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Preview Contact Magazine - Winter, 1998 - Saint Joseph's College

A Publication for Alumni, Parents and Friends ■MUM From the Director of SAINT JOSEPH’S COLLEGE Alumni and Parent ALUMNI ASSOCIATION In This Issue BOARD OF DIRECTORS Relations Officers Thomas Kuhar '64 In the Arts.1.5 President “Ask not what your alumni chap¬ South Bend. Indiana 2002 Stephen M. Ligda, Sr. ’62 Class OF .6-9 ter can do for you, but what YOU VP. Alumni Relations Evergreen Park. Illinois Bernard A. Balas ’57 can do for your chapter.” This is a People & Events.10-12 VPAcademics. Placement S Recruiting Ballwin. Missouri familiar quote to all—although mod¬ Jane Wilkerson Ames ’73 Service & Volunteerism.13-14 VP, Campus Relations ified a bit. The SJC Alumni Remington. Indiana Michael Bauman ’79 VP. Financial Affahs Association Board of Directors chal¬ Focus On Alumni.15-20 Greenwood. Indiana Douglas Monforton ’71 lenges YOU to get involved with VP, Chapter Development Did You Know?.21-23 Bloomfield Hills. Michigan Puma activities to be held in your Directors area or on campus. Sports.24-20 Jerome Bosch ’59 Evergreen Park. Illinois Chapter surveys were mailed to Bridglt Chayt ’82 Alumni News.27-31 West Bloomfield. Michigan select regions this past summer. We James Deegan ’59 Alsip. Illinois Sports Calendar.32-33 Don Donahue ’60 hope you completed and returned Belvidere. Illinois Lisa M. Handler ’84 yours, indicating ways that YOU Chicago. Illinois Bruce Hicks ’79 Indianapolis. Indiana plan to get involved. Community On The Cover Nick Hofmeister, IV ’84 McCordsville. Indiana service, attending sporting or edu¬ The cover illustration is by our own Karey Klott ’97 Kalamazoo. Michigan Lina (Chesak) Liberace ’85 who is a Thomas C. Madison ’70 cational events, helping to recruit a Ada. Michigan professional illustrator. Lina has gener¬ Georgia McKim '89 prospective student, hiring a Puma ously provided the last two covers for Rensselaer. Indiana Louis Offer ’69 Contact. This cover was originally com¬ Royal Oak. Michigan graduate are a few of the ways you Janice Pyrce ’73 missioned by the Smithsonian. Look for River Forest. Illinois can stay connected to SJC. Mark Randall ’91 an article about Lina in the “In the Arts” Champaign. Illinois section of this Contact. Irving J. Valente ’58 Chapter Development will require Indian Creek. Illinois Michael Vallone '60 the support of many—can we count Franklin Park. Illinois on YOU? Chapter Repre.sentatives CONTACT John M. Finnegan, III '91 Jeffersonville. Indiana Volume 54, Number 2 Andrew C. Kuhar '91 Published three times a year for alumni, Chardon. Ohio Best Wishes, parents and friends of Saint Joseph's College. Student Directors Maureen “Mo” Egan ’90 Mr. Philip Wilhelm. Chairman. Board of Trustee.s Michael Nichols '00 Albert J. Shannon. Ph.D.. President Student Association President Director of Alumni and Parent K.P. McClanahan. Vice President for Rensselaer. Indiana Institutional Advancement and Marketing Relations Janet E. Gick, Director of Public Relations and Directors Emeriti Publications Philip J. Wilhelm '63 e-mail: [email protected] Maureen Egan ’90. Director of Alumni and Indianapolis. Indiana Parent Relations Janet E. Gick. Editor Dana Collins '00. Student Editor Candice Layman '00. Student Editor Rensselaer, Indiana 47978. 219: 866-6000, World Wide Web Home Page: http://www.saintjoe.edu Please send all address changes to: Alumni Office, Saint Jo.seph’s College, P.O. Box 870, Rensselaer. Indiana 47978, 219: 866-6177 In The Arts editor’s note: A liberal arts are first starting out, and Jews who had been killed collection of poems set on education helps expand an to write about what you in concentration camps. Long Island named individual’s knowledge, know. 1 had to move to Knowing that both sides Bittersweet Along the broaden their ideas, and New York to write about of his family are Roman Expressway, and a collec¬ increase their understand¬ home.” Catholic, he wondered if tion of essays about poet¬ ing. They learn to think Krapf was born and there was a Jewish line in ry, place, and ethnic her¬ deeply, criticize, analyze, raised in Jasper, Indiana. his ancestry. In the end, itage called Where it All and understand. It pro¬ He wrote about this Klara was not related to Began. He is also working vides them with the intel¬ German community sit¬ Mr. Krapf. However, her on a second collection of lectual skills to transfer ting in the heart of the life and death spoke to Mr. poems set in Indiana their inspiration into some¬ Midwest. Somewhere in Krapf in a way that made called The Horseradish thing tangible, complete, Southern Indiana is his him able to get past his Man and Other Poems. and creative. In this sec¬ first full-length collection rage and express grief Krapf is currently a pro¬ tion of Contact, Norbert of poems. Common peo¬ regarding the events of the fessor of English and Krapf ’65 and Lina ple from generations past Holocaust. His book director at the poetry cen¬ Chesak ’85 will be fea¬ come to life to speak cycles through the many ter at the C.W Post tured for their contributions about their everyday emotions that German- Campus of Long Island to the world of the arts. lives. They talk about Americans harbor when University. He has taught Also, I will try to update family, work, children, facing their German ances¬ at Notre Dame and twice you on a few additional weather, everyday events, try. It allowed him to put served in Germany as a alumni and faculty who are observations, and tradi¬ his German roots in per¬ Senior Fulbright Professor crafting their inspiration tions. As in any life, this spective. of American Poetry at the into exciting achievements. collection of poetry Krapf has written or University of Freiburg and Hopefully, along the way, embraces moments of joy, edited 15 books and is the University of their liberal arts education sorrow, love, laughter, and widely considered one of Erlangen-Nuremberg. has helped to nurture the the comfort of continuity. the strongest poetic voic¬ creative process. He continued his artis¬ es in search of German tic and personal journey heritage. Ironically, even Poetic History when writing Blue-Eyed though Krapf grew up in a Grass: Poems of Germany. German settled communi¬ In discovering his ty in Indiana, he did not Norbert Krapf ’65 is a European past, he con¬ learn German until he historian who expresses fronted the Holocaust and attended Saint Joseph’s. himself through poetry. was forced to come to He is now finishing a Through his art he recre¬ terms with his ethnic ori¬ ates past lives and voices. gins. “1 felt a mixture of He states that in order to pain, sorrow, confusion, write you must, “find the anger, frustration, per¬ material that goes deepest haps even shame and for you. When you find it, resentment when 1 it speaks through you, not thought about World War for you.” 11 and the Holocaust,” Krapf found his cre¬ acknowledged Krapf. ative voice in becoming a The book contains 13 student of his own roots. poems about a German He found inspiration in Jewish woman named learning about his ances¬ Klara Krapf who was tral past in southern exterminated in the Indiana and Germany. Holocaust. While He urges aspiring writ¬ researching his book, he ers to write about what was shocked to see Klara’s they know. “1 would say, Norbert Krapf ’65 (center) joined Rachel Barlage ’98 name on an exhibit listing have patience when you and Jeremy White ’98 for a poetry reading when he visited the names of Bavarian campus. 1. In The Arts Institution, nique taught in art Proctor and schools might actually be Gamble, Bell an advantage for her now. Atlantic, and In the end the instruc¬ Wilson Sporting tor of her class looked at Goods. Her her portfolio and said, work is also “You do some pretty nice part of a perma¬ stuff for not knowing how nent traveling to paint.” According to collection titled Lina, she still does not Women know how. Illustrators: Past Lina’s fanciful crea¬ and Present tures and soft edges have which is com¬ made her a popular illus¬ piled and man¬ trator of children’s books. aged by the She recently finished illus¬ Society of trations for a Random Illustrators House book titled Charlie Museum of Muffin’s Miracle Mouse American which is written by the Lina Chesak '85 (far right) poses with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Chesak Illustration. same author that wrote (far left), and mother-in-law Mrs. Liberace (left of Lina) at an opening When Lina start¬ the children’s classic, honoring Lina s induction into the permanent exhibit Women ed out, she had eventually made into an Illustrators: Past and Present. The Humpty Dumpty illustration on the just enough of Oscar nominated movie. wall is Lina’s work. an art founda¬ Babe: The Gallant Pig. tion to get a job Look for this book to be Fairy Tales Do magical journey. After in a small design firm. in the stores in the spring Come True some time, her good for¬ From there she took of 1999. Also, she is now tune and hard work paid classes, but does not finishing the illustrations off, and her dream came always use the traditional for Polly Hopper’s Pouch Once upon a time there true. techniques that are which will be in book¬ was a girl named Lina. Lina Chesak ’85, a free¬ taught. “Several years stores in about a year. She grew up in the lance illustrator in ago 1 took a four day sem¬ She is putting her mar¬ Midwest and longed to Washington, D.C., might inar in New York from a keting degree from Saint become a professional be called upon to illus¬ guy who teaches the ‘tra¬ Joseph’s to good use. artist. When it became trate this fairy tale. She ditional way’ to paint. 1 Lina is launching her own time for her to make her would know exactly what hated every minute of it.” line of fanciful merchan¬ place in the world, she to do since this is her So the resourceful Lina dise and illustrating her did not know how to pur¬ story. developed her own tech¬ own ideas. Her company sue her dream. She went Chesak has been an nique. is called “lina beans” and to college and majored in illustrator for over 10 She paints with oils on her first project is a series marketing. When she years and counts among the back of frosted Mylar. of Humpty Dumpty graduated she had a won¬ her publication credits With the paint, she builds clocks. This series of six derful education, but she projects developed for layers using progressively clocks includes a baker, did not know how to be National Wildlife, National thicker coats of paints. gardener, shepherd, chef, an artist. Lina wondered Geographic, Traveler, and Lina feels that this fancy boy, and laughing if her dream was just a American Way in- flight approach allows her to Humpty Dumpty. For fairy tale. Armed with magazine, to name a few. build depth and deepen more information about common sense, the desire She has illustrated books the image without dis¬ Lina’s line of products, to succeed, and loads of for Simon and Schuster turbing what is on the visit her web site at raw talent, Lina moved to and Harcourt Brace, and surface. She also feels http://www.choicemall.co Washington to find her her corporate clients that not being pushed m/linabeans or call Lina way. It was all a very include the Smithsonian into an established tech¬ at 703-5734433. 2. In The Arts Lina’s fairy tale does worked under the direc¬ K.M. Briggs, Styx, by not have an ending, but tion of Riccardo Muti, Christopher Hyde and you might ask if her story Richard Bonynge, Sergiu Monster Tales by Phil has a prince. The answer Comissiona, Julius Rudel, Mendez, and his own is yes. In 1997, Lina mar¬ and Robert Shaw. novel Crazyhead. ried artist Robert One of his short sto¬ Liberace. He was an John Klawitter, ries, “Jack’s Boat”, won a instructor for a class Lina prize at the Key West Writer and Director took to study classical Hemingway Days festival. drawing. Quite an accom¬ John Klawitter ’60 has A collection of his short plished artist himself, spent the past 25 years stories, “Touched”, won a Liberace recently finished working as a writer and special mention from the a sculpture commis¬ director based in prestigious Flannery sioned by the National Hollywood. He has writ¬ O’Connor Short Fiction Shrine of the Immaculate ten and produced for Awards. Klawitter’s first Conception. In fact, CBS, NBC, Disney, The novel was an Liberace has taken on the Mark S. Doss ’80, Opera Disney Channel, action/thriller titled challenge of developing a Singer Paramount, Universal, Crazyhead. He also new design concept for Atlantis Productions, authored Headslap, the College as a seminarian Saint Joseph’s fountain. along with running his “as told to” biography of studying to become a All of the elements of own production company. the life and times of NFL priest in the Missionaries Chesak’s fairy tale are He has also worked on Hall of Famer Deacon of the Precious Blood. now in place. All that animation projects for Jones. Along the way his plans remains is for her to live Disney, Warner Bros changed and he is now happily-ever-after. Animation, Hanna- Edward Kolaczyk, one of the world’s leading Barbera, Phil Mendez Commercial Novelist opera and concert bass- ^^Show Stopping” Productions, Zoiyu baritones. Productions (Japan), Pink Edward Kolaczyk ’58 Pumas A 1993 Grammy Award Planet Productions graduated from Saint winner for his participa¬ (Holland) and Franke Joseph’s with a degree in tion in the CD of Handel’s Philip Deaver, Films (Finland). He has Math-Physics. He has Semele, Mark is also a directed a wide range of worked as a manufactur¬ Author and Educator past First Prize Winner of stars and personalities, ing engineer and a the International Verdi Philip Deaver ’68 is an including Bill Cosby, Ali research chemist. With Competition, a author of short stories McGraw, Jane Alexander, IBM he worked in soft¬ Metropolitan Opera and poetry. He won the Jacqueline Biset, Ray ware development, mar¬ Finalist Winner, and a Flannery O’Connor Award Bradbury, George keting, and finance. Now recipient of the National for Short Fiction and the Plimpton, Leslie Nielson, he and his wife, Anne, Institute for Music O. Henry Award. He is and many others. write romance novels Theatre’s George London the author of Silent Klawitter’s film writing under the pen name of Opera Prize. Retreats, an award- win¬ credits include the Emmy Andrea Edwards. He has sung opera with ning collection of short Award winning political Since 1982 the some of the most presti¬ stories. documentary scene titled Kolaczyks have written 56 gious opera houses in the He currently helps to Politic. Additional credits novels. They have devel¬ world and also performed shape young minds as an include “The Great oped paperback fiction with many of America’s assistant professor of American Dreammobile”, for Avon, Berkeley/Jove, finest symphonies. He English at Rollings “Le Mans”, “The Bantam, and Harlequin/ has studied and coached College in Winter Park, Adventures of Sports Silhouette, as well as nov- with such distinguished Flordia. Goofy”, and “Here comes elizations of episodes artists as Nicola Rossi- Sam” (The Olympic from “The Young and the Lemeni, Walter Cassel, Mark Doss, Opera Singer Eagle). He has also adapt¬ Restless.” They now Carlo Bergonzi, Frank ed several novels to write exclusively for Mark Doss ’80 started Galati, and Stephen screenplay format, most Silhouette Special Edition out at Saint Joseph’s Wadsworth. He has notably Hobberdy Dick, by (a division of Harlequin). 3. In The Arts If I Only Had a Husband, appeared on Broadway in northwest, IN. Pay partic¬ Pat Riha, Creative their fifty-sixth book, will Taking Sides. He has ular attention to page 28 Management and be released in the spring appeared Off Broadway in with its reference to Production of 1999. Upcoming major When Ladies Battle, The Rensselaer and a ficti¬ projects include the History of JFK, and The tious college named Saint Pat Riha ’71 can’t sing development of an inde¬ Trials of Oscar Wilde. Thomas. or read music, but he has pendent romance/mys¬ O’Brien states that produced shows with tery and a book of say¬ learning the ropes of the Garth Brooks, Wynonna ings from the ethnic business is essential for Judd, the late Roy neighborhood where Ed success. “1 temporarily Orbison, Judy Collins and grew up titled God Sends put aside working on my over 100 other national His Love in a Broken novel to write the screen recording artists. He has Bowl: Life’s Lessons play on the advice of my also worked with sports Learned at Pejza’s Tavern. agent. Having a screen¬ legends Joe Carter, play will make me more Marcus Allen, Richard marketable and allow me Petty, and Lee Trevino. In more control in future his role as president of negotiations.” Matthew Pat Riha Productions, he has spent the last year has planned programs learning how to write a with President Ronald screenplay and producing Reagan, Reverend Billy one at the same time. Graham, and space shut¬ Matthew O^Brien, Novelist If you are interested in tle commander Michael and Screen Writer obtaining an autographed Coats. His company pro¬ copy of Chameleon: The duces special events for Matthew O’Brien, March Madness Murders, corporations and associa¬ contact his publisher at Novelist and Screen tions. http://www.guildpress.com. Pat Riha Productions Mark LaMura, Actor Writer was formed in 1989 to fill Mark LaMura ’70 is a Matthew O’Brien ’92 an entertainment niche veteran of stage, televi¬ published his first novel. sion, and film. He is prob¬ Chameleon: The March ably best known for his Madness Murders, in 1997 11-year portrayal of Mark at the age of 27. Since Dalton on “All My then life has been inter¬ Children.” This role esting. He just finished earned him an Emmy an original screenplay nomination. titled Dead Gamble and is Other television credits now completing his sec¬ include guest appear¬ ond novel titled Game ances in “LA Law”, Breakers. Dead Gamble is “Matlock”, “Hunter”, “Star a suspense-thriller, and Trek: The Next Game Breakers is an NFL Generation”, “Diagnosis mystery. Murder”, and “Cybill”. Chameleon is set dur¬ His feature film credits ing the NCAA Final Four include The Russia House, tournament. Much of the See You in the Morning, action takes place in Naked in New York, Lafayette; Bloomington; Pat Riha 71 (far right) and Joseph Hartman ’88 (far left) Soldier’s Home, and at the and Indianapolis, Indiana. pose with three-time Grammy Award winner Lou Rawls. Cannes Festival in However, make sure you Riha produced and Hartman provided technical assistance Surprise. notice the many mentions for a concert featuring Rawls as part of the NCAA Final LaMura has recently of familiar places in Four Activities. 4. In The Arts that did not exist in the Crafts from the Indiana Midwest for corporations Arts Commission. and associations. The As a talented artist, her company provides the works are in museums creative management and and private collections. production skills to create Most recently, her art was events for special corpo¬ exhibited at the rations and associations. Governor’s Mansion in This includes marketing, Indianapolis, Indiana. As sales, sponsorship, and a result of that exhibition value added promotions her talents were then for companies looking to summoned to Washington entice consumers or D.C. to design a snowman reward client and employ¬ ornament for the White ee loyalty. House Christmas tree. Bonnie Zimmer, Teacher That ornament is now a Jim Sacco, Journalist and Artist part of the White House’s and Author permanent collection. Bonnie Zimmer, Teacher Zimmer has been an Jim Sacco ’97 is work¬ inspiration to many SJC and Artist ing on his first novel students. Lina Chesak which is based on an Bonnie Zimmer is an ’85 (see feature story assignment he wrote for artist who crafts non-tra- “Fairy Tales Do Come his sophomore civil war ditional basketry from True”) felt she was class at Saint Joseph’s. organic materials indige¬ pushed to pursue her tal¬ The story, currently unti¬ nous to Indiana. She has ent by “encouraging and tled, is historical fiction. taught art at Saint exuberant teachers.” One It is about a Union sol¬ Joseph’s College for over of those teachers was dier battling in the Army 18 years. She also teach¬ Bonnie Zimmer. of the Potomac. The sol¬ es at the high school level dier is also fighting his and was named own personal battle, and Secondary Art Educator the mental anguish ulti¬ and Indiana Art mately leads him to mak¬ Educator for ing his own suicidal 1997 by the charge. The book is being Art published by Cactus Education Books. Association Along with his novel, of Indiana. Jim is also a journalist In addition, and sports desk chief for she was the Manassas Journal selected by Messenger. He was the National named one of 1997’s Top Art Seven Young Journalists Education by the Virginia Press Association Association. In 1998, he as the 1998 was presented two first Western Regional Art place awards by the Educator. She has Virginia Press Association received many grants and : one award is for series honors in teaching includ¬ writing and the other is ing the Lilly Teacher for spot news. Creativity Fellowship and two Master Fellowships in 5. 2002 Class of A New Also, The Missionaries and where we are going. radio/tv station and of the Precious Blood, Thank you for taking a computer network; Tradition who provide spiritual few moments today to • we’ve enhanced our guidance for the College, join with us in this explo¬ student counseling and Saint Joseph’s College renewed their sponsor¬ ration. But first, a quick support services; again became “home” to ship of the College and word on where we have • we’ve doubled our students as it began the announced the biblical been. endowment; 1998-99 academic year. theme, “Put On the New It was one hundred and • we’ve grown our This marked the one hun¬ Self,” for the 1998-99 aca¬ nine years ago, for those marching band and our dred and seventh year demic year. of you who do not know, chorus to triple and that the College has that Saint Joseph’s quadruple their size; opened its doors for the The Saint College was chartered. • we’ve beautified the purpose of education. One hundred and seven campus; Joseph’s With the beginning of years ago Father • we’ve employed a new classes, the College cele¬ College Augustine Siefert, whose food service; brated the thirtieth year Difference statue still stands here, • we’ve celebrated our of teaching the nationally was named the first presi¬ ongoing relationship acclaimed Core Education dent and addressed the with the Missionaries editor’s note: This is the program, the one hun¬ first academic convoca¬ of the Precious Blood; address that President dredth anniversary of the tion. One hundred years • we’ve added academic Albert J. Shannon made at opening of the Lourdes ago, we built the Lourdes majors and enhanced the inaugural 1998 Fall Grotto, and the over thir¬ Grotto. Fifty years ago, our faculty. As you see Convocation. ty years of dedication to we had only fifty gradu¬ before you, these co-education. In recogni¬ ates and a lay Board of faculty, by actual tion of these accomplish¬ Advisors. Ten years ago, count, represent over ments, the entire SJC the women’s basketball one thousand years of community gathered to team went 27-4, the teaching experience. inaugurate the academic women’s track team com¬ year with a fall convoca¬ Who are we? When peo¬ pleted its third consecu¬ tion. The convocation ple ask what is our legacy, tive undefeated year, began a new tradition for what will you say? You minority scholarships the College. will tell them that we are were added to the Saint At the convocation, the almost twelve thousand Joseph’s College financial College made a public alumni strong with distin¬ aid package, and we statement of its mission guished alumni in law, upgraded our phone and President Albert J. and vision for the future. medicine, education, busi¬ computer services. Shannon addressed the The convocation also ness, as well as religious In recent years, we students at the fall convo¬ encompassed an academ¬ and service professions. have built a new Core cation. ic procession, the induc¬ One study ranks Saint Education Center; our tion of the freshman Joseph’s College in the top baseball team has been in Mr. Chairman, Trustees, class, and the commis¬ twenty-five percent of all the World Series two out Alumni Board, Advisory sion of the senior class liberal arts colleges who of the last three years; Board members, faculty, into a student leadership send students on for our football team recently staff, honored guests, role. According to Ph.D.s. You are to be set a school record of family members, and President Albert J. proud. In our one hun¬ nine wins and two losses; especially students; Shannon, “The convoca¬ dred and eight year histo¬ we’ve had nationally rarely does a community tion also gave Dr. David ry, we have been home for ranked soccer teams, ten¬ of our size who commits Chattin, vice president for approximately one thou¬ nis teams, track and cross itself to this united academic affairs, and sand Missionaries of the country teams. Equally endeavor of both intellect myself an opportunity to Precious Blood. In our important: and faith, have the luxury set the tone for academic • we’re celebrating thirty history, we have spent to pause in our daily pur¬ goals and institutional years of Core and of co¬ over a billion dollars on suits to ask where we vision for the ensuing education; the education of young have been, where we are. year.” • we’ve upgraded our people in budgets and in 6.

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