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INDEX— VOLUME 44—2008 AUTHORS CHRISTINE ANZIEU-PREMMEREUR, M.D., Discussion of Lois Oppenheim’s “Life as Trauma, Art as Mastery,” 443-453 Mark J. BLECHNER, PH.D., Editor's Introduction to Issue 44/2, 175; Interac- tion of Social and Neurobiological Factors in Depression, 571-580 PHILLIP BLUMBERG, PH.D. and Irwin Hirscu, Px.D., Introduction to Symposium on Psychoanalysis and the Study of Art, Culture, and Media, 206-208 Ropert Boyers, Anecdotage: Some Stories and Reflections on Psychoanalysis and Literature, 269-279 Puiuie M. BromberG, Px.D., Shrinking the Tsunami: Affect Regulation, Dis- sociation, and the Shadow of the Flood, 329-350 SANDRA BUECHLER, PH.D., The Legacies of Shaming Psychoanalytic Candi- dates, 56-64; Modeling Self-Exposure: Discussion of Papers by Andrew Morrison and Donna Orange, 101-105 JANE B. Burka, PH.D., Psychic Fallout from Breach of Confidentiality: A Pa- tient/ Analyst's Perspective, 177-198 ROBERT A. CARRERE, PH.D., ABPP, Reflections on Psychoanalysis Conducted as a Talking Cure, 400-441 RicHarD A. CHeretz, M.D., Nolens Volens Out of Darkness: From the Deper- sonal to the “Really” Personal: Discussion of Paper by Nina Farhi, 18—40 Mauricio Cortina, M.D. and BARBARA LENKERD, PH.D., Willy Loman’s Amer- ican Dreams: A Sociopsychoanalytic Interpretation of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman, 247-265 CHRISTAL DAEHNERT, PH.D., Psy.D., Crossing Over: A Story of Surrender and Transformation, 199-218 Nina Farui, In the Beginning There Was Darkness: Images Across the Void, 2-17; Reply to Discussions by Joyce Slochower and Richard Chefetz, 50-54 ROGER Frit, PH.D. Psy.D., Fundamentally Embodied: The Experience of Psychological Agency, 367-376 DanieL Hayes, Sibling Rivalry, 280-288 Marit Horeman, Px.D., Fairbairn and Winnicott on My Mind: Counterpoints, Tensions, and Oscillations in the Clinical Setting, 454-476 Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Vol. 44, No. 4. ISSN 0010-7530 © 2008 William Alanson White Institute, New York, NY. All rights reserved 644 INDEX RYAN LaMotue, PH.D, John Macmurray’s Philosophy of Community and Psychoanalysis, 581-603 Francis Levy, Catricide, Matricide, and Magic: The Artist as Chimera, 289-294 Joun V. O'Leary, Pu.D., Putting It Together While Falling Apart: A Personal View on Depression, 531-550 Davip W. Mann, M.D., The Mirror Crack’d: Dissociation and Reflexivity in Self and Group Phenomena, 234—247 KAROL MARSHALL, PH.D., ABPP, Treating Mourning—Knowing Loss, 219-233 ARNOLD H. Monet, M.D., Horse and Rider Revisited: The Dynamic Uncon- scious and the Self as Agent, 351-366 Rick Moony, In Praise of Resistance, 295-300 ANDREW P. Morrison, M.D., The Analyst’s Shame, 65-82; Shame—Consid- erations and Revisions: Discussion of Papers by Sandra Buechler and Donna Orange, 105-109 KACHINA Myers, LCSW, ACSW, Show Me the Money (The Problem of) The Therapist’s Desire. Subjectivity, and Relationship to the Fee, 118-140 Lots OpPENHEIM, PH.D., Life as Trauma, Art as Master: Samuel Beckett and the Urgency of Writing, 419-442 DONNA M. OranGe, Ph.D., Psy.D., Whose Shame Is It Anyway? Lifeworlds of Humiliation and Systems of Restoration (or “The Analyst's Shame”), 83-100; The Complexity of Shame: Response to Sandra Buechler and Andrew Morrison, 110-117 THERESE RAGEN, Pu.D., Ferenczi and the Case of Matt, 604-621 Joyce A. SLOcHOWER, PH.D., ABPP, Into the Whirlwind: Discussion of Paper by Nina Farhi, 41-49 ANDREW SOLOMON, Depression, Too, Is a Thing with Feathers, 509-530 DONNEL B. STERN, PH.D. AND PHILIP M. BROMBERG, PH.D., A Farewell from the Co-editors of Contemporary Psychoanalysis: Introduction to Sym- posium on Shame, 55 JeROME C. WAKEFIELD, PH.D., D.S.W., and ALLAN V. Horwitz, PH.D., Noon- day Demons and Midnight Sorrows: Biology and Meaning in Disor- dered and Normal Sadness, 551-570 TITLES The Analyst's Shame, ANDREW P. Morrison, M.D.,65-82 Anecdotage: Some Stories and Reflections on Psychoanalysis and Litera- ture, ROBERT Boyers, 269-279 Catricide, Matricide, and Magic: The Artist as Chimera, FRANCIS Levy, 289-294 “The Complexity of Shame: Response to Sandra Buechler and Andrew Morrison, DONNA M. ORANGE, PH,D., Psy.D., 110-117 INDEX 645 Crossing Over: A Story of Surrender and Transformation, CHristaL DAEHN- ERT, PH.D., Psy.D., 199-218 Depression, Too, Is a Thing with Feathers, ANDREW SOLOMON, 509-530 Discussion of Lois Oppenheim’s “Life as Trauma, Art as Mastery,” Crris- TINE ANZIEU-PREMMEREUR, M.D., 443—453 Editor's Introduction to Issue 2, MARK J. BLECHNER, PH.D.,175 Fairbairn and Winnicott on My Mind: Counterpoints, Tensions, and Oscil- lations in the Clinical Setting, MARIE HOFFMAN, PH.D., 454—476 A Farewell from the Co-editors of Contemporary Psychoanalysis, DONNE! B. STERN, PH.D. AND PHILIP M. BROMBERG, PH.D., 1 Ferenczi and the Case of Matt, THERESE RAGEN, PH.D., 604-621 Fundamentally Embodied: The Experience of Psychological Agency, ROGER FRIE, PH.D. Psy.D.,307-—376 Horse and Rider Revisited: The Dynamic Unconscious and the Self as Agent, ARNOLD H. Mope., M.D., 351-306 In Praise of Resistance, Rick Moopy, 295-300 In the Beginning There Was Darkness: Images Across the Void, NINA FARHI, 2-17 Interaction of Social and Neurobiological Factors in Depression, MARK J. BLECHNER, PH.D., 571-580 Into the Whirlwind: Discussion of Paper by Nina Farhi, Joyce A. SLOCHOWER, Pu.D., ABPP, 41-49 Introduction to Symposium on Psychoanalysis and the Study of Art, Culture, and Media, PHILLIP BLUMBERG, PH.D. AND IRWIN Hirscu, PH.D., 206-208 John Macmurray’s Philosophy of Community and Psychoanalysis, RYAN LaMortue, PH.D, 581-603 The Legacies of Shaming Psychoanalytic Candidates, SANDRA BUECHLER, Pu.D., 56-64 Life as Trauma, Art as Master: Samuel Beckett and the Urgency of Writing, Lots OpPENHEIM, PH.D., 419-442 The Mirror Crack’d: Dissociation and Reflexivity in Self and Group Phe- nomena, Davin W. MANN, M.D., 234-247 Modeling Self-Exposure: Discussion of Papers by Andrew Morrison and Donna Orange, SANDRA BUECHLER, PH.D., 101-105 Nolens Volens Out of Darkness: From the Depersonal to the “Really” Personal: Discussion of Paper by Nina Farhi. RicHarp A. Cueretz, M.D., 18—40 Noonday Demons and Midnight Sorrows: Biology and Meaning in Disor- dered and Normal Sadness, Jerome C. WAKEFIELD, PH.D., D.S.W., AND ALLAN V. Horwitz, PH.D., 551-570 Psychic Fallout from Breach of Confidentiality: A Patient/Analyst’s Per- spective, JANE B. Burka, Pu.D., 177-198 646 INDEX Putting It Together While Falling Apart: A Personal View on Depression, JOHN V. O'LgEary, PH.D., 531-550 Reflections on Psychoanalysis Conducted as a Talking Cure, Robert A. CARRERE, PH.D., ABPP, 400—41 Reply to Discussions by Joyce Slochower and Richard Chefetz, Nina Farui, 50-54 Shame—Considerations and Revisions: Discussion of Papers by Sandra Buechler and Donna Orange, ANDREW P. Morrison, M. D., 105-109 Show Me the Money (The Problem of) The Therapist’s Desire. Subjectiv- ity, and Relationship to the Fee, KACHINA Myers, LCSW, ACSW, 118-140 Shrinking the Tsunami: Affect Regulation, Dissociation, and the Shadow of the Flood, PHitip M. BROMBERG, PH.D., 329-350 Sibling Rivalry, DANiEL Hayes, 280-288 Treating Mourning—Knowing Loss, KAROL MARSHALL, PH.D., ABPP, 19-233 Whose Shame Is It Anyway? Lifeworlds of Humiliation and Systems of Restoration (or “The Analyst's Shame”), DONNA M. ORANGE, Ph.D., Psy.D., 83-100 Willy Loman’s American Dreams: A Sociopsychoanalytic Interpretation of Arthur Miller's Death ofa S alesman, Mauricio Cortina, M.D. and BARBARA LENKERD, PH.D., 247—205 BOOK REVIEWS Lori C. Boum, PH.D., review of Psychoanalytic Reflections on a Gender- Free Case: Into the Void, ed. E.L.K. Toronto, G. Ainslie, M. Donovan, M. Kelly, C. C. Kieffer, and N. McWilliams., 301-309 JuprrH BrISMANN, PH.D., review of Creating Bodies: Eating Disorders as Self-Destructive Survival, by Katie Gentile, 476-480 SANDRA BUECHLER, PH.D., reviews of Power Games: Influence, Persuasion, and Indoctrination in Psychotherapy Training, ed. Richard Raubolt; Problems of Power in Psychoanalytic Institutions (Psychoanalytic In- quiry, Vol. 24, No. 1), ed. Howard Levine and Gail S. reed, 167-175 ANN CHANLER, PH.D., Maternal Desire: On Children, Love and the Inner Life, by D. de Marneffe., 309-316 STANLEY J. COEN, M.D., review of Psychoanalytic Collisions, by Joyce Anne Slochower, 480—485 ROBERT EHRLICH, PH.D, review of False Self: The Life of Masud Khan, by Linda Hopkins, 486—497 KERRY GORDON, PH.D., reviews of Dark at the End of the Tunnel and I Have Heard the Mermaid Singing, by C. Bollas, 324-326 ANTON H. Hart, Px.D., reviews of Beyond Betrayal: Taking Charge of Your Life after Boyhood Sexual Abuse, by R. B. Gartner; Schopenbauer’s INDEX 647 Porcupines: Intimacy and Its Dilemmas, by D. A. Luepnitz; Can Love Last? The Fate of Romancoeve r Time,by S. A. Mitchell; The Good Father: On Men, Masculinity, and Life in the Family, ed. M. O'Connell, 141-153 ELIZABETH HOWELL, PH.D., review of Wounded by Reality: Understanding and Treating Adult-Onset Trauma, by Ghislaine Boulanger, 633-042 Do ores E. McCartuy, Pu.D., review of Practical Psychoanalysifso r Ther- apists and Patients, by Owen Renik, 316-324 GILEAD NACHMANI, review of False Self: The Life of Masud Khan, by Linda Hopkins, 480-497 ALAN SCHWARTZ, M.D., review of Notes from the Margins: The Gay Analyst's Subjectivity in the Treatment Setting, by Eric Sherman, 154—157 MORAN SHOHAM, PH.D., review of Lust, by Michael Eigen, 157-166 Wenpy Wiener Katz, Pu.D., review of Erik Erikson and the American Psy- che: Ego Ethics and Evolution, by Daniel Burston, 622-628 POLLY YOUNG-EISENDRATH, PH.D., review of Minding What Matters: Psy- chotherapanyd the Buddha Within, by Robert Langan, 629-633

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