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Constntigr uc langPuraogcere ss so forl itltalneg uages RanMdK.ypa lan Wil&e y John SonsI,n c. NEW YORK • CHICHESTE•R BRISBANE• TORONTO • SINGAPORE PublisKhaetrh:e rSicnheo walter SeniEodri tDoira:nD e.C erra ManagEidnigt Moaru:r eBe.Dn r exel EditoPrrioadlu c&t Dieosni Egdni:t oSreiravlio cfNe esw E nglaInnd.c, Designautsieobdyn c so mpantiode iss tintghueipirsroh d uacrtoesf tcelna imaestd r adesmaI.rn ak ll instawnhceersJe o hWni le&y S onIsn,c i.s awoafar c el aitmh,pe r oduncatm easp peianri nitial capiotraa llc la pilteatlt Reerasd.e hrosw,e vsehro,u clodn ttahcaetp propcroimaptaen fioemrso re complientfeo rmraetgiaornt driandge maanrrdk esg istration. Thitse xitsp r inotnea dc id-pfarpeeer . Copyri©g 1h9t9 b4y J ohWni le&y S onIsn,.c Alrli ghrtess erPvuebdl.i ssihmeudl tanienCo aunsaldya . Thipsu bliciasdt eisoing tnope rdo vide aacncdau urtahtoer iitnaftoirvmeai tnri eognat rotd h seu bject mattceorv erIetid ss. o lwdi tthh uen derstandtihpneug b ltihisasnht oe etrn gagienrd e ndelreilgn,ga accounotrio ntgh,pe rro fesssieornvaIilcfl e e.g aadlv iocroe t heexrp earstss tianicsre e quired, the serviocfa ec so mpetpernoetfs osniaple rssohno ublesd o ught. Reproduocrtt iroann sloafat niypo anr otft hiwso rk beyond thbayts epcet1ri0mo7ion tr 1t 0e8od f th1e9 7U6n ited CSotpaytreisAg chtwt i thotuhtpe e rmisosfit ohnec opyriogwhntei rsu nlawful. Requefsotprse rmisosri ofnu ritnhfoerrm asthiooubnle da dderssteodt hPee rmissDieopnasrt ment, JohWni le&y S onIsn,.c LibroafCry O llgCraetsosi gillg-Diallt'aP:ll blicatioll KaplaRna,n dMy. 1,9 55- Construlcatnignugpa rgoec esfsolorir tslt alneg u/aR gaensd My. Kaplan. p.c m. Inclubdiebsl iogrraepfhecirecesanl. ISB0N- 471-59(7p5a4/p-ied6sr k-)I.S B0N- 471-59(7p5a3p-e8r ) 1.C ompil(eCrosm puptreorg ramsI)T. i tle. QA76.76.C6159K9347 005.4'5-dc20 94-6674 CIP Prinitnte hdUe n itSetda toefAs m erica 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Thbioso ikds e dictaomt yfe adm ily, MariaJnennen,Ji effferMrea,y t,t haenAwdd, r iana, whok eempeg oianngad r mey i nspiration. Contents Preafce ix WhaTth iBsok oI sAb out ix WhaTth iBsoo kI sN ot x TheC ode x CHAPTER0 In troudct ion 0.0 OhN,o N,o Atn otBheoorkA bouCto mpiCloenrrs utction 01. LitLtalneg uages2 0.2 LanguParogcee rsss o 4 0.3 Practicalitya,n PdPr raaccttiiccaall7ii ttyy , 0.4 WritYionugrO wnV sU.s iTnogo ls 7 0.5 A Note tAhbEeox uatm pilnTe hsi Bsoo k 8 AdditiRoenaadlia nnRgde feenrces 8 CHAPTERI An Itnordutciotno L ittlLean gugaes 9 l0. Introdtuoct htIein otnr odtuocL ittiLtoalnne g uages1 0 l.1 DefinainnCdgh aractLeirtiLtzalineng gu ages1 0 12. A SamploifLn igt Ltalneg uages1 4 13. TheIL P rogramLmainnggu age 16 14. ThAeW KP rogramLmainnggu age 23 15. TheS mallP-rXo gramLmainnggu age 27 16. Summary 32 AdditiRoenaadlia nnRgde ference3s3 vi Contents CHAPTER2 Desiiggnn Lai ttlLean gugae 35 2.0 Introducti3o6n 21. WherteoB egin? 36 2.2 SomeP rincoifLp alnegsu Daegsei gn 37 2.3 DefinianL igt Ltalneg uage 39 2.4 DesigtnhiIenM gLL anguage 48 2.5 Summary 52 AdditiRoenaadlia nnRgde ference5s3 CHAPTER3 FormCalo nsiadtieornLsan:g ugaea ndG rammars 55 30. Introducti5o5n 3.1 Language 56 3.2 Grammars 57 3.3 CreatGirnagm mars 65 3.4 A Grammfaortr h IeM LL anguage 69 3.5 Summary 75 Additionala nRRdee faedrienngc e7s6 CHAPTER4 LexicAanla sliyasn dP asrign 77 4.0 Introducti7o7n 4.1 A HieraorfcL hayn guages7 9 4.2 FroGmr ammatroCs o mputaEtnigoinn es 82 4.3 IdentiEflyeimneagnn tSdst rucotfLu arneg uPagaer:s ing 94 4.4 FroAmn alytsoCi osd e 170 4.5 Summary 113 Additionala nRRdee faedrienngc e1s41 CHAPTER5 TheA rcihtecrteou fa LangugaeP rocessor I1 5 5.0 Introducti1o1n5 5.1 Elemeonftth sLe a nguParogcee ssor1 16 5.2 TheS trucotftu hrLeee xiAcnaall yzer1 18 5.3 TheS trucotftu hrPeea rser 122 5.4 TheS trucotftu hrIeen terpret1e62r 5.5 Summary 172 AdditiRoenaadli nRge faenrde nce1s72 Chapte6r Nodsea ndP oitnerDsa:t aS tructruefso rt heL anggueaP rocessor1 29 6.0 Introducti1o3n0 Contents vU 6.1 TheB asiDca ta Struct1u03r e 6.2 Data StDreufcitnuirfteoti rho IenM sLL anguage 133 6.3 Thes tatementDefinitio1n94S truct 6.4 Summary 105 AdditiRoenaadlia nnRgde ference1s5 1 CHAPTER7 Impleemntatioonft heL exicalz eAran naldPy asrer 153 7.0 Introducti1o45n 7.1 Top-doAwnna sliyosft hPea rser 145 7.2 TheS upporCtaisFntug:n ctCiaolnlbsey td h Lee xiAcnaall yzer1 61 7.3 Main PaFrusnicntgi on1 08 7.4 Summary 219 AdditiRoenaadlia nnRgde fenrcees 220 CHAPTER8 lxe andy acc 221 8.0 Introducti2o2n2 8.1 Basics 222 8.2 Thel eLxa nguage 224 8.3 They acLca nguage 233 8.4 DefintihAnebg s trMaaccth ianned RIetlsa ttioto hne ProgramLmainnggu age 241 8.5 TheA nnotIaMteLld eP xr ogram 241 8.6 TheA nnotIaMteLyd a cPcr ograms 244 8.7 PuttIiTtno gg ether2 53 8.8 Summary 257 AdditiRoenaadlia nnRgde ference2s5 7 CHAPTER9 ExecutitnhgeTr nastleadP rogarm:It nerpertaotnia ndC ompitliaon2 59 9.0 Introducti2o6n0 91. AnI MLE xample 260 9.2 ExecutthiIenn gt erpRreeptreeds entat2i7o2n 9.3 TheI MLI nterpret2e7r4 9.4 Compilainn IgP MrLo gram 294 9.5 Summary 311 AdditiRoenaadlia nnRgde ference3s1 1 CHAPTER1 0 OtherIs sues JIJ 10.0 Introducti3o1n3 101. AddiDnegb uggTioonltgso a L itLtalneg uPargoec esso3r 14 10.2M akianP gr ogrEadmi tAovra ilable3 19 viii Contents 10.3 ExtenLsainbgluea ges3 20 lAO UsiEnngg laisasL hi tLtalneg uage 335 10.5 Summary 335 AdditiRoenaadlia nnRgde ference3s3 6 APPENDIX A DataS trurcetsu 337 APPENDIX B LexicAanla zley,rP asre,rI tnerpertrea, ndC ompiler 347 APPENDIX C Intsrcutoinsfo rU sign theS ourceC odeD isk 419 C.l InstatlhlDeii nsgk 419 C.2 IntrodauncOdtv ieornv iew 420 C.3 DirecCtoonrtye nts4 21 CA Compitlihneg S oCuordFceie l es 423 C.5 RunnitnhEgex ecutFaibllees 423 Glossary 427 Idnex 443 Preface WHAT THIBSO OK ISA BOUT Thsii sab ooakb ocuotn rsutctpircnoeg srssfo olri tltalneg suYa.og uep robably knetwh afrto tmh teli etJ.u swth aitsa p rcoesrfs ooarl itltalnegg euA?a m ore commonna mfeo trhs ti ypoefc ompuptreorg iraasc m o mpiolrie nrt erpSroe,t er. tihsa b ioso akb owurti tcionmgp ialneidrn st errp.sr ete Butth earreme a nbyo oakbso tuhstti poiicn,c lusdoiemtn hgaa rtfe a omusI.s tihjsu asnto t"hwenarnb ae?Ih" o pe Mnyoa ti.im ts o a pprotahceh tforpoaim c diffepreernstp efcrtooimtv hbeeo ro oknst hseu jbcetT.ob egwiint thih,is s b oao k abobuotht litltalneg uaangdle asn gupargosecs reosT.h ef actth atth ibso ok dersicebsl itltalnegg euisans omdee tmaaiklie vtse rdyi ffefrreoonmtt h .eL risttle lanaggueasr e imptooroftloasrn tp rogarnaudms mreesor fcs o pmutsesyrt e.m s Oncaev abillela,i tltalnegg eucsana greastilpmyil ftyh tea sokfc reating aplpitciasoI.nn t hsri egaIrf do,co unws h alti tltalneg uaargheeo,sw t hecyo me aboaunthd,o wy ocua dne sitghnet mos olpvreo bltehmyasot mu i ghhavte . Ina ddointt,ih bioso cko vterhaesc tluaanlg upaorgceer sfssr ootmh set andpoint of howc ayno uba unii nltde roprra ec toemrp ifloaerl r i tltalneg utahgayeto u des.i pgIrn ovmiadney exaomfcp oldteehs sa hto hwo wy ocuna i mpleymoeunrt ownl angupargosecs reo.T hutsh ibso oskh owhso wt oa pptlhyte h eeosr i governcionpmgi lceosrnt rounc.t i WheInf ircsnotc eiovfwe rdi ttihnigs Ibt ohookut,gh htatth d ee itlaosft he theocroyub lebd u riuenddt ehrae c tcuoadlae n rde laetxepdlt aino,asn ots hyaotu , myf irenrdelayd weoru,nl odht a vteob urdyeonu rtsoae nlgyfr eeaxtt weinttth h e theoHroyw.ee vra,sI b egnw aritIir nega ltihzatethd e wreer seo emt heoretical coindseraytoiwuoo nushl adv teok noawbo uTth.e resfmooeritem,ec shp ategrisv e yoaun a ppropgrrioautniedn ti hneg tAhtea oltrliye m.se ,x ampalrieens c ltuod ed shohwo wt heeosor rai lgorairtuehs mesd . Writail nagn guparcgoeesr is asoc omptlaesxDk e.p enodnit nhrgee quirements oft hlea nguyaogduee sitghnti,as sc kabn e c onrsatiinnesd u cawh a y taoms a ke imta nabgleTeah.r ougthhsobi uoto Ikm enotnhi owt oc onrsatialn a nguiang e Ix

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