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Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability: Risk of Capsizing PDF

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Preview Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability: Risk of Capsizing

Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications Vadim L. Belenky Kostas J. Spyrou Frans van Walree Marcelo Almeida Santos Neves Naoya Umeda    Editors Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability Risk of Capsizing Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications Volume 119 Series editor André Thess, German Aerospace Center, Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics, Stuttgart, Germany Founding Editor René Moreau, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Hydraulique de Grenoble, Saint Martin d’Hères Cedex, France The purpose of this series is to focus on subjects in which fluid mechanics plays a fundamental role. As well as the more traditional applications of aeronautics, hydraulics,heatandmasstransferetc.,bookswillbepublisheddealingwithtopics whicharecurrentlyinastateofrapiddevelopment,suchasturbulence,suspensions and multiphase fluids, super and hypersonic flows and numerical modelling techniques.It isawidely held viewthat it istheinterdisciplinary subjects thatwill receive intense scientific attention, bringing them to the forefront of technological advancement.Fluidshavetheabilitytotransportmatteranditspropertiesaswellas transmitforce,thereforefluidmechanicsisasubjectthatisparticularyopentocross fertilisationwith other sciencesand disciplines ofengineering.The subjectoffluid mechanics will be highly relevant in such domains as chemical, metallurgical, biological and ecological engineering. This series is particularly open to such new multidisciplinary domains. The median level of presentation is the first year graduate student. Some texts are monographs defining the current state of a field; othersareaccessibletofinalyearundergraduates;butessentiallytheemphasisison readability and clarity. Springer and Professor Thess welcome book ideas from authors. Potential authors who wish to submit a book proposal should contact Nathalie Jacobs, Publishing Editor, Springer (Dordrecht), e-mail: [email protected] Indexed by SCOPUS, EBSCO Discovery Service, OCLC, ProQuest Summon, Google Scholar and SpringerLink More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/5980 Vadim L. Belenky Kostas J. Spyrou (cid:129) Frans van Walree Marcelo Almeida Santos Neves (cid:129) Naoya Umeda Editors Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability Risk of Capsizing 123 Editors VadimL. Belenky Marcelo Almeida SantosNeves DavidTaylor Model Basin/Naval Surface Department ofNaval Architecture WarfareCenter Carderock Division andOceanEngineering West Bethesda, MD, USA Federal University of RiodeJaneiro RiodeJaneiro, Brazil KostasJ. Spyrou Schoolof Naval Architecture Naoya Umeda andMarine Engineering Department ofNaval Architecture National Technical University of Athens andOceanEngineering Athens, Greece Osaka University Suita,Osaka, Japan FransvanWalree MARIN-Maritime Research Institute Netherlands Wageningen,The Netherlands ISSN 0926-5112 ISSN 2215-0056 (electronic) Fluid MechanicsandIts Applications ISBN978-3-030-00514-6 ISBN978-3-030-00516-0 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-00516-0 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2018954616 ©SpringerNatureSwitzerlandAG2019 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictionalclaimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbytheregisteredcompanySpringerNatureSwitzerlandAG Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland Preface Shipstabilityisatopiccombiningscientificrigorwithpracticality.Withfloatability and strength, they are traditionally regarded as the most fundamental safety requirements in ship design. In the last decades, very significant progress was achievedtowardunderstandingshipdynamicbehaviorunderextremeconditionsof operation. This progress is reflected in the current efforts at IMO for developing new stability criteria which are intended to provide fuller and more effective pro- tection for the ships. Nonetheless, dynamic stability continues to be a challenging topic of research: The mathematical modeling of extreme ship motions still relies heavily on empiricism and efforts to approach it from basic scientific principles have some way to go until such models can stand alone. Capsize phenomena are nonlinear and the assessment of a ship’s susceptibility for capsize calls for a probabilistic approach going clearly beyond the current state of the art. Experimentalmethodsfortestingdynamicstabilityneedtobeabletodealwiththe rare nature of capsize. Last but not least, new knowledge should be continually ingrained in the applied design rules and ship operation guidelines. For these reasons, the current book serves an important purpose: to update the wider naval architecture community about the frontiers of current ship stability research.Itisactuallythethirdinaseriesstartedintheyear2000,withthesecond volume appearing in 2011. The initiative belongs collectively to the International Standing Committee for the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles who overlook the organization of stability conferences and workshops. In recent years, the International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB) is held triennially, with international ship stability workshops (ISSW) taking place every year in-between. These are, generally, well-attended events, despite the fact that ship stability is a rather specialist topic. The current book covers the three events held from 2010 to 2012. Specifically, it is a collection of representative papers originally presented during the 11th Stability Workshop (Wageningen, 2010), the 12th Stability Workshop (Washington DC, 2011), and the 11th STAB Conference (Athens, 2012). All papers selected by the editorial committee went throughanadditionalreviewprocess,withatleasttworeviewersallocatedforeach. Actually,manyofthepapersweresignificantlyenhancedcomparedtotheiroriginal v vi Preface version, In order to become up to date and reflect better the state of knowledge about stability that exists in the year of the book’s publication. The book is organized in four major divisions with each individual paper appearing as a different chapter. In these, divisions are covered in depth the mathematical modeling of ship motions, the study of extreme dynamic behavior, experimentalresearchand,lastbutnotleast,theregulatoryandshipoperationsides. Thestructureofthebookissummarizedindetailinanintroductorynotewrittenby the editor-in-chief Dr. Vadim Belenky who is especially thanked for leading the effort aswell asfor bearingmostof theburden. The thanksextend ofcourse toall theeditorialcommitteemembers.Manythanksandcongratulationsareappropriate also for the authors, who contributed with their valuable material. We express our gratitude to the organizing committees and to the sponsors of the three stability events covered in this book. We acknowledge the important impact made by the expertreviewerswhosenamesappearintheeditor’sintroductorytextasindication of our appreciation. Last but not least, we thank the participants whose consistent presence justifies our efforts. Athens, Greece Prof. Kostas J. Spyrou On Behalf of the International Standing Committee for the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles ’ Editor s Introductory Note The purpose of this introductory note is twofold: to attempt to summarize the contents of the book and to put those contents into a context that emphasizes the relationship between different chapters, which is always a challenge for such a collection of works. As the reader was properly warned in the Preface, the assessment of a ship’s susceptibilitytocapsizinggoesbeyondthecurrentstateoftheart.Modeltestsand time-domain numerical simulations based on first principles are the main tools for the evaluation of large-amplitude ship motions because of significant nonlinearity of ship dynamics in severe seas. The appearance of novel, unconventional designs maycallintoquestionanystabilityassessmentbasedsolelyonpreviousexperience. Asaresult,thefocusofrecenteffortshasbeenondevelopingnumericalsimulation tools capable of evaluating complex stability failures. This book consists offour major divisions; each division is further subdivided intopartscorrespondingtodetailedsubjectareas,whileeachpartcontainschapters with individual contributions. The four major divisions are: 1. MathematicalModelofShipMotionsinWaves(partsIthroughV,15chapters) 2. Dynamics of Large Motions (parts VI through VIII, 12 chapters) 3. Experimental Research (parts IX and X, 11 chapters) 4. Requirements,RegulationsandOperations(partsXIthroughXIV,17chapters) Mathematical Model of Ship Motions in Waves A mathematical model is the centerpiece of any numerical tool. The first division of the book reports on progress in the development of mathematical models for large ship motions in waves. The development of a new simulation code is an expensive, time-consuming, and risky endeavor. Supporting such tools is also not trivial. That is why there are fewsimulationcodescapableofhandlingextremeshipmotions,suchasFREDYN vii viii Editor’sIntroductoryNote (deKatandPaulling1989)andLAMP(LinandYue1990;Shinetal.2003);other relevantcodesarereviewedinPetersetal.(2011).Thatiswhytheappearanceofa new tool is a report-worthy event and also why there is only one chapter in Part I: “MathematicalModelofShipMotionsinWaves:NewSimulationTools”,Chapter1 describingTempest—the newest addition inthefamily ofnumericalcodes. Amore thoroughdiscussionofthetypesandcapabilitiesofsimulationtoolscanbefoundin Beck and Reed (2001) and Reed and Beck (2016). Correct modeling of the wave environment is an instrumental part of any valid simulation of large ship motion and capsizing. The results of time-domain simu- lation can only be as good as the model of encountered waves, as well stated by Krylov’s citation of Huxley that “mathematics may be compared to a mill of exquisite workmanship, which grinds your stuff of any degree of fineness; but, nevertheless, what you get out depends upon what you put in…”. Practically all time-domainsimulationsusetheclassicmodeloriginallyproposedinSt.Denisand Pierson(1953),inwhichtheinstantaneouswaveelevationatapointisrepresented withaFourierserieswhoseamplitudesaredeterminedfromaspectrumandwhose phase-shift angles are uniformly distributed random variables. This model, fre- quently referred to as a Longuet-Higgins model, was originally intended for the linearseakeepingandwaveloadsproblem.Howmuchofastretchisittoapplyitto nonlinear simulations of stability in waves and what alternatives are available? Attempts to address this question are included in Part II, titled “Mathematical Model of Ship Motions in Waves: Environment.” Chapter 2 considers the autoregressive/moving average (ARMA) model for representing waves for the stability problem. ARMA model has a long history of application for modeling stochastic processes (Box et al. 2008) and has been proposed for ocean waves many years ago (Spanos 1983). One of the issues con- sidered in Chap. 2 is how well ARMA model represents the physics of surface waves. Another issue is the computation of the hydrodynamic pressure field cor- responding to ARMA-modeled waves. A method to calculate these pressures is described in Chap. 3. Once the wave environment is defined, the next step is the consideration of the forces acting on a ship in waves. Part III reports on progress in the study of wave-body hydrodynamic forces, with the exception of roll damping, which deserves special attention and is considered in Part IV. “Potentialflow”remainsthemainapproachfornumericalmodelsofwave-body hydrodynamicsinpracticalsimulationsofstabilityinrealisticwaves,withforcesof non-potential flow nature often included through lower-order models such as polynomials with empirical coefficients derived from model testing or CFD com- putation. This approach, frequently referred to as a “hybrid” method, allows computational performance sufficient for generating a representative volume of a response sample in irregular waves. The main objective of hydrodynamic compu- tations is toobtain the values of the potential field. The gradient of the potential is velocity, from which pressure can be computed using Bernoulli’s equation. The integration of pressure over the ship surface yields the forces acting on the ship. However, it is not the only possible way to get the forces from the potential. Editor’sIntroductoryNote ix Chapter 4describesanalternative approachfor computingforces directly fromthe potential without using Bernoulli’s equation, which avoids a number of computa- tional difficulties. Models for vortex-related hull forces are frequently based on model tests or viscous flow calculations (e.g., RANS) in calm water, so the submerged portion of the ship hull remains constant. However, the submerged portion changes rather drastically when the ship is moving in large waves, and these changes may have a strongeffectofsuchviscousforces.Chapter5proposesamodelofhowtoaccount for the changing in the submerged geometry when calculating the hull lift and cross-flow drag forces, using just the calm water maneuvering data. AnotherwaytoobtainforcesfromamodeltestorCFDcalculationisdescribed inChap.6—SystemIdentificationMethod.Theideaistoextracttheforcesfroma path of the ship and the associated kinematic data, i.e., from the solution of the equations of motion. The problem is formulated as the inverse to the solution of a systemofdifferentialequations.Here,thesolutionandthestructureoftheequations are given—while the values of the coefficients are to be found. The approach has previously been used for calm water maneuvering using trials' data (Abkowitz 1980; Crider et al. 2008); Chapter 6 considers its use for maneuvering in waves. Roll damping forces have large viscous and vortical contributionand cannot be modeled within the assumptions of potential flow; so they also have to be treated within the “hybrid” approach, where information of the non-potential components comes from a model test or viscous flow calculations. Vortical contribution, however, can be predicted by a lifting surface code that assumes inviscid flow. As rolldampinghasbeenafocusofmanyrecentresearchefforts,it“deserved”itsown section of this book, Part IV. The damping created by bilge keels is a matter of particular interest because, firstly—it is a significant portion of damping for many shipsandsecondly—itcanbecontrolledbyadesignertoacertainextent.Chapter7 describes a mathematical model for bilge keels based on a nonlinear low-aspect-ratio lifting surface theory. Chapter 8 considers the effect of shallow draft, large-amplitude roll motion, non-periodic roll and transitional motions. The results are compared with Ikeda’s method (the de facto standard empirical method forrolldampingassessment;seeIkedaetal.1976).Chapter9providescomparisons between Ikeda’s method and CFD calculations, looking into a number of effects, including maneuvering. Empirical methods are simple to use, but they are generally developed using a limited set of experimental data for a narrow range of ships. Using empirical methodsfor a novel hull that may be outside ofthe range of theexperimental data requirescaution.Thecomparisonwithhigherfidelitydata(experimentorCFD)for such cases provides necessary verification of the applicability and robustness. Chapter 10 presents the results of a model test and full-scale measurement of a Panamaxpurecarandtruckcarrieratspeed.Chapter11describesacomprehensive comparison between CFD results and empirical methods (Ikeda’s method and neural network results based on Blume’s roll damping measurements) for a twin-screw vessel.

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