1 mmm jr r 7 1 1 *C /TI Z iTvtf »fg«iiji:T;:^. %*gsjgKf \ ■p ■; V 1 — iNfon b JPPp Dear Friends: SAINT JOSEPH S COLLEGE In This Issue It is with great pride that I have ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS returned to Saint Joseph’s College as Tremendous Teachers 1-3 the Alumni and Parent Relations Officers Manager. This is a great opportunity for People and Events 4-6 Thomas Kuhar '64 President myself to contribute to a great institu¬ South Bend, Indiana Profile: Father Gerlach 7-8 Stephen M. Ligda, Sr. '62 tion. Everyone has welcomed me back VP, Alumni Relations Evergreen Park, Illinois with open arms and made me feel like I In the Spirit of Giving 9-10 Bernard A. Balas '57 never left. VP, Academics, Placement <2 Recruiting A Vision for the Future 11-20 Ballwin, Missouri Saint Joseph’s College will be going Jane Wilkerson Ames ’73 VP, Campus Relations through many changes in the next Did You Know? 21 Remington, Indiana decade and I am excited to be a part of Michael Bauman '79 VP, Financial Affairs it. With your help, I believe we can Sports 22-23 Greenwood, Indiana Douglas Monforton '71 make Saint Joseph’s College one of the VP, Chapter Development Alumni News 24-29 Bloomfield Hills, Michigan premier colleges in America. James Wirtes '97 Executive Director As most of you know, construction Rensselaer, Indiana has already begun on our residential Directors suites. This summer, Gallagher and Jerome Bosch '59 Evergreen Park, Illinois Halas Halls will be reconfigured with Terra Callaway '97 Louisville, Kentucky suites of their own. Also under con¬ Bridgit Chayt ’82 West Bloomfield, Michigan struction is a fitness center located in James Deegan ’59 the balcony of the Rec Center. This Alsip, Illinois Bruce Hicks ’79 spring construction of a new track com¬ On The Cover Indianapolis, Indiana Karey Klott '97 plex will begin. This is only the begin¬ Kalamazoo, Michigan The College recently completed a “Master ning. I encourage all Alumni to visit us Trish Leurck ’91 Facilities Plan ” to guide the growth of the Oak Lawn, Illinois and see the changes that the college is physical campus for the next several years. Thomas C. Madison ’70 Ada, Michigan going through. In the section entitled “A Vision for the Georgia McKim ’89 Future, ” we would like to share this vision Rensselaer, Indiana I look forward to seeing old friends with you. The cover of “Contact” is an illus¬ Louis Offer ’69 Royal Oak, Michigan and meeting Alums that I have not met tration of the Academic quadrangle plaza Janice Pyrce ’73 before. So far this year, we have had which will feature a renovated Arts and River Forest, Illinois Mark Randall ’91 our annual outing in Indianapolis to sup¬ Sciences Building on the right and the pro¬ Champaign, Illinois posed Information Services Building on the Julie Suhr ’89 port our basketball teams. On March Rensselaer, Indiana left. Michael Vallone ’60 11, we had a great Puma Party at the Franklin Park, Illinois Chicago Saint Patrick’s Day Parade. Chapter Representatives Many more of these events are in the Andrew C. Kuhar ’91 planning stages and I hope our turnouts CONTACT Chardon, Ohio continue to grow. Feel free to call me Volume 56, Number 1' Student Directors with any ideas that you may have. My Published three times a year for alumni, Phillip Schroeder '01 parents and friends of Saint Joseph’s College. Student Association President goal as Alumni Director is to keep the Griffith, Indiana Mr. Philip Wilhelm ’63, Chairman, Board of Trustees Alumni as active as possible while keep¬ Albert J. Shannon, Ph.D., President Directors Emeriti ing you informed as to what is happen¬ K.P. McClanahan, Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Marketing Philip J. Wilhelm ’63 ing on campus. Indianapolis, Indiana Janet E. Gick, Director of Public Relations and Again, it is great to be back here at Publications James Wirtes ’97, Alumni and Saint Joseph’s College. I had a great Parent Relations Manager four years here from 1993-1997. I look Janet E. Gick, Editor forward to meeting and interacting with Dana Collins ’00, Student Editor Candice Layman ’00, Student Editor all of our alumni for years to come. Bruce Hicks ’79, Cartoonist Rensselaer, Indiana 47978, 219: 866-6000, Sincerely, World Wide Web Home Page: James P. Wirtes ’97 http://www.saintjoe.edu Please send all address changes to: Alumni Office, Alumni and Parent Relations Manager Saint Joseph's College, P.O. Box 870, Rensselaer, Indiana 47978, 219: 866-6177 Tremendous Teachers Unforgettable sor, Father Paul us. His classes were not is good.”—Richard W. Speckbaugh, C.PP.S. who only informative and Oehmke ’58 Teachers are taught us “Literary interesting, they were Remembered Criticism” and who lifted friendly and enjoyable. “Although not a teach¬ Unlike most other us up to appreciate fine ing member of the faculty, Midwestern schools that arts, music, and poetry. Father Daniel Schaeffer, editor’s note: A few issues offered a degree in geolo¬ We were deeply grieved C.PP.S., was one of the back, the “Contact feed¬ gy, Saint Joseph’s did not when he was hit by a car most influential individu¬ back question ” asked you have a field camp where while walking to als in my life during my to tell us about SJC faculty students could observe a Rensselaer on October 8, years at Saint Joe’s. A par¬ and/or staff that have had wide range of geologic 1944.”—Reverend Paul ticular incident reflects a significant impact on phenomena. To rectify Aumen, C.PP.S., ’49 how knowledgeable he you. Some of you took the this, Steve took us on a was of all students and time to share memories tour during the Easter “I was one of about 10 their activities and where¬ about your favorite men¬ break of 1950. We visited young men who enrolled abouts. The telephone tors. It is now my pleasure an oil well being drilled in at Saint Joseph’s College rang in Bennett Hall one to present these memories central Oklahoma, toured as a geology student in day as I was passing by. I in “Contact. ” the depths of several the Fall of 1946. The geol¬ was in a playful mood and lead-zinc mines in south¬ ogy faculty consisted of answered, ‘Sherwood “Father Carl Nieset, west Missouri, and exam¬ one man, Father Nieset. Forrest, Robin here!’ I C.PP.S. was my teacher ined many of the geologic Father Nieset had a mas¬ immediately recognized and counselor and under wonders of Arizona ter’s degree in geology the voice of Fr. Dan on the him I received the first (including the Grand but he had little practical other end as he said, ‘This (SJC awarded) bachelor’s Canyon). When the trip experience as a geologist. is Friar Tuck, let me speak degree in geology with was over, we felt a little He was an excellent to so and so.’ I did not minors in mathematics more like real geologists. teacher and held our identify myself, but got the and philosophy. It was My own accomplish¬ interest throughout our party to whom he asked to because of him that I was ments have been modest, freshman, sophomore, speak. The next day, as I awarded a graduate but I had no trouble com¬ and junior years, but he was crossing the campus, I teaching assistantship at peting in graduate school began to worry that if we passed Father Schaeffer Northwestern University with others from major were to compete with and said good morning. in 1942 and, after four universities. I have Steve graduates from larger He responded by saying, years of Air Force service, Theodosis and Father schools, it would benefit ‘Hello Robin Hood!’ I returned to Northwestern Nieset to thank for that. us to receive instruction stopped dead in my tracks to complete my master’s Father died some years from at least one other degree in 1948. During ago, but Steve and beside himself. For this 1949-50,1 returned to Georgie Theodosis are reason, Father contacted Saint Joseph’s for one retired and live in Steve Theodosis Ph.D., year to teach eight geolo¬ Broomfield, Colorado.”— ’42. gy courses and took my Alfred T. Miesch, Ph.D., Dr. Theodosis was the students on a 5,000 mile ’50 first geology graduate trip to study western from Saint Joseph’s geology.”—Steven D. “Father Leonard College and had received Theodosis Ph.D., ’42 Kostka, C.PP.S., ’35 gave all of his undergraduate me a bit of spiritual instruction from Father “Our class celebrated advice without which my Nieset. Steve taught four our fiftieth anniversary life would have become geology courses each this year. In the begin¬ unbearable. 1 will never semester of our senior ning, we had a lot of forget him or his promi¬ year. He made the sub¬ rough edges to smooth nent snoze. My Irish ject exciting. He opened out in 1942 when we were Catholic wife and I have our eyes to so many , beginning our education successfully raised five FatherLeonard Kostka aspects of the science . . ., at SJC. It was our profes¬ sons and a daughter. God CPPS ’35 that were entirely new to 1. Tremendous Teachers and heard Father Schaeffer “Dr. Ralph Cappuccilli challenging teachers. Dr. say, ‘You didn’t think you ’47, chairman of the com¬ White believed in me and could fool me did you, munications department was always interested in Greg?’ His concern for the in 1970, cast me as a what we had to say. He students and their welfare spear carrier in a produc¬ pushed me to write sto¬ went beyond the normal. tion of Antigone. I came ries that I still remember. He truly was a “Father” to on stage proclaiming, I’m currently writing a all students. I missed him ‘The Queen is dead, the book of poems and after graduation.”— Queen is dead.’ Only one thoughts and it started Gregory C. Grothouse ’60 line, but who would have because of him and Core I. guessed what the future Professor Groppe made “Father A1 Druhman would bring.”—Philippe me think of what I wanted C.PP.S., ’48 served as a Simone ’74 (Philippe is to do with my life. Mainly, “mentor” both regarding an actor who is based in that you should have a my English major and New York. His talent has profession and not just a “life”. I will always been noticed by the leg¬ career or a job. You give a remember class method¬ endary director, Elia profession 100% and it ful¬ ology, his double-enten¬ Kazan, and he has worked fills you and contributes dres, and good friend¬ with Nicholas Cage and to society.”—Maria ship.”—Eberhard J. Genvieve Bujold.) (Guzman) Mauro ’93 (Gabe) Fabriel ’63 “As I attempt to teach sociology at my college, I often think of the effort of Dr. Ryan to teach me the same subject matter. He gave me a good grounding in the discipline. Dr. John Egan also took a great deal of interest in me and my colleagues in the SJC glee club. They both had a great influence on my early adulthood.”— Michael Delaney ’68 Susan Chattin ’85 with students “Dr Ralph Cappuccilli “David and Susan “The person 1 remem¬ ’47, speech professor, Chattin ’85 were two pro¬ ber the most would be was a great influence on fessors, along with Robert Father James Froelich me. He was always com¬ Garrity, that I highly C.PP.S., ’51. I remember plimentary of my respected. Collectively, the laughs and discus¬ improvements in public their best attributes were sions we had in the speaking. He was great a tremendous knowledge Bennett Hall lounge at 2 for raising my self-esteem. regarding their field of am. I knew Father since His influence helped nur¬ expertise and their will¬ my first hour as a student ture a great career and ingness to learn from back in 1990; he made me family life. I even babysat their students, as well.”— feel welcome from day for his kids while at Saint Riley (Joyce) Hardesty one. Father Froelich was Joe.”—Frank Spaziano ’92 a man who put forth a ’69 “Dr. Bill White and million words with a look. Professor Groppe were He shared a lifetime of 2. Tremendous Teachers knowledge and a love for the unique opportunity of justices just peppered from seeing a Saint Joe life. I believe Father will visiting the highest court them with questions. The graduate achieve so be missed by all, but in the land over the past attorneys had to be very much. In seeking a clerk¬ especially by the students winter break. sharp and very quick on ship with the Supreme of Bennett Hall. We were The opportunity came their feet.” Court, Scudder competed a family with Father about when one of White indicated that with the top law students Froelich. I still see his White’s former students some of the attorneys from across the country. room, cluttered with col¬ who is now a clerk in the were not prepared for the A Supreme Court clerk¬ lections throughout the Supreme Court, offered types of questions the ship is one of the most years of books, papers, White tickets to watch justices were asking. In prestigious positions a and memories. Thanks oral arguments before the fact, just minutes into the law school graduate can Father for the memorable court. Mike Scudder ’93, argument of one of the obtain and the fact that years, you truly are a rep¬ is currently in the midst lead attorneys, Chief Scudder was granted this resentation of Saint of a nine-month clerkship Justice William Rehnquist distinguished honor says Joseph’s College, your for Supreme Court Justice simply said “thank you,” a great deal about the actions mark the convic¬ Anthony Kennedy. indicating that the attor¬ value of an SJC under¬ tions you instilled in us Scudder was a student in ney should step down graduate degree. As all.”—James Carey ’94 White’s rigorous and yield the remaining White stated, Scudder’s Constitutional Law class time to co-counsel. success proves that “the Dr. White goes during his time at SJC and The atmosphere in the best from here can com¬ has remained in contact court, according to White, pete with the best from to Washington with White throughout was “electric.” The mem¬ anywhere.” law school at bers of the audience were By Heather Hagan ’01 Northwestern University on the edge of their seats and now during his clerk¬ most of the time. editor’s note: Once in a ship. However, they were quick while, a teacher is fortu¬ The case, which White to laugh when laughter nate enough to stay in was able to observe, was was appropriate. “It was touch with a student that according to White, “the not so reverential that will, later in life, reverse hottest ticket in town.” there was no laughter,” the role of mentorship and The case dealt with the White said. offer the teacher an educa¬ issue of whether or not From this experience, tional experience. rape victims should be White also gained insight Professor Bill White allowed to sue their which he can now apply enjoyed this luxury when attackers in federal court. to his teaching of Mike Scudder ’93 invited In arguing the case before Constitutional Law. White to accompany him the court, the attorneys “The biggest thing I to work—at the United on each side were allotted learned in terms of teach¬ States Supreme Court! thirty minutes each in ing is that every case is This article was written by which to present their not a watertight compart¬ Heather Hagan’01 and case. It was the interac¬ ment,” he stated. He originally appeared in the tion between the attor¬ explained that the jus¬ campus newspaper “The neys and the justices that tices are always looking Observer. ” most surprised White. toward the future and are “I really thought that it keenly aware of the impli¬ It’s good to know peo¬ would be mostly the cations their decisions ple in high places, espe¬ attorneys’ show,” will have. cially if that high place is explained White. “I Another benefit of the United States thought that they would White’s experience has Supreme Court. have the chance to nothing to do with the Connections within the explain their cases, with¬ court itself, but concerns court recently helped out interruption, and all SJC students. That is land Professor Bill White argue the law. But the the benefit that comes 3. People & Events institute of higher learning And so much has been the Notre Dame athletic in Northwestern Indiana. going wrong in the athletic department knows what They’re celebrating department over the last he is doing.” because Notre Dame hired two years. Malloy proved he another alumnus to be its Which is why the presi¬ knows what he is doing athletic director. dent of the university, the although I admit I wasn’t Not an alumnus of Rev. Edward Malloy, who sure Malloy knew Notre Dame. An alumnus has a very busy schedule, Valdiserri or how impor¬ of St. Joseph’s of decided he would find tant Roger had been to the Rensselaer. time to be in charge of ath¬ university’s image. You know about that letics and athletes. Gee whiz, folks, if place. It’s the St. Joe’s After Malloy cleaned Valdiserri had been that frequently is confused out the top echelon of the appointed athletic direc¬ with St. Joseph’s of athletic department, he tor when thousands of us Kevin White ’72, new Philadelphia. And some¬ hired a cleanup man: expected him to get the athletic director for Notre times with St. Joseph’s Kevin White. job, Malloy might not have Dame University. High School which won Every Notre Dame needed a White to clean the Illinois state basketball alumnus knows who Kevin out the dirty corners. St. Joe’s Helps championship last year. White is. White also can be Bless Notre They’re chortling, too, Now. expected to build dams over there in Rensselaer. Two weeks ago even that will prevent the slime Dame Athletics There hasn’t been such the most in-the-know pit that is Big Time college good feeling on the cam¬ members of Notre Dame’s football and basketball editor’s note: Kevin White pus since Gil Hodges was toll road alumni never had from flooding into Notre ’72 was recently appointed hitting long home runs for heard of Kevin White. Dame. White brings what the new athletic director for the Pumas. “You must mean Mike sports at Notre Dame the University of Notre St. J of R is on a run. Its White,” a prominent need desperately. Dame. White will assume faculty now can tell incom¬ Chicago toll roader cor¬ Respectability. his new post with the ing students that the head rected me last week. White will insist that his “Fighting Irish ” this spring. coach of the Chicago That “made in heaven” coaches recruit athletes He had previously been the Bears, Dick Jauron, is a headline came out of a who will make the football athletic director for Arizona son of a former St. Joe’s quote from Pat Murphy, a team proud of the univer¬ State University, Tulane football coach and when former Notre Dame base¬ sity. At each of the five University, the University of Notre Dame was in deep ball coach. Murphy now schools White has served Maine, and Loras College. trouble, St. Joe’s produced coaches hardball at as athletic director, he While atSJC, he competed an athletic director for the Arizona State University also taught classes. as a sprinter in track and Fighting Irish. and until a few days ago, Think of that all you field. He was awarded the Way things are going, White was Pat’s boss and Notre Dame Nuts. SJC Alumni Achievement Hodges is sure to be voted athletic director at Classes. Award in 1997. White and into the baseball Hall of Arizona State. White won’t make his wife, Jane (Gartland) Fame next year. Then St. For me, the most inter¬ Notre Dame an instant Big White ’73, will be relocat¬ Joe’s will have a trifecta. esting angle in White’s hir¬ Winner again, but a differ¬ ing to South Bend, Indiana. A Page One headline in ing was that Malloy knew ent type athlete will repre¬ This article was written by this newspaper read “A the right man to choose as sent Notre Dame in foot¬ Bill Gleason, a well-known match made in heaven.” his intermediary. None ball. columnist and free lance That wasn’t local boost- other than Roger A St. Joe’s of Rensselaer writer, from the Chicago- erism. The South Bend Valdiserri, longtime sports type, perhaps. land area. Permission to Trib doesn’t go in for information director and And if the Big Ten reprint this article was gra¬ Notre Dame Rah! Rah! assistant athletic director comes calling again, ciously given by Mr. This newspaper sees its at Notre Dame. Malloy and his man White Gleason. role as being the con¬ With a phone call to might say yes. There is joy unalloyed science of Notre Dame Valdiserri, Malloy rebutted on the campus of that when things go wrong. the charge. “Nobody in 4. People & Events Remembering Father Froelich The SJC Missionary Outreach Program recent¬ ly held a memorial birth¬ day celebration to honor the life and work of the late Father James Froelich, C.PP.S. ’51 on what would have been his 71st birthday. Father Froelich suddenly passed away in July of 1998 at a primitive clinic in Morogoro, Tanzania, East Africa. Beginning with a mass that was later followed by a dinner and silent auc¬ tion, the evening allowed Bobby Hansen, former professional basketball player for the Chicago Bulls and member of for reflection on a life that the 1992 World Championship Team, poses with members from the Jasper County Youth was spent in service to Center. Hansen was the guest speaker at the center’s unveiling ceremony. others. Along with his devotion to Saint Joseph’s worked with people living Dr. Museru, medical Saint Joseph’s College College and his spiritual in stark poverty. In equipment in Tanzania is Missionary Outreach calling, Father Froelich’s December of 1997, before either broken or obsolete. Program, P.O. Box 888, passion was helping the returning to Tanzania for Malaria is rampant and Rensselaer, Indiana, people of East Africa. the last time, he founded medicines are lacking. 47978-0870. He donated one the Saint Joseph’s College The average life expectan¬ semester of each year to Missionary Outreach cy is 42 years for men and Jasper County teach at Saint Gaspar Program. His hope was to 45 years for women. Youth Center College in Morogoro, provide greatly needed When speaking about the Tanzania. There he medical supplies for the SJC Missionary Outreach Unveils Plans hospitals, leper colonies, Program Museru stated, for Complex and orphanages of East “The help you have is so Africa. To date, the pro¬ much needed and is so Recently, the Jasper gram has shipped over much appreciated.” County Youth Center $500,000 of medical equip¬ The proceeds raised unveiled a model of its ment to Tanzania. The from the memorial dinner upcoming youth complex. proceeds raised from the and auction will be used The celebration was held memorial birthday dinner to continue the work that on the Saint Joseph’s and auction will be used Father Froelich began. College campus. The to continue the work that These undertakings will Youth Center will be Father Froelich began. provide nursery school located to the west of the The evening included a children with food and campus on ground that video remembrance of pay for the shipping costs was donated by the Father Froelich’s work in to send additional donat¬ College. East Africa and a presen¬ ed medical supplies and The College has been tation by Dr. Lawrence equipment to East Africa. Father James Froelich, Museru, a physician from If you wish to help, your operating an after school C.PP.S., ’51 Tanzania. According to gift may be sent to The program that is staffed by 5. People & Events volunteer college stu¬ They have challenged the universities; women’s col¬ for the Indianapolis dents. When the new cen¬ local business community leges; performing and visu¬ Indians Baseball Club. ter opens the student vol¬ to donate money for the al arts institutions; two- Prior to that, he was a unteers will continue to furnishing of the facility year colleges; and schools corporate accounts man¬ assist in the staffing of the and will match every dol¬ of law, medicine, engineer¬ ager for Enterprise Rent- center. lar raised up to $50,000. ing, business, and other A-Car. President Albert professions. Wirtes succeeds Shannon declared the President Maureen Egan ’90 in this unveiling a campus cele¬ position. Egan remains Shannon bration and named it with the College and has “Jasper County Youth Appointed to been promoted to the Day.” According to position of assistant vice NAICU Board of Shannon, “This is a big day president for Institutional for Jasper County and for Directors Advancement and the College. We are all Marketing. She will focus dedicated to seeing the her energies on fund rais¬ David L. Warren, presi¬ youth of our community ing for the College. dent of the National thrive. The youth center Those wishing to con¬ Association of Indepen¬ will be good for everyone.” tact Wirtes may reach dent Colleges and Univer¬ As an added treat, him at (219) 866-6428 or sities (NAICU) has Bobby Hansen, former send him email at announced the appoint¬ professional basketball [email protected]. ment of SJC President player for the Chicago Albert J. Shannon to the James P. Wirtes ’97 Bulls and a member of the board of directors of 1992 World Championship NAICU. President Recent Team, helped to unveil Shannon will serve the model and addressed Graduate through the year of 2002. the youth from the com¬ The National Associ¬ Named Alumni munity. He encouraged ation of Independent the children to set goals and Parent Colleges and Universities and not allow obstacles (NAICU) serves as the Relations to discourage them from unified national voice of obtaining success. Manager independent higher edu¬ Funding for the 18,000 cation. Since 1976, the square foot building has association has represent¬ James P. Wirtes ’97 come from three main ed private colleges and has been appointed to the sources. Saint Joseph’s universities on policy position of alumni and College has donated a issues with the federal parent relations manager. construction site and the government, such as Wirtes is responsible for Youth Center’s board of those affecting student coordinating all aspects directors have raised aid, taxation, and govern¬ of alumni and parent rela¬ over one million dollars ment regulations. tions for the College. for the completion of this With more than 900 This includes special project. This funding members nationwide, events such as homecom¬ includes monies from the NAICU reflects the diversity ing and parents’ weekend Lilly Endowment and of private, nonprofit higher along with the organiza¬ Community Focus Funds education in the United tion of alumni chapters, from the Department of States. Members include the alumni board, the par¬ Commerce. traditional liberal arts col¬ ents’ council, and all Also, a challenge grant leges; major research uni¬ related events. has been established by versities, church-and faith- His professional experi¬ Judges Phillip McGraw related institutions; histori¬ ence includes serving as a and Robert Monfort ’72. cally black colleges and media relations assistant 6.