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Contemporary and sub-recent pollen record for the Leschenault Inlet estuary: towards a palynological baseline PDF

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Preview Contemporary and sub-recent pollen record for the Leschenault Inlet estuary: towards a palynological baseline

Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 83: 335-348, 2000 Contemporary and sub-recent pollen record for the Leschenault Inlet estuary: towards a palynological baseline V Semeniuk1, L A Milne2 & H Waterhouse3 1V & C Semeniuk Research Group, 21 Glenmere Road, Warwick WA, 6024 2Department of Geography The University of Western Australia Nedlands WA, 6907 3 Department of Geology and Geophysics The University of Western Australia Nedlands WA, 6907 Abstract Palynological analysis of contemporary and sub-recent sediments from Leschenault Inlet, an estuarine lagoon on the south-west coast of Western Australia, has determined if a contemporary palynological baseline can be established to interpret the sub-recent pollen assemblages, and was used to determine the mangrove Avicennia marina was a component of the vegetation in the recent past. Leschenault Inlet is a relatively simple estuarine system with north-south trending sedimentary environments and parallel vegetation complexes, and with both easterly and westerly winds and two fluviatile sources contributing to the pollen influx. Using predominantly family groupings (<?.g. Chenopodiaceae, Myrtaceae, Casuarinaceae, Gramineae, Restionaceae) and several species prominent in the vegetation (Frankenia pauciflora, Olearia axillaris, Lepidosperrna gladiatum), preliminary results indi¬ cate that the major sedimentary environments have characteristically different pollen assemblages. In transects across the sedimentary environments, individual species show relative abundance gradients that can be explained in terms of proximity to vegetation source and potential transport systems. Conversely, these serve to distinguish specific environments and the nature of the immediate upland source vegetation. Avicennia marina pollen is a minor component of the contemporary sediments near sites of mangrove habitation. It is absent from sub-recent samples in comparative environments, implying that it is a recent arrival to Leschenault Inlet. A late Holocene change in climate may be responsible for an intensification of the Leeuwin Current and subsequent delivery of Avicennia propagules from tropical regions. Leschenault Inlet is an excellent site to study the effect on palynological assemblages of proximity to vegetation source, wind directions, dispersal via estuarine currents, and taphonomy. It also presents an ideal setting from which to develop pollen assemblage baselines for the different estuarine sedimentary environments. From a geoheritage perspective, the Leschenault Inlet estuary probably ranks as sig¬ nificant at a national level. Keywords: estuarine palynology, palynology, Leshenault Inlet, south-western Australia. Introduction Avicennia marina, a species that is otherwise not known south of Houtman Abrolhos. Avicennia marina is a poten¬ Leschenault Inlet is a north-south trending estuarine tial indicator of past Holocene climates and environments, lagoon situated on the southwest coast of Western Aus¬ and it has been suggested anecdotally that this isolated tralia. It is barred by a long barrier dune system, the stand of a normally tropical species represents a relict popu¬ Leschenault Peninsula, and has a range of depositional (ac¬ lation. However, it is also possible that A. marina is a recent cretionary) environments and pollen-source habitats (both arrival, its propagules having been transported by an in¬ oriented north-south), an east-west to southwesterly aeolian tensified Leeuwin Current. delivery system, and two southerly located fluvial deliv¬ ery systems. The estuarine sedimentary fill is entirely To adequately interpret the sub-recent pollen record Holocene in age, and in the context of a retrograding bar¬ in the estuarine sediments, a baseline of pollen assemblages rier a complete estuarine sedimentary record from ca 8 000 in the various contemporary sedimentary suites or facies yrs BP to the present is preserved (Semeniuk 1985), Con¬ is required. This paper provides a preliminary account of sidering its depositional setting, Leschenault Inlet estuarine the pollen record preserved in contemporary (surface) lagoon potentially contains a valuable palynological record sediments and the upper parts of the Holocene sedimen¬ of Holocene environments. tary sequence (= sub-recent viz from 150 yrs BP to 500-1500 yrs BP) in Leschenault Inlet (Fig 1). The diverse range of habitats that border the estuarine system supports a mosaic of vegetation complexes that The specific objectives of this paper are: to character¬ range from saltmarsh to freshwater terrestrial associations. ise the pollen record in the surface sediments of the five Of particular interest is the presence of the mangrove main sedimentary suites (or facies) in the estuary, and from these interpret the pre-modern Holocene stratigraphic record; to determine the extent and mode of pollen trans- © Royal Society of Western Australia, 2000 335 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 83 (4), December 2000 A y i i WESTERN AUSTRALIA Study i i Area seagrass covered E ' * #1 EEaasstteerrnn oorr Western platforms Central basin 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I n " P 1 ¥ ,-ri - i ¥ ¥ 1 i ¥ i I T I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I f Pleistocene Limestone ] 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ' '| 1 r1 I 1 'I 1 I 1 I , 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I (Kooallup Limestone) I I I 1 I I I | | | | | | "| 1 | Figure 1. Leschenault Inlet showing location of main sedimentary/ geomorphic units, sampling sites, locations of detailed study ; and Holocene stratigraphic framework. 336 Semeniuk, Milne & Waterhouse : Pollen record for Leschenault Inlet port from its source, and to determine if Avicennia pollen is level, formed earlier in the Holocene as a sub-aqueous es¬ present in the sub-recent stratigraphic record. The general tuarine sand platform. The depositional units of interest in patterns in the contemporary and sub-recent pollen assem¬ this paper are the central basin, the eastern and western blages will provide preliminary conclusions and point the platforms, the high-tidal platform, the supratidal flat, and way for future more detailed studies of the pollen record the Preston River delta. The characteristics of these units and factors that influence its composition. are described briefly in Table 1. The main estuarine geomorphic and sedimentary units within Leschenault In¬ Setting let, and the Quaternary stratigraphy of the area (after Semeniuk 1983,1997), are illustrated in Fig ID. Estuarine sedimentary environments Vegetation contributing pollen Leschenault Inlet is an estuarine lagoon located along There are nine main categories of vegetation that may the Western Australian coast within the southern part of act as pollen sources for the estuarine sediments: barrier the Swan Coastal Plain (Fig 1; Semeniuk & Meagher 1981a). dune vegetation; Mandurah-Eaton Ridge vegetation; The lagoon is separated from the Indian Ocean by a bar¬ Yalgorup Plain vegetation; supratidal vegetation on emer¬ rier dune system, the Leschenault Peninsula (Semeniuk gent deltaic shoals; freshwater vegetation on the east shore 1985). To the east, it onlaps the Mandurah-Eaton Ridge and of the estuary; saltmarsh vegetation fringing the shore of the Yalgorup Plain (Semeniuk 1997). the estuary; mangrove vegetation along the shore of the The Leschenault Peninsula is a linear, north-south ori¬ estuary; seagrass vegetation; and exotic vegetation. The lo¬ ented dune barrier 0.5 to 1.0 km wide, and is comprised of cations of these polen sources are shown in Fig 2. east-west oriented mobile to vegetated parabolic dunes The barrier dunes are comprised of a mosaic of habitat (Semeniuk & Meagher 1981a; Semeniuk et al. 1989). The types and vegetation (Semeniuk & Meagher 1981a,b; Mandurah-Eaton Ridge is a high ridge of quartz sand and Trudgeon 1984; Cresswell & Bridgewater 1985; Smith 1985; limestone, oriented north-south and bordering the eastern Semeniuk et al. 1989). Semeniuk & Meagher (1981b) cat¬ margin of the Holocene estuarine complex (Semeniuk 1997). egorised the vegetation on the barrier in relation to the main Leschenault Inlet is an elongate, narrow, north-south ori¬ landforms (or habitats), recognising four broad assem¬ ented estuarine lagoon approximately 1.5 to 2.5 km wide, blages: 1. Olearia scrub assemblage, with Olearia axilaris, and 13 km long (Wurm & Semeniuk 2000). Bordering its Rhagodia bacatta, Spyridium sp. Acacia rostellifera, and A. Cy¬ eastern shore is a stranded sand platform 1-2 m above sea clops inhabiting recently fixed dunes; 2. Acacia scrub assemblage, with Acacia rostellifera, A. cyclops, and Agonis Table 1. Description of geomorphic/sedimentary units in flexuosa inhabiting older fixed dunes; 3. the peppermint low Leschenault Inlet selected for study in this paper_ forest assemblage, with Agonis flexuosa, inhabiting geomorphically degraded dunes; and 4. the tuart wood¬ Geomorphic/ Description land assemblage with Eucalyptus gomphocephala, Agonis sedimentary flexuosa, Hakca prostrata, Acacia rostellifera, and A. cyclops unit inhabiting swales in the dunes. Other species generally central basin long, shore-parallel relatively deep occurring in the dunes include Hibbertia cuneiformis, water mud-floored depression, generally Jacksonia furcellata, Trachyandra divaricata, Acacia saligna, 1.5-2.0 m deep Isolepis nodosa, Apium prostratum, and Lepidosperma gladiatum. eastern shore-parallel narrow, shallow water platform sand platform (low tidal to 1.0 m deep), On the quartz sand high ground of the Mandurah- vegetated by the seagrass Halophila ovalis Eaton Ridge the vegetation comprises a mosaic of assemblage types (Heddle et al. 1980). Key species in this western shallow water muddy sand platform or system include Eucalyptus calophylla and E. marginata, platform ramp (low tidal to 1.5 m deep), also Allocasuarina fraseriana, Proteaceae (various species of vegetated by Halophila ovalis Banksia and Isopogon, Stirlingia latifolia, Xylomelum occidentale), Kunzea ericifolia, Macrozamia reidlei, and Hibbertia high-tidal high-tidal platforms located on the east hypericoides. On the low limestone and quartz sand plain platform and west shores of the estuarine lagoon; of the Yalgorup Plain, key species include Eucalyptus width varies from narrow (5-10 m) to gomphocephala, E. calophylla, Allocasuarina fraseriana, Banksia wide (>500 m); mainly saltmarsh- attenuata, Macrozamia reidlei, and Hibbertia hypericoides. Veg¬ vegetated etation on the emergent supratidal deltaic shoals in the supratidal broad flat, nearly horizontal, to very Preston River delta complex (Semeniuk 2000), equivalent flat gently inclined towards the estuary, to the sandy rise complex of Pen et al. (2000), may be com¬ emergent by progradation, underlain by prised of Jacksonia furcellata, Casuarina obesa, Hakea prostrata, mud, and colonised by samphire; Acacia saligna, A. cyclops, A. cochlearis, Viminaria juncea, Hibbertia cuneiformis, Sporobolus Virginians, and Isolepis borders the northern estuary nodosa. Preston River complex of linear, tidal-current-aligned Freshwater vegetation inhabits the broad wetland com¬ delta shoals and emergent islands, with plex on the eastern shore of the estuary. This zone is a low intervening shallow channels level platform, formed as a stranded mid-Holocene subtidal 337 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 83 (4), December 2000 bidens, Halosarcia halocnemoides, Salicornia quinqueflora, Suaeda australis, Polypogon monspelliensis, Sporobolus virginicus, Samolus repens, Sarcocornia quinqueflora, Northern barrier: Bulboschoenus cal dwell ii, and Frankenia panciflora (Pen et ai wide barrier, least parabolic encoach- 2000). The white mangrove Avicennia marina forms scrub ment into estuary; wide tidal flats; and heathland (following Specht 1970) in local areas around diverse assemblage of mobile and fixed the shores of the estuary (Fig 3). Seagrass vegetation (i.e. dunes, and plains aquatic estuarine/marine vegetation) forms shallow wa¬ ter meadows in Leschenault Inlet, and includes Halophila ovalis, Heterozostera megacarpa, and Ruppia tasnuinica. Exotic vegetation (i.e. alien species) in the region that may contribute pollen to the Leschenault Inlet estuary in¬ clude. pine plantations (Pinus radiata and P. pinaster), blue gum plantations (Eucalyptus globulus), crop, horticultural, and garden plants (e.g. Lupinus), and weeds such as couch grass (Cynodon dactylon), kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum), Paspalum grass (Paspalum vaginatum), and pigface Middle barrier; (Carpobrotus edulis). Generali v, the pines, blue gums, and narrower barrier, parabolic encoachment crop, horticultural, and garden plants are located to the into estuary; inter-dunal corridors with tidal flats; east of Leschenault Inlet, so that the occurrence of their mixed mobile/fixed dunes, pollen in estuarine sediments signals transport from east¬ some bar-and-lagoons ern sources. Weeds also are mainly located to the east of Leschenault Inlet in residential areas, pasture land, and on the Collie River delta. Given this range of contributing vegetation there are a Southern barrier: narrow barrier, number of mechanisms that result in anemophilous (rather abundant parabolic encoachment into than entomophilous) pollen being emplaced in the estua¬ estuary; mainly mobile dunes and recently rine environment. These are: transport by wind, (by fixed dunes; spits, and bar-and-lagoons seabreezes transporting pollen from the western barrier dune vegetation, saltmarsh, and mangrove formations, and Fluvial source by landbreezes transporting pollen from the eastern Mandurah-Eaton Ridge, saltmarsh vegetation, and from peripheral freshwater vegetation; and locally from the Collie River delta emergent deltaic shoals); transport within the estuary by currents, including later re-working of previously depos¬ ited pollen; transport by wind and/or rivers from the east from a variety of hinterland vegetation formations, and delivered to the estuary by fluvial current within and proxi¬ KEY TO POLLEN SOURCES mal to the deltas; transport by avifauna (this may be a minor Mandurah-Eaton Leschenault Ridge /• Yalgorup Plain Peninsula transport mechanism); and in situ accumulations. barrier Freshwater wetlands Peripheral Fluvial The range of source species, transporting media, and on stranded mid- saltmarsh influx transportation directions would appear to complicate the Holocene platform palynological records. However, the large-scale geomorphic units in the area have diagnostic vegetation Figure 2. Aerial photograph of the Leschenault Inlet area show¬ assemblages, and thus a single species or group of spe¬ ing main vegetation systems and the pollen sources. cies can signal derivation from a particular habitat. For instance, Banksia does not occur on the dune barrier, nor on the saltmarshes; Olearia does not occur on the estuarine platform (Pen et al. 2000; Semeniuk 2000). The Mandurah-Eaton Ridge or on the saltmarshes; and most widespread and dominant species is Melaleuca Halosarcia spp specifically inhabit only the saltmarshes. rhaphiopln/lla. Also occurring in this habitat are Eucalyptus In this context, there are key species that are diagnostic of rudis, Baumea juncea, A gouts flexuosar Acacia saligna, source environment (Table 2). Hemarthria uncinata, Baumea articulata, Lepidosperma longitudinalej L. gladiatum and funcus pallidus. Towards its contact with the present estuarine shore, the wetland com¬ Pollen vectors: wind, currents and runoff plex surface is inhabited by Melaleuca cuticularis, M. viminea, The three main vectors for transporting pollen in the and Casuarina obcsa. Local areas emergent above the Leschenault Inlet system are wind, estuarine currents, and watertable support Eucalpytus gomplwcephala. fluvial run-off. Estuarine currents in the Leschenault Inlet Saltmarsh vegetation occurs as low herbland forma¬ estuary are driven by wind and tides. Wind waves rework tions around the periphery of Leschenault Inlet. The species the muddy sediment of the platforms, and under the effect that comprise these formations include. Halosarcia indica of a northward net current, deposit mud in the deep water 338 Semeniuk, Milne & Waterhouse : Pollen record for Leschenault Inlet of the central basin or in the northern parts of the estuary Table 2. Diagnostic key species of the source environment for (Semeniuk 2000). Any pollen delivered to the platforms Leschenault Inlet potentially can be reworked under these conditions, and Large scale habitat Key species diagnostic to the redeposited along with mud particles in the sites of mud setting setting accumulation. Barrier dunes Acacia cyclops, A. rostellifera, The Collie River and the Preston River discharge fresh¬ Eucalyptus gomphocephala, Olearia water into the estuary, and their drainage basins potentially axillaris, Rhagodia bacatta draw on pollen material delivered by in situ fall from ripar¬ Mandurah-Eaton Banksia spp, Eucalpytus calophylla, ian vegetation, eroded from soils in the hinterland that Ridge Eucalyptus marginata, Isopogon spp, support a variety of vegetation types, and reworked wind- Kunzea ericifolia, Stirlingia latifolia delivered material (e.g. pine pollen raining down on the drainage basin and floodplains of the rivers). All such pol¬ Yalgorup Plain Eucalyptus gomphocephala, len, through fluvial reworking and transport, can find its Eucalyptus calophylla way into the Leschenault Inlet estuary. emergent deltaic Casuarina obesa, Hakea prostrata, Wind patterns, and their strength and direction in re¬ shoals Viminaria juncea lation to anemophilous plant flowering times, are critical factors in determining the types of pollen and the amount freshwater to Baumea articulata, Baumea juncea, of pollen that is delivered to the depositional environment. saltwater wetlands, Melaleuca cuticularis, M. The Leschenault Inlet area is characterised by three wind east shore rhaphiophylla, M. viminea patterns (Semeniuk & Meagher 1981a). a summer pattern saltmarsh Frankenia pauciflora, Halosarcia of landbreezes and seabreezes, a prevailing winter pattern, indica bidens, H. halocnemoides, and a winter-storm pattern. The pattern in spring is transi¬ Juncus kraussii, Salicomia tional between winter and summer patterns, with easterlies quinqueflora, Suaeda australis and the landbreeze/seabreeze system progressively inten¬ sifying. The wind patterns of interest are those that occur mangrove Avicennia marina during the flowering season, from August to November, and for some species progressing to February. seagrass Halophila ovalis, Heterozoster a, Ruppia megacarpa, Zostera muelleri It is important to note that other factors may contrib¬ ute to the composition of a pollen assemblage. For example, exotic plants Finns radiata, P. pinaster, Eucalyptus prolific anemophilous plants on the Mandurah-Eaton globulus, Lupinus spp, Cynodon Ridge, flowering at a time of calm or weak easterly winds dach/lon, Pennisetum clandestinum, in say, August, may not deliver as much pollen to the sedi¬ Paspalum vagin at urn, Carpobrotus mentary repository as a less prolific pollen-producing plant edulis flowering at a time of strong easterly winds in summer. Also, there may be prolific entomophilous pollen produc¬ tion, which may be preserved in situ, but this would have sub-aquatic estuary platform (B9, 13, and C16, 18), estua¬ a negligible contribution via winds. A full analysis of the rine basin (Bll, C17), and saltmarsh zone. Pen et al (2000), flowering times of anemophilous and entomophilous Wurm & Semeniuk (2000), and Semeniuk (2000) provide plants, their location, their abundance, the wind speeds and general descriptions of the settings of these sites. direction at times of plant flowering, and the abundance of their pollen within Leschenault Inlet, however, is beyond The stratigraphic samples, collected to investigate the the scope of this study. sub-recent (very late Holocene) occurrence of Avicennia ma¬ rina, were obtained from (Fig 3): 1. the Preston River delta, The saltmarsh plants Frankenia pauciflora, Halosarcia where mangroves are currently extant; 2. the sub-surface indica bidens, H. halocnemoides, Sarcocornia quinqueflora, and muds in the vicinity of mangroves at Site LIMB; 3. the sub¬ Suaeda australis flower at various times of the year surface muds in the vicinity of mangroves at Site LI-6; and (Marchant et al 1987). In addition to wind dispersal in situ 4. along a north-south oriented transect across supratidal accumulations of pollen on the tidal flat are dispersed by flats in northern Leschenault Inlet. The sampling strategy estuarine currents to sub-aquatic platforms and the central for these sub-recent stratigraphic settings was designed to basin. For Avicennia marina, which commences flowering target the zone of most likely occurrence of mangrove pol¬ in March-May (Semeniuk et al 1978), in situ accumulation len , if indeed mangroves were present at that time. and subsequent estuarine current dispersion are signifi¬ cant factors. Pollen and spore assemblages were recovered from the sediments following the extraction techniques of Phipps & Methods Playford (1984). Residue strew mounts from thirty two sam¬ ples in total were microscopically examined. All samples Samples were collected from the undisturbed sedimen¬ were scanned for the presence of Avicennia marina pollen, tary surface of estuarine and saltmarsh environments, and 12 samples were counted to characterise the pollen assem¬ from stratigraphic profiles (Fig 3). Sampling sites were se¬ blages from different contemporary depositional lected from the 22 sites of Wurm & Semeniuk (2000), across environments, and nine of the sub-recent samples were the estuary to illustrate across-estuary trends. Contempo¬ counted for comparison with the contemporary assem¬ rary environments sampled include the mangrove zone, blages. Table 3 lists all samples, their stratigraphic location/ 339 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 83 (4), December 2000 Figure 3. Location of transects and study sites in study areas, and stratigraphic setting and location of pollen samples. environment, rationale for sampling, type of palynological Eucalyptus globulus and grasses such as Cynodon dactylon, analysis, and the presence or absence of Avicennia marina Pennisetum clandestinum. and Paspalum vaginatum were not pollen. differentiated from native species. The total percent occur¬ rence of taxa counted in each sample is listed in Table 4. To Modern pollen reference slides were prepared from characterise and compare the pollen assemblages from each acetolysed pollen samples collected from fourteen critical site, Pinus pollen was removed and minor taxa further species in the local flora, and Avicennia marina pollen was grouped. Note that in these analyses the data are presented obtained from specimens mounted on herbarium sheets as relative percentages, and not as absolute numbers for a held at the Western Australia Herbarium. A range of pol¬ given volume of sediment. len which are thin-walled did not survive the acetolysis process i.e. ]uncus kraussii (Juncaceae) and the seagrasses Scans for Avicennia ntarina pollen Halophylla ovalis, Heterozostera sp, Ruppia megacarpa, and Zoster a muelleri, and consequently are not recorded in the For each sample, one to two strew slides were scanned pollen assemblages. for the presence of Avicennia marina pollen. For samples rich in palynomorphs, up to 15 000 pollen grains were in¬ Pollen counts cluded in the scan. For the rare samples depauperate in palynomorphs, only several hundred grains were scanned. In the pollen counts, species identification was carried out where possible and critical, but the majority of speci¬ Avicennia marina pollen grains are tricolporate and ob¬ mens were identified only to the generic or family level. late spheroidal with distinct colpi and circular pores Pollen from the five species of Chenopodiaceae sampled averaging 10 mm in diameter. Colpi terminate sharply and from the local vegetation were grouped together because have a distinctive psilate colpal membrane. Grains are their differing preservation in the samples made it diffi¬ sculpturally reticulate with prominent but short columel- cult to reliably differentiate between species. Similarly, lae, the expanded heads of which are fused to form the pollen of Myrtaceae are grouped together in the analysis, lFm wide muri; lumina are irregular and as thick as, or but the dominance of Eucalyptus over the Melaleuca/Agonis thinner than, the muri. Pollen of A. marina has an average group in particular samples is referred to where appropri¬ polar diameter of 26 Fm and an average equatorial diam¬ ate. Pinus was the main exotic palynomorph readily eter of 29 Fm. identified in the samples. Other potential exotic pollen, from The tricolporate/colpate pollen group listed in the rela- 340 Semeniuk, Milne & Waterhouse : Pollen record for Leschenault Inlet tive percent occurrence of species (Table 4) includes sev- terminate identification: Dicotyledons, Tricolporate/ eral types that, without close examination, could be colpate gen indet, Dicotyledon Gen. et sp indet. Crypto- mistaken for A. marina pollen. The large pores, prominent gam spores, Hepaticae (IPhaeoceros), Selaginellaceae, and colpal membranes, and distinctive reticulum of A. marina Gen et sp indet. The results of the pollen counts are pre¬ pollen serve to differentiate it from the other tricolporate sented in Table 3 to 5. types in the Leschenault Inlet samples. Pollen assemblages Results ^ ^ _ . . Gramineae and Casuarmaceae pollen are relatively Pollen groups and species identified in this study are consistent and show no trends in relative abundance in as follows: 1) identification to Family level: Casuarinaceae, the main sedimentary environments (viz the saltmarsh, the Chenopodiaceae, Compositae, Gramineae, Liliaceae, western platform, the central basin, and the eastern plat- Myrtaceae, Proteaceae (excluding Isopogon and Stirlingia), form). and Restionaceae; 2) identification to genus level: , ~ T ' r±‘ ¥ n\ Pollen assemblages in the saltmarsh environment on Gonocarpus, Isopogon, Lignlana?, Pinus, and Stirlingia; 3) ,, . , • . ., .• T1 . , ! . , , ? the western shore are dominated by Chenopodiaceae. 1 he identification to species level: Acacia cyclops, Aprum „ , . r ,/ t r , . . r , . :n native pollen assemblages from the sub-aquatic western prostratum, Avicenma marina, trankema pauciflora, . , r . , • , , , ,, T •, , , ... , platform, central basm, and sub-aquatic eastern platform Lepiaosperma glaaiatum, and Oleana axillaris; and 4) mde- r ...... , 1 ., . / environments are similar in being dominated by Myrtaceae, Table 3. Samples studied, rationale for study, pollen counts (NB. all samples were scanned), and presence of mangrove (Avicennia marina) pollen. Sampling rationale Samples (environment) Pollen Mangrove count pollen present Contemporary samples Presence of mangrove pollen; typify pollen LIMB 10 cm (mangrove zone) Yes Yes assemblage 98-dune surface (mangrove zone) Yes 98 PRD surface (mangrove zone) Yes Yes Typify pollen assemblages across estuary; A4 (subaquatic estuary platform) No presence of mangrove pollen C9 (subaquatic estuary platform) Yes No Cll (estuarine basin) Yes No C13 (subaquatic estuary platform) Yes No B16 (subaquatic estuary platform) Yes No B17 (estuarine basin) Yes Yes B18 (subaquatic estuary platform) No C-Sa (saltmarsh) Yes No Typify saltmarsh pollen assemblages; Br-Sa (saltmarsh) Yes No presence of mangrove pollen T3x-5C (saltmarsh) No T3x-Hb (H. indica bidens zone) No T3x-Jk (Juncus kraussii zone) Yes T4-3 (saltmarsh) Yes T4-4 (saltmarsh) No LI-5B 10 cm (saltmarsh) No T5-Sa (saltmarsh) No T5-Hb (H. indica bidens zone) Yes No T5-Jk (Juncus kraussii zone) No Stratigraphic samples Determine if mangrove pollen present in AI/1 30-40 cm (Preston River delta) No subrecent sediments under extant mangrove AI/3 20-30 cm (Preston River delta) Yes No sites, or nearby BW/1 20-30 cm (Preston River delta) Yes No BW/3 10-20 cm (Preston River delta) Yes No BW/3 40-50 cm (Preston River delta) Yes No determine if mangrove pollen present in LI-6 10-20 cm (saltmarsh, NE inlet) No subrecent sediments under extant mangrove LI-6 40-50 cm (saltmarsh NE inlet) Yes sites or nearby BR/N-1 40-50 cm (northern supra tidal flat) Yes No BR/N-1 90-100 cm (northern supratidal flat) Yes No BR/N-3 40-50 (northern supratidal flat) Yes No BR/N-5 40-50 cm (northern supratidal flat) Yes No 341 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 83 (4), December 2000 0S“0X LD 23 m O O c0o0 VO rH O Ht O O O O O O rH CO 00 o o O O rH 9-n rH 001-06 29 95 22 CN i 39 10 15 1 CO 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 CN 00 00 1 rH rH IN I/N/H9 0£"0X CrHO CON IN rH 1 20 orH IN N ' 1 i i i 1 ' 1 i i 1 10 CN rH s/N/gg os-ox 10 25 CO 1 o 50 rH 1 rH ' ' * i i i i ' 00 1 rH CN 1 in rH e/N/gg oi-o 23 10 in 00 i rH 1 rH i 1 CO i i 1 1 1 CO i i 1 1 1 gs-n ' 2 oi-o in rrHH 20 37 52 CN 1 ^ i 1 1 rH 1 1 1 VO CN i i rH 1 CO gx-n 1 oz-oi i CrHN IN i 1 CrHO i 1 i i ' 1 i ' ' i i ' 1 i i i i • CN e/Mg oe-03 i rH ON ' i ON 1 rH 1 1 1 i 1 1 ' i i rH 26 i i ' ' rH i/Mg ). oe-03 i CN l 238 1 CO 1 vO 1 1 1 i i rH 1 i i i i 1 nt e/tv ' ' u n co jms aga rTH-Ht 69 39 rrHH vO ON i 1 i vO i 1 1 i i 1 ' rH 00 ' 1 CN rH <N ai r 0 g qH-si IN 46 irHn 10 52 ' CN i • - i ' > 1 CN 00 i i i i rH 5 1 2 ( y stuar ^s-jg rH1 VrHO 12 ON 1 201 ' in 1 CN 1 1 ' 1 1 i ' ¥ 1 i i ' e nlet 80 mr-f V00O 36 <rHN 1 59 rH 00 1 <N i rH ¥ <N ' 1 rH ¥ ¥ IN ' co I nault zo 30 ivnO rH CCOO CO 36 IN rrHH 1 OrH ¥ rH ¥ ¥ ' ' ' CO • * CN rH co e h c s Le 9XD vrHO 87 CCOO 17 1 v0O0 rH co 1 CN i i ¥ ' - ' ' i CN i i rH 1 CN n d i ple eig vCON CmN o crHo ' <N VO VO 1 OrH rH • ¥ in rH 1 rH On orH ¥ ¥ r^H 1 m a s es xig 33 03 54 • OCN IN i vO rH rH rH ^ 1 rH 1 vO CO i i N- ' CN sit 1 n nd i 6g OrHn 114 (mX) 00 1 OCNn (N co 1 rH 1 1 • ' ' ' i N" i i 1 rH IN u o ps f XV 20 52 OCNN cINo ' OrHN orH vO IN ' rH ' <N ' ' ' rrHH m i i IN ' 00 u o r g s/ e ci QJ spe CwD TC3 s for HCMD dQ6J0 CCU*DJS o nt QJ O Qs-J ou It cl o n c 'ou CsD XC0D3 Table 4. Polle <Hcx ! UCT3 4S--*H o<0<Gg0D33d -UTCoc<Oa3D . X8)- UcoQrO03,J)3 Uo ^O Kj u1-aRx, 13SRXu 6o$X0 CIuSl, ¥J•§^< a~qGq<GGDjj hoO00V3h •[ ,T/6rg)"0 JQ^Q^JJ >U<aoHcc*l XcaCDl -C’D<a5D2b AUT°GCQCjJL 342 Semeniuk, Milne & Waterhouse : Pollen record for Leschenault Inlet vO CN CM o O CM o vq o o o o o o CM CM o o o o 0£-0fc d cd CM d rH o rH cd d IN 9-IT VO 8 00 00 o vq rT vO o 2 o o o 6 o o oo 2 2 o 6 4 4 00 001-06 rH 3 00 d LO 1. 1. CD 3. 3. 1. 0. 0. CM rH rH i/N/aa CM CO 00 o 00 00 o CM o o o o o o o vq o o o o 00 os-ot LO d CM d CM d rH d d Cl s/n/a a vO o CM o vO o o o o o o o o o O CM o o 00 o CM os-o^ r—1 rH rH LO CM cd cd cd d d e/N/aa 6 2 CM o 0 O 4 o V o o 2 o o o o o 2 o o o o o O oi-o 1. 9. 8 0. O 1. 1. as-n cq 00 CO o oo 00 vq o vq o o o o o o 00 o o o o CM ox-o cm d d cd d rH rH CD CM d d rH LO CM am o 00 8 o o o O o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o O 03-01 d 2. CM ON e/Ma oe-03 o LvOO vcdq o o VINO o O o o o o o o o o o cd d o o o o o vrHq IN rH x/Ma o 00 o o o CM o o o Z o 4 o o o o o 4 O o o o o o O 0£-03 d LOON 'l 2. 0. e/iv pris ana -t vo vO VO o o o o o o o o o o CM o o o 00 00 ICNN LT—O1 CM IcNo CM d cd d d d 00 vO TjH vq 00 o 00 o o o o o o o o 00 vq CM o o o o o qH-si CM cd rH cd cd cd rH cd d rH vO cq vq O o CM o 00 o o o o o o o vq o o o o o o o ^s-ja d vd cd d cd rH CO y. ar vO rt O vq CM o 00 o o 00 o o vq vq o o o 00 o CM stu 8D co d oo cCMd cd cd d cd cd CD rH rH CM rH e et ult Inl LI D CrHM vCOM vr-Hd CcrHMd CrHM rH 0CM0 o o cd o o o o O CrHM vrHq o o o 0d0 d CrHM a n sche 90 vd 0CdO0 Ccr-Md< 0v0d O CdO cd CrHM o 0cd0 o o o o o o o O 0d0 o o o d o 0d0 e L n 00 vO O VD o o o CM o VD o o o vO o vq d i eia d d rH CM d CM CM cd cd cd cd Lf) LO e T~n CM T—1 pl m s sa na CcT—Md1 CT—M1 vCrHNq vrHq o 00 O 0CM0 o CM cd rcdt cd vrHq o cd o CM CrHM o o o vrHq o CdO p u s/gro 6a VinO vLOq CcCMdN cCMd o vrrHHq 0CD0 CrHM o cd o vrHq o o o o o O vrHq o o o O d 0CM0 e ci pe tv 00 00 vq CM o vO O 00 o o 00 o o o CM o o o 00 o CM of s dCM cr—H1 CCMv IN CM CM cd d CM cd n e oll p QJ e of Cw/5 QJ TC3 urrenc HHXH) 2 .cgl • CbQJ0 CUc/*J5 ^CuvO/5 Table 5. Percentage occ <<HX3 : Uasuarinaceae s4Q0au0->33Jj uQaqgsassjJ SCaK/5 <vicennia marina Uhenopodiaceae rpidosperma gladiatu cestionaceae d *u-CQd0b5Q0oa6oM/33)OJ5j Oiearia axillaris Igularia ? Urankenia pauciflora h pium prostratum oac1eo/5“ 1—sbosoVjo1. roteaceae gen. inde •CVVCuCV23JJjj^ Uien et sp indet JHX4Q0OuQ0uOaouX-3»3JJ* T‘5aC55hsb .1Q0Qu523JJ 0C&s<00OH>u/H3n5 XXrXQ~UOQ0Q00QC333-,JJJJL C^laginellaceae /5 Uen et sp indet 343 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 83 (4), December 2000 Chenopodiaceae, Gramineae, and Casuarinaceae (Fig 4). In each of these environments Chenopodiaceae pollen show Cryptogram spores Restionaceae a south to north increase in abundance, reflecting the in¬ crease in abundance of parent plants towards the northern tidal saltmarsh flats. Olearia axillaris pollen is most com¬ Other angiosperms Myrtaceae mon in the southern and central sites on the western sub-aquatic platform and in the central basin, but is rare in Frankenia pauciflora Gramineae the eastern sub-aquatic platform environment. This distri¬ bution reflects the proximity of the mobile and recently fixed dune habitats in the southern and middle Leschenault Olearia axillaris Chenopodiaceae Peninsula barrier, a habitat that Olearia axillaris prefers. The relative prominence of this species in the central basin pol¬ Lepidosperma gladiatum Casuarinaceae len assemblage suggests it is widely dispersed or re-worked by wind and water. Patterns across transects Western Saltmarsh Zor Trends in the relative abundance of pollen across the South different estuarine environments are best illustrated by Transect C, incorporating Sites T5-Hb, C18, C17, C16, and 0) 0) C-Sa (Fig 5). These sites respectively occur in the western pg saltmarsh, sub-aquatic western platform, central basin, sub- aquatic eastern platform, and eastern saltmarsh environments. Chenopodiaceae pollen dominate the west¬ Q.< ern saltmarsh environment, decrease in abundance towards the central basin, increase again on the eastern platform, and become dominant again on the eastern saltmarsh. Sampling Sites B Gramineae pollen, away from the saltmarsh environments Western Platform where they are overshadowed by the over-representation South of Chenopodiaceae pollen, show a fairly consistent rela¬ tive abundance across the estuary. Casuarinaceae, o a) Restionaceae, Olearia axillaris and Lepidosperma pollen are ww »rCe Tc«3 most abundant in the central basin and decrease in abun¬ « c dance towards the eastern and western shores. This pattern may signal transport and deposition by currents as well as a.< wind. Pollen of the Myrtaceae are relatively consistent across the basin, being similarly prominent on the eastern and western platforms; their lower relative abundance in the saltmarsh is likely related to the over-representation of Central Basin Chenopodiaceae pollen. South North In Transect B, which incorporates Sites B13, Bll and B9 (Fig 5), some species/groups have a similar pattern of U 0 aoo su distribution as in Transect C (Fig 5), whereas others are si quite different. From west to east, Chenopodiaceae pollen are slightly more abundant on the platforms than in the CL< central basin, reflecting proximity of the platforms to ad¬ joining saltmarsh environments. Gramineae pollen is relatively consistent across the estuary, and Casuarinaceae Sampling Sites pollen is slightly more abundant in the central basin com¬ D Eastern Platforr pared to the sub-aquatic platforms, suggesting transport South and deposition by currents as well as wind. Olearia axillaris and Lepidosperma gladiatum pollen show comparable trends 0) 01 - they are more abundant in the western platform sites close 0re0 Uc 60 w re so to their source, and decrease in abundance from west to 40 o;"c east. The pollen of Myrtaceae show a trend of decreasing K2 30 abundance from east to west across the estuary. Q.< 20 ¥ i Patterns of distribution B9 C I 6 Sampling Sites From the transects, consistent patterns of pollen dis¬ Figure 4. Occurrence of pollen of selected/species groups from tribution can be seen for the major plant groups discussed the contemporary surfaces of the western saltmarsh zone, west¬ above. Chenopodiaceae pollen decreases in abundance ern platform, central basin, and eastern platform. away from its source; Gramineae is fairly consistent across 344

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