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CONTACT FIBER BUNDLES EUGENELERMAN Abstract. We define contact fiber bundles and investigate conditions for the existence of contact structures on the total space of such a bundle. The results are analogous to minimal coupling in symplectic geometry. The two applications are construction of K-contact manifolds generalizing Ya- 3 mazaki’sfiberjoinconstructionandacross-sectiontheorem forcontact momentmaps. 0 0 2 n a J Contents 3 1 1. Introduction 1 A note on notation 2 ] G 2. What is a contact fiber bundle? 2 3. When is a contact fiber bundle a contact manifold? 4 D Contact moment maps 4 . h Fatness 5 t 4. Application 1: K-contact fiber bundles 7 a m 5. Application 2: contact cross-sections 9 Acknowledgments 10 [ References 10 1 v 7 3 1 1 1. Introduction 0 3 AfewyearsagoIcameacrossaninterestingpaperbyYamazaki[Y]inwhichK-contactmanifoldswere 0 constructed “by fiber join.” The contact manifolds in question were odd-dimensional sphere bundles / h over Riemann surfaces. These bundles were associated to certain principal torus bundles, and the t choice of a contactform on the total space involveda choice of a connection on the torus bundle whose a m curvaturehadtosatisfycertainnon-degeneracycondition. Itallverymuchlookedlikeacontactversion of Sternberg’s minimal coupling construction in symplectic geometry. The goal of the present paper is : v to explain why this is indeed the case. In order to do this systematically I felt it is necessary to first i X sortoutthedefinitionofacontactfiberbundleandtoinvestigateconditionsfortheexistenceofcontact structures on the total space of such a bundle. Of course, since any co-oriented contact manifold is r a the quotient of a symplectic cone by dilations and since any symplectic cone is a symplectization of a contact manifold, one can argue that contact fiber bundles are simply symplectic fiber bundles with fibersbeingsymplecticcones. However,itseemsusefultostudythemattercompletelyincontactterms. For example, the notion of a K-contact structure does not translate naturally into symplectic terms. Remark 1. In this paper we assume that all contact structures are co-oriented. Recall that a contact structure ξ on a manifold M is co-oriented if there exists a 1-form α with kerα = ξ. Equivalently ξ is co-oriented if its annihilator ξ◦ T∗M is an oriented line bundle. That is, the line bundle minus the zero section, ξ◦ rM, has two⊂components and we have single out one of the components, call it ξ◦. We thus may think of ξ◦ as a co-orientation of ξ. Note that the image of α : M TM with k+erα=ξ singles out one of th+e components of ξ◦rM. The same remark applies to any co→dimension 1 distribution ξ on M, not just to contact ones. That is, we only consider co-oriented distributions. Date:February1,2008. SupportedbyinpartbytheSwissNSF,USNSFgrantDMS-0204448andbyR.Kantorovitz. 1 2 EUGENELERMAN A note on notation. If U is a subspace of a vector space V we denote its annihilator in the dual vector space V∗ by U◦. Thus U◦ = ℓ V∗ ℓ =0 . We use the same notation for distributions. U { ∈ | | } Throughout the paper the Lie algebra of a Lie group denoted by a capital Roman letter is denoted by the same small letter in the fraktur font: thus g denotes the Lie algebra of a Lie group G etc. The vector space dual to g is denoted by g∗. The identity element of a Lie group is denoted by 1. The natural pairing between g and g∗ is denoted by , . h· ·i When a Lie group G acts on a manifold M we denote the action by an element g G on a point ∈ x M byg x;G xdenotestheG-orbitofxandsoon. ThevectorfieldinducedonM byanelementX of∈theLie al·gebra·gofGisdenotedbyXM (thatis,XM(x)= ddt(cid:12)(cid:12)0(exptX)·x)andthediffeomorphism induced by g G on M by g . Thus in this notation g x = g (x). The isotropy group of a point M M ∈ · x M is denoted by G ; the Lie algebra of G is denoted by g and is referred to as the isotropy Lie x x x ∈ algebra of x. Recall that g = X g X (x)=0 . x M { ∈ | } If X is a vector field and τ is a tensor, then L τ denotes the Lie derivative of τ with respect to X. X If P is a principal G-bundle then [p,m] denotes the point in the associated bundle P M = G × (P M)/G which is the orbit of (p,m) P M. × ∈ × 2. What is a contact fiber bundle? LetF beamanifoldwithacontactdistributionξF TF. Sinceweassumethatallcontactstructures ⊂ areco-oriented,thereisa1-formαF Ω1(F)withkerαF =ξF whichgivesξF itsco-orientation. Denote ∈ the group of co-orientation preserving contactomorphisms of (F,ξF) by Diff (F,ξF). That is, + Diff (F,ξF)= ϕ:F F ϕ∗αF =ehαF for some h C∞(F) . + { → | ∈ } Definition 2.1 (provisional). Let (F,ξF) be a contact manifold. A fiber bundle F M π B is → → contact if the transition maps take values in Diff (F,ξF). That is, suppose U is a cover of B by + { i} sufficientlysmallsets. Thenthereexisttrivializationsφ :π−1(U ) U F suchthatforallindicesi,j i i i → × with Ui∩Uj 6= ∅ and for every b ∈ Ui∩Uj the diffeomorphisms φj ◦φ−i 1(cid:12)(cid:12){b}×F : F → F are elements of Diff (F,ξF). + Remark 2. It follows from the definition that for every point b B the fiber F := π−1(b) has a well- b ∈ defined (co-oriented) contact structure ξb. Namely let U be an element of the cover containing b. Let i pr : U F F denote the projection on the second factor. Then α := (pr φ )∗αF Ω(π−1(U )) 2 i i 2 i i × → ◦ ∈ is a 1-form with the restriction α to the fiber being contact. Moreover, if b is also in U then i|Fb j ker(α )=ker(α ), so the fiber F has a well-defined contact structure ξb. We let i|Fb j|Fb b (2.1) ξν = [ ξb ; ⊂V b∈B ξV is a codimension one subbundle of the vertical bundle :=ker(dπ :TM TB). V → π Lemma 2.2. Let F M B be a contact fiber bundle as in Definition 2.1 above. There exists a → → one-from α on M such that (kerα) =ξν, where TMis the vertical bundle and ξν is the bundle ∩V V ⊂ defined by (2.1). In other words, a contact fiber bundle has a globally defined one-form that restricts to a contact form on each fiber. Proof. Let U be a sufficiently small open cover of B. Choose a partition of unity ρ subordinate to i i { } U . Let α Ω1(π−1(U )) denote the one-forms constructed in Remark 2. Then α= (π∗ρ )α is a g{loib}ally defiin∈ed one-formion M with (kerα) T(F ) a contact structure on each fiber FP.i i i (cid:3) b b ∩ Lemma 2.3 and Corollary 2.5 below form a converse to Lemma 2.2. Recall that a connection on a fiber bundle π : M B is a choice of a complement in TM to the vertical bundle of π so that → H V TM = . H⊕V π Lemma 2.3. Let F M B be a fiber bundle with a co-oriented codimension 1 distribution ξ TM → → ⊂ such that for each fiber F the intersection ξ T(F ) is a contact distribution on F . Then b b b ∩ π (1) there is a natural connection = (ξ) on the fiber bundle F M B; H H → → (2) the parallel transport with respect to (when it exists) preserves the contact structure on the H fibers. Additionally parallel transport is co-orientation preserving. CONTACT FIBER BUNDLES 3 Proof. Since ξ is co-orientedthere is a 1-formαonM with kerα=ξ. Letω =dα . Since fiber restric- ξ | tions α are contact, ω is non-degenerate, where as above ξν is the intersection of the distribution |Fb |ξν ξ with the vertical bundle . We define to be the ω-perpendicular to ξν in (ξ,ω): V H =(ξν)ω. H Note that if α′ is another 1-form with kerα′ = ξ giving ξ its co-orientation then α′ = efα for some function f C∞(M). Hence dα′ =ef(dα )andconsequently the definition of does notdepend on ξ ξ ∈ | | H the choice of α. Since ω is non-degenerate, ξν | (2.2) ξ =ξν , ⊕H and, since ξν =ξ , is a connection on π :M B. ∩V H → We now argue that parallel transport defined by preserves ξν. (Here we tacitly assume that H the parallel transport exists, i.e., that the connection is complete. If the fiber F is compact then H is complete, but this need not be true in full generality. If the parallel transport doesn’t exist H globally, it does exist locally: one can parallel transport for short times small pieces of the fibers. The statement of the lemma then becomes messy. And so we gloss over this point here and elsewhere in the paper.) Let v be a vector field on B, let v# denote its horizontal lift to M with respect to : H for each m M, v#(m) is the unique vector field in T M with dπ(v#(m)) = v(π(m)). Let m m ∈ H ⊂ w be a section of ξν. We will argue that the Lie bracket [v#,w] is also a section of ξν. Since v# is a horizontal lift and w is vertical, the bracket [v#,w] is also vertical: [v#,w] Γ( ). By definition ∈ V of , 0 = ω(v#,w) = dα(v#,w). Since v#,w Γ(ξ) we have ι(w)α = 0 = ι(v#)α. Therefore 0 = H ∈ dα(v#,w) = v#(α(w)) w(α(v#)) α([v#,w]). Hence α([v#,w]) = 0, i.e., [v#,w] ξ. Consequently − − ∈ [v#,w] Γ( ) Γ(ξ)=Γ( ξ)=Γ(ξν), and so the parallel transportwith respect to preservesξν. ∈ V ∩ V∩ H Finally we argue that the parallel transport also preserves the co-orientation. This is a continuity argument. Let γ : [0,1] B be a path, : F F be the parallel transport along γ. Since γ(t) γ(0) γ(t) → P → d ker(α ) =ker(α ), we have Pγ(t)(cid:0) |Fγ(0) (cid:1) |Fγ(t) ( )∗(α )=f (α ) Pγ(t) |Fγ(t) t |Fγ(0) for some nowhere zero function f C∞(F ) depending continuously on t. Since f = 1> 0, f >0 t γ(0) 0 t for all t [0,1]. ∈ (cid:3) ∈ Definition 2.4. We will refer to the connection = (ξ) defined in Lemma 2.3 above as a contact H H connection. π Corollary 2.5. Let F M B be a fiber bundle with a co-oriented codimension 1 distribution → → ξ TM such that for each fiber F the intersection ξ T(F ) is a contact distribution on F and the b b b ⊂ ∩ π associated contact connection is complete.. Then F M B is a contact fiber bundle in the sense of → → Definition 2.1. Proof. Use parallel transport with respect to the contact connection to define local trivializations of the fiber bundle π :M B. H (cid:3) → Remark 3. Corollary 2.5 shows that we may also define a contact fiber bundle to be a fiber bundle π F M B with a co-oriented codimension 1 distribution ξ TM such that ξ T(F ) is a contact b → → ⊂ ∩ structure on each fiber F of π. From now one we will take this as our definition of a contact fiber b bundle as opposed to Definition 2.1. We finish this section by pointing out that contact fiber bundles as defined in the remark above are easily constructible as associated bundles. Lemma 2.6. Let (F,ξF) be a contact manifold with an action of a Lie group G preserving the contact structure ξF and its co-orientation. Let G P B be a principal G-bundle. For any (G-invariant) → → connection TP the distribution H⊂ (2.3) ξ := (P ξF) M G H⊕ × makes M = P F into a contact fiber bundle. Here TM is the connection on M B induced G × H ⊂ → by . H Proof. See proof of Theorem 3.3 below. (cid:3) 4 EUGENELERMAN 3. When is a contact fiber bundle a contact manifold? π We now consider the conditions on a contact fiber bundle (F M B,ξ TM) that ensure that → → ⊂ ξ is a contact structure on the total space M. We will see that the question is related to the fatness of the contact connection (ξ) and the image of the moment map for the action of the structure groupof H π :M B on the fiber F. → π Recall that the curvature of a connection on a fiber bundle F M B is a two-form Curv H H → → on B with values in the vector fields on the fiber: for x,y T B and vector fields v,w χ(B) with b ∈ ∈ v(b)=x, w(b)=y (Curv ) (x,y):=[v#,w#] [v,w]# χ(F ), H b b − ∈ where, as in Lemma 2.3, # denotes the horizontal lift with respect to . H π Proposition 3.1. Let (F M B,ξ TM) be a contact fiber bundle, = (ξ) the contact → → ⊂ H H connection, and ξ◦ T∗M the annihilator of ξ. The distribution ξ is a contact structure on M iff for ⊂ all m M and all 0=η ξ◦ ∈ 6 ∈ m (3.1) η,[(Curv ) (, )](m) :T B T B R is nondegenerate, H b b b h · · i × → where b=π(m). Proof. Choose a 1-formα onM with kerα=ξ. The distribution ξ is contactiff dα is nondegenerate. ξ Now ξ = ξν (cf. (2.2)) and dα is nondegenerate since (F M π B,ξ|) is a contact fiber ξν H ⊕ | → → bundle. Consequently ξ is contact iff dα is nondegenerate. Now fix a point m M and two vectors H | ∈ x,y T M. Choose vector fields v,w on B with v#(m)= x, w#(m)= y ( as above # denotes m m ∈H ⊂ the horizontal lift). Then, omitting evaluations at m, we have: dα(x,y)=dα(v#,w#)=v#(α(w#)) w#(α(v#)) α([v#,w#])=0 0 α([v#,w#] [v,w]#), − − − − − since α(u#)=0 for any vector field u on B. Since (Curv )(v,w)=[v#,w#] [v,w]#, we have H − (dα )(x,y)=dα (x,y)= α ,[(Curv ) (dπ(x),dπ(y))](m) . m|Hm m h m H π(m) i For any 0 = η ξ◦ there is s = 0 such that η = sα . Therefore dα is nondegenerate iff (3.1) holds for an6 y 0∈=ηm ξ◦ . 6 m m|Hm (cid:3) 6 ∈ m We now reinterpret (3.1) in terms of contact moment maps and fatness. Contact moment maps. Consider a manifold F with a co-oriented contact structure ξF. As men- tioned in Remark 1, the punctured annihilator bundle (ξF)◦ rF has two components:(ξF)◦ rF = (ξF)◦ ( (ξF)◦). Consider the Lie algebra of contact vector fields χ(F,ξF) on F. Recall that the + ⊔ − + contact vector fields are in one-to-one correspondence with sections of the line bundle TF/ξ M: the → mapχ(F,ξ) Γ(TF/ξ),v v+ξ givesthebijection. Thisisastandardfact. Seeforexample[McDS]. → 7→ Thereisanaturalpairingbetweenthepointsofthelinebundle(ξF)◦ F andthecontactvectorfields: → (3.2) (ξF)◦ χ(F,ξF) R, ((f,η),v) η,v(f) × → 7→h i for all f F, η ((ξF)◦) and v χ(F,ξF), where on the right the pairing is between a covector f ∈ ∈ ∈ η (ξF) T∗F and a vector v(f) T F. ∈ f ⊂ f ∈ f Suppose a Lie algebra g acts on F by contact vector fields, i.e., suppose there is a representation ρ : g χ(F,ξ) (or an anti-representation; this is the usual problem with left actions and Lie brackets → definedintermsofleftinvariantvectorfields). ThenthemomentmapΨ:χ(F,ξ)∗ (ξF)◦ g∗ should be the transpose of ρ relative to the pairing (3.2) and the natural pairing g∗ g⊃ R. →However for × → various reasons (see below) in the case of co-oriented contact structures it is more convenient to define the contact moment map for ρ as a map Ψ:(ξF)◦ g∗: + → (3.3) Ψ(f,η),X = (f,η),ρ(X) = η,ρ(X)(f) . h i h i h i Notethat(ξF)◦ isasymplecticsubmanifoldofthecotangentbundleT∗F. Supposetheanti-representation + ρ : g χ(F,ξ) comes from a (left) action of a Lie group G on F preserving ξ and its co-orientation → (with Lie algebra of G being g). In this case we write X for ρ(X). The moment map Ψ:(ξF)◦ g∗ F + → is simply the restriction to (ξF)◦ of the moment map Φ:T∗F g∗ for the lifted action of G on T∗F. + → The action of G preserves ξF and its co-orientation if and only if the lifted action preserves (ξF)◦. A + CONTACT FIBER BUNDLES 5 G-invariant 1-form αF on F with kerαF = ξF is a G-equivariant section of the bundle (ξF)◦ F. + → Therefore the composition (3.4) Ψ :=Ψ αF :F g∗ αF ◦ → is a G-equivariant map. We will refer to it as the αF-moment map. Note that by definition (3.5) Ψ ,X (f)= αF,X (f) =(ι(X )αF)(f) h αF i h f F i F for all X g and all f F. This is the “classical” definition of a contact moment map (cf. [A], [G], ∈ ∈ [BM]). It depends on a choice of a contact form, unlike Ψ:(ξF)◦ g∗, which is “universal.” + → Remark 4. The pairing (3.2) suggests a different way of looking at Proposition 3.1. Denote by ξb the contact structure on the fiber F : ξb =ξ T(F ). Then for a point m F , a covector η (ξb)◦ and a b ∩ b ∈ b ∈ m vector field v χ(F ,ξb) we have b ∈ (m,η),v = η,v(m) R. h i h i∈ Note that the connection allows us to identify ξ◦ with (ξb)◦ and consequently ξ◦ = (ξb)◦. H Sb + Sb + Consequently the curvature Curv of the connection gives rise to a well-defined skew-symmetric H form σ onthe vector bundle ˜ ξ◦ whichis the pull-Hback of M by the projectionp:ξ◦ M. H H→ + H→ + → Namely, since π∗(TB), ˜ = (p π)∗(TB). So given m M, η (ξ◦) and u,v T B, where H ≃ H ◦ ∈ ∈ + m ∈ b b=π(m), (3.6) (σ ) (u,v):= (m,η),(Curv ) (u,v) = η,[(Curv ) (u,v)](m) . H (m,η) H b H b h i h i Thus Proposition 3.1 asserts: (3.7) The distribution ξ is a contact structure on M if and only if σ defined above H is a symplectic form on the vector bundle ˜ ξ◦. H→ + Fatness. π Definition 3.2 (Weinstein,[W]). Aconnectionone-formAonaprincipalG-bundleG P B isfat atapointµ g∗ ifforanypointp P thebilinearmapµ (Curv ) : A A Ris→non-d→egenerate, ∈ ∈ ◦ A p Hp ×Hp → where Curv is the curvature of the connection form A and A =ker(A :T P g) is the associated A Hp p p → horizontal distribution. Remark 5. If A is fat at µ g∗, it is fat atevery point of the set Ad†(g)(aµ) g G,a>0 (here and ∈ { | ∈ } elsewhere Ad† denotes the coadjoint action). Remark 6. Fatness is an open condition. Thus if A is fat at µ, it is fat at every point of a G R+ × invariant neighborhood of µ in g∗. Theorem3.3. SupposeaLiegroupGacts[ontheleft]onamanifoldF preservingacontactdistribution ξF and its co-orientation; let Ψ : (ξF)◦ g∗ denote the associated moment map. Let G P B be + → → → a principal G-bundle. Given a connection 1-form A on P, there exists a co-oriented codimension 1 distribution ξ on the associated bundle M = P F B which intersects the tangent bundle of each G × → fiber F in a contact distribution isomorphic to ξF. Explicitly b (3.8) ξ = (P ξF), G H⊕ × where is the connection on π :M B induced by A. H → Moreover, the distribution ξ is a contactstructure on M if and only if the connection A is fat at the points of the points of the image Ψ((ξF)◦). + Proof. Since the action of G on F preserves ξF and its co-orientation, ξV :=P ξF G × isawell-definedco-orientedsubbundleoftheverticalbundle P (TF)ofM B. Theconnection G V ≃ × → 1-formAdefinesacomplement to inTM. ThereforethedistributionξonM definedby(3.8)isaco- H V orientedcodimension1distribution. Byconstruction,foreachfiberF wehaveξ T(F )=ξV ξF. b ∩ b |Fb ≃ ( More precisely, for each point p P we have an embedding ι : F ֒ M, ι (f) = [p,f] (where p p ∈ → [p,f] P F denotes the image of (p,f) P F). Then dι (ξF)=ξV where b=π(p).) ∈ ×G ∈ × p |Fb Now suppose that A is fat atthe points ofΨ((ξF)◦). By Proposition3.1and Remark4 it enoughto + show that for any [p,f,η] P (ξF)◦ =ξ◦, the pairing ∈ ×G + + (σ ) = [p,f,η],((Curv ) (, ))([p,f]) :T B T B R H ([p,f,η]) H b b b h · · i × → 6 EUGENELERMAN is nondegenerate (where b=π([p,f])). The curvature Curv : A A g of A defines a 2-form Curv on B with values in the adjoint A A H ×H → bundle P g. To write out Curv Ω2(B,P g) explicitly we need a bit of notation. For a point G A G × ∈ × b B and vectors x,y T B denote the horizontal lift of x and y to A by x# and y# respectively. ∈ ∈ b Hp p p Then (Curv ) (x,y)=[p,(Curv ) (x#,y#)] P g A b A p p p ∈ ×G for any p P in the fiber of P B above b. ∈ → Since G acts on F by contact transformations, there is an (anti-)representation ρ : g χ(F,ξF), → ρ(X) = X , from the Lie algebra g of G to contact vector fields on F. Recall: the moment map F Ψ:(ξF)◦ g is the adjoint of ρ in the sense that + → (f,η),ρ(X) = Ψ(f,η),X h i h i for all f F, η (ξF)◦, X g, where on the right the pairing is the natural pairing g∗ g R and ∈ ∈ + ∈ × → on the left it is the pairing (3.2). Since ρ and Ψ are equivariant, they induce maps of associated bundles Ψ¯ :P (ξF)◦ P g∗, Ψ¯([p,f,η])=[p,Ψ(f,η)] ×G + → ×G and ρ¯:P g P (χ(F,ξF)), ρ¯([p,X])=[p,ρ(X)]. G G × → × The two pairings above give rise to fiber-wise pairings: (P g∗) (P g) P R=B R, [p,µ] [p,X] (π(p), µ,X ) G G G × ⊕ × → × × ⊕ 7→ h i and P ((ξF)◦ χ(F,ξF)) P R=B R, [p,((f,η),v)] (π(p), η,v(f) ), ×G +× → ×G × 7→ h i where π now denotes the projection P B. The maps ρ¯ and Ψ¯ are adjoint with respect to the two → fiber-wise pairings. Finally, the map ρ¯ relates the two curvatures, Curv Ω2(P g) and Curv Ω2(B,P A G H G ∈ × ∈ × χ(F,ξF)): ρ¯ Curv =Curv . A H ◦ Putting together the above remarks we get (σ ) (u,v)= [p,f,η],(Curv ) (u,v) H [p,f,η] H b h i = [p,f,η],ρ¯ (Curv ) (u,v) A b h ◦ i = Ψ¯([p,f,η]),(Curv ) (u,v) A b h i = Ψ(f,η),(Curv ) (u#,v#) h A p p p i for all [p,f,η] P (ξF)◦ and any u,v T B (b = π([p,f]) B). Thus A is fat at the points of ∈ ×G + ∈ b ∈ Ψ((ξF)◦) if and only if σ is nondegenerate. (cid:3) + H Remark 7. Theorem 3.3 allows us to re-interpret (3.7). Namely, suppose (F M B,ξ) is a contact → → fiber bundle and (ξ) is the correspondingcontactconnection. Suppose the holonomy group G of (ξ) H H isafinitedimensionalLiegroup. ThenM isanassociatedbundleforaprincipalG-bundleG P B → → and (ξ) is induced by a connection A on P. Also, the action of G on a typical fiber (F,ξF) is contact H and co-orientation preserving. Then by Theorem 3.3, the distribution ξ is a contact structure if and only if A is fat at the points of the image of the moment map Ψ:(ξF)◦ g∗ associated to the action + → of the holonomy group on a typical fiber. In general this gives us a formal interpretation of (3.7) as fatness of the connection on the principal G-bundle P B where G is the group of co-orientation preserving contactomorphisms Diff (F,ξF) → + and P is the “frame bundle” of the fiber bundle M B. → Remark 8. Suppose F is a manifold with an action of a Lie group G and α is a G-invariant 1-form F on F. Then a choice of a connection 1-form A on a principal G-bundle G P B defines a 1-form → → α = α (A,α ) on the associated bundle M := P F such that α restricted to each fiber of M M F G M × M B is α : F → Define a moment map Ψ :F g∗ by αF → Ψ (f),X =α (X ) h αF i F F CONTACT FIBER BUNDLES 7 for all X g, where X denotes the vector field induced by X on F (cf. (3.5)). It is easy to check that F ∈ the 1-form α on P F given by × α = Ψ (f),A +(α ) (p,f) h αF pi F f is basic relative to the diagonal action of G on P F: × g (p,f)=(p g−1,g f). · · · (Since P is a principal G-bundle, the natural action of G on P is a right action: (g,p) p g. The 7→ · diagonal action of G above is a left action. This matters because of the signs below.) Now, for any X g, ∈ ι(X )α= Ψ ,A(X ) +ι(X )α = Ψ , X + Ψ ,X =0. P×F h αF P i F F h αF − i h αF i Since α is G-invariant, it descends to 1-form α on M. M By Theorem3.3, if α is a contactformandif the connectionA is fat atthe points of Ψ (F), then F αF α is a contact form. Moreover in this case ξ = kerα is precisely the distribution on M defined by M M equation (2.3). In the rest of the paper we discuss two applications of Theorem 3.3 — K-contact fiber bundles and contact cross-sections. 4. Application 1: K-contact fiber bundles Definition 4.1. Let (F,ξ) be a contact co-orientedmanifold. It is K-contact if there is a metric g on F such that (1) the unit normal n to the contact distribution ξ, which is defined by the metric g and the co-orientation ξ◦ ξ◦ of ξ, is Killing, i.e., L g =0; + ⊂ n (2) the contact form α given by α =g(n, ) is compatible with g in the sense that g g · (4.1) dα =(g )(,J ) g ξ ξ | | · · for some complex structure J on ξ with J∗(g )=g . ξ ξ | | We will refer to the triple (F,ξ◦,g) as a K-contact structure and to g as a K-contact metric on + (F,ξ). Note that the vector field n in the definition above is the Reeb vector field of the contact form α . g Remark 9. Given a contact form α on a manifold F we can easily find a metric g on F such that the Reeb vector field R of α is unit and normal to ξ =kerα and such that α and g are compatible ((4.1) α holds). If R happens to be Killing with respect to g then g is a K-contact metric. α We now relate, following Yamazaki, K-contact structures on compact manifolds and contact torus actions (cf. [Y], Proposition 2.1). Proposition 4.2. A compact contact co-orientable manifold (F,ξ) admits a K-contact metric g if and only if there is an action of a torus T on F preserving ξ and a vector X in the Lie algebra t of T so that the function Ψ,X :ξ◦ R is strictly positive. Here Ψ : ξ◦ t∗ is the moment map associated h i + → + → with the action of T on (F,ξ). Proof. Suppose there is an actionof a torusT on(F,ξ) andX t suchthat Ψ,X :ξ◦ R is strictly ∈ h i + → positive. Since the action of T preserves ξ, the lifted action of T on T∗F preserves ξ◦. Since T is connected, the lifted action preserves a component ξ◦ of ξrF. It follows that for any 1-form form β + on F with kerβ =ξ, the averageβ¯of β overT still satisfies kerβ =ξ (if the actionof a groupdoes not preserve the co-orientation of ξ, the average of β may be zero at some points). Hence we may assume that there is a T-invariant 1-form α′ with α′(F) ξ◦. Now let ⊂ + α=( Ψ α′,X )−1α′. h ◦ i Then, since ι(X )α′ = Ψ α′,X (cf. equations (3.4) and (3.5)), ι(X )α = 1. Then TF = ξ RX F F F h ◦ i ⊕ and the splitting is T-equivariant. We use the splitting to define the desired metric g. We declare ξ and RX to be orthogonal and define g(X ,X ) = 1, so that X is a unit normal to ξ. On ξ we F F F F choose a T-invariant complex structure J compatible with dα and define g (, ) = dα (,J ). Then ξ ξ ξ | | · · | · · g is T-invariantand hence L g =0. Thus g is a K-contact metric on (F,ξ). XF Conversely, if there is a metric g on F making (F,ξ) K-contact, the flow exp(tn) of the unit { } normalvectorfieldntoξ isa1-parametergroupofisometriesDiff(F,g). SinceF iscompactDiff(F,g) 8 EUGENELERMAN is a compact Lie group. Hence the closure T = exp(tn) is a compact connected abelian Lie group, { } i.e., a torus. Let X be the vector in the Lie algebra t of T with X = n. Let α = g(n, ). Then F Ψ α,X =ι(X )α=g(n,n)=1. Hence Ψ,X >0. · (cid:3) F h ◦ i h i Theorem 4.3. Let (F,(ξF)◦,g ) be a compact K-contact manifold. Let G Diff(F,g ) be a group + F ⊂ F of isometries preserving (ξF)◦. Let Ψ : (ξF)◦ g∗ denote the associated moment map. Suppose a + + → principal G bundle P B has a connection 1-form A which is fat at the points of the image Ψ((ξF)◦). → + Then there exists a K-contact structure on the associated bundle M = P F compatible with the G × contact form α = α (A,α ) (the form constructed in remark 8). Here α is the contact form on M M gF gF F defined by g and (ξF)◦. F + Proof. AswesawabovetheisometrygroupDiff(F,g )isacompactLiegroup. Alsotheflow exp(tn) F { } of the unit normaln is a subgroupof the isometry groupwhose closureT = exp(tn) is a torus. Since { } the normaln is G-invariant,T andGcommuteinside Diff(F,g ). Thereforethe torusT acts naturally F on M =P F: a [p,f]=[p,a f] for all (p,f) P F and all a T. G × · · ∈ × ∈ The Reeb vectorfield R ofα is tangent to fibers ofM B , hence R is the Reeb vectorfield of M → |Fb α foranyfiber F . ConsequentlyRis the vectorfieldinducedonM bythe G-invariantvectorfield M|Fb b n χ(F)G. Hence the flow of R generates the action of T on M. Therefore the K-contact metric g on ∈ M hastobe T-invariant. Conversely,anyT-invariantmetric g onM compatiblewithα isK-contact. M The action of T on M preserves the horizontal subbundle TM defined by A, and it preserves H ⊂ the symplectic structure dα . Choose a T-invariant complex structure J on compatible with M H H | H dα . The g := dα (J , ) is a T-invariant metric on . The T G-invariant metric g on F M H H M H H F | | · · H × gives rise to a T-invariantmetric g on the verticalbundle of M B. The metric g :=g g is V M H V V → ⊕ a T-invariantmetric on M compatible with α (recall that ξ :=kerα = (P ξF)). Moreover, M M G H⊕ × the Reeb vector field R of α is unit, normalto ξ and Killing with respect to g . Thus (M,ξ◦,g ) is M M + M a K-contact structure on F M =P F B. (cid:3) G → × → Remark 10. There is no natural way to make the map P F B into a Riemannian submersion T × → relative to the K-contact metric on P F produced by the Theorem 4.3. Indeed, if we trace through T × the construction of g we will see that for any point [p,f] in the fiber F of P F B we have M b G × → (4.2) (g ) (v#,u#)= Ψ (f),dA (v#,J u#) H [p,f] h αgF p H i for any tangent vectors u,v T B Here on the left hand side v#, u# denote horizontal lifts to . b [p,f] ∈ H On the right hand side v#, u# denote horizontallifts to kerA T P. Thus the horizontalpart of the p p ⊂ metric g depends on the points in the fiber F ! M b Example 1. Let Σ be a compact Riemann surface and ω Ω2(Σ) an area form which is integral, i.e., ω Z. Let S1 P π Σ be the corresponding pri∈ncipal circle bundle with a connection 1- RΣ ∈ → → form A Ω(P,R)S1 satisfying dA = π∗ω. Then A is fat on Rr 0 . Let α be a contact form on ∈ { } a manifold F such that the flow of the Reeb vector field R is periodic. For example we may take α F to be the odd dimensional sphere S2n−1 = z Cn z 2 = 1 with the standard contact form { ∈ | || || } α = √ 1(Pzjdz¯j z¯jdzj)S2n−1. Or we can take F to be the co-sphere bundle S(T∗Sk) of a sphere − − | withthecontactformdefinedbythestandardroundmetriconSk. ThentheassociatedbundleP F S1 × is a K-contact manifold. The next example is a slight generalization. It produces K-contact manifolds first constructed by Yamazaki by a “fiber join” [Y]. Example 2. For an n-tuple a = (a ,a ,...,a ), a > 0, the ellipsoid E := z Cn a z 2 = 1 2 n j a P j j 1 S2n−1 is a hypersurface of contact type in Cn. The corresponding conta{ct ∈form α| is gi|ven| by a } ≃ α :=√ 1( z dz¯ z¯ dz ) . For a generic a the Reeb vector field of α generates the actionof the n-atorus T−n.PThejimja−ge ojf Ej |Euander the α -moment map is the simplex a a a ∆a = (t1,...,tn) Rn Lie(Tn)∗ Xajtj =1, tj 0 . { ∈ ≃ | ≥ } Suppose ω , ..., ω areintegralsymplectic formson acompactRiemann surfaceΣ suchthat t ω is 1 n P j j nondegenerate for all t =(t ,...,t ) ∆ . For example we may pick one integral area form ω and let 1 n a ω =ω for all j. Then the principal T∈n bundle P over Σ defined by ω ,...,ω has a connection 1-form j 1 n A = (A ,...,A ) Ω(P,Rn)Tn with dA = (π∗ω ,...,π∗ω ). The connection A is fat at the points of 1 n 1 n ∈ ∆a. Therefore P Tn Ea has a K-contact structure. It is an S2n−1-bundle over Σ. × CONTACT FIBER BUNDLES 9 5. Application 2: contact cross-sections Let M be a manifold with an action of a compact connected Lie group G preserving a (co-oriented) contactstructureξ onM. ThenthereexistsaG-invariant1-formαwithkerα=ξ. (Pickany1-formα′ withkerα′ =ξ andaverageitoverG. Sinceξ isG-invariantandsinceGisconnectedtheaveragedform αsatisfieskerα=ξ.) DenotebyΨ :M g∗ theassociatedα-momentmap: Ψ (x),X =α (X (x)) α α x M → h i for all x M and all X g; cf. (3.5). ∈ ∈ Since G is compact, for any point µ g∗ the isotropy Lie algebra g of µ has a G -invariant µ µ ∈ complement m in g: (5.1) g=g m (G -equivariant). µ µ ⊕ Moreover we may choose m so that µ = 0, i.e., µ m◦. (Pick a G-invariant metric on g and let m m = g ⊥.) Then a large R>0-invarian|t open subset ∈ of m◦ is a slice for the coadjoint action of G µ S at µ. For example, if µ is generic, g is a Cartan subalgebra and is a Weyl chamber (after some µ S identifications). We will need (see [GLS], p. 37 for a proof): Lemma 5.1. For any η the pairing ∈S ω :m m R, (X,Y) η,[X,Y] . η × → 7→h i is nondegenerate. Theorem 5.2. Let (M,ξ = kerα,Ψ : M g∗) be a contact G-manifold as above, µ g∗ a point, α m g a subspace defined by (5.1) with µ →m◦ and m◦ an R>0-invariant slice for∈the coadjoint ⊂ ∈ S ⊂ action of G. Define =Ψ−1( ). R α S Then (1) is a contact submanifold of (M,ξ) which is independent of the choice of the contact form α R used to define it. (2) G is an open subset of M diffeomorphic to the associated bundle G . ·R ×Gµ R (3) For any x ∈R (5.2) ξ =m (x) (ξ T ). x M x x ⊕ ∩ R In particular the restriction of the contact structure ξ to G is uniquely determined by the ·R G -invariant contact structure ξR :=ξ T . µ R | ∩ R Remark 11. We will refer to the contact submanifold (R,ξR) of (M,ξ) as the contact cross-section. Proof of Theorem 5.2. Since Ψ is equivariant, the image dΨ (T M) contains the tangent space to α α x the coadjoint orbit G Ψ (x). Since is a slice, we have α · S T g∗ =T +T (G η) η η η S · for any η . Hence Ψ is transverse to , and consequently α ∈S S :=Ψ−1( ) R α S is a submanifold. Also, by equivariance of Ψ , is G -invariant. Since is a slice, G ( G ) α R µ S ·S ≃ ×Gµ S is openin g∗. Hence G =Ψ−1(G ) is openin M. Similarly,it’s easyto see that G =G . ·R α ·S ·R ×GµR If α′ is anotherG-invariantcontactformgiving ξ its co-orientation,then α′ =efα for some function f ∈ C∞(M). Consequently Ψα′ = efΨα. Since S is R>0-invariant, Ψ−α′1(S) = Ψ−α1(S). Thus the cross-section does not depend on the choice of the contact form. R Note in passing that dim =dimM dimG µ, hence odd. In particular can be contact. R − · R We next argue that m (x):= X (x) X m M M { | ∈ } is contained in the contact distribution ξ for all x . Indeed for any X m x ∈R ∈ α (X (x))= Ψ (x),X ,X m◦,X = 0 , x M α h i∈hS i⊂h i { } hence m (x) ξ . M x ⊂ 10 EUGENELERMAN Fix x . Since m (x) ξ andsince T m (x)=T M,we cannot haveT ξ . Therefore M x x M x x x ∈R ⊂ R⊕ R⊂ T M =T +ξ, and consequently x x R ξR :=T ξ x xR∩ x is acodimensiononesubspaceofT . Therestofthe proofisanargumentthatξR isindeeda contact x R structure on . In the mean time observe that we have proved (5.2). R We firstarguethatthe restrictiondα isnondegenerateforallx . Forthis wefirstcompute |mM(x) ∈R dα on the tangent space of a G-orbit in M. Let x M be a point, X,Y g two vectors, η = Ψ (x). α ∈ ∈ Then (omitting evaluation at x) we have: dα(X ,Y )=X (α(Y )) Y (α(X )) α([X ,Y ]). M M M M M M M M − − Now X (α(Y ))=X ( Ψ ,Y )= dΨ (X ),Y . M M M α α M h i h i So XM(α(YM))(x)= (dΨα)x(XM(x)),Y = Xg∗(η),Y = η,[X,Y] , h i h i −h i where the second equality holds by equivariance of the moment map Ψ Similarly, α Y (α(X ))(x)= η,[X,Y] . M M h i Since [X ,Y ]= ([X,Y]) (we are dealing with a left action!), we have M M M − α([X ,Y ])(x)= η,[X,Y] . M M − h i Putting everything together we get dα(X ,Y )(x)= η,[X,Y] η,[X,Y] + η,[X,Y] = η,[X,Y] . M M −h i−h i h i −h i It now follows from Lemma 5.1 that for any x the restriction dα is nondegenerate. ∈S |mM(x) We next argue that for any x and any v ξR = (T ) ξ ) and any X m we have ∈ R ∈ x xR ∩ x ∈ dα (X (x),v) = 0. Let V be a section of ξR with V(x) = v. Then dα(V,X ) = V(α(X )) x M M M → R − X (α(V)) α([V,X ]). Now α(V) = 0 and α([V,X ]) = 0 (since ξ is G-invariant [X ,V] is a M M M M − section of ξ). Since V is tangent to , we have (dΨ ) (V(x)) T =m◦ for all x . Therefore R α x ∈ Ψα(x)S ∈R V(α(X ))(x)= (dΨ ) (V(x)),X m◦,X =0forallx sinceX m. Thusdα (X (x),v)=0. M α x x M h i∈h i ∈R ∈ Consequently ξxR ⊂mM(x)(dα|ξ). By dimension count the above inclusion is an equality. Since dα|mM(x) isnondegenerate,dα|ξxR isnondegenerateaswellforallx∈R. Thusα|R is acontact form, ξR =ker(α ) is a contact structure and is a contact submanifold. (cid:3) R | R Acknowledgments TheworkinthispaperwaspartiallysupportedbytheSwissNSFattheUniversityofGenevainMay 2002. I am grateful to the University for its hospitality. References [A] C. Albert, Le th´eor`eme de r´eduction de Marsden-Weinstein en g´eom´etrie cosymplectique et de contact, J. Geom. Phys.6(1989), no.4,627–649. [BM] A. 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