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Z. Phys. C - Particles and Fields ,65 355-370 (1992) Partides ritZefitschrift kisyhP C dna F tds (cid:14)9 Springer-u 1992 Constraints on physics in and beyond the Minimal Standard Model from LEP experiments Peter Renton Particle and Nuclear Physics Laboratory, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3RH, UK Received 8 January 1992 Abstract. The results of fits to the LEP data, taken up 2, L 3 3 and OPAL ,4- have led to spectacular con- to the end of 1990, on cross-sections for hadron and firmation of the predictions of the Minimal Standard lepton final states and lepton forward-backward charge Model (MSM). However, the implications of these results asymmetries are presented. The fits are first of all per- on the possible restrictions to models beyond the MSM formed to extract the parameters of the improved Born have been less extensively investigated. approximation. Within the context of the Minimal Stan- These fall into essentially two categories. The first, dard Model (MSM), the constraints on ,s~ mt and mn and one of the most important questions in particle from these LEP data, and with the inclusion of other physics, is to ascertain the precise nature of the custodial LEP and electroweak data, are examined. The results S U )2( symmetry-breaking which gives rise to the particle favour a top-quark mass in the region of about 041 GeV, masses. In the MSM, this is achieved by the introduction and a relatively light Higgs mass. However, the upper of a complex doublet of scalar fields with weak hyper- limit on m~ from such fits is sensitive to the value of charge Y= 1/2. After spontaneous symmetry-breaking the strong coupling constant ~s(Mz)~s. Some differences this gives rise to a single neutral scalar particle H ~ the between the data and the MSM are observed, although Higgs boson. Negative searches at LEP have established these are not yet at a level of significance to indicate a lower limit in excess of 05 GeV on the mass of H ~ physics beyond the MSM. Lower limits on the mass In the Minimal Supersymmetric extension to the of a possible second Z ~ are examined. Results are then Standard Model (MSSM), the searches at LEP 001 have presented in terms of the variables ,S T and .U These excluded the lightest CP-even scalar state h ~ almost up variables provide a general framework for the descrip- to the present kinematical limit of -~45 GeV. However, tion of electroweak radiative effects, and are thus suitable such limits have been established using tree-level formu- for the investigation of physics beyond the MSM. The lae, and in particular assuming that h ~ is lighter than variables are defined such that S = T= U = 0 corresponds the CP-odd pseudoscalar A ~ Recently, a re-evaluation to the MSM prediction for mt=140GeV and t~m of radiative corrections in the light of a potentially heavy = 300 GeV. A fit to the LEP data on cross-sections for top-quark 5- has shown that the masses of the Higgs hadron and lepton final states and lepton forward-back- particles can receive considerable upward shifts with re- ward charge asymmetries gives S=-0.44+_0.91 and spect to those extracted using the tree-level formulae. T=-0.15+0.52. With the addition to the fit of other The hierarchy of masses, and consequently the decay LEP and electroweak data, the values obtained are schemes, can also be changed. When these effects are S= -1.03_+0.66, T= -0.46_+0.41 and U= -0.13+0.94. taken into account, the limits established using the tree- These results are only just compatible with the assumed level formulae are somewhat weakened, in a way which central MSM values S=T=U=O. Some constraints depends on the values of both the top-quark and squark from these results on models beyond the MSM are dis- masses. Consequently, it may well prove difficult to rule cussed. out this minimal SUSY model at LEP 200. In the MSM approach, the new (i.e. Higgs) sector is weakly interacting. Fundamental scalar fields are in- troduced and the effects are calculable perturbatively. 1 Introduction An alternative approach is that symmetry-breaking ar- ises from strongly interacting effects in the new sector. The very precise results which have been obtained from Although technicolour and extended technicolour mod- the cross-section and asymmetry measurements from the els (see, e.g. 6) have considerable theoretical difficulties, four experiments at LEP, namely ALEPH 1, DELPHI it is nevertheless of considerable interest to test the pre- e-mail RENTON @ UK.AC.OX.PH.V1 dictions of these models wherever possible. 653 The second category is the possible existence of new st? fundamental particles (quarks, leptons, gauge-bosons, s2Fz 2 , (2) 1 3 SUSY particles etc.). The effects of heavy particles with + weak isospin can possibly be seen through radiative cor- rections, since the effects of such particles do not decou- where plc from low energy interactions at a scale q2< .2zM The observation of such effects requires, however, precise and 12 ~ yF~F reliable data. M r? )3( In this note an analysis is described of fits made to the LEP data on the cross-section line shapes and lepton is the pole cross-section, defined in terms of the Z ~ mass forward-backward charge-asymmetries. In Sect. 2, the Mz, total width Fz and the partial widths eF and rF for results of fits to the parameters of the improved Born Z~ *-- e + e- and Z~ ~ f f (f + e) respectively. The term approximation are presented. This is followed by a dis- 1( + 3 c~Q}/4 )er is a QED correction. For the cross-section cussion of the constraints on %c ~m and m~, within the to all possible hadronic (i.e. quark) final states, the pole context of the MSM, using the above and additional cross-section is LEP data on z-polarisation and quark forward-back- 12 ~ ~F hF ward~ asymmetries, as well as other electroweak data.* ao= MZ Fz z , (4) In Sect. 2.6 the limits on a possible second Z ~ are exam- ined. The results of the improved Born approximation where hF is the hadronic width of the Z ~ In addition fits serve as a starting point for the use of a more general to the Z ~ term, there are direct photon and ~-Z ~ inter- framework in which electroweak radiative effects can be ference terms. These are relatively small, and are taken formulated. In Sect. 3, the variables S, T and U (or Sw) into account in the analysis below; for the interference used in this approach are discussed. In Sect. 4 the results term the MSM is used, except where specifically indicat- of fits to these variables are presented, and the implica- ed to the contrary. It should be noted that the contribu- tions of these fits are discussed in Sect. .5 A detailed tion of weak boxes can violate the factorisation property review of results prior to the LEP experiments can be between the initial and final states implicit in the above found, for example, in 7 and 8. formalism; however, these can be neglected at the current level of precision. 2 Fits using the improved Born approximation The fermionic partial width and forward-backward charge asymmetry at the Z ~ pole can be parameterised 2.1 Theoretical formalism in the improved Born approximation in terms of effective vector and axial vector couplings yV( and Af) of the Z ~ to fermions by 11: It has been shown that, to a very good approximation, the results of the full electroweak calculations of the Gu Mz 3 ~N ~p( + I()}A + I()D~QO + ,)DCQ~ cross-sections and leptonic forward-backward asymme- (5) tries can be reproduced by the parameterisation implicit in the improved Born approximation (e.g. 9-11). ** Ini- 3 2V~Ae 2VFAr A)es ' tial state purely QED corrections can be described by (6) "YFA )2zM( -- 4 e'~ 2 +.4~ ~V + A} -~ a radiator function ,~H such that the observed cross- section for e § e- --,ff can be written, where G u is the Fermi coupling constant measured in muon decay. cN is the number of colour degrees of free- o-~ = I S S(wG f t )'Hi(s, t S)"~Fint ds', (1) dom, and has the value 1 for leptons and 3 for quarks. o The QCD correction DCQ6 is zero for leptons, and for quarks is given by 12 where s' is the square of the invariant mass of the final state fermions and Fire describes the interference of initial 6oc D = ~/~7c + 1.409 )~/s~C( 2 - 12.805 )~J~c( ,3 )7( and final state radiation, as well as QED box-diagrams. The term wCa is the modified Born cross-section for where cq(Mz)~s(=~s) is the strong coupling constant e + e- ~ff, which can be expressed in terms of the line- in the MS renormalisation scheme. The term 1( + )DEQ6 shape parameters in an (almost) model independent way, is a QED correction factor, with DEQ6 = 3 e Q}/4 .er Note as that this factor appears in (2) to avoid double counting this correction in (1). In the MSM, propagator diagrams lead to an increase of the partial width yF with increasing * Only final data are used in the fits; preliminary conference data mt (approximately quadratically) and to a decrease with are not included m~ (approximately logarithmically). However, for f= b, ** In fact, in the way in which ZFITTER 11 si used in this there are also large vertex correction terms, from loop paper there si no approximation at all made in this formalism, diagrams involving b, t and W particles, which lead to with respect to the full electroweak calculation. However, the Z ~ -- interference term and the small corrections to the forward-back- an overall decrease of bF with increasing .rm The term ward asymmetry in )6( are computed assuming the MSM, so that r~A se is the residual contribution to the asymmetry from these small terms are not strictly model independent photon exchange, the imaginary part of the propagator 753 Table .1 Comparison of the results from the global fit to the data the second box, quantities which can be derived directly from this directly to the results of a weighted average of the parameters fit are given. In these, R=Fh/Fe and F~,~=Fz-Fh-3F .e ~N si the quoted by the individual experiments. eF refers to the electron or number of light neutrino species and si extracted from the above muon partial widths; that for the z lepton is about 0.2 MeV smaller. quantities, together with the ratio F~/Fe=l.993_+0.001 from the In the first box the results of the five-parameter fit are given. In MSM Parameter Global fit Weighted mean MSM Mz 91.175 _+0.021 GeV 91.175 _+0.021GeV zF 2.486 _+0.010GeV 2.487 _+0.010GeV 2.484 _+0.010 GeV % 41.24 _+0.22 nb 41.34 _+0.23 nb 84.14 +_ 0.04 nb eV 2 0.00103 +_ 0.00039 0.00118 +_ 0.00040 0.0011 +_ 0.0002 e~if 2 0.2491 3100.0+_ 0.2493 3100.0+_ 0.2506 +_ 0.0009 reeP 0.9964 2500.0___ 0.9972 +0.0052 1.002 +0.003 sin fle02 0.2339 +0.0030 0.2328 +0.0029 0.2333 +0.0013 hF 1.738 _+0.010GeV 1.739 __0.010GeV 1.733 +0.008 GeV F e 83.10 +0.40 MeV 83.24 _+0.41 MeV 83.6 -I-0.3 MeV R 20.91 _+0.12 20.91 _+0.12 37.02 _ 0.05 ,,n~F 499 +_ 8 MeV 497 +_ 8 MeV 1.005 _ 8.1 MeV F/,,nIF e 6.012 +0.093 5.970 _+0.094 5.979 +0.004 ~N 10.3 +_ 50.0 00.3 +_ 50.0 0.3 and weak boxes. Allowing for variation of m t and mn experiments* to extract these parameters. The fits were within the ranges <__98 <__tnr 250 GeV and 50_-< mn made using the ZFITTER program 1- lJ *% and the re- ____ 1000 GeV, this term has a value of 0.0018 for leptonic sults of the fits are given in Table 1. The systematic errors final states, 0.0010 for u and c-quark final states, and quoted by the experiments were taken into account in 0.0004 for d and s-quark final states, where the range the construction of the Z 2 function. These can be appli- of values is +_0.0001. For b-quarks this term decreases cable to either all measurements of a particular data from 0.0004 at small ~m to 0.0001 at mt~-250 GeV. set (or sets) of a given experiment, or, in the case of It can be seen from the above equations that the the theoretical uncertainty on the luminosity, to all cross- cross-sections and lepton asymmetries can be described, section data. The common error of +0.3% on the lumi- assuming lepton universality, by the five parameters Mz, nosity is included directly in all the fits in this paper. Fz, Oo, ~2 and A~. Alternative parameters to ~ and The errors given in Table 1 are the combined statistical Ae are the variables Peff and the effective weak mixing and systematic errors (added in quadrature). The error angle sin 2 0elf (see e.g. 11, 13), defined as on Mz includes the estimated +_ 0.02 GeV error on the overall LEP energy scale, which is significantly larger x,= )8( than the +_ 0.005 GeV statistical error from the fit. The error on Fz includes a +_ 0.005 GeV contribution, arising from the point-to-point energy uncertainty. This correc- = 1 - 4 sin 2 0err. (9) Ae tion is treated in the same way by all of the LEP experi- ments. All of these corrections are described in detail Fits to the data in terms of these five (or equivalent) parameters are, essentially, model independent fits to the * It was checked that the appropriate fit results, for each of the experiments separately, could be reproduced to reasonable accura- data; i.e. they are independent of the validity of the cy. For the data of 4, a subtraction of all the t-channel effects MSM. As discussed in Sect. 2.2, other quantities which for the e + e- ~ e + e- interaction has been made using the ALIBA- are useful in the interpretation of the data can be derived BA program 14. A common luminosity error, arising from theo- from these five parameters. These are R--Fh/Fe, the ratio retical uncertainty of the e + e- ~e § e- process, of 0.3% has been of the hadronic and leptonic partial widths, and the 'in- assigned to all experiments. Where the quoted error on this quan- visible' partial width F~nv=Fz--Fh-3Ft. The quantity R tity was larger than 3.0 %, the additional error (subtracted in quad- rature) was added (in quadrature) to the experimental error on is independent of the luminosity measurements. In the luminosity. In this way this additional error was treated as Sect. 2.5, fits made within the context of the MSM are uncorrelated between the experiments. There is an additional com- described. The free parameters used for the MSM fits mon systematic error on the t-channel subtraction of the e + e- are Mz, mr, mn and as. The five parameters of the model e § e- cross-section. This si performed using the ALIBABA pro- independent fit are all specified, within the MSM, by gram 14, and the quoted uncertainty is +0.5%. The size of the these four variables. statistical errors si based on the expected number of entries in a given bin, as determined by the fit. In this way the bias due to downward fluctuations in bins with small statistics is avoided ** The electroweak corrections in this package are all calculated 2.2 Fits to the LEP hadron and lepton data using the on-shell renormalisation scheme, except for the QCD corrections where the MS scheme si used. To the order of the Fits have been made to the cross-sections and lepton present calculations, the QCD and electroweak corrections decou- forward-backward charge asymmetries of the four LEP ple 358 Table 2. Correlation matrix corresponding to the five-parameter Table 3. Results of a nine-parameter fit to the LEP hadronic and fit given in Table 1 leptonic cross-section and leptonic forward-backward charge asym- metry data. Lepton universality was not imposed in the fit and Parameter Mz Fz " orC R 2 Aft the results for the effective vector and axial-vector couplings are given separately for each lepton species. In the fit the signs of Mz 1.000 0.082 0.009 0.075 0.012 V,, A e, Au and ~A were constrained to be negative. The treatment F z 0.082 1.000 --0.257 0.015 0.587 of common errors is the same as that for Table 1 ~o 0.009 - 0.257 1.000 0.000 0.274 p2 0.075 0.015 0.000 1.000 -0.313 Parameter Fitted value A~ 0.012 0.587 0.274 -0.313 1.000 Mz 91.176 __0.021 GeV Fz 2.486 + 0.010 GeV ao 41.21 _+0.22 nb in 14. The correlation matrix for the five-parameter + O.009 fit, including both the statistical and systematic error -0.019 -0.013 contributions (except the common systematic errors on Mz and zF arising from the LEP energy scale), is given Ae - 0.499 + 0.002 in Table .2 Also shown in Table 1 are the results of the - 0.002 weighted averages of the quantities given by each of the uP - 0.060 + 0.034 experiments (or calculated from quantities given by the -0.070 experiment). In this averaging procedure, any common A~ - 0.497 + 0.014 systematic errors are removed before computing the - 0.004 weighted average, and then added back in quadrature after averaging. The common systematics are 6Mz= -0.107 +0"051 +0.02GeV, 6Fz=_+0.005GeV and 6ao= +0.3%, as - 0.091 discussed above. The resulting common errors on ,hF J~ -0.488 +0.030 tF and At 2 are 0.25%. - 0.009 Comparison of the parameter values obtained from the global fit to those obtained from the weighted aver- ages shows, in general, good agreement.* The values ing the interference term does not, in general, mimic used for the weighted averages are the ones quoted from models beyond the MSM, it gives an indication of both the experiments themselves, and do not necessarily come the stability of the results and the current sensitivity to from an equivalent fit to that described above; for exam- physics beyond the MSM being observed through the ple, some numbers are from fits to the cross-sections interference term. only, whereas others include lepton asymmetry measure- ments. The small differences observed in Table 1 are at- tributable to the differences in the information used in 3.2 Universality of sgnilpuoc the respective fits. It should be noted that the overall 2~) probability for the five-parameter fit given in Table 1 In the global fits described above, lepton universality is 98%, indicative perhaps of some overestimation of was imposed. A fit to the cross-section data in terms some of the systematic errors. If the statistical errors of Mz, ,zF hF and the individual leptonic widths ,~F ~F only are used in the fit, then the central values of the and ~F leads to only very small changes in Mz, zF and parameters are essentially unchanged (the largest change hF and gives =~F 82.9_+0.5 MeV, F,= 8.0+_2.38 MeV and is that % is increased by 0.10 nb), and the corresponding =~F 82.8 +_ 0.1 MeV; in agreement with the hypothesis of Z 2 probability is 80%. lepton universality. The results of a nine-parameter fit In the second box in Table ,1 the results for other to all the cross-section and lepton forward-backward quantities which can be extracted directly from the five- asymmetry data are given in Table .3 Again it can be parameter fit are shown. Again reasonable agreement seen that the data support the postulate of lepton univer- between the two procedures is obtained. sality. The interference term in the above fits was computed The compatibility of the Z ~ parameters determined using the MSM. The five-parameter fit given in Table 1 separately from quarks and leptons has also been investi- was repeated with an additional parameter, which al- gated. The results of separate fits to the hadronic and lowed the interference term to vary by a multiplicative leptonic cross-section data are given in Table .4 The er- factor K, such that K = 1 corresponds to the MSM as- rors quoted do not include the common errors on Mz sumption (the results of which are given in Table .)1 This and ,zF but do include the other systematic errors. It six-parameter fit gave a value of K = 1.022 +_ 0.068. The can be seen from Table 4 that the parameters extracted values and errors on the other parameters are unchanged from the leptonic final state cross-sections are compati- (to the number of significant digits given in Table ,)1 ble with the hadronic final state data, and that the errors except for -o o which increased to 41.25 nb. Although seal- from the hadronie data are considerably smaller. For * This conclusion is consistent with that of a working group set example, the error on the leptonic width ~F is reduced up by the LEP experiments to investigate the combination of cross- from 8.0 MeV to 0.4 MeV by the inclusion of the hadron- section data ic data. If the forward-backward charge asymmetry data, 953 0.25 Table 4. Comparison of the results of fits to the hadronic and lep- tonic cross-section data. The errors do not include the common errors on Mz and .zF In the fit to the leptonic data the MSM value Fh= 1.733 GeV was imposed. If eF rather than rc ,0 si used in the leptonic fit, then the fit gives Fe=83.6_+0.8 MeV 0.26 Parameter Hadronic fit Leptonic fit Mz 91.175 500.0+_ GeV 91.172_+0.015 GeV F z 2.4854- 0.009 GeV 2.5024- 0.027 GeV th rc o 41.33 -+0.22 40.83 -+0.54 32.0 = 002 6eV Table 5. Results of a fit to the LEP leptonic cross-sections and forward-backward charge asymmetries. The errors do not include the common errors on Mz and zF 0.22 I L , ~ , I , , J , Parameter Fitted value 098 00.1 20.1 M z 91.173 510.0+_ GeV Pelf Fig. .1 Results of the fit to the LEP hadron and lepton cross-section F z 684.2 + 0.027 GeV ~2 4000.0+_0100.0 and lepton forward-backward asymmetry data to the variables ~z 5200.0+_0942.0 sin ffo02 and poff, together with the 68% and 95% confidence level contours. The solid region is that expected in the MSM, as ex- plained in the text as well as the cross-section data, are included in the fit to the lepton data, then the results obtained are as R given in Table 5. Comparison with the fit in Table 1 shows that the error on .~2 is reduced by a factor two 212 with the inclusion of the hadron data with, as expected, no change in the error on ~2. 2.4 Comparison of the data with the MSM 20.8 Also shown in Table 1 are the values expected in the MSM. Within the MSM there are two unknown masses, , , . 07) mt and ran. In addition, the calculation of hF requires the use of c~s(Mz)~. The values given are computed us- ing the electroweak libraries available within the ZFIT- 20./* , L = I I h I , I I t t I I TER package, and use the parameter values Mz 605 /.1.0 /.1.5 /*2,0 = 91.175 +_ 0.021 GeV, mt= 140_+ 40 GeV and c~s(Mz s~m)m o~( {nb) =0.114_+0.007.* The errors on mt and es(Mz)~s were Fig. 2. Results of the fit to the LEP hadron and lepton cross-section taken to be Gaussian. The Higgs mass mn was taken and lepton forward-backward asymmetry data to the variables R to be uniformly distributed between 50 and 1000 GeV. eF/hF= and rc ,o together with the 68% and 95% confidence level It can be seen that all the quantities are in agreement contours. The solid region is that expected in the MSM, computed with the MSM values. The number of light neutrinos for the range of values of ,tor( mn and )s~ given in the text. The values of (m, mn and )s~ at the extremes of the region are shown is compatible with ~N = 3. In Fig. 1, the fitted values of Peff and sin 2 0elf are shown, together with the 68% and 95% confidence level played in Fig. 1, as a solid region, are the expectations contours, defined such that both parameters lie inside of the MSM. The solid region corresponds to 89<mr the contour at the quoted probability level. Also dis- < 200 GeV, 50 < mu < 1000 GeV and 0.107 < ~s < 0.121. It can be seen that the main variation is that due to ~; * The value of m t corresponds to that determined below in this section; it should be noted, however, that the sensitivity of the the variation with mn giving rise to the width of the LEP data to tm comes from quantities which are essentially quadra- band, with the lower and upper parts corresponding to tic in mr The value of c~s(Mz)~ si taken from studies of the proper- mR= 50 and 1000 GeV respectively. The quantities poff ties of the final state hadrons in Z ~ decays by the LEP experiments and sin 2 0eel are strongly correlated in the MSM, so that 15-18. The central value quoted si the mean value of e~(Mz s~)m the error on sin 2 0eff can be considerably reduced if the for the four experiments, and the error assigned is an estimate MSM constraint is imposed (see Sect. 2.5). However, care of the total error, including the statistical and systematic errors as well as the theoretical uncertainty arising from the scale depen- must be exercised in the use of such a quantity in the dence search for physics beyond the MSM. 360 The quantities % and R are rather insensitive to the This value is somewhat larger than the value X---M)zM(se unknown parameters of the MSM, and are therefore a = 0.114 (cid:127) 0.007 obtained from a study of the properties good test of the validity of the model itself. In Fig. 2, of the final state hadrons (15-18), and also with the the 68% and 95% confidence level contours for oO and value es(Mz)~ = 0.109 + 0.008 obtained from deep in- R are shown (extracted from a four-parameter fit to the elastic lepton-nucleon scattering and prompt photon cross-section data, the other two parameters being Mz data 22. The rather large vMue of cq(Mz)~ from the and Fz), together with the MSM expectations defined LEP cross-section data stems essentially from the fact as for Fig. .1 The MSM values most compatible with that the fitted value of R is larger than the MSM value the data correspond to the smallest values of tm and (see Table .)1 R can be written 12 mu (in the quoted ranges) and the largest value of .s~ R = Ro 1( + ,)DCQ6 (15) Combinations of the above variables can be con- structed which are sensitive to different physics possibili- where Ro is the value of R without QCD corrections, ties beyond the MSM. For example, the variable 19 and is calculated in the MSM to be Ro=19.95_+0.01, and DCQ6 is given by (7). Solving the above equation 270 for R, using the global fit value from Table ,1 gives ~8 )01( T v = R 59 Mz )zM(~o = 0.147 -t- 0.018; in agreement with the four-parameter fit value for s8 in (14). An approximate estimate of the is defined in such a way that, to a good approximation, s~-4 and qc 5- terms in DCQ6 has been made recently 23. the tnr dependence is contained in the Zbbvertex correc- The effect of these terms would be to reduce the predicted tion term, which is always negative for tm larger than value of R by about 0.027 for a value of 8s=0.147. In the limit of 89 GeV set by p/5 collider data 20. Using Fig. ,3 the 68% confidence level contours for ~c s against the MSM parameters described above, the predicted m t are shown for two values of the Higgs mass, Hm = 50 value is Tv=0.513+0.003, with a 99% confidence level and 1000GeV respectively, together with the fitted upper limit Tv < 0.521. A five-parameter fit to the cross- values. The lower mr/value leads to lower values of ~c section and lepton asymmetry data in terms of Mz, ,zF and mt. R, ~2 and T v gives If the constraint ~ = 0.114 + 0.007 is added to the fit, as a penalty in the 2~) function, then the value of ,m Tv = 0.526 + 0.008, (11) obtained is with the other parameters as given in Table .1 The value +35+21 of Tv is thus (just) compatible with the MSM expectation. m t = 125_ 43- 20 GeV, (16) If future results give a value of Tv significantly above the MSM upper bound, then the authors of reference where the central value of tnr is for me = 300 GeV, and 19 argue that this would be indicative of the existence the second error is the variation due to changing Rm of a second Z ~ The results of explicit fits to a possible to 50 GeV (lower value) and to 1000 GeV (upper value). second Z ~ are discussed in Sect. 2.6. The value ~= 0.120 +0.006 is also obtained.* A variable complementary to Tv is 450 ~F 0.20 )21( Tr R+ 59 Mzc~(Mz) " 0.18 This variable is essentially unaffected by any new Z ~ mixing of either E 6 or left-right symmetry origin 21. m H = 1000 fieV A five-parameter fit to the cross-section and lepton 0.16 ~ asymmetry data in terms of Mz, ,zF R, ~2 and ~T gives ~T = 1.959 + 0.006, (13) */1.0 which is in good agreement with the MSM value 7~ 0.12 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . = 1.954 + 0.004. m H : 05 VeG 0.10 i I I I I 2.5 Fits within the MSM OS 001 150 200 fieV A four-parameter fit was made to the combined cross- i t Fig. 3. Results of the fit to the LEP hadron and lepton cross-section section and asymmetry data to determine Mz, rot, m~ and lepton forward-backward asymmetry data to the variables 8 s and 8s.* The fit favours low values of ~m and Hm (i.e. and ,~m for mH=50 GeV (shown by a star) and m~= 1000 GeV values close to the imposed lower bounds of 50 GeV (shown by a solid circle). Also shown is the 68% confidence level in both cases), and gives a value of contour r) a~(Mz)~x =0.143 +0.017. (14) * The probability of this fit, and of all the other fits discussed in this paper, are in excess of 95%. This stems from the low Z 2 * nI lla of eht fits ni this section eht value of Mz obtained si -nesse values of the LEP lineshape and lepton asymmetry data, as dis- yllait degnahcnu from that nevig ni Table 1 cussed in Sect. 2.2 361 More precise values of mt and mn can be achieved as a 2~) penalty function in a fit within the MSM, since by including further LEP measurements as constraints the value is predicted from the parameters of the fit. in the fit. The following measurements were used. *** The dependences of ~R and Qw on mt and mn are given, (a) v-polarisation. The weighted mean of the measured for example, in 40. Including these data in the fit, and values by the ALEPH 24 and OPAL 25 collabora- also the constraint on ,s~ gives tion, namely P~=-0.124+_0.040, was used as a con- 137+22+ 81 GeV, (18) straint in the fit. mt 22 = - 25 - (b) Forward-backward charge asymmetry ~vbA for b- quarks. This has been measured using semileptonic b- where again the errors have the same meaning as in decays by ALEPH 26 (~ = e, #), DELPHI 27 (f = #), (16). The value of s~ resulting from both of these fits L3 28 ((=e, #) and OPAL 29 (~=#). The average is ~c = 0.120 +_ 0.006. It should be noted that the correla- value of the mixing parameter for the LEP experiments tion between s~ and mt is such that increasing s~ leads 30, 31 is 2=0.144_+0.023. This value is then used to to smaller .tm The results of the fits can be directly trans- correct the average observed asymmetry by a factor 1/ formed into values for the on-shell weak-mixing angle (1-2Z) to obtain the corrected asymmetry AbB=0.123 sin 20w = 1 -Mw/Mz, 2 2 M w and A ros, giving +__ 0.024. )C( Charge asymmetry in hadronic Z ~ decays (QvB). The sin 2 0 w = 0.2285 + 0.0027 + 0.0024 (19) value measured by the ALEPH collaboration 32 is - 0.0026 - 0.0021' (QFB) = --0.0084 + 0.0023, and that by the DELPHI col- +0.13+0.11 laboration 33 is (QFB) = -- 0.0076 ___ 0.0019.** Mw = 80.08 _ 0.14- 0.12 GeV, (20) Each of these measurements was converted into a mea- surement of sin 2 0elf (as defined for leptons), using the ~0~7 predictions of ZFITTER, and then used as a constraint dros = 1 /2GF M 2 sin 20w in the fit. The effects of the QCD corrections to Aqa are thus taken into account by this fitting procedure. This method is a convenient 'book-keeping' procedure; = 0.052 + 0.008 + 0.007 (21) -- 0.008 -- 0.006' however, the same results are obtained if the fits are formulated in terms of the directly measured quantities. where again the errors have the same meaning as those Including these LEP data, and the constraint on ~, on tm in (16). Alternatively, the results can be expressed gives in terms of the effective weak mixing angle defined for leptons (with Peff given by the MSM), giving + 30+20 GeV, (17) tm = 142_ 37 - 20 + 0.0007 + 0.0008 where the errors have the same meaning as in (16). sin 2 0elf = 0.2339 _ 0.0007 - 0.0010" (22) Additional constraints can be added by including other electroweak data in the fits. The most precise data It should be stressed, however, that the results given are: in (19) to (22) are just transformations of variables, with no additional information content. (a) Measurements of the Wboson mass Mw (or the ratio If mn is allowed to be a free parameter in the fit Mw/Mz), which has been measured by the CDF -34 to all the above data, then the fit gives and UA2 35 collaborations. Combining these mea- surements, together with the LEP measurement of Mz, 115 +32 gives Mw = 80.14+0.27 GeV. mt = -- 27 GeV, (23) (b) The ratio ~R of the neutral to charged current cross- sections in deep-inelastic v-nucleon scattering by the 50 +353 mn = GeV, (24) CDHS 36 and CHARM 37 collaborations. The theory error, arising from both the uncertainty on cm where the value of mn obtained is the imposed minimum and from other sources, is included in the analysis be- value allowed in the fit. Figure 4a shows the results of low. this fit, together with the 68% confidence level contour )c( Measurement of parity violation in atomic Caesium, for m t and mn. In Fig. 4b and c the variation of 2(~ as which gives for the weak charge Qw = -71.04 _+ 1.81 38, a function of both mn and mt is shown. This X 2 is, for 39. a given value of mt (or mn), the minimum for any values The constraint from Mw can be incorporated directly of Mz, s~ and Hm (or mr). At the 95% confidence level, mr< 391 GeV. It can also be seen from Fig. 4 that the * LEP data on other quantities (e.g. bF and )~F are not yet at a level of precision where they provide significant additional con- data prefer a low value of mn, particularly if the top- straints quark is relatively light. However, care must be exercised ** The error given for the ALEPH result includes the quoted 20% in the interpretation of the errors on ran, since the depen- theoretical systematic uncertainty, which stems mainly from the dence on mn in the fits is mainly logarithmic. In particu- dependence of the charge separation on the fragmentation parame- lar, a large contribution to the Z ,2 and to the sensitivity ters of the Monte Carlo(s). The part of the error due to fragmenta- tion uncertainties is treated as a common systematic error when to mn, comes from the measurements of the forward- combining the ALEPH and DELPHI results on this quantity backward asymmetry for b-quarks, where the measured 263 and ~s=0.130+0.010. Thus the conclusion that the fit favours a light Higgs is unchanged, but the magnitude of the upper error is sensitive to the assumptions made 2000 on ~s" The existing data have more constraining power on mn than would be expected from the present accuracy 1000 of the data. To illustrate this, a fit was made with the values of all electroweak data shifted to correspond to 005 the MSM 'central' values mr= 140 GeV, mH=300 GeV and ~s(Mz)~s = 0.114, but leaving the errors on all quan- 003 tities at their current values. The fit gives 200 +47 mt= 140_ 53 GeV, (25) 001 and errors on m~ which encompass the entire range 50 to 1000 GeV for m~. Thus, in the evaluation of the im- a 50 I provements which can be obtained with more precise 50 100 150 200 electroweak data, the comparison of the improved errors ~m leVI with these latter errors should be made. It is interesting to note what improvement on the m~ limit would be obtained if a direct measurement on tm became available. This, in fact, depends rather strong- ly on the actual value of m,. For example, if the measured value were mr= 100+ 10 GeV, then the fit with all the data above, taken at its face value, together with the HE 2 e3 constraint on ~s, gives m~=50 +85 GeV (i.e. at the im- posed lower bound), whereas for mt= 140 + 10 GeV, the 1 + 640 fit gives mn = 150 _ 100 GeV. b 0 I i I I 05 001 002 003 005 0001 0002 Rm fieV 6.2 Constraints on a second Z ~ boson t, The existence of additional gauge-bosons is a common feature to many extensions of the MSM. A new massive 3 neutral gauge-boson Zm in addition to the standard gauge-boson Zs, will lead to modifications of the cou- .c: HE 2 plings of the Z ~ to matter and also to shifts in the masses of the ordinary gauge bosons. In this section, the con- straints that can be derived on the parameters of such 1 an additional massive neutral gauge-boson, using the data discussed above, are examined. If there is an addi- tional U(1) symmetry then, at tree-level and before sym- c 0 I 05 001 051 002 metry breaking, the states Zs and ZN have terms in the tier Lagrangian proportional to ZS(J3L--sin2OJEM) and m t Zs ,NJ coupling to the standard and additional neutral Fig. 4a-c. a Results of the fit to the variables m t and nm to the LEP hadron and lepton cross-section and lepton forward-back- currents respectively. After symmetry-breaking the states ward asymmetry data, z-polarisation, b-quark asymmetry and had- Zs and ZN are mixed, leading to mass eigenstates ron charge asymmetry, as well as measurements of ,wM ~R and parity violation in atomic Cesium. The fitted value is shown by a star and the 68% confidence level contour si also shown; b and \-- sin ( cos ( \ZN c the variations of X 2- ni2X as a function of mn and tm respectively. The data used are as for a. The procedure to obtain the curves with masses Mz and Mz,, related by is explained in the text ( Mz~=( cosr sinr (27) Mz, \- sin ~ cos ~ \MN" value is some 1.5 a away from the MSM predictions on the side favouring a light Higgs. Further, if a much looser The mass matrix can be written as constraint on s~ is applied, namely s~ = 0.120 __+ 0.020, = ( (28) then the fit gives mt = 105 + 28 GeV, mn = 50 + 926 GeV ~ i 2 Mi ' 363 which, after diagonalisation using (27), leads to the rela- In addition to the effects on p and the effective vector tionships and axial-vector couplings, there are also Z ~ exchange 2 2 terms. However, from the Z ~ mass limits already estab- tan2 r _ Ms - Mz (29) lished from the low energy neutral current data (7, 2 2 Mz, - Ms and references therein), it is expected that the contribu- and tions of such terms are generally small. However, the 6M 2 direct term is important for the low 2q measurements tan ~ = 2 2 (cid:12)9 (30) of parity violation in atomic Caesium 43, and it is Mz, -- Ms taken into account in the analysis described below. The MSM mass relationship between Mz and Mw be- An additional Z ~ boson will thus manifest itself, in comes, at tree-level, cos20 =MZ/po M 2, where 0 is the LEP physics, by leading to shifts in the MSM fermionic electroweak mixing angle and oP = 1 +A .MP The term partial widths and asymmetries. These shifts are ob- A MP arises due to mixing, with A MP > 0 for Mz, > Mz. tained by inserting the expressions for Peff, V; ff and A) ,er Additional contributions to Po could, in general, occur given by (32) to (34), into )5( and )6( for the fermionic from Higgs multiplets larger than doublets. partial width and forward-backward asymmetry respec- In the models considered here, the W mass and cou- tively, and retaining only terms first order in ,4 which plings are unaffected (at tree-level) by the existence of is known to be small. The values of Mw and R,, pre- a Z ~ For given values of Mw, mt and ran, the expected dicted from the measured parameters of the lightest Z ~ value of the Z ~ mass, before mixing, can be computed are also modified by the presence of a Z ~ as is the in the MSM. Using the experimentally measured value value of Qw for atomic Caesium 43, 44. for Mw, and allowing mt and mn to vary within the Fits have been made to the LEP cross-section data ranges 100<mr< 180 GeV and 50<ran< 1000 GeV, the for hadrons and leptons, the forward-backward asymme- Z ~ mass is predicted to be (using 11) tries for leptons and b-quarks, the hadron charge asym- metry (QFB), the -c-polarisation ~P and the measured Ms= 91.21 +0 2- +0.25 GeV, (31) values of Mw, ~R and Qw. The parameters used to form _ . 2_0.29 the Z 2 for the fit (i.e. the five parameters discussed in Table ,1 together with A~B, (QFB), ,~P Mw, R, and Qw) where the first error is from the experimental uncertainty are all expressed in the form X = MSMX + A X. The MSM on Mw (see Sect. 2.5), and the second from the quoted values are calculated for the assumed central values variation in the MSM parameters. Comparing this value mt=140GeV, mn=300GeV, ~s=0.114 and Mz with the measured value given in Table ,1 it can be seen = 91.175 GeV. The effect of changing the assumed MSM that the mass shift at the Z ~ peak is ~<0.5 GeV. values is discussed below. The shift A X is expressed in The effective weak neutral current coupling to the terms of the parameters of the model in question, and lighter Z ~ (i.e. that studied at LEP) is of the form the Z 2 is minimised with respect to the parameters of Joc(J3L--sinZOJEM)COS~+Jusinr In terms of the im- the model.* The Z ~ mass is also a parameter; however; proved Born approximation, the effect of an additional in all the fits discussed below the fitted value for Mz Z ~ is thus to replace the MSM values for Peff, sV and is essentially unchanged from that given in Table .1 As (for the coupling of a fermion f to the lighter Z ~ These fits are then used to obtain constraints on the by parameters of the Z ~ A complete discussion of the many MSM peff=,Oeff 1( +A ,)MP (32) existing models is not attempted here, but rather a few models are examined in order to illustrate the improve- V; eft-- ~eff (V/cos r V/sin r (33) ments in the constraints on the Z ~ parameters that the present data permit. A}ff= p~ff(A} cos ~ + A~ sin ,)4 (34) Two classes of models are considered: where V 7 and Af are the vector and axial-vector cou- (a) Extra U(1) in E 6 models. These comprise a set of plings to the new vector-boson ZN (see, e.g., 9, 41, 42 models in which an extra U(1) group is contained in and references therein*). The Zs couplings are defined by a simple E 6 group (see, for example, 45 and references therein). The extra Z ~ is a superposition of two colour VT=ff3L_2Qfsin 2 0eff, M (35) singlet neutral generators Y' and Y", giving an additional s I (36) neutral current NJ = cos 0 2 Jy, - sin 20 Jr,,. In the analysis Af= rI3L . described below the assumption Ng = g', for the couplings The effective weak mixing angle sin 2 0~f is defined, for of the respective currents, is made. Thus, for a given given values of ,rm Hm and ,~7c by value of 02, the model is described by the two parameters A MP and .4 The vector and axial-vector couplings for 2 2 _sin 2 Mffe0 : 2ffeS 2ffeS 2ffec A PM, )73( these (superstring inspired) E 6 models are given in Ta- ble 6 9, 41. feC f -- Ser f where feS 2 f =Sln (cid:12)9 2 0ef f is the MSM value. * esuaceB the various models have couplings for the Z~ which (cid:12)9 Note that different sign conventions for the axial-vector current are fermion type dependent, the analysis of a second Z ~ si not exist in the literature llew suited to the methods described below in .tceS 3 463 Table .6 Vector and axial-vector couplings in E 6 models with an A lower limit on Mz,, from a search for direct Z ~ extra U(1) symmetry. The couplings are those of the fermion f production, has been obtained using the CDF collider (= ,v ,g u and )d to the possible new gauge boson Zu, and are data 46. This limit depends on the Z ~ couplings to written in the form )zOniszV+zOsoclV(Onis=~V and Af = sin A(O 1 cos z0 + zA nis )20 quarks, and hence on 02, and on the set of structure functions used. For the EHLQI structure functions 47, f 111 zV 1A 2A the limit Mz, > 285 GeV, for any value of 02, is obtained. Fits to the LEP and the other electroweak data dis- cussed above give constraints on the parameters A MP v 98(cid:1)- 98(cid:1)- and 4, as a function of ,zO as shown in Fig. .5 The bound- aries of the shaded regions correspond to the 95% confi- u o o 0 dence levels for A p~ and 4, and are valid for the MSM assignments rot= 140 GeV, mH= 300 GeV and s8 =0.114. The dashed lines are the 95% confidence levels when the MSM parameters are allowed to vary within the 0.02 ranges 100<mt<180GeV, 50<mn<1000GeV and la) MOA 0.107<c~<0.121. It can be seen that these variations considerably increase the allowed range for A PM, but 0.01 have less effect on .4 The above analysis is rather general, and does not have the constraint A p~t>0 imposed, as would be the 0.00 case if there were only Higgs doublets. Negative values of A MP could arise, for example, from a non-standard Higgs structure. If it is further required that the Higgs structure is such that mixing vanishes for large Mz, 10.0- >~( Mz), then the relationships (38) _0.021 i i l i , I -90 0 90 0 2 deg 50.0 A PM-~c2 --~M (39) L )b( are obtained (see e.g. 413). The variable c can be ex- pressed as i ii ii i ii i o oo!i c = -sin O ~ soc 20 + ~/~ 7~ sin 02 , (40) with t/= 2V(/2V -~- ~2), where v and ~ are the Higgs expecta- tion values and 0<q<0.5. In specific models, corre- sponding to different patterns of symmetry breaking, the values of zO and c are specified. For example, in the t/(or A) model 02 = 0, and the Higgs structure restricts c, to be in the range -0.64 < c, < -0.24, whereas in the -0.05 i i I i i -90 0 90 Z (or B) model, cos 0 2 =~83- and cx= --0.39; these values 0 2 ged of c being for the case of two Higgs doublets 7, 48. The lower limits on Mz, are established as follows: Fig. 5a, .b Limits on the variables a A MP and b ,~ as a function For given values of zO and c, a fit is performed in which of ,20 in 6E models. The boundaries of the shaded regions corre- spond to the 95% confidence levels for A MP and ,~ and are valid Mz, and mu are fixed, and the minimum Z 2 with respect for the MSM assignments ,VeG041=ttrr mH=300GeV and ~ to the variables Mz, tm and ~c is found. Such fits are =0.114. The dashed lines are the 95% confidence levels when the performed for a series of values of Mz,, and the distribu- MSM < 081 GeV, parameters <nm<05 are 0001allowed GeV to and vary 0.107< within 121.0<~g the ranges 100<mr tion of Z ,2 with respect to the minimum value of Z 2 for any Mz,, is found. From the variation of Z 2 a lower limit on Mz, is obtained. This procedure is repeated for mu = 50 GeV and m~= 1000 GeV, and the most conser- vative limit is taken as the lower limit on Mz,. At the The coupling of a fermion f to the heavier Z ~ has 95% confidence level the limits found are the form Vy f' = p~ff(- V/sin ~ + V~ cos 4) etc. It should be noted that the couplings of the various fermions to t/(or A) model: Mz, >470 GeV c,= -0.24, (41) the Z and Z ~ can be very different, leading to potentially Mz, > 840 GeV c, = - 0.64, (42) sizeable differences in the partial widths and asymme- tries. Z (or B) model: Mz, > 700 GeV c z = -- 0.39. (43)

firmation of the predictions of the Minimal Standard. Model (MSM). However, the implications of these .. This is performed using the ALIBABA pro- gram [14], and the quoted uncertainty is +0.5%. The transverse parts of the gauge-boson self-energies can be written in the form. Hij(q2) = Hij(O) _.
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