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Contemporary Sociological Theory Edited by Craig Calhoun, Joseph Gerteis, James Moody, Steven Pfaff, and lndermohan Virk Blackwell Publishers ({) 2002 by Blackwell Publishers Ltd a Blackwell Publishing company except for edicorial matter and organization © 2002 by Craig Calhoun, Joseph Gerreis, James Moody, Steven rfaff, and Indermohan Virk Editorial Offices: 108 Cowley Road Oxford OX4 lJF, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1865 791100 350 Main Street Malden, Massachusetts 02148-5018, USA Tel: +1 781 388 8250 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, without the prior permission of the publisher. First published 2002 by Blackwell Publishers Ltd Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been applied for. ISBN 0-631-21349-X (hbk) 0-631-21350-3 (pbk) A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Typeset in 10 on 12 pt Saban Roman by Kolam Information Services Pvt. Ltd. Pondicherry Printed and bound in Great Britain by TJ International, Padsrow, Cornwall This book is printed on acid-free paper For further information on Blackwell Publishers, visit our website: www.blackwellpublishers.co.uk Contents List of Contributors Vlll Acknowledgments ix Introduction 1 Part I Micro-Sociological Analysis 23 Introduction to Part I 25 1 The Phenomenology of the Social World Alfred Schutz 32 2 The Social Construction of Reality Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann 42 3 The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life Erving Goffman 51 4 Symbolic Interactionism Herbert Blumer 66 Part II Exchange and Rationality 79 Introduction to Part II 81 5 Social Behavior as Exchange George C. Homans 88 { 6 Exchange and Power in Social Life Peter M. Blau 99 7 Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital ]amefS. Coleman 110 8 Foundations for a Theory of Collective Decisions fames S. Coleman 117 9 The Logic of Collective Action Mancur Olson 126 Part Ill . Institutional Analysis 131 Introduction to Part III 133 10 Limits of Steering Niklas Luhmann 139 11 Coercion, Capital, and European States Charles Tilly 153 12 The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields Paul]. DiMaggio and Walter W. Powell 167 vi CONTENTS Part IV The Sociological Theory of Michel Foucault 183 Introduction to Part IV 185 13 The Birth of the Clinic Michel Foucault 191 14 Truth and Power Michel Foucault 203 15 Discipline and Punish Michel Foucault 211 PartV The Sociological Theory of Anthony Giddens 219 Introduction to Part V 221 16 Some New Rules of Sociological Method Anthony Giddens 226 17 Agency, Structure Anthony Giddens 232 18 The Consequences of Modernity Anthony Giddens __ 244 ______ .,. ,, Part VI The Sociological Theory of Pierre Bourdieu 257 Introduction to Part VI 259 19 Social Space and Symbolic Space Pierre Bourdieu 267 20 Structures, Habitus, Practices Pierre Bourdieu 276 21 The Field of Cultural Production, or: The Economic World Reversed Pierre Bourdieu 289 Part VII Race, Gender, and Difference 305 Introduction to Part VII 307 22 The Conceptual Practices of Power Dorothy E. Smith ' 315 23 Black Feminist Epistemology Patricia Hill Collins 323 24 Black Skin, White Masks Frantz Fanon 332 25 The Paradoxes of Integration Orlando Patterson -------3-4-0 Part VIII The Sociological Theory of Jurgen Habermas 349 Introduction to Part VIII 351 26 Civil Society and the Political Public Sphere Jurgen Habermas 358 CONTENTS vii 27 The Tasks of a Critical Theory of Society Jurgen Habermas 377 28 Theory and Practice Jurgen 1-Iabermas 401 ----- Part IX Modernity and Postmodernity 411 Introduction to Part IX 413 29 The Social Constraint towards Self-Constraint Norbert Elias· 419 30 A Sociological Theory of Postmodernity Z ygmunt Bauman 429 31 Describing the Future Nik/as Luhmann 441 Index 448 Contributors Craig Calhoun is Professor of Sociology and History at New York University and since 1999 has been President of the Social Science Research Council. He was previously editor of Sociological Theory. His books include Neither Gods Nor Emperors: Students and the Struggle for Democracy in China (1995), Critical Social Theory: Culture, History, and the Challenge of Difference (1995), and Nationalism (1997). He is also editor-in-chief of the Oxford Dictionary of the Social Sciences. Joseph Gerteis is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. His work explores the link between categorical identities and social action in politics and social movements. His recent work examines southern labor movements of the late nineteenth century. James Moody is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Ohio State University. He studies informal social organization through social networks, including the distribution of sexually transmitted diseases, adolescent friendship structure, and relations through the Internet. Steven Pfaff is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Washington. His scholarly interests include sociological theory, comparative and historical sociology, and research on collective action and social movements. His current research focuses on popular protest in the East German revo"!ution of 1989-90. lndermohan Virk is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of North Carolina and a Visiting Lecturer at Indiana University. Her current research addresses the transformation of public space and its impact on the public sphere in the late twentieth-century United States. Acknowledgments The authors and publishers gratefully acknowledge the following for permission to reproduce copyright material: 1 Alfred Schutz, "The Phenomenology of the Social World." From Alfred Schutz, The Phenomenology of the Social World. Translated by George Walsh and Frederick Lehnert, with an Introduction by George Walsh. Copyright © 1967, Northwestern University Press, pp. 107, 113-16, 126-36; 2 Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann, "The Social Construction of Reality." From Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann, The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge. Copyright © 1966 by Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann. Used by permission of Doubleday, a division of Random House, Inc., pp. 50-62; 3 Erving Goffman, "The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life." From Erving Goffman, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Copyright © 1959 by Erving Goffman. Reprinted by permission of The Overlook Press, pp. 17-25, 30-6,56-61, 65-6, 70-7; 4 Herbert Blumer, "Symbolic lnteractionism." From Herbert Blumer, Symbolic Interactionism. Copyright © 1998. Reprinted by permission of Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, pp. 1, 46-8, 50-52, 78-89; 5 George C. Homans, "Social Behavior as Exchange." American Journal of Sociology 63, 6. Copyright © 1958 by the University of Chicago Press. Re printed by permission of the University of Chicago Press, pp. 598-606; 6 Peter M. Blau, "Exchange and Power in Social Life." From Peter M. Blau, Exchange and Power in Social Life. Copyright © 1964 by John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Transaction Publishers, pp. 19-31, 91-5; 7 James S. Coleman, "Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital." Ameri can Journal of Sociology 94. Copyright © 1988 by the University of Chicago Press. Reprinted by permission of the University of Chicago Press, pp. S97-S98, S100-S108; 8 James S. Coleman, "Foundations for a Theory of Collective Decisions." Ameri can Journal of Sociology 71, 6. Copyright© 1966 by the University of Chicago Press. Reprinted by permission of the University of Chicago Press, pp. 615-23; 9 Mancur Olson, "The Logic of Collective Action." Reprinted by permission of the publisher from Mancur Olson, The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and the Theory of Groups. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Copyright© 1965, 1971 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College, pp. 9-16; 10 Niklas Luhmann, "Limits of Steering." Theory, Culture and Society 14, 1. Copyright © 1997 by Sage Publications Ltd. Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications Ltd., pp. 41-57; X ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 11 Charles Tilly, "Coercion, Capital, and European States." From Charles Tilly, Coercion, Capital, and European States, AD 990-1992. Copyright If) 1990, 1992 by Charles Tilly. Reprinted by permission of Blackwell Publishers, pp. 17-32; 12 Paul J. DiMaggio and Walter W. Powell, "The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields." American Sociological Review 48. Copyright © 1983 by the American Sociological Association. Reprinted by permission of the American Sociological Associ ation, pp. 147-60; 13 Michel Foucault, "The Birth of the Clinic." From Michel Foucault, The Birth of the Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception. Translated by A. M. Sheridan-Smith. Translation copyright© 1973 by Tavistock Publications, Ltd. Reprinted by permission of Pantheon Books, a division of Random House, Inc., and by Taylor & Francis Books, Ltd., pp. 22-36; 14 Michel Foucault, "Truth and Power." From Michel Foucault, Power/Know ledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-1977. Edited by Colin Gordon. Copyright© 1972, 1975, 1976, 1977 by Michel Foucault. Reprinted by permission of Pantheon Books, a division of Random House, Inc., pp. 113, 115-17, 118-26, 131-3; 15 Michel Foucault, "Discipline and Punish." From Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. Originally published in French as Surveil ler et Punir: Naissance de la Prison. Translated by Alan Sheridan. Copyright© 1975 by Les Editions Gallimard. Reprinted by permission of Georges Borch ardt, Inc., and by Penguin Books, Ltd., pp. 200-2, 215-16, 218-24; 16 Anthony Giddens, "Some New Rules of Sociological Method." From Anthony Giddens, New Rules of Sociological Method: A Positive Critique of Interpretive Sociologies. Copyright© 1976 by Anthony Giddens. Reprinted by permission of Anthony Giddens, pp. 155-62; 17 Anthony Giddens, "Agency, Structure." From Anthony Giddens, Central Prob lems in Social Theory: Action, Structure and Contradiction in Social Analysis. Copyright © 1979 by Anthony Giddens. Reprinted by permission of the University of California Press, and by Macmillan Publishers Ltd., pp. 49, 53-9,62, 64-6,68-73, 82-4, 94-5; 18 Anthony Giddens, "The Consequences of Modernity." From Anthony Giddens, The Consequences of Modernity. Copyright© 1990 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Standford Junior University. Reprinted by permission of Stanford University Press and Blackwell Publishers, pp. 112-14, 120-5, 131-4, 137-50; 19 Pierre Bourdieu, "Social Space and Symbolic Space." From Pierre Bourdieu, "Social Space and Symbolic Space: Toward a Japanese Reading of Distinction." Poetics Today 12, 4. Copyright © 1991, Porter Institute for Poetics and Semi otics. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission of Duke University Press, pp. 627-38; 20 Pierre Bourdieu, "Structures, Habitus, Practices." From Pierre Bourdieu, The Logic of Practice. Translated by Richard Nice. Originally published in French as Le Sens Pratique. Copyright ~) 1980, Les Editions de Minuit. Translation copyright © 1990, Polity Press in association with Blackwell Publishers.

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