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FEBRUARY—DECEMBER 2003, VOLUME 48, NUMBERS 1—6 Contemporary Psychology APA REVIEW OF BOOKS EDITOR ROBERT J. STERNBERG Department of Psychology PACE Center Yale University P.O. Box 208358 New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8358 ASSOCIATE EDITORS Elena L. Grigorenko Yale University Jefferson A. Singer Connecticut College PUBLISHED BIMONTHLY Se AMERICAN m= PSYCHOLOGICAL = ASSOCIATION 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 ISSN 0010-7549 Copyright © 2003 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. Contemporary Psychology APA REVIEW OF BOOKS CONSULTING EDITOR Richard A. Griggs, University of Florida EDITORIAL STAFF Connie Russell, Editorial Assistant APA JOURNAL STAFF Susan J. A. Harris, Senior Director, Journals Program Demarie S. Jackson, Director, Journals Program Kathleen P. Baker, Manager, Journal Production Marlene Gill, Production Editor Jodi Ashcraft, Advertising Sales Manager Contemporary Psychology APA REVIEW OF BOOKS, 2003, Vol. 48, No. 6 Author & Reviewer Index, Volume 48 NOTE: AUTHORS OF BOOKS REVIEWED are in BAR-ON, REUVEN, The handbook of emotional intelli- BROWN, STEVEN, The origins ofm usic, 54 capital letters. Reviewers and authors of letters gence: Theory, development, assessment, and applica- Brown, Thomas E., CUMMINGS, DAVIES, & CAMPBELL, are in roman capital and lower case. Titles of tion at home, school, and in the workplace, 853 438 books received are in italics. BARR, REBECCA, Methods of literacy research: The meth- Brown, William T., FASHOLA, 372 odology chapters from the handbook of reading re- BRUCH, HILDE, The golden cage: The enigma of anorexia KEY TO PAGINATION search, 683 nervosa, 160 Issue Pages BARTHOLOMEW, ROBERT E., Little green men, meowing Budman, Simon, COREN, 301 nuns, and head-hunting panics: A study of mass psycho- BUGENTAL, JAMES F. T., The handbook of humanistic February 1-144 genic illness and social delusion, 617 psychology: Leading edges in theory, research, and prac- April 145-272 BARTLETT, LESLEE, Learning together: Children and lice, 32 June 273-400 adults in a school community, 839 BURACK, JACOB A., The development of autism: Perspec- August 401-544 Bartram, Pamela, KNOBLAUCH, 631 tives from theory and research, 96 October 545-712 BATES, ELIZABETH, Language development: The essen- BURNABY, BARBARA, Participatory practices in adult ed- December 713-926 tial readings, 692 ucation, 440 Battin, David B., WELLER, 41 BURNAFORD, GAIL E., Images of schoolteachers in Amer- Bauer, Jack, NEIMEYER, 165 ica (2nd ed.), 414 BAUM, ANDREW, Handbook of health psychology, 488 Burnette, Courtney P., BURACK, CHARMAN, YIRMIYA, Bazerman, Max H., DARLEY, MESSICK, & TYLER, 426 & ZELAZO, 96 Beall, Anne E., ECKES & TRAUTNER, 740 BURROWS, GRAHAM D., Psychology and psychiatry: Inte- ADAMS, LYNN W., Understanding Asperger syndrome BECK, CONNIE J. A., Family mediation: Facts, myths, and grating medical practice, 36 and high functioning autism, 296 future prospects, 152 Buskist, William F., GAULIN & McBURNEY, 238 ADDIS, MICHAEL, Depression in context: Strategiefso r BELLACK, ALAN S., Psychopathology in adulthood (2nd BUTCHER, JAMES N., Essentials ofM MPI-2 and MMPI-A guided action, 649 ed.), 615 interpretation (2nd ed.), 167 ADER, ROBERT, Psychoneuroimmunology (Vols. 1 & 2, Ben-Avie, Michael, FASHOLA, 372 3rd ed.), 446 Benedict, J. Gilbert, MAHEU, WHITTEN, & ALLEN, 47 Aditya, Ram, BENNIS, SPREITZER, & CUMMINGS, 449 BENNETT, MICHAEL J., The empathic healer: An endan- Ager, Alastair, WERNER, 291 gered species?, 898 Alcock, Martha Wilson, SYLWESTER, 218 BENNIS, WARREN, The future of leadership: Today's top Alden, Lynn E., GUNDERSON & GABBARD, 558 leadership thinkers speak to tomorrow’s leaders, 449 Cabe, Patrick, PARKS, 387 ALEXANDER, RICHARD P., Becoming parents: Exploring Benolken, Sarah, KOLODNY, 578 CALL, KATHLEEN THIEDE, Arenas of comfort in adoles- the bonds between mothers, fathers, and their infants, Ben-Porath, Yossef, GREENE, 816 cence: A study of adjustment in context, 857 443 Berko Gleason, Jean, MOERK, 172 CALVIN, WILLIAM H., Lingua ex machina: Reconciling ALEXANDER, ROBIN, Culture and pedagogy: International Bernstein, Amit, FRANK, 340 Darwin and Chomsky with the human brain, 306 comparisons in primary education, 807 BEUTLER, LARRY E., Prescriptive psychotherapy: A practi- CAMPBELL, JOHN P., Exploring the limits in personnel ALLEN, ACE, E-health, telehealth, and telemedicine: A cal guide to systematic treatment selection, 724 selection and classification, 598 guide to start-up and success, 47 Beversdorf, David, ZAKZANIS, LEACH, & KAPLAN, 461 CAMPBELL, PAT, Participatory practices in adult educa- ALLEN, JEFFREY B., Treating patients with neuropsycho- BIALYSTOK, ELLEN, Bilingualism in development: Lan- tion, 440 logical disorders: A clinical guide to assessment and re guage, literacy, and cognition, 667 CAMPBELL, SUSAN B., Developmental psychopathology Jerral, 203 BICKERTON, DEREK, Lingua ex machina: Reconciling and family process: Theory, research, and clinical impli- Alvarez, Alvin N., GUDYKUNST, 896 Darwin and Chomsky with the human brain, 306 cations, 438 Amsel, Eric, POLETIEK, 826 Biek, David M., PUTNAM, 719 CAPRARA, GIAN VITTORIO, Personality: Determinants, Anderson, Anne H., OLSON, MALONE, & SMITH, 236 Birney, Damian, KOZULIN & RAND, 677 dynamics, and potentials, 90 Anderson, James William, STROZIER, 855 Blackmon, Marilyn Hughes, SCHRAAGEN, CHIPMAN, & CARTWRIGHT, JOHN, Evolution and human behavior: ANDERSON, JAMES WILLIAM, The annual of psycho SHALIN, 468 Darwinian perspectives on human nature, 495 analysis: Vol. 24. Sigmund Freud and his impact on the BLADES, MARK, Children’s source monitoring, 454 Carveth, Donald, MOLLON, 637 modern world, 878 Blanton, Hart, SULS & WHEELER, 311 Ceci, Stephen J., EISEN, QUAS, & GOODMAN, 652 ANDERSON, NORMAN H., Empirical direction in design Blashfield, Roger, HERSEN & BELLACK, 615 Ceci, Stephen J., WELLER, 41 and analysis, 117 BLESS, HERBERT, The message within: The role of subjec- CERVONE, DANIEL, Personality: Determinants, dynamics, Antonakis, John, ZACCARO, 784 tive experience in social cognition and behavior, 456 and potentials, 90 ANTONY, MARTIN M., Phobic disorders and panic in BOEKAERTS, MONIQUE, Handbook of self-regulation, 56 CHAIKLIN, SETH, The theory and practice of cultural-his- adults: A guide to assessment and treatments, 656 Boivin, Michael J., ITZKOFF, 609 torical psychology, 247 APTER, MICHAEL J., Motivational styles in everyday life: A BOLEN, REBECCA M., Child sexual abuse: Its scope and CHAMBLISS, CATHERINE HARTL, Psychotherapy and guide to reversal theory, 498 our failure, 206 managed care: Reconciling research and reality, 332 ARMOUR-THOMAS, ELEANOR, Becoming a reflective BONANNO, GEORGE A., Emotions: Current issues and CHARMAN, TONY, The development of autism: Perspec- mathematics teacher: A guide for observations and self- future directions, 782 tives from theory and research, 96 assessment, 86 BOOTH, ALAN, Couples in conflict, 787 Charny, Israel W., WEEKS & TREAT, 587 Amold, Elizabeth Mayfield, ESSAU & PETERMANN, 197 BOSMA, HARKE A., Identity and emotion: Development CHATER, NICK, Connectionist psycholinguistics, 593 ARONOW, EDWARD, A practical guide to the thematic through self-organization, 633 Chaves, John F., YAPKO, 639 apperception test: The TAT in clinical practice, 421 BOWER, GORDON W., Cognition and emotion, 356 Chemero, Anthony, HEFT, 18 ARTZT, ALICE F., Becoming a reflective mathematics BRADLEY, LORETTA J., Counselor supervision: Principles, CHETHIK, MORTON, Techniques of child therapy: Psy- teacher: A guide for observations and self-assessment, 86 process, and practice (3rd ed.), 463 chodynamic strategies (2nd ed.), 482 ASANTE, MOLEFI K., Transcultural realities: Interdiscipli Branch, Marc N., POWELL, SYMBALUK, & MAC- CHIPMAN, SUSAN F., Cognitive task analysis, 468 nary perspectives on cross-cultural relations, 606 DONALD, 193 Chirot, Dan, MORRIS, 728 Ashton, Michael C., ROBERTS & HOGAN, 663 Brannick, Michael T., LIPSEY & WILSON, 82 CHRISTIANSEN, MORTEN H., Connectionist psycholin- Averill, James, MAYNE & BONANNO, 782 Bravo, Irene M., CHRISTOPHERSEN & MORTWEET, 280 guistics, 593 AYRES, IDA, The elementary school principal’s calendar: A BRENTARI, DIANE, Foreign vocabulary in sign language: Christie, Charlene, SULS & WHEELER, 311 month-by-month planner for the school year, 113 A cross-linguistic investigation ofw ord formation, 380 CHRISTOPHERSEN, EDWARD R., Treatments that work BRIGHT, JIM, Stress: Myth, theory and research, 869 with children: Empirically supported strategies for man- BRITTO, PIA REBELLO, The role off amily literacy environ- aging childhood problems, 280 ments in promoting young children’s emerging literacy Chugh, Dolly, DARLEY, MESSICK, & TYLER, 426 Bahnson, Mathew R., SAVIN-WILLIAMS, 76 skills, 905 Cianciolo, Anna T., MATTHEWS, DAVIES, WESTER- BARAK, AZY, Contemporary models in vocational psy Brock, Barbara L., RICKEN, TERC, & AYRES, 113 MAN, & STAMMERS 221 chology: A volume in honor of Samuel H. Osipow, 478 Bronson, Martha B., GOLBECK, 115 Ciarrochi, Joseph, FORGAS, WILLIAMS, & WHEELER, BARBARIN, OSCAR A., Mandela's children: Growing up BRONSTEIN, CATALINA, Kleinian theory: A contemporary 518 in post-apartheid South Africa, 647 perspective, 819 CIZEK, GREGORY J., Setting performance standards: Con- BARBER, BRIAN K., Intrusive parenting: How psychologi Brooks, Gary, RABINOWITZ & COCHRAN, 888 cepts, methods and perspectives, 862 cal control affects children and adolescents, 580 BROOKS-GUNN, JEANNE, The role of family literacy envi- Clabby, John F., KNOWLES, 163 BARLOW, DAVID H., Abnormal psychology: An integrative ronments in promoting young children’s emerging liter- CLANCEY, WILLIAM J., Conceptual coordination: How the approach (2nd ed.), 68 acy skills, 905 mind orders experience in time, 326 BARNES-HOLMES, DERMOT, Relational frame theory: A BROWDER, DIANE M., Curriculum and assessmenfto r CLARK, ANDY, Mindware: An introduction to the philoso- post-Skinnerian account of human language and cogni students with moderate and severe disabilities, 837 phy of cognitive science, 512 tion, 526 BROWN, RONALD T,., Pediatric psychopharmacology: CLEMENTS, MARI, Couples in conflict, 787 Baron, Reuben M., LEWIS & HAVILAND-JONES, 228 Combining medical and psychosocial interventions, 377 CLEMMONS, DAVID C., Traumatic brain injury rehabilita- Contemporary Psychology APA REVIEW OF BOOKS, 2003, Vol. 48, No. 6 tion: Practical vocational, neuropsychological, and psy- and family process: Theory, research, and clinical impli- ELCOCK, JONATHAN, History and theories of psychology: chotherapy interventions, 778 cations, 438 A critical perspective, 13 CLULOW, CHRISTOPHER, Adult attachment and couple DAVIES, ROY D., Human performance cognition, stress ELDER, JOHN P., Behavior change and public health in the therapy: The “secure base” in practice and research, 66 and individual differences, 221 developing world, 679 COCHRAN, SAM V., Deepening psychotherapy with men, DAVIS, SUSAN R., The elements of managed care: A Elder, John P., KAZARIAN & EVANS, 120 888 guide for helping professionals, 186 ELIAS, MAURICE J., Community psychology: Linking indi Cohan, Catherine L., KIRCHLER, RODLER, HOLZL, & DAY, KENNETH, Treating mental illness and behavior dis viduals and communities, 183 MEIER, 211 orders in children and adults with mental retardation, Eling, Paul, MACMILLAN, 289 COHEN, JONATHAN, Apart from Freud: Notes for a ratio 881 Elliott, Julian, ROBSON, 524 nal psychoanalysis, 883 de DREU, CARSTEN K. W., Group consensus and minor. Ellis, Albert, CORSINI,2 3 COHEN, NEAL J., From conditioning to conscious recollec ity influence: Implicationfso r innovation, 734 ELLIS, ALBERT, Overcoming destructive beliefs, feelings, tion: Memory systems of the brain, 788 de la REY, CHERYL, Race, racism, knowledge production and behaviors: New directions for rational emotive be COHEN, NICHOLAS, Psychoneuroimmunolo(Vgoyls . 1 & and psychology in South Africa, 233 havior therapy, 645 2, 3rd ed.), 446 de St. Aubin, Ed, ROSSI, 791 Emmorey, Karen, BRENTARI, 380 COHEN, RONALD L., Memory for action: A distinct form of de VRIES, NANNE K., Group consensus and minority in Enekwechi, Emmanuel, UGWUEGBU, 510 episodic memory?, 687 fluence: Implications for innovation, 734 ENGELKAMP, JOHANNES, Memorfyo r action: A distinct Cohler, Bertram J., SAVIN-WILLIAMS, 76 de WAAL, FRANS, The ape and the sushi master: Cultural form of episodic memory?, 687 COLBY, SUZANNE M., Adolescents, alcohol, and sub reflections of a primatologist, 471 ERIKSEN, KAREN, Teaching counselors and therapists. stance abuse: Reaching teens through brief interventions, DEARY, IAN J., Looking down on human intelligence. Constructivist and developmental course design, 553 591 From psychometrics to the brain, 773 Erwin, Edward, WINER & ANDERSON, 878 COLEMAN, LAURENCE J., Being gifted in school: An intro DEGANGI, GEORGIA, Pediatric disorder of regulation in ESSAU, CECILIA AHMOI, Depressive disorders in children duction to development, guidance, and teaching, 576 affect and behavior: A therapist’s guide to assessment and adolescents: Epidemiology, risk factors, and treat COLEMAN, PETER T., The handbook of conflict resolu- and treatment, 370 ment, 197 tion, 685 Deisinger, Julie A., WETHERBY & PRIZANT, 802 ETCOFF, NANCY, Survival of the prettiest: The science of COLLINS, SYLVIE C., Study skills for psychology students: DENGLER, REINHARD, Sensorimotor control, 319 beauty, 321 A practical guide, 213 DENMARK, FLORENCE, Engendering psychology: Bring: EVANS, DAVID R., Handbook of cultural health psychol- COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND BEHAVIOR: RESEARCH, ing women into focus, 190 ogy, 120 PRACTICE, AND POLICY, BOARD ON NEUROSCIENCE Denniston, James C., GAULIN & McBURNEY, 238 Evans, F. Barton, Ill, SILVERSTEIN, 410 AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH, INSTITUTE OF MEDI- Deutsch, Diana, WALLIN, MERKER, & BROWN, 54 CINE, Health and behavior: The interplay ofb iological, DEUTSCH, MORTON, The handbook of conflict resolution behavioral, and societal influences, 665 685 Commons, Michael Lamport, O'DONOHUE & FERGU- Dewsbury, Donald A., JONES & ELCOCK, 13 SON, 769 DEWSBURY, DONALD A.., Unification through division FABER, M. D., The magic of prayer: An introduction to the COREN, ALEX, Short-term psychotherapy: A psychody- Histories of the divisions of the American Psychological psychology of faith, 507 namic approach, 301 Association (Vol. v), 351; Unification through division Fantini, Alvino E., METZGER, 804 Coren, Stanley, REFINETTI, 465 Histories of the divisions of the American Psychological FARRELL, MICHAEL P., Collaborative circles: Friendship CORNELL, RICHARD A., Cybereducation: The future of Association (Vol. 3), 244 dynamics and creative work, 347 long-distance learning, 251 DiCLEMENTE, CARLO C., Group treatment for substance FASHOLA, OLATOKUNBO S., Building effective after: CORSINI, RAYMOND J., Handbook of innovative therapy abuse: A stages-of-change therapy manual, 735 school programs, 372 (2nd ed.), 23; The dictionaryo fp sychology, 27 DIENER, ED, Culture and subjective well-being, 195 FEENEY, JUDITH A., Becoming parents: Exploring the COULSON, SEANA, Semantic leaps: Frame-shifting and Dion, Kenneth L., LEARY, 754 bonds between mothers, fathers, and their infants, 443 conceptual blending in meaning construction, 748 DISESSA, ANDREA A., Changing minds: Computers, FEIN, MELVYN L., Race and morality: How good inten Crealock, Carol, DUNKLEE & SHOOP, 99 learning, and literacy, 549 tions undermine social justice and perpetuate inequality, Crews, David, ZUMPE & MICHAEL, 412 DODWELL, PETER, Brave new mind: A thoughtful inquiry 50 CRONBACH., LEE J., Remaking the concept of aptitude. into the nature and meaning of mental life, 520 Feldman, David Henry, SCHACHTEL, 353 Extending the legacy of Richard E. Snow, 277 DONALD, MERLIN W.,A mind so rare: The evolution of FELTEN, DAVID L., Psychoneuroimmunolo(Vgoyls . 1 & 2, Cross, Susan E., TYLER, KRAMER, & JOHN, 515 human consciousness, 596 3rd ed.), 446 CROSS, TRACY L., Being gifted in school: An introduction DOSEN, ANTON, Treating mental illness and behavior dis Fennell, Eileen B., FREIDES, 874 to development, guidance, and teaching, 576 orders in children and adults with mental retardation FERGUSON, KYLE E., The psycholoogfy B . F. Skinner, CROUTER, ANN C., Couples in conflict, 787 881 769 Crow, JanisJ .,H AMMOND, 103 DOTY, GWEN, Fostering emotional intelligence in K-8 stu Ferrari, Michel, MIEG, 473 CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, MIHALY, Good work: When excel. dents: Simple strategies and ready-to-use activities, 110 Ferreira, Victor, CHRISTIANSEN & CHATER, 593 lence and ethics meet, 188 DOUGHER, MICHAEL J., Clinical behavior analysis, 418 Fields, William Mintz, DONALD, 596 CUMMINGS, E. MARK, Developmental psychopathology Dow, Gayle T., SARASON, 604 Fischer, Constance T., DEWSBURY, 351 and family process: Theory, research, and clinical impli DRAAISMA, DOUWE (VINCENT, Trans.), Metaphors of Fischer, Kurt, GOTTLIEB, 842 cations, 438 memory: A history of ideas about the mind, 829 Fishburne, Francis J., FRASER & CLEMMONS, 778 CUMMINGS, THOMAS G., The future of leadership: To Drogin, Eric Y., SLATER, 841 FISHER, HARWOOD, The subjective self: A portrait inside day’s top leadership thinkers speak to tomorrow’s lead DUFFY, PATRICIA LYNNE, Blue cats and chartreuse kit logical space, 643 ers, 449 tens: How synesthetes color their worlds, 619 Fisher, Rhoda L., WICKS, 305 Cunningham, Michael, ETCOFF, 321 Duman, Sarah, MUIR & SLATER, 794 Fishman, Daniel B., HERNANDEZ & HODGES, 302 DUNCAN, NORMAN, Race, racism, Knowledge production FLANAGAN, OWEN, Dreaming souls: Sleep, dreams, and and psychology in South Africa, 233 the evolution of the conscious mind, 94 DUNKLEE, DENNIS R., The principal's quick-reference FODDY, MARGARET, Resolving social dilemmas: Dy- guide to school law, 99 namic, structural, and intergroup aspects, 327 Dai, David Yun, APTER, 498 Dunn, Dana S., ANDERSON, 117 FODOR, JERRY A., The mind doesn’t work that way: The Dai, David Yun, HECKHAUSEN, 762 DURAND, V. MARK, Abnormal psychology: An integrative scope and limits of computational psychology, 10 DALBERT, CLAUDIA, The justice motive as a personal re approach (2nd ed.), 68 FOLEY, MARY ANN, Memory for Action: A Distinct Form source: Dealing with challenges and critical life events, Durand, V. Mark, DOSEN & DAY, 881 of Episodic Memory?, 687 179 Durrheim, Kevin, VAN NIEKERK, de la REY, & SEEDAT, FORGAS, JOSEPH P., Cognition and emotion, 356; The DALTON, JAMES H., Community psychology: Linking in 233 message within: The role of subjective experience in so dividuals and communities, 183 DURSO, FRANCIS T., Handbook of applied cognition, 629 cial cognition and behavior, 456; The social mind: Cog DAMON, WILLIAM, Good work: When excellence and Dybdahl, Ragnhild, ROBBEN & SUAREZ-OROZCO, 208 nitive and motivational aspects of interpersonal behavior, ethics meet, 188 DYCK, NOEL, Games, sports and cultures, 349 518 Dana, Richard H., ARONOW, WEISS, & REZIKOFF, 421 Fowler, Carol, GOLDSTEIN, 429 Daniel, Stephanie S., ESSAU & PETERMANN, 197 FRANK, ELLEN, Gender and its effects on psychopathol. DANIEL, YAEL, Sharing the front line and the back hills: ogy, 340 International protectors and providers: Peacekeepers, FRASER, ROBERT T., Traumatic brain injury rehabilita humanitarian aid workers, and the media in the midst of ECKES, THOMAS, The developmental social psychology of tion: Practical vocational, neuropsychological, and psy crisis, 405 gender, 740 chotherapy interventions, 778 DARLEY, JOHN M., Social influences on ethical behavior in EDELMAN, GERALD M., A universe of consciousness. Fraser-Thill, Rebecca, EISEN, QUAS, & GOODMAN, 652 organizations, 426 How matter becomes imagination, 92 FREEMAN, WALTER J., How brains make up their minds, Darling, Nancy, BARBER, 580 Eells, Tracy, HERSEN & PORZELIUS, 433 601 Das, J. P., HOMSKAYA (KROTOVA, Trans.), 771 EICH, ERIC, Cognition and emotion, 356 FREIDES, DAVID, Developmental disorders: A neurops\ DAVIDSON, RICHARD J., Visions of compassion: Wester EICHENBAUM, HOWARD, From conditioning to con chological approach, 874 scientists and Tibetan Buddhists examine human nature scious recollection: Memory systems of the brain, 788 Frensch, Peter A., DURSO, 629 330 EISEN, MITCHELL L., Memory and suggestibility in the Friedman, Howard S., BAUM, REVENSON, & SINGER, DAVIES, PATRICK T., Developmental psychopathology forensic interview, 652 488 Contemporary Psychology APA REVIEW OF BOOKS, 2003, Vol. 48, No. 6 FRIEDMAN, HOWARD S., The disorders: Specialty articles GUYNN, MELISSA J., Memorfyo r action: A distinct form of Hoover, John, JUVONEN & GRAHAM, 800 from the encyclopedia of mental health, 252 episodic memory?, 687 Hoy, Anita Woolfolk, ZIMMERMAN & SCHUNK, 16 Furlong, Mark, WEBB, 814 HOYT, MICHAEL F., Interviews with brief therapy experts, Furnham, Adrian F., DALBERT, 179 624 Huber, Charles H., ELLIS, 645 HUMMERT, MARY LEE, Aging, communication, and Haier, Richard J., EDELMAN & TONONI, 92 health: Linking research and practice for successful ag Halpern, Diane F., BARTHOLOMEW, 617 ing, 30 HAMMOND, KENNETH R., Judgments under stress, 103 HUMPHREYS, GLYN W., Case studies in the neuropsy GABBARD, GLEN O., Psychotherapy for personality disor HANIN, YURI L., Emotions in sport, 84 chology of vision, 451 ders, 558 HANKIN, SHEENAH, Succeeding with difficult clients: Ap Hunt, Earl, CLARK, 512 Garbarino, James, BARBARIN & RICHTER, 647 plications of cognitive appraisal therapy, 657 Hunt, Earl, DiSESSA, 549 GARDNER, HOWARD, Good work: When excellence and HANNA, FRED J., Therapy with difficult clients: Using the ethics meet, 188 precursors model to awaken change, 336 GARNHAM, ALAN, Mental models and the interpretation Hanna, Fred J., WAMPOLD, 835 of anaphora, 573 Harré, Rom, CHAIKLIN, 247 Gaskill, Pamela J., ZIMMERMAN & SCHUNK, 16 Harré, Rom, FISHER, 643; SPINELLI, 552 llardi, Stephen S., DOUGHER, 418 GAULIN, STEVEN J. C., Psychology: An evolutionary ap HARRINGTON, ANNE, Visions of compassion: Western Ingham, Roger, RUSSELL, SOBO, & THOMPSON, 567 proach, 238 scientists and Tibetan Buddhists examine human nature, Ingram, Barbara L., WEAVER, PRESTON, & JEROME, 155 Gemignani, Marco, ERIKSEN & McAULIFFE, 553 330 Geraci, Lisa, DRAAISMA (VINCENT, Trans.), 829 Hart, Joy L., MONSOUR, 475 ITZKOFF, SEYMOUR W.., The inevitable domination by Gergen, Kenneth, SCHMUCK & SHELDON, 860 HARVEY, JOHN, Close romantic relationships: Mainte man: An evolutionary detective story, 609 GERGEN, MARY, Feminist reconstructions in psychology: nance and enhancement, 436 Narrative, gender, and performance, 416 HARVEY, JOHN H., Attribution, communication behavior, Gerhardstein, Peter, ROVEE-COLLIER, LIPSITT, & and close relationships, 892 HAYNE, 665 HARWOOD, T. MARK, Prescriptive psychotherapy: A prac JACOBSON, MICHAEL J., Innovations in science and Gerrig, Richard, COULSON, 748 tical guide to systematic treatment selection, 724 mathematics education: Advanced design for technolo Gerrig, Richard J., GARNHAM, 573 HASKELL, ROBERT E., Deep listening: Uncovering the gies of learning, 323 GERSTEN, RUSSELL, Contemporary special education re hidden meaning of everyday conversation, 660 JACOBSON, NEIL, Depression in context: Strategies for search: Syntheses of the Knowledge base on critical in Hatfield, Elaine, HARVEY & WENZEL, 436 guided action, 649 structional issues, 248 HAUSENBLAS, HEATHER A., Handbook of sport psychol Jainchill, Nancy, MONTI, COLBY, & O'LEARY, 591 Gibbs, Raymond, GLUCKSBERG, 811 ogy (2nd ed.), 781 JAMES, RICHARD K., Crisis intervention strategies (4th GILLILAND, BURL E., Crisis intervention strategies (4th HAVILAND-JONES, JEANNETTE M., Handbook of emo ed.), 562 ed.), 562 tions (2nd ed.), 228 JAMES, STANLIE, Genital cutting and transnational sister GLICK, MARK A., Model systems and the neurobiology of HAYES, STEVEN C., Relational frame theory: A post-Skin hood: Disputing U.S. polemics, 850 associative leaming: A festschnift in honor of Richard F nerian account of human language and cognition, 526 JANELL, CHRISTOPHER M., Handbook of sport psychol Thompson, 367 HAYNE, HARLENE, Progress in infancy research (Vol. 1), ogy (2nd ed.), 781 GLIDDEN, LARAINE MASTERNS, International review of 665 Jeffrey, Richard W., COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND BE research in mental retardation (Vols. 24 & 25), 722 HEATHER, NICK, International handbook of alcohol de HAVIOR: RESEARCH, PRACTICE, AND POLICY GLUCSKBERG, SAM, Understanding figurative language pendence and problems, 885 BOARD ON NEUROSCIENCE AND BEHAVIORAL From metaphors to idioms, 811 HECKEL, ROBERT V., Children who murder: A psycholog HEALTH, INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE, 641 GOGGIN, EILEEN BROCKMAN, Death of a “Jewish sci ical perspective, 342 leon, Mihyon, TOLLEFSON, 674 ence,” 626 HECKHAUSEN, JUTTA, Motivational psycholofo hgumya n JEROME, LEIGH W., Counseling troubled teens and their GOGGIN, JAMES E., Death of a ‘Jewish science,” 626 development: Developing motivation and motivating de families: A handbook for pastors and youth workers, 155 GOLBECK, SUSAN L., Psychological perspectives on early velopment, 762 JOHN, OLIVER P., The psychology of the social self, 515 childhood education: Reframing dilemmas in research HEFT, HARRY, Ecological psychologiyn context: James Johnson, David Read, DANIEL!, 405 and practice, 115 Gibson, Roger Barker, and the legacy of William James's John-Steiner, Vera, FARRELL, 347 Goldberg, Carl, COHEN, 883 radical empiricism, 18 JOHNSTONE, TOM, Appraisal processes in emotion: The Goldberg, Carl, KILBORNE, 423 Heide, Frederick J.,S MITH, 74 ory, methods, research, 872 GOLDSTEIN, E. BRUCE, Blackwell handbook of percep HEINRICHS, R. WALTER, In seaorf mcadnhess : Schizo Joiner, Thomas E., O'CONNOR, 345 tion, 429 phrenia and neuroscience, 226 Joiner, Thomas, MARTELL, ADDIS, & JACOBSON, 649 GOLDSTEIN, JOSHUA S., War and gender: How gender HELLER, DIETER, Reading as a perceptual process, 62 Jonas, Peter M., CAMPBELL & BURNABY, 440 shapes the war system and vice versa, 752 HENDIN, HERBERT, The clinical science of suicide preven JONES, DAI, History and theories of psychology: A critical Goldston, David B., ESSAU & PETERMANN, 197 tion, 338 perspective, 13 GOODMAN, GAIL S., Memory and suggestbility in the Henry, P. J., KATTAGO, 903 JONES, FIONA, Stress: Myth, theory and research, 869 forensic interview, 652 HERDT, GILBERT, Something to tell you: The road families JONES, STANTON L., Homosexuality: The use of scientific GOODMAN, PAUL S., Technology enhanced learning: Op travel when a child is gay, 76 research in the church’s moral debate, 408 portunities for change, 480 Herman, Judith L., GOLDSTEIN, 752 JOSEPH, PAMELA BOLOTIN, Images of schoolteachers in GOPNIK, ALISON, The scientist in the crib: Minds, brains, HERNANDEZ, MARIO Developing outcome strategies in America (2nd ed.), 414 and how children learn, 317 children’s mental health, 302 JOSSELSON, RUTHELLEN, Turns in the road: Narrative Gottfredson, Gary, LEONG & BARAK, 478 HERSEN, MICHEL, Diagnosis, ceptualization, and studies of lives in transition, 490 Gottfredson, Linda S., STERNBERG & GRIGORENKO, 71 treatment plann for adults: A step-by-step guide, 433 JUVONEN, JAANA, Peer harassment in school: The plight GOTTLIEB, GILBERT, Individual development and evolu Psychopathology in adulthood (2nd ed.), 615 of the vulnerable and victimized, 800 tion: The genesis of novel behavior, 842 Hesse, Petra, SINGER & SINGER, 864 GOULD, EDITH, Sexualities lost and found: Lesbians, psy HOBSON, J. ALLAN, The dream drugstore: Chemicallya l choanalysis, and culture, 485 tered states of consciousness, 621 GRAHAM, SANDRA, Peer harassment in school: The Hodapp, Robert M., GLIDDEN, 722 KAMIL, MICHAEL L., Methods of literacy research: The plight of the vulnerable and victimized, 800 HODGES, SHARON, Developing outcome strategies in methodology chapters from the handbook of reading Grahn, Ruth E., MYSLOBODSKY & WEINER, 35 children’s mental health, 302 research, 683 GREENE, ROGER L., The MMPI-2: An interpretive manual HOFER, BARBARA K., Personal epistemology: The psy KAPLAN, EDITH, Neuropsychological differential diagno (2nd ed.), 816 chology of the beliefs about knowledge and knowing sis, 461 GRIGORENKO, ELENA L., Environmental effects on cogni 314 Kaplan, Frances F., RUBIN, 776 tive abilities, 71 HOGAN, ROBERT, Personality psychologyi n the work Kark, Ronit, LONDON, 384 GROEGER, JOHN A., Understanding driving: Applying cog place, 663 KATTAGO, SIOBHAN, Ambiguous memory: The Nazi past nitive psychology to a complex everyday task, 635 HOGARTH, ROBIN M., Educating intuition, 308 and German national identity, 903 GROOME, DAVID, Parapsychology: The science of un Hogben, Matthew, RUSCHER, !77 KATZ, LEONARD D.., Evolutionary origins of morality usual experience, 181 HOGG, MICHAEL, Resolving social dilemmas: Dynamic, Cross-disciplinary perspectives, 358 Grossman, Frances K., PHILLIPS, 365 structural, and intergroup aspects, 327 Kaufman, James C., NETTLE, 9 Grove, J. Robert, SINGER, HAUSENBLAS, & JANELL, 781 HOHAUS, LYDIA, Becoming parents: Exploring the bonds KAZARIAN, SHAHE S., Handbook of cultural health psy Gubbins, E. Jean, COLEMAN & CROSS, 576 between mothers, fathers, and their infants, 443 chology, 120 GUDYKUNST, WILLIAM B., Asian American ethnicity and Hojjat, Mahzad, SWIDLER, 53 KENDALL, GAVIN, Using Foucault's methods, 108 communication, 896 HOLLOWAY, SUSAN D., Contested childhood: Diversity Kendall-Tackett, Kathleen A., REECE, 287 Guemey, Bernard, Jr., KOTTMAN, 731 and change in Japanese preschools, 690 KENNEDY, ALAN, Reading as a perceptual process, 62 Guerney, Louise, KOTTMAN, 729 HOLZL, ERIK, Confalndi dcecitsi on-making in close rela Kenrick, Douglas, MILLER, 493 Guilmette, Thomas J., SCHOENBRODT, 43 tionships: Love, money, and daily routine, 211 Kerr, Stephen T., ALEXANDER, 807 GUNDERSON, JOHN G., Psychotherapy for personality dis HOMSKAYA, EVGENIA D. (KROTOVA, Trans.), Alex KIERSKY, SANDRA, Sexualities lost and found: Lesbians, orders, 558 ander Romanovich Luria: A scientific biography, 771 psychoanalysis, and culture, 485 Contemporary Psychology APA REVIEW OF BOOKS, 2003, Vol. 48, No. 6 KIHLSTROM, JOHN F., Cognition and emotion, 356 tional psychology: A volume in honor of Samuel H. Osi McBURNEY, DONALD H., Psychology: An evolutionary KILBORNE, BENJAMIN, Disappearing persons: Shame and pow, 478 approach, 238 appearance, 423 Levant, Ronald F., CHAMBLISS, 332 McCLELLAND, JAMES L., Mechanisms of cognitive devel Kim, Jeansok J., STEINMETZ, GLICK, & SOLOMON, 367 LEVESQUE, LYNNE C., Breakthrough creativity: Achieving opment: Behavioral and neural perspectives, 875 King, Laura, BRONSTEIN, 819 top performance using the eight creative talents, 79 McCluskey, Una, CLULOW, 66 Kinsbourne, Marcel, HUMPHREYS, 451 Levine, Daniel S., PERLOVSKY, 672 McCombs, Barbara L., PACKER, 796 KIRCHLER, ERICH, Conflict and decision-making in close LEWIS, MICHAEL, Handbook of emotions (2nd ed.), 228 McGUIRE, WILLIAM J., Constructing social psychology relationships: Love, money, and daily routine, 211 Li, Ping, BIALYSTOK, 667 Creative and critical processes, 216 Kirlik, Alex, MATTHEWS, DAVIES, WESTERMAN, & Lidz, Carol S., BROWDER, 837 MEIER, KATJA, Conflict and decision-making in close rela STAMMERS, 221 LIEBLICH, AMIA, Turns in the road: Narrative studies of tionships: Love, money, and daily routine, 211 Kirlik, Alex, SALAS, 766 lives in transition, 490 MEIER, SCOTT T., The elements of managed care: A Su=led e Kirlik, Alex, STADDON, 382 Lilienfeld, Scott O., KATZ, 358 for helping professionals, 186 KLAHR, DAVID, Exploring science: The cognition and dc Lilienfeld, Scott O.,K RAKAUER, 832 Meissner, William W., SAFRAN & MURAN, 431 velopment of discovery processes, 360 LIPSEY, MARK W., Practical meta-analysis, 82 MELNICK, MERRILL J., Sport fans: The psychology and KLIN, AMI, Asperger syndrome, 101 LIPSITT, LEWIS P., Progress in infancy research (Vol. 1), social impact of spectators, 501 KNAPP, DEIRDRE J., Exploring the limits in personnel se 665 MELTZOFF, ANDREW N., The scientist in the crib: Minds lection and classification, 598 Lochbaum, Marc, HANIN, 84 brains, and how children learn, 317 KNEALE, PAULINE E., Study skills for psychology students Loftus, Geoffrey R., WENGER & TOWNSEND, 503 Merenda, Peter, PAWLIK & ROSENZWEIG, 425 A practical guide, 213 LONDON, MANUEL, Leadership development: Paths to MERKER, BJORN, The origiofn mussi c, 54 Knight, Mike, CALVIN & BICKERTON, 306 self-insight and professional growth, 384 Mershon, Sherie R., DEWSBURY, 244 Knight, Mike, CARTWRIGHT, 495 Lowman, Rodney L., DAVIS & MEIER, 186 MESIBOV, GARY B., Understanding Asperger syndrome KNOBLAUCH, STEVEN K., The musical edge of therapeu LUCKASSON, RUTH, The forgotten generation: The status and high functioning autism, 296 tic dialogue, 631 and challenges of adults with mild cognitive limitations MESSICK, DAVID M., Social influences on ethical behavior KNOWLES, CYNTHIA R., Prevention that works! A guide 363 in organizations, 426 for developing school-based drug and violence preven Lustbader, Wendy, HUMMERT & NUSSBAUM, 30 METZGER, MELANIE, Bilingualism and identity in deaf tion programs, 163 Lusterman, Don-David, WERNER-WILSON, 294 communities, 804 KOFF, BRUCE, Something to tell you: The road families Lyddon, William, HOYT, 624 MICHAEL, RICHARD P., Notes on the elements of behav travel when a child is gay, 76 Lyddon, William J., HANNA, 336 ioral science, 412 KOLODNY, SUSAN, The captive muse: On creativity and LYKKEN, DAVID T., Happiness: What studies on twins Michaud, Pierre-André, SPRUIJT-METZ, 200 its inhibition, 578 show us about nature, nurture, and the happiness set MIEG, HARALD A., The social psychology of expertise. Kopp, Claire B., DEGANGI, 370 point, 242 Case studies in research, professional domains, and ex KORMI-NOURI, REZA, Memory for action: A distinct form Lynch, Michael P., FLANAGAN, 94 pert roles, 473 of episodic memory?, 687 Lynch, Shannon, JAMES & GILLILAND, 562 MILGROM, JEANNETTE, Psychology and psychiatry: Inte KOSSEV, ANDON R., Sensorimotor control, 319 Lynn, Steven, KRAKAUER, 832 grating medical practice, 36 KOTTMAN, TERRY, Play therapy: Basics and beyond, 731 MILLER, GEOFFREY, The mating mind: How sexual KOZMA, ROBERT B., Innovations in science and mathe choice shaped the evolution of human nature, 493 matics education: Advanced design for technologies of Miller, Patricia H., DENMARK, RABINOWITZ, & learning, 323 SECHZER KOZULIN, ALEX, Experience of mediated learning: An im MILLHOUSE, VIRGINIA H., Transcultural realities: Interdis pact of Feuerstein’s theory in education and psychology MacDONALD, SUZANNE E., Introduction to leaming and ciplinary perspectives on cross-cultural relations, 606 677 behavior, 193 Minnen, David C., KLAHR, 360 KRAKAUER, SARAH Y., Treating dissociative identity dis Mackintosh, Nicholas, PEAR, 739 hio, Jeffrey S., DIENER & SUH, 195 order: The power of the collective heart, 832 MACMILLAN, MALCOLM, An odd kind of fame: Stories of Mitchell, Karen J., ROBERTS & BLADES, 454 KRAMER, RODERICK M., The psychology of the social Phineas Gage, 289 Mitcheli, Melanie, CLANCEY, 326 self, 515 MAHEU, MARLENE M., E-health, telehealth, and tele MOELLER, THOMAS G., Youth aggression and violence: A Kressel, Kenneth, BECK & SALES, 152 medicine: A guide to start-up and success, 47 psychological approach, 759 Krippner, Stanley, ROBERTS & GROOME, 181 Mahoney, Michael, SEGAL, WILLIAMS, & TEASDALE MOERK, ERNST L., The guided acquisition of first lan Kroger, Jane, WERNER & SMITH, 565 745 guage skills, 172 KROTOVA, DARIA (Trans.), Alexander Romanovich Luria MALONE, THOMAS W., Coordination theory and collabo MOLLON, PHIL, Releasing the self: The healing legacy of A scientific biography, 771 ration technology, 236 Heinz Kohut, 637 Kubovy, Michael, DODWELL, 520 MANDLER, GEORGE, Interesting times: An encounter with MONSOUR, MICHAEL, Women and men as friends: Rela KUHL, PATRICIA K., TI tist in the crib: Minds the 20th century (1924-), 149 tionships across the life span in the 21st century, 475 brains, and how children learn, 317 MANN, J. JOHN, The clinical scienceo f suicide prevention MONTI, PETER M., Adolescents, alcohol, and substance KUKLA, ANDRE C. Methods of theoretical psychology, 21 338 abuse: Reaching teens through brief interventions, 591 KUNNEN, E. SASKIA, Identity and emotion: Development MANUSOV, VALERIE, Attribution, communication behav Mori, Junko, OHTA, 105 through self-organization, 633 ior, and close relationships, 892 Morris, Edward K., DOUGHER, 418 Kyllonen, Patrick C., DEARY, 773 MARCOULIDES, GEORGE A., New developments and MORRIS, MARLA, Curriculum and the Holocaust: Com techniques in structural equation modeling, 680 peting sites of memory and representation, 728 Maring, Bayta L., GOPNIK, MELTZOFF, & KUHL, 317 Aorrison, Frederick J., BRITTO & BROOKS-GUNN, 905 Marks, Lawrence, DUFFY, 619 MORTIMER, JEYLAN T., Arenas of comfort in adolescence Marr, M. Jackson, HAYES, BARNES-HOLMES, & ROCHE A study of adjustment in context, 857 LaBerge, Stephen, HOBSON, 621 MARTELL, CHRISTOPHER, Depression in context: Strate MORTWEET, SUSAN L., Treatments that work with chil LACHMANN, FRANK M., Transforming aggression: Psy gies for guided action, 649 dren: Empirically supported strategies for managing chotherapy with the difficult-to-treat patient, 779 Martin, Andrés, TSENG, 284 childhood problems, 280 LADANY, NICHOLAS, Counselor supervision: Principles, Martindale, Colin, KOLODNY, 578 MOSENTHAL, PETER B., Methodso f literacy research: The process, and practice (3rd ed.), 463 Martinez-Pons, Manuel, ROGOFF, TURKANIS, & BART methodology chapters from the handbook of reading LAKIN, K. CHARLIE, The forgotten generation: The status LETT, 839 research, 683 and challenges of adults with mild cognitive limitations, Maruna, Shadd, LEMERT & WINTER, 170 MUIR, DARWIN, Infant development: The essential read 363 Mascolo, Michael, GOTTLIEB, 842 ings, 794 LAMB, H. RICHARD, Deinstitutionalization: Promise and Mastropieri, Margo A., GERSTEN, SCHILLER, & Mundy, Peter, BURACK, CHARMAN, YIRMIYA, & problems, 583 VAUGHN, 248 ZELAZO, 96 Landreville, Philippe, WHITBOURNE, 60 Maton, Kenneth I., DALTON, ELIAS, & WANDERSMAN MURAN, J. CHRISTOPHER, Negotiating the therapeutic Landrum, R. Eric, COLLINS & KNEALE, 213 183 alliance: A relational treatment guide, 431 Lansdown, Richard, ELDER, 679 MATTHEWS, GERALD, Human performance cognition Muran, j.C hristopher, WESSLER, HANKIN, & STERN Larsen, Randy, BLESS & FORGAS, 456 stress and individual differences, 221 657 LEACH, LARRY, Neuropsychological differential diagnosis, MAURER, GAYLYN G., Group treatment for substance Muraven, Mark, THAYER, 742 461 abuse: A stages-of-change therapy manual, 737 Myers, David, SHERMER, 459 LEAHY, ROBERT L., Overcoming resistance in cognitive May, Steven K., RHODES, 809 MYSLOBODSKY, MICHAEL S., Contemporary issues in therapy, 45 MAYER, RICHARD E., Multimedia learning, 847 modeling psychopathology, 35 LEARY, MARK R.., Interpersonal rejection, 754 Mayer, Richard, HOFER & PINTRICH, 314 Lee, Kibeom, ROBERTS & HOGAN, 663 MAYNE, TRACY J., Emotions: Current issues and future Legree, Peter, GROEGER, 635 directions, 782 Lekander, Mats, ADER, FELTEN, & COHEN, 446 McADAMS, DAN P., Turns in the road: Narrative studies LEMERT, CHARLES C., Crime and deviance: Essays and Ofl ives in transition, 490 Neimeyer, Greg J., ERIKSEN & McAULIFFE, 553 innovations of Edwin M. Lemert, 170 McAULIFFE, GARRETT, Teaching counselors and thera NEIMEYER, ROBERT A., Meaning reconstruction and the Lempert, Henrietta, TOMASELLO & BATES, 692 pists: Constructivist and developmental course design, experience of loss, 165 LEONG, FREDERICK T. L., Contemporary models in voca 553 Nelson, Stephanie Anne, FRANK, 340 Contemporary Psychology APA REVIEW OF BOOKS, 2003, Vol. 48, No. 6 Nersessian, Nancy J., KLAHR, 360 »incus, David, FREEMAN, 601 ROBERTSON, CLAIRE, Genital cutting and transnational NETTLE, DANIEL, Strong imagination: Madness, creativity PINTRICH, PAUL R., Handbook of self-regulation, 56; Per sisterhood: Disputing U.S. polemics, 850 and human nature, 9 sonal epistemology: The psychology of the beliefs about ROBERTSON, S. IAN, Problem solving, 58 Niedenthal, Paula M., BOSMA & KUNNEN, 633 knowledge and knowing, 314 Robinson, Michael D., EICH, KIHLSTROM, BOWER, NIEDENTHAL, PAULA M., Cognition and emotion, 356 PLANTE, THOMAS G., Faith and health: Psychological FORGAS, & NIEDENTHAL, 356 NOLLER, PATRICIA, Becoming parents: Exploring the perspectives, 612 ROBSON, GARRY, “No one likes us, we don’t care’: The bondsb etween mothers, fathers, and their infants, 443 -lucker, Jonathan A., SARASON, 604 myth and reality of Millwall fandom, 524 Novick, Jack, RATHBONE, 555 POLETIEK, FENNA H., Hypothesis-testing Ld ehavior, 826 ROCHE, BRYAN, Relational frame theory: A post-Skin Noy, Chaim, McADAMS, JOSSELSON, & LIEBLICH, 490 PP olivy Janet, BRUCH, 160 nerian account of human language and cognition, 526 NUSSBAUM, JON F., Aging, communication, and health Pollio, Howard R., HASKELL, 660 RODLER, CHRISTA, Conflict and decision-making in close Linking research and practice for successful aging, 30 Polson, Peter, SCHRAAGEN, CHIPMAN, & SHALIN, 468 relationships: Love, money, and daily routine, 211 Nutter, Dennis A., Jr., ESSAU & PETERMANN, 197 Pope, Steven W., DYCK, 349 Roediger, Henry L., lil, DRAAISMA (VINCENT, Trans.), NWOSU, PETERO ., Transcultural realities: Interdisc PORZELIUS, LINDA KLUG, Diagnosis, conceptualization, 829 plinary perspectiveos n cross-cultural relations, 606 nd treatment planning fo! r adults: A step-by-step guide, Rogers, Richard, SCHOPP, 158 Nyberg, Lars, ZIMMER, COHEN, GUYNN, ENGELKAMP 433 ROGOFF, BARBARA, Learning together: Children and KORMI-NOURI, & FOLEY, 687 POWELL, RUSSELL A.., Introduction to learning and be adults in a school community, 839 havior, 193 7 Rokke, Paul D., EICH, KIHLSTROM, BOWER, FORGAS, & POWER, THOMAS J., Pediatric psychopharmacology: NIEDENTHAL, 356 Combining medical and psy hos ocial interventions, 377 Rosch, Eleanor, DAVIDSON & HARRINGTON, 330 Oberle, James P., TOMER, 255 Preiss, David, KAMIL, MOSENTHAL, PEARSON, & Rosenbaum, Robert A., ARTZT & ARMOUR-THOMAS O'CONNOR, RICHARD, Active BARR, 683 86 345 Prentice, Deborah, RIDING & RAY NER, 757 Rosenberg, David, DENGLER & KOSSEV, 319 O'DONOHUE, WILLIAM, The psychology of E PRESTON, JOHN D., Cc unseling ubled teens and their ROSENZWEIG, MARK R., The international handbook « 769 families: A handbook for pasti rs and youth workers, 155 psychology, 425 Ofiesh, NicoleS .,P ALOMBO, 669 Principe, Gabrielle F., EISEN, QUAS, & GOODMAN, 652 ROSSI, ALICE S., Caring and doing for others: Social re O'Grady, Kari A., PLANTE & SHERMA PRIZANT, BARRY M., Autism spectrum disorders: A trans sponsibility in the domains of famil work, and commu Ohisson, Stellan, ROBERTSON tional development perspective, 802 nity, 791 OHTA, AMY SNYDER, Sec |, Rebecca, LEAHY, 45 Rossi, Rita, NELSON, 340 cesses in the classroom: Lean ipanese, 10: TNAM, ROBERT D., Bowling alone: The collapsaen d Rossman, B. B. Robbie, BOLEN, 206 O'Leary, K. Danie 1, BOOTH, CROUTER, & CLEMENTS American community, 7i9 Rothblum, Esther, NELSON, 340 787 PYNTE, JOEL Reading as a perceptual pp rocess, 62 ROVEE-COLLIER, CAROLYN, Progress in infancy research O'LEARY, TRACEY A a\daodl escents, a=l Bos 1), 665 stance abuse: Reaching teens through | OWATT, G. WADE, JR., Adolescents in crisis: A guide for 591 geet teachers, ministers, and counselors, 299 OLSON, GARY M., Coordination theory an QUAS, JODI A Memory anc 1 suggestbility in the forensic Royer, James M., BOEKAERTS, PINTRICH, & ZEIDNER technology, 236 erview, 652 ) 56 Otterbach, Renate, JACOB: SON & KOZMA, Ruben, Douglas, VELASQUEZ, MAURER, & Dr: CLEMENTE, 737 RUBIN, JUDITH ARON, Approaches to art therapy: T and technique (2nd ed.), 776 RABINOWITZ, FREDERICK E Deepening psychotherapy Ruchkin, Vladislav, TSENG, 284 Packard, Mark G., yori \UM & COHEN, 7 en, 888 RUDNYTSKY, PETERL ., Psychoanalytic conversation: In PACKER, MARTIN, ¢ classes: Sch« OWITZ, VITA, Engenderir 12 psychology: Bringing terviews with clinicians, commentators, and critics, 750 the new economy 796 nto focus, 190 Rumbaugh, Duane, de WAAL, 471 PALOMBO, JOSEPH, Learning CH RALPH, Reading as a@p erceptual process, 62 Rumbaugh, Duane M., TOMASELLO, 5 the self in children and adolescent: YAACOV, e of mediated leaming: An im RUSCHER, JANET B., Prejudiced communication A social PARKER, JAMES D. A., The handbook of n education and psychology psychological perspective, 177 FENCE. Thec 73" de velopment ssessment RUSSELL, ANDREW, Contraception across cultures, 567 tion at home, school, and in the workplac« Range, Lillian, HENDIN & MANN, 338 Russell, Daniel W., MANUSOV & HARVEY, 892 PARKS, THEODORE E.,L ooking at looking: A Range, Lillian M., CORSINI, 23 RUSSELL, GORDON W.., Sport fans: The psychology and tion to the intelligence of percepti NSKI, KENNETH, The psy irvey response, social impact of spectators, 501 PARMELEE, PATRICIA, Phys RUTAN, SCOTT J Psychodynamic group psychotherapy older adults: A handbook of t ATHBONE, JUNE, Anatom, (3rd ed.), 26 tice, 585 Ins William K., PETRONIC Parsons, Richard D., ROWATT, 299 RAYNER, STEPHEN G., Self perception Patel, Neesha, GUDYKUNST, 896 Redding, Richard E., MOELLER 759 PAWLIK, KURT, The internat R Mal yim, CAMPBELL & KNAPP, 598 BERT M. Treatment of chil use: Common SAFRAN, JEREMY D., Negotiating the therapeutic alliance: PEA AR es PHJ ., The scien ( and legal practito 4 relational treatment guide, 431 PEARSON, P. DAVID, Methods Sakata, Jon T., ZUMPE & MICHAEL, 412 methodology chapters from th Eli lé CIrcae physiok OV SALAS Pinter Advanc és in human perjormanc e and research, 683 nick, Daniel P., DEWSBURY, 244 cognition engineering research: Vol. 1, 766 PEASE, DALE G., Sport fans: The psychok REVENSON, TRACEY A., Handbock of health psychology, Salas, Eduardo TURNER, 442 impact of spectators, 501 188 SALES, BRUCE D., Family mediation Facts, myths, and Perabo, Betsy, DOTY, 110 ide to the thematic ar future prospects, 152 PERKINS, DAVID, The Eureka effe | practice, 421 Samstag, Lisa Wallner, WESSLE R, HANKIN, & STERN breakthrough thinking, 174 RHODES, ¢ “ARI ation: (Rejrepresentation 657 PERLOVSKY, LE! ONID, Ne ura. I trol in nai at work, 809 Sanville, Jean B., CHETHIK, 482 ing model-based concept Rice nadrian L SCHNEIDER BUGEN NTAL, & PIER SARASON, SEYMOUR B., American psychology & PETERMANN, FRANZ, Depre SC NN schools: A critique, 604 and adolescents: Epidemiology Richards, P. Scott, PLANTE & SHERMAN, 612 Savage-Rumbaugh, Sue, DONALD, 596 ment, 197 hardson, Frank C., SCHUMAKER, 560 SAVIN-WILLIAMS, RITCH C., Mom, Dad. I'm gay. How PETERS, TIMOTHY J., International handbook o} RICHTER, LINDA M., M 1's children Growing up In families negotiate coming out, 76 dependence and problems, 885 0st-apartheid South Schacht, Thomas E., BEUTLER & HARWOOD, 724 PETRONIO, SANDRA, Balar RIC KEN, ROBERT, The elementary school principal's cal SCHACHTEL, ERNEST G., Experiential foundations of Ror closures, 38 A month-by-month planner for the school year schach’s test, 726; Metamorphosis: On the conflict of Petti, Theodore A., HECKEL & SHUMAKER, 342 113 human development and the psychology of creativity, 353 Pettit, Jeremy W., MARTELL, ADDIS, & JACOBSON, 64‘ RIDING, RICHARDJ ., Self perception, 757 Scheidlinger, Saul, RUTAN & STONE, 26 Pettit, Jeremy W., O'CONNOR, 345 RIPS, J. LANCE, The psychology of survey response, 901 SCHERER, KLAUS R., Appraisal processes in emotion PHELPS, LEADELLE, Pediatric psychopharmaco ROBBEN, ANTONIUS C. G. M., Cultures under siege: Col Theory, methods, research, 872 Combining medical and psychosocial interventions lective violence and trauma, 208 SCHILLER, ELLEN P., Contemporary special education re PHILLIPS, LYNN M., Flirting with danger: Young \v omen's RC )BERTS BRENT W., Personality psychologyi n the work search: Syntheses of the Knowledge base on critical in reflections on sexuality and domination, 365 place, 663 structional issues, 248 PIERSON, J. FRASER, The! x 1andbook « f humanistic psy ROBERTS, KIM P., Children’s source monitoring, 454 Schmidt, Karen, THISSEN & WAINER, 374 chology: Leading edges in theory, research, and practice, Roberts, Richard D., BAR-ON & PARKER, 853 SCHMUCK, PETER, Life goals and well-being: Towards a 32 ROBERTS, RON, Parapsychology: The scienceo fu nusual positive psychology of human striving, 860 Piirto, Jane, LEVESQUE, 79 experience, 181 SCHNEIDER, KIRK J., The handbook of humanistic psy Conte smporary Psye hology APA REVIEW OF BOOKS, 2003, Vol. 48, No. 6 chology: Leading edges in theory, research, and practice SMITH, JOHN B., Coordination theory and collaboration TERC, MICHAEL, The elementary school principal's calen 32 technology, 236 dar: A month-by month planner for the school year, 113 SCHNEIDER, SHERRY, Resolving social dilemmas: Dy SMITH, JONATHAN C., Advances in ABC relaxation Appli Tesser, Abraham, SCHERER, SCHORR, & JOHNSTONE, namic, structural, and inte 27 cations and inventories, 74 872 Schnotz, Wolfgang, MA Smith, Peter B., MILLHOUSE, ASANTE, & NWOSU, 606 Thagard, Paul, SEARLE, 10 (CHOENBRODT, LISA, ¢ ren with traumatic brain in SMITH, RUTH S., Journeys from chik lhood to midlife: Risk THAYER, ROBERT E., Calm ener gy: How people regulate jury: A parent's guid resilience, and recovery, 565 mood with food and exercise, 7 42 Schofield, Janet Ward, GOODMAN, 480 SMITHSON, MICHAEL, Resolving sociaIldi dilemmas: Dy THISSEN, DAVID, Tes Scoring, . SCHOPP, ROBERT F., Competence, « ndemnation, and namic, structural, and intergroup aspects, 327 THOMPSON, MARY S., Contraception across cultures, & commitment: An 1 1 theory of mental health lav Snowling, Margaret, MCCLELLAND & SIEGLER, 87 Thorp, Danielle M., BURACK, CHARMAN, YIRMIYA, & 158 SOBO, ELISA J., Contraception across cultures, 567 ZELAZO, 96 SCHORR, ANGELA emotion SOLOMON, PAUL R., Mode tems and the net Tobias, Sigmund, CRONBACH, 277 ory, methods, research, 87: 1 festsc} unift in hor Tobin, Theresa Weynand, JAMES & ROBERTSON, 850 SCHRAAGEN, JAN MAARTEN ard F. Thompson 367 TOLLEFSON, JAMES W., Language policies in education 468 Somerfield, Mark R., JONES & BRIGHT, 869 Critical issues, 674 SCHUMACKER, RANDALL E idoen vellaor pme> nt5s) amnda Sorrentino, Richard M., de DRE .& de VRIES, 734 TOMASELLO, MICHAEL, Language development: The techniques in structural equation modeling, 680 SPARROW, SARA S., Asperger syndrome, 101 essential readins 692: The cultur al origins of human SCHUMAKER 5% F of insanity: Modernity Sperry, Len T., JONES & YARHOUSE, 408 cognition, 5 and mental healt ) SPINELLI, ERNESTO The mn irror and th TOMER, ADRIAN, D les and the older adult SCHUNK DALE } Si gulated learning and acad lenging orthodoxies in psychotherat Theories Icepts, and cations, 255 achievement * retical perspectives (2nd ed.), 16 SPREITZER, GRETCHEN M fut TONONI, GIULI A universe of consciousness: How mat Scogin, Forrest, WILLIAMSON, SHAFFER, & PARMELEE day’s top leadership thinkers spea 585 ers, 449 GERSTEN, SCHILLER, & VAUGHN SPRUIT-METZ, DONNA, Adolesc 200 Tovian, Steven M., MILGRON 3URROWS, 36 SEARLE, JOHN R., Rationalit n action STADDON, J. E. R., Adaptiv , Seometri SECHZER, JERI, Engenden sychology: Bringing women analysis of behavior, 382 cognition: Contexts and into focus, 190 Stam, Henderikus J.,K ENDALL & WICKHAM, 108 SEEDAT, MOHAMED, ! 1lOW! ledgH pr dC STAMMERS, ROB B., Hurnan performar stress and individual diffe - tion and psychology SEGAL, ZINDEL V., Mindfulne Stattin Hakan L & MORTIN for depression, 745 NMETZ, JOSEPH E., Model syster SEGRIN, CHRIS, Interpersona V Of associative learnin Trudeau, Grace Maria O'D NOH & FERGUSON, 769 problems, 570 irun nbe Stemler, Steven E., DEUTSCH & Seruya, Barbara B., BENNET Stemler, Steven, JOSEPH & BUR SHAFFER, DAVID, PI Stemler, Steven, VANDERVERT adults: A han 585 I TURKANIS, CAROLY? SShHaAnLtIeNa,u , JVAaLmEReIsE C.L.,, H ACMog M SSTtEpelRpiNac,aa ntoisoJsnOosv NaAo,fT H« AOcolNgg,nai ,t iveSH uOc«cG ARTH, 308 TURCsheNaiErlcRdh,,r e n 4M4aA2n RdL EaNduEl ts Ei r s at owmomrku:n ityT,h eory8 39a nd re SHAPIRO, DAVID, The dyna character: Self-regula STERNBERG, ROBERT Jean M., CAPRARA & CERVONE, 90 SHAtiVoIn NIinN Ap,sy chLoApaRtIhSoAl og\y , ( V8h2e¥3r e ducation: The future of Stewart> ,ab iliAtbieisg,a il,7 1 GERGEN, 41¢ organizations, 426; alTh ei nflupesnyccehso logoyn eotfh itchael sboechiaalv ioserl f, in5 15 long-distance lec 251 STOCKWELL, TIM, inte TYMCHUK, ALEXANDER J., The forgotten generation: The SShHeEaA,, ViVcItCoTriOaR,I A, KLUINn, derstVaO:L KMAR, &A SPSEIPREAFR ROSWy , o1m0e1 ie> aannad STpOeNEn,d encWeA LaTnEdR prNo.,b lePmssy of adults with mild cognitive limi high functioning aut apy (3rd ed.), 26 SHELDON, KENNON /l-beine: To Strack, Fritz, TOURANGEAU wardsa positive psycholog } tri 860 Stricker, George, SCHACHTEI SHERMAN, ALLEN C STRICKLAND, LLOYD H., Collective re perspectives, 612 parative edition E rel UGWUEGBU, DENNIS CHIMA E., The psychology of man SHERMER, MICHAEL STROZIER, CHARLES gement in African organizations, 510 God in an age of f scienc psychoanalyst, 855 Shevrin, Howard, SMITH, 8¢ SUAREZ-OROZCO, MARCELO M SHOOP, ROBERTJ ., Th ra ejerence eQueid e ) Collective violence and trauma, 208 to school law, 99 SUH, EUNKOOK M., Culture and sul Vande Kemp, Hendrika, FABER, 507 SHUMAKER DAVID M murder 195 VANDERVERT, LARRY R., Cybereduca The future of logical perspective, 342 SULS, JERRY, Handbook listance learning, 251 SIEGLER, ROBERT S., M nisms of research, 311 for Anita L., FE ENEY, HOHAUS, NOLLER, & AL ment: Behavioral a1 eural perspectiv Sundie, Jill M., MILLER, 493 ANDER, 443 Silverman, Wendy k HRISTOPHERSEN & -MORT SWIDLER, ANN, Talk of love: Hov culture matter Na e RK, ASHLEY, Race, racism, knowledge pro WEET, 280 SWINSON RICHARD P. Phobi disorders and par duction and psychol 1 South Affica, 233 SILVERSTEIN, MARSHALL L., Self psychology and diag adults: A guide to assessment and treatments, 656 VAUGHN, SHARON special education re nostic assessment: Ide fying selfobject functions Switzky, Harvey N., TYMCHUK, LAICIN, LUCKASSON search: Syntheses ¢ 3e base on critical in thre ugh psych rk 9K al testing, 410 363 F structional issues, 248 Simonton, Dean Keith, GARDNER, CSIKSZENTMIHALYI SYLWESTER, ROBERT, A biological brain in a cultural ELASQUEZ, MARY M up treatment for substance & DAMON, 188 classroom: Applying biological research to classroom aDUSE 1 stages-of-change therapy manual, 737 Simonton, Dean Keith, PERKINS, 174 management, 218 elasquez, Mary M., HEATHER, PETERS, & STOCK SINGER, DOROTHY G., Handbook of children and the SYMBALUK, DIANE G Introduction to learning and b WELL, 885 media, 864 havior, 193 PAUL (Trans.), Metaphorso fm emory ut the mind, 829 SINGER, JEROME E., Handbook of health psychology, 488 VOL! KMé AR, FRED R., Asperger syndrome, 101 SINGER, JEROME L., Handbook of children and the me fe, Alexander, MARCOULIDES & SCHUMACKER, dia, 864 SINGER, ROBERT N., Handbook of sport psychology (2nd ed.), 781 Taglialatela, Jared P., de WAAL, 471 Sirotkina, Irina, STRICKLAND, 224 Talcott, Joel B.,K ENNEDY, RADACH, HELLER, & PYNTE SSkkoevrhvoelnt,, KTimh,o maRsO,SS IB, RA7D91L EY & LADANY, 463 Tam6i2r , Maya, EICH, KIHLSTROM, BOWER, F FORGAS, & WWaAlIkNuEpR,, JaHmOeWs,A RDSH,A PITReOst, sc8o2r3i ng, 374 SLiAnTgsE,R ,7 94A LAN, Infant development: The essential read TanNtIaDmE,N THDiAgLb,y , 3M5E6S IBOV, SHEA, & ADAMS, 296 WWaAlLsLhI,N , DanNiIeLlS JL.., , HTOhLe LoOWrAiY,g oi6f9n 0mu ssic , 54 SLATER, LAUREN, Lying: A rr 1etaphorical memoir, 841 Taylor, Marjorie, GOPNIK, MELTZOFF, & KUHL, 317 WAMPOLD, BRUCE E., The great psychotherapy debate Slife, Brent D., KUKLA, 21 TEASDALE, JOHN D., Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy Models, methods, and findings, 835 SMITH, GUDMUNDJ . W., The process approach to per for depression, 745 WANDERSMAN, ABRAHAM, Community psychology: sonality: Perceptgenesis and kindred approaches in fo Teicholz, Judith, LACHMANN, 779 Linking individuals and communities, 183 Cus, 867 Tenopyr, Mary L., C Wandke, Hartmut, DURSO, 629 Contem Dovary Psychology APA REVIEW OF BOOKS, 2003, Vol. 48, No. 6 WANN, DANIEL L., Sport fans: The psychology and social WESTERMAN, STEPHEN J., Human performance cogni Wit, Arjaan, FODDY, SMITHSON, SCHNEIDER, & HOGG impact of spectators, 501 tion, stress and individual differences, 221 327 Waring, Douglas A., GAULIN & McBURNEY, 238 VETHERBY, AMY M., A 1 spectrum disorders: A trans WWwW ixted, John, MANDLER, 149 Watson, David, LYKKEN, 242 actional development perspective, 802 Wood, Rhonda, BRADLEY & LADANY, 463 WEAVER, ANDREW J., Counseling troubled teens and Nhalen, Carol K., PHELPS, BROWN, & POWER, 377 Wrobel, Thomas A., BUTCHER & WILLIAMS, 167 their families: A handbook for pastors and youth work VHEELER, LADD, Handbook of social comparison: The ers, 155 ory and research, 311; The social mind: Cognitive and WEBB, NANCY BOYD, Culturally diverse pa hild and motivational aspects of interpersonal behavior, 518 family relationships: A guide for social workers and pra IITTBOURNE, SUSAN KRAUSS, Psychopathology in YAPKO, MICHAEL D., Treating depression with hypnosis titioners, 814 later adulthood, 60 Integrating cognitive-behavioral and strategic ap Webbe, Frank M., WANN, MELNICK, RUSSELL, & White, Roberta F., ALLEN, 203 proaches, 639 PEASE, 501 WHITTEN, PAMELA, E-health, telehealth, and telemedi YARHOUSE, MARK A., Homosexuality: The usofe sci en WEEKS, GERALD R., Couples in treatment: Techn ine: A JuideJ e to start-up and success, 47 tific research in the church’s moral debate, 408 and approaches for effective practice (2nd ed.), 587 WICKHAM, GARY, Us » Foucault's methods, 108 YIRMIYA, NURIT, The developomfe anutitsm : Perspectives WEINBERGER, LINDA E., Deinstitutionalization: Promise NICKS, ROBERT H audiences; Learning from theory and research, 96 and problems, 583 O use ine F media constr York, Kaki M., CORSINI, 23 WEINER, INA, Contemporary issues in modeling psych« WILLIAMS, CAROLYN L., E f MMPI-2 and Young, Richard F., OHTA, 105 pathology, 35 MMPI-A interpretation (2nd ed.), 167 WEISS, KIM ALTMAN, A practical guide to the thematic apperception test: The TAT in clinical practice, 42 lliams, Charmaine C., LAMB & WEINBERGER, 583 Weiten, Wayne, CORSINI, 27 Williams, E. Belvin, FEIN, 50 ZACCARO, STEPHENJ ., The nature of executive leader WEwLeLaEkRn,es seAsN,N 4C1., Editorial peer review: Its strengths al VaIpywL erL IAffMioelS ,a elpernJe.r sessisoiMnoA,Rn K G7/.,44 955 Mindfulness-based cognitive ther ZAKshZipA:N IAS ,c oncKeOpNtSuaTlA NaTndI NEem pirK.i, caNle uranoar ISh oofl osguicccaels s,d iff7er8 4 WENGER, MICHAEL J., Computational, geometric WILLIAMS, KIPLING D., The i: Cognitive and enw ] diagnosis, 461 process perspectives on facial cognition: Contexts notivational aspects ofi nterpers Zanardi, Claudia, GOULD & KIERSKY, 485 challenges, 503 illiams, Wendy, PUTNAM, 71 ZEIDNER, MOSHE, Har OK ofs elf regulation, 56 WENnaZnEcLe, anAdM Ye,n haClnocseem enrotm,a nt4i3c6 relationships: Mainte WIoLlLd14eI rA MSaatdOfus lNts,:tite. AA N€—n dadDOooK of+ f ZELAZSOs ,f romP HItLhIeoPr R., anTdh e redseeavreclh,o pm9e6n t of autism: Pe TSpec WERNER, EMMY E., Journeys from childhood to Zillmer, Eric A., GOGGIN & GOGGIN, 626 Risk, resilience, and recovery, 565; Thr th Vilson, Amold, RUDNYTSKY ZIMMER, HUBERT D., Memory for actic innocents: Children witness World War II, 291 f episodic memory?, 687 WERNER-WILSON, RONALD JAY, Developmental-sys MERMAN, BARRY J., Self temic family therapy with adolescents, 294 WESSLER, RICHARD, Succeeding with difficult clients plications of cognitive appraisal therap) WINTER, MICHAEL ind deviance Westerman, Michael A., SEGRIN NS Of Ea Contemporary Psychology APA REVIEW OF BOOKS, 2003, Vol. 48, No. 6 Subject Index for Volume 48 Genetics, 495, 842 Psychological and physical disorders, 68, 280, 340, Gerontology, 30, 255 560, 570, 585, 615, 617, 669 Animal experimental and comparative psychology, Gifted and talented students, 576 Psychometrics and statistics and methodology, 382, 412, 471, 665 Group and family therapy, 26, 66, 294, 587 117 Academic learning and achievement, 16, 105, 213 Group and interpersonal processes, 38, 177, 211 Parapsychology, 181 Affective disorders, 197 327, 347, 436, 475, 685, 734, 754, 787, 892 Personality scales and inventories, 167, 726 Art and music and movement therapy, 776 Personality theory, 498, 643, 872 Personality traits and processes, 56, 79, 179, 490, 782, 853, 860, 867, 869 Health and mental health treatment and preven- Personnel attitudes and job satisfaction, |88 Behavior disorders and antisocial behavior, 170, tion, 47, 287, 370, 377, 641, 802, 881 Personnel management and selection and train- 206, 338 Health psychology and medicine, 26, |20, 488 ing, 598 Behavior therapy and behavior modification, 74, History and systems, 18, 21, 32, 228, 238, 351, 526, Philosophy, 520 418, 649 769, 771 Physiological processes, 465 Professional education and training, 433, 463, 553 Promotion and maintenance of health and well- ness, 200, 679, 742 Psychoanalytic theory, 94, 410, 423, 485, 637, 750, Industrial and organizational psychology, 449, 468 819, 855, 878, 883 478, 510, 663 Psychoanalytic therapy, 301, 626 Psychological disorders, 60, 9, 252, 438, 823 attitudes, 163, 218, 800 Psychosocial and personality development, 633, Ciinical hypnosis, 639 740, 857 Clinical psychological testing, 421, 816 Cognitive and perceptual development, 71, 172 Lay1 55a nd paraprofessional and pastoral counseling, Ps2y3,c h2o9t9,h er33a6p, y 34a5n d 43p1,s y4c8h2o th55e2,r ap55e8u,t i56c2 , c6o2u4,n se6l3i1,n g, 314, 317, 360, 454, 667, 692, 875, 905 Learning and memory, 687, 739, 788, 829 657, 724, 731, 779, 832, 835, 888, 898 Cognitive processes, 10,58, 62, 174, 308, 326, 356, Linguistics and language and speech, 306, 573, 593 512, 596, 629, 773, 826, 901 660, 748, 811 Cognitive therapy, 45, 645, 745 Community and social services, 183, 302, 583 Literature and fine arts, 54, 578 Consciousness states, 92 Religion, 408, 459, 507, 612 Criminal behavior and juvenile delinquency, 342 Research methods and experimental design, 2, 759 683, 862 Culture and ethnology, 50, 284, 321, 606, 896 Management and management training, 384, 784 Curriculum and programs and teaching methods, Marriage and family, 580, 814 86, 110, 251, 323, 372, 480, 549, 839, 847 Mass media communications, 41, 305 Mediation and conflict resolution, 152 Social processes and social issues, | 49, 208, 719, Mental retardation, 363, 722 728, 903 Motivation and emotion, 242, 762 Social psychology, 216, 358, 456, 473, 515, 518, 555 Developmental psychology, 291, 353, 565, 794, 864 791 Developmental disorders and autism, 96, 101, 296 Sport psychology and leisure, 781 722, 874 Schizophrenia and psychotic states, 226 Drug and alcohol rehabilitation, 737 Neural networks, 672 Sensory perception, 619 Neurological disorders and brain damage, 43, 203 Sex roles and women’s issues, 365, 416, 752, 850 289, 451 Sexual behavior and sexual orientation, 76, 493, Neuropsychological assessment, 461 567 Educational psychology, | 15, 277, 440, 604, 674, 677, Neuropsychology and neurology, 367, 446, 601 Social perception and cognition, 5, 195, 311, 330 690, 796, 807 Neuroses and anxiety disorders, 656 Social structure and organization, 647 Engineering and environmental psychology, 236 Special and remedial education, 248, 837 766 Sports, 84, 349, 501 Eating disorders, 160 Statistics and mathematics, 374, 680 Educational administration and personnel, 99, 414 Occupational and vocational rehabilitation, 778 Substance abuse and addiction, 591, 885 Organizational behavior, 426, 442 Forensic psychology and legal issues, 652 Transportation, 635 Personality psychology, 90, 757 Physiological psychology and neuroscience, 35 319, 429, 621 General psychology, 13, 27 190, 193, 247, 425, 524 Professional psychological and health personnel Vision and hearing and sensory disorders, 380, 804 609, 809, 841 issues, 186, 233, 332, 405 Visual perception, 387, 503 Contemporary Psychology APA REVIEW OF BOOKS, 2003, Vol. 48, No. 6

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