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NONPROFIT ORGANISATION OF INDEPENDENT EXPERTISE AKADEMSTROYNAUKA АВТОНОМНАЯ НЕКОММЕРЧЕСКАЯ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ НЕЗАВИСИМОЙ ЭКСПЕРТИЗЫ "АКАДЕМСТРОЙНАУКА" CZECH CHAMBER OF JUDICIAL EXPERTS ПАЛАТА СУДЕБНЫХ ЭКСПЕРТОВ ЧЕШСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ RUSSIAN CHAMBER OF CONSTRUCTION EXPERT WITNESSES РОССИЙСКАЯ ПАЛАТА СТРОИТЕЛЬНЫХ ЭКСПЕРТОВ ASN EXPERTS & CONSULTANS S.R.O. CONSTRUCTION and REAL ESTATE: EXPERTISE and APPRAISAL СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО И НЕДВИЖИМОСТЬ: ЭКСПЕРТИЗА И ОЦЕНКА 13th International Conference Proceedings November 2015 Prague Материалы 13-й международной конференции Ноябрь, 2015 г. Прага Edited by dipl. eng. Sergey Zakharov, CSc., dipl. eng. Jindřich Kratěna, CSc. Под общей редакцией инж. Сергея Захарова, к.э.н. и инж. Индржиха Кратены, CSc. Prague – Moscow 2016 Прага – Москва – 2016 УДК 65.003:65.014 ББК 65.31 С 86 Редакционная коллегия: Editorial Board: инж. Сергей Захаров, к.э.н. dipl. eng. Sergey Zakharov, CSc. инж. Индржих Кратена, CSc. dipl. eng. Jindřich Kratěna, CSc. инж. Владимир Ваха dipl. eng. Vladimir Vacha инж. Владимир Кулил, Ph.D. dipl. eng. Vladimir Kulil, Ph.D. инж. Тамара Нарежная, к.э.н. dipl. eng. Tamara Narezhnaya, CSc. инж. Сергей Степанов dipl. eng. Sergey Stepanov Строительство и недвижимость: экспертиза и оценка. Материалы 13-й международной конференци / Под общ. ред. С.В. Захарова, И. Кратены – Прага – Москва: ООО «АСН контроллинг», 2016. – 320 с. С 86 Construction and Real Estate: Expertise and Appraisal. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference / Edited by dipl. eng. Sergey Zakharov, CSc. and dipl. eng. Jindřich Kratěna, CSc. – Prague – Moscow: "ASN controlling" LLC, 2016 ISBN 978-5-9903774-3-1 Сборник содержит доклады и статьи, представленные на 13-й между- народной конференции "Строительство и недвижимость: экспертиза и оценка", состоявшейся в ноябре 2015 г. в г. Прага, Чешская Республика. Th ese Conference proceedings are published in the context of the 13th Interna- tional conference "Construction and Real Estate: Expertise and Appraisal", held in November 2015 in Prague, Czech Republic. © ООО "АСН контроллинг", 2016 ISBN 978-5-9903774-3-1 © Палата судебных экспертов Чешской Республики, 2016 © ASN Experts & Consultans, s.r.o., 2016 ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ В ноябре 2015 года в Праге, Чехия состоялась 13-я ежегодная международная конфе- ренция "Строительство и недвижимость: экспертиза и оценка". Конференция проводится еже- годно с 2003 года в Праге и на сегодняшний день является единственной в мире регулярной меж- дународной конференцией по проблемам строительной и судебно-строительной экспертизы. 13-я Конференция была посвящена судебной экспертизе и доказательствам при разрешении строительных споров. Особое внимание было уделено роли экспертизы в меж- дународных коммерческих арбитражах и роли эксперта в альтернативных процедурах уре- гулирования споров (ADR). Организаторы конференции: Экспертная группа "ASN-Академстройнаука" (www.expertise.ru) Палата судебных экспертов Чешской Республики (www.kszcr.cz) Российская Палата строительных экспертов (www.rosstroyexpertiza.ru) Соорганизаторы конференции: Znalecký ústav FSV ČVUT Praha (Czech Republic) ASN Experts & Consultans, s.r.o. (Czech Republic) European Arbitration Chamber (Belgium) Slovak Chamber of Asset Valuers and Experts (Slovak Republic) European Expertise & Expert Institute (France) Expert Engineering Company (Russian Federation) Генеральный Партнер – программный комплекс для проведения мобильных инспекций и документирования строительства Доку Тулз (www.docutools.ru). Конференция проводится при поддержке Федерации европейских экспертных ассоциаций EuroExpert (www.euroexpert.org). Настоящий сборник может использоваться в качестве теоретического и практиче- ского пособия для экспертов и обучающихся по соответствующим экспертным специаль- ностям. Сборник содержит материалы по следующим темам: • строительная экспертиза и оценка – Лучший мировой опыт и Стандарты. Новые методы проведения строительных экспертиз. • международные и национальные стандарты работы экспертов. Строительная экспертиза – практика, процедуры и проблемы. Вознаграждение экспертов. • экспертные задачи по определению объема, стоимости, качества и сроков выполнения проектных и строительных работ. Экспертные расследования в строительстве, в том числе аварий. • экспертиза как важнейший инструмент для эффективного разрешения споров в строительстве. Функции эксперта в различных процедурах разрешения споров – переговорах, медиации, арбитраже, суде. Новые возможности для экспертов в рамках Альтернативных процедур разрешения споров (ADR). Эксперт в качестве арбитра в строительных спорах. • законодательное регулирование экспертной деятельности – настоящее и буду- щее. Международные и национальные реестры судебных экспертов, проект по созданию единого международного реестра судебных экспертов в ЕС. • профессиональные объединения строительных и судебных экспертов. О обу- чение, повышение квалификации, сертификация и аккредитация экспертов и экспертных организаций. 13th International Conference Proceedings INTRODUCTION The 13th Annual International Conference "Construction and real estate: expertise and appraisal" was held in November 2015 in Prague, Czech Republic. The Conference is held since 2003 annually in Prague, Czech Republic and today is the only one international expert meeting in the world, devoted to expertise in construction and mostly judicial expertise in construction, which is held on regular basis. The 13th Conference was devoted to expert witnesses and evidences in resolving disputes in the fi eld of construction. A special attention was paid to the role of expertise in international arbitration and the role of experts in diff erent forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). Organisers: ASN Expert Group (www.expertise.ru) Czech Chamber of Judicial Experts (www.kszcr.cz) Russian Chamber of Construction Expert Witnesses (www.rosstroyexpertiza.ru) Partners: Institution of Judicial Expertise of FSV ČVUT Prague (Czech Republic) ASN Experts & Consultans, s.r.o. (Czech Republic) European Arbitration Chamber (Belgium) Slovak Chamber of Asset Valuers and Experts (Slovak Republic) European Expertise & Expert Institute (France) Expert Engineering Company, LLC (Russian Federation) General Partner – Docu Tools – new software for construction documentation (www.docutools.ru). Supported by EuroExpert – The Organisation for European Expert Associations (www.euroexpert.org). The proceedings can be used by experts and students as a theoretical and practical guide. The proceedings mostly focused on the following topics: • construction expertise and appraisal Best Practice and Standards. New methods in construction expertise. • the use of construction experts – practice, procedures and problems. National/Regional Code of Practice for Experts. Remuneration of Experts. • claim, cost, defects and delays analysis and mitigation. Forensic engineering and investigations in construction. • expertise as a vital tool of eff ective dispute resolution in construction. The role of experts in diff erent processes – Negotiation, Mediation, Adjudication and Litigation. New opportunities for experts within ADR. Expert as an arbitrator in construction disputes. • construction expertise legislation - present and future. International and national registers of judicial experts. The harmonization of the national lists of judicial experts in EU. The list of European experts. • professional expert associations in construction expertise. Qualifi cation, education, training, certifi cation and accreditation of experts. 4 Prague 2015 5 13th International Conference Proceedings Sergey ZAKHAROV1 THE USE OF NEUTRAL EXPERTS AS A VITAL ADR TOOL FOR EFFECTIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION IN LARGE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Author: One of the founders of independent expertise in the fi eld of construc- tion in Russia, certifi ed court expert from 1994. Now he is a Partner in the ASN Expert Group (Czech Republic), head of International Centre for Judicial Expertise of the European Arbitration Chamber (Belgium), honorary member of the Czech Chamber of Court Experts, member of the European Expertise & Expert Institute (France), founder and member of the Board of the Russian Chamber of construction expert witnesses. His area of expertise - various traditional and ADR expert procedures in large investment and construction projects. Abstract: To prevent costly and contentious litigation is one of the most urgent problem in large construction projects. The article describes most typical construction disputes concerning incorrect documentation, construction defects, additional scope of works, schedule delays, subcontractor substitution, additional payments etc. The key problem to be solved in such situations – is there are real reasons for changes and increasing of the contract price? Only Neutral Expert provides all parties with an inde- pendent and professional analysis of the claim. The Neutral Expert can also be used to resolve disputes that occur during a project. Neutral Experts are assigned to monitor the project’s progress, respond to dis- putes that are presented to them by the parties and provide independent expert opin- ions. Large investment projects contain a lot of facts, data and documents, the events and the agreements reached between parties. Therefore, a one-time involvement of neu- tral experts will be expensive. The article presents a new way to resolve construction disputes - real-time Neutral Expert Claim Service, and address the issues who can be a Neutral Expert, where the parties can fi nd him and how can one party be sure that the expert will be really neutral. Keywords: ADR, Construction, Disputes, Litigation, Neutral Expert. 1 Zakharov, Sergey, Ing. CSc – ASN Experts & Consultans s.r.o., Na Okraji 335/42, Prague, 16200 Czech Republic, phone: +420776817278, e-mail: [email protected] 6 Prague 2015 1. INTRODUCTION The continuing escalation of litigation has prompted the parties in large invest- ment projects to fi nd other possibilities to resolve construction disputes in large projects outside of the courtroom. The main problem is that during the contract performance the Contractor very often (to be more exact – Always) discover that design documentation, site geological survey documentation etc. are incorrect. In this case, many additional works have to be done. Moreover, a contract price should be increased accordingly. The key problem to be solved in such situation – is there a real reason for increasing the scope of works and contract price? This is mostly important in the contract with the fi xed price where the Contractor must not only proof that there is an additional scope of works, but show that he has a right for additional payment. The answer can be fi nd only after a special analysis of all the project documentation, contract, special codes, governing law and site inspection. 2. TYPICAL CONSTRUCTION DISPUTES 2.1. Plans and specifi cations/scope of work Disputes over the contract scope of work, represented by the plans and specifi - cations (as modifi ed or amended), are some of the most signifi cant areas of dispute on a construction project. Typically occurring between the owner and the general contractor/ subcontractor, contractors and design professionals often interpret the documents dif- ferently, particularly if the description of the work in the plans/specifi cations is unclear or ambiguous — or when the plans are contradictory to the specifi cations. Typical- ly, there is an implied warranty on the part of the owner that the plans/specifi cations are correct, adequate, accurate, and buildable. Of course, there are always exculpatory clauses in the contract by which the owner attempts to shift that responsibility to the contractor. The battle is often between the implied warranty and the enforcement of the exculpatory clause. 2.2. The scope of work between the contractor and subcontractor. Often, the contractor will ask the subcontractor to bid a particular scope of work by identifying a specifi c sub trade of work without specifying in detail the plans and specifi cations applicable to that scope of work. Thus, the subcontractor is deter- mining what that scope means. When the subcontractor bids only a portion of work — but the contractor had the expectation that the subcontractor bid a diff erent and larger scope – a dispute arises. 7 13th International Conference Proceedings 2.3. Shop drawings and submittals. A corollary to disputes arising from the plans/specifi cations are disputes arising over shop drawings and other submittals. Primary among these are delays, either in the timeliness of the contractor/subcontractor submitting shop drawings and submittals or in the design professionals responding back in a timely fashion. The other common problem is the interplay between the design professional and the contractor/subcontrac- tor, with the design professional rejecting submittals without adequate explanation and the contractor/subcontractor providing inadequate submittals. 2.4. Change orders/extra or out-of-scope work. Typically, disputes over change orders and extra work or out-of-scope work boil down to the change order price and whether or not the contractor/subcontractor is entitled to extra time. Frequently, the owner requests pricing for the changed work but then disagrees with that price and time extension request — ordering the work to proceed as scheduled. This situation leaves the parties to fi ght over the amount and time at project's end. 2.5. Diff ering site conditions. There are two diff erent approaches regarding the owner's responsibility for ex- isting site conditions. The majority approach is that the owner has the duty to disclose all information in its possession. Even if there are no studies, the owner warrants that the construction is feasible and cannot contract away that implied warranty. Therefore, general exculpatory clauses arguably do not relieve the owner of its warranty. 2.6. Construction sequencing/project access. The owner typically warrants that the contractor/subcontractor will have access to the project site. Disputes arise, for example, when the owner fails to provide access particularly in remodels of occupied buildings, to obtain required permits or easements, to coordinate multiple prime contractors, or to timely provide owner-supplied equipment. 2.7. Construction defects. During the course of construction, the owner may identify work that is not in conformance with the plans/specifi cations. If the contractor/subcontractor does not agree with the owner's assertion of that defective construction, a dispute arises. Typical- ly, both the general contract and subcontracts allow the owner and general contractor, respectively, to order the removal and replacement or repair of the allegedly defective work. Assuming the contractor/subcontractor complies, it will have a claim against the owner at the conclusion of the project if the contractor/subcontractor had conformed to the plans and specifi cations. 8 Prague 2015 High possible cost losses and reputation risks - are the main factors that forced to look for new dispute resolution methods to prevent disputes from the outset of a project. As a result, preventing claims and, ultimately, costly and contentious litigation, is becoming a business imperative for project owners, engineers and architects. 3. RIGHT DECISION – THE USE OF NEUTRAL EXPERTS In recent years, the construction industry has taken steps to avoid litigation and control disputes on projects through a variety of methods, which can be used at almost any stage of a construction project. They range from simple negotiation to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) techniques. The primary goals are to resolve the confl ict sooner rather than later and in a less confrontational manner. In the past, the construction industry most often relied upon arbitration for re- solving disputes. But complex contract disputes involving huge cost overruns, long schedule delays, and complicated technical specifi cations and requirements are, in many cases, do not best decided by arbitrators, who do not have special knowledge in the fi eld of construction. In addition, lawyers, well trained in the law, but often without a practical understanding of the construction process, argue the legal merits of the case before a judge with a similar lack of technical knowledge. Once regarded as the sole alternative to litigation, arbitration now is often con- sidered just as much of a last resort as the courtroom and is utilized after other eff orts have failed. Most recently, the use of experts — a non-binding process — has been gaining more and more acceptance in large investment projects. Needless to say, the process is only as good as the parties’ commitment to use it and the skill of experts. But now the construction industry is looking to an exciting new concept to prevent and resolve disputes that incorporates dispute resolution techniques from the outset of a project. The Neutral Expert provides all parties to a dispute with an independent expert analysis of the claim. The Neutral Expert- actually a team comprised of construction industry experts — objectively and independently performs fact-fi nding technical anal- ysis, delay and damage evaluations and provides recommendations so that the parties can settle their own diff erences and avoid the relationship-destroying results that fre- quently follow a claim. The Neutral Expert team assigned to a dispute is headed by an expert who is ex- perienced to help parties to understand the results of expert's research. Such expert also must have professional skills of-mediator, so that if so called "expert mediation" be- comes necessary, the parties can move quickly to reach a mutually acceptable solution. 9 13th International Conference Proceedings While the Neutral Expert is an innovative way to resolve existing claims, it can also be implemented at project inception to resolve disputes that occur during a project. The Neutral Expert concept is based upon one tenet: disputes are inevitable, but claims are not. How you deal with disputes during the project will determine whether or not you have a claim. Neutral Experts are assigned to monitor the project’s progress, respond to dis- putes that are presented to them by the parties and provide independent expert opinions to both sides. Thus, the chance to solve the disputes amicably and quickly increases dramatically. The use of Neutral Experts has several common benefi ts whether it is used as a preventive measure or when a dispute has surfaced: • Construction industry experts – immediately available and already knowl- edgeable about the project and the people – who are committed to the project and available to act quickly. • Independent fact-fi nding performed by technical specialists and experts with access to the documents and records of both parties – reducing duplication of eff ort and cost. • Ability to objectively analyse and evaluate the specifi c issues of liability, costs, schedule impact and damages. • Conclusions and recommendations provided to the parties and then active participation in resolution of the dispute, including expert mediation, al- ready familiar with the issues and the project costs, delays and disruptions minimized allowing the primary focus to remain on the primary objective (i.e., the successful project). • The parties maintain control in a private process, dealing only with knowl- edgeable professionals. Now the Neutral Expert services have been used by both the public and private sector to resolve existing disputes, as well as to fl ag potential disputes and resolve them as they arise. While the length of any resolution process depends upon the parties’ willing- ness, a typical period for the Neutral Expert process in large investment projects is only about 2 months. The construction industry is already fi nding that this next generation in ADR or the Neutral Expert — is a valuable and eff ective tool for dispute resolution whether disputes and claims have already occurred, or if used as a technique to avoid them in the future. 10

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