Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from Kahle/Austin Foundation https://archive.org/details/consumingmexican0000mize SACRAMENTO PUBLIC LIBRARY 828 “I” STREET SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 1/2011 cree OL Pacis consuming ~ FROM THE BRACERO PROGRAM TO NAFTA RONALD L. MIZE AND ALICIA C.S. SWORDS UTP University of Toronto Press Copyright © University of Toronto Press Incorporated 2011 www.utphighereducation.com All rights reserved. The use of any part of this publication reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, or stored in a retrieval system, without prior written consent of the publisher—or in the case of photocopying, a licence from Access Copyright (Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency), One Yonge Street, Suite 1900, Toronto, Ontario M5E 1E5—is an infringemenotf the copyright law. LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA CATALOGUING IN PUBLICATION Mize, Ronald L., 1970— Consuming Mexican labor : from the Bracero Program to NAFTA / Ronald L. Mize and Alicia C.S. Swords. Includes bibliographical references and index. Also available in electronic format. ISBN 978-1-4426-0157-4 (pbk.—)I S.BN 978-1-4426-0158-1 (bound) 1. Foreign workers, Mexican — United States. 2. Mexicans — Employment — United States. 3. Mexicans — United States — Social conditions. 4. Mexicans — Civil rights — United States. 5. United States — Emigration and immigration- Government policy. 6. Mex—i Emcigroati on and immigration. I. Swords, Alicia C.S., 1974— II. Title. E184.M5M59 2010 331.6'272073 C2010-905101-7 We welcome comments and suggestions regarding any aspect of our publications— please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or visit our Internet site at www.utphighereducation.com. North America UK, Ireland, and continental Europe 5201 Dufferin Street NBN International North York, Ontario, Canada, M3H 5T8 Estover Road, Plymouth, PL6 7PY, UK ORDERS PHONE: 44 (0) 1752 202301 2250 Military Road ORDERS FAX: 44 (0) 1752 202333 Tonawanda, New York, USA, 14150 ORDERS EMAIL: [email protected] ORDERS PHONE: 1-800-565-9523 ORDERS FAX: 1-800-221-9985 ORDERS EMAIL: [email protected] The University of Toronto Press acknowledges the financial support for its publishing activities of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund. Cover design: Pam Woodland Text design by Daiva Villa, Chris Rowat Design. Printed in Canada Contents List of Tables vii List of Acronyms 1x Preface xi! Acknowledgments _ xix Introduction xxi Parti: Establishing Connections ; Chapter 1 The Bracero Program, 1942-1964 3 2 Operation Wetback, 1954 25 Part Il: Mounting Resistance 43 Farmworker Civil Rights Movement/El Movimiento Campesino 47 Organized Labor and Mexican Labor Organization 63 Backlash and Retrenchment (1980s—1990s) 91 Part Ill: Regions 107 Mexican Labor in Aztlan 113 Mexican Labor in the Heartland 133 Mexican Labor in the Hinterlands 151 Mexican Labor en la Frontera 175 Mexican Labor in Mexico: The Impact of NAFTA from Chiapas to Turismo 193 Mexican Labor in Canada: From Temporary Workers to Precarious Labor 215 Conclusion 235 Glossary 251 References 253 Index 273 an | - as oe. ae a E ; P stil ine d a J P a ener ? tay ' 9 , aes ne ~ tent bese tok - a - ae i ~—- nee eater snireittyind tre } a hows Abe 4 gusrqin’l dealt: el ve ron town te ; ‘ eee & +s SET VF ahi saporn e1 h el tHasoevets wrylgi Sl tie y atu agg if oo yy ao Q cL ies hetestis san es “oh ae bee Abed Se = HADNT itt + cata sia ie ey ai fim an a fy Mi uit oh y é avis > Mindat >i odie os ive List of Tables Table 0.1 Timeline of Consuming Mexican Labor, 1942-2009 xxi 0.2 Latino Share of Employment in Five Highest Industries, 2004 xxix 0.3 Latino Share of Employment in Selected Occupations: Five Highest and Five Lowest, 2004 xxix 0.4 Corporate Revenues and Profits xxx 0.5 US Average Annual Consumption Expenditures — xxx I.1 Timeline of Establishing Connections 2 1.1 Braceros Contracted by US Region and State, 1942-47, 1952 4 1.2 Braceros by Mexican State of Origin, 1942—46 and 1951-64 8 2.1 Timeline of Operation Wetback 26 II.1 Timeline of Mounting Resistance 44 5.1 Timeline of Backlash and Retrenchment 92 III.1 Timeline of Regions 108 6.1 Demographic Distribution of Mexicans in Southwest US 115 6.2 Place of Origin of California Farmworkers 119 6.3. Leadville/Lake County Census Data, 1930-2000, on Mexican Re-Emergence 122 6.4 Day Labor Abuses, Two-Month Period Incidence Rate, 2004 128 7.1 Latino Population Growth Rates in Select Nebraska Cities, 1990-2000 137 7.2 Demographic Distribution of Mexicans by Midwestern State 144 7.3. Immigrant Mexican Occupations in Chicago Food Service Industry 145 8.1 Braceros Contracted in the Hinterlands by State and Region, 1942-47,1952 154 8.2. Demographic Distribution of Mexicans by Region and State, 1990-2004 160 Vil LIST OF TABLES 10.1 Mexico and China Apparel Exports to the US, 2000-05 202 11.1 Mexican Migration to Canada, by Entrance Status, 1998-2007 218 11.2 Mexican Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program, FARMS Statistics, 2007-08 223 11.3. Mexicans in Canada by Occupation, 1992 227 11.4 Latin American Residents in Canada by Industry and Occupation, 2006 228 VIN