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Continuous Data Assimilation for a 2D B\'enard Convection System through Horizontal Velocity Measurements Alone PDF

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Preview Continuous Data Assimilation for a 2D B\'enard Convection System through Horizontal Velocity Measurements Alone

CONTINUOUS DATA ASSIMILATION FOR A 2D BE´NARD CONVECTION SYSTEM THROUGH HORIZONTAL VELOCITY MEASUREMENTS ALONE 6 1 0 2 ASEELFARHAT,EVELYNLUNASIN,ANDEDRISSS.TITI n a Abstract. Inthispaperweproposeacontinuousdataassimilation(downscal- J ing)algorithmforatwo-dimensionalB´enardconvection problem. Specifically 9 we consider the two-dimensional Boussinesq system of a layer of incompress- 2 ible fluid between two solid horizontal walls, with no-normal flow and stress freeboundaryconditiononthewalls,andfluidisheatedfromthebottomand ] cooled from the top. In this algorithm, we incorporate the observables as a P feedback (nudging) term in the evolution equation of the horizontal velocity. A We show thatunder anappropriatechoice ofthe nudgingparameter and the sizeofthespatialcoarsemeshobservables,andundertheassumptionthatthe . h observed data is error free, the solution of the proposed algorithm converges t at an exponential rate, asymptotically intime, to the unique exact unknown a referencesolutionoftheoriginalsystem,associatedwiththeobserveddataon m the horizontal component of the velocity. Moreover, wenote that inthe case [ wheretheobservationalmeasurementsarenoterrorfree,onecanestimatethe errorbetweenthesolutionofthealgorithmandtheexactreferencesolutionof 1 thesystemintermsoftheerrorinthemeasurements. v 2 4 0 MSC Subject Classifications: 35Q30,93C20, 37C50,76B75, 34D06. 0 Keywords: B´enard convection, Boussinesq system, continuous data assimilation, 0 signal synchronization, nudging, downscaling. . 2 0 6 1. Introduction 1 : The B´enardconvectionproblemis a model of the Boussinesq convectionsystem v of an incompressible fluid layer, confined between two solid walls, which is heated i X from below in such a way that the lower wall maintains a temperature T while 0 r the upper one maintains a temperature T1 < T0. In this case, after some change a of variablesand proper scaling (by normalizing the distance between the walls and the temperaturedifference),the two-dimensionalBoussinesqequationsthatgovern the velocity, pressure and temperature are ∂u ′ −ν∆u+(u·∇)u+∇p =θe , (1.1a) 2 ∂t ∂θ −κ∆θ+(u·∇)θ−u·e =0, (1.1b) 2 ∂t ∇·u=0, (1.1c) u(0;x ,x )=u (x ,x ), θ(0;x ,x )=θ (x ,x ). (1.1d) 1 2 0 1 2 1 2 0 1 2 Date:January28,2016. 1 2 ASEELFARHAT,EVELYNLUNASIN,ANDEDRISSS.TITI In this paper, we will consider the above system with the following boundary con- ditions at walls: No-normal flow at the wall: u ,θ =0 at x =0 and x =1, (1.1e) 2 2 2 ∂u 1 Stress free at the wall: =0 at x =0 and x =1, (1.1f) 2 2 ∂x 2 and, for simplicity, we supplement the system with periodic boundary conditions in the horizontal direction: u,θ,p are periodic, of period L, in the x -direction. (1.1g) 1 ′ ′ Here,u(t;x ,x )=(u (t;x ,x ),u (t;x ,x ))is the fluidvelocity, p =p(t;x ,x ) 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 is the modified pressure given by p′ = p − x + x22 where p = p(t;x ,x ) is 2 2 1 2 the pressure of the fluid in the box Ω, θ =(cid:16)θ(t;x1,x(cid:17)2) is the scaled fluctuation of the temperature around the steady state background temperature profile (T − 1 T )x +T and it is given by θ = T −( T0 −x ), where T = T(t;x ,x ) is the 0 2 0 T0−T1 2 1 2 temperature of the fluid inside the box Ω, κ and ν are the thermal diffusivity and kinematic viscosity, respectively. ThemathematicalanalysisoftheB´enardconvectionsystem(1.1)hasbeenstud- iedin[14](seealso[25]),wheretheexistenceanduniquenessofweaksolutionindi- mensiontwoandthreewereproved,alongwiththeexistenceofafinite-dimensional global attractor was also established in space dimension two. We remark that the analysis in [14] was done considering the boundary conditions (1.1g) and Dirichlet boundaryconditonsforuandθatthetopandthebottomboundaries. Theauthors in [14] remarked that one can handle other natural boundary conditions following similar analysis by simply modifying the definition of the function spaces. Differ- ent cases for boundary conditions were discussed in [14]. The special boundary conditions case we are considering above can be handled similarly. 1.1. Equivalent formulation of the B´enard problem as a periodic bound- ary conditions. Next,wewillshowthatthesolutionoftheinitial-boundaryvalue problem (1.1) is equivalent to the solution of system (1.1a)–(1.1b) subject to peri- odic boundary conditions with specific symmetry. Consideranysmoothsolutionu=(u ,u )of(1.1)andperformanevenextension 1 2 of the horizontal component u across the boundary x =0: 1 2 u (x ,x )=u (x ,−x ), for (x ,x )∈(0,L)×(−1,0). (1.2) 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 This, with the divergence free condition, imposes an odd extension of the vertical component u across the boundary x =0: 2 2 u (x ,x )=−u (x ,−x ), for (x ,x )∈(0,L)×(−1,0). (1.3) 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 The above extensions yield an odd extension on θ across the boundary x =0: 2 θ(x ,x )=−θ(x ,−x ), for (x ,x )∈(0,L)×(−1,0). (1.4) 1 2 1 2 1 2 Withtheviewoftheaboveextensionsandtheoriginalboundaryconditions(1.1e)– (1.1g), we have u =θ =0, at x =−1,1, (1.5a) 2 2 and ∂u 1 =0, at x =−1,1. (1.5b) 2 ∂x 2 DATA ASSIMILATION FOR THE 2D BE´NARD CONVECTION 3 It is important to observe that this space of periodic functions with the specific symmetries(1.2)–(1.5)isinvariantunderthesolutionoperatoroftheB´enardequa- tions (1.1a)–(1.1c) subject to periodic boundary conditions. It is also clear that such symmetric solutions satisfy the physical boundary conditions (1.1e)–(1.1g). Hence all the results we obtain for the periodic case with symmetry are equally valid for the physical problem. Basedonthisremark,intherestofthispaper,wewillconsidertheB´enardprob- lemontheextendedfullyperiodicdomainΩ=(0,L)×(−1,1)withthesymmetries (1.2)–(1.5). 1.2. A continuous data assimilation algorithm using horizontal velocity measurements only. Designing feedback control algorithms for dynamical sys- temshasbeenthefocusofmanyauthorsinthepastdecades,see,e.g.,[6,20,23,28] andreferencestherein. Inthecontextofmeteorologyandatmosphericphysics,feed- backcontrolalgorithmswithadataassimilationprospectivehasbeenstudied,e.g., in[16, 17]. Afinite-dimensionalfeedbackcontrolalgorithmforstabilizingsolutions of infinite-dimensional dissipative evolution equations, such as reaction-diffusion systems, the Navier-Stokes equations and the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation has been proposedandstudied in [3, 6] (see also[21]). Basedon this controlalgorithm of [3], a continuous data assimilation algorithm, where the coarse mesh observa- tional measurements of the full state variables are incorporated into the equations in the form of a linear feedback control term, was developed in [4]. The algorithm was designed to work for general linear and nonlinear dissipative dynamical sys- tems and it can be outlined as follows: consider a general dissipative evolutionary equation du =F(u), (1.6) dt where the initial data u(0)=u is missing. The algorithm is of the form 0 dv =F(v)−µ(I (v)−I (u)), (1.7a) h h dt v(0)=v , (1.7b) 0 where µ > 0 is a relaxation (nudging) parameter and v0 is taken to be arbitrary initial data. I (·) represents an interpolant operator based on the observational h measurements of a system at a coarse spatial resolution of size h, for t ∈ [0,T]. Noticethatifsystem(1.7)isgloballywell-posedandI (v)convergetoI (u)intime, h h then we recover the reference u(t,x) from the approximate solution v(t,x). The maintaskistofindestimatesonµ>0andh>0suchthattheapproximatesolution v(t) is with increasing accuracy to the reference solution u(t) as more continuous data in time is supplied. Notice that this algorithm requires measurement of all state variables of the dynamical system (1.6). Thecontinuousdataassimilationinthecontextoftheincompressible2DNavier- Stokes equations (NSE) was studied in [4] under the assumption that the data is noisefree. Acomputationalstudyofthisalgorithmwaslaterpresentedin[15]. The case when the observational data contains stochastic noise is treated in [5]. Most recently an extension of this algorithm for the case of discrete spatio-temporal measurements with error is studied in [13]; in addition, it is also shown there how toimplementthisalgorithminordertoextractstatisticalpropertiesoftherelevant solution. 4 ASEELFARHAT,EVELYNLUNASIN,ANDEDRISSS.TITI In [22], the authors analyzed an algorithm for continuous data assimilation for 3DBrinkman-Forchheimer-extendedDarcy(3DBFeD)modelofaporousmedium, amodelequationwhenthevelocityistoolargeforclassicalDarcy’slawtobevalid. Furthermore, in [1], the proposed data assimilation algorithm was also applied to severalthree-dimensional subgrid scale turbulence models. Analyzing the validity and success of a data assimilation algorithm when some state variable observations are not available is an important problem meteorol- ogy and engineering [7, 16–18] (see also [2]). In a recent work [9], a continuous data assimilation scheme for the two-dimensional incompressible B´enard convec- tionproblemwasintroduced. Thedataassimilationalgorithmin[9]constructsthe approximatesolutions for the velocity u andtemperature fluctuations θ using only the observational data, I (u), of the velocity field and without any measurements h for the temperature (or density) fluctuations. Inspired by the recent algorithm proposed in [9], we introduced an abridged dynamic continuous data assimilation for the 2D NSE in [10]. The proposed algorithm in [4] for the 2D NSE requires measurements for the two components of the velocity vector field. On the other hand,in[10],weestablishconvergenceresultsforanimprovedalgorithmwherethe observational data needed to be measured and inserted into the model equation is reduced or subsampled. Our algorithm there requires observational measurements of only one component of the velocity vector field. An abridged data assimilation algorithm for the 3D Leray-α model, using observations in only any two compo- nents and without any measurements on the third component of the velocity field, was later analyzed in [11]. In a more recent paper [12], we proposed and analyzed a data assimilation algorithm for the 2D and 3D B´enard convection problem in porous medium that employs measurements of the temperature (or density) only. Inspired the previous works [9] and [10], in this paper we propose and analyze a continuous data assimilation algorithm for a B´enard convection problem in the periodic box Ω = (0,L)×(−1,1) with the symmetries (1.2)–(1.5). Our algorithm requires measurements of only the horizontal component of the velocity to recover the full (velocity and temperature) reference solution of the 2D B´enardconvection problem. This algorithm is given by ∂v −ν∆v+(v·∇)v+∇p˜=ηe −µ(I (v )−I (u ))e , (1.8a) 2 h 1 h 1 1 ∂t ∂η −κ∆η−(v·∇)η−v·e =0, (1.8b) 2 ∂t ∇·v =0, (1.8c) v(0;x)=v (x), η(0;x)=η (x), (1.8d) 0 0 subject to the symmetries (1.2)–(1.3) on the solution (v,η) with fully periodic boundary condition in the box Ω = (0,L)×(−1,1). Here, (v ,η ) can be taken 0 0 arbitrary and I is a linear interpolant operator of the measurements of the hori- h zontal component of the velocity u . Two types of interpolants can be considered. 1 One is to be given by a linear interpolant operator I : H1 → L2 satisfying the h approximationproperty kϕ−Ih(ϕ)k2L2 ≤c0h2kϕk2H1, (1.9) DATA ASSIMILATION FOR THE 2D BE´NARD CONVECTION 5 foreveryϕ∈H1,wherec >0isadimensionlessconstant. Theothertypeisgiven 0 by I :H2 →L2, together with h kϕ−Ih(ϕ)k2L2 ≤c0h2kϕkH1 +c20h4kϕk2H2, (1.10) for every ϕ∈H2, where c >0 is a dimensionless constant. Notice that the inter- 0 polant operator I (ϕ) (satisfying (1.9) or (1.10)), with ϕ satisfying the symmetry h (1.2), will also satisfy the symmetry (1.2). One example of an interpolant observable that satisfies (1.9), with ϕ satisfying the symmetry (1.2), is the orthogonal projection onto the low Fourier modes with wave numbers k such that |k| ≤ 1/h. A more physical example is the volume elements that were studied in [4, 19]. Examples of an interpolant observable that satisfies(1.10)isgivenbythelowFouriermodesandthemeasurementsatadiscrete set of nodal points in Ω (see Appendix A in [4]). Observe that one has to slightly modify the presentation given in [4, 19] to fulfill the symmetry condition (1.2). In this paper, we give a rigorous justification that the solution of the data as- similation algorithm (1.8), (v,η) is converging to the exact reference solution of the B´enard convection problem (u,θ) subject to (1.2)–(1.5). We provide explicit estimates on the relaxation (nudging) parameter µ and the spatial resolution h of the observational measurements, in terms of physical parameters, that are needed in order for the proposed downscaling (data assimilation) algorithm to recover the reference solution under the assumption that the supplied data are error free. An extension of algorithm (1.8) for the case of discrete spatio-temporal measurements witherrorcanbeestablishedbycombiningtheideasandtoolsreportedin[13]with those presented here. 2. Preliminaries For the sake of completeness, this section presents some preliminary material and notation commonly used in the mathematical study of fluids, in particular in the studyofthe Navier-Stokesequations(NSE)andthe Eulerequations. Formore detailed discussion on these topics, we refer the reader to [8], [24], [26] and [27]. We begin by defining function spaces corresponding to the relevant physical boundary conditions. We define F to be the set of trigonometric polynomials 1 in (x ,x ), with period L in the x -direction, and are even with period 2 in the 1 2 1 y-direction. We define F to be the set of trigonometric polynomials in (x ,x ) 2 1 2 with period L in the x -direction, and are odd with period 2 in the x -direction. 1 2 We denote the space of smooth vector-valued functions which incorporates the divergence-free condition by V :={φ∈F ×F : ∇·φ=0}. 1 2 Remark 2.1. We will use the same notation indiscriminately for both scalar and vector Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces, which should not be a source of confusion. The closures of V and F in L2(Ω) will be denoted by H and H , respectively. 2 0 1 H and H will be endowed with the usual scalar product 0 1 2 (u,v) = ui(x)vi(x)dx and (ψ,φ) = ψ(x)φ(x)dx, H0 H1 i=1ZΩ ZΩ X 6 ASEELFARHAT,EVELYNLUNASIN,ANDEDRISSS.TITI and the associated norms kuk = (u,u)1/2 and kφk = (φ,φ)1/2, respectively. H0 H0 H1 H1 We denote the closures of V and F in H1(Ω) by V and V , respectively. V and 2 0 1 0 V are Hilbert spaces endowed by the scalar product 1 2 ((u,v)) =(u,v) + ∂ u (x)∂ v (x)dx V0 H0 j i j i i,j=1ZΩ X and 2 ((ψ,φ)) = ∂ ψ(x)∂ φ(x)dx, V1 j j j=1ZΩ X 1/2 1/2 andthe associatednorms kuk =((u,u)) and kφk =((φ,φ)) , respectively. V0 V0 V1 V1 Remark 2.2. Since θ,u ∈ V are zero at the boundary and are odd in the x - 2 1 2 directionandperiodic inthe x -direction(with zero meanin the box), then by the 1 Poincar´einequality (2.6), k.k defines a norm on V . V1 1 Let D(A )=V ∩H2(Ω) and D(A )=V ∩H2(Ω) and let A :D(A )→H be 0 0 1 1 i i i the unbounded linear operator defined by (A u,v) =((u,v)) , i=0,1, i Hi Vi for all u,v ∈ D(A ). The operator A is self-adjoint and A−1 is a compact, non- i i i negative, self-adjoint linear operator in H , for each i = 0,1. Thus, there exists a i complete orthonormalsetofeigenfunctions wi inH suchthatA wi =λiwi where j i i j j j 0<λi ≤λi for j ∈N and each i=0,1. j j+1 Remark 2.3. Notice that A is a positive definite operator, while A is a non- 1 0 negativeoperatorwithfinitelymanyeigenfunctionscorrespondingtotheeigenvalue λ=0. Using Cauchy-Schwarzinequality and the elliptic regularity of the operator A + I, one can show that kuk ≡ kuk + kA uk . Moreover, in periodic 0 H2 L2 0 L2 boundary conditions, the operator A =−∆. 0 We denote the Helmholtz-Leray projector from L2(Ω) onto H by P and the 0 σ ′ ′ dual space of V by V , for i = 0,1. We define the bilinear map B : V ×V →V i i 0 0 0 by hB(u,v),wi ′ = (u·∇)v,wdx, V0,V0 ZΩ ′ for each u,v,w ∈V , and its scalar analogue B :V ×V →V by 0 0 1 1 hB(u,θ),φi ′ = (u·∇)θ,φdx, V1,V1 ZΩ These bilinear operators have the algebraic property hB(u,v),wi ′ =−hB(u,w),vi ′, (2.1a) V0,V0 V0,V0 and hB(u,θ),φi ′ =−hB(u,φ),θi ′, (2.1b) V1,V1 V1,V1 foreachu∈V andv,w ∈V andθ,φ∈V . Consequently,theabovebilinearmaps 0 0 1 also enjoy the orthogonality property hB(u,v),vi ′ =0, and hB(u,θ),θi ′ =0, (2.2) V0,V0 V1,V1 DATA ASSIMILATION FOR THE 2D BE´NARD CONVECTION 7 for each u ∈ V , v ∈ V and θ ∈ V . Also, in two dimensions (under periodic 0 0 1 boundary conditions), the bilinear operator B(.,.) satisfies the following identities (see, e.g. [27]): (B(u,u),A u) =0, (2.3a) 0 H0 for each u∈D(A ), and consequently 0 (B(u,w),A w) +(B(w,u),A w) +(B(w,w),A u) =0, (2.3b) 0 H0 0 H0 0 H0 for each u and w ∈D(A ). 0 Employing the above notation, we write the incompressible two-dimensional B´enardconvection problem (1.1) in the functional form du +νA u+B(u,u)=P (θe ), (2.4a) 0 σ 2 dt dθ +κA θ+B(u,θ)−u·e =0, (2.4b) 1 2 dt u(0;x)=u (x), θ(0;x)=θ (x). (2.4c) 0 0 Next, we recall the two-dimensional Ladyzhenskaya inequality kϕk2L4 ≤ckϕkL2kϕkH1, for every ϕ∈H1, (2.5) wherecisadimensionless,positiveconstant. Hereafter,cdenotesagenericconstant which may change from line to line. We also observe that we have the Poincar´e inequality: kϕk2 ≤λ−1k∇ϕk2 , for all ϕ∈V , (2.6a) L2 1 L2 1 kϕk2 ≤λ−1kA ϕk2 , for all ϕ∈D(A ), (2.6b) V1 1 1 L2 1 where λ is the smallest eigenvalues of the operator A . 1 1 Remark 2.4. Notice that for w = (w ,w ) ∈ V one has w ∈ V and thus the 1 2 0 2 1 Poincar´einequality is only valid for w , i.e. 2 kw k2 ≤λ−1k∇w k2 , and k∇w k2 ≤λ−1kA w k2 =λ−1k∆w k2 . 2 L2 1 2 L2 2 L2 1 1 2 L2 1 2 L2 This is not the case for the horizontal component w . On the other hand, thanks 1 to the boundary conditions and the divergence free condition, we have 2 2 2 2 2 kwikH2 =kwikL2 +k∇wikL2 + k∂j∂kwikL2 j,k=1 X 2 2 2 ≡kwikL2 +k∇wikL2 +k∆wikL2, 2 2 2 for i=1,2. More precisely, kwikH2 =kwikL2 +2k∆wikL2, for i=1,2. Next, we will prove a lemma that we will use later in our analysis. Lemma 2.5. Let u=(u ,u )∈V , then 1 2 0 2 2 ku2kL2 ≤k∇u1kL2. (2.7) Proof. Since u ∈ V , then u = (u ,u ) ∈ H1 and it satisfies the symmetries (1.2) 0 1 2 and (1.3), in particular, u (x ,0) = 0. Moreover, u satisfies the divergence free 2 1 condition ∇·u=0 in L2. Therefore, one has x2 ∂u x2 ∂u 2 1 u (x ,x )=u (x ,0)+ (x ,s)ds=− (x ,s)ds. 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 ∂x ∂x Z0 2 Z0 1 8 ASEELFARHAT,EVELYNLUNASIN,ANDEDRISSS.TITI By Cauchy-Schwarzinequality, we get x2 ∂u 1 ∂u 2 1/2 1 1 |u (x ,x )|= (x ,s)ds ≤ (x ,s) ds . 2 1 2 1 1 ∂x ∂x (cid:12)Z0 1 (cid:12) Z0 (cid:12) 1 (cid:12) ! (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Thus, (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) L L 1 ∂u 2 2 1 |u (x ,x )| dx ≤ (x ,s) dx ds. 2 1 2 1 1 1 ∂x Z0 Z0 Z0 (cid:12) 1 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) This implies that (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 1 L 1 L 2 2 2 ku2kL2 = |u2(x1,x2)| dx1ds=2 |u2(x1,x2)| dx1ds Z−1Z0 Z0 Z0 L 1 ∂u 2 1 ≤2 (x ,s) dx ds 1 1 ∂x Z0 Z0 (cid:12) 1 (cid:12) L 1 ∂(cid:12)(cid:12)u1 2(cid:12)(cid:12) 2 =Z0 Z−1(cid:12)∂(cid:12)x1(x1,s)(cid:12)(cid:12) dx1ds≤k∇u1kL2. (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:3) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Wewillapplythefollowinginequalitywhichisaparticularcaseofamoregeneral inequality proved in [19]. Lemma 2.6. [19]Let τ >0be fixed. Suppose that Y(t) is an absolutely continuous function which is locally integrable and that it satisfies the following: dY +α(t)Y ≤β(t), a.e. on (0,∞), dt such that t+τ t+τ − liminf α(s)ds≥γ, limsup α (s)ds<∞, (2.8) t→∞ Zt t→∞ Zt and t+τ lim β+(s)ds=0, (2.9) t→∞ Zt for some γ >0, where α− =max{−α,0} and β+ =max{β,0}. Then, Y(t)→0 at an exponential rate, as t→∞. We alsorecallthefollowingresultsfrom[14,25]fortheB´enardconvectionprob- lem (2.4). These results were provedfor a special case of boundary conditions: pe- riodic in the x -directionand Dirichletin the x -directions. The authorsremarked 1 2 that the analysis will follow similar steps for other natural boundary conditions. Thesameresultsholdfortheboundaryconditionsweareconsideringinthispaper: fully periodic boundary conditions with the symmetries (1.2)–(1.5). Theorem 2.7 (Existence and uniqueness of weak Solutions). Let T > 0 be fixed. Let ν >0 and κ>0. If u ∈H and θ ∈H , then system (2.4) has a unique weak 0 0 0 1 solution (u,θ) such that u ∈ C([0,T];H )∩L2([0,T];V ) and θ ∈ C([0,T];H )∩ 0 0 1 L2([0,T],V ). 1 It was alsoshown in [14, 25] that the 2D B´enardconvectionsystem has a finite- dimensional global attractor. DATA ASSIMILATION FOR THE 2D BE´NARD CONVECTION 9 Theorem 2.8 (Existence of a global attractor). Let T > 0 be fixed. If the ini- tial data u ∈ V and θ ∈ V , then system (2.4) has a unique strong solution 0 0 0 1 (u,θ) that satisfies u ∈ C([0,T];V ) ∩ L2([0,T];D(A )) and θ ∈ C([0,T];V ) ∩ 0 0 1 L2([0,T];D(A )). Moreover, system (2.4) is globally well-posed and possesses a 1 finite-dimensional global attractor A which is maximal among all the bounded in- variant sets, and is compact in H ×H . 0 1 We will use the following bounds on (u,θ) later in our analysis. Proposition 2.9 (A variant of the maximum principle). Let (u,θ) be a strong solution of (2.4), then θ(t;·)=θ˜(t;·)+θ¯(t;·), where −1≤θ˜(t;x)≤1 and θ¯(t) H1 ≤ k(θ0−1)+kH1 +k(θ0+1)−kH1 e−κt, for all x ∈ Ω an(cid:13)d t >(cid:13)0. He(cid:0)re M+ = max{M,0} and M− =(cid:1)max{−M,0} for any (cid:13) (cid:13) real number M. Proposition 2.10 (Uniform bounds on the solutions). Let (u,θ) be a strong solu- tion of (2.4). There exists t >0, which depends on norms of the initial data, such 0 that for all t≥t , 0 kθ(t)k ≤a , and ku(t)k ≤b , (2.10) H1 0 H0 0 t+1 t+1 2 2 ku(s)k ds≤a , kθ(s)k ds≤b , (2.11) V0 3 V1 3 Zt Zt ku(t)k2 ≤(a +a )ea1 =:J , (2.12) V0 2 3 0 kθ(t)k2 ≤(b +b )eb1 =:J , (2.13) V1 2 3 1 where a ,a ,a ,a ,,b ,b ,b ,b ,J and J are positive constants that depend on 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 L,ν,and κ. 3. Convergence Results Inthissection,wederiveconditionsunderwhichtheapproximatesolution(v,η), of the data assimilation algorithm system (3.1), converges to the corresponding unique reference solution (u,θ) of the B´enardconvectionproblem (2.4), as t→∞. In functional form the data assimilation algorithm, system (1.8), reads as dv +νA v+B(v,v)=P (ηe )−µP (I (v )−I (u ))e , (3.1a) 0 σ 2 σ h 1 h 1 1 dt dη +κA η+B(v,η)−v·e =0, (3.1b) 1 2 dt v(0)=v η(0)=η . (3.1c) 0 0 Here, (u,θ) is a strong solution of the 2D B´enard convection problem (2.4), in the global attractor A corresponding to the observable measurements I (u), that the h above algorithm is designed to recover in a unique fashion. 10 ASEELFARHAT,EVELYNLUNASIN,ANDEDRISSS.TITI Theorem 3.1. Suppose that I satisfies the approximation property (1.9) and the h symmetry property (1.2). Let (u(t),θ(t)), for t ≥ 0, be a strong solution in the global attractor of (2.4). (1) Let T >0, v ∈V , and η ∈H . Suppose that µ>0 is large enough such 0 0 0 1 that µ≥2(K +ν), (3.2) 1 where K =K (ν,κ,L) is a constant defined in (3.19), and h>0 is small 1 1 enough such that 4µc2h2 ≤ν. Then, (3.1) has a unique solution (v,η) that 0 satisfies v ∈C([0,T];V )∩L2([0,T];D(A )), (3.3a) 0 0 η ∈C([0,T];H )∩L2([0,T];V ), (3.3b) 1 1 and also dv ∈L2([0,T];H ), dη ∈L2([0,T];V′). (3.3c) dt 0 dt 1 Moreover, thesolution (v,η) depends continuouslyon theinitial data in the V ×H norm, and it satisfies 0 1 2 2 ku(t)−v(t)k +kθ(t)−η(t)k →0, V0 H1 at an exponential rate, as t→∞. (2) Let T >0, v ∈V , and η ∈ V . Suppose that µ > 0 is large enough such 0 0 0 1 that µ≥2(K +ν)+2K , (3.4) 1 2 where K =K (ν,κ,L), i=1,2, are constantsdefinedin (3.19)and (3.28), i i respectively, and suppose that h>0 is small enough such that 4µc2h2 ≤ν. 0 Then, (3.1) has a unique strong solution (v,η) that satisfies v ∈C([0,T];V )∩L2([0,T];D(A )), (3.5a) 0 0 η ∈C([0,T];V )∩L2([0,T];D(A )), (3.5b) 1 1 and dv dη ∈L2([0,T];H ), ∈L2([0,T];H ). (3.5c) 0 1 dt dt Moreover,thestrongsolution(v,η)dependscontinuouslyontheinitialdata, in the V ×V norm, and it satisfies 0 1 2 2 ku(t)−v(t)k +kθ(t)−η(t)k →0, V0 V1 at an exponential rate, as t→∞. Proof. Since we assume that (u,θ) is a reference solutionofsystem(1.1), then it is enoughtoshowtheexistenceanduniquenessofthedifference(w,ξ)=(u−v,θ−η). In the proof below, we will drive formal a-priori bounds on the difference (w,ξ), undertheconditionsthatµislargeenoughandhissmallenoughsuchthat4µc2h≤ 0 ν. These a-priori estimates, together with the global existence and uniqueness of the solution (u,θ), form the key elements for showing the global existence of the solution (v,η) of system (1.8). The convergence of the approximate solution (v,η) to the exact reference solution (u,θ) will also be established under the tighter

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