Raθ (9) 5 d R θ ǫL2 for q is obtained from the Clasius-Clapeyron equation a 1 vs A2(θ)= + (10) : linking supersaturation pressure es with temperature θ: ǫes(θ) pθcp v Xi DDqvts = DDt(cid:18)ǫpes(cid:19)= pǫDDets − ǫpe2sDDpt = A3(θ)=(cid:18)DρwveRs(vθθ) + kρθwRLvθ22(cid:19)−1 (11) r a ǫde Dθ ǫe Dp ǫLe Dθ ǫe Dp and s s s s = = (3) p dθ Dt − p2 Dt pRvθ2 Dt − p2 Dt 4πρwA3 C = s R (12) d i ρV where ǫ is the ratiobetween waterand dry air molecular X weights, p is the thermodynamic pressure, Rv is the gas The supersaturation relaxationtime is costant for water vapor and L is the latent heat of evap- −1 oration. The temperature θ obeys energy conservation: τ (θ)= 4πρ A (θ)A (θ) R /V (13) s w 2 3 i (cid:16) X (cid:17) where ρ is the water density and R are the radii of Dθ g L w i =κ 2θ w+ C (4) the droplets in the volume V. Eq. (8) can be exactly θ d Dt ∇ − c c p p re-written as where kθ is the thermal diffusivity, g the gravity accel- Ds =A w s + pDv 2q kθL 2θ. (14) eration, cp is the specific heat at costant pressure and w Dt 1 − τs ǫes ∇ v− Rvθ2∇ 2 The only assumption in the model is introduced now, Most of the DNS of clouds available in literature as- assumingthediffusivetermsproportionaltothelaplacian sume steady state turbulence [5–9]. The temperature of the supersaturation follows the advection-diffusion equation (20). Equation (21) links the vapor mixing ratio q , with its saturated v pD k L k 2s= v 2q θ 2θ (15) value qvs = qvs(θ,s) function of the temperature and ∇ ǫes ∇ v− Rvθ2∇ the supersaturation field. The momentum equation is forced by the buoyancy field B, expressed by equation obtaining the final equation for the supersaturationfield (22), where θ is the reference temperature, q is the 0 v0 Ds =A w s +k 2s. (16) vapor mixing ratio at θ0 and s=0, qw is the water mix- 1 ing ratio and represents the droplet drag on the flow. In Dt − τ ∇ s adiabatic cloud cores, the buoyancy effects are assumed GiventhehighReynoldsnumbersinsidecloudsitappears to be negligible [10]. reasonable to assume that diffusion and viscous effects The Eulerian fields are coupled with the Lagrangian are much smaller than the convective transport. Indeed, equation for the droplet evolution: we will show in Section B that the diffusive term does dv u(x ,t) v notaffectthesupersaturationforlargeclouddimensions. d = d − d ge , (23) z dt τ − The term A w is a source/sink term of supersaturation d 1 dx resulting fromthe variationin temperature andpressure d =v , (24) d with height. dt dR2 i =2A (θ)s(x ,t) (25) 3 d dt Model equations and parameters withx andv thedropletpositionandvelocity,u(x ,t) d d d and s(x ,t) the fluid velocity and supersaturation field d The complete Eulerian set of equations for the turbu- at dropletposition, τ =2ρ R2/(9ρν) the droplet relax- lent velocity field u, the supersaturation s, the temper- d w i ation time. The droplets are assumed to be spherical, ature fluctuations θ, the vapor mixing ratio q and the v with radius smaller than the Kolmogorov scale in order buoyancy B therefore reads to be considered point-particles. The only forces acting onthedropletsarethe Stokesdragandthe gravitational u=0, (17) ∇· force. ∂u p′ +u u= ∇ +ν 2u+Bez+f, (18) ∂t ·∇ − ρ ∇ Computational methodology ∂s s +u s=κ 2s+A (θ)w , (19) 1 ∂t ·∇ ∇ − τ (θ) s The numerical data set described in the manuscript ∂θ g L +u θ =κ 2θ w+ C , (20) has been obtained from Direct Numerical Simulations θ d ∂t ·∇ ∇ − c c p p (DNS) using a classical pseudo-spectral method for the qv =qvs(θ)(s+1), (21) Eulerian equations coupled with a Lagrangiansolver for θ θ the droplets. For the fluid phase, the Navier–Stokes– 0 B =g(cid:20) −θ +ǫ(qv−qv0)−qw(cid:21). (22) Boussinesq equations have been integrated in a three- 0 periodic domain using a Fourier spectral method with The velocity field u obeys the Navier-Stokes-Boussinesq thenonlineartermsde-aliasedbythe3/2rule. Thesolu- equations, (18), where p′ is the pressure deviation from tion is advanced in time using a third-order low-storage itshydrostaticvalue, ρisthedensityofair,f anexternal Runge–Kutta method; specifically, the nonlinear terms forcing acting just at the larger turbulent scales, ν the arecomputedusinganAdam–Bashforth-likeapproxima- kinematic viscosity. The external forcing f maintains a tion while the diffusive terms are analytically integrated turbulent field in the steady state regime. [11]. The randomforcingf is appliedisotropicallyto the In the most general cases turbulent clouds are a tran- firstshellofwavevectors,withfixedamplitude,constant sient phenomenon. The transient effects are relevant intimeanduniformlydistributedinphaseanddirections when observing the cloud for its whole life-time, espe- [12]. For the dispersed phase, we use the point-particle cially during the cloudgenerationand dissipationphase. approximation as typical droplet sizes are smaller than Thetotallife-timeofacloudisoftheorderofhours/days; the flow Kolmogorov length. The same Runge–Kutta however,ifwestudy dropletcondensationfortime inter- temporalintegrationusedforthecarrierphaseisadopted vals of the order of minutes, we can consider the sys- for the Lagrangian equations. A trilinear interpolation tem at quasi statistical steady-state, as shown by ex- scheme is used to compute the flow velocity, supersatu- perimental observations in real clouds as shallow cu- rationandtemperatureattheparticleposition. Thecor- mulus clouds [3] and marine stratocumulus clouds [4]. respondent trilinear extrapolation scheme is adopted to 3 transfertheinformationfromthedropletlocation(super- saturation, radius, temperature) into the Eulerian grid. 104 The code is fully MPI parallelized to be efficiently run DNS on supercomputing infrastructures with a performance Gaussian linearly scaling up to 104 cores. 103 ) s ( f SECTION B. NUMERICAL MODELS d p 102 Constant coefficient model The system of differential and algebraic equations (1- 14) can be simplified assuming that the coefficients A , 1 101 A , A are only function of the reference temperature -0.0002 0 0.0002 2 3 s θ , i.e. the temperature fluctuations canbe neglectedfor 0 theircalculation[7,9],andthebuoyancytermcanbene- glected as well [10]. To check and quantify the order of FIG. 1: Probability distribution function of the supersatura- magnitudeofthetemperaturefluctuations,weperformed tion fluctuations extracted by the DNS simulation (symbols) a preliminary DNS simulation solving the complete sys- and comparison with its Gaussian fit (line). tem (1-14). The simulation matches the parameters de- scribedincaseDNSD1ofthemanuscript. Inparticular, we simulate a cloud of length L = 1.5 m, velocity box fluctuations vrms = 0.1 m/s, Taylor Reynolds number u=0, (26) Re = 390 with a resolution of 10243 grid points and ∇· λ ∂u p′ 4.4 108 Lagrangian droplets. From the numerical re- +u u= ∇ +ν 2u+f, (27) × ∂t ·∇ − ρ ∇ sultsweobtainanegligiblevalueofthetemperatureroot mean square θrms =5 10−3 K. Since, the supersatura- ∂s +u s=κ 2s+A w s , (28) × 1 tion depends on a non-trivial way on the turbulent field ∂t ·∇ ∇ − τs via the quantities A2, A3, τs and the Clasius-Clapeyron dvd = u(xd,t)−vd ge , (29) equation, it is relevant to examine the behavior of its dt τ − z d probability distribution function (pdf). Figure 1 shows dx d =v , (30) thepdfofthesupersaturationsfluctuationsforthefullset d dt of equations (DNS): the behavior is Gaussian and equal dR2 to the two results from the constant coefficient model i =2A3s(xd,t) (31) dt reported in the manuscript. where A , A and A are constant that depends on 1 2 3 thereferencetemperatureθ . Thesystem(15-20)canbe 0 numerically solved without any further hypothesis, sim- plifications or models via Direct Numerical Simulations. Inthemanuscriptweperformed8differentDNScasesde- Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of the reduced scribed, see Table I, the largestcorrespondingto a cloud model of the order of L = 3 m (DNS E1) with a resolution box of 1010 degrees of freedom including the Eulerian grid Asseeninthepreviousparagraph,wecanassumethat points (20483) and Lagrangiandroplets (3 109). × the temperature field is constant in time and space and equals to its reference value θ for the calculation of the 0 constants A , A and A while the fluctuations still af- Large Eddy Simulation (LES) 1 2 3 fect the evaporation-condensation via the supersatura- tion equation. This has two consequences: the physics Since the largestDNS simulationallowsus to describe of the systemis simpler to investigate andthe numerical core clouds of the order of 3 meters, we need to employ solverisfastersincetheequationsaremoreeasytoman- Large Eddy Simulations (LES) to study clouds with size age. Under the simplifying hypothesis the system (1-14) of about 100 meters. The LES equations are obtained reduces to: fromtheDNSsystembyapplyingalow-passfiltertothe 4 Eulerian fields that remove the smallest scales. In this way, just the large scales are evolved while the effects 0.2 of the small scales on the large ones is modeled. The generic Eulerian field f can be decomposed in a filtered or resolved component f¯and a residual or subgrid-scale component f . Applying the filter operator to the sys- sgs 0.15 tem (15-20), we obtain: ] u¯ =0, (32) 2m ∇· ∂u¯ p¯ µ 0.1 ∂t +u¯·∇u¯ =−∇ρ +ν∇2u¯+¯f +∇·τ¯sgs, (33) [R2 σ ∂s¯ s¯ +u¯ s¯=κ 2s¯+A w¯ + J¯ , (34) ∂t ·∇ ∇ 1 − τs ∇· sgs 0.05 DNS20483 dv u¯(x ,t)+u (x ,t) v LES323 d = d sgs d − d gez, (35) dt τ − d dx d =vd, (36) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 dt t[s] dR2 i =2A (s¯(x ,t)+s (x ,t)) (37) 3 d sgs d dt whereτ¯ ,J¯ ,u ands arerespectivelythesub- 0.0002 sgs sgs sgs sgs grid stress tensor, the subgrid supersaturation flux, the subgrid velocity and the subgrid supersaturation. The DNS20483 LES323 subgrid terms should be described using suitable closure models, which introduce an unavoidable approximation 0.00015 of the physics with respect to the DNS. Here, the sub- grid stress tensor τ¯ and the subgrid supersaturation sgs s flux J¯sgs are modelled with to the classic Smagorinski srm closure [13]. The subgrid terms appearing in the La- grangian droplet equation u and s are set to zero 0.0001 sgs sgs so to consider our LES results as a lower limit for the droplet size distribution in the cloud. Infact, consider- ing the temporal evolution of the droplet square radius fluctuations: 5E-05 dh(Rdi2t′)2i = dσdR2t2 =4A3(cid:16)hs¯′R2′i+hs′sgsR2′i(cid:17) (38) 5 10 t1[5s] 20 25 30 we are implicitly assuming that the subgrid correlations FIG.2: Toppanel: comparisonbetweentherootmeansquare lhast′sigosnRs2′is¯′aRr2e′m.uTchhissmisaljluesrttifiheadnbthyethreesoDlvNeSdrsecsauleltcsorrerpe-- tohfethLeEsSqu(sayrme bdorolsp)leatnrdadthiuesDflNucStusiamtiuolnastiσonRs2.vBerostutosmtimpaenfeolr: h i comparison between the root mean square of the supersatu- resented in the inset of figure 1 of the main manuscript rationfluctuationsversustimefortheLES(symbols)andthe where the correlation s′R2′ is displayed. The figure DNSsimulations. h i shows that the largeDNS givesvalues ofthis correlation twoorderofmagnitudelargerthanthatfromthesmaller simulations. Another approximation introduced in the LES is re- fluctuations (bottom panel) areshownin figure 2 for the lated to the number of droplets tracked in the simula- DNS and LES. The LES slightly underestimates the ob- tion. Theoretically,oneshouldevolveorder1014droplets servable σ2 and s as expected from equation (38). R2 rms which is unfeasible. We therefore use the method of TheagreementbetweenLESandDNSisexcellentconsid- droplet renormalization described in [7]. We validated eringthatweused105degreesoffreedomagainst1010for the LES by comparing the results with our finest DNS the DNS. This implies that just solving the larger scales simulation, DNS E1. Different LES simulations have isenoughtoprovideagoodpredictionofthedropletsize been performed with different resolutions down to 323 spectra variance. In conclusion, the LES simulation is grid points. The root mean square of the square droplet able to give a lowerlimit of the dropletspectra broaden- radiusfluctuations(toppanel)andofthesupersaturation ing at a moderate computational cost. 5 The relative error pertaining the quasi steady-state value of the supersaturation fluctuation variance is re- 1 ported in the top panel of figure 3 versus the cloud size domain (the size of the computational domain and the large-to-small scale ratio). A large error is evident for M S 0.8 > clouds of smaller size and the differences are monotoni- 2 s’ cally decreasing when increasing the large-to-smallscale < / ratio (i.e. the Reynolds number). For clouds that are of S) 0.6 N the order of 100 meters, our prediction has a margin of D > 2 errorlowerthan 20%, an acceptable value for statistical ’ <s 0.4 observables that DNS cannot calculate with the current - M computational resources. S > 2 The error in the stochastic model can be explained by ’ <s 0.2 viscous effects in the supersaturation fluctuations. Mul- ( tiplying equation (17) with the supersaturation fluctua- tions and averaging, we obtain an equation for the su- 00 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 persaturation variance: L [m] box ∂ s′2/2 s′2 h i+ u′s′2/2 = κ ( s′)2 +A1 w′s′ ∂t ∇·h i − h ∇ i h i−hτ i s 1 (39) where the left hand side is zero at statistically steady state, and a balance between three terms holds: viscous 0.8 dissipation κ ( s′)2 , production A w′s′ and droplet 1 h ∇ i h i >) sink s′2/τs . In the case of the classic inviscid Twomey ’ h i s equation(employedalsointhestochasticmodel)thebal- ’ w 0.6 ance is only between production and the droplet sink < A1 terms, and viscous effects are neglected. To quantify the /( differencesbetweentheinviscidandviscidTwomeyequa- > 0.4 τs tion, we display the ratio between the droplet sink and / 2’ the production term as extracted from the DNS in the s < bottompaneloffigure3,whereavalueofthisratioequal 0.2 to 1 corresponds to an inviscid behavior as assumed in theTowmeymodel. Forsmallerclouds,theratioisabout 0.5 so that just half of the supersaturation fluctuations 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 inducethedropletgrowthwhiletheremainingisdiffused. L [m] box This explain why the stochastic model, neglecting diffu- sion,isnotabletopredicttheDNSresults. Byincreasing FIG.3: Toppanel: Relativeerrorpertainingthequasisteady- the Reynolds number and the size ofthe cloud, the ratio state supersaturation fluctuation variance in the stochastic s′2/τ /A w′s′ tends to 1, meaning that the viscous s 1 model (SM) and DNS. Bottom panel: ratio between the h i h i effects become more and more negligible (they vanish in dropletsinkterm andthesourcetermin thesupersaturation the limit of infinite Reynolds number). Therefore, the variance equation (28). stochastic model effectively predicts an upper limit for the droplet spectral broadening at a zero computational cost. In conclusion, the DNS results will always lie be- Stochastic model (SM) tweentheLESestimation(lowerlimit)andthestochastic model prediction (upper limit). Theotherapproachweusedinourworkisthestochas- tic model described by the equations (6-7) in the main manuscript. Weshowinthemaintextthatthestochastic model tends to overestimate the droplet-related quanti- ∗ [email protected] tiesandthatthedifferencesbecomesmallerbyincreasing [1] S. Twomey, Pure Appl.Geophys. 43, 243 (1959). theratiobetweenthelargeandthesmallscalesinthenu- [2] H. Pruppacher and J. Klett, Microphysics of clouds and mericalsimulations. 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