Constraints on the quark matter equation of state from astrophysical observations 3 1 0 2 n a G. F.Burgio∗ J 7 INFNSezionediCatania,viaS.Sofia64,I-95123Catania,Italy 1 E-mail:[email protected] ] H. Chen h t PhysicsDepartment,ChinaUniversityofGeoscience,Wuhan430074,China - l E-mail:[email protected] c u H.-J. Schulze n [ INFNSezionediCatania,viaS.Sofia64,I-95123Catania,Italy E-mail:[email protected] 1 v G. Taranto 0 6 DipartimentodiFisicaeAstronomia,Universita’diCatania,andINFNSezionediCatania,via 0 S.Sofia64,I-95123Catania,Italy 4 E-mail:[email protected] . 1 0 3 We calculate the structure of neutron star interiors comprisingboth the hadronicand the quark 1 phases.Forthehadronicsectorweemployamicroscopicequationofstateinvolvingnucleonsand : v hyperonsderivedwithintheBrueckner-Hartree-Fockmany-bodytheorywithrealistictwo-body i X andthree-bodyforces. Forthedescriptionofquarkmatter, weuseseveraldifferentmodels,e.g. r theMITbag,theNambu–Jona-Lasinio(NJL),theColorDielectric(CDM),theFieldCorrelator a method(FCM),andonebasedontheDyson-Schwingermodel(DSM).We findthatatwosolar masshybridstarispossibleonlyifthenucleonicEOSisstiffenough. XthQuarkConfinementandtheHadronSpectrum, October8-12,2012 TUMCampusGarching,Munich,Germany ∗Speaker. (cid:13)c Copyrightownedbytheauthor(s)underthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeLicence. Constraintsonthequarkmatterequationofstatefromastrophysicalobservations G.F.Burgio Thepossibleappearance ofquarkmatter(QM)intheinterior ofmassiveneutronstars(NS)is oneofthemainissuesinthephysicsofthesecompactobjects. Calculations ofNSstructure, based on amicroscopic nucleonic equation ofstate(EOS),indicate thatforthe heaviest NS,close tothe maximum mass (about two solar masses), the central particle density reaches values larger than 1/fm3. Inthisdensityrangethenucleonsstarttoloosetheiridentity,andquarkdegreesoffreedom playarole. The value of the maximum mass of a NS is probably one of the physical quantities that are most sensitive to the presence of QM, and the recent claim of discovery of a two solar mass NS [1] has stimulated the interest in this issue. Unfortunately, while the microscopic theory of the nucleonic EOS has reached a high degree of sophistication [2], the QM EOS is poorly known at zero temperature and at the high baryonic density appropriate for NS. One has, therefore, to rely on models ofQM,whichcontain ahigh degree ofarbitrariness. Atpresent, the best onecan do is to compare the predictions of different quark models and toestimate theuncertainty ofthe results fortheNSmatteraswellasfortheNSstructureandmass. In this paper we will discuss a set of different quark models in combination with a definite baryonic EOS, which has been developed within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (BHF) many-body approach of nuclear matter, comprising nucleons and also hyperons [3]. In particular, insection 1 wereview the derivation of the baryonic EOSinthe BHFapproach, whereas Section 2isdevoted totherelevant features ofthehadron quark phasetransition fortheseveralQMEOSdiscussed. In section 3wepresent the results regarding NSstructure, combining the baryonic and QMEOSfor beta-stable nuclearmatter,andconclusions aredrawn. 1. EOSofnuclear matter withinBrueckner theory TheEOSconstructedforthehadronicphaseatT =0isbasedonthenon-relativisticBrueckner- Bethe-Goldstone (BBG) many-body theory [3], which is a linked cluster expansion of the energy per nucleon of nuclear matter, well convergent and accurate enough in the density range relevant for neutron stars. In this approach the essential ingredient is the two-body scattering matrix G, which,alongwiththesingle-particle potentialU,satisfiestheself-consistent equations G(r ;w ) = V+V (cid:229) |kakbiQhkakb| G(r ;w ), (1.1) w −e(k )−e(k ) kakb a b U(k;r ) = (cid:229) hkk′|G(r ;e(k)+e(k′))|kk′i , (1.2) a k′≤kF whereV is the bare nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction, r is the nucleon number density, w is the starting energy, |k k iQhk k | is the Pauli operator, e(k)=e(k;r )= h¯2k2+U(k;r ) is the single a b a b 2m particle energy, and the subscript “a” indicates antisymmetrization of the matrix element. In the BHFapproximation theenergypernucleon is E 3h¯2 k2 (r )= F +D , (1.3) 2 A 5 2m D = 1 (cid:229) hkk′|G(r ;e(k)+e(k′))|kk′i . (1.4) 2 a 2A k,k′≤kF 2 Constraintsonthequarkmatterequationofstatefromastrophysicalobservations G.F.Burgio Theinclusion ofnuclear three-body forces (TBF)iscrucial inordertoreproduce the correct satu- ration point of symmetric nuclear matter [4, 5]. The present theoretical status of microscopically derived TBFisquite rudimentary. Recent results [6,7]have shownthat both two-body and three- body forces should be based on the same theoretical footing and use the same microscopical pa- rameters in their construction. Results shown here were obtained with the ArgonneV (V18) [8] 18 or the Bonn B (BOB) [9] potentials, and compared also with the widely used phenomenological Urbana-type (UIX)TBF[10](incombination withtheV18potential). Itshouldbestressed thatin ourapproach theTBFisreduced toadensity-dependent two-bodyforcebyaveraging overthepo- sitionofthethirdparticle, assumingthattheprobability ofhavingtwoparticles atagivendistance isgivenbythetwo-body correlation function determined self-consistently. Inthepastyears,theBHFapproachhasbeenextendedwiththeinclusionofhyperons[11,12, 13],whichmayappearatbaryon density ofabout 2to3timesnormal nuclearmatterdensity. The inclusionofhyperonsproducesanEOSwhichturnsouttobemuchsofterthanthepurelynucleonic case, withdramatic consequences forthestructure oftheNS,i.e.,thevalue ofthemaximummass issmallerthan thecanonical value1.44 M . Theinclusion offurthertheoretical ingredients, such ⊙ as hyperon-hyperon potentials [12] and/or three-body forces involving hyperons, could alter the baryonic EOS, but unfortunately they are essentially unknown. Another possibility that is able to produce larger maximum masses, is the appearance of a transition to QM inside the star. This scenario willbeillustrated below. Starting from the EOS for symmetric and pure neutron matter, and assuming stellar matter composed of neutrons, protons, and leptons [4], the EOS for the beta equilibrated matter can be obtainedintheusualstandardway[4,14,15]: TheBruecknercalculationyieldstheenergydensity ofbaryon/leptonmatterasafunctionofthedifferentpartialdensities,e (r n,r p,r e,r m ). Thevarious chemicalpotentials forthespecies i=n,p,e,m canthenbecomputed straightforwardly, ¶e m = , (1.5) i ¶r i andtheequations forbeta-equilibrium, m =bm −qm , (1.6) i i n i e (b andq denoting baryonnumberandchargeofspecies i)andcharge neutrality, i i (cid:229) r q =0, (1.7) i i i allow onetodetermine theequilibrium composition {r (r )}atgivenbaryon density r andfinally i theEOS, d e ({r (r )}) de P(r )=r 2 i =r −e =rm −e . (1.8) dr r dr n InFig.1wecomparetheEOSobtainedintheBHFframeworkwhenonlynucleonsandleptonsare present (thicklines), andthecorresponding oneswithhyperons included (thinlines). Calculations havebeenperformedwithdifferentchoicesoftheNNpotentials,i.e.,theBonnB,theArgonneV18, andtheNijmegenN93,allsupplemented byacompatiblemicroscopicTBF[6]. Forcompleteness, 3 Constraintsonthequarkmatterequationofstatefromastrophysicalobservations G.F.Burgio 1000 BOB 800 V18 ] -3 m N93 600 f UIX V e M N 400 [ P 200 N+Y 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 -3 [fm ] B Figure 1: Pressure vs. the baryon numberdensity of hadronic NS matter. Thick curves show results for purelynucleonicmatter,whereasthincurvesincludehyperons. wealsoshowresultsobtainedwiththeArgonneV18potential togetherwiththephenomenological UrbanaIXasTBF. Wenoticeastrongdependence onboththechosenNNpotential, andontheadoptedTBF,the microscopiconebeingmorerepulsivethanthephenomenological force. Thepresenceofhyperons decreases strongly the pressure, and the resulting EOS turns out to be almost independent of the adopted NN potential, due to the interplay between the stiffness of the nucleonic EOS and the threshold density of hyperons [6]. The softening of the EOS has serious consequences for the structure of NS,leading to amaximum massof less than 1.4solar masses [6,13], which isbelow theobserved pulsarmasses[16]. 2. QuarkPhase The properties of cold nuclear matter at large densities, i.e., its EOS and the location of the phase transition to deconfined QM, remain poorly known. The difficulty in performing first- principle calculations in such systems can be traced back to the complicated nonlinear and non- perturbative nature of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Therefore one can presently only resort tomoreorlessphenomenological modelsfordescribing QM. Oneof the most widely used approach is the MIT bag model [17]. Inthe calculations shown below, we assumed massless u and d quarks, s quarks with a current mass of m =150 MeV, and s eitherafixedbagconstant B=90MeVfm−3,oradensity-dependent bagparameter, r 2 B(r )=B¥ +(B0−B¥ )exp −b r (2.1) h (cid:16) 0(cid:17) i withB¥ =50MeVfm−3,B0=400MeVfm−3,andb =0.17. Thisapproachhasbeenproposedin [18], and itallows the symmetric nuclear matterto bein thepure hadronic phase atlow densities, and in the quark phase at large densities, while the transition density is taken as a parameter. We 4 Constraintsonthequarkmatterequationofstatefromastrophysicalobservations G.F.Burgio 2 CDM NJL FCM, G=0.012 2 1.5 MIT, B=B(r) MIT, B=90 o M /G 1 M 0.5 0 8 10 12 14 160 0.5 1 1.5 2 R (km) r (fm-3) c Figure2: GravitationalNSmassvs.theradius(leftpanel)andthecentralbaryondensity(rightpanel)for differentEOSofquarkmatter. Seetextfordetails. findthatthephasetransitiontakesplaceatbaryondensityoftheorderof2–3r ,andthatthemixed 0 phasecontains asmallfractionofhyperons. The phase transition from the hadronic phase to the pure quark matter phase is usually per- formedthroughtheMaxwellconstruction, orthemoresophisticated Gibbsconstruction [15]. This is widely used for the study of neutron star structure, several numerical details can be found in many references [15], and will not be repeated here. The important point to stress is that the fea- turesofthephasetransition,suchasitsonsetandthedensityintervaloverwhichitextends,depend crucially on the models used for describing the hadron and the quark phase. For example, we found that the phase transition constructed with the CDM [19] model is quite different from the one obtained using the MIT bag model. In the CDM, the onset of the coexistence region occurs at very low baryonic density. This implies a large difference in the structure of neutron stars. In fact,whereasstarsbuiltwiththeCDMhaveatmostamixedphaseatlowdensityandapurequark coreathigherdensity,theonesobtainedwiththeMITbagmodelcontainahadronphase,followed by a mixed phase and a pure quark interior. The scenario is again different within the Nambu- Jona-Lasinio model [20], where at most amixed phase is present, but no pure quark phase. It has alsobeenfound thatthephase transition fromhadronic toQM occurs athighvaluesofthebaryon chemicalpotentialwhentheDyson-Schwingermodelisusedtodescribethequarkphase. Insome extreme cases, for particular choices of the parameters, no phase transition at all is possible. In fact, the Dyson-Schwinger EOS [21] is generally stiffer than the hadronic one, and the value of the transition density is high. We also found that with the DSM no phase transition exists if the hadronic phasecontains hyperons, justlikethephasetransition withNJLmodel. Itisworthwhiletomentionthatneutronstarsobservations canhelptodeterminefreeparame- ters, which could bepresent in some quark mattermodels. This isthe case of theQM EOSbased ontheFieldCorrelatormethod[22],whichdependscruciallyonthevalueofthegluoncondensate G . It turns out that using value of G ≃0.006−0.007 GeV4, which gives a critical temperature 2 2 T ≃170 MeV, produces maximum masses which are only marginally consistent with the obser- c 5 Constraintsonthequarkmatterequationofstatefromastrophysicalobservations G.F.Burgio vational limit, while larger masses are possible if the value of the gluon condensate is increased. Also in this case, the phase transition only takes place if no hyperons are present in the hadronic phase. 3. Neutron starstructure WeassumethataNSisasphericallysymmetricdistributionofmassinhydrostaticequilibrium. The equilibrium configurations are obtained by solving the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equations [14]forthepressure Pandtheenclosed massm, dP Gme (1+P/e ) 1+4p r3P/m = − , (3.1) dr r2 1−(cid:0)2Gm/r (cid:1) dm = 4p r2e , (3.2) dr beingGthegravitational constant. Startingwithacentralmassdensitye (r=0)≡e ,weintegrate c out until the density on the surface equals the one of iron. This gives the stellar radius R and the gravitational massisthen R M ≡m(R)=4p drr2e (r). (3.3) G Z 0 WehaveusedasinputtheEOSdiscussed above,andtheresultsareplottedinFigs.2and3,where wedisplay thegravitational mass M (inunits ofthesolarmass M =2×1033g)asafunction of G ⊙ theradius Randcentral baryondensity r . c Calculations displayed in Fig. 2 for neutron star matter are obtained in the BHF theoretical framework with the V18 nucleon-nucleon potential in combination with i) the CDM (solid black curve), and ii) the MIT bag model (blue curves) for quark matter. Due to the use of the Maxwell construction, thecurvesarenotcontinuous [15]: forverysmallcentraldensities (largeradii,small masses) the stars are purely hadronic. We observe that the values of the maximum mass depend only slightly on the EOS chosen for describing quark matter, and lie between 1.5 and 1.6 solar masses. Acleardifference betweenthetwomodelsexistsasfarastheradiusisconcerned. Hybrid starsbuiltwiththeCDMarecharacterized byalargerradius andasmallercentraldensity,whereas hybridstarsconstructedwiththeMITbagmodelaremorecompact. Furthercalculationshavebeen performed using theParispotential asnucleon-nucleon interaction forthehadronic phase, andthe NJLmodel forthe quark phase (red curve). Inthis case theonset ofpure quark matterleads toan instability, aswellasintheFCM(greencurve). Inbothcasesthephasetransition takesplaceonly if nohyperons are present inthe hadronic phase. Unfortunately, forallthe cases discussed above, the value of the maximum mass lies below the mass observed for the pulsar PSR J1614-2230, M =1.97±0.04 [1]. Such a high value puts severe constraints on the EOS, and in particular it ⊙ demandsanadditional repulsion intheQMEOS. InFig.3weshow results obtained intheBHFframework using the BonnBnucleon-nucleon potential, which produces the stiffest EOS,as shown in Fig. 1. This yields a very high maximum NS mass, ≈2.50 M , with only nucleons (solid black curve), and 1.37M including hyperons. ⊙ ⊙ Using the DSM for the quark phase, we found that the maximum mass of hybrid stars is only a little lower than 2.5 M with a = 0.5, and decreases to about 2 M with a = 2, being a a ⊙ ⊙ 6 Constraintsonthequarkmatterequationofstatefromastrophysicalobservations G.F.Burgio 2.5 2.0 M 1.5 M/ 1.0 BOB(N) BOB(N+Y) DS0.5 0.5 DS2 DS4 MIT90 MIT-B 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 9 12 15 -3 [fm ] R [km] c Figure3: GravitationalNSmassvs.theradius(rightpanel)andthecentralbaryondensity(leftpanel)for differentEOSemployingtheBOBhadronicmodel. model parameter which controls the rate of approaching asymptotic freedom. With increasing a wecanobtainasmooth change fromthepurehadronic NStotheresultswiththeMITbagmodel. Moreover, nophasetransition canoccurandnohybridstarcanexistifhyperonsareintroduced. If hyperons areexcluded, thephase transition from nucleon mattertoQMtakes place atratherlarge baryon density, andtheonsetofthephasetransition isdetermined inthiscasebytheparameter a . Thepossible effects ofthe hadron-quark phase transition are very different withthe MITbag modelandtheDSM:InthecaseoftheMITmodel, thephase transition beginsatverylowbaryon densityandthuseffectivelyimpedestheappearance ofhyperons. Consequently theresultingmax- imummassoftheMIThybridstaris1.5M ,lowerthanthevalueofthenucleonic star,buthigher ⊙ than thatofthehyperon stargivenbefore. Acleardifference between thetwomodels existsasfar as the radius is concerned. Hybrid stars built with the DSM are characterized by a larger radius and a smaller central density, whereas hybrid stars constructed with the MIT bag model are more compact. In conclusion, a hybrid star with 2 M is only allowed if the nucleonic EOS is stiff enough, ⊙ andthehadron-quark phasetransition takesplacewithouthyperons inthehadronic phase. 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