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Preview Continental Shelf Research 1997: Vol 17 Index & Table of Contents

Contents of Volume 17 January Wa csH, D. A. DIFTERLI CO, cycling in the coastal ocean. Il. Seasonal MULLER-KARGER, K. AAGAARD organic loading of the Arctic Ocean from T. Roacn, T. E. WHITLEDGE and source waters in the Bering Sea D. STOCKWELI P. E. RENAuD, S. R. RIGGs. Biological geological interactions: storm W. G. AmBrRosE JR. K. SCHMID eflects on macroalgal communities mediated ind S. W. SNYDER by sediment characteristics and distribution 1. Se_By and N. C. Evans Origins of mud clasts and suspensions on the seabed in Hong Kong (;Wwo-C HING GIONG FUH-KWo SHIAH Effect of the Kuroshio intrusion on_ the KON-KEE Lit WeEN-SSN CHUANG and chlorophyll distribution in the southern East JIENG CHANG China Sea during spring 1993 T. NEUMANN, C. CHRISTIANSEN Geochemical records of salt-water inflows S LASEN, K.-C. Emets and into the deep basins of the Baltic Sea H. KUNZENDORI List of Forthcoming Papers for l¢ tal Shelf Re searcn -Sea Researcl February SAHL, D \. WIESENBURG and 117 Interactions of mesoscale features with Texas J. MERRELI shelf and slope waters F. X. GINGELE, G KUHN B. Maus, Holocene ice retreat from the Lazarev Sea M. MELLES and 1 SCHONI shelf, East Antarctica A.M Davies. S. C. M KWONG and Formulation of a variable-function three R.A F LATHER dimensional model, with applications to the M, and M, tide on the North-West European Continental Shelf H. EIcKen, E. REIMNITZ Sea-ice processes in the Laptev Sea and thei V. ALEXANDROV, T. MARTIN importance for sediment export H. KASSENS and T. VIEHOF! Current Awareness List of Forthcoming Papers for Continental Shelf Research March B. Nreke, R. Reuter, R HEUERMANN, 72a4r Light absorption and fluorescence properties H. WANG. M. BaBIN and of chromophoric dissolved organic matte! J. C. THERRIAULT (CDOM), in the St. Lawrence Estuary (Case 2 waters) Vil ELSON, J. LAANEMETS 253 Quasi-permanent density front at the ( NONEN and S. NOMMANN entrance to the Gulf of Finland: response t Vind forcing |. BERHANE. R. W. STERNBERG Mi The variability of suspended aggregates o1 “ G. C. Krneke, T. G. MILLIGAN and { Amazon Continental Shelf L. S. INcze. D. W. Sterert and 2s Mesozooplanktono f Shelikot Strait, Alaska R. Preco and R. Bae 10) nwelll fluence on the Galician coas { helf water and underlying surtace ’ . nr > , , B \. Ison 319 The determinant of the volume transport ( ibution of the Tsushima Warm Current List round the Tsushima/Korea Straits Con April LA ) Fk. Lyncn, T. F. Gross ; Acoustical and optical backscatter measure DR C. R. SuHerwoop, J. D. IRisu and mentso f sediment transport in the 1988-1989 B. H. BRUMLEY STRESS experiment R.A. WHeatcrort and C. A. BUTMAN 36 Spatial and temporal variability in aggre IJ ited grain-size distributions, with mmoplica a tions for sediment d AMICcs \.L.R 91 Cur meter observations in the Argentine { tine | Shelf ned effects of synoptic-scale and rr _aS- meteorological events on bed ; and sediment transport on the inner Hoy shelf of the Middle Atlantic Bight G. E. Mitt warp, H. J. Kirts $35 Arsenic species in the Humber Plume, U.K 1 R | EBDON, J. | ALLEN and \ W. Morris ( \« Instri A. R ‘nts for Deep-Sea ll M " Be JOA April ( K. K. Waite and R. C. DUGDALI 455 Silicate and nitrate uptake in the Monterey Bay upwelling system C. S. HOPKINSON Jr, B. Fry and 473 Stoichiometry of dissolved organic matter A. L. NoLIn dynamics on the continental shelf of the List o northeastern U.S.A Vol. 4 Vill C. A. BRUNNER and P. E. Biscay! 49] Storm-driven transport of foraminifers from the shelf to the upper slope, southern Middle Atlantic Bight W. M. GRAHAM and J. L. LARGIER S09 Upwelling shadows as nearshore retention sites: the example of northern Monterey Bay fF. JAKOBSEN $33 Hydrographic investigation of the Northern Kattegat front A. G. Davies and Z. Li SDD Modelling sediment transport beneath regular symmetrical and asymmetrical waves above a plane bed Book Re 583 List of Forthcoming Papers for I Continental Shelf Research May E. G. EsCOBAR-BRIONES and 585 Continental shelf benthic biomass in the | A. SoTo western Gulf of Mexico D. R. Lyncn, M. J. HOLBOKE and 605 The Maine coastal current: spring climato- C. E. Nami logical circulation ). J. BisaGni, J. E. O'REILLY 635 Determination of optimum aerosol optical \. H. BARNARD and C. M. WOLPFTEICH thickness ratios for atmospheric correction of coastal zone color scanner data in the Georges Bank—Gulf of Maine Region [. YANAC A. Morimoto and 655 Seasonal variation in surface circulation of K. ICHIKAWA the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea derived from satellite altimetric data H. F. Ryan, M. A. Nose, 665 Tidal current shear in a broad, shallow E. A. Wittiams, W. W. SCHROEDER river-dominated estuary J. R. PENNocK and G. GELFENBAUM C. SCHRUM 689 Thermohaline stratification and instabilities at tidal mixing fronts: results of an eddy resolving model for the German Bight Instrwment ind Vi fhods \. Reep, A. CARMICHAEL and An inexpensive bottom water sampler M. A. De ANGELIS Boob Re 23 Current Awarenes B47 List of Forthcoming Papers for I > , Shel Rese arcn List of Contents tor Deep-Sea Research ] I] Vol. 43, No. 9 June \ } | ed re nts of pny p ink yn | ( c nd solar-stimulated Muorescence 5 the rthwest Atlantic D ment I node! to reproduce WSC } Suspended sediment distridutions t hern North Sea using Principa Cx \ ind Multiple Linea R« | quence insport e Santa B Cl } ption and forcing | Il " Ti< ] ) p Oop! y ri cl if a rosed ( eochemical transformatioonl l a t nin S he in shelt seas |} SHARI C re “If itrusio i subhttr opic>) al | watet e ( {ware || Forthcomin. g ) Paps te C ontine Site R K. KAWANISI and S. YOKosi Characteristics of suspended sediment and tidal boundary laver 1. A. OKEY Sediment flushing observations, earthquake slumping, and benthic community changes in Monterey Canyon head C. ESTOURNEL, V. KONDRACHOF! S99 The plume of the Rhone: numerical simu- P. MARSALEIX and R. Vent lation and remote sensing KANITHA SRISUKSAWAD Radionuclide activities, geochemistry, and BOONSOM PORNTEPKASEMSAN accumulation rates of sediments in_ the SUNUN NOUCHPRAMOOI Gulf of Thailand PATHOM YAMKATE, R. CARPENTER, M. L. PeTerRsSON and T. HAMILTON E. Nos! 967 The method of extracting current profiles from layered ocean models, applied to an oscillatory internal Kelvin wave with friction damping along the coast Current Aw 7Teness List of Forthcoming Papers for I Continental Shelf Re searcn List of ¢ ontents for Deep-Sea Researcl II Vol 44 Nos | 3 August [. Fk. Donato, F. ASKARI, 989 Radar imaging of sand waves on _ the G. O. MARMORINO, C. L. TRUMP continental shelf east of Cape Hatteras ind D.R LYZENGA NC, U.S.A M. T. Gipss and J. H. MIDDLETON 1005 Barotropic and baroclinic tides on. the Sydney continental shelf \. H. Devot, L. A. Coptspoti and 1029. Summer and winter denitrification rates in 1. P. CHRISTENSEN western Arctic shelf sediments \. GRAHAM and A. J. HAL! 1051 The horizontal distribution of bubbles in a shallow sea C. P. Stomp, J. F. P. MALSCHAERT 1083 Iron and manganese cycling in different L. Louse and W. VAN RAAPHORST sedimentary environments on the North Sea continental margin and I. L. COLLINGS 1119 A steady state two-dimensional model for the maintenance of shelf break fronts BS] ircne ) rthcoming Papers for | ( nil nenta Site Ri cdl fl III August M. Y. ZHANanGd Y. S. LI 1141 The dynamic coupling of a third-generation wave model and a 3D hydrodynamic model through boundary layers E. Buzzecui, R. GIANNA, 1171 Influence of nutrient factors on production E. MARCHIORI and M. BRUNO of mucilage by Amphora coffeaeformis vat perpusilla \.H BARNARD, P. M. STEGMANN 1181 Seasonal surface ocean variability in the and J \. YODER South Atlantic Bight derived from CZCS and AVHRR imagery A. KHALIK Hy. Woop. ZAHARUDIN 1207 Geochemistry of sediments in Johor Strait AHMAD, Noor AZHAR MD. SHAZILI,. between Malaysia and Singapore ROSNAN YAAKOB and R. CARPENTER F. ANDRIEUX and A. AMINOT 1229. A two-year survey of phosphorus speciation in the sediments of the Bay of Seine (France) X. A. ALVAREZ-SALGADO, 1247 Nutrient mineralization patterns in_ shelf C. G. Castro, F. F. Pérez and waters of the Western Iberian upwelling F. FRAGA XI F. Lyncn, J. D. IrRisu, T. F. Gross, 1271 Acoustic measurements of the spatial and P. L. WiperG, A. E. NEWHALI temporal structure of the near-bottom P. A. TRAYKOVSKI and J. D. WARREN boundary layer in the 1990-1991 STRESS experiment Current Awareness B9] List of Forthcoming Papers for I Continental Shelf Research List of Contents for Deep-Sea Research I I] Vol. 44. Nos 4-5 September G. L. WEATHERLY and D. THISTLI 1297 On the wintertime currents in the Florida Big Bend region B. SINHA and R. D. PINGRE: tv The principal lunar semidiurnal tide and its harmonics: baseline solutions for M, and M, constituents on the North-West European Continental Shelf D. PRANDLI 1367 The influence of bed friction and vertical eddy viscosity on tidal propagation R. W. Goutp Jr and R. A. ARNONI 1375 Estimating the beam attenuation coefficient in coastal waters from AVHRR imagery C. K. Harris and P. L. WiIBERG 1389 Approaches to quantifying long-term conti- nental shelf sediment transport with an example from the Northern California STRESS mid-shelf site Book Review 1419 Current {waren A) B9S List of Forthcoming Papers for I Continental Shelf Research j October C. Fuenres-Yaco, A. F. VEzINa. 1421 Phytoplankton pigment in the Gulf of P. LAaRouCHE, C. VIGNEAU, St. Lawrence, Canada, as determined by M. GOsSsELIaNn d M. LEVASSEUR the Coastal Zone Color Scanner—Part | spatio-temporal variability C. FUENTES-Y ACO, A. F. VEZINA, 144] Phytoplankton pigment in the Gulf of P. LAROUCHE, Y. GRATTON and St. Lawrence, Canada, as determined by M. GOSSELIN the Coastal Zone Color Scanner—Part I] and multivariate analysis .. Dempster, M. T. Giepss,D . Rissik 1461 Beyond hydrography: daily ichthyoplankton and I. M. SUTHERS variability and short term oceanographic events on the Sydney continental shelf L. Xie, L. J. PleTRAFESA and 1483 Interaction between surface wind and ocean S. RAMAN circulation in the Carolina Capes in a coupled low-order model XI S. ZECCHETTO,G . UMGIESSEaRnd 1513 Hindcast of a storm surge induced by local M. BROCCHINI real wind fields in the Venice Lagoon Current Awareness B103 List of Forthcoming Papers for I Continental Shelf Research November C. PATTIARATCHI, B. HEGGE. 1539 Impact of sea-breeze activity on nearshore }. GOULD and I. ELto1 and foreshore processes in southwestern Australia A. OpuLo, J. C. SWANSON and 1561 The Steady flow between reservoirs with 1D. MENDELSOHN different density and level over a sill M. LOPEZ 158] A numerical simulation of water mass for- mation in the northern Gulf of California during winter B. Kyerrive, C. H. A. RIBEIRO, 1609 Oceanographic characteristics of an im G. T. M. Dias, A. M. Fitipro and pacted coastal bay: Baia de Guanabara, V. Da SILVA QUARESMA Rio de Janeiro, Brazil D. WEIDONG, Y. BAOGUO and 1645 Studies of storm deposits in China: a review W. XIAOGEN V. EpiGer, G. EVANS and M. ERGIN 1659 Recent surficial shelf sediments of the Cilician Basin (Turkey), northeastern Mediterranean P. A. Pitts 1679 An investigation of tidal and nontidal current patterns in Western Hawk Channel, Florida Keys Current Awareness Bil] List of Forthcoming Papers for I Continental Shelf Research List of Contents for Deep-Sea Research | Vol. 44, Nos 6-7 I December 4. B. Fortunato, A. M. BAPTISTA 1689 A three-dimensional model of tidal currents and R. A. LUETTICH in the mouth of the Tagus estuary M. Dowpb and K. R. THOMPSON 1715 Forecasting coastal circulation using an approximate Kalman filter based on dynamical modes E. H. G. Eppinc and W. HELDER 1737 Oxygen budgets calculated from in situ oxygen microprofiles for Northern Adriatic sediments XII H.-H. HINRICHSEN, A. LEHMANN 165 Modeling the cod larvae dnft in_ the M. St. JOHN and B. BRuUGGI Bornholm Basin in summer 1994 The logarithmic layer in a tidal channel 4 numerical model of the development of ' yclonic circulation in a gulf-type region reshwater influence December M. D. SKOGEN, I N | Quantifying volume transports during M. OSTROWSKI SKAGEX with the Norwegian Ecological Model system C.N. Fia ind old anticyclonic eddies formed from cold 7. KOLBER y| in the southern Middle Atlantic LpircH, C. W. EMERSON Effect of scallop shells and sediment grain ANT size on phytoplankton flux to the bed G. HANNAH, ¢ NaIMII 1887 Upper-ocean transport mechanisms from the 1. W. Loper and I WERNER Gulf of Maine to Georges Bank, with impli- cations for Calanus supply Currents in the high drag environment of a | kelp stand off California energetics in * Faroe-Shetland a model resolution study orthcoming Pap Shelf Resear List of Content Vol. 44, No Ind

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