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Continuity and Change Block 9 S103 Discovering Science by Judith Metcalfe [1998] {571.6--oclc} PDF

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Preview Continuity and Change Block 9 S103 Discovering Science by Judith Metcalfe [1998] {571.6--oclc}

discovering Open versity Continuity and change Photos on title page The peppered moth (Biston betularia). Top left: the typical form and the carbonaria form seen against the bark of a tree from a rural area. Bottom right: the typical form and the carbonaria form seen against the bark of a tree from an industrialized area. The relative abundances of the two forms have varied with changes in levels of atmospheric pollution The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA First published 1998; reprinted 2000, 2001, 2003 Copyright © 1998 The Open University All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher or a licence from the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd. Details of such licences (for reprographic reproduction) may be obtained from the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd of 90 Tottenham Court Road, London WIP OLP. Written, edited, designed and typeset by the Open University. Printed and Bound in Singapore under the supervision of MRM Graphics Ltd, Winslow, Bucks. ISBN 0 7492 8195 2 This text forms part of an Open University course, $103 Discovering Science. The complete list of texts that make up this course can be found on the back cover. Details of this and other Open University courses can be obtained from the Course Reservations and Sales Office, PO Box 724, The Open University, Milton Keynes MK7 6ZS, United Kingdom: tel. (00 44) 1908 653231. For availability of this or other course components, contact Open University Worldwide Ltd, The Berrill Building, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK1 6AA, United Kingdom: tel. (00 44) 1908 858585, fax (00 44) 1908 858787, e-mail [email protected]. Alternatively, much useful course information can be obtained from the Open University’s website http:// www.open.ac.uk ‘ s103block9i1.4 Contents 1 Introduction 6 2 Cells 8 2.1 Cell structure 8 2.2 Cell diversity 13 2.3. The origin of eukaryotes: endosymbiosis 16 2.4 Summary of Section 2 18 3 The chemistry of life: introducing biological molecules 19 3.1 The substances of life 20 3.2 Biopolymers 20 3.3. Proteins 22 3.4 Polysaccharides 28 3.5 Nucleic acids 30 3.6 Lipids 31 3.7. Summary of Section 3 35 4 Basic principles of metabolism 37 4.1 Building up and breaking down: biosynthesis and catabolism 37 4.2 The raw materials for metabolism 39 43 Enzymes 41 4.4 Coenzymes 43 4.5 Energy transfer in living organisms 46 4.6 Summary of Section 4 50 5 Glucose oxidation 51 5.1 Overview of glucose oxidation 52 5.2 Stage 1: glycolysis 54 5.3 Stage 2: the link reaction 2 5.4 Stage 3: the TCA cycle 56 5.5 Stage 4: electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation 57 5.6 Integration of metabolism 64 5.7 Biosynthetic pathways 67 5.8 Summary of Section 5 68 6 Photosynthesis 70 6.1 Overview 70 6.2 Light and dark reactions 71 6.3 Summary of Section 6 74 7 ~ Energy in cells: a review 75 8 Meiosis and the genetic lottery 76 8.1 Meiosis and the life cycle 76 8.2 Like begets like 79 8.3 Patterns of inheritance 80 8.4 Why notan exact 3: | ratio? 90 8.5 Inheritance of more than one pair of contrasting characters 92 8.6 Summary of Section 8 93 9 Variations on a gene 94 9.1 Sex and sex-linked inheritance 94 9.2 Multiple alleles 96 9.3 Many genes — one character; one gene — multiple effects 97 9.4 Effect of environment on phenotype 98 9.5 Characters that show continuous variation 99 9.6 Mutation 100 9.7 Summary of Section 9 103 10 What are genes made of? 104 10.1 The chemical structure of DNA 104 10.2 DNA replication 108 10.3 Errors in replication, and damage to DNA 111 10.4 Summary of Section 10 112 11 Using genetic information 113 11.1 One gene — one polypeptide 113 11.2 The flow of information from DNA to RNA to polypeptide 114 11.3 From DNA to RNA: transcription 115 11.4 From RNA to polypeptide: translation 117 11.5 The genetic code 123 11.6 Mutation revisited 126 11.7 Summary of Section 11 129 12 Looking at genomes 131 12.1 Bacterial genomes 131 12.2 Gene complexity in eukaryotes 132 12.3 Gene organization 136 12.4 Genome projects 137 12.5 Genome diversity 139 12.6 Summary of Section 12 140 13 Evolution by natural selection revisited 141 13.1 Genetic variation 141 13.2 Sources of variation: mutation and recombination 144 13.3 Genes and evolution in action 148 13.4 Summary of Section 13 155 14 Natural selection and speciation 156 14.1 Extinction 156 14.2 Interactions with the environment and other species 158 14.3 From variation to species 162 14.4 Summary of Section 14 168 15 Levels of explanation reviewed 170 Questions: answers and comments 172 Acknowledgements 181 Index 182 Introduction The most striking thing about the living world is its sheer diversity (a concept introduced in Block 4). Among the 30 million or so different species there is great variation in size, form, life cycle and habitat. For example, an adult blue whale of about 1 000 tonnes (10° g) is around 10?! times more massive than a bacterium, at a mere 10-!?g. The difference in form between a bacterium, a whale and an oak tree requires little comment, and likewise the asexual reproduction of bacteria, which can double their number every 30 minutes or so, is obviously different from the reproduction of mammals, such as ourselves, that produce one or a few offspring by a sexual process involving months of gestation and years of maturation. And, as far as habitat is concerned, whether you look at the South Pole, or deep-ocean hydrothermal smokers with temperatures of around 300°C, or suburban Britain, living organisms can usually be found. Few, if any, environments have proven too hostile for some species or other to colonize. Given such diversity, one inevitable question is: ‘what do different species have in common?’ A relatively simple answer is that living organisms have three things in common — they share the three attributes of life (Block 4, Section 2); (a) they are composed of cells, each of which carries out metabolism; (b) they grow; and (c) they are capable of reproduction. All living organisms are made up of cells, whether a single cell as in the case of, say, most bacteria and most protoctists, or around 10!4 cells which is typical of plants and animals, such as oak trees and humans. Furthermore, all living organisms have a shared history to some degree or other, that is, some ancestry in common. This concept of shared ancestry is of fundamental importance to the principles of inheritance and a central tenet of the theory of evolution. All living organisms derive, ultimately, from a single primitive ancestor that arose out of the pre-biotic (literally ‘before life’) phase of the Earth’s history, some 4 billion years ago. In other words, although species change they are continuously linked through their relatedness. Thus, if we are to understand what unites living organisms, we must examine in more detail the shared features — cells and ancestry — and this is what Block 9 sets out to do. In Sections 2-7, we look at cell biology. In particular, we begin by asking: ‘what features of cells are central to life?’ This leads us into cell biochemistry, the molecular components and chemical reactions characteristic of living cells. Then, in Sections 8 and 9, we focus on how information is passed down from generation to generation; this is the province of genetics. Sections 10-12 look at the molecules involved in inheritance, an area often termed molecular genetics. In Sections 13 and 14, we move on to consider longer-term ancestry, and the forces that have shaped, and continue to shape, the living world — the study of evolution (introduced in Block 4, Sections 9- 11). The block ends with a brief Section 15, in which we review the various levels of explanation (Block 4, Section 12) and their interrelationships in the study of living organisms. By following the path outlined above, we will be moving through different levels of biological explanation. We begin with small molecules and look at how these are built into polymers that both form the structures of each cell and carry out the vital functions within the cell. The largest of these polymers is DNA, which carries information in units called genes. Whole living organisms, whether oak trees, humans or bacteria, pass to their offspring copies of their genes, and these carry the Continuity and change Block 9 information and specification for building cells, and thus more living organisms, from materials in the environment. So we will be examining the genes, which link generations through their continuity. Finally, we return to evolution — genetic change over time — which acts on populations of organisms and which shapes species. This block emphasizes a very important skill: the ability to relate knowledge and concepts both within and between the different sections of the block and with other blocks of the course. In addition, you will be asked to produce summaries, which will be useful both for assessing your progress and for revision purposes. You will also make critical assessments of your writing, plan a long account on a particular scientific topic and work with the mathematics of probability and chance. Activity 1.1 Quantifying mortality factors in the holly leaf miner: S or , Part 2 During your study of this block you should complete the practical work, introduced in Block 4, Activity 8.1, on the holly leaf miner, which by late June will have completed its life cycle. This practical work, and the biology behind it, is supported by a CD-ROM activity. Now would be a good time to plan when to do this work. 4 Cells The cell is the basic unit of all living organisms. Yet there is a very wide range of cell types, so the cell exemplifies unity within diversity. This section begins by considering the structure of cells, building on what you know already from Block 4. We then look at cell diversity, and discuss how the structure of cells is related to their function. Finally, we examine an hypothesis that provides a unifying concept to account for the evolutionary relationships of all types of cell. Activit2y. 1 Revciellss anid colassnifi:cati on of organisms This activity will enable you to revise the major concepts and key terms introduced in Block 4, on which this section builds. It also gives hints on revision. 4 2.1 Cell structure Cells have many components in common, and we will explore these by examining three basic cell types: animal cells, plant cells and prokaryote cells. A comparison of these three types of cell will also reveal differences between them. Look at Figure 2.1, which shows views through a microscope of two ‘slices’, or sections, of material taken from different parts of the body of a mammal. Note that both are made up of many cells but also have areas without cells. If you were to examine material from other parts of an animal, say from bone, brain or muscle, you would see that these too are composed of cells. @ What features are common to the cells in both Figures 2.1a and b? @ Each cell contains a round or ovoid, dark object (the nucleus), and is bounded by a cell membrane. Outside the nucleus, but contained within the cell membrane, is the cytoplasm. We have now identified several key features which typify a eukaryote cell: each has an outer, boundary cell membrane, which encloses grainy cytoplasm and the nucleus. In photographs such as those in Figure 2.1 there is not much more detail that can be discerned. These photographs have been taken using a light microscope and are called light micrographs. In order to see greater detail we need to examine electron micrographs, i.e. photographs taken with an electron microscope, which can enlarge images to a much greater magnification, as described in Box 2.1, Microscopy. Box 2.1 Microscopy Virtually all cells are too small to be seen by the unaided eye. Therefore, in order to visualize cells and examine their external form and internal details, they have to be enlarged, or magnified, using microscopes. There are two Figure 2,1 Sections of cells from principal types of microscopy, which differ in the ways that images are viewed: (a) a kidney and (b) a ureter (the light microscopy and electron microscopy. tube through which urine passes from the kidney to the bladder); In light microscopy, an object to be examined is illuminated by placing it in a both are from a mammal. Note that beam of light. The beam of light passes through the object and then through a the colours are not the natural series of lenses, which magnify the object. The beam of light then reaches the colours of the cells shown, but eye of the observer; the magnified image is viewed directly by the eye. Using result from the treatment of the this technique, certain living cells can be examined: those of unicellular cn cells with coloured stains. organisms or those from very thin sections of microscopy, which can enlarge, or magnify, an image multicellular organisms. Whatever the source of the up to 1 500 times. material, it has to be thin enough for light to pass To study the detail of individual features within cells, through it. So, for example, you cannot examine the greater magnification is needed, and this is achieved cells in your finger or from a large piece of a plant using electron microscopy. Objects can be enlarged leaf by simply placing the finger or leaf under the up to a million times by an electron microscope — microscope, because light cannot travel through such nearly 700 times greater than the maximum possible material. with a light microscope. Unfortunately, because of the Most cells in their natural state are almost invisible need to dry and stain the material for examination by under a light microscope. More detail can be seen by electron microscopy, only dead cells can be observed. staining the cells with dyes, although this treatment In an electron microscope, instead of shining a beam immobilizes and kills them. For example, a thin slice, of light through an object, a beam of electrons is fired a section, can be cut from a plant leaf or a part of an at it, and the electrons that are transmitted through the animal, and this section can be treated with dyes that section, or reflected off its surface, are collected and preferentially stain particular parts or features of the viewed on a screen. Figure 2.2a is a photograph of an cell. The cells shown in Figure 2.1 are from thin electron microscope image (an electron micrograph) sections that have been treated with a stain that showing a section of an animal cell and parts of other specifically adds colour to cell nuclei, Only the large- cells that surround it. Compare this with Figure 2.1 scale structure of cells (i.e. their size and shape) can and you will appreciate how much more detail can be be observed in living cells examined by light seen using electron microscopy; surface features of cells as well as internal structures can be identified. Figure 2.2. (a) An electron micrograph of part of a section of chick (Gallus domesticus) liver. One complete cell can be seen in the middle of the picture and parts of the adjacent cells are also visible. (b) A drawing of the cell shown in (a) with the key features identified. Figure 2.2b is a drawing of the same cell as that in Figure 2.2a, and highlights the key features. It is important to realize that this shows just one section through a cell, so all that we are seeing is a two-dimensional slice of a three-dimensional object. We will look at each of the key features of this cell in turn. The cell is bounded by a cell membrane, which, as you can see from Figure 2.2b, can be folded and convoluted. The most prominent feature of the cell is the central $103 Disc: nucleus, which contains the DNA, the genetic material. The nucleus, like the cell itself, is bounded by a membrane, the nuclear membrane. The presence of a nucleus means that this is a eukaryote cell (Block 4, Section 3). The nucleus is the largest of several membrane-bound cell components, called organelles. Outside the nucleus other organelles can be seen. The most prominent of these are the mitochondria (pronounced ‘my-toe-kon-dree-a’; singular mitochondrion). These vary in size and shape, being either spherical or sausage- shaped, but in Figure 2.2 they are shown in section and appear mainly as circles. Not only do mitochondria have an outer membrane, but they also have a highly convoluted internal membrane. The mitochondrion is often described as the ‘power- house of the cell’; this is because it is within this organelle that energy is transferred to a form that can be used by the cell, as will be described in Section 5, Another structure composed of membranes is identified in Figure 2.2b, namely rough endoplasmic reticulum. This is membrane material organized into sack-like or sheet-like structures. Rough endoplasmic reticulum has a granular appearance because of the attachment to its surface of many small, roughly spherical particles; these are known as ribosomes (pronounced ‘rye-bo-zome-s’). It is on the ribosomes that protein synthesis takes place. You will learn about this process in Section 11. Membranes are key features of cell organelles and serve as partitions between different regions of the cell; thus a cell can be viewed as a series of separate but linked compartments. The partitioning enables some cell functions to be restricted to particular parts oft he cell, as will be revealed when we examine cell metabolism in Sections 5 and 6. You have met two examples of cell compartmentation already; energy metabolism within the mitochondria and protein synthesis on the ribosomes attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Another cell component is the cytoplasm. This is all the material outside the nucleus and contained within the cell membrane, so includes all the organelles, internal membranes and ribosomes. The gel-like liquid that remains when rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and all other subcellular structures have been removed is termed the cytosol (Figure 2.2b). The scale bar in Figure 2.2b represents a length of 1 {um (10-6 m). @ What is the horizontal diameter of the nucleus shown in Figure 2.2a? Give your answer in both micrometres and metres. i?) The nucleus is about three times wider than the scale bar, so it is about 3 1m, i.e. 3x 10-6 m, in diameter. So far, we have described the principal features of a typical animal cell. We will now consider a plant cell, shown in Figure 2.3. @ What features are common to both the animal cell in Figure 2.2 and the plant cell in Figure 2.3? © Cell membrane, cytosol, nucleus, and nuclear membrane. (Rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria are also present in plant cells, but are not visible in Figure 2.3.) Having identified the similarities between an animal and a plant cell, let us now contrast the two types of cell. 10

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